Kingdom’s Bloodline


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A lowly child beggar, a noble prince, a monster viewed as the enemy of the entire world. If you possess all three identities at the same time, which identity would you choose to help you earn a better ending?

Thales did not have the answer.

He only knew that he came to a different and magnificent world, and he had to face a future that was as difficult to handle as a nightmare.

The glorious Empire had already been destroyed for one thousand years, the dying royal family suffered many problems, the legendary sacred battle had plenty of conspiracies, the divided world was in chaos.

But Thales had nothing.

The only thing he had left was an unswerving determination to preserve his own identity, bravery which would allow him to survive in a perilous situation, and a belief that he would never submit to principles he did not believe.

“A King does not gain respect by virtue of his bloodline. The bloodline’s glory rests on the deeds of the King.”

Darkness will baptize light. Fire will create true steel. The forbidden prince’s story starts here.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Wang Guo Xue Mai
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Recommendation Lists
  1. grateful's list of novels I'm grateful for
  2. Good(No Harem)
  3. Excellent Male Protagonists Novel
  4. Cultivation Novel Recommendations
  5. Code's Masterpieces

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Sosseres rated it
September 6, 2020
Status: c337
I quite liked the opening of the book. A very disadvantaged person slowly trying to grind his way to a normal life. This then moves on to him having minimal agency by being swept up in others actions. We learn more about a complex world that could be interesting.

Then the already slow pacing becomes glacial. Time wise in the story we hit climax after climax of plot lines set up by others and impacting the MC. Yet it still feels so slow. Constant shifts of viewpoints, expanding cast and making... more>> sure to hide things so they can be talked about another 10 times (minimum). A side character fight can easily take 5 chapters to resolve, while you are waiting on the main plot to move forward.

Before I dropped the novel I constantly found myself skipping entire pages of text. They simply didn't matter. The amount of filler that crept into the novel made Wheel of Time feel fast-paced with good connection of the current content and the overall plot.

Finally the worst part, the characters outside the main character. There is 1 or maybe 2 other characters I care about. Sadly the screen time will go to another 10 ones that neither we nor the MC care about. In the same glacial pace as everything else. <<less
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Ixcez rated it
February 23, 2024
Status: c645
This one is honestly a bit hard to review because there are a lot of good points in it and I really mean it when I say there are good points.

The story has a lot of depth, character building, world building and so on that really shows that the author has created a living breathing world that is really fleshed out. However this also comes with the draw back that the pace of the story can at times make you wonder when if ever this story will have an ending.... more>> In short the story is ambitious in both a good and bad way. The good is as previously mentioned while the bad is when will it ever get done? Like at one point in the story about a hundred chapters plays out in the span of a single day, the chapters are also very long every chapter is about 3 chapters from most other webnovels but the release rate in turn is slower about 100 chapters is released per year compared to many other stories that usually pump out 600+ chapters.

Another thing that many might not like is the fact that the MC is not really the end all be all, while he eventually grows strong for the most part things get's bad for the MC. Then really bad, then worse and then you have no idea how he's going to make it through. There also isn't really a clear power structure here and instead the overall background is that there are magicians and knights, however when a magician reaches the end of their route they somehow seem to merge with a concept or law of nature which makes them become a sort of force of nature which is called a Mystic. The mystics are immortal, unkillable and holds powers close to that of a god. Knights on the other hand can unlock what is called the power of eradication which gives them different superpowers depending on what power of eradication they unlocked.

No one far as I know has reached the end of eradication but there isn't any exact power levels for either the Knights or the Mystics/magic users and instead Knights just seemingly awaken their powers over and over which makes them grow increasingly stronger while a magic user can just turn into a mystic one they figure out their powers and learn how to use them and then they transform into a mystic pretty much.

So you can't really get a feel for how powerful anyone is outside of if they are a "normal" person, someone with the power of eradication or a mystic. Since you'll never get a oh MC is now in the XXX realm or X lvl so he's kinda this strong and he fights or can fight against ppl who are XXX strong. So if your looking for that kind of story then this isn't really it and instead the focus is around the intrigues and while the MC is someone who's reincarnated compared to other reincarnators he barely remembers anything only getting pieces of his memories from time to time in his dreams so in all intents and purposes for the first part at least the MC is just a young beggar child who is more mature then others.

This is however a solid recommendation for anyone looking for a story with depth. <<less
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fireutsie rated it
December 12, 2020
Status: --
This is a novel that takes A LOT of patience to read. Because there are many cliffhangers, a lot of mystery and unraveled plot points that keep recurring but only get resolved way later. Sometimes it's just plain frustrating with how many things the author hints at but keeps from us. You should also be able to stand the main character being helpless in a lot of situations like an 8 years old kid is. And that he's being mercilessly tossed around like a pawn on a chessboard by the... more>> experienced old players.
If you can stand this kind of novel, you'll be in for a nice ride with some good world building, a well written main character and side characters, and good villains. And last but not least, schemes that go beyond your expectations as you unravel the mystery behind the overarching plot piece by piece.

And a tip; if there is a certain plot progression you don't like, except for deaths, things are not like what they seem to be on the surface in this novel. <<less
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General Tanya
General Tanya rated it
August 24, 2019
Status: c215
Story is not bad and have potential. But is also no masterpiece. So many readers overrated and hype up way too much then what is truly is. I do gave it credit for the well written drama and emotion in the chapters which even made me shed tears reading some part. But the story itself also has a lot of problems. The whole plot is a mess and sometimes I think author is just overdoing it and many plots turn pretty dumb if you truly think it through.

Worse things about... more>> the book: Legends, titles and names that are so massive and ridiculous that the author is just messing around. Like author constantly come up with tales of heroes, events and about the past. Worse is every little rumor or story is left with a cliffhanger and author try to be mysterious. This left the whole setting 1 big pile of mess and confusing. He is just overusing this whole concept. It's so ridiculous that no reader would bother even remembering 1 % of all the things told.

Secondly author try to be way to mysterious about every single detail. Just get straight to the point! 1-2 times being mysterious is ok, but for almost every chapter to be like this, then you just frustrate the readers.

Thirdly is the damn MC itself. Author should have never made him a 7 years old setting and start the story with it. Is amazing he is still alive for a 7 years old. The amount of incidents and danger situation he has to witness in just 1 year alone is bullshit. Does the author even understand how a 7 year old body is and what it limitation are?

Fourth is the plot itself. Is going way too fast for the 67 year old person body (even if his soul is a mature one). It almost make no sense how he even survived. For example the MC has less than 1 month to prepare himself with history lesson, language writing, combat and also etiquette. He was even kidnap and injure in that month alone. Is bullsh*t to tell me that he manage to cramp up all the things he needed to survive while still have time to teach someone else silent language. Then you tell me he can actually read many different types of books after just learning some basic in 1 month. The most irrational thing is the the father plothole itself. He only met his son like 2-3 times during the period of a month and expect him to survive and know exactly what to say in sticky situations. With his brain he actually though his son would survive these events just because he has fate in him. If the MC didn't had that mystic power in him, he would have died dozens of times already just in 1 year alone.

Fifth is the information itself. Freaking author keep trying to use cliffhangers and being mysterious. Things that could be explain needed countless chapters to do it. All MC had to do is get 1 important character and spend a whole day with that person and ask all the question he needed to know. History, combat, background etc. Like literally any important character he met could have easily told him things that he lack. For example that ramon, he could have explain to him what wizard do, but author actually needed to separate 2 chapters just to inform the MC the information. And the excuse was someone interrupt their conversation and MC needed another day to ask him.

Lastly are the villains. The villains schemes are written well by author, but the aftermath is a whole mess. Like these villains are way too chatty and confess way too early. There is no proof for their crimes but the villains already confess to everything just because the other side suspect them and pointed them out. For example that duke who had betray the king. After the king ask him if he is the traitor, the guy literally confess every scheme right on the spot. I mean seriously? Or that vampire queen big sister who is a fugitive. She talk way too much and her scheme seems so dumb. She keep trying to incite her little sister to kill the prince. But she herself could have just snap his neck, kill her sister and lay the blame on her sister. Sometimes I think author is just overdoing it with all the schemes and plots. Is full of plotholes.

Also the MC is kinda annoying and average. He is sometimes smart and turn dumb and clueless the next chapter. What I don't like about him is that he has no goal or ambition in life. And he does is go with the flow and try to survive the path others set for him. That is irritable, because the whole 200chapters is just him constantly talking about how unlucky he is and how he can't escape fate. Look, if you like reading Tale of the reincarnated lord then you probably enjoy this one too. Is is also heavily inspire A Song of Fire and Ice books. Author can write a lot of unnecessary stuff sometimes but overall, this novel is still better that many of the other stories out there. <<less
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Ruthless rated it
December 29, 2018
Status: v2c7
This some bullshit. The author sure does f*cking take his time with the start, but that's fine, but to then reveal to me that he is a Mystic, which here is basically extremely powerful, like ridiculously powerful, and then not focus on that, but focus on politics? One of the most ret*rded things in novels like this?

Like seriously, modern day, politics are important, sure. But here? Where Mystics, who are basically impossible to kill, participate in politics?
Disagree with the MC who is a Mystic, who (if he focused on training his mystic powers) would be immortal basically, is su*cide.
There should be 0 aspects of politics in this story, maybe as a thing for mortal side characters, but otherwise, 0!
Disagree with me? Die. Test my kingdom's strength? Die. And so on and so forth.
Giving it a 2 star only because it attracted my attention enough to read it.
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Chourou rated it
August 8, 2018
Status: c68

The novel. Intresting setting, we have the usual cliché of transmigration bla bla bla, bloodline power slowly awakening and him becoming overpowered in the future, cope with an adult mind.

And yet I still feel there is a little annoyance around the atmosphere by the main character Thales and his surrounding acquaintances.

Another part that really really irritates me is that, this writer leaves so many riddles and mysteries and questions all the time. Novel is in 70+ chapters and there are tons of unawnsered questions. If I were to take out... more>> my old books, Terry Goodkind, Robert Jordan, Joe AberCrombie, Trudy Canavan, Nick Perumov, and the list goes on, they also leave mysteries and questions to be anwsered later. BUT NOT THIS MUCH (KINGDOMS BLOODLINE). It is a good novel. But irritating at a same time. Is that still a good novel? Yes but not to that degree of being an awesome novel, in my experience and my own personal opinion.

We are in for an adventure to see how his personality will change and how he will change his world. (Hopefully he will change) Expect xianxia kind of fights where magic and aura or qi energy will fly around and things will explode. Sometimes I just feel lost in the context when reading this translation. Gender bender translation. A character was one time he and changed to her in another chapter. Strange wordings, basically strange context and paragraphs that made me lost in the reading, not often but it happens in some chapters.


I want to give this novel a higher rating but I feel more irritated than enjoyment when reading this novel. The "plot/story" is intressting, the world is intressting. But the writing is irritating. Cliff hangers every chapter. Unsolved mysteries and riddles all the time, and too many to keep track of. I dont have photographic memory. Annoying main character, Thales. Annoying flashbacks in the middle of situations or conversations that just suddenly happens and half the time I dont connect the dots. Whatever. Writer/Author trying to not make the novel into the usual cliché transmigration stuffs by trying to make it more complicated, filled with questions everywhere. Sure, I dont mind that, but its executed in such an annoying and complicated way. As I mentioned earlier, the chapters often ends with cliffhangers, and sometimes the novel continues where it left off at cliffhangers, SOMETIMES the next chapter does not continue where the cliffhangers left off. PoV = Point of view changes a A LOT - ANNOYING WRITING TECHNIQUE

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Sleep-deprived-enthusiast rated it
November 23, 2020
Status: c550
As per my NUF reading list, "Immersive High Quality Novels" description on this.

One of my liked novels. If I had to rate it, it would be a strict 4 but not below that for the efforts of the book. Heck, if not for the word-filled, super slowness of the child phase of the protagonist for 250 chapters and his general helplessness lasting for 400+ chapters, I'd easily rate it as 5 for the worldbuilding and setting alone. So let's say I 'unofficially' rate it as 4.5 but rate it as... more>> 5 because it's current rating doesn't do any justice to it. (Minor spoilers) It's pacing and chapters filled with dialogue can be very agonizing at times, but the story is so very solid with all it's lore and rich culture, mystery, schemes, world-building, and action. Especially it's thoughtful foreshadowing and twists that never fails to elicit surprise from me. This story moves in a slow-burn, so if you read this you need much patience and it is for readers who like a story with much depth and filled with meaningfully complete (but long) dialogue that stimulates the mind. And it is majorly focused on the politics and mystery (depending on if you like much of it). Yet it has many flaws too: situations are too dangerous, deathly, disadvantageous, and tiringly impossible to MC (who is 7-years old at the first 250 chapters) even if he is smart while also making him weaker (nerf in other terms) even if he has amazing potential, but this leads to much character development and avoids becoming a Gary Stu - basically he does not have any plot armor I consider 'fortuitously lucky' nor any lifelong wise teacher; I too just realized that villains chatter and confess too much but there are reasons and it's not like those cartoon villain confessing; the protagonist also only takes initiative and not get dragged around after an important development 450 (probably, forgot) chapters in. There are also minor inconsequential and sometimes inconsistent plots, dialogues, mysteries, explanations, events, fillers, and reasoning that are, luckily fixed and reflected upon the author later on the story. Yeah, what I just mentioned are very true, but still I like it. For me it's main selling point is the danger-filled complex life and ingenuity of the Thales -- He, who has no choice but to become a prince (by his cold, irresponsible king father who has his reasons) needs to go into the most dangerous whirlpools where he could fail and die taking the wrong step and has to brave and shoulder it all. I literally feel Thales' helplessness and suffering, like the author is a sadistic, stubborn spartan teacher to him - I've read other reviews who disparage him, but I really relate and root for him. It is set in a mysterious, grey-morals, not so simple world filled with mysticism, magic and politics, with characters living their own lives and intricacies unique to them. Every dialogue has their purpose and has underlying reasons to it.

Despite it's slowness and flaws I fell in love with all it's politics and it's liveliness - kingdoms, inheritance, governance, schemes and maneuvering, traveling and political hostages, culture, relationships, interaction, conversations, acting and more. The main character for his part, always learns, develops, and becomes stronger by facing all the hopeless situations and more experienced terrifying opponents. He is not flat and he is very static and well-rounded in his personality - and he also follows his beliefs and principles, doing hard decisions but not being a hypocrite when it suits him. <<less
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Pixeldrum rated it
November 12, 2020
Status: c489
Kingdom's Bloodline is quite an ambitous novel for what it's trying to do. It's about a boy that transmigrated to a different world, where there's swords and magic, and best of all, he's a prince with special magical abilities.

However, unlike basically every other webnovel, this novel does a LOT of worldbuilding and exposition leading up to certain events. And it sure does a pretty damn good job. But maybe it's a little too much? Unlike other novels, combat and magic is not center stage, but rather the focus is the... more>> political rhetoric and exchange that goes on between Thales and other people of great political influence.

I think that we can all agree that politics in novels tend to be super simple and basically make believe. Take, for a prime example, tr*sh of the Count’s Family. The politics in the tr*sh of the Count’s Family can be summarized as: "wow, the prince is amazing, he saved me, I'll commit my life to him now." Something along those lines. The Kingdom's Bloodline is a completely different beast. Power and combat are only tools for political influence. There's conspiracies, plots, and backstabbing all around the board, and Thales has to use his quick wits to maneuver the political field littered with nuances and pitfalls. Political opponents are everywhere, and battles of wits happen whenever Thales meets any of them. Thales meets a lot of people, each with their own motives, interests, and agenda. This makes for an extremely complicated and realistic political playing field. Different groups of nobles band together in certain parties to fulfill their objectives, yet there's inner and outer strife everywhere. It's not just, "political party A, B, and C." The Kingdom's Bloodline is the only novel I've read where politics is the primary focus, and it sure delivers on the politics, alright. Again, most of the time, politics is merely mentioned in most novels because in the end, power plays a greater role. Take Lord of Mysteries. Sure, there's definitely political parties and sides, but in the end, it's all about strength and obtaining it. Therefore, it's natural that politics is rather simple, since the strength behind your God is much more important than anything else.

There is a very incomplete history and timeline of events in the past, and many events involve more than meets the eye in textbooks which influence the world, even today in The Kingdom's bloodline. You view the world in Thales's eyes, so you learn more and more about this incomplete and incorrect history as Thales absorbs more knowledge from his political opponents, or just from people he meets.

It seems like I've only said good things about the novel, but beware, it's definitely got a few problems. Like I said before, this novel is very focused on exposition, worldbuilding, and dialogue. That being said, the novel is, after all, centered in a world of swords and magic. Our protagonist Thales has the thickest plot armor known to man. He's strong with the sword, and also blessed with magic powers to save him whenever he feels like it. He's in constant danger due to his political status, but come on now. Everything works in his favor in these dangerous scenarios, and damn, is he in a lot. It has a lot to do with a random person either helping him for no good reason, or very, very good timing and luck. Due to most of the novel being about logic and wits, it seems very odd that a lot of the scenarios Thales gets out of is completely illogical and relies on a lot of random luck and whims of people for him to weasel his way out. So what is with all the buildup and dialogue for? Make your mind up man! I like slow paced novels, and I enjoy reading about how Thales deals with political opponents, but sadly, the times he is in combat and dangerous scenarios is still quite a few, and it usually is the climax of the arc after all of the hundreds of pages of buildup and exposition. The delivery is unsatisfactory to say the least. Basically, the climax and conclusion of all this buildup of every arc so far is just not worth your time. However, there are also other factors working against the novel. Characterization and dialogue between Thales and others is the main focus of the novel, but sometimes, the dialogue seems scripted, perhaps unrealistic and too idealistic at times. It doesn't feel like real people talking.

Still, I enjoy the novel, and maybe it will change for the better. Slow paced isn't good, and Kingdom's Bloodline is certainly isn't super good, but I enjoy it due to how much world building it has, and it isn't just SMORC. It's a nice change of pace, but certainly isn't something you can just pick up. I honestly just started catching up and read a few hundred pages in a week, but it's hard to find any motivation to read it when it's such a slow paced novel, and the part I'm at is extremely dry. I'll just have to read it in one sitting at another time, but for now, I'm taking a break from this novel. <<less
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Estatica rated it
April 13, 2020
Status: c496
Ignore the negative reviews. This is an amazing novel that avoids most cliches available, if not all. Nothing is at it seems from the beginning and the story is fleshed out well and progresses smoothly.

Allies can become enemies in a second, with enemies also becoming allies in an instant. This novel always keeps you on the edge of your seat.
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DicerX rated it
July 12, 2019
Status: c400
This is a novel that I have come to dislike but for the wrong reasons, and this really makes me feel guilty, I will quote an example of how I described to give you a TL;DR:

> Were I to liken the experience to something, then I would tell you of that one moment where you hated Joffrey Baratheon to the core in GOT, but this hate stems from how well the actor did his best on the role to give you this impression. The same can be said for this novel...

For now, I will start by complimenting the efforts taken into perfecting the grammar, style and editing of this novel. As such, I must give my kudos to the translators and the editors for their dedication and the hard work... more>> done to make this available to us.

As a reader, I, sympathise with the protagonist and at times, even imagine myself being in their shoes to have a better immersive experience when listening to a novel (Text-to-speech service, try it). And as you'd come to understand this novel takes on abusing the MC for a good sport, there's no perceptible plot-armour that saves him, and like so the MC trudges from one tragedy to the next. Happiness is nothing but a fleeting sentence or two uttered in every chapter. And by God is the author generous with his gore details.

However, the shortcomings are nothing but personal preference in an otherwise well-written masterpiece. Where I to liken the experience to something, then I would tell you of that one moment where you hated Joffrey Baratheon to the core in GOT, but this hate stems from how well the actor did his best on the role to give you this impression. The same can be said for this novel; the author took it too far sometimes.

What irks me the most here is that the author more than once adopts a divergent POV in almost every action-packed chapter, and to be honest with you mates these chapters are nonessential and can be skipped without affecting the flow of the plot, if anything they're just a hindrance that is inserted after every f*cking cliffhanger. And my last grudging comment is regarding the progression of the plot; the novel starts from when the MC was an infant until he's seven years old. The story takes more than 250 chapters until the time finally skips to the MC's maturity, and this is why I usually dislike when the author does this because some idiot will start throwing a "loli" tag in here and people will avoid this novel. <<less
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KirbyReviews44 rated it
May 17, 2019
Status: c280
Kingdom's Bloodline is a sword and magic type novel set in a fantasy middle ages setting. Its an interesting novel and it is certainly very unique. The author does not follow the mold of the standard transmigration novel with stale characters, stale plot, and stale formula. This novel is driven by plot and driven by the world that the author creates. The style is similar to Game of Thrones where the author tries to build up a cast of supporting characters around the main characters with plenty of twists, politics,... more>> and violence. If you are a fan of the magic/sword fantasy setting it is a decent read to kill time.

Even though this novel is unique and not formulaic compared to standard cultivation novels, I still cannot give it higher than a 3. The reason is that the novel has some huge flaws which will to me is just plain s*upid. Some people might not make a huge deal out of it and that's ok but this is just my opinion.

1. For 250+ chapters, the main characters is 7 years old. He is going up against 1000 year old wizards (called Mystics), bloodthirsty gangsters, armies, vampires, kings, dukes, etc. All while he is 7. What powers do he have to solve these problems? A plot armor magic skill that activates to save him when he is about to die. Literal immortality so that if he dies he comes back stronger. Talk no jutsu lvl99, way better talking skills than Naruto and able to talk himself out of most situations verses grown politicians and kings.

2. Pacing is just atrocious. Fights seem to last forever and a day. There's POV shifts to different characters fighting different battles to the point that the climax of an arc lasts for way too many chapters. Pacing is hard to describe. To me, a great pacing novel keeps me reading every single word while being a page turner. This novel, I was getting seriously, I mean seriously, bored because it took WAY TOO LONG for some plot line to resolve itself. Something that could be resolved in 2 paragraphs takes 1 chapter. Something that could be resolved in 1 chapter takes 5 chapters. Etc.

3. The Main Character has no agency over the plot. The entire plot up until ch280 where I stopped reading is about this pauper prince who is the victim of the machinations of politicians, nobles, kings, assassins, and basically everybody. He scrapes by barely in each dangerous situation using the few allies he has and his super OP cheat skills listed above. But, and this is a huge but, he at the end of each situation and crisis is back to square 1. He is still 7 years old, he still is controlled by the surroundings around him.

4. The author has a fat drunk lunatic kills a bunch of orphan children in the beginning and that is just messed up. I was waiting for a good resolution of that situation but it never came. The MC at the beginning was also an orphan child beggar in a gang. This fat drunk lunatic gangster started mu*dering these children and the MC was able to save some by killing the drunk. However, turns out the drunk's father is a bloodthirsty gang leader and tortured and killed most of the remaining surviving orphans to find out how his useless fat f*ck of a son died. Talk about some sh*t plot resolution. No thanks. <<less
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mja rated it
March 29, 2019
Status: c454
this would've been a 4 star if the author didn't artificially inflate every single chapter with three hour dialogues in the middle of every scene. I'm completely disappointed in the way the author handled this novel these dialogues not only completely ruins the build up but are clashing with the logic of this world.

so although this novel has it's good points it's drawback just bothers me to the point where even fillers feel better to read since I could skip them if I wanted to without it affecting the reading... more>> experience.

really disappointing this novel has great potential but this problem just keeps getting worse and worse. <<less
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skyabovesky rated it
February 28, 2024
Status: c621
Excellent. If you wish for a clever protagonist, even cleverer antagonists, and deep conspiracies, this is for you. Downside is that it's sometimes pretty slow, especially at the start.

What can be a huge plus or minus is that this is very much not a power fantasy. The MC suffers a huge number of losses, more physically at the start and intellectually throughout the novel, and it might be frustrating to see the MC suffering despite his best efforts.

At the same time, it's not meaningless suffering. Each defeat becomes a lesson... more>> that is applied for the future. The MC develops and improves throughout, and the reason why he often still loses is since the challenges he faces escalate in difficulty or are different in nature. Even so, it's very inspiring to see the clear growth he experiences.

Also a huge plus or minus is that 75% of conflicts are political. They focus on alliances, scheming, conspiracies, gambits, etc. There are actual fights, but those are in service to the grander political conflicts.

Overall, though, the story is extremely deep. The conspiracies and plots are well thought out. The world building is excellent. And the characters are very intelligent, with deep motivations and stories of their own. There's an epic plot here that I do not see often at all, and those factors are sufficient to carry this to a 5/5 for me. <<less
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Walid Flow
Walid Flow rated it
July 4, 2023
Status: c309
If you like political conspiracies, genius tactics, smart characters, dark imagination, and puzzles are too many, I recommend this masterpiece

You will feel that you are reading the book The Song of Ice and Fire adapted from the series Got Literally every character in the novel has its own depth, flaws and very high intelligence, the author always surprises you at every turn with a new transformation that is completely unexpected The style of narration here is one of the greatest things I have seen and read Even the dialogues here... more>> are philosophical and very meaningful

Also, don't listen to the nonsense of low ratings because most of them have no logic just because the story is dark for them or because it's a complicated novel for them. What's annoying is that you see high ratings for women's novels without any logic filled only with repetition and clichés without any creativity directed at children of flower age, while a surreal masterpiece like this I find some negative reviews that are not even illogical

Enjoyable reading guys and alert this novel is dark and somewhat tragic <<less
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March 4, 2021
Status: --
I give this novel ☆ (1 star/5)

I absolutely disagree with the positive reviews on this novel. What the hell did I just read!?!?

This is one heck of a story that’s interesting on some level and yet totally boring all at the same time.

... more>> It has a lot of political intrigue, scheming and world building condensed into pages and pages of endless rambling.

To sum this novel up, it’s equivalent to listening to Charles Manson rambling but in written form!!! No, No No!!!

The authors writing style is incredibly tediously long. Its all summer beaches without the waves and sand.

This is the first novel I have ever come across where the novel focuses more on the details of other characters rather than the MC. It’s unique, however, that’s the problem.
- The MC doesn’t seem like a protagonist at all. Remove him and you wouldn’t realise he was even in the story to begin with.
- Furthermore the story does too many POV jumps that disorientate the readers. I have never read a novel that did so many endless POV’s to insignificant characters in my life.
- The protagonist is a transmigrator but not only does he seem like he is definitely from another world, he doesn’t even seem part of the novel itself. He’s almost like an insignificant side character who was given the title as MC in this story because the author remembered he needed a protagonist while writing.

Nightmare novel to read, highly skippable and forgettable. Save your time and read something else. <<less
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[email protected] rated it
April 21, 2020
Status: c237
The novel has potential if the author can actually make progress in the plot instead of going into a loop of having a 75 chapter exposition for one conflict to be solved then repeated again. The MC feels unrealistic (in a way) where he is literally scared of doing any single action by himself even though he goes already went through several moments of life or death situations. This repeat is frustrating to read over and over again and every time this happens, it makes the plot more stale (which... more>> is already 90% filler anyways). Furthermore, there are more than enough references to the MC's memories that are filled with useless information that we don't know or care enough to bother looking into. Although I like novels with slower plotlines, I find it painful to read 75 chapters of filler to just have the conflict result into nothing impactful until it hopefully re-appears in the next 100-200 chapters. All that I hope for is that the author gets out of this vicious cycle of filler plot that he is addicted to like drugs. <<less
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Reader coming through
Reader coming through rated it
October 3, 2019
Status: c510
I love this novel. It's passionating, the storyline is well done, the characters amazing... I really recommand it, you start it and can't help but want to know what's going to happen next. Every arc get you hooked. I'm really excited to see how it will end...

Thales is a character that keep growing during this story from his interactions with others and his experiences, it's captivating. I think he is really cool. I'm always like 'when is he going to slap their faces and return the situation'. Love it.

Maybe one... more>> bad point: I want to read more chapters. I want to know how it end. Hungry reader can't get enough :p.

Thanks for the wonderful work of the Author and Translator. <<less
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Erlevien rated it
August 29, 2018
Status: v2c3
It is an interesting story, though it has similar aspects to other fantasy stories: MC actually being a.... blabla..

I have been enjoying the read for now, but I just hope it won't lead to one of the generic paths these kind of stories usually have, and hopefully, romance won't ruin it as well.

Translations= good, kudos to the translator

Just hope that this story will be unique and shine in its own way.

Give it a try!
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February 28, 2024
Status: --
This novel is a real masterpiec

But the hell is with the power structure

I really intended to stop reading and collect chapters, but really slow pacing bruh.....

... more>> And a real review for the author:-

When I was searching for this novel, I didn't get the novel, you have to type accurately :- Kingdom's bloodline..

If we could get the novel by typing:- the kingdoms bloodline or, , kingdoms bloodline etc...

And why is this novel not known much...

Please read this for my sake and for those who read, otherwise this novel might stop coming..

Please read this, . pleaseeeeeeee!!!!!!! <<less
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haanhaan rated it
October 2, 2022
Status: c130
The story is good, quite lacking in some details, and also some lore are quite dubious cause its not properly explained.

But the reason for the 3 stars is that I can't immerse in the story, the POV switching around too much with no notice, the explanation of many things mostly done by talking/chatting between characters (I prefer this done like Reverend Insanity instead, the story of Ren Zu). Because IMHO delivering info dump of some supposedly "ancient" story should be done in story like manner instead of chattering of multiple... more>> peoples (that I have really HARD time to remember who is who, cause the numerous characters talking and many don't have any depth in their characteristic so its hard to remember even if they are appearing in the future).

Another note is that the important characters need some description of their expressions (and their manners of speaking), can't do much with only reading the conversation and expect people to understand that someone said it while angry or not. <<less
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