Don’t Pick Up Boyfriends From the Trash Bin


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Chi Xiaochi: fourth-rate citizen at birth, three-time award-winning film emperor, second-rate temper, first-class looks.

He crawled his way out of hell on hard mode to become a winner at life.

Then, he was smashed into a vegetative state by a chandelier.

061: Hello, here’s a brief rundown on the scum gong reconditioning system. This system measures the regret level of the scum gong. Every time their regret level reaches one hundred points, you will be able to leave the current world. A friendly tip, usually, through dedication and self-sacrifice, our employees slowly foster a sense of dependency in the scum gongs, gradually making it so the scum gongs can’t live without them.

Chi Xiaochi: How many regret points is a complete loss of reputation and standing worth? How about a fall from grace? Or wanting something but never being able to obtain it?

061: ……

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Bùyào zài lèsè tǒng lǐ jiǎn nán péngyǒu
Don’t Pick Up Boyfriends From the Trashbin
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fairyfloss3607 rated it
October 19, 2020
Status: c130
Highkey just writing this bc of the person who wrote a 1 star review recently lmaooo. So like the MC does try to not ooc and he really doesn't do it that often, but he can't really be the exact same as the character and do the same things the character of that world did if he wants to change things right?

And no he really doesn't ooc all over the place, it looks like it a bit since he does actions that the og characters didn't do but he tries... more>> to maintain a personality as close as the og as possible otherwise.
And even if he does ooc a little there's many other qt novels where the ooc is worse compared to this one.
But yes there still is ooc specially in the first few arcs, mostly until the third arc I would say... but if I don't remember wrong I think he only needs to not ooc in front of the target and the rest dont matter (I could be confusing this with another novel, haven't read the first arcs in some time) if this is the case then he mostly doesn't ooc anywhere except the climatic moment where he acts out the revenge... (not in all revenges does he rlly ooc tho but I'm pretty sure he does in like the first few)

Plus I feel like that ooc is how the reborn character of the og would be so even if it does ooc there for me it's fine. Otherwise getting regret levels is kind of hard like I think the other way would be to make them fall in love and then make regret which is what most other hosts do but that's exactly what the main system wants and if you read later you find out that

the og character stays in the same body the MC uses and basically having them act lovey dovey with whoever made them die is just kinda shitty rip


Also I know he does use lots of cards in this arc but he doesn't use them as much later on so I'm just taking it as the MC experimenting with the items which he also says he's doing.

Also about the system I'm pretty sure he's blocked from knowing any info so even if he kept a back up he wouldn't be able to know stuff. That's why even though his friends remember they can't tell him.

Also I've read various novels where the MC keeps themselves entertained with movies and games when they aren't busy atm so like it's not like he doesn't do shit. That world is just the first one it's more peaceful it's a lower rank and it's just not as hard so the MC can have time to do other crap lolol.

I respect your opinion but I suggest you try reading a few more arcs and not just judge it based on the first one. I also have read novels that have not so good first arcs but get better later on. For example those years we killed the white lotus didn't get interesting for me until like the third arc. Not all arcs will always be like able. I mean yes sometimes there are novels which you can tell you won't like from the first chapter so this is only a suggestion.

Now for an honest review... it's an interesting qt story of a system ML x host MC. I actually quite like the explanation for how the system works in this one.

The MC is funny and he sort of reminds me a bit of like wwx from mdzs for some reason lol. The ML is helpful, caring and a cutie and their relationship is really nice.

Each arc has a mostly fleshed out world and the characters are interesting. Although I haven't found any to be super remarkable and surprising they're mostly not 2d boring characters from what I remember. But I mean it's hard making so many characters be really really interesting when there's so many so good job on the author already for not having any really repetitive personalities. The side ships are cute too. My personal fav arc is the karma one where there's ghosts and stuff. Those types of survival games thing are my fav.

Something that I like in this story is that the MC isn't perfect at literally everything and he only has talents specific to each world according to the og characters. It is very similar to just having the MC be good at everything since it's like a big advantage when the mc's og characters mostly always have abilities with big advantages pertaining to that world (except like arc 2) but like it's more reasonable than the MC having perfected every single skill in the universe.

Overall I think I'd give it around 4.5 stars :3 <<less
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DreamlessNight rated it
October 6, 2020
Status: v06c12
I don't like to write reviews so I'll be short: you should read it. Literally the only QT I've enjoyed reading (+ honestly one of the best novels I've ever read), the worldbuilding is amazing, characters are memorable and it explores all types of relationships and endings, you won't feel like you are reading the same story over and over again with different names. Female characters are actually likable and well-built (?), and there's lots of them, something I don't usually find in BLs. MC is mindful, taking care of... more>> the host's past regrets while planning his revenge and making the path for the OG to live a good life.

One of my favorite parts in the novel is reading about the hosts' life after CXC has left, love it love it love it


Overall an interesting story, makes one laugh and cry and want to keep on reading, even if you don't like/usually read BL you should give it a try, you won't regret it. <<less
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Rina00 rated it
August 6, 2020
Status: c122
Definitely an amazing read. I love the MC & ML's relationship to bits, for reasons such as their cute banter and tender, healthy care for each other. They honestly embody love. They're also great characters individually, with the MC being one of the best I've seen. Chi Xiaochi is incredibly considerate and kind to his hosts, yet also knows when and how to extract proper revenge on those who deserve it. It's incredibly satisfying to watch him do his magic. The ML's gentle affection and protectiveness, exhibited even through the... more>> tiniest of details, makes him easy to love. A worthy man for our MC. Not to mention that there are also tons of adorable and interesting side characters and couples.

The plot is super intriguing too, with the author knowing just what revelations and details to incorporate throughout the story to keep the reader constantly engaged. It's fresh and interesting and UNIQUE. There are some great plot twists and ample foreshadowing that keeps you on your toes. The writing is so, so charming. Another thing I loved was that the punishments for the scum gongs were usually fitting. Some of them did completely unforgivable things and deserve what the MC did to them. Whereas one of them became reformed and honestly regret it, so they got off a little more lightly in comparison.

Now, I originally gave this 4 stars (wish there was a 4.5 star rating), but rounded up since the novel is soooo good, a rare gem. There are several things I didn't like as much about the novel:

    • One, reading through this story was emotionally draining at times, which affected my enjoyment of it. The author doesn't shy away from the sheer evilness of the scum gongs (see: the trigger warnings mentioned in other reviews). I don't think this is a bad thing necessarily since it's realistic/honest and makes revenge all the more satisfying, but the amount of angst/sadness/horror I felt every time I started an arc was a turn-off. But YMMV.
    • The arcs fluctuated in quality. This is like an inherent flaw for novels with transmigration into multiple worlds.

      I absolutely loved the first arc and the skating one, whereas the domestic abuser/ABO ones weren't as amazing but still good & didn't overstay its welcome. But then it was especially torture to read through the fifth world (supernatural horror arc) because it was so long and detailed and dragged out; it felt like I was reading a separate story. Too much tension/action and not enough fluffy romance between our leads to act as a buffer. The first couple of arcs were better at balancing that. Basically, some arcs weren't my cup of tea.

    • However, it's a testament to the author's writing skills that they were able to make even initially boring settings into interesting ones.

      For instance, the ABO mecha world was meh at first for me personally, but the interesting world building and the host being able to talk with the MC kept it compelling. The host for that world became one of my favorites. Even the fifth arc, which I didn't like as much, had beautiful writing and clear thought put into it.

    • The slowest of burns for our main couple. It wasn't a problem for me until it involved a frustrating misunderstanding.

      You'd think with how smart these two are supposed to be, they'd be able to get around the confidentiality agreement earlier. Idk how the MC hasn't figured out 061=LY with the millions of hints ML has given. It's literally just a waiting game where I'm at now. Granted, he's probably in denial but it's still annoying.

Anyway, these are just minor things that personally disappointed me. If you don't care about those kinds of things, this novel will likely be a 5 stars for you. Overall it's like, leagues better than other novels. I'm honored to read such a powerful story. As for how it compares to FOD, they both have their own charms so I don't think one is better than the other in all aspects. What really differentiated this novel for me was the MC essentially fixing his hosts' lives and wisely guiding them to learn from their mistakes. An incredibly admirable character who has made my life feel better just by reading about him. <<less
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Keisotsuna rated it
July 20, 2020
Status: Completed
One of the best quick transmigration BL web novel I've ever read!

Both the main characters are very intelligent and awe-inspiring people! However, despite being nearly overpowered, the novel isn't boring and monotonous at all because of the rich storyline and emotional plot.

The MC is very cunning and intelligent. He can quickly deduce the cause and effect of various events through a simple observation and analysis of his surroundings. Although he seems like a typical perfect and overpowered protagonist, as the story progress, readers will find that MC is also full... more>> of flaws coupled with a tear-inducing backstory.

Meanwhile, the ML is a rare gem in the Chinese BL web novel world, lol. He's not an unreasonable, possessive, hot-blooded and cold-hearted man. He's gentle, kind, open-minded and intelligent. If this was a K-Drama, he'll undoubtedly be given the second male lead role.


The ML, who is the system, has been reformatted once and forgotten his past. He onky has this lingering obsession to complete his world tasks quickly in order to return to his original world to meet someone who is supposedly waiting for him.

ML doesn't recover his memories until after a long time. However, he manages to grasp some clues and deduced his identity as "Lou Ying", who is the MC's childhood friend and deep obsession.



The ML enters a contract with the "Lord God" and gains the power to help the MC in his tasks by taking another identity in the task worlds... For a price. He can't, in any way or form, reveal his identity as "Lou Ying" to the MC.


This novel is very enjoyable to read. Aside from the face-slapping, there are also a lot of interesting character developments in later chapters, a very rich and heartwarming (and maybe heartbreaking) emotional plot that spans the entire novel, and a lot of twists and turns.

The ending was completely unexpected for me! In the end,


The MC completes his 10 task worlds and can fulfill one wish. But he didn't chose to return to his original world... His wish is—— to become the new "Lord God". And then, a series of events happened and the evil "Lord God" was finally taken down and justice is served.


Unfortunately, I didn't find any extras. But nevertheless, this is a very wonderful, exciting, and rollercoaster ride for me. I love this novel so much! Highly recommended!! <<less
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EnaLikesThis rated it
July 13, 2020
Status: c113
This entire thing is truly beautiful and the translator is very talented. The entire novel flows well and every arc squeezes my heart and spills my love everywhere out of happiness. The fact that the owners of the body are still ... more>>


is truly a unique factor to the quick transmigration genre.

The world building for each arc is great. The main plot is unique and is skillfully revealed throughout the chapters and arcs. The ML is gentle and his place in the story is unique and he’s actually helpful. All his little actions for the MC make me cry of loneliness. And he’s smart too when he

found out who he was (bc his memory was wiped but if you read the novel you will understand after a few arcs)

. I wonder how it will go down.

Also, the body owners of each arc get their happy ending which fills my heart with joy. Also, the skating arc, *chefs kiss* beautiful. Lovely! The translator even adds links to the recommended music to put on for this arc. And the final scene with our skater boy and his skater boy ??? magnificent! Beautiful! Truly my favorite arc for now. The translator is very talented so I don’t mind waiting for the chapters. And they’re quite frequent.

The novel is brilliant, the translator is talented, the world building and side characters are memorable. There’s not many things to complain about in this novel. There might be some if I were to go through the entire novel from the beginning but I’m overall completely satisfied and excited for the next arcs and conclusion to the novel!!

... oh wow, I started this thinking ‘I’m just gonna write a few things’ and I wrote WAYYY more than I thought I would. Oh well, I enjoyed it. CANT WAIT FOR MOREEE!! EEEEEEEEEEE! ?????? <<less
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Connor Fidens
Connor Fidens rated it
July 11, 2020
Status: c116
Everyone else has said it already: this is simply the best quick transmigration novel out there. Every world is its own satisfying story arc, each better than the last, and the overarching meta plot has me ridiculously invested.

The big selling point for me is not simply that the transmigrator is clever, and competent—he is—but that he is compassionate. His respect for the lives and dignity of his host bodies’ original owners is next-level, and always the highlight of the story for me.
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LotionBottle_Venerable rated it
June 22, 2020
Status: c113
Unprofessional review:

Me: *vibrating*

My grandmother: What's he doing?

... more>> My sister: He's trembling with love for this story

My grandmother:

My grandmother: Oh

My grandmother: Makes sense

Professional review:

You're going to cry. You're going to scream. You're going to laugh. You're going to bite your fingernails in anxiety, smile at our characters' antics, clap at the face-slapping, curse out horrible scum gongs and jump up and down in excitement. This story is one of the best BL transmigration stories you will ever read.

It has revenge, angst, fluff, romance, mystery and action. It's a wonderful blend of tropes and amazing world-building that brings everything to life. You will love this story if you have the determination to read it.

Our MC (CXC) is a man with a lot of problems, but he's an amazing character that you can connect and empathize with. Our ML (061/LY) is a cavity-causing, diabetes-inducing sweet character that isn't abusive, crazy or r*pe-y. They are, ironically, the cause of each other's traumas and it's so entertaining to see how they care and interact with each other.

Each arc is amazingly crafted. All of the characters make me soft (except some) because they're just so perfect. Each main character is coupled with scum gongs and our MC gets revenge for them. It's awesome to see how he slaps faces and leaves everyone in awe.

While this story is the most amazing story I have ever read, I must also admit that it is one of the darkest. Our MC and ML are forced into transmigrating by a higher up, and this is one of the driving antagonist behind our MC and ML. It causes most of the mystery and angst that gives this story an edge.

I have so much respect for the author, who is able to put so much together and not make it look like a horrible mess. Our characters are balanced and well-made, and so far, I'm not the edge of my seat ready for the next chapter. The translators are blessings in disguise and I would burn offerings for them (and the author) if I could.

You're still reading this? Go read the book instead!

(Extra: @arufuba, that one person with the two-star review, I have to disagree with your review, not only because of personal reasons (how dare you rate this story lowly) but also because

1. The emotional baggage is why our MC is so interesting. That emotional baggage lets us connect with him. And as a person that hasn't finished even the second arc, I ask you to revisit the previous arcs and continue reading before you decide it's "forced". And isn't his "OP-ness" warranted? The OG hosts have already suffered enough or are going to suffer. They need his OP-ness, mate.

2. I'd rather have flashbacks and a backstory than a random character with no background and a system to drop into a world to mess everyone up because they have a mission.

3. That one is your opinion, so I'll leave you alone lmao

I suppose that review was your opinion, but I took offense, so I implore you to read on and finish it before you decide that it's a two-star.) <<less
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segitree rated it
May 12, 2020
Status: c121
I kid you not, this is definitely THE best quick-transmigration novel you're gonna find on NU. Each world is amazingly written, most of them are original and can probably bring you to tears.

Every time I take a break from this, I literally cannot stop thinking about the MC and ML. And every time I come back to continue reading, I never need to refresh my memory on what happened from where I left off. For a goldfish-brain reader like me who basically forgets most things after a week, that's a... more>> big accomplishment. If you've read 'Strategy to Capture the Scum Gong', 'Scum Shou's Survival Guide' and other similar novels, this is that but better quality and with a REAL healthy MC-ML relationship. Cunning, intelligent and likeable MC who is not an overpowered Gary-stu. It's fun to see him kicking the scums' asses in each arc and interacting with the original hosts of the bodies. ML is


MC's SYSTEM and they share a past together as childhood friends. It's my first time reading this kind of MC-ML dynamic and honestly I wonder why it's not a common thing because I love it!


The angst! The fluff! I don't understand how the author can stir me up so badly with just a few sentences. Definitely one of the healthiest relationships I've ever read. Their interactions are so adorably sweet that when paired with their bittersweet past, it makes me go 'aww' and cry at the same time. In every arc, MC helps out the original hosts take revenge on their super abusive, toxic partners. Not only does MC help them take revenge, however; he also helps the original hosts to move on from their trauma and live a better life. But that's not all there is to the plot. Aside from the scum "villains" in the arcs, MC and ML also have to deal with an external "villain". So far, I'm not sure exactly how threatening this external "villain" is but definitely an interesting plot set-up. <<less
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ike_00000 rated it
May 9, 2020
Status: c103

Characters: 5/5

Everybody talks about this but it's so true that MC really "acts" out the true person's life. He doesn't necessarily stay perfectly in role, but he behaves as "that person" whose body he's in, plotting the situation such that he's teaching the original soul while also setting up the situation so that when he leaves, the OG soul can take over and live a good life. He's very clever and humorous, and his considerations and inner thoughts are incredible. MC doesn't really... more>> have golden fingers although he does have strong ability through the original host. However, the situations usually start off against him even given this ability, or his abilities won't help the problems he's facing.

ML is also very sweet. It's not the case of ridiculously OP ML, but at the same time, ML has the ability and shows his love and care. Really, as much as I love the MC, when I think about it's kinda strange that ML also likes MC lool. I LOVE the progression and "unveiling" of their relationship to death. Seriously, they're "fated".

Side characters are also all great, especially the other systems! That bit when 098 says "if your fate arrives I'll drag it to you" shock my heart. Each world is written very well, both realistic and with depth.

Plot: 5/5

The way this story explains the QT setting is interesting, and really develops its "main" storyline throughout rather than making up some semi-nonsense BS halfway through. The arcs so far are also great; they've been mostly modern world, and the settings are nothing original, but the way the author tells the story makes it feel refreshing and not boring. This is true even as they are somewhat on the longer side and definitely not as dramatic and angst-y as many of these tend to be.

Actually, if you take a step back, is this just a story about a bad boss?? Like, "the director of finance has an MLM" or something. Maybe lmao

Writing & Translation: 5/5

Thank you for the hard work! <<less
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Lylithe rated it
May 6, 2020
Status: c103
Reading this made my whole perspective on QT change and now I can't see any of them the same and reading future ones won't ever compare. This story actually makes sense and the plot for each arc is very satisfying but not too much dramatize or too unrealistic. What I really love is ... more>>

the relationship between the MC and the shous he's inside of. The MC is ruthless and cunning but towards these shous he's so caring and thinks of how it'll affect them before he does anything. He always has their best interest in mind and keeps his self separated from the shous life even if they're closely attached. I always tend to feel sad if a character has an unhappy ending and knowing that MC is helping them change their life and they can go on after he transmigrated really makes me happy.

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bigdipper rated it
April 30, 2020
Status: --
I doubt this novel needs another 5 star review but that doesn't mean it doesn't deserve it.

It's honestly the best QT novel out there that I've read (2nd place would be Strategy to Capture the Scum Gong).

MC and ML are both so loyal, and their relationship goes beyond most due to the nature of the setup.
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Miniyuki rated it
March 28, 2020
Status: c99 part1
I love it. MC is smart, fun and kind even through he doesn't show it. He really does his best in every world and is calm when he analyses the situation and solutions. I like the fact that he isn't only OP but also has his weakness.

The ML is really warm and gentle towards the MC. Although they didn't recognize each other at the beginning, there interactions are so sweet!!


He is the system.

Scum's still scum.


Anyway I love it and will be waiting for the translation.
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Shionismad rated it
March 26, 2020
Status: c153 part1
Hands down one of the best novels I've read. Massive respect to the author and the translation team ( ̄^ ̄) ゞ Before reading this, I was actually still quite distracted, because my mind was still on the last novel I've read before this. But dang does this hook you in. A few chapters in and I'm completely immersed in the story. None of the cliché stuff, just pure talent poured into what is now known as DPUBFTTB. FoD set the standard for QT novels but this one absolutely broke away from... more>> those and came up with something original. <<less
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March 19, 2020
Status: Completed
MTL is readable, but the story is really worth waiting for the translation

this is not a light read, not too dark, but pretty deep - if you want to enjoy fresh love juicy story : this is not it !

it involves taking revenge for characters that are victims, and all of them suffered abuse and/or betrayal before they met a cruel death (su*cide, mu*der, torture...) their bad ex can be pretty disturbing too, and the author never shy away from societal problems like discrimination, s*avery, or discussing moral values at... more>> any point of the story - which are the limits of what is acceptable - it's much smarter than a « vengeful »story,

that is very well done, wonderfully argued, and very sane in the choices that are reflected by the characters behaviors : every encounters is different and « judgement » of the offenders will have a lot of smart, which will lead to a pleasant reading experience. There's no caricature, but a very humane reflection on justice - and what is fair.

my grade would be :

for the scenario - between 6 (so much potential !) and 4, it's even more frustrating because the story itself is pretty great, it's morally so well balanced, most of the universes are original, and the red thread between all with a potential underlying conspiracy is really awesome - yet it still feel underplayed - (i so damn want to have the writer edit some parts!)

beware my spoilers, there are not much about content, so won't learn anything about the story or the characters ............. my own criticism are more of « literary kind », like narration or storytelling, so they could impact your reading by giving you a bad biais

i seriously don't advise reading any of these spoilers - before you finished !

it's a great story, enjoy it, and maybe find these comment later to see if you feel the same ;)


This could have been among the best story I have read so far, in matters of Chinese or world hopping novels !
the moral questions about justice, fairness and values that underly the book are right on top for me, and the quality of the arcs is nearly perfect

but I have some disappointments - it would have seriously benefited by a good editing, as the pace can be just perfect - yet at some point just not ? maybe some flashbacks are breaking the rythme - and mostly, the introspection of the MC can become long-ish ? Lastly, As mentioned further, the intimacy between the characters or some part of the romantic plot feels out of place, not intuitive or not in place

As a result -sadly - tension fail to rise ? around the 7th world or so, everything has been discovered and you kind of reach a point of stagnation

- hopefully, most story line are really great by themselves - But, there was ample room for a cat and mouse game in the system world's corridor. It could also have involved more of the different arc characters, so the metaplot could really have become amazing, instead of falling sadly flat

that's seriously disappointing - there was really enough ambition for a wahou effect - I wished it had blown my mind - I seriously believed for a long time it could be one of this stories that keeps you thinking for a few days after the last page... but no - how sad

i have my own reservation about the last world too : it's not too bad, but it's like the mystery behind the door : do you really want to know everything ? Some of these revelations are plain cruel, in a world that will be described as not hard enough, or titled as « paradise « - the contrast between these ambitions is puzzling. Yes, it gives our characters a chance for therapy, but was it still needed ?
To me should have been a side story - there's not enough material for the last arc - I understand the desire for catharsis - but it's an intellectual choice - it is not valid in matters of intuition - and so the characters tell (there are absent minded, dazed and so on) - it probably contributed to the flat flat disappointments at the end : like in those bad movies where you wonder seriously if you fell asleep and missed the end... but no, it just happened, and it felt like nothing happened...


romance potential 5, réalisation... 3? - I really love how the main characters discover and open to each over, it's slow, and smart, and moving and the story behind it still have some sparkle of miracle, smart, without being another one of these I pasted some fishy childhood meetings to make the reader drawn in ersatz sweeteners - no, it really shines, it's beautiful

(still don't read my spoilers if you're not done!!)


so why am I unhappy ? WelL... the concept is really nice, but as the story progress, the execution can be poor, and some parts can become somewhat disruptive of the main plot : which I deeply favor

maybe, at places, it feels like there are some supersiding rules of writing there « the chara « should » be or do... maybe it is meant to please an audience... but it doesn't flow, and it's even worse when it breaks the flow... so no, it's not always, maybe it's not even that often

in particular, there is absolutely no reason for any intimate scene between any characters in the flow of the story : I don't mind intimacy !! I can even enjoy pretty hot stuff, but everything need to have its place, there it made me feel like a naruto fan, wishing there were none of it !

it seems patched on top of a good story, just like in some french comics, you wonder if the publishers added some requirement for some hot pages - no matter what !

when it's the last chapter of an arc it's fine, I can skip (there's nothing much anyway - it half assed is many way) but when it's in the middle of the story - seriously ? No (ok I can try to blame it on a bad machine translation, but if it's not a bad interpretation of a bad translation, forgive me, in the middle of an apocalyptic arc, the need for m*sturbation of anyone seems - kind of out of place ?)

well after that, with much inuendo, all the very s*upid « pseudo » gay top and bottom biais, with hypers*xual top and reluctant hurting bottom fantasy, is as irking as ever, but it seems we'll need another decade to get rid of it

I'm harsh cause I really saw a diamond, and I wished, this beautiful part about this amazing meeting, could have been cherished a bit more, instead of being abused to please readers...


contrary to what I read, I not find the character luggage to be too heavy, maybe because the psychology of the characters felt about true

if you don't expect sweet stories, the premise are about how to make sense of lots and lots of bad stuff... how to move on, how to build yourself up to face these monstrous aspects of human nature - abuses exit, betrayal exists, and the author explore some very dark corners of humanity - and our main character has a great compas, aligned with a righteous and flexible judgement... neither too sweet or harsh, and more importantly, never crazy - how good that is !

he's really fleshed out as someone who kept his values straight - but also as a person with hurts, and facade, and weakness, yet with a lot of heart and smart... a beautiful character

I found the ML is a bit empty, and could have developed more, what is understandable at the beginning becomes a bit non sensical at a point, it's not obtrusive, but could have been better -

the side characters are mostly nice, I appreciate that there are some nice female too, there was room for more too, but that still makes for a mostly satisfying cast, way more « normal« than sooo many things... and that is really good

so this is at the same time one of the best and for these reasons one of the most disappointing things I have read in a long time : it's good, some might even find it great... yet, it could have been monumental... and it's just fall short of being that awesome... and it is so very frustrating ! <<less
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IrregularPerson rated it
November 20, 2019
Status: c23
Their is so much dog blood! It's that type of novel!

It utterly enrages me that I had to keep reading! This story is so meticulously planned that it's scary.

This story invokes fear and a sense of trepidation. Definitely not for the light-heart but your emotions will be swept along the viscous current. Chapters are long and heavy, but it all comes back in some sort of relevant matter.

It's an excellent book however, I'll be cleaning my eyes after each arc seeing how the first one turned out. Their is so... more>> much revelation because of the creativity incense into this novel.

I can only suggest other people to give it a read to see if it's their cup of tea. <<less
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ResidentialPsycho rated it
November 16, 2019
Status: c66 part2
This is a hard-to-put-down slice-of-life/transmigration/drama/tragedy/psychological/romance series. The hosts of each world have been mistreated from anything ranging from a bad relationship to extreme abuse, and the MC helps them relive part of their lives to help them have a different outcome and help them overcome their traumas. In a sense, it's therapeutic to the hosts.

This series won me over at the end of the first chapter. It has some spine-tingling twists as well. The MC takes the scum gongs and dumps them in the tr*sh—hard. These scum include a variety... more>> of unpleasant people, and the MC works to protect his hosts from them. Some of these characters strongly resemble the abusive or unfaithful MLs which can be found in a number of other series, both BL and non-BL genres. There's no need to worry about this MC getting it on with his target or falling in love with a jerk, unlike many other series. Here, the ML is actually a good person and not a nutjob.


One of these scumbags is a racist, and this character trait was used to destroy him. This is a Chinese series that includes racism as a bad thing! I've never seen this before. He gets punished beyond recovery.


There is character development, and the main characters have their own pasts and personalities.

The settings are interesting, and the original plots of each world have been thought-out well.

My biggest complaint is that the system used is too OP and goes beyond the minimum to help the MC, which minimizes any tension or suffering he may experience. He even helps the MC with day-to-day things like making a snack. The MC is plenty capable on his own, so why does the system have to get involved? I understand that this behavior is essential for the story, but it weakens the drama and suspense.

The tension could be better, but I like the psychological aspects focused on so far. It really adds depth to the story and pulls sympathy from the readers. <<less
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gryffinpuff rated it
September 26, 2019
Status: c43
An interesting take on the quick transmigration - MC & the system challenging the main server/God and making life better for the host left behind... Always, there are systems and hosts and contractors, but very rarely there is any info on how/why these transmigrations are happening... The big build-up towards the climax is already very intriguing!!

MC treats the life of the host with respect, and doesn't change them willy-nilly, just tries his best to get revenge while also paving the way for the original host to start life anew...
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byunnie rated it
September 21, 2019
Status: --
This was really painful, the worlds are really well fleshed out which makes it 10x more painful. Most of the time in QW stories the side characters exist simply to boost the our MC up or to provide the tragic experiences that the original host went through, I found that this novel is completely different every single arc had me bawling for the original host, they weren't just sad cannon fodder, they all had loved ones and their own reasons and reading how our MC gave them a new lease... more>> of life made me really happy. I especially loved the little last words he leaves when his soul gets ejected.

Note this story should be read with the trigger warnings in mind, the author doesn't describe the abuse with every detail but I did find myself very unsettled in some arcs.


the parallel world arc broke me, I really wanted to enter their world just to bash that monster's head in. Fu*k even thinking about what MC went through makes me want to start swinging. This was me in every single arc tho, the scums in other quickwear seem very one dimensional even their end is not as satisfying but here I found my blood boiling with anger for every single one of the slag characters, none of the original hosts deserved what they went through the scum ML was scum, tr*sh, slag, dirt to the bone.


i don't think i'll ever read this again (once was traumatizing enough thank you) but its definitely a hot 10/10 <<less
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HoloSol rated it
September 14, 2019
Status: c40
Amazing. If you liked "Quickly Wear the Face of the Devil, " you will also enjoy this novel.

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Emmitouflee rated it
August 13, 2019
Status: Completed
Really good and very enjoyable, a favorite. Highly recommend.
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