I Woke Up Piloting the Strongest Starship, so I Became a Space Mercenary


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When I woke up, I found myself inside a spaceship.

I guess you guys think I’m talking nonsense here, but I also have absolutely no clue about what exactly happened to me.

I was really close to completely losing it, but fortunately, I managed to notice that this place was really similar to the world featured in a game I was playing recently.

Am I dreaming? Nope, it’s no dream. Maybe I actually got sent to a different world or something?

But didn’t those things usually involve getting sent to a magical world with elves, dwarves, dragons and whatnot?

In any case, I don’t know what caused this, but I guess I’ll just have to suck it up and live properly in this world from now on.

It’ll be okay. I got my trusty spaceship so I can probably make some money. It’ll work out! It has to!

This is the story of a man abruptly thrown into space along with his private spaceship. He runs around with it and saves damsels in distress along the way, flirts with said damsels, earns money as a merc-for-hire and uses his gaming knowledge to work his way into living freely and easily.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Mezametara Saikyou Soubi to Uchuusen Mochidattanode, Ikkodate Mezashite Youhei to Shite Jiyu ni Ikitai
Reborn as a Space Mercenary: I Woke Up Piloting the Strongest Starship!
When I Woke Up, I Got the Strongest Equipment and a Spaceship, so I Went and Became a Mercenary in Order to Live as I Please while Aiming for a Detached House
Related Series
I’m the Evil Lord of an Intergalactic Empire! (6)
Me, Her, and the Ballistic Weaponry [Antique] (4)
Magical★Explorer (2)
The World of Otome Games is Tough For Mobs (2)
Clearing the Game at the End of the World (2)
Geek Mob Mercenary Knows His Place (LN) (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Interstellar Isekai
  2. Mad underrated list
  3. Mecha,Space,Sci-fi,fantasy webnovels
  4. Novel's i've Read/Caught Up
  5. JP novel

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103 Reviews sorted by

Nikkurou rated it
August 22, 2020
Status: c40
tldr: Typical idense harem protag in a slow slice of life novel but in a sci-fi world that is surprisingly well crafted and thought out.

As a player and long time fan of Star Citizen, a sci-fi mmorpg, this novel is really exciting because it details basically what you would hope is possible to eventually do in the full game. It's clear the author is a sci-fi space nut because you'll find detailed descriptions of really cool space tech and how the space age society functions. In fact author may have... more>> been directly inspired by SC or elite dangerous or similar games.

For example, ships can be scanned to check what commodities are in the ship, so pirates can view what cargo you're carrying. Space police can also scan your ship for illegal commodities (just like in SC), which is why MC has an anti-scan compartment to hide illegal stuff, which is meant to be a feature in ships in the future for SC.

I particularly liked how large scale PvP is handled in that when you kill someone, it automatically tags the loot from that ship to you, giving you the right to that loot so no other mercs on the same team would steal that loot. Salvaging cargo and ship components from blown up ships are automatically done by drones. Bounty hunting, salvaging cargo and components are MC's main source of income.

Pirate ships are said to be mostly stolen civilian ships outfitted with other ship's components to make them into fighters. There's kind of a surprising depth and details like this added for world building and I love it.

Hiro is in probably a medium fighter with not too much cargo space, so he does not do cargo hauls for money but rather mainly makes money through bounty hunting pirates and taking their cargo to sell. He claims that with his cargo capacity, he'd probably only break even with the cost of gas for his trips. His ship is a former military vessel capable of housing 8 crew members so I assume his harem will be 8 girls by the end of the series and it's interior is more like that of a luxury craft with showers and etc. For star citizen players, think perhaps a Cutlass black with the interior of a Constellation Phoenix.

The only issue I have with this novel is that despite it's cool world and mechanics, it's ultimately a slow paced harem slice of life novel. The fighting parts are exciting and parts that actually advance the plot are good but there are slow portions where it's just him doing the do with his harem, going on dates, doctor appointment, and shopping.

The girls aren't particularly exciting and you can kind of tell which characters are going to end up in the harem as you read. MC is your typical dense protagonist though and cannot tell.

In other words really cool concepts and mechanics and setting, but suffers from the generic isekai formula. It definitely has its moments though so I do think it's worth checking out especially for space fans.

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April 21, 2020
Status: c47
Mmm, I have to admit that the plot raised at the beginning of the series looked great... 8 chapters later ->.___.

Ok, it is passable up to a point but then you realize that the author has lost his way (in a certain sense), he already focuses more on food and other little relevant things, besides, he ruined the personality of the protagonist... and yes to All this you add that many begin to read it with expectations, the disappointing drop it causes is much greater...

Honestly, there are parts of the... more>> novel that are very enjoyable but then are overshadowed by other aspects.___.

The Translation: 4/5 (very excellent)... don't take it wrong, it's just that I'm too demanding :3 <<less
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ocureader rated it
January 12, 2020
Status: c24
Acutall rating 3.5

If you don't like isekai stories don't bother reading this. Decent space isekai story to waste time. Actual harem. MC is s*upid/dense when it comes to love, but at least he gets "something" compared to all the other s*upid dense japanese MC that doesn't realize his harem before it is endgame.
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3Kachuu rated it
March 10, 2024
Status: c444
First review that I'm writing here but long story short, this is a really great novel that I did not expect to enjoy that much which is why I just had to leave a review.

I'm not writing my thoughts on this series as a fact or something that validates or invalidates anyone's opinions. This is mainly my opinion and I don't really care whether someone agrees or not. To start things off, the early part of this novel had some decent action and world building here and there, but it... more>> wasn't really as enjoyable for me mainly because of the forced early romance.

Regardless, this novel does a good job of making an "OP" MC likeable and someone you would actually enjoy rooting for. Having a main character that doesn't get on my nerves really makes for better reading experience after all so if you're looking for an MC that has balls, is confident in his skills, and not afraid to finish of the enemy, then this might be something for you as well.

Of course, I'm not implying that this is a masterpiece or some sorts. I also have a few negative thoughts on the novel overall but the Pros heavily outweighs the Cons this time. For your generic "junk" Isekai, this is a solid 4/5 purely from the story, characters, and enjoyment. Give it a try! <<less
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JamesBunny rated it
July 21, 2023
Status: v4
I dont like rating novels 1 star because I understand how hard it is to create a story (and have over 11 novels) but at the same time, the ruining of such a interesting premise makes me unable to look past the efforts the author made. There are not many Asian hard sci fi novels that I find (ones with spaceships and planets etc) So when I first came across this I binge read 4 volumes before finally realzing the hard truth. THIS IS LITTERLY A TERRIBLE ISEKAI RESKINNED IN... more>> A SCI FI SETTING. It's worse then most isekai I have read to top it off. Ill make a quick list as to why I hate this novel for tricking me into hours of reading this thinking its a cool sci fi story.

-MC takes advantage of vulnerable women, even a literal homeless teen that was about to get r worded. This is probably the biggest issue I have with this series and why its worse then most isekai. 3 volumes in AND THE PLOT IS STILL PICKING UP GIRLS FOR THE HAREM, THE AUTHOR EVEN HAS A MINOR TRY TO SLEEP WITH HIM (with a side plot of getting more s*upidly op, more on that later).

-The sci fi element is almost worthless all things considered. The entire series could take place in a isekai world and the characters would act more or less the same. As a sci fi fan, I would be fine with all the harem nonsense but the sci fi lore and plot is a background and not the focus of the series. The author does redeem himself every now and then by adding cool lore, such as the food date chap, but that doesn't make up for the entire series. The COMBAT is the other thing that really upset me. Unlike in me, her, and the ballistic weaponry, (a much better sci fi adventure novel you should read instead) the spaceship combats scenes (imo) are boring due to how over powered the MC is. That isnt a bad thing if done right, but the combat is just bland. "Im rich and I have a op ship and max sheilds and max guns blah blah blah enemies all dead, whelp time to get 500 morbillion dollars." In MHBW, even though the MC is op-ish, the author for that puts effort into creating a setting that feels alive, like "beam jammers" and electronic warfare being a huge part, not to mention the BISHOP system. IN THIS NOVEL however the author does nothing creative at all just generic "my lasers and sheilds better then you so I win."

-The money game and opness of the MC is boring. Theres litterly nobody he runs into that can even hurt his ship, and he never is even poor enough to consider doing somthing intresting to gain money other then blow up ships. 4 volumes in and theres no real over arching plot that is even a threat to the MC either. "Just read more it gets good" 4 VOLUMES IN AND THE PLOT IS BEACH EPISODE WITH A MINOR WHO WANTS TO JOIN THE HAREM how am I supposed to keep reading when nothing indicates it will get good ever.

Tldr; read "me, her, and the ballistic weaponry" instead. It is actually creative with the sci fi element instead of copy pasting isekai tropes and making it somehow worse then normal isekai. <<less
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Issac Malek
Issac Malek rated it
March 14, 2023
Status: c395
If you want to have a relaxing reading, this is perfect.

There is cliche, plot sometime predictable but if you're reading it open minded, you'll enjoy it.

On side note, reading the comment of each chapter is hilarious; the reaction, the chat between readers, etc.

Try it and you'll know what I meant.
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alominus rated it
July 20, 2022
Status: --
Decent for an eastern light novel, but the way it reads as if it's the MC's diary is the most annoying writing style ever. It feels like the MC is talking directly to the reader constantly, with tons of info dumps thrown in your face. Reading this felt like a chore and it's quite boring.
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Miraclebreaker rated it
July 4, 2022
Status: c304
Honestly this story is one of those stories which is full of world building but struggles when it comes to character interaction, outside of fluff.

Now, like a proper review I’m going to ignore the fact this is a isekai, because when people review these type of novels they tend to have expectations, which makes them easily rank one or five stars depending on if those expectations are met or subverted.

So first of all this story has a lot of world building elements, with extremely well translated descriptive text and a... more>> lot of focus on the nitty-gritty details of space life. This is considered a positive for me.

When it comes to character interaction the actual characters themselves are relatively interesting and well I’m not gonna call them unique since many of them fall into specific tropes, unlike other reviewers I’ve noticed that they’re actually relatively non-consistent because of this weird thing called character development. Of course one of the main problems with the cast of this story that might turns off a lot of readers, is the fact that this is a harem novel. However frankly this setting is surprisingly well-versed for such a harem to exist and describes an interesting alternate culture where such a thing is allowed, which is again why I like the nitty-gritty world building because it provides adequate explanation for what would be considered an outlandish thing in our world.

One of the main problems of the story on the other hand is the fact that the main character is really powerful. At the beginning of the story, he is depicted as an ace pilot in this world but lacking common sense and also lacking skills on surface combat since he is just a regular human. Slowly overtime however he overcomes most of these without getting any new weaknesses. Furthermore his harem actually serves to cover up many of his weaknesses by granting him additional members to either help him mentally or physically (which under normal circumstances is a good thing since it means all of them are contributing as characters but in this case I’m calling it a bad thing because it makes it so he himself is practically invulnerable, And the woman themselves cannot be used as a weakness because he is very careful with them and always has either a bodyguard beside them or he leaves them on the ship if they cannot fight themselves.

Overall I personally find myself enjoying this novel and I believe anyone interested in a sci-fi environment would also enjoy this novel, as long as they’re not afraid of a harem that actually does things and contribute as actual characters, an unhealthy dose of main character bad luck syndrome (which of the novel actually acknowledges), and poor early character interaction which gets a lot better the further you read it.

3.5 Star. Not the best thing in the world and has a lot of weaknesses in the writing but it’s interesting and competent. <<less
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P-911Interest rated it
March 11, 2022
Status: c239
I'm going right out the gate to say this: it's no masterpiece, but it's a decent novel. The main character wakes up in another world very similar to an MMORPG with a top-of-the-line military-grade spaceship he had previously gotten in the same game, all thanks to something called Deus-Ex-Machina. It's a very typical set-up in a refreshing sci-fi setting.

Although none of the characters or events are thought-provoking, they're written well-enough to grab my attention. Each character get their proper time in the spotlight in each and every event. In addition,... more>> the interactions and events add enough to the overall world to make it more than a barren landscape in the middle of nowhere.

Verdict: It's a decent novel to help pass the time; at least until you find another immersive novel to read. <<less
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haveallama rated it
January 5, 2022
Status: c293
Refreshing change on the Isekai genre. Like others mentioned, feels like they are basically in Eve Online or a similar MMO but without the constant referencing to it, which is enjoyable. Characters develop well. It's well paced. The characters are quite different and work well together.

If you like the following, it's likely for you:

  • Space-theme
  • Isekai
  • Harem
  • Overpowered MC
  • Not beta MC but not entirely alpha, will occasionally stand up for himself.
This is not some sort of high-brow, complex reading. It's kind of like a good burger. Junk food but good junk food. If you... more>> are happy with it, like I was, then it's thoroughly enjoyable. Author / MC is likely Japanese judging by some of their views/references, it's mostly toned down but there is one or two things that stand out which kind of fits the last bullet point... <<less
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Retoran rated it
December 29, 2021
Status: c11
Jesus christ. The main character thought it was good that his new girl he picked up got birth control medication, because if she had her period her womanly woes could risk him crashing the spaceship if she came into the c*ckpit on the rag.

I am somewhat amazed by the author, and that there are enough readers to let this go on for 300 chapters. I don't think he knows what a period is. I am seriously worried for the future of our species.

And those of you looking for a harem... more>> power fantasy for whatever reason, you might end up enjoying this but will almost certainly complain about the main character not being assertive/powerful enough.

I have no idea why so many people are reading this. <<less
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deadeyemax rated it
September 7, 2021
Status: c282
Better than most Isekai and harem stories, the Sci-Fi setting is refreshing in a sea of generic fantasy genre stories. The first volume is rather flat (and you'll notice most negative reviews are in those first few chapters.), but it improves as time goes on. The world gets fleshed out and the characters get more background and personality.
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KhayDesu rated it
June 23, 2021
Status: c280
Pretty Good.

I didn't have much expectation towards this novel given the tags and was just reading it for the sci-fi ambience and nothing more, turns out I liked it. Im loving the story so far, it doesn't have any concrete story the characters are just doing whatever they feel like and getting into trouble everytime and just have a good time. The girls are pretty adorable too especially Mei, loving her character so much! Too bad they don't have much lovey-dovey moments between the MC though. There are many plot... more>> armors abd clichèd moments but thats a given for these kinds of stories otherwise the story would go stale and boring. The author has a particular habit of erecting flags and I honestly don't mind it at all. The setting is pretty good I can get a concise image of the places they go to and the lore, history is not that lacking and the info dump isn't too much. I love it all in all and im quite excited for future updates. <<less
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serokun rated it
June 1, 2021
Status: c265
it was interesting if you ignore the cliches and harem I hate MCs who have harem but is dense type


Though it was currently focused on spaceships and technology there is space empire that heavily focus on magic and our MC is highly gifted according to elves but he doesn't want to learn magic since the empire he resides in focuses on technology and and warships.

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Caine rated it
May 10, 2021
Status: c201
Hyper-generic isekai harem tr*sh. Adding spaceships changed nothing in the copypaste template.

There's zero of the science part of "science fiction" genre, it's pure fantasy - from sight range engagements in space battles right down to swordfighting and magic. The MC gets an instant win in the form of a super-spaceship more powerful than anything else (which he of course can perfectly pilot since mouse and keyboard game control scheme translates so well to reality). Obviously there is no reason why is his ship super powerful, it just is. Every time... more>> a female character is introduced (almost only those exist longer than it takes to deliver two sentences) the first two things described are the chest and legs/ass, and obviously every single one wants to sleep with the MC. That is such hardship: so many super-sexy females of all ages and shapes want his seed on a daily basis, I wonder how can he live under so much stress... Especially since they of COURSE don't mind sharing. Can't have a good harem if they're not up for a sixsome on demand.

I don't even know why have I not dropped this yet. I guess 5 minutes a couple times a week is a small enough drop in the ocean of various better stuff. <<less
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VerXion19 rated it
April 28, 2021
Status: c243
This story must be the definition of the I came for copper but I found gold meme. The sci fi aspects are really good in my opinion. Even with continuous reading, I have never skipped a battle scene since it is described really well.

For the first few volumes I thought this is like those novels that introduced new harem every volume but I'm glad thats not the case at all. The heroines are being fleshed out throught the story while also undergoing character development.

The main character is not bad either.... more>> Not like those tr*shy chinese protagonist, Hiro acts like a proper human being while also acting as a mercenary. Its true that he acts like a shounen protag but its not like he does it for free. <<less
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Kemori rated it
March 27, 2021
Status: --
Yep, I'm a contrarian by nature- I saw people saying it was terrible so I read it hoping to prove them wrong.

Jesus I was wrong.

This is bad. Like really bad. It's not even cool bad where the MC is at least decent even when he worldbuilding and supporting characters are tr*sh- this is just total garbage.

... more>> But the translation quality is pretty good. So I gotta give a star for that.

This novel reminded me why I now no longer read JP novels. JP protagonists are polite and boring as hell- is it any wonder the birth rates are tanking in Japan when THIS is what a Japanese man acts like? Honestly if this is what their 'cool overpowered protagonist' is- then well, it explains why 30% of Japanese women are marrying Chinese men. They're a bunch of ultimate nice guys. It's honestly rare to find a decent JP novel and I think I've read all of the ones with a male MC that isn't a total simp. Honestly in this novel the constant seiza/dogeza along with 'shivers up my spine from her scary smile' in front of the women in this novel is just cringe. It's so bad.

Just don't bother with this- trust me, you'll be better off. You have limited time, if you're gonna waste it reading fiction, at least read good fiction, so you can enjoy wasting it. <<less
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New_Reader_501 rated it
February 18, 2021
Status: c208
Overall, as the title suggests, the story is about the MC and his crew's adventures. Some people may find the MC to be your typical MC and harem style. There is no main plot. Over the chapters the MC would get into one trouble to another without any major specific goal in mind or plot (some may find it boring). I recommend reading 9 chapters from the manga to get a feel for this novel, which quickly goes over the story around to chapter 26.

chapter 28 is the start of the big battle with the other empire's dudes, later down the story the other empire doesn't really come up much


The MC, known as Hiro, is good with many, if not all, types of combat and wants to live a free life (kind of OP). However, this is not like typical boring OP MC. This novel is more like One Punch Man style story. The theme is outer space, which is a theme that is hard to find (at least for me). There are many explanations during the story about the ships, money system, nobles, and etc. You can see lope holes in the story few times, but this could be due to the translation or the plot (IDK).

Give the manga a gloss over and see if you like the story. I like the non-existing story, similar to One Punch Man.

PS. I hate and like the fact that the MC foreshadows his chaotic future.
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krist.san18 rated it
January 8, 2021
Status: v1 prologue
Dont listen to the hate comments. Just give it a try first (at least 20 chaps), then proceed to evaluating it yourself.

Trust me, every series always have hate comments. So if you are interested in reading this work, just give it a try and evaluate it yourself.

7.5/10 not perfect but its good. Anyways, I'll give this a 5 stars just to mess with the haters lol
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Vantonne rated it
December 5, 2020
Status: c157
I blew through it in two days, which is incredibly rare for me to do. At the very least, that should be enough to tell you that this is a very entertaining webnovel set in space.

For the review. It's not amazing, but it's not terrible either. I'd put it on an 'above average' rating if I could. A very solid 3 to a light 4. Still, I'll put it on 4 star ratings to give people some incentive to read.

Just like every isekai that is regurgitated at every passing second,... more>> it does fall into the many trappings of its genre, but not as horrible as others have done. If anything, the author properly handled the setting and the genre in a way that made me thought 'wow, this is pretty neat.'

Character-wise, they're all likeable in their own little ways. You have the timid Mimi, the tsundere space elf Elma, the stone-cold maidroid May, and many other supporting characters. They sound trope-ish as hell, don't they? Don't let that fool you because if anything else, they are interesting characters with good banter with each other. They're also REASONABLE. Wow, what a f*cking novel idea, to make reasonable characters that aren't filled to the brim with virg*n-maso-fetishes. The MC of the story is also quite refreshing in way that he is assertive, dominant, but not an a**hole. He's a big softie, but has enough common sense to keep away from the usual isekai tropes... sometimes, at least.

The world-building is quite nice, and it gives out little details every now and again every time they change star systems. It's not amazing, but is interesting enough to keep me wanting for more details of the world. The setting lends it self into very interesting tirades of the worth of human life, the rights of AI, and the absurdity of space hierarchy, but that's not entirely unique for the setting as far as sci-fi goes.

The pacing is slow, so if you don't like that, you might as well leave. Most of the story revolves around the MC's interaction with his crew members and how he influences the world around him in minute methods. It's action, but the action is sprinkled very tastefully, like a good seasoned steak. Also, very substantial and very entertaining action scenes. In a way, treat this as a 'slice-of-life' of a space mercenary.

Final thoughts? It does drone on and on about miniscule details, but that's just me nitpicking. It's a good read, especially of you're wanting for a good sci-fi isekai. Easily one of the better webnovels I've read because of the characters. <<less
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