Kidnapped Dragons


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– The planet [Earth] has entered the abnormal state [Apocalypse].

– You have failed in saving the Earth. The Authority, [Vintage Clock (EX)] rewinds the world’s time.

For Yu Jitae, it was a message he had seen many times.

It was tiresome.

It would have been great had he died with everyone else.

But he couldn’t, for his authorities that made him the strongest existence, brought him back in time whenever he died.

And even with his strength, he couldn’t protect the broad earth against the maddened dragons.

– The world’s time will soon begin.

As the clock resumed ticking in the direction it should, his 7th iteration came to a start.

Fortunately, he finally had the gist of it.

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드래곤을 유괴하다
Related Series
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  4. Good(No Harem)
  5. Action + Romance

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03/26/21 Genesis Translations c74
03/25/21 Genesis Translations c73
03/23/21 Genesis Translations c72
03/21/21 Genesis Translations c71
03/21/21 Genesis Translations c70
03/15/21 Genesis Translations c69
03/13/21 Genesis Translations c68
03/10/21 Genesis Translations c67
03/09/21 Genesis Translations c66
03/07/21 Genesis Translations c65
03/04/21 Genesis Translations c64
03/02/21 Genesis Translations c63
02/28/21 Genesis Translations c62
02/25/21 Genesis Translations c61
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170 Reviews sorted by

kaylard rated it
January 24, 2023
Status: Completed
This was an unforgettable expereince... It all started for me 10 years ago with the only accessible book at that time - The Coiling Dragon. And that adventure had being so beatiful and made me fall in love with the asian novels. Thereafter followed so many stories and books, at times there were good ones but there were a lot of bad stuff too. But this story... This one particular story... It's different.

I cannot desribe with words how good it was. But what I can guarantie is that I will... more>> keep this story close and dear to my heart untill the end. I'm certain that when there will be a harsh time for me and when there will be no hope left - I will be able go past it with the power of this story giving me a strengh...

My utmost gratitutude for the experience to the author... Thank you. <<less
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freemen muaddib
freemen muaddib rated it
May 1, 2022
Status: c202
👤✎ ℙ𝕣𝕠𝕗𝕖𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕒𝕝 ℝ𝕖𝕧𝕚𝕖𝕨𝕖𝕣 ★☆☆☆☆

I don't recommend this novel at all. It is one of the most boring korean novels I've read. Here is why:

1) The MC is so overpowered there is no tension at all in any fight. By the very admission of the MC, he could kill all demons at any time, but he does not do it because "he already killed them hundred of times in his previous regressions". The entire humans vs demons conflict is deprived of all excitement.

2) The "slice of life" style is more slice... more>> of nothing here. Nothing happens. Ever. Slice of life is a genre that works if you know how to make everyday little things interesting. This is not the case with this author. Even the dragon lolis are always bored.

3) Four dragon lolis at home and no ecchi scenes? Not even an hint? This is like the author shooting himself in the foot.

4) The 4 lolis are terribly stereotyped: the usual 4 seasons archetypes anthropomorphized. The most abused one, from The Brothers Karamazov to Sora yori mo Tooi Basho. Not even a little effort of imagination here.

5) The MC is completely devoid of background. You will only start to understand his past via flashbacks. Yes, flashbacks. Terribly boring flashbacks, and not only because you already know the outcome. Those flashbacks adds nothing to the story, even if they are ironically the only things happening in the novel.

6) The whole mystery about why the MC does what he does is not exciting at all. Even the MC is bored by it!

7) There are no redeeming quality in the MC. He is really a cold blooded cynic. Innocent kids reduced to a mass of blood to the ground crying for help, and he does not even turn to look at them because "death has been the only constant since he can remember". You can't form an empathic bond with such an MC.

8) The whole philosophical premise of the novel is wrong: you can't be happy just remembering the happy things you experienced when you were young. Memories are nothing when you are depressed, no matter how happy you've been in the past.

Just my two cents. <<less
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Huynhter rated it
November 12, 2021
Status: c204
An extremely cute and heart-warming slice of life isekai about an emotionally dead/exhausted man who slowly regains the feelings of warmth he lost so long ago through his interactions with the dragons.

Was originally sceptical about the setting of the novel, kidnapping dragons? Sounds weird, read a couple chapters then dropped it. Tried again the second time and feel in love with it.

Slow story progression, things only starting to heat up around c. 200 so if you are looking for a step-by-step story progression isekai where m.c becomes super strong by... more>> using past knowledge to collect items/ beat villains like Ending Maker, not your curry here.

Not your typical harem tag, M.C doesn't go around slaying some dragon puddy and melting hearts etc. It's a slow romance with nice family vibes and really good character development. Every character has their own problems that they slowly solve together. World building and ability/skill tree stuff is pretty basic and not really in-depth with a couple loopholes here and there. Pretty well written and just above average translation. While there is a story and goal, the story revolves more around the m.c's interactions with each of the dragons and how he slowly gets close to them. Its funny, its heart-warming, its super duper cute and funny. So more of a Death March kind of vibe if I had to compare it with another novel.

But lets not take that away from how badass the m.c. Is though. Yes its cute and heartwarming and all but if you also like a novel where someone underestimates the MC and all of a sudden they sh*t themselves cause they look into the m.c.'s eyes and they sh*t themselves from fear. This is the curry for you. M.C is super-strong from the get go but the man just trying to feel again.

Overall, really good slice of life, found myself smiling a lot as I was reading this novel. (P.s. Is doonga doonga actually a thing? Couldn't seem to find it online) <<less
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Chilvu rated it
July 30, 2021
Status: c70
Attention to detail and understanding of human behaviour is top notch, to a level I would usually not expect. As someone who reads light/webnovels and xinxias as a passing fancy for some mindless fun, I did not expect to stumble across something this unique on a slow weekend's whim.

Kidnapped Dragons has a premise which, for the first time in a long while I can genuinely say, feels entirely fresh and new. For the most part, this novel has a plot and handling of said plot which can honestly be considered... more>> unique, which is a word I do not use lightly. On top of that, I was shocked, and am still shocked by, this novel having a consistency and quality to it that can hold up to and, at times, even surpass some of my favorite books.

I honestly cant stress how lucky of a find this novel was for me. In between its consistently unique plot, perfectly paced storytelling, a visible attention to detail which shines through in all manners of execution to the observant reader, and UNBELIEVABLY endearing characters, it gets difficult, borderline incredulous for me to fathom just how good this novel is. I still find it somewhat hard to believe that I found something that has become so precious to me, off a random weekend of browsing this site to just find something to keep me occupied.

Strongly recommend.

I am too lazy to properly expand on the points crammed up in the third paragraph. First and likely last review I ever write here. <<less
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vickFR rated it
July 15, 2021
Status: c66
Among of the best novel I read. The story focus is clearly on the developement of the five main charactere and how their relationship evolve: and it's perfectly done! The change is slow but constant. And bonus, we even had some more plot outside with demon doing demon thing and a manipulative mastermind who know about the regression of the MC and want to destoy him. Unless the author do sh*t unexpectaly, I'll keep going reading and enjoying baby chicken pityful scream and Gyeoul cute glaring at Yeorum.
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chilly_pench10 rated it
July 5, 2021
Status: c131
Easily one of the best novels out there, no major flaw, and while character development is slow, it is constant so it's really enjoyable.

The characters are all enjoyable especially once you get to know them.

A must read.
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San San
San San rated it
June 18, 2021
Status: c109
This is litteraly a story about man that already reached godhood but still failing, try to do the right thing by learn to became human again, good story, very impressive translation, completed source, a whole package indeed
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DDosGaming rated it
April 11, 2021
Status: --
Why this thing got 5 stars...

It got that cringe fest korean reverse isekai where its magic can be either want to be mysterious and vague or hardcore rpg whenever it want.

MC is like he is author's chunibyo wet dream. He is dark and shit. But he will definitely be save by his ultra uber beautiful dragons.

And because it's author's wet dream. Everything exist to serve MC. Strong guys fear MC (definitely not how psychologically work in real life. So this novel also fail at humans aspect). Coworkers being obvious. Beautiful... more>> dragon waifus... Yeah no romance nonsense. That's a plus.

Verdict: better than most Korean fantasy. But definitely not 5 stars. <<less
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January 11, 2021
Status: c43
Has a nice feel to it. Doesn't go into generic harem stuff. Has a protagonist with a clear and cut goal. And deals with issues efficiently, but also interesting enough to keep attention. So far at ch43, a solid 5/5 for the content on this site, but a 4 if better standards apply.

Edit: Now on ch 62. This is getting really good and interesting. The MC is gaining more character and it keeps its interesting factors while adding more stuff. Definitely 5/5 so far. Addressing minor plotholes, he doesn't... more>> have "all abilities" that was stated before, he just has a crap ton of them. <<less
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GreMork rated it
November 16, 2020
Status: c17
I have high expectations. Ihis novel has a cartain aura that tells me that it is high quality, well not only the novel but also translation is high quality I saw that in the first few chapters. It is exactly my kind of coffee and I wholeheartedly think you should give it few chapers and see for yourself.
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XanWasting rated it
January 21, 2023
Status: ss9
It's a nice story. There is quite a bit of action, but there are no unnecessary cliffhangers or tension building. There are many sad moments, but they seem to be written to justify the warmth and fluff that come after them.

The beginning is less-than-engaging, with MC being portrayed as typical call-of-dutyMan that is super powerful and can travel in time, and is just so strong it just like any other edgy MC of any other run-off-a-mill novel, but this story isnt about his battles, but about him growing as a... more>> human.

Nice read. <<less
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mommmonn rated it
December 24, 2022
Status: Completed
Its one of the best ones ive read so far.

There is actually good character development for each of the characters.

The characters are well written they feel like actual people u can empathize with.

The romance happens late and has many ups and downs which is a good read but can be hella stressful sometimes.

Made me shed tears a few times.

Overall really great I really recommend u read this.

Wholesome af.
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Mahesvara_ rated it
December 23, 2022
Status: Completed
I feel lost after finishing it but well I feel this way everytime I finish a great novel. (´•̥ω•̥`) If you like the family drama in SCOG you might enjoy this. (∗•̀ᴗ• ́∗) ง It has a cold, OP and doesn't give a fvck protagonist and quirky girls with great characterization. I especially liked Yeorum. Definitely the one that makes sure the family would stay strong. Sex! ❤ (๑>ꇴ<๑) But all other characters are equally good too. Kaeul, Gyeoul, Bom... they all had their own unique trait and I love... more>> them.

(́•ω•) ✂Anyway. I won't say anything much. But it would be better if you just read it blindly without looking at the tags and don't read any spoilers in the plot either. There are surprises in the story and reading spoiler will make it less impactful. (๑•̀□• ́๑)

Also.. It has a great translation! <<less
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unseen_hz rated it
July 17, 2022
Status: c313
Incredibly emotional and heartfelt. It's rare that such an emotionally driven, relationship-based and character driven novel would be so well written. It is amazing how each of the characters have their own motives and backstories and their vastly different relationship with the MC. An amazing read 5/5.
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Egsisteight rated it
July 15, 2022
Status: c329
I love this novel and can only recommend. The characters and their development is phenomenal, the plot is interesting and everything is well written and translated. 10/10 would read again.
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Eversource rated it
June 17, 2022
Status: ss9
*This contains spoilers*

Kidnapped Dragons is my most favorite novel and I have to say that it is fantastic and a definite recommendation.

Yu Jitae feels like regressor done right, his character being expected from someone who has experienced many regressions, facing countless difficulties but only to fail and have everything restart. In the current iteration/timeline he slowly, through the course of the novel, regains some of his lost human emotions by taking care and interacting with the 4 hatchling dragons who accidentally ended up on Earth due to a dimensional disjoint.... more>> Due to the death of these hatchlings in the previous iterations, Earth had entered the Apocalypse where multiple Adult Dragons (about 60ish) got summoned and rampaged to avenge the dead hatchlings (this was later explained to occur due to the authorities and will of the Ancient One, who is like the progenitor of the dragon race, in the origin fragment which every dragon is born with. When a hatchlings dies on their Amus**ent (trip to make fun memories and to discover yourself), It fills the adult dragons with rage and desire for revenge as well as summoning them to dimension where the hatchling died). Yu Jitae had tried different means to contain the 4 hatchling dragons, which were cruel and forced upon them, to prevent them from dying and causing the end of his world in previous iterations. This time he walks the path of forming a friendly relationship to guide and protect them.

The 4 dragons are of different dragon races (Green, Red, Gold and Blue) and they have to adapt and live together despite their different dynamics, pasts, problems and what they want to do. Their character developments are top notch. It's also nice to see that each dragon develops a different relationship with Yu Jitae as he is; a mentor to Yeorum, a guardian to Kaeul, a father to Gyeoul and a lover to Bom (Yu Jitae has not properly reciprocated those feelings as he has not fully regained the emotion of Love and Bom saw her love as more of a desire of possession of Yu Jitae but later came to terms with her feelings especially after looking into the providence to see the outcome their relationship due to her choices)

We get to learn about the past through flashbacks of Yu Jitae which is a different yet enjoyable as well as being creative. The reason for his personality of being cold and indifferent are learned but we also get to learn about when he lived a normal life (compared to what he would go on to become).

Its been almost a year since I started reading this novel and I can't wait to for it to be fully translated. I have read amazing novels such as TOTCF, ORV and LOTM which are masterpieces in their own right but this still has something which just does it for me (maybe it's the fact that the slice of life with the action is done extremely well and comedy and drama compliments them too) and thus ranks as my favorite.

To anyone still contemplating to read this, I encourage you to do so wholeheartedly but the start could be a little slow, I myself got hooked the second time I started reading this (the fist time I stopped at the the part where the dragons got admitted into Lair).

Edit (ss3) :

I finally caught up after a break, and I have to say the story and especially it's plot twists as neared it's end were simply amazing although it probably kept us all at edge of our seats.
The ending was bit confusing with trying to understand all the timelines but it was good nonetheless.

I can't wait for rest of the afterstories.


Its a happy ending and I'm so happy for Jitae and the dragon's return to daily life in the after stories


Thank you so much Yuzu and Rain for writing and translating this masterpiece.

Edit (ss9) :

Mission Passed
Happiness Achieved
Time to re-read this thing <<less
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Ometa rated it
February 7, 2022
Status: c238
Really good premise, great characters and love the developing relationships he has with the dragons.

My only gripe really is with the romance...

... more>>

I dunno if I missed the clues early on cuz I binged it, but the romance with Bom is just uncomfortable for me.

The start of Bom's developing attraction to MC was apparently because she wanted to make something out of the blank canvas of which is our MC. Then it becomes some obsessive wanting for him, that culminates into her realizing her feelings. Maybe it's just my views on romance, but just the comparison of the MC as a canvas all to herself to make of is off-putting, and a weird way to view a partner. I feel that partners shouldn't be something for you to shape to your liking. Also, her jealous tendencies are super annoying.

It may also be because I just think that all the dragons are kids in comparison to the MC who has regressed so many times. I can't help view them as kids to be taken care of, including Bom.

Rather than romantic feelings, I kind of wished as the green dragon she had retained some of the memories from the previous regressions so that she held animosity towards the MC, despite seeming to be complacent to everyone. Then later on, slowly change her views on the MC as she observes his actions. Would have been great to gauge how the MC redeems himself, through the eyes of someone he had wronged.


Overall, still pretty great, although I skip the romance, which unfortunately is the main focus of the latest few chapters I've read. <<less
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Daoist Ghoul
Daoist Ghoul rated it
October 29, 2021
Status: c260
I have always wanted to read a good novel about how a very OP character tries to live in a normal life and this novel portrayed a similar kinda situation in a very good way.

Appropriate balance of action, fluff and wholesomeness

Ignore the Bom hate, It is mostly from 12 y/0 mentally ret*rded kids who don't know sh@t.

... more>> It is literally my top 2 slice of life novels on NU yet and I am loving it.

The character are really good, they way they develop, the interaction between them feels so adorable and good and the character progression of the MC from a monster to a human is a delight. <<less
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Constantan rated it
June 28, 2021
Status: c124
It is an absolutely marvelous piece of work

Every regression novel I've seen so far is mostly about wish fulfilment (especially chinese ones).

But this, it doesn't dabble in those nonsensical stuffs about MC doing blah blah things for fillers. Every chapter is essential and amazing.
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Cactiii rated it
April 9, 2021
Status: c83
Dg2 what kind of rock are you living under... You said "Honestly, people should avoid this fic like the plague. Otherwise take it as a great example of what not to do in writing." at the end of your review but this just makes me think you haven't even started touching content on novel updates... This series is extremely well made, its one of the very very rare novels on this site that has character development, it even has characters who aren't the MC develop over the series. You complain... more>> about the golden dragon being called "little chick" or whatever but this is just you nitpicking at the smallest things. The translation is really good and I can easily read it without having anything feel off, the person is translating for fun (or whatever their reason is) but it isn't their job (maybe) so you can't expect everything to be perfect, as long as you can read without having poor translation interrupt the flow then it's fine.

While I could probably complain about other things in your review it's a waste of time, widen your horizons and stop expecting flawless content on a site where you read books for free and those books come from people who are working on their own time for donations or nothing. <<less
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