I Woke Up Piloting the Strongest Starship, so I Became a Space Mercenary


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When I woke up, I found myself inside a spaceship.

I guess you guys think I’m talking nonsense here, but I also have absolutely no clue about what exactly happened to me.

I was really close to completely losing it, but fortunately, I managed to notice that this place was really similar to the world featured in a game I was playing recently.

Am I dreaming? Nope, it’s no dream. Maybe I actually got sent to a different world or something?

But didn’t those things usually involve getting sent to a magical world with elves, dwarves, dragons and whatnot?

In any case, I don’t know what caused this, but I guess I’ll just have to suck it up and live properly in this world from now on.

It’ll be okay. I got my trusty spaceship so I can probably make some money. It’ll work out! It has to!

This is the story of a man abruptly thrown into space along with his private spaceship. He runs around with it and saves damsels in distress along the way, flirts with said damsels, earns money as a merc-for-hire and uses his gaming knowledge to work his way into living freely and easily.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Mezametara Saikyou Soubi to Uchuusen Mochidattanode, Ikkodate Mezashite Youhei to Shite Jiyu ni Ikitai
Reborn as a Space Mercenary: I Woke Up Piloting the Strongest Starship!
When I Woke Up, I Got the Strongest Equipment and a Spaceship, so I Went and Became a Mercenary in Order to Live as I Please while Aiming for a Detached House
Related Series
I’m the Evil Lord of an Intergalactic Empire! (6)
Me, Her, and the Ballistic Weaponry [Antique] (4)
Magical★Explorer (2)
The World of Otome Games is Tough For Mobs (2)
Clearing the Game at the End of the World (2)
Geek Mob Mercenary Knows His Place (LN) (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Interstellar Isekai
  2. Mad underrated list
  3. Mecha,Space,Sci-fi,fantasy webnovels
  4. Novel's i've Read/Caught Up
  5. JP novel

Latest Release

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06/27/20 Light Novels Translations v3c69
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103 Reviews sorted by

half_f rated it
July 1, 2021
Status: c387
Edit 2nd. Back again after 2 years, still shit. The same problem still looming, I don't think I can get along with the story, it's a total waste of a good concept, worse than the simply bad one.

Edit 1st. This Marie character, just wtf is this?? inconvenient character just shat itself out of author's ass, yeah just squeeze plot material generating nonsense, this undying (I predicted) character will serve as an annoyance for another 200 chapters. Yeah, that'll secure some time while you write story about lusting over cola on... more>> some randomly generated planet.

I hate this type of character, because author can later just vomited it out, out of convenience. Add with the MC, who for some reason dislike, refuse, or fear something yet out of author's convenience. This guy once jumps into the biggest threat out there but went 180 degree when meet with allegedly creepy people.

Original review,


To be honest, the only rewarding moment in this story is when he got gold medal award and platinum rank, other than that? none.

It's that type of story where neither the author nor you understand the MC. Here's what I understand about MC after reading this story:

-He's obsessed with cola, reason? don't know

-He don't like Serena, reason? don't know

-He don't want to use magic, reason? empire.. boo boo..?? afraid? don't know

Author's being too obvious, stretching the story in the lamest way.

Most of the story consist of doing mundane stuff in seemingly a lot of places, but don't get me wrong, it's still lame. Random place#13 is place where you.. idk, process meat. You want to know interesting stuff about future (Squidward squat) meat processing facility?

... Well, we don't have any interesting stuff, but we're gonna write an entire chapter about Random place#13 anyway LMAO. <<less
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Sion rated it
December 19, 2020
Status: c169
This novel is a solid 4 for me, but I'm giving it five stars because the ratings are a bit unbalanced.

I like this novel a lot, one of my favorites currently. Despite being a Japanese web novel, it has a solid plot and it's not about a middle-schooler kid fulfilling his fantasies.

Moreover, it's one of the few good harems I have seen. I like harems, a lot. But unfortunately, it's hard to see good harems in novels, and this novel has one of the better ones.

As for the characters, they... more>> are very likable. They are a bit cliche but in a good way. I honestly like each one of the heroines, and the MC is pretty cool. He is like a normal guy with enough common sense to avoid troublesome things, but kind enough that he can't tolerate some other things, just like a normal person.

In my opinion, you should read the first fifty chapters and decide, but I recommend it fully. <<less
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September 22, 2020
Status: v1 prologue
I went in with low expectations and I was still disappointed. This novel suffers from the common issue among bad stories. Inconsistency and a contrived plot. The premise is interesting and the way the MC is portrayed at the beginning is good. But what we are given is totally different. The MC claims to want to live carefully as the world he is in is unfamiliar to him, but he does the opposite at every turn. He treats the girls on his ship as prostit**es and then a few chapters... more>> later is prostrating in front of them asking for forgiveness. He acts naturally like a tough veteran in front of a military lieutenant one time and then the next is played around by her and convinced to join a war when a month ago he expressed wanting to leave for that very reason several times.

There are a lot of personal preference issues I could state (MC turns hardcore beta. I mean who actually prostrates to their hired crew members as their captain?). But the biggest issue here is how inconsistent the MC is as a character. <<less
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Oberon06 rated it
July 18, 2020
Status: c58
The premise of the story had potential, but this is nothing more than another isekai where the MC does not have his priorities straight, has gathering of girls around him and for no realistic reason every girl falls for him right away. Rather than explore new more interesting tech, to increase his ships capabilities and so on.

This is just the same medieval crap just in space. The usual cliche about food that I found s*upid to be concern about, since the ship has capabilities to manufacture food to taste however... more>> he likes. No common sense in either universe, because he is obviously ret*rded by our standards. <<less
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Krozam rated it
February 6, 2024
Status: c476
I'm not entirely sure why, but this is one of the novels I enjoy reading the most. Somehow it just hits the precisely right spot for me in terms of tone (pretty light-hearted) and balance of romance/action/slice of life. I suppose the fact that it's scifi instead of fantasy (though it does have fantasy elements such as psionic powers), which is my main genre, and also quite different in tone compared to the few other scifi stuff I've consumed previously, does help keep it fresh. The only thing that feels... more>> somewhat similar is I'm the Evil Overlord of an Intergalactic Empire, but as much a fan as I am of Mishima Yomu's works, I actually like this one quite a bit more. I'm just never bored for a moment, and I feel like I could keep reading this forever if it was sufficiently long. I'll probably re-read this many times in the coming years.

As scifi, it's pretty soft, since the MC isn't too technologically savvy and leaves the complicated stuff for his crew, but it does provide enough explanations not to feel like the author pulled stuff out of his behind. He's clearly taken much inspiration from games such as Stellaris (and probably a lot from EVE Online, though I can't say for sure, as I've never played it), and of course popular shows and movies such as Star Wars. Psionic powers, body enhancements and advanced bladeforging technology that allow people to actually fight with swords against guns bring a nice element of fantasy reminiscent of the Jedi from SW. The settings are reasonably well developed, with each arc expanding the world and explaining more.

The characters are interesting enough - hardly packed with layers and depth, but they're a fun bunch, the character interaction always entertains me. Naturally, most of the central characters are women, and by the latest chapter, the MC's harem (including all of his crew and a couple of them outside of it) is almost at double digits. The MC himself is very likable: he's good to his women and friends but merciless towards his enemies, not so smart that he'd feel difficult to identify with but not annoyingly dumb either, strong but not without rivals (except when it comes to piloting), masculine compared to your typical Japanese MC, and his moral compass is quite relatable.

Well, in conclusion, it's well worth checking out if you feel like reading something light-hearted with a moderate amount of action, and don't dislike harems. I'm sure it's not everyone's cup of tea, but if you give it a shot, you're likely to find out pretty quickly whether it's up your alley or not.

BTW, if you read the LN up to the latest volume, it's quite fine to continue with the WN afterwards - the LN adds a few scenes here and there, but you won't find yourself confused by any major continuity disconnects. <<less
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llltiagolll rated it
December 10, 2022
Status: c379
Its a 3, 5 to 4, 5 stars, the plot is certainly is kinda forced, but there is actually a reasonable explanation for why it is, avoiding spoilers its because the MC is higher dimensional being.

The harem is nice, the SciFi is satisfying, the plot is decent, it isn't a masterpiece but it definitely doesn't deserve the 1 and 2 star many people gave, there is plenty of novels way worse in this site.
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Relix01 rated it
August 16, 2021
Status: c287
Intro: I started reading this raw from early 50ish ch because of the quality of translation. So that may explain most of harsh reviews coming from early chapters.

☆Selling Point: Spaceship battle which we'll get to see MC's driving technique & skill, Interesting Plot, Funny interaction with characters (mostly females) ☆

▲Caution: OreTUEEE-type of MC, no indication of final goal for the story to progress, a bit heavy on Harem & relationship with heroines (almost introduction of female characters for each arc) ▲

Setting: This is an isekai novel where MC suddenly transported... more>> inside a game. The game knowledge & equipments he has gave him advantage in battle. Just like other mediocre isekai, he received gifts/talents

able to learn languages without chip transplanted inside body which every species have, ability to slow-down time like in matrix (only noble class can have this), & fast-learning

which will be discovered later in the story. But with that said, he doesn't use his knowledge or abilities so much because the universe are much different from what he knew. The story doesnt yet explain why he got transported, and even if MC knows some game story event, Author doesnt focus on that (like preparing something for big battle/end game) but just letting the original story flow.

Characters: MC is slightly overpowered, but doesnt just wreck a havoc & do whatever he want. He is not hungry for women, a very reasonable young guy who likes to have freedom & trouble-free which he has not attain yet

due to his "problem magnet" & "trouble over women" trait. This 2 elements are not just happened to be there, but is his identity. (Later in story, Emperor of the universe mentioned every individual transported to their world have unique traits)

. But with that said, he's a bit dense so unless the woman strike first or openly telling him she likes MC, he'll not know <<less
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Bamboocha rated it
July 4, 2021
Status: c88
It's one of the rare JP novels where MC is not a total beta. MC is the proud owner of OP starship in a different dimension but is very similar to the game he played. Half of the story is mostly about him chasing space pirates and doing few other mercenary missions and the second half is the daily life of him and his crew members which double as his harem members. Harem part is not the annoying kind with women throwing themselves at him and there are only a... more>> few of them. We are also spared the usual 100 chapters of the JP MC crying over how it is bad to kill bandits/pirates, how all life is precious. In addition, MC is not a forever virg*n that is afraid to even place a hand on the shoulder of his harem member. There are no explicit s*x scenes, it's mostly all behind the scenes but the author is making the reader know it's happening. There is pretty much no fantasy besides few elements like elves are real but the rest is pretty much sci-fi. <<less
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Kirito23 rated it
May 4, 2021
Status: c247
This novel is just a joy to read
the author does use some cliche moments but manages to give them a personal taste by making the MC unusual cliche encounter chance a running joke the character mock the MC for. Most people who have given This novel a low review have only read 5 or 6 chapters. Because this novel doesn’t just dump a crap ton of world building and character building right away which makes the react of the novel just boring.
And for the people moaning it’s just a typical MC start, well of course it’s only to be. It very difficult to just come up with a unique start since the start has to include the same things in every novel to engross the reader to invest time in reading the main bulk of the content, for example, explain the situation the MC enters the world and basics of that world and to give the MC a side character to interact with since having a MC alone makes it even harder to explain why the MC can establish himself in the new world, he has just been dumped in.

the author has also done well in making a into a game style novel different by only making the MC knowledge semi useful. Like making it so the world has similar characteristics but making the actual universe it the one he knew in the game.

Also all in all 10/10 novel, one of the most enjoyable to read with many moment that Made me look nuts on the train for laughing while reading my phone lol. It’s just a shame the translator is nearly caught up the the official release for the web novel. Also will be very surprised if this doesn’t get a anime in a few year
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Casual Novel Enthusiast
Casual Novel Enthusiast rated it
January 11, 2021
Status: c10
Not great, not horrible.

That said, if you come into this novel looking for something different than your typical Japanese isekai LN, then you'll probably be disappointed. It may be wearing a different skin, but it feels the same underneath (at least from all that I've read/will read).

Honestly, thought about giving the novel a 2-star review in light of the grocery store conversation between the elf girl and the MC. If civilizations have advanced to the point that warp drives exist, I doubt that the simulated gravity on the spaceships is... more>> too weak for drinking carbonated beverages. As for the cost of real meat vs artificial, the argument for why that is lunacy is too long for me to bother writing. However, I'm leaving it at the 3-stars because it's not a major issue.

*Side Note* If you're looking for a good Sci-fi WN, try The Legendary Mechanic. <<less
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Dark_Ethernal rated it
December 28, 2020
Status: c175
A well written space-fantasy novel which has good romance, not rushed story, detail info about things, nice characterizations, etc. Overall a funny and enjoyable story which is worth reading
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BobrykRori rated it
December 8, 2020
Status: c160
Maybe some people remember a game "Space Rangers" (космические рейнджеры) (2003). Old and very good game.

MC and story kind of smth like that. Why SR and this plot can be similarity, U ask?

  1. MC own his spaceship.
  2. Many star systems.
  3. Orbital bases.
  4. Strong enemy.
  5. Pirates, businessman, loot after liquidation ships.
  6. In the SR player anything can do - only victory is matter. Player can kill pirates or merchandisers or harass warriors`s ship. Player can be good mercenary or evil bastard.
  7. Etc.
I love SR and I like very much this story
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TimeVoid rated it
October 7, 2020
Status: c121
To be honest, I am tired of reading those isekai rpg that always use the word magic & status. I have enough of those MC who use it all the time in almost every chapter in the isekai genre. The question is why isekai does it have to be associated with magic/status ? Magic is not special at all and it give plain boring outcome that is predictable based on their spell/skill name. It's too repetitive that almost every Author use the references of Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy or some... more>> jrpg magical fantasy games.

Then as soon as I discovered this translated novel, I will say that this is the novel I was looking for !. It is a hidden gem or a treasure. Yes that's right, It is a mecha and scifi genre with no status, magic that standard isekai MC's use. His journey is not to defeat evil god or maou (demon king) but to find a possibility of returning home. He is not on a single plain boring town/ city isekai, he is on a freaking colony!! And even more he is stranded in another universe on outer space!!. (Wow!)

I suggest to everyone to give this novel a try in case of anybody experiencing burn out of those magic/status type MC. <<less
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HorrorIsland rated it
May 29, 2023
Status: v3c79
I'm dropping this here. It get more than the one star minimum because the composition/ translation is perfectly readable. It doesn't get more than that because the MC and plot are both so utterly boring. The MC has the depth of a 12 year old gamer, wanting mainly to drink Coca-Cola, but willing to grind through mercenary tasks (blow up all the ships / pummel all the monsters) for the rewards and bang all the NPC-like "maidens-in-distress" that he stumbles upon. His stereotypical thoughts about "man's romance" and breast size... more>> are tedious and shallow, and he seems uninterested in most everything he encounters. He starts out with both OP weapons and plenty of wealth, and so plot seems to be an endless cycle of earn money, rescue a female, and spend money -- over and over, without any tension or pleasure. <<less
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k40235 rated it
August 17, 2022
Status: c337
altough I liked the story, progression and characters, after some time things got too monotone and because of this it was too boring to read the thing. Around 250 it started to bore me to death so I started skipping (because I read too much I didnt wanted to give up hope) but there was nothing good there and aside from being boring it was also frustraiting to read as well.

just read the manga, it is a sufficent dose for this story
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Overdrive rated it
August 15, 2022
Status: c360
This is one of the better japanese novels and that by itself is pretty enticing

You see the MC actually gets sh*t done and its quite refreshing.... he has enough money to "retire and have a laid back lifestyle" But doesn't do that and I can't express how glad I was when that was introduced

On the flip side, the author eventually looses an aim for the MC and ... more>>

just makes the grand goal finding soda....

and that may make a lot of people loose intrest. But fret not because we still get an active MC after that

So all in all, give it a go if you have free time and it may pique your intrest cause it's one of those rare sci-fi novels and it doesn't get repetitive as of chap 360 <<less
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Teramir rated it
August 15, 2022
Status: c24
Ugh, now I feel obligated to give a 5 star because of all these 12y old virg*ns giving this novel a 1star. web-novel community has gone to sh*t I'm telling you...

MC is a decent guy and his waifus love him. The elf girl is a tsundere and it's cute. Not everyone is a beta-male who gets turned off by a girl being needy and tsuntsun. It is a trope for a reason. Some gentlemen like spoiling their girl. Needless to say the elf girl is actually quite capable and loving... more>> anyway. Best girl. Deal with it.

The world building and the description about the ship designs are prefect btw. The author obviously has decent knowledge about sci-fi ship design and world building.

4/5 good junk novel. Try it. <<less
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Dobber1k rated it
July 17, 2022
Status: c172
I have to say something. This is my second time trying to read through this. A lot of things in this novel are great, and I really enjoy them personally. I have to say tho. Is it just me or does the personality of the MC just get weaker as time goes on?? Seriously he gets hung up on the most ridiculous things as the novel progresses. It makes things more troublesome and there are multiple paragraphs over and over again saying the exact same things where he “dislikes” or... more>> avoids something. Heck 7/10 times he caves even though it is constantly brought up again and again. Seriously. This like my only grumble on everything I’ve read... and I’ve made it to this same point pretty much twice now. As the record shows might as well get over it because you’re going to do it anyways. He will charge into a force of man eating army destroying crystals. Spend more money than a small country. Charge into an army of beings or people with a “suit”. Bad mouth nobles. Sleep with multiple female heroines, but. He will draw a line at s*upid intervals, or avoid physical confrontation and call others “scary” come on. <<less
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Dr.Sadist rated it
May 28, 2021
Status: c263
If I were to describe this novel I would say that it is mediocre but entertaining. Basically, it is full of cliches but the author still somehow makes it entertaining. Also, there are few stories with starships and mechs like these so its kinda fresh.
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Not Red Yet
Not Red Yet rated it
January 9, 2021
Status: c6
I can not believe how unbearable it was to read this, I had to stop myself from falling asleep many times per chapter, that’s how dry and boring it is.

Can already tell how this novel will go considering two women have been introduced forcefully, first one just happens to be a noble? Who so happens to help the MC get out of trouble from the port authorities. Second one is a elf who happens to randomly stop MC because she is bored.

Doesn’t help that the way this reads is so... more>> dry it’s worse than watching paint dry and I’ve actually considered doing that with my time over reading this boring shit. <<less
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