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Reiji Saeki, who lives in the north eastern countryside town, lost his life in an accident during summer vacation. ……But before he knew it, a mysterious ball of light hovered in front of his eyes in a world of whiteness.

That ball of light was a magician from a parallel world, and is looking for a person qualified to inherit the magic they had created to prevent it from being lost.

Reiji, who rode on that suggestion, now lives in the parallel world Elgin, with a new body and powerful magical power.

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  1. Action - Adventure - Fantasy (JP On-Going)
  2. I'd like to buy these if they were licensed.
  3. Light Novels 2
  4. Shousetsuka ni Narou TOP 100 (mostly isekai)
  5. Adapted to manhwa/manga, so I come to look for nov...

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07/09/17 Silent TL c106
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06/04/17 Silent TL c100
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71 Reviews sorted by

February 5, 2018
Status: c130
Whhen I first started reading this, I immensely enjoyed the author's and the translator's writing style and plot. The MC is calm and collected, but doesn't feel OP. But, after the second arc, the story slowed down significantly tto the point where I didn't enjoy it anymore. Plus, it'd be great if there's some illustrations, because the number of new characters is confusing. Overal, not bad, but not good enough to follow.
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GregLuck rated it
April 10, 2017
Status: c150
At the first I thought it was going like "man picked up by gods", going with the favorable reincarnation and taming. But then it feels like arifureta.

-character is just bland
The MC character seems pretty altered after reincarnating, at the first chapter the way author describe things is vivid clear, after a while it just seem like author lost motivation. The MC just don't have any specific character quirk, just like an emotionless empty shell after few chaps.

It was like, 'you all are below me, praise me or die', not the kind like a relatable MC, just like a big douche with OP skills.

-the world building is fine, but lack the plot and plot twist

-it's plain, so plain. It's like the author just keep using things that aren't widely used in most novels and mix it in this novel, but somehow it ended up plain.

-overall is fine, just fine.
Although it safely pass the usual generic doom (OP but not s*upidly OP, got the world goes around just fine), it just lack some unique aspect, like what those generic have.
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IsekaiDude rated it
March 28, 2022
Status: c309
this one is HARD to read, not because is that bad, but because the author keep repeting what he already said EVERY DAMMED TIME, if you read this you will lose count of how many times you will read that the protag has an abnormal strenght and his scythe weight over 100kg, and a lot of the times you receive the same information 2~3 times in less than 3 chapters for some reason, maybe the author think that his readers have the memory of a fish. But well, if you... more>> manage to ignore this you can enjoy a slow paced story of a guy and his pet slowly evolving by killing monsters in a secured envirolment <<less
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baalthegreat rated it
August 2, 2021
Status: c350
Its quite intersting and entertaining I only have 2 problem

1. MC were supposed to be OP from how he was introduced but idk why having so much mana and memory of legendary magician yet so little spell in the arsenal I can accept that MC is nit yet adapted to the memories but there is no effort from the MC to learn the mage magic at all during his spare time or even during the time when MC were quite distressed

2. It seems the author were from poor family and... more>> had rough life? The envy that emanated from the writing toward nobles or people with previleged in general were so strong that it is quite unreasonable to judge people even before you know him

Like I said in the comment on the translation site most people who are st the top were not that arogant and even the most charitable people in the world it is people that are newly rising to the top and newly gained previlaged like low nobility who feel the need for asserting their " betterness " for the lack of other terms in my vocabulary to the people bellow them mkst upper class were either dont care or charitable individual rarely that such an idiot stay at the top for long <<less
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October 14, 2020
Status: c271
It is refreshing to have a ruthless MC like Rei, however the story got worse as he became a pawn (or yes-man) for politics and constantly making decisions that would put himself and his girl Elena in danger. I guess that was the way to ruin the legend.
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JoyArenas rated it
September 23, 2020
Status: --
Okay, first, I'd say what I like about this.

He's merciless to his opponents. Unlike other light novel protagonists that's I'm-a-super-kind-Japanese-man-there's-no-violence-in-my--original-world-omg-I-shouldn't-kill-even-though-they-want-to-kill-me kind of guys. He kill without blinking. I kinda like mean characters. Lol. Even tho he's mean only to those who's hostile to him.

What I don't like about this.

... more>> Is those 2 girls that you can call "Set addict". Okay I read the raws. And, spoiler alert! There will be another character like Mileine. A woman named Johanna that acts like they own Set. They're seriously annoying.

And the strange way why the harem liked the protagonist. Elena won't be the only one. There will be Vihera and Marina. It's weird that Elena instantly love him when she's so beautiful and exceptional. Of course many guys more excellent than the protagonist but he caught her attention without even doing anything and just because they dived in a dungeon together once? And Vihera, who likes fighting and promised to be with the guy who beat her. Since she likes fighting so much, but it's weird that she didn't seek the S rank adventurers if she really want to fight super strong opponents. Instead, she met the protagonist in a labyrinth city, he beat her, then she fell in love with him instantly and that's it she started following him around. And Marina, the guild master. She's an elf so she's long lived. But in her long life, she never met someone as interesting and as strong as the protagonist? That would be impossible, right. Weird that she instantly fell in love with him with just his few shenanigans. Anf all three of them was described as drop dead beauties with super strong abilities. But, strangely enough, with all the excellent people gathered around them before the protagonist came, they all fell for the protagonist. I don't know if there will be more women in the future tho. The author wanted a harem so bad it became ridiculous.

And I don't like how they're "merciful" to a woman opponent. When the opponent is a woman, something would always come up in favor with the woman opponent and she would not get killed. Even though she's a notorious assassin and killed many people, still, she won't get the punishment that's right for her. What a bs. Gender equality yo. Lol.

Alright I'm not done reading the raws. Might add more. <<less
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ReadingSoul rated it
May 15, 2018
Status: c150
For real this author is a pro at dragging things on for ages normally I do not mind for char building but thats not really being done most of the time here it felt like I was reading 80 long chapters for one event to happen at the end HOLY

edit- and its not slice of life don't even think that is what I'm talking about pure random bs that feels like it has no end for EX char needs to do something 1 chapter has one step and... more>> everything else in that chapter is mostly not needed also random ass talking for 8 chapters when something important needs to be done as well

edit 2- a few more chapters and and still more bs dropping this the first arc was not bad but it only goes down hill and fast... <<less
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azmisaiha rated it
January 17, 2018
Status: c1613
A great webnovel with daily updates that I will read everyday. The translation is pretty slow though


I'm looking forward too see the reaction of english reader when s rank adventurer appeared..

Rei is just like a child to him and lost the battle in the tournament. Although he is also the longest opponent that can battle with him, and succeeded on learning that s rank adventurer signature technique

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123jbster rated it
January 7, 2018
Status: c96
I'd like to say, "Buckle up, you're in for a long ride." but, quite honestly, it's so slow that you should make some toast, get a drink, and relax. Slow and steady is probably the most accurate description for this series.

With that said, the series is fairly well written. The MC, much to many peoples delights, is not a "beta" MC and is not afraid to show his power when the need arises. I'm saying this in italics because it's important. A trump card loses its value of being a... more>> trump card if you show it and use it for all the world to see.

Some people have complained about him fighting at equal strength with the princess. It was a 'mock battle', he did not pull any punches but nor did he try to kill her because that would defeat the purpose. Let alone the fact that it was not a private battle and the countries soldiers were there watching it all. Matters are never so cut and dry simple when it comes to dealing with government. Our own world's history proves this.

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rizzumeow rated it
November 18, 2017
Status: c282
I'm not even in the half of the novel but I'm enjoying it a bit

Romance is slow as hell but the Main heroine is pretty good

Can't call it a Harem yet since the MC doesn't even show interest other than the main heroine

There really isn't any plot to this but just reading his adventures is quite ok for me as a pass time
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Drake888 rated it
July 18, 2017
Status: c105
Mediocre. The plot is unique enough to be interesting, but this is another reincarnation/overpowered MC light novel. As others have said, the story takes a nosedive in quality during the escort arc. The author spends way too much time describing things that don't need to be described (entire paragraphs are devoted to explaining who is the vanguard of a party of 5, with no relevance to the plot) and even the battles are badly written. I actually started skimming through chapters to avoid the clunky writing and still had a... more>> firm grasp of what was going on. <<less
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ZeroA2 rated it
May 18, 2023
Status: c531
There was a lot to like about this very slow-paced story. Especially when the MC seemed like he would start revealing his great power and care. The first 400ish chapters really felt more like a person so absurdly powerful that he only did more than the minimum when someone he cared about was at risk. This could explain why he did not actively seek out magic stones or use his wealth to purchase magic stones or at all be systematic in absorbing more magic stones.

Then the labyrinth city arc came... more>> and we found out that the story had new depths of slowness. The arc was 100 some chapters of very little followed by very little with some absurd behaviors and actions only to get to the finale the author was going for. I was able to overlook the author's skill in writing limiting the story from feeling anything but forced/railroaded before this arc. But every day the MC just gets up and does stuff with no urgency or need until things become urgent for others and then expends some effort.

The actions and seeming depowering in the dungeon city arc were so frustrating and if the chapters were not already past the arc, I would have dropped the story many times. I don't know if I'll return to this story after the chapters of the next arc are completed, but I'm not sure there were any moments in the dungeon city arc (of 100+ chapters) that were at all worth the teasing pace.

The MC is supposed to have more magic power than any person on the planet for the last several thousand years, if not ever, yet everyone else grows much faster than he does while he gets weaker somehow. And it's not just his strength that is slow to develop, but his romantic relationships are glacial. <<less
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ReanuKeeves rated it
July 21, 2021
Status: --
You'll be happier finding Pokemon fanfiction or playing Pokemon than reading this.

MC: Set, use Water Ball. Good job Set. Now finish it off with a Fire Ball.

Set: Guru

... more>> MC: Set use Flight! Now use Dive Tackle!

Set: Guru!~

Yep, that sums this novel up when MC has about as much flavor and personality as a Goldfish in a water bowl; but hey, you will get more entertainment out of watching the Goldfish swim around than reading the adventures of the dimwitted MC and his Godly aura of Author protection.

Also the MC is unreasonably talented with a weapon. Training be damned. He started using the Scythe like a prodigy. That's right. No build up. No learning. After his death and reincarnation he became a God of Combat for whatever known reason. He even mocks others by calling them untalended and whatnot when they fight him. Like what? Where they probably trained more than he did, but he somehow has protection from author despite the MC being a shcoolboy John Doe before he died.

To put it bluntly, this novel is dogsh*t.

Typical OP flavor MC that has no reason to be OP in the first place. And who the heck are these people trying to say he isn't OP? Isn't OP? Dafaq? Are we reading same novel? He gets spoonfed how to use a weapon without training how to use it to begin with. That very weapon being some godly weapon that can also grow by absorbing stones just like his dumb*ss pet. He just appeared in that world and spent a small amount of time but suddenly he is all big d*ck Guts with a Scythe instead of a two handed sword. And I am sure some people will run in and try to defend it with memories of whatever predecessor.

Okay. So predecessor knew also how to use that weapon the MC is wielding? ;/ GTFO of here with any of that nonsense. An average Joe will not be expert at weapon from get go. Also, I will have you bare in mind that polearms require much more skill to use proficiently, which MC does flawlessly in this novel. Especially those that may be more exotic, which in this case, a scythe and honestly the more exotic a weapon is the less likely you will find people that can train you to use it. (But hey, this is fantasy, so I guess everything is okay, especially with MC learning to use it from start. I guess magic is a good Plot Hole filler in itself. /Sarcasm.)

If Gary-Kirito-Stu had apprentices, then Rei will be one of them. Far from successor but still an apprentice nonetheless. At some point with all these tr*shy typical novels we are going to need a Plot Armor tag to go along with them. Plot Armor = For Unknown BS reasons MC has everything go their way or protected by some unseen force driven by the almighty Author's Hand of God. (AKA Author holding their creations 'd' / 'v' for them throughout the entire story.)

To sum it up bluntly. If you looking for exciting adventure with character growth, intriguing characters, and a story to it. Well. I got bad news for you. It isn't here. The only two characters that impressed me were the NPCs (which I often relate to any really minor character that doesn't show up that often.) Ragna and.. Whats his face. Lilim or something, the father of the A adventure team? Cause you know. They are real men in this setting/story; while the MC is a little pubeless boy that will never grow any real hair with the Author hovering over him all the time.

If you want a better read or novel with summoning magic in it. I will advise looking at Hellmode~ Gamer that Likes to Speedrun (Its not perfect, but at least it isn't a bag of dogsh*t left on your porch and set aflame like this Legend novel.) <<less
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LoliconAkuma rated it
June 12, 2021
Status: c360
This novel had a promising premise and overall quality writing but ultimately the downfall was the conflicting themes in the novel.

The conflict is from the problem of the weird creation of tension or how the author sometimes introduces a deep plot that may drive the story but this was introduced in a slice of life.

To put it simply the slice of life genre is a natural flowing style of story telling. revolving around the main characters and basically creates a slow, go with the flow type of story. Now can... more>> you see the problem? The problem is the creation of tension and foreshadowing.

A slice of life can have tension and foreshadowing but the use of that in this story is most of the time badly timed or if not forced. The entry of these foreshadows and tension is used by the author to move the story, much like how the next villain would be showed in the shadows after the hero beats the first enemy.

The author does this to advance the story but that is the problem in the story telling, the slice of life becomes a plot driven story but since the core was made to slice of life the character development and everything else were all underdeveloped.

Think about it this way the author went to cuts vegetables with a sword, wrong tool for the job. It would have been fine if the characters were more fleshed out but they were not. In the end the author was forced to rush character development then slow down and speed up, this messes up the pacing that then creates a mixed atmosphere when reading the book.

Overall the conflict is that the slice of life story is driven by unnecessary/forced plot devices.

Note: I put it to myself that no matter how bad a book is I would not review it until I read through it. It was a real struggle reading through this book, there was no enjoyment for me, if this was my first ever novel then maybe I would have had an easier time but since I have a lot of books under my belt from CN, TH, Originals to JP seeing clichés and plot devices used in a rather s*upid way made me vomit blood reading.

Though on the plus side the writing was clean and can even made reading a bit easier. On the technical side the novel stood out but on the creativity and imagination... lets say it left much to be desired. <<less
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April 27, 2021
Status: c253
Making this quick im dropping this based on the previous ark and the current one, can't say I didn't try to hang in there but I dont like immersion being interupted and this.... story lol... if you can call it that as of now. Is only that.

This quote* story is not only gone down hill but far down it. Ever since the war. People continuing to waste their God given, unreplaceable time on it so I will try and be respectful to the silly people who feel the need to... more>> defend ubsurdities. For those who like kid novels that lead you in to waste your time you have reached your destination. The subservience thats displayed will not disappointin in any way with this quote* story... <<less
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March 17, 2021
Status: c107
]It's just annoying for me. It's not so annoying that I'll refuse to read it. It's just with these novels they start it off by making the MC seem OP and then when you get into the story he's worse than average. If you're going to focus the story around the growth of a character, don't try and make him seem strong from the beginning. I don't hate the series but it's just kinda irritating.
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Bug_Master rated it
November 10, 2020
Status: c300
tl;dr at end

It’s a pretty decent story, however I have a couple bones to pick with it. The first one is that set should be s rank or rei should have an s rank pet because his power was so strong it overflowed into the scythe so it makes very little sense to me that set is not among the strongest monsters. The second is the fact that the way they absorb the stones is dumb for two main reasons they can only absorb one of each kind which doesn’t... more>> make sense and the second is that they gain skills which I just think is a bad idea. And his fixation on gathering magical items makes no sense, none of them are gonna be that useful in a fight and as such never uses them. Now we’re on to the big gripes, rei hasn’t changed in ANY way be it strength or maturity since the first 60 chapters or so, he has a couple of flaws that he has either not even tried to fix or straight up just quit trying to fix it. Next him being an adventurer doesn’t make much sense, they only hold him back. And lastly, unless I forgot about something while writing this, set is a glorified mount and yes man to rei and is extremely annoying, and yet steals all the attention away from rei which is somehow even more annoying than his constant Gurururu! Which only ever means three things I’m hungry, I miss you/I’m lonely, or I’m happy, rei plays second fiddle towards something I would barely recognize as a character.

tl;dr the strory is just alright because the story is unfocused, has many things that don’t make sense, and character development is extremely slow if there is any at all. <<less
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muhammodalamin rated it
May 24, 2020
Status: --
So much shitty power for crying outloud but he cant even use any magic other than Fire. Whats the use of having so much Magic if you can only manipulate a single element. ? MC said to have best body and magic power but he struggles even with a little girl and a soldier. The Power up Is extremely slow. MC doesn't progress in magic at all. Not to mention MC can only use a single element Fire.
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1life4death rated it
April 3, 2018
Status: --
2.5/5.. started out fine, it wasn't the best but it wasn't bad either. However, as it progress... don't know if its the rate that this novel is release or just the way the story is handle but once you hit the arc where the general chick, potential love interest, is introduced and MC was enlisted as an escort. The story became very dull and boring very fast. Seems almost drag out to be honest. Like the author had an idea but didn't know which path it was going to go... more>> so decided to fill it with filler substance. <<less
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Blaquerose08 rated it
November 28, 2017
Status: c126
I really like the pacing of this story. Many people complain that it's too slow. However, this pacing is refreshing in that you get to see the details. The relationships that are formed with everyone in the city, to the gate guard, the children, the food stall workers, even the other adventurers are really cultivated. Not so much that it gets annoying, but just enough that you begin to see the bond Rei has with the city. With the pacing you also get to see how he progresses with each... more>> monster hunt. You follow along as he learns how to skin and cut up the monsters.

Now granted I do think the love interest was more than a little force. She doesn't show up until chapter 60 or so and then goes away after ch 110ish. I know I go on about the detail of how he builds his relationships with others, but with the love interest that seems to fly out the window. It was literally they look at each other and felt special emotions. Kinda cheesed me off to be honest. Still within those chapters they are fighting in the dungeon and kicking monster butt. I honestly didn't see the plot twist coming and I had more than a few emotions triggered.

The story is well worth the pacing because of the detail you get. It's different than other stories like Death March and In Another World With My Smartphone in that you lose a lot of interpersonal drama and character development with faster pacing stories. It's also different in that while Rei is meant to be OP and has some kick bu*t powers he's sort of at a loss on how to use them. So while he's strong and can kick ass he still has to work on his weaknesses in order to get ahead in the guild. (IE: interpersonal relationships) As of Ch126 and this isn't a big spoiler he's still only D rank. While his power is off the charts it's not like he can go around burning down the forests in order to kill monsters. <<less
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