My Underachieving Seatmate Doesn’t Need Any Comforting


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Qiao Shao, who worked hard to stay up all night and study, was first in class — if you count from the bottom.

He Shen, who was able to get a perfect score even when he slept all day, in a rare display of kindness, bought a bottle of drink to comfort his s*upid seatmate.

Then he saw the messages popping up on Qiao Shao’s phone—

Dad: Don’t panic, it’s okay if you didn’t do well in the exam. Dad just ordered a new sports car for you.

Granddad: Grandson, there’s no need to hurry. It’s alright even if you didn’t do well in your exam. Granddad bought a new yacht for you, come and take a break.

Grandpa: Grandson, don’t cry, it’s okay if you didn’t do well in the exam. Grandpa’s billions-worth of properties are all yours.

With a blank expression, He Shen threw his 2.5 Yuan worth bottle of drink into the tr*sh.

Hold your horses! Comfort?

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124 Reviews sorted by

Sushi rice
Sushi rice rated it
January 18, 2021
Status: c122
Super cute fluffy high school romance. ML is very flirty and MC is cute. There's a lot of hilarious misunderstandings and then also some angsty parts. 100% recommend.
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17_rj17 rated it
January 8, 2021
Status: c122
Very sweet. They respect each others and teased each others. I admit the plot is kind of cliche, but you still enjoy it regardless.

One thing that I need to ask is what's up with all of this mommy issues background story author?
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January 3, 2021
Status: c110
5 stars

(I do not know why it won't show how many stars I gave) Dropping this after chapter 110 just because I´ve had my fill of dogfood lolol, there might be 10 chapters left (or more if what is available isn´t all of it) but I feel the plot has already come to a conclusion and I am off to find and read more danmei instead of doing my school work.

Anyway, it is a bit different than what I expected since I was not expecting any seriousness at all... more>> haha. It was really good, I will say that to me I don't like that just because the MC meets the ML he magically starts to get better. I have never been in love before, so maybe love really does give you a source of strength and comfort that helps you heal, but to me, that part was a bit iffy. I feel like that was something he should have resolved on his own, and the ML would just be there to support him instead of being the solution. Don´t get me wrong, his issues don´t actually magically disappear, there are a resolution and struggle in the story, I just felt like for how serious of an issue it is that it was a bit too easy and the ML had too much impact on how it affected MC. I am not taking a star off for that though, just wanted to mention it.

It was really a cute story and I enjoyed it. The MC is the tiny and cute type with a big pride and a traumatic past that he struggles with, MC is the tall and handsome slacker type who is actually really smart and not actually that social, he also has a bit of a traumatic past and it definitely shows how that affects him, but he does not obviously show that struggle/it does not affect his everyday life at all.

ALSO!!!! THEIR REAL IDENTITIES TAKE A REALLY LONG TIME TO REVEAL!!!!! I can not remember exactly when it was revealed, but somewhere around chapter 90-100, idrk, but it took a long time. Which is fine, just that I was NOT expecting it lolol. It is a really cute read and the fluff is very nice so totally recommend it to anyone who reads this :) <<less
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December 15, 2020
Status: Completed
It was a very sweet story. The way they developed their relationship was very engaging and sweet.
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IreneRoseAnastasia rated it
November 23, 2020
Status: Completed
It was so sweet despite the MC & ML having gone through such terrible hardships. I like that it didn't linger to much on their trauma so it's no a lot of angst and a relatively low risk of being triggered I think. It handled the mental issues okay but thankfully didn't shame anyone for for their mental state or issues. It was a funny and sweet story with good character development for the MC. The ML didn't really have a lot of character development but You did get to... more>> understand my him a bit more. The story mostly focused on the MC & ML 's relationship and overcoming their hardships was secondary. Their struggles we're solved quickly and easily, which is fine since that's not what I wanted ready this story for. I wanted to read something sweet, fluffy, pure, and funny or should I say mischievous (... Looking at you ML 😆). Very good story. I recommend it if you want a break from a heavy story with too much angst, or drama. <<less
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dyodaks rated it
November 13, 2020
Status: --
I love Qiao Xiao a lot, like a lot. I think that the way the author wrote him was reasonable enough.

A huge chunk of his childhood was stolen from him with his kidnapping, PTSD and the death of his mother.

It only makes sense that he's trying act his cheerful, active and determined self because he doesn't want his family to get worried about him. I adored the small bit of naïvety that he has in him after everything. Qiao Xiao also isn't OP. Sure he was insanely rich but instead of his character getting watered down as is the case with most OP and wealthy second generation characters, MC managed to make himself stand out. He was honest, hardworking and very lovable. This, in turn, made his development and recovery feel organic to me.

ML was superb. He was very typical in some aspects but he wasn't much of an overbearing cave man because most of tne time he was just the right amount of doting and teasing. Although I would admit that ML's background felt a bit rushed to me if you compare it to the MC's development.

I also adored the side characters so I was disappointed with how Chen Su was set aside right after his problem was solved. When he was introduced I had high hopes for his presence since he was written out to be such an important friend to the MC only to ne barely mentioned to give way for the CP's development.


By the way, I don't know if I missed it or something but did the author mention how exactly the ML and his school tyrant friend ended up so close?


Overall this is a pretty solid read. The sh*t ton of misunderstandings will make you laugh but also feel extremely frustrated.
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Evesneon rated it
November 11, 2020
Status: Completed
Sweet and cute with comedic interaction between He Shen Shen and Qiao Shao Shao

Makes me chuckle while reading them together. No angst, a pure high school love.

I would like to see more of their life after high school XD
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Icycle rated it
November 8, 2020
Status: c118
It's a mostly fluffy read, a nice story to pass the time. Some of the misunderstandings make for comedic moments. The couple coming together has a nice build-up to it.
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ilaya rated it
September 12, 2020
Status: Completed
Great read. The MC is amazing and his dialogues resonated with me. The ML is absolutely smitten, just how I like em
They help each other and people around them to grow into amazing human beings, and heal each others' traumatic wounds.

I love this author.
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hejikkk rated it
July 4, 2020
Status: Completed
its very fluffy and good for a quick light read though I wouldnt recommend if you want a series to get attached to. Many situations in the book arent realistic and alot of traumatic experiences are used for the MC and ML to comfort and develop feelings for each other.

i really liked the side characters in this though especially blue hair lol hes so funny. I wish we could have seen a bit more about what happened to them later on in life
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youknees rated it
June 30, 2020
Status: Completed
So this is about a young master who enrolled in a new school in hopes of his mental illness to get better and to do so he pretended to be poor and then he meets another young master who is a genius and can easily place himself as top 1 in his class compared to the other young master who is always placing last because of his illness despite all his efforts to study.

the story caused many misunderstandings between the characters especially the two main because they are both trying... more>> to hide their backgrounds but despite these misunderstandings they were able to resolve them all once their relationship developed. It can be frustrating because it feels like the MC thinks too much about his identity being exposed but I think its quite reasonable for him to act this way.

the romance is fluffy and the interactions between the two main is very funny with their constant teasing, but at the same time it also dwells on heavy topics such. There are mistakes here and there with the timeline but its definitely a fun read. The MC is adorable and admirable and the ML is just amazing, and the side characters are very amusing. <<less
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SpicaGG rated it
June 27, 2020
Status: Completed
This novel is SOO CUTE.I actually found this by accident from chrysanthemum garden while browsing what to read next. And boy it sure was fate! To discover such an enjoyable read.

Well it's true the timeline seems a bit off and there are lil errors here and there. But the story and characters make up for the gap. Personally I don't really mind these lil bit of errors cos I think it's still worth it. So if u r looking for a light, short, fluffy, funny, touching, with a lil bit... more>> of tear jerking (in a good way) story, this novel is definitely recommended.

And not forgetting big thanks for the CG translation team for always bringing great translations! <<less
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amruta rated it
June 25, 2020
Status: Completed
Lots of sweetness with a dash of bitter.

MC has a childhood trauma and ML comes from a broken family. This story is about two hurt people healing each other.

MC is intelligent and comes from a warm, loving family. He is the most doted on child ever. This keeps him innocent and kind in-spite of his suffering. MC wants to get better not only for himself but also for his family. ML is a genius who has suffered at the hands of his family. ML is a tool for them.

There are... more>> logical holes in the story but they are not jarring. The side characters are well fleshed out and have enough "screen time".

Recommended read. <<less
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Svetlyak rated it
June 23, 2020
Status: Completed
I find my self scratching my head with some of the negative reviews on this novel. I have to strongly disagree with those who say that there's no chemistry between the MC and ML — they're literally so great together! I'm not sure what type of "chemistry" others are trying to find, but I honestly felt that the romance was well developed; they're high school kids that rarely interact with/liked other people, so for gods sake, it's understandable that they're a bit slower on the romance. The ML might have... more>> the stereotypical intelligent ML vibes, but he's actually really sweet and considerate to the MC. He does have his fair share of corny jokes and sly comments (major plus). And for the MC, I know some might think he's lacking, but you have to take into account his mental trauma. Some say that he's really annoying for not realizing his feelings sooner, but I feel that his sudden realization of his love was realistic given his mental state. All in all, the most touching part about this novel was how they learnt to heal each other's mental wounds through loving each other. And yes, I confess, I actually cried quite a bit for such a fluffy novel. <<less
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IenoAT rated it
June 19, 2020
Status: --
I finished reading this novel in one go, i’m so glad I picked it...

generally I like to skip through chapters but this time and maybe one of the few times that I read a novel without skipping

and at the last chapters it filled my heart with warmth and happiness

i’m gonna miss both ML and MC they have an wondrous chemistry

the translation is pretty good and it was a fun happy reading for me
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limonata rated it
April 26, 2020
Status: c115
ML and MC are not compatible. There's nothing about romance. It is not clear how and why ML fell in love with MC. The writer fell in love at once. ML is a talented genius. Not compatible with MC's psychological state. The links are very missing. The MC character is very cheesy. Elementary school moves with the mentality, but you are looking at it behaves normally. Their behavior is not consistent. Categorizes people. After seeing that ML is smart, the perspective of ML changes. Although she was not nice to... more>> ML, the author could not explain why ML fell in love with her. This duo has not been for me. This character of the ML character should not have been an MC. I never found their relationship cute.
I shipped the school bully x blue hair boy. The blue hair boy became my favorite character. I think this character is more seated.

I rated it for ML, blue-haired boy and school bully. <<less
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Chiaroscuro rated it
January 29, 2020
Status: Completed
It's a cute feel good BL about how love give you strength to move forward and face your fears. Fluffy with angst and plot scattered around the second half of the story. Like a bittersweet marshmallow chocolate.

The interaction between this couple is so freakin fluffy and cute that everyone know they're dating before they're actually date.

The misunderstanding is s*upid but not the annoying type. It's actually cute and made you feel second-hand embarrassment lol

MC and ML have reasons for their behavior and motives. Although MC's rich background and MC's genius... more>> are very exaggerated. <<less
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SilentWatch83 rated it
January 26, 2020
Status: c16
Hilarious and sweet.

Definitely can recommend, for light hearted read.

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May 16, 2024
Status: c65

I love how literally ALL the characters are misunderstanding something haha.

Every single chapters are full of funny and cute misunderstanding. I can't even be angry at it because it's so silly.

... more>> Anyway, this is a cimedy genre and it's indeed funny and entertaining.


Anyway this is not a proper review, just a bookmark coz I'm dropping it for now.

Read until 65, jumped to around 80 read until 101.

Dropping it because it takes a really long time to end, and for them to confess etc etc.

Might not read it again tho. But this serves as bookmark for future reference.


- RipeApricot <<less
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SirhcSidhe rated it
April 20, 2024
Status: Completed
A touching, sweet story about healing, falling in love and creating new connections. Fluffy, sometimes bittersweet, and very gentle. I absolutely loved the Qiao family members and their interactions.
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