Empress with no Virtue


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The free-spirited and brutally honest Ye Zhen Zhen was unwillingly chosen as Empress to the playboy Emperor Ji Wu Jiu. Their very first wedding night, she kicked the Emperor down from their bed and he sought out his concubine instead. This completely disastrous start was only the beginning of their eventful life together.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Huánghòu wú dé
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Recommendation Lists
  2. Must Read Historical C-Novels
  3. Read and liked
  4. CN w/ Excellent Plot (BxG)
  5. Binge worthy Ancient China (BG)

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92 Reviews sorted by

Q3APo rated it
March 17, 2019
Status: c100
This is the first FL non transmigrating novel that I read and I love it. The FL is smart just slow in love. It makes her cute not dumb. The ML is cute too. His reputation is in mess for his woman (impotence :D) but still is not as important as his love for his empress and it makes him cooler for me.

The bad guys are realistic. And the fighting scene are good. Though the climax is a little calm. The epilog is funny. Poor emperor c*ckblocked by his own... more>> son. <<less
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Bookworm_Sueweetie rated it
December 29, 2018
Status: Completed
This is the first C-novel that I ever read. And I just reread it. I love this because of the romance between leads and the fact that there is no transmigator or reincarnator like the usual C-novels.

The only think that I don't like is when the FL once made a rush decision without thinking about her status and made ML to follow her and changed his plans and war strategies... that made me frustrated.

Anyway, I'll still gave it 5 points due to the talkative Mynah bird that made me laughed... more>> out loud. And ML's being jealous to his poor son is quite funny. <<less
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Lunica rated it
December 27, 2018
Status: c51
It's okay, it's like a slightly better version of Doomed to be a Cannon Fodder. I don't really know what to say. It's not bad per say, it's just... okay. That's it. Not really exciting, not enough to be rage inducing, just okay. It's okay reading it, it just doesn't interest me enough to continue so I stop at chapter 51.

... more>>

The MC initially seems a bit smarter and funnier but the male lead and the romance kinda make everything fall flat. For example, the MC has a habit of playing with guns and hidden weapons, during one outing the emperor makes her give up her hidden weapon and she gets almost mauled to death by a bear but he comes into save her. Like... the whole scenario is just :/ The emperor regrets taking away her hidden weapons and thinking oh she wouldn't be in that situation if I put her in it. Like... There's nothing wrong with that scenario, but there's nothing that make me wanna reread it as a reader. I don't feel any heart pounding when he save her. I don't feel any excitement when she take out her other hidden weapons which all don't work on a bear and somehow the male lead took the one weapon that could. The MC herself seems to be quite funny but the humor quickly devolve into "wow MC is so unique and weird and does such unique and weird things" and after a while it gets boring.


The male lead also isn't very interesting. The MC is not bad but she herself is not a strong enough character to carry the whole thing. Their romance also devolve quickly into "they had s*x every few days and she can't walk".

It's just okay. Nothing good, nothing bad, nothing interesting to keep me reading. <<less
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lynnell246 rated it
December 25, 2018
Status: c101
The story was a good slow ridden romance. The main characters start out hating each other but not in the cliche since where they fight every five seconds. And watching them slowly fall in love without even knowing it makes for a bunch of awww moments. The story is well paced and the intelligence of the MC makes you feel like your reading about a real person with common sense. The only real fault with this story is that I felt it should have ended ten chapters earlier. Some plot... more>> points weren't needed especially at the end. However, I was satisfied enough with the story and the ending. <<less
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December 17, 2018
Status: c9
Review as of chapter 8:

I know I've only just started, but I'm really enjoying the story so far.

To give a brief explanation of the plot: The MC comes from an affluent noble family whose position and power threaten the emperor's own standing. Worried that the emperor will move against their family, they try to pressure him into marrying the MC in order to maintain their status. The MC is, unsurprisingly, none too happy about being used as a pawn in her family's power games, but there is nothing she can... more>> do about it. And so, the wedding bells are rung (or, in this case, the red lanterns are hung).

Neither of them are happy about the situation and it's pretty much hate at first sight for both of them. On their wedding night, she accidentally-on-purpose kicks him off the bed and he storms off to spend the night with his favoured concubine instead.

I love love LOVE the main character. She is a very lighthearted and easygoing. She places her own happiness and interests first and does not really care what the emperor does or who he sleeps with as long as she is content. She mostly just ignores him while she chills and does her own thing. She is very honest and straightforward and always speaks her mind whenever she can - much to the annoyance of the emperor. She is also a little airheaded which plays into the comedy side of things a bit. However, she is also incredibly smart and quick-witted - and by no means a pushover.

The comedy is also very good. Most of the humour stems from the MC's actions

Those jade toads were hilarious and probably my favourite part of the story so far. I actually laughed out loud.


This romance story is different from most in that the two leads both hate each other from the start, even before they meet. There is no instant chemistry or spark of attraction that draws them together. The ML even sleeps with other women and the MC has no problem with that. I think it makes the story more interesting and realistic and not just another historical period rom-com.

Alright, that's all for now. I look forward to see where the author takes the story next.

Note: In terms of length, the chapters are medium to long. (For anyone who wants to know.)

Main character - 5/5

Love interest - 4.5/5

Character development - Too early to tell

Setting - 4/5

Romance - None, yet

Comedy - 4/5

Drama - 4/5

Translation quality - 3/5

<Overall rating - 4/5> <<less
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xinxe rated it
November 17, 2018
Status: c101 part2
Great novel! From so many on my list I couldn't stop reading this one xD

Love zhen zhen's personality and wu jiu's dedication. I really think it is great how their relationship develops throughout the story as so many things keep happening to them, keeping the story interesting and leaving me looking forward to every next episode.
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vxue rated it
November 13, 2018
Status: Completed
The main girl becomes Empress and didn't like the king cause he a ho. Also, her family dotes her and is the top family of power so the king doesn't like her. She is a straightforward person and fights against concubine& the old queen. Will they fall in love? Give toads to those who slept with her husband in the beginning lol
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MangoGuy rated it
October 17, 2018
Status: c101 part2
I am disappointed that I forgot to review this one even though it has been so long since I have completed it. This is a solid 4 for me.

There is intense competition in this genre, and Empress with no Virtue manages to make space for itself with an imaginative plot and done really quirky and intense moments. I had a ball reading this.

At the same time, later on, the story just seems to drag on a bit. The writer wanted to get some pre climax drama and angst, but it... more>> is more imaginative and less... Good. It is not too bad, but it definitely stops this from getting a 5 in my book.

But, this is Mango approved just because how rare it is to see well done novels like this in this genre. <<less
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DevonJR rated it
September 20, 2018
Status: Completed
r18, smut & josei thumbs up.

i really like this novel a lot. Since the MC was queen & ML was emperor, you will kind of expected what was the setting it. The MC character was really good. Also since I give the rating 5 stars means that this novel I can reread it when I got times. I already read this novel twice. Still the ML although had a bad attitude towards MC at the beginning, it's not that like don't treat MC as one of his wife but MC... more>> didn't mind at all which is superb.

I'm gonna edit this comment in future if I read it again in future since it was long time already I read this novel. Just want to drop by share my opinion. <<less
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silent hobby
silent hobby rated it
January 1, 2018
Status: c95
This is a good romance novel and the translator is doing great job. Thank you Translator.

I'd like to add more review after I read this novel for the 2nd time. I like the main characters interaction from hate to love. I like the Female Lead's character, she was a strong lady from noble family. She was clear about what she liked and hated, such a loveable straightforward character, that's why I read the strory twice because I like FL.

There was funny, some annoying moments, sad, happy and some lust. If... more>> you like those flavors, I'd like to recommend this story. Why not give this one a try? <<less
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