Kidnapped Dragons


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– The planet [Earth] has entered the abnormal state [Apocalypse].

– You have failed in saving the Earth. The Authority, [Vintage Clock (EX)] rewinds the world’s time.

For Yu Jitae, it was a message he had seen many times.

It was tiresome.

It would have been great had he died with everyone else.

But he couldn’t, for his authorities that made him the strongest existence, brought him back in time whenever he died.

And even with his strength, he couldn’t protect the broad earth against the maddened dragons.

– The world’s time will soon begin.

As the clock resumed ticking in the direction it should, his 7th iteration came to a start.

Fortunately, he finally had the gist of it.

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드래곤을 유괴하다
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170 Reviews sorted by

Nazamroth rated it
December 29, 2023
Status: Completed
Is it the perfect book? No. Not in the slightest. The power system is bullshit, the representations of conceptual things are convenient and crap. Hell, in a world of billions, after suffering through an east-asian apocalypse event, somehow there is still an unreasonably high percentage of koreans and chinese in notable positions.


Who cares. Among the best characters and character developments I have seen here in years. Not just a harem of cute girl archetypes. And any book that makes me cry and summons The Void after the end, gets a... more>> 5-star from me. <<less
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Kleini rated it
November 10, 2023
Status: Completed
"Kidnapped Dragons" subverts expectations with its slice-of-life focus and emotionally driven narrative. The story follows an unfathomably strong regressor who has lost his humanity after countless failed timelines trying to prevent an apocalypse. His solution to save the world - kidnapping the young dragon girls who inadvertently cause doom each time - leads to a found family tale more heartwarming than it sounds.

The novel excels in endearing characterization as both the stoic protagonist and temperamental dragons slowly heal together into a family. Seeing them open up and learn to trust... more>> again after lifetimes of trauma is cathartic. The dragon girls especially shine with distinctive personalities and memorable quirks.

If you like slice of life plot with occasional tension during brief action scenes, then you'll probably like this. Even if you don't like slice of life, the tranquil pacing is necessary for build up and to emphasize the subtle growth and reconciliation which makes the emotional payoff so worth it later on. But make no mistake, this story has some interesting mystery and twists too. So don't expect it to be bare boned slice of life plot either.

Personally, I'm not sure how to feel about the romance. I liked certain characters a lot more than the main female lead, but it is what it is.

For readers seeking bloody vengeance or LitRPG elements, this pastoral entry may disappoint. However, as a poignant study of relearning our humanity and cherishing companionship, "Kidnapped Dragons" delivers a subversive yet wholesome tale perfect for fans of emotional dramas. Look past the ominous title to find profoundly human connections. <<less
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einsce rated it
November 4, 2023
Status: Completed
I'm writing this solely because I (hypothetically) saw a review (hypothetically) calling the characters "underdeveloped." Whoever you are, you (hypothetically) suck.

I cannot stress how attached I got to these characters. Throughout the book, you watch them grow and mature as they slowly learn to become independent - to the point where it's bittersweet. I can only describe it as how it'd feel to be a parent seeing your kid off to college.

To summarize the plot without spoiling anything: Yu Jitae is a regressor who's lived and suffered for a long... more>> time. For an unexplained reason, there are these baby dragons whose deaths cause the world to end, and him to regress. The story is that of him awkwardly acting to protect, nurture, and raise the baby dragons in order to save the world, whilst reawakening his lost emotions. It seems very simple, but it's not. The story has the best character development I have ever seen in any form of media. Everything is connected, past and present. There is an indescribable amount of depth behind the actions and personalities of the characters, and the way they change and improve through their interactions is extremely heartwarming. There's a lot more I wish to say about the characters, but in order to truly experience the novel, you need to come to understand them yourself.

Now, for some really important details for you to decide if you want to read this:

  1. This is not a harem. There is a single female lead whom the MC remains completely faithful to.
  2. It can be very intense at points. At times I laughed and cried, felt both joy and anger. It's not simple fluffiness, and you should expect to feel a wide variety of emotions.
  3. There's filler that can get boring at some times; however, even the filler is important, so you should read everything. It's a slow slice-of-life story where every event, no matter how small, contributes the development of the characters.
  4. This novel is a tragedy, and our MC is a tragic hero. There will be a lot of moments where it'll seem like the entire world is falling apart. Through this, remember that unlike other tragedies, this is a story with a happy ending - one where everyone wins.
  5. The MC is unfathomably strong. He's a borderline god. If you were looking for a kind of regression novel where the MC uses past knowledge to overcome all obstacles, this is not it.
  6. The MC will do their best to make sure the dragons lead "normal lives." This means he'll try to hide his powers. Of course, he's not a pushover. He's calculative and cruel, and hates it when people look down on him. His version of "hiding his powers" is just "not completely obliterating anyone who annoys him."
  7. This is a romance novel, and as such there is drama. The author, in their infinite wisdom, makes sure to keep it light, so misunderstandings are quickly fixed/taken care of. Also, there are no love triangles.
  8. There is a lot of gore, and a lot of death. Expect detailed descriptions of the state of corpses.
  9. There are no s*x scenes, but there is s*x, mentions of s*x, and a loooooott of s*xual tension - of course, only between the ML and fl.
  10. The dragons are not perfect. Like humans, they are flawed, prone to being irrational, and act immature. That being said, any complaints or reviews criticizing said dragons' behavior are invalid.
Now, the plot with spoilers. Please do not read this unless you have absolutely no plans to, or have already read the novel, because this will completely spoil hundreds of chapters of careful development:

The guardian persona Yu Jitae takes is on is an act - one with an extremely blurry line between real and fake. You won't know this in the beginning: you'll see his awkwardness in conveying emotion as being a side effect of being a regressor (which it is). That he's simply suffered a lot, and has, as a result, blocked himself from forming relationships. The author carefully drops little hints and glimpses into his past. Just enough for you to sympathize with him, and not enough to hate or doubt him. It's only later in the story, when the fluff hits its height, that things start to take a really dark turn. To summarize, Yu Jitae is the perfect Tragic Hero. He's like Oedipus on crack: the things he has done are completely unforgivable and the extent of his misery if far beyond what you first understand. As the novel progresses, these sins are barely teased until everything explodes all at once, and you get a glimpse of the really ugly side of Jitae's personality that he's hidden. It then becomes even more apparent just how greatly the dragons have changed him. These - basically psychotic - episodes are short, but chaotic and terrifying. At one point he'd do anything for the dragons - at the next he'd be determined to kill them. Of course, it's only the reader that knows this, and - unlike Oedipus - this story sees a happy ending. After this point, the plot shifts to Jitae slowly coming to terms with his past, his feelings, and what he wishes for his future. Simultaneously, the baby dragons continue to develop, and overcome their own flawed personalities.


In conclusion: The characters, story, plot, arcs, pacing, relationship, etc. Are all fantastic. You will undoubtedly regret not reading this if you choose to do so - as it's without a doubt one of, if not the best completed korean novel on this site. (I say completed because how the hell are you gonna know if a novel's good if it's not finished?) <<less
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Passionate_Reader rated it
March 21, 2023
Status: Completed
This novel is not what I expected to be when I read the synopsis.

It has the 'regression' part nailed down to near perfection.

See, I believe that humans and mortals are synonymous with each other. And therefore, whenever I encounter immortals in any novel, I tend to think of them as inhuman. Because it is impossible for any human living a nigh-immortal life to be have any humanity left, i.e., their values are too warped for a regular human. It devalues life itself. And thus, for immortals, everything eventually becomes fleeting... more>> and expendable. Anyway, that's my 2 cents on immortality and stuff.

Therefore, in this novel "Kidnapped Dragons", when I encountered a near-perfect regressor, I was delighted. Jitae is not your average regressor in an average plot. He is just like you would expect a regular human to be after several repeats. Everything starts to lose value and nothing is important in the eyes of a regressor over the repeats. Only thing that is left is infinite exhaustion and infinite will to get out of the regression cycle along with the incredible power and knowledge that comes with a nigh-immortal life. And that's why Jitae's character development was one of the best I have ever read.

And the way the plot is handled is also nothing short of a masterpiece. Without spoiling too much, I would say that that each baby dragon left a very deep impression on me and similarly, how they and the regressor influenced each other was simply a delight to read.

Winter was just too cute and at the same time surprisingly mature.

I loved Summer's snarkiness and straightforwardness the most out of everyone.

Autumn was the most delicate character I had ever witnessed and her development was a sight to behold.

And Spring, oof, was simply 'mind-boggling'. Never have I seen such a complicated personality and there was even a good reason for it.

TL;DR, Highly recommended. This is peak regression stuff. <<less
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JoeMama15 rated it
February 18, 2023
Status: c67
First off, this novel is basically divided in two parts. 50% of it is slice of life with MC spending time with the dragons and it is great. Then there's the other 50% which is the actual story of MC preventing the apocalypse, which revolves around action, and sadly thats the part I don't really like of the novel.

The slice of life part is great, each of the dragon's personality is good and unique and their interactions are great. Even the MC is pretty good and realistic (giving the things... more>> he has been through). Some people here complain about how plain MC is but he is that way because of all the things he has been through and all the years he has live through. He is not a dragon, he is human and humans aren't meant to live such a long time the same way he has. And that has affected him greatly.

But then there's the other 50% of the novel which is mostly action. And it just doesn't really interest me. The novel is written in very small arcs. One arc is slice of life, the next one is action (preventing the apocalypse) and then back to slice of life, later action again, and so forth. This makes the story a bit predictable and every time I was reading an action arc I just wanted to get it over with and go back to the slice of life arc.

The action arcs just don't get me invested enough to care. I try to care and keep my interest but I couldn't. It seems like I'm not the only tho. I have read a few reviews here, most of them gave 5 stars and complimented the novel but the only things they complimented were things regarding the slice of life arcs, and none of the action arcs. Maybe for them the slice of life arcs are good enough for them to put up with the action arcs but it isn't for me

If the action arcs weren't 50% of the novel, I wouldn't have minded and would have even giving it 4 or 5 stars. If the novel wasn't 50-50 and instead was 70-80% slice of life and 20-30% action, it would have been perfect but it isn't.

Maybe I'll try reading again in a few weeks, maybe it will get better in future chapters but right now I am a bit burn out <<less
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CSBoopy rated it
January 14, 2023
Status: c425
This is one of the few web-serials I have actually finished so, for me, that means quite a great deal. I can only praise everything about this novel, except maybe the pacing in the grand scheme of the novel but I believe that was necessary to obtain what the novel wanted to deliver. Everything to the very end was a pleasure to read. All the characters have incredible depth, the story is extremely thought out, even while you spend tens of chapters watching the dragons grow, and when you get... more>> to the ending, you'll realize how much you appreciated the journey. <<less
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Sealis rated it
December 15, 2022
Status: Completed
This is the first time I'm going yo write a review in NU, but that's probably a testament to how good this novel is imo. It was a great ride, the characters were fleshed out, none of that harem bs (I dont mind it generally really) and a proper take as to the consequences and problems of a regressors life. I wouldn't even consider this as an action themed novel, it centers more on sol early on then the climax being drama.

This novel is one hell of a masterpiece, the... more>> flow is great, the development is there, foreshadowing that was used throughout the entire story, and great characters.

It's unique, it's fresh, and most importantly, it did not ruin itself later on. From start to finish, the novel was an absolute blast to read with no confusion, dizzying details, or whatever bs most other authors include since they needed content. Guaranteed read <<less
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LehmD rated it
December 12, 2022
Status: Completed
Expected a typical regression novel about abusing future knowledge to get stronger and save the world but got so much more. This novel heavily focuses on the relationship between the MC and the dragons as well as the MC slowly regaining his humanity.

The novel is really well written making you care about the daily life of the dragons. The interactions between the characters are fun to read and while they all have unique traits they are much more than that.

I can wholeheartedly recommend this novel even for people who usually... more>> don't read much slice of life. There are a lot of fight scenes, training and scheming so you wont be stuck with just slice of life. Also there is no harem for everyone who like me is afraid the 4 girls will fall for MC simultaneously.

Overall this novel is just really great and I haven't read many better ones. There are only 3 things I kind of disliked.

1. Terminology: some words/concepts aren't well explained especially things about the regression or other dimensions.

2. Time paradox: a lot of authors run into this problem as soon as they touch time travel and I dislike it every time. In this case it took away a lot from a really well written ending by explaining some things that did not have to be explained.


MCs life long companion turns out to be a fragment of the personality of one of the girls or whatever. While this is supposed to be romantic it does not make much sense because of a) time paradox and b) key having a personality but it not being explained.


3. Romance: by far the biggest issue for me. I really liked both characters before the romance started but just wanted her screen time to end as soon as she tried to get into MCs pants. While I think the whole thing is pretty realiatic it just wasn't fun to read and I would have preferred a guardian/ward relationship or a typical romance without all the "giggling" and "perplexity"

So what went well then?
    • Daily life was surprisingly interesting and fun to read
    • The training arcs were really well written and made you wish for their success
    • MC was pretty badass and did whatever he wanted which was pretty satisfying
    • A lot of well written fights
    • Novel was planned out well with early foreshadowing for later events
    • MC made use of his regressor ability well and the whole thing made sense even when not explained perfectly
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hyahhaa rated it
December 4, 2022
Status: Completed
Simply a masterpiece. As someone who read a whole lot of novels, this is one of the rare ones where the ending is worth the read. Don't get me wrong, this novel is amazing from start to finish but I was just comparing this to the novels which were only interesting in the beginning and then slowly beginning to get boring later on, and the ending feel rushed af. I won't tell you any spoilers except that this novel is definitely worth your time.

Cheers for Yuzu the Author for creating... more>> this novel and RainingTL for doing such a good job at translating it <<less
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Mamai Cultivator
Mamai Cultivator rated it
December 3, 2022
Status: c149
149 chapters in and... enough! It’s a pity, because this novel had some interesting and promising ideas in the beginning. The writing style is quite readable. The translation is clumsy at times, apparently done by non-native speakers, but still easy to understand. The biggest problem of this novel is the romantic story line. It is just irritating, nothing more.
The author puts huge (and, honestly, excessive) amount of effort in figuring out the “joy of every day life” and misses the mark most of the time. But it can be forgiven, considering we are talking about the every-day joy of reptiles, which understandably can appear surreal from the human point of view. However, the “romance” part just cannot be ignored in that way, because one of those involved is still a human. And if we look at it from an adult human point of view... It is just that — s*upid! Romance is not about stealthy glances, unprovoked touches and giggles, and being constantly “perplexed”. Well, it is not, unless your development is stuck at the level of an 11 year old bashful boy.
Thus, 149 chapters are enough, and even too many, to understand that the main focus of the novel is irredeemably shifted from fantasy (it’s strong side), to daily life (it’s week plot line), to romance (it’s unbearably unreadable plot line). Alas, rest in peace another promising fantasy plot that got buried by the author’s “excessive greed :) ” : (.
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sol.arin rated it
December 3, 2022
Status: Completed
I was left speechless right after finishing this novel, no words can describe how amazing this whole journey was.

It was beautiful and ugly, it was heart warming and heart wracking, it was an exhilarating emotional rollercoaster. Combat and romance is intertwined with the struggles and happiness of daily lives, the highs and ups are woven into the story perfectly. You can almost feel like you are growing with the characters and you will learn something from what they are experiencing. It is obvious the plot is well thought out, hints... more>> and foreshadows sprinkled throughout the story will slowly connect with each other as you slowly reach the ending, a truly well written ending. There's no regret or doubt or the nerve wracking feeling of wanting more because it will draw a complete, satisfying conclusion to the story.

Highly recommended.

had to listen to Aurora's Exhale Inhale to god damn calm my heart that was going freaken insaneeee

Damn NU deleted my review while I was writing it but alas <<less
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Concealed Chair
Concealed Chair rated it
December 2, 2022
Status: Completed
This is a nigh masterpiece and out of all the novels I have read, it ranks within the Top 3. The author created a good mix of genres, where they didn’t focus on only romance, action, etc. For a prolonged period of time. In addition to the alternating between these genres, they also are able to transition well into the next. The story is quite entertaining and is able to keep the readers attention throughout the majority of the novel.

What stood out to me was how much of the story... more>> was thought out before hand. There are other novels that have such a great start like “The Novel’s Extra”. But the reader will realize that the plot line isn’t thought out fully by the author when the quality abruptly drops in the middle. However, this novel is quite different. It’s not obvious that the author has done an extremely well job until you reach the end, where everything suddenly falls into place. Little conversations and details that appear to hold little meaning throughout the entire novel suddenly start to have their value revealed. In other words, the foreshadowing was written very well. Not only this but the little details appeared as early as the first 10 chapters and continue to appear while at the same time, appearing so insignificant that the reader does not question it. It just amazed me how the author was able to do this so well and from my experience, the author has done the best.

There was one thing that ruined the experience for me though.


The author decides to reveal the story is a time paradox in the end. For those who haven’t read, a particular childhood friend of the protagonist stays with him through his entire suffering before the friend disappears. Towards the end, it is revealed the protagonist’s lover heard about them protagonist’s suffering and decides to assist his previous self by sending a portion of their soul back to the protagonist’s younger self. Which happens to be the particular childhood friend that was with him through his suffering. However, this means that there should an original timeline where the childhood friend/future lover was not there. This creates more questions such as “How were they able to meet?” (Since they were only able to meet due to the childhood friend assisting the protagonist in creating an event where his lover comes for revenge before falling in love). It really spoiled the story since instead of answering all the reader’s questions, it created more.


Overall though, I highly recommend this novel. One of the best ones out there for sure and for those reading, you should give this a try. <<less
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Pavilion rated it
December 1, 2022
Status: Completed
Really messy and beautiful story. Unique in what it is.

It has a plot with great twists and really nice characters that all experience growth. Still, don't read it for just those things, read it for the emotions. Because at least for me, those were most valuable things I managed to take from it.

Although I did score it a five, I don't think it's a perfect story by any means. But I was still incredibly moved when reading it, so it's probably as good as it can get? It's a feeling... more>> like that. As for translations etc. Wise it truly was really close to good as it can be. So big thanks for the people who worked on this book.

I do recommend giving this a try. <<less
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amelyn95 rated it
November 28, 2022
Status: ss 9
Highly recommended. All the plot twist gives me headache, but they are all worth it at the end

Yu Jitae- emotionless numb overpowered pyschopath who just want to die but he can't because there is a higher power who wants to f*ck him up. This is the story of him finding ways to free himself by saving the earth and killing and sacrificing everything along the way, including himself. And this is also the story of how he slowly becomes human again.

Great plot and great character development. I don't know why... more>> people have issues with Bom, if they read until the end they will know why


her loves towards him went beyond an obsession. And why she targets him so single-mindedly.

She plays a huge role in this story and everything will be explain at the later chapters.


Anyway it's your loss if you don't read this. My favorite character is the baby of the family, Winter!!! She's so f*cking cute.

The translator team did a great job in their translations too! Thank you for your hardwork♡♡

There is no harem (THANK GOD! It will too disturbing otherwise) decent romance, no third party etc because seriously this novel has no time for that. Great ending! Also may we all have our own Spring, and white bird. <<less
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MonsieurLimes rated it
November 24, 2022
Status: Completed
Wow, I feel so empty.

this novel does a fantastic job, it’s characters, story, side story, and world is just amazingly done. The one thing I will critique is the time manipulation/travel, but I mean there weren’t exactly clear rules in the first place so I can shrug it off. Plus, this novel does a good job at making you want a deus ex machina to happen, which they willingly give. God I just love this story, the character growth.

you know it’s a banger novel whenever you feel empty after reading... more>> it. I recommend this, read it! <<less
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Eberbach rated it
November 23, 2022
Status: Completed
I've grown so attached to these characters and genuinely like each and everyone of the main cast. Usually there are a few characters that just don't pique your interest, but each of the kids have a compelling story and character arc and it's really nice to see their growth.

Big Sad. Big Happy. Lot's of tears were shed. (Especially when reading this at work and trying to hide your crying from your coworkers...)

... more>>

Side stories are the perfect cherry on top. It closed things up perfectly with out making wonder what would happen next. It's just a simple flat out, now they're happy. You can make all the assumptions and head canons you want and as long as they're all happy it's ok.

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X-reaper rated it
November 7, 2022
Status: ss 3
The ending reveal is a bit convoluted and I don’t think it makes complete sense


like timeline and age of myu and bom who should be still kids because yu jitae’s timelines existed when the black dragons were training them so there should have been a current bom and myu along with the older ones during the 7th iteration


but still it was a great read.
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Penguinatorz rated it
October 25, 2022
Status: c425
It is an amazing read. From start to finish would you feel like wanting more and I can’t wait to read the after storty soon. All of the characters their personality and their interactions were top notch I couldn’t even decide who were my favorites at the end. They all shined beautifully.
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BC_KID rated it
June 16, 2022
Status: c310
Honestly a great novel despite its few flaws.

It has a very slow pacing, so you need to be willing to invest a lot of time to fully enjoy it.

I've seen others reviews criticizing the bland/unlikable protagonist, bland supporting cast, situation with no tension.

... more>> Don't listen to them, because as you read more and more chapters, you'll quickly realize that these issues are unwarranted.

I guarantee one of the greatest character growth from multiple characters which add so much depth to all of the characters. The tension slowly escalates as the story goes.

I can still understand why people can't get over the first 30 chapters, but commiting the time has paid off for me and a lot of others.

Go ahead and try it out at your own pace, it will be an amazing experience. <<less
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shi1000 rated it
June 8, 2022
Status: c310
This is my first review on this site, and I usually never write any.

I am really amazed by each character growth, and how the author emphasize each of their struggle, world building and their character in detail.

This novel is top notch, you should really try to read this, I don't even know who is my favorite character anymore
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