I Just Want to Divorce


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Before he was reborn, Ye Fei was conscientious and diligent, with only work in his eyes. After his rebirth, Ye Fei decided to live freely. F*ck work! F*ck contract marriage! He would never live this kind of life again where he could rely on no one. Divorce, he must divorce!

Ye Fei threw out the divorce agreement on the coffee table, and shook his fingers happily. “Recently, there is a little fresh meat with upturned buttocks and a strong waist. Looks like he will last long.”

“There is also another one with a high nose bridge. His fingers are long. He’s clearly the kind of person who knows how to play.”

“Who is better?”

Yan Xiao raised his eyes and glanced at him blankly.


Ye Fei lay paralyzed on the bed with a sore waist and soft legs, regretting hard enough to spit out a smoke ring. “I miscalculated.”


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Dummy rated it
October 8, 2021
Status: Completed
I- almost cried while reading this and the extras actually made me tear up. I really like the MC and the ML. Though, I'm glad this novel was pretty short, I finished it in half a day. So it wasn't unnecessarily draggy. Mainly focused on the romance which is my cup of tea, I normally hate long ass world-building and complicated plots.

In their past life, MC and ML were so darn pitiful. But in their new life, there are so many misunderstandings it hurts me physically. But I'm so glad... more>> they will have a HE finally.

Thank god I didn't read the spoilers/reviews because it affected my reading and the suspense was hnngrg. I reread it again knowing the truth about MC's death and it's different


I wished MC would tell ML about his last life but I'm so glad that ML still believed something was wrong when MC insisted he would die (despite all evidence stating otherwise). You can tell that ML really loves the MC.

Anyway, ML was in love with MC for SEVEN years and never said anything because MC once said he hates people who don't know restrain after some sh*t happened when someone confessed to him. MC could only lie to MC that his parents were forcing him to get married but ML's friend dropped the ball and oh boy, that's how MC found out ML was an orphan.


The synopsis


It happened! Kind of!

I'm sick of synopsis that always seem to have a small 'excerpt' but the story actually never happened and it's a complete different thing, so I was glad it finally came true.

It was after they got together. MC was texting his friend about these new idols (but it was for a different reason). ML saw it from the side and misunderstood badly. That's how our normally monk-like ML had a sudden epiphany. He literally stopped the car on the way home and went to buy c/ndoms and l/be and f*cked MC that night. Don't we all love it when actions speak louder than words.


I hope there'd be an actual translation for it, can't wait to read it again <<less
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CultivatorBunnyLan rated it
March 7, 2021
Status: Completed
At first I really didn't want to read this novel.

I was tired of the "Shou gets reborn and faces the scummy ML and then the ML has a change of heart and begins to chase the MC" set up.


The ML has a very high IQ. He can remember all of the details (like: "The MC said on xx month, xx day, xx year that he liked this brand of ice cream) His memory is insane and it was... more>> also revealed that he was a very smart researcher but suddenly changed his field and went into business. (It was later revealed why.)

Why? Hugeeeer spoiler


The ML and the MC actually met 7 years ago. The MC saved the ML and the ML remembered this. He didn't know much about the MC except for his name so he worked hard and established his own compamy.

His company Feixiao is a combination of the MC and ML's name. Ye FEI X Yan XIAO

When the ML finally met the MC again, he then knew that the MC had a problem with his family and compamy so the ML quickly decided to marry the MC to help him. (He really just wanted to marry the MC lol)

He really loves the MC


The ML's high IQ sadly couldn't meet his EQ since the ML had a hard time trying to express himself to the MC which led to their misunderstanding.

The MC thought that even if the ML married him, the ML still stayed "cold and distant" from him - but the ML is really just afraid of frightening the MC so he had to keep himself in check.

The ML is such a softie aaahhhhh

And about the MC, it was also explained why he died in his last life.

And it's:


Because his father poisoned him to death and tried to play it like he died from sickness to get the MC's insurance money.

Another spoiler is that the MC's mother actually died from poisoning as well. There was no sickness/disease.

The MC's father conspired with his Doctor friend to kill the MC's mother since he couldn't stand the thought of being rich just because he married a rich woman. The MC's father used to be a very poor man.

So you don't have to worry. The MC is really healthy!


The antagonists get what they deserve and the MC and ML also have their sweet pa pa pa moments. Their love is nice.

Very sweet. I also recommend the author's other novel if you liked this one. (I just want to be in a relationship)

The pairing there is really beautiful. It makes me tear up with joy and happiness. <<less
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Lindsy rated it
November 20, 2020
Status: c56
I enjoyed this, it's relatively short, I think it's done at 56 unless there's extras.

Usually I find these "reborn/married to a ML who spoils the heck out of the MC" plots cringey. But this was was surprisingly decent. The ML has high IQ and no EQ, and doesn't care about anything but the MC. But he's also not the typical cold and overbearing types, he's either got high-functioning autism or is on the spectrum? Though he never accepts being rejected, he never forces himself onto the MC either, he even... more>> gives him time alone. He's more like a puppy in his approach, it's cute?

I was worried for a bit that I didn't read the tags and it would be a tragedy, but it's not. Not a lot of face slapping by the MC, he just wants to chill this life. The villains mostly destroy themselves.

In the first life, the ML was happy just to be married to the MC and be by his side, even though they barely interacted. He thought that the MC didn't like the over bearing types, so never made a move =.= all based off his understanding of the MC from years and years ago... In this life, because the MC wanted to divorce, he couldn't be so passive.

Twist on how the MC dies in the first life...


The MC thought he had died from ALS, which he he inherited from his mother. But it turns out that his half brother/dad had poisoned him, and they had also killed his mother the same way.

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Psychoutre rated it
April 25, 2022
Status: c17
I love MC's personality but it's come to the point where I literally cried for the ML. I can't stand reading the provocativeness / pretentiousness the MC exudes whenever he faces the ML, it's sad! I kinda wish MC retained some of his pre-rebirth self, maybe approached the situation with more calmness and respect... the ML definitely didn't deserve such treatment. I tried to continue but I just can't... I hate reading about the harsh struggles of pining MLs... the way he pleads, tries to open up to him, drops... more>> his work to meet MC and brings him the dessert he likes! and then MC pushes him away or kicks his chair off so he doesn't sit with the group at a get-together, ugh my heart... Definitely lack of communication from the both of them so I really have to leave! It's killing me. <<less
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BanniNotBunny rated it
September 9, 2021
Status: Completed
Oh my god 😍

I cried buckets while reading it.

Read it if you want to read about- a healthy relationship,

an adorable & devoted ML, smart MC,

romance, heartache,

face slapping and a bit of comedy.

It's only 57 chapters so just read even if you are slightly interested. It would be worth it. I read is from raws via Google translation after chapter 2, totally understandable.

So good. ❤️ Don't get misguided by the summary that the ML is scum or something. He is one of the best MLs I have read till now.

None of them is scum. MC is not a dense one. It's just that

he has 'terminal illness' so he was reluctant to accept the ML's feelings at start.


So heartaching but beautiful.

Comedy aspect is good as well.

Everyone got what they deserved.

Totally recommended.

Ps : It's a different from the Author's other work "I just want to be in a relationship" where it is total smooth sailing. I think this one is better than the other work.
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remyrem rated it
April 12, 2022
Status: --
This is one of the few misunderstanding-based rebirth romances where I don't get mad at the MC or ML (or author). The misunderstandings are still a little frustrating, but not in a braindead aggravating way like in other stuff. The CP is also done really well, there's good chemistry and the build up throughout the book is satisfying.

The MC is great, he's actually genuinely a "strong, independent womanMC", unlike the fakes some authors try to show off who claim to be independent but then become obedient little housewives to their... more>> overbearing "manly, handsome" husbands. He's not irrational, but he's also firm about his goals. He learned from his past life, so now he's self confident and vicious when he needs to be, but not obsessed with revenge.

The ML is also great. As others have pointed out, he seems to be on the autism spectrum, and I have to say he's significantly better as an autistic character than other characters I've read who are blatantly confirmed autistic. He has low EQ and starts out like the usual cold scumbag CEO, but he gets better because he actually puts effort into learning to be a better husband when he realizes his approach might not be right. As the MC puts it at one point, the ML is strong enough to force him, but he still asks for permissions and leaves him a way to really break free. He's persistent, but in the way where he actually considers the MC's interests and wellbeing and tries to approach respectfully instead of domineeringly forcing himself on the MC.


The single extra was depressing but really well done. I loved the angsty but heartwarming romance in the ML living the rest of his life on an unnamed island with the MC's ashes. Just thinking about that scene makes me want to start bawling like a baby.


Although it's shorter than the stuff I usually read, this is one of the best work I've read. <<less
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LitTLeBeLLE rated it
December 14, 2020
Status: c56
Amazing, when I started reading her, I didn't have good expectations of her; she slapped me in the face hard 😂.

The writer focused on the evolution of the relationship between MC And ML; the relationship between them did not develop quickly.

Both of them had their concerns about the relationship that prevented him from progressing in the beginning before marriage or during the time period for the development of the story, I almost cried in many stages 🤧, and I wanted to give my little heart ML Really, he is perfect,... more>> very caring, very cool, his personality faults made him more perfect.

Revenge for his past life is not mentioned until the end.

It's a terrific novel; I highly recommend it. <<less
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glitteryjoon rated it
March 27, 2023
Status: --
I will come back and properly review this novel once I finish it, however currently I fear that if I don't express myself now I will either drop it out of spite/annoyance, or explode.

I'm on the 19th chapter and I'd like to just express my utter frustration and anger towards the MC. I may even hate him a little if I'm being honest and I think it's frustrating to read.

... more>>

The MC is so f*cking self centered and one track minded. Throughout this novel so far, not once has the MC asked about the ML or cared enough to question or even entertain thoughts of the ML beside surface level attraction. Even when bringing up his last life it was "he didn't want his money, he began to want his body" so the whole time he just wanted to f*ck and never liked this man but somehow has this idea or perception of what the ML is like and how condescending he apparently is.

Yet not once did he even stop to wonder if maybe his brain just works a little different or if maybe just maybe not everything is because he doesn't want to be touched or because of his OCD which?? When did he even claim to have OCD? (Not that having it is a problem, but attaching it to him just because he doesn't go frolicking in rain water or eats the same meals is wild— I eat the same meals because I don't want to cook and it's easier and less time consuming, but I digress.)

I'm really just ranting cause now that he finally realized the ML may possible like him, all the actions that would come across as sweet to anyone else but were filled with negative annotations or confusion for him have suddenly become it tied in ambiguity. It just completely pisses me off because he just assumed so f*cking much and used language that was hinting at or ambiguous to beat around the bush instead of being outright and straightforward. Like you'd think he'd have come to realize that he had to be more straightforward with the ML by now after so many of his flirty comments or sarcastic remarks were rebutted very seriously and with confusion by the ML.


I could f*cking scream I am so serious.

I'm sorry to anyone that read this but I just really had to express this because the ML is so f*cking cute and such a sweetheart that it makes me want to cry at the thought of him being hated because he was being misunderstood by someone that "liked him"


I have finally finished this novel and while I still firmly stand on my initial thoughts and opinions of the MC being self centered and lacking concern for the ML, I'll add that the initial suggestion of breaking up and distancing himself was understandable. Not wanting to hurt someone else and let someone fall harder for you when you know you only have a couple years is human thinking and what we feel is considerate of the other persons feelings. However, my biggest pet peeve for these sort of novels is that there's never no real distancing. It's always annoying to see how the MC gets all bent out of shape or cold when the ML doesn't take the hint and leave them alone, but at the same time, a firm NO is much more likely to have the desired effect. Anyway, I feel like there was too much information for how short this novel was. Although they managed it, you can definitely feel it was rushed. The author detailed the romance but skimmed over literally everything else. If they'd just made it longer, I feel like the whole face slapping and career turn around would have been more satisfying. The novel was fine to get through a period of waiting for better novels, but I wouldn't recommend it if you just want to read and enjoy it. It was kind of boring, the MC was frustrating and the ML was cute but also felt a bit too one dimensional. I get him being neurodivergent, but I don't think the author fully managed. That's just my personal opinions though. 3.5/5 <<less
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Yoya rated it
November 6, 2022
Status: Completed
It was heartbreaking and at the same time so heart touching. Aside from the initial misunderstanding, ML is straightforward in showing his affections and while it took a while for the MC to realize this, their relationship wasn’t full of cliché misunderstandings. Did wish that the author dragged out the ending a little more, the face slapping and the fluff would be so much more satisfying.
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hy-d-ra rated it
June 1, 2021
Status: Completed
I read it before, but yesterday found it again and while I was skimming through I re-visited the plot and the story. Today decided to search if this was added to NU database and here we are, me with a little rant.

SO. THANKFULLY THIS IS SHORT. I think its' best part is that it's of the right length, not too short and not too long, but there's always this 'BUT'. The setting is quite shallow. At least I find it so. The reason why MC wants to divorce is based... more>> on his previous life experience and death as he believes was from the frostbite, which is a genetic disease, now that he has new life, he feels like two years is too short and he wants to enjoy it unbound. The thing is he doesn't really have a reason NOT to tell, if he believed they have only fake marriage and more importantly, ML was never portrayed as someone truly unreasonable, the act that he helped MC and never imposed on him should have added to his credibility. This setting felt forced and served only to add drama, because how else MC would refuse ML without a decent reason and make ML hurt, so readers would cry. And sure thing - wordcoount.

A bit questionable part comes from MC's character. I can understand why he was devoted to his family, after all 'brainwashing' is a powerful method to maniulate, and I can understand how he was played, since he didn't have time basically to react before he was deprived of any strength. But in this life, when you get a report, and it's not one, and they tell you you're ok, yet you still don't believe it. Like no speck of doubt. Good thing ML with his brains online came around.

The greatest part is still about their relationship, and I do feel more for ML, although a bit autistic and awkward, but still a really good person in heart. Indeed their fake marriage was just a pretext, but he never forced himself on MC, just enjoyed the status, knowing that MC is near and some simple things were enough for him. He is so accomodating, so selfless. In their relationship I was honestly happy for him, because MC is his first and only love, he is ready to dug out his heart at the first call and his favorite and beloved person noticed him. It was great that they found each other.

RATE: 3, 75/5. Mostly for the relationship, I find the setting a bit forced, the story wasn't that new, villains and foes were a bit one-dimensional. But in general one-time leisure read. <<less
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En-Jay99 rated it
May 3, 2023
Status: Completed
Boring and predictable. Despite having the specific tropes that could make a story fun, this one just felt bland as even the romance was boring and illogical. The short length of novel is the only thing that makes it possible to read and make it an average story.

one, it was obvious that MC wouldn't die cuz it's a 'happy ending'. So a third of the story felt draggy, even though the MC's actions made sense overall. But also, missed opportunities here for something more meaningful. If the MC had decided... more>> to actually help the research into ALS at the end, just that would've given the situation more depth.

second, MC's actions were childish and lacked energy. He wanted to live freely and make his father and brother pay, instead he does only one thing and almost seems to forget about them. We hear about bad stuff happening to the little brother from a third party, and that too as a forgotten consequence of other things happening. And as for living freely? MC joins another company and works hard anyway and doesn't actually do anything other than dressing differently and looking 'handsome'. Okay.

third, the ML. While forever loves are endearing to read, there's usually something more concrete for someone to love another so deeply. This story had the shortest, cliche 10 minute meeting and the ML stays in 'true love' for 7+ years because of it. The ML isn't even in any specific danger or saved by MC because he was alone or anything deep. He just falls in love at first sight and rearranges his entire life around MC from middle school. Okay.

Nothing about the story was particularly fresh, it was easy to guess every step and the tropes were also done in a very typical way. Neither the MC nor the ML have particularly vivid personalities. I think the most interesting thing about the ML was that he likes to eat hotpot and spicy food. <<less
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lavendidi rated it
November 28, 2022
Status: --
Overrated. It started good and I had high hopes for this but I just couldn't continue. Plot and ML are good but he doesn't deserve MC's treatment in my opinion 😭. Just like another commenter has said, it would have been better if he retained even a fraction of his pre-rebirth self and handled some things more maturely and with more respect. After rebirth, he just kept appearing standoffish and pretentious to me and seems more like a transmigrator with another soul than a broken one that's trying to heal... more>> which he should have been. Anyways, bye bye. <<less
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seasaltxx rated it
November 1, 2022
Status: Completed
I love this!!

like the only initial misunderstanding between the MC and ML is the fact that ML heard MC say that his ideal man is someone who's subtle about his feelings (at that time someone courted MC under the eyes of everyone so he was so annoyed) and ML remembered this to the end (i think he has eidetic memory) and applied it fully so all of his movements for MC in the past life was all subtle and he never said his feelings out loud

i think the one who... more>> pushed this whole story forward LMAO is the assistant Cheng person, he deserved that year end bonus!

He did not take an active stance with the revenge and I loved that for him because he knows even without him there his father and brother would ruin their lives by themselves.

but the revelation about the mother at the end was freaking sad! Good thing the whole thing finally came to light at the end <<less
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Aspiringbeamoflight rated it
December 10, 2021
Status: Completed

Definitely one of my top 10. The way this made me cry. I always love it when the MC reborns and comes back with a vengeance. This is one such story. Also the ML is soo adorable.

I feel that the ML is autistic or somewhere on the spectrum, or has Savants.



Usually Extra chapters are supposed to be happy and fluffy but the extra in this broke me. The author loves to make the readers

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guge rated it
April 26, 2024
Status: Completed
Starting off strong with a protagonist that has ALS and a love interest on the autism spectrum, this author once again makes a clear statement about how disability is not necessarily weakness and how we can still find freedom in our own lives despite it!
Yes, this is a realistic portrayal of someone on the spectrum, allow my autist self to elaborate.

Brother Yan feels so familiar to read, we could be related! Let me tell you: when I was a young child, a wildlife representative showed off a fruit bat. I asked what fruit it was made out of. Everyone laughed. The intense feeling of mortification at misunderstanding led me to not feel confident speaking to others, unless I was intentionally making them laugh. Our Yan-ge would absolutely do this kind of thing, and so I find him very realistic. My housemates and I take each other too literally and clarify misunderstandings every day! So much of standard Chinese language is euphemistic and situational. (You can see this with all of the poetic allusions and casual expressions used in novels that don't really translate literally.) It must be much harder to comprehend unambiguously for him. I have a lot of sympathy for this character, and imagining him struggling to the top of the business world despite his intense discomfort is a powerful thought. It would be good to have someone care enough to strive for your sake! This author definitely knows autistic people, couldn't be so accurate otherwise. The small details like: showing his care with generous acts of service because it makes him feel good rather than so he can receive thankful attention; his penchant for routine in the form of a particular suit and meal assigned to each day of the week; speaking faster when uncomfortable; compulsively overexplaining things with details that are actually irrelevant to others, because we really struggle with summarizing– these things really make me smile to see represented positively and in a casual, matter-of-fact way. In this world, we are quirky but still ordinary. Of course, the author has to make him a programming genius, because otherwise reviewers would be even worse about insisting he's one-dimensional and not smart enough to deserve feeling love.

Sorry for all the run-on sentences.
Please do read the extra first, before the rest of the novel, because it is not the note you want to leave on. The last bit... yes, you will feel like crying. Like ok that was beautiful but WHY MUST YOU, OP

AND HOLY sh*t WHEN THE TRUTH CAME OUT ABOUT THE ALS I f*ckING SNAPPED definitely read Dear Mr. Lu and Rebirth: Different Way for more of this kind of plot as well as Rebirth of a Movie Star and I Just Want To Be In A Relationship.

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damnmei rated it
November 24, 2023
Status: Completed
Mixed feelings about this one. It's quite short, but I was still bored by the last few chapters. The misunderstandings aren't drawn out for too long, but the plot isn't as interesting once the two characters do finally open up to each other. I experienced a lot of actual physical heart pain reading this novel, so kudos to being able to invoke such intense feelings though!

Overall a pretty fluffy short read, as it's clear early on that most of the angst is due to misunderstandings and not intentional neglect from... more>> the ML. Wouldn't really recommend or not recommend, but it's a cute story to pass the time. The main couple isn't too memorable, but they work well together. I will say that the extra actually made me cry, so there's that. <<less
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sbob rated it
October 24, 2023
Status: Completed
Started off with the usual face slapping of reincarnation novels but ended pretty sweet and fluffy. Didn’t expect the twist behind the truth of his death. Kind of wish

... more>>

the reason behind the reincarnation was explained by some action ML did in the previous timeline in the extras.


ML is puppy gong with no EQ, on the verge of frustrating but still cute so okay. MC is the usual charismatic good looking self assured dude, but I liked how MC’s softness was gradually shown, even through his attempts to YOLO, you can see him slowly giving in and it’s very sweet. It’s very in line with his character of how he was devoted to his fam before their betrayal.

Kind of wish it were a longer novel, to really lean into the character development and elaborate on showbiz tension plot points—vs. Current where it’s just an OP gold finger cause MC can see into the future and it just skims past it.

Cute. <<less
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Devrai rated it
August 27, 2023
Status: c56
Well, Let me get rid of the things that might make you anxious while reading. Little Spoiler abut MCs cause af death in his first life:

... more>>

MC died allegedly due to ALS, a hereditary disease without cure. But guess what? He didn't. This disease was man-made


For everyone not reading the Spoiler, just know that MC is healthy and won't die.

About that "bittersweet " Extra that lots of reviews mentioned... it is about what happened after MCs death in his 1st life. I didn't read it. If it is anything like that Extra of "I just want to be in a relationship" it will be emotionally devastating... don't feel like I can endure that today.

About the story itself... I gave it 4 stars because it is great but has also some down sides. I like MC and ML and their interactions. But it had a bit too much dogblood in the middle. Although they married for business reasons, they like each other. When MC found out, he avoided ML and the dogblood came on. In my opinion the communication could have been better. Later on their communication was good.

So, I would recommend to read this novel if you like it on the light side. It was entertaining and had no obvious plot holes. The characters are likable and everything works out just fine. <<less
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luhyung rated it
April 23, 2023
Status: Completed
This novel is very well-written, except that it’s too short. A lot of plot points were implied which forces the readers to reflect and fill in the plot holes.

The points below are just to point out some of the plot points that really had me thinking. And this is in response to some of the comments that complain about YF’s selfishness and those that feel the story is superficial. In my opinion, they probably didn’t infer a lot of the author’s intentions.

... more>>

Such as YF’s personality that did a 180 change. He went from extreme selflessness to a slightly less extreme selfishness. It’s briefly attributed to his despair at his family’s betrayal but because the author didn’t go into details, it made it seem more like YF was possessed instead of being reborn (see other comments). But if you think about it, YF only loved his family and believed that only his family loved him. He lived his life for others only to find out it was a lie. Naturally when he returned to the past, he wouldn’t want to do anything for other people. He would only want to live for himself. But you can see in the little details like how YF tried to arrange GRJ’s future, and how YF tries to split amicably with YX that YF hasn’t really changed, it’s just that he’s like a hedgehog with its spikes erected as he carefully manoeuvres around his social relationships.

It can also be deduced that YX is on the autism spectrum but this point is never really addressed and it seems like no one is aware of or knows what autism is. Which explains some of YF’s misunderstandings related to YX. Personally, it would have been better if author made use of this to justify YX falling for YF instead of love at first sight.

The ending was what through me off. Initially, I thought it was ridiculous that YF died without knowing he was poisoned in his previous life. But on hindsight, YY wasn’t aware or he would definitely have lorded it over YF while he was dying. And it is logical that Father Ye did not reveal the truth to YF despite knowing he was dying and dead men can’t tell secrets, because of his innate cautiousness.


My biggest issue is the extra. In the extra, it is blatantly obvious that YX cares a lot about YF which denies the whole premise of the plot that YF thought YX only saw him as a contract partner. Unnecessary and just to tug at the reader’s heartstrings.

Translation was great overall, except for travistranslations. Easy to understand, great pacing. <<less
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Fisukisuki rated it
March 15, 2023
Status: Completed
Far from what written on summary. So much more Emotional. Heart aching... And also Heartwarming...

ML was truly Devoted Loving Husband. He has Great IQ, but sadly low EQ so he's Pure and Naive in some way.

Every time MC fall for ML's actions, it was painful because he think he shouldn't be together with ML For Valid Understandable Reason (no Spoiler) !!!

... more>> But thank god Everything works because lot of thinks revealed aka the Mutual Affections that helping them to be honest and stay together.

I don't even care about Face slapping. I'm just so Happy, Glad, Full of Relief with the fact MC and ML can stay together healthy and well, and all the Villains defeated.

I'm truly Glad...

Though the Extra chapter gave a mixed feelings. <<less
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