Going Back and Forth Between Earth and The Other World with Space Time Magic


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Though he received the skills necessary to teleport across worlds, the king who performed the summoning ritual attempted to trick him into wearing a s*avery collar, this annoyed him so he kidnapped the princess and returned to Earth.

While traveling between worlds with the skills he received, together with the kidnapped Princess and his little sister, they lived happily ever after?

Associated Names
One entry per line
Jikuu Mahou de Isekai to Chikyuu wo Ittarikitari
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Travel between worlds
  2. Isekai Fantasy | #1
  3. Read Books
  4. Easy Going (The Quickening)
  5. the culture entertainment of isekai

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56 Reviews sorted by

Lemeres rated it
August 17, 2016
Status: c244
If nothing else, this has nice mechanics most of the time. As in, the magic system is based upon justifications of natural physical forces that just get manipulated by magic.

So fire needs fuel to burn things (at least at low levels, where most non-main characters are at), so everyone thinks it sucks since they don't have lighters like that one x-man villain. The main character works with electronics, so he knows a lot about lightning magic (simulating things like lightbulbs, or electrical heaters). Overall, knowledge is power here, where... more>> understanding basic sciences allow you to pull off more varied magics.

So if you want strong mechanics, it at least has that going for it. But for actually intense battles, or character development... eh....... This is more of an RTS than an RPG- a lot of the action is the protagonist zipping around various maps making sure everyone is doing well with their battles, and giving back up when they are in trouble. <<less
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AzuMazu rated it
July 8, 2021
Status: c365
actually liked the lighthearted slice of life type of feel this manga has, and the humor was fine to, but on the later chapters, the translators really stopped caring, and the grammar just becomes non existent, ill still finish, but its becoming difficult to understand some of the sentences at first reading, and usually i'll have to stare at the screen for some time just to get a solid guess on what the translators are trying to convey

Edit: Final fight was pretty dope, sadly even though there was still obviously... more>> setup for future events, the novel already stopped

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April 11, 2021
Status: c379
This novel was fun and interesting in the start but after about 150+chapters author started to put forth anything in it like the characters became s*upid and a frighteningly generous and kind that your common sense will blow. MC is dense as written "Yes".
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tides rated it
July 29, 2020
Status: c304
pretty nice WN. no hardships or big bad demon king that wants to destroy the world or ens*ave humans.

just here for slice of life and fun.

but sadly, it's been dropped by the author... the translate was nice enough to translate everything up to the last chapters and it was fun while it lasted.
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JCloks88 rated it
July 23, 2020
Status: c428
First of all, dont read this sh*t novel, second this is the most frustrating novel I have ever read, there is no plot, no character dev. Even the world dev. Nothing even the moster the author only knows 2 moster goblin and orcs, also all the japanese stereotypical scenario and cliche about reincarnated story is overused in the novel, the story is like forcing you to laugh, there is no dedication about this work, the author only thinks what the reader wants not what he wants this is why theres... more>> so many nonsense plot hole in the story, this is tr*sh thank god the story is dropped. If this author makes another novel hopes he listen to him/herself... make a story not based on want people hear or say but something your hearts says. <<less
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DMentedOne rated it
July 10, 2020
Status: c428
It had its ups and downs, but overall the story was interesting enough. Though, there are two points I find incredibly irritating:

  1. Aya (MC's sister) is infuriatingly s*upid. I'd estimate that about 15% of her actions would actually be done by a normal person, with the other 85% of her actions being something even a 2 year old would be smart enough to not do. I understand that some people like the, "Oh No! The situation has been misunderstood!" type of humor, but whatever this story is attempting is missing that mark.
  2. Chapter 428 is marked as (End), but it in fact is just a "Dropped" story, seemingly near the end of the story, but without resolution. It's apparently been over a year since the last chapter was posted, which is even more disappointing, though I don't know if the hiatus is on the original writer's end, or on the translator's.
TL;DR: Okay story with moronic sister and missing ending.
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abdullah Youssef
abdullah Youssef rated it
March 11, 2020
Status: --
I never write reviews but I need to say this: have aya killed or anything, the already useless 30 year old MC is being stunted by that waste of oxygen. I'm not gonna lie, at first she was interesting and was my favorite for a while, but now I absolutely despise her, and her slightly less annoying but equally useless brother of a main character keeps getting beat up by her for the pettiest of reasons despite supposedly being strong enough to ... more>>

beat the demon king.

Honestly, I started fantasizing about the MC dropping her in the middle of the pacific or returning at least a quarter of her kicks to make her somewhat docile. ABSOLUTE tr*sh AND AN ENORMOUS WASTE OF POTENTIAL. <<less
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[email protected]
October 28, 2019
Status: v1c20
The 12 year old me would have accused this book of being written for 5 year olds. Yes, it is that bad, even for an Asian language. Key factors of Oriental Speech patterns are: repeat terms and actions to self-reinforce the emphasis of OPINIONS through sympathy hoping that the second time they say it, you would sympathize with the first time they said it just a second ago. But their version of sympathy is actually accosted pity, because as soon as the other party sympathize, you share victimhood 50/50 and... more>> are no longer the egocentric victim and their lack of self esteem can't bare that and they'll try to cover that up with sarcasm, insincerity, or changing the subject. Everything they do is out of giving and receiving empathy, not "exchanging" or there would be equality, which in socialist terms are measures by feel rather than numbers. They are to the extreme when constantly comparing themselves and others to people of similar age and standing; this raises a population filled with peer pressure to improve through competition on a 24/7 basis. Resulting in a nation that excels in academics, but have virtually no courage or self esteem. They would never strike up a conversation with a stranger, they would never try anything new, and the fear of inferiority makes them lack practical functional sense to pick up new skills that might benefit them, because they would be an amateur well below others in that field. This book is a prime example of the worse of it.

If you've caught it, this was my subtle way of saying, they are artificially instigating autism in their populace. They might not be good at conversation... or wiping their ass, but hey! They're great at math, which is what mankind needs. <<less
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CommonSense rated it
August 19, 2016
Status: c247
In regard of 1star review, I will tell the good and bad....

Story/plot: 3.5/5
TL quality: 4.5/5
Character: 4/5
Writing: 3/5


It's not like there's no plot, it's just..... even though it seemed this novel is the action as main theme, it's more of the fantasy-life. Like death march. There's a lot fight scene, but it feels like just a filler. The magic highlighted when in discovery phase and seemed unimportant in fight. There's actually story progress tho, so far there's two arc.

The story itself is mainstream, easy to predict, while having some originality and unexpected twist, it still reeks typical japanese WN. That's why a lot of people get fed up.

Character 4/5

The MC is typical "pe*vert but ball less" japanese MC. If you ignore MC's age and consider it aroung 20yo, it's not so disturbing, but no since the MC ad imouto keep reminding you.

The imouto is hateable, yah. Since she often c*ckblock MC, beatup MC, demand something unreasonable, as long as you ignore that, she fine. Still not on the level of kirino, right?

While, there's no deep character development (flashback, hard training period, or surpassing trauma, that kind) but there's how a character get stronger, beat-a-quest-get-OP-item, developing new magic and such. It really feels like Death match.


the MC himself not too OP, still unbeatable tho. Each of his party member master one of magic, while the MC learn all magic, he's most adept at using lightning. Lightning considered rare magic tho, that's why he's unbeatable


If you ignore those flaw, it's still better than other typical japanese WN.



the system is if you haven't got magic by touching crystal, u can't use that magic. But even if u got, u only get template magic, and able to develop it


While it seemed not so original, well.... It's still passable. MC party tend to use magic tho even though there's mele technique
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March 27, 2016
Status: --
After 110 chapters romance hasn't really developed, the MC likes the princess and overprotective of her. As for the princess she thinks of the MC as an important person to her but I don't think its love yet.

Feels like the author doesn't want to develop it into a romance so it stays at almost a romance but wont ever reach it. Nothing too great or exciting just a really casual read. In my opinion though its too "goody goody" if you know what I mean :/

The MC is OP... more>> compared to everyone else in the world with his cheat-like abilities but theres no badass, epic or exciting moments at all. Its actually a pretty boring story, no excitement, not really any romance and depending on the author it might never develop (I'm on chapter 110ish), the comedy is average.

Using an example like zhan long its also a casual read but at least it had some funny moments that made me laugh. This nope! Another example I can use is death march which also has some comedy with the MC being op but without the badass epic moments (i stopped around vol 6 planning to pick it up again far far into the future :/) but at least it was a bit funny!

I wont say this story is bad but compared to other casual reads it is a lot more ummm.... plain so if you don't mind that then go ahead and read. <<less
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Szatan0 rated it
February 11, 2016
Status: --
After reading comments I decided to try reading despite warnings about annoying sister. I thought – how annoying can she be? Well, author managed to make her so annoying I disliked her at first chapter she appeared [edit after reading more chapters] and didn’t let my hate fade [/edit]. Tho novel isn’t bad.

PS: MC is wimp
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January 29, 2016
Status: --
At times the focus on the【Game elements】detracts from any sense of immersion, but the overall plot is an amusing and intriguing twist on the “hero summoning” premise. It is a fairly lighthearted read with some fun character byplay, however the story pacing is a bit drawn out at times. There’s no sense of urgency nor challenge as of yet; although there is a minor mystery to solve.

There’s obviously something fishy about the whole【Demon King】line, but I’m not expecting any surprising plot twist about it.

Still, I recommend it as a casual read. It is amusing.
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yuu-oniichan rated it
January 4, 2016
Status: --
A little too short and simple. The world and concept could be mildly interesting but it's not explored very deeply. The characters are kind of paper thin as well, and the MC's sister influence is either a hit or miss.

This novel would be more interesting if the chapters were longer. As of now the short length makes it hard to acquire more than a superficial "feeling" for the story and its characters.
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November 23, 2015
Status: --
Casual read. He was summoned and nearly ens*ave by the king who wants to use him to fight the demon king and for some other (absurd) reasons. He got magic i.e space-time magic (which he can use to move back and forth from Japan and other world) and information magic

that maxed out every elemental magic he or will got

. The MC is cool headed (imo) and pretty much acts like his age.
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charioles rated it
November 14, 2015
Status: --
A nice casual read. If you you like Death March, Takarakuji de 40-oku, and other casual other world novels, this one is definitely for you. The content is more to traveling instead of fighting. MC can be considered OP from the beginning. The best characteristic of this series is that MC can travel back and forth between earth and the otherworld, thus allowing him to bring people and items between those worlds. MC is a very good natured man, helping those in needs, and not naive to be fallen into... more>> evil scheme of others. <<less
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ElectricIcecream rated it
October 6, 2015
Status: --
Another casual read. MC summoned to another world, asked to defeat the Maou... more>>

(and almost being tricked into becoming a s*ave to the king)

and then goes onto bring an otherworlder back to modern Japan. The story hasn't advanced further as of yet (07/10/15), so I can't guarantee that you'll like this story, but the atmosphere is alike 'The Man picked up by the Gods' and 'Death March'. <<less
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