Death Progress Bar


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Shi Jin once read a book. It was supposed to be about satisfying the desire for vengeance.

The main character, also named Shi Jin, was the sixth son of his harem-novel-protagonist-like father. All was well, while his father was alive at least, but after his death, Shi Jin’s five elder half-brothers tormented him, eventually leading to his death. The protagonist was reborn, determined to take revenge, and… the novel was discontinued.

That day, Shi Jin almost spat blood and dropped the book into a shredder. The next day, he died in a car accident. Somehow, when he came to, he had transmigrated into a teenager, a youth also called Shi Jin.

There was only one problem. His father had just died. His older brothers were about to torment him…

Shi Jin: Let’s eliminate my brothers’ hatred, my goal is to keep my life!

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Thanh tiến độ sinh tồn
死亡进度条 / Sǐwáng jìndù tiáo / Death Progress Bar (former title)
生存进度条[穿书] / Shēngcún jìndù tiáo / Survival Progress Bar (new title)
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142 Reviews sorted by

kiribold rated it
December 25, 2021
Status: Completed
This is one of the greatest novels I've ever read--it made me cry, laugh, intrigued, be shocked, and feel for the characters. It has an engaging plot, great characters that feel three-dimensional and make you love/hate them, and examines extremely complicated relationships and emotions. Not only does it go above and beyond in developing the relationship between Shi Jin (MC) and his five older brothers with a depth and perceptiveness that is rarely seen yet done so well, but it also has a healthy and loving relationship between the MC/ML.

Unlike... more>> many pairings that get boring and have characters lose their identity outside of being a CP, their relationship becomes richer once the pair gets together, and we see a lot of growth in the MC/ML. Their relationship isn't perfect, and they miscommunicate/make mistakes, but they try to understand each other's feelings, talk through difficulties, and become stronger together. You're not going to see the classic "I keep the truth from you to protect you bc you can't handle it" dynamic found in a lot of cnovels here. Instead, they're equal partners that trust and rely on each other. It's incredible to read about a partnership where both parties support each other through their problems while spewing dog food everywhere haha.

The plot is about the MC who transmigrates into the body of the youngest brother of five highly accomplished half-brothers who seriously hate him/want him dead due to the love their father showed him exclusively. In the original novel, the MC is completely abandoned by his brothers after being kidnapped and tortured, which he suspects was done by his brothers. There isn't an easy fix, and it's clear that it takes a lot of time and character development to understand and try to mend the relationships between the brothers. The MC ends up meeting the ML, the leader of "Annihilation, " a major criminal organization trying to become legit as the government is rooting out the underworld. The plot alternates between the more action-packed/political intrigue underworld events vs. the introspective and character-focused storyline of the MC trying to repair his relationship with his brothers.

Why I love these core relationships:

  • Shi Jin/Lian Jun is EVERYTHING. I love how the MC nags the ML into taking better care of his health and how considerate they are of each other. It's a genuinely equal relationship, and the ML gives the MC the tools he needs to grow and supports him even when no one else does. I think their relationship is the crux of the story because even though it's also about the MC and his brothers, the ML is the person that was there for him before he became exemplary. The ML was there for him, accepted him, and ultimately gave him a home when he was utterly alone. Hence, their relationship is the crux of the story and provides the MC with the strength to repair his broken relationship with his brothers.
  • The journey for the MC to forgive his brothers is NOT smooth. At the start of the novel, it almost seems like the MC completely misunderstood his brothers, and they all secretly care about him, so it'll be easy to remedy any friction once they resolve the misunderstandings. Then a quarter of the way through the novel, just when it seems like the relationships are improving, a major revelation is dropped on the MC that since childhood, any "kindness" shown by his brothers was all an act because their father promised them wealth/status in return, which explains why after their father died, his brothers all immediately abandoned him/showed their true hateful faces. TBH as a reader, I thought there was no forgiving some of these scumbag brothers, especially with the 5th brother kidnapping and threatening to kill the MC!! But the author proved me wrong because even though it was difficult, the MC slowly builds a relationship with them and eventually forgives them throughout many chapters.

Why these characters will stick with me


I can't stop gushing about these characters and how fully realized they are. A brief intro/character guide:

  • Shi Jin (MC) he's a 27 yr old policeman who died and transmigrated into the body of 17 yr old Shi Jin right after his extremely wealthy father passed and left his entire inheritance to him. When he transmigrates, he's "fat and useless" (which we learn later was done deliberately by his father to keep him reliant on him/make him into his replacement white moonlight), but he quickly becomes witty, capable, and stellar. He also loves mahjong and will make everyone play with him. It's his kindness that completely transforms the ML and the brothers into actual people with emotions and "ordinary" lives.
  • Lian Jun (ML) starts as the archetypical cold, intelligent CEO, a sickly wheelchair-bound beauty, except his character is so much more than that. He's a great leader who's more concerned about the safety of his people than riches/glory. He's so caring and thoughtful about the MC. He's very conscious about the age gap and power difference between them, so he's constantly uplifting the MC, so they stand on equal footing.
  • Xiao Si is the crybaby System that cares deeply about the MC and ML. I wasn't expecting the relationship between the MC and the system to make me as emotional as it did.
  • The Guas. Lian Jun's trusted and highly competent subordinates: Gua One, Gua Two, Gua Three, etc. They each have distinct personalities, and by the end, you realize that they've become part of the MC's family. My favorite is the shit-talking Gua Two and the clever babyface hacker Gua Nine.

The brothers (as one of the MC's friends later states, "what terrifying genetics" bc each brother is at the top of their respective field) :

  • Shi Weichong (Big brother) - Successful businessman who takes control of Ruixing after the MC gives it up. He's the one who exploited the MC the most for gain, and SPOILER, his mom is the one who kidnapped/tortured the original Shi Jin. But despite everything, he's trying to be a good older brother.
  • Fei Yujing (Second Brother) - Well-known economic lawyer who's kind of a sociopath and will use any means to reach his goals with no remorse.
  • Rong Zhouzhong (Third Brother) - A famous actor who's a tsundere. The MC considers him the most fun brother and constantly riles him up to start a fight.
  • Xiang Aoting (Fourth Brother) - A high-ranking member of the Air Force. He's the brother who hurt Shi Jin the least and is his "hero."
  • Lu Jiuzheng (Fifth Brother) - a genius doctor with mental health issues. When he's not threatening to kill people, he appears to be an innocent, bright-eyed college student.

My thoughts on the ending...


I have mixed feelings about the ending for two reasons. But first, it is a HAPPY ending, and for the most part, I'm very satisfied with how it ended. The last ten epilogue chapters are all titled "Home, " which I think is the core of the story, about building and finding a home. I love that it's about the MC/ML living a normal life while their family expands (the brothers visiting + the Guas that now have safe civilian identities return).

My only gripes are:

  • The brothers all dream about the original timeline where they all abandon Shi Jin, and he's kidnapped/tortured. For so much of the novel, the MC was so angry and hurt that no one understood the pain and trauma he had to endure in the previous life. So, I wish there could've at least been a conversation between the MC/his brothers or even just a scene of their relationship post-dream since all the brothers now have an additional layer of guilt. It just felt unfinished.
  • The system, Xiao Si, returns, which I was pleased about, but the way it returned was... questionable. Xiao Si becomes 3-4 yr old and is adopted by the MC/ML. It just feels odd bc it seems like the system had retained all its memories, it referred to itself as the MC/ML's "daddy, " and it WATCHED the MC/ML have s*x, so becoming their baby was a bit weird for me. It's a minor complaint, and maybe it won't bug others as it did for me.

Also, I'm rather sad we didn't get their wedding!!!


I honestly can't wait to reread the novel and see what I missed at the start now that I know all the twists and turns and how the relationships/characters will end up. I can't recommend this novel enough! <<less
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Tousaku Tenshi
Tousaku Tenshi rated it
September 11, 2021
Status: Completed

I cried so hard -- the past the present and looking forward to their futures. Everything has it place and were woven together to create their chaotic yet beautiful world. I'm just wondering where Aunt Lu and the other mothers went. This was a new way of transmigration for me and...


Kudos to the translator!
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Yojiyi rated it
March 26, 2021
Status: Completed
PLEASE READ IT! Flawless. Best novel I've ever read. There are no boring chapters, MC is smart, ML isn't an overbearing boss, they're so sweet and the mystery... God it's so juicy.


MC's father really is insane huh. He collected women that looked like his white moonlight, even his long lost love's Little sister, who is MC's mother.
MC is lucky that he dies before his legal age.


I have a soft spot for the showbiz brother. Idk why, even tho he's a...


bit*h who never forgave what MC said when he was NINE


... he still got a funny relationship with the MC.
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thebadgirl05 rated it
March 11, 2021
Status: --
I really love the interactions between the mature and funny MC and the cold but doting ML.

Don't even get me started on the ML's brothers and their interactions with each other. It's a whole family drama with them and I'm living for it.

Kudos to the Translator for giving us the chance to read such a fine work!
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December 8, 2020
Status: c105
This is a good novel. The translator did a great job with the translation (bows and gives thanks).

I appreciate the MC and ML of this novel. It's a fluffy-drama and a good read. I hate angst novels so this was perfect for me.
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-----reading--in--progress------ rated it
November 12, 2020
Status: Completed
Best novel I've ever read. Even read the mtl since I couldn't wait. Way too well written. Highly recommended.
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Rina00 rated it
August 17, 2020
Status: c97
Wow, so. This novel is such a pleasure to read. I love the complex family situation, I love the mystery behind the original Shi Jin's death unfolding, I love the side characters, and most of all, I love the MC and ML's relationship.

Their relationship is honestly the healthiest and loveliest I've seen; it's so easy to see why they love each other because they're so thoughtful and considerate towards each other. They are SO good to each other that they're practically made for one another. Actually, I didn't even mind... more>> how initially dense/oblivious the MC was because the author didn't drag it out for too long. It's refreshing to see such a healthy romance with lots of communication and no manipulative or controlling behavior. And can I just say that the author does casual affection really well?


God, their dates are so well thought-out and considerate too <3 The MC wanting the ML to experience stuff he was never able to in the past is heartwarming, and makes for beautiful scenes. Their romance doesn't progress/develop that much after it's established, but I didn't mind too much since it's better than reading about pointless misunderstandings and contrived drama. Plus it's nice to see them all lovey-dovey with each other.


Both the MC and ML are competent and intelligent in their own ways. It was satisfying seeing how badass they are, but it didn't feel like they were too OP either, curiously enough. The Guas are plain amazing too, loved reading their input on the main relationship. They're such dedicated followers to the ML and you can really see why they follow and admire him. The system was surprisingly adorable as well, although they could be just a bit annoying at times. Their cute banter with the MC and unexpectedly useful buffs really set them apart from other systems.

The setting is also more interesting than I expected. I still think the legal underworld organizations thing is a bit weird, but the author makes it work somehow. I liked reading about the politics associated with certain groups and how they interact.

The brotherly interactions are another strong point of this novel. Each individual brother has their own complicated relationship with our MC and it's fun to see how their dynamics change throughout the story. It's good to see that the MC doesn't immediately forgive them for their actions (and takes into account the original MC's feelings) ; his perspective of them constantly changes depending on what he's learned about them.

My favorite brother is actually Fei Yujing, the second brother. Objectively, he's one of the shittiest brothers with his aloof personality and past actions... but I did really like his scenes with Shi Jin, such as when Shi Jin tries to help him out after he was traumatized into insomnia. It's cute that he's the one updating the brothers' group chat with news about Shi Jin. It also helps that he genuinely apologized to the MC for his past actions and didn't expect him to forgive him/accept his apology.

I really like the brothers, so I'm hoping that there will be more development and scenes dedicated to all of them.

The entire mystery is well-paced and logical. It's fascinating that so much of the story revolves around someone who's already dead (Shi Xingrui, or Shi Jin's dad). The revelations are all intriguing and a treat to read. The story can get pretty dark and f*cked-up though, but the translator is very good at warning about it beforehand. There was one disturbing and graphic torture aftermath scene regarding a side character, but I suppose that's to be expected with a novel centered on mafias.

Anyway, I really love this novel. It was quite the enjoyable read. The romance really stood out to me, among the other strong points I mentioned. Kudos to the translator for the great translation too. <<less
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Sti_les rated it
June 1, 2020
Status: c88
I love Jun Shao and Shi Jin relationship. I love Gua One, Two, Three, Five, Six, Seven, Eight and Nine. Two is my favorite. I love all the brothers. I love Xiao Si, it perhaps my favorite system. I love the whole world this novel in, and I wish I could be part of it. Sigh.....
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Youkonos rated it
April 14, 2020
Status: c83
Very cute with a relatively proactive MC and a good ML. Probably the rarest part is how healthy their relationship actually is. No one is overly possessive or toxic and they both try to do the best for each other. The plot is even pretty intriguing to boot!

... So why is it a 4 star then?

It feels too long. I get that part of the point is to ship the characters together and swoon over cute moments. Heck, since they're a good couple, it's very hard to not support them,... more>> but when multiple chapters feel like filler, I start losing patience. Ironically enough, it's because their relationship is nearly perfect that there's absolutely nothing to develop there. The result is that when these fluff chapters come around, that's all they are, absolutely meaningless fluff.

Eventually I ran out of patience for where the story was going and dropped the novel. Maybe I'll pick it back up after the entire thing is translated, but right now I'll pass. <<less
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Smile_for_me rated it
December 4, 2019
Status: Completed
This is honestly my favorite novel of all time. First review so please forgive me if its messy.

This story smacks you with soft fluff mixed with tension and heartache.

ML and MC has a healthy relationship you dont see much in other transmigration novels. ML didnt fall right away for MC and neither did MC and when they did you can just-- feel how much they care for each other its amazing.

Side characters who just appears and disappears the next moment? Theres no such thing here. Every character is so beautifully... more>> fleshed out theyll get engraved in your brain. Just like how ML represents himself, the author applies it to their book.

He doesnt do anything pointless

The characters are irreplaceable, Each one of them holds a important role in the plot that cant be easily removed or something will feel missing.


Especially his brothers, how MC improved their relationship for the better amazes me


DPB had the honors of being the first novel to make me bawl my eyes out. When I started reading this is never prepared (nor did I expect to) myself to cry.


the brothers arc, Guas arc and xiao si's arc made me really really emotional.


Ps.For those who are anxious on how this will end (like me lol)


This is a HE. So heartwarming that I melted into a puddle

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Rhemechii rated it
November 29, 2019
Status: Completed
This is easily one of my all time favorite novels I have read under the transmigration trope.

I agree with most of the reviews you've probably already read. After reading the summary, one would assume it would follow the usual premises of revenge/counterattack transmigration plots, where the MC has a golden finger, system, and finds a golden thigh to survive then block their foes together, which in this case, the brothers of the original host.

But, as you read further, turns out it was different from the first impression, as the hidden... more>> plot starts to reveal bit by bit.

Once you finish this story, you'd probably find yourselves at the end of a thrilling ride, just like me. It gave me a lot of emotions, made me cry and laugh. And overall, it was an experience I wouldn't forget because, for me, the story stands out with its refreshing take of its genre.

As for what I would have to say in-depth about this novel, The characters and its pace of growth is good. You'd get to know each one through their own 'character', and witness their development through factors such as relationships as it progresses naturally. What I really love the most in this novel though, is the fact its revenge is served through redemption, ending the vicious cycle of hatred. It is about forgiving and moving on, instead of ruining the lives of the people that once crippled someone's life in a previous timeline. I really appreciate it and honestly need more of it! <<less
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peekaboom rated it
October 13, 2019
Status: Completed
It's so fascinating I'm not even joking. It's one of the most interesting novel I've ever had the pleasure of reading.

The plotline is great, every character is notable in their own way- their developments are delicious, but their relationship is almost like no other. It's such a nice feeling, reading a novel where the story doesn't only focus on goals and problems but also the relationship between the characters, which is undeniably a keypoint to all the dramas happening. The relationships (be it friendship, familial, romantic, even questionable ones) aren't... more>> mere toppings but essential to the plot. Which honestly what makes the story's flow realistic to me.

Ugh, I'm not great with words, but just read this. Seriously it's so worth it. It's such a lovely novel overall. <<less
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April 26, 2023
Status: c122
I really love this novel. It's one of the most entertaining and equally dramatic ones. However I've noticed that the previous translation has been deleted and therefore I'm sadly unable to continue reading it. I refuse to put myself through MTL. I'll just wait I suppose. It's a shame. The previous translation was wonderful too.
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Qutie rated it
March 21, 2023
Status: c125
The plot:

Surprisingly, the business (underworld) part of the story wasn't hard to follow at all. Atleast remember the names mentioned and you'll understand what's happening. This author is talented asf. The whole plot (currently translated to ch125 as I'm writing this) is filled with plot twists. Especially on Shi Jin's side of the family. I start thinking I've grasped all the family drama and BOOM, nope there's more. There are lighthearted moments peppered all over buy the story had its dark moments.

Shi Jin (MC) :

How can someone be... more>> mature, dense, cute, and smart, all in one. Like yes, he has low EQ but boy is this man someone with super high IQ. Also I suppose he looks somewhat OP but like I said, he's smart (and he has the death progress bars). The way he deals with his and the original Shi Jin's emotional baggage is surprisingly realistic. Things don't get fixed in 10 chapters, the consequences of how the original Shi Jin was treated show in the way our MC acts and the way he thinks. So beautiful if I'm being honest. The damage is stretched.

Lian Jun (ML) :

Cool, calm, and collected but head over heels for Shin Jun. I don't know what else to say other than the fact that he's perfect all around. Being the leader of an underworld organization but still retaining loyal subordinates shows his capabilities.

The Brothers:

If OP was a character, it'd be these brothers. I'm not going to say much about them as that's for you to find out as you read but I will say this, your opinion will be wavering alot.


I appreciate all the links the translators put throughout the novel. They help me get a visual of what is being described, gain a better understanding of the quotes being said, or just understand certain positions mentioned. I've never seen this so far but I really like it.

I'm probably not going to come back to this as the last update was on August 2022. It's been 8 months since the last update. Despite this I enjoyed my journey and I suppose that's another chapter closed. <<less
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Bohlam rated it
February 10, 2022
Status: Completed
This novel is a masterpiece.

This novel brings me to another world that I don't know and make me fall in love imadiently. I lost count of how many times I re-read this novel. The interaction of MC and ML will make you have cavities.

... more>>

And boy, MC brothers hahaha can't get enough of them. I like when they start hit each other because of the "dream"


So the story starts when Shi Jin (MC) woke up at "someone" body, and then he discovered that he transmigrated into a novel with a complicated family. So Shi Jin decided to go as far as he can for "his" family, then met the ML. And the story became more interesting and thrilling <<less
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YSN rated it
January 16, 2022
Status: c121
I really love this story. I've reread it multiple times and still do so. I can only recommend.


All the characters have their own personality and are fleshed out. You can really feel and root for them. Their actions are also always logical and not just good for a certain scene. Even the side Characters get fleshed out and have their own backstory so it never feels like their just here for a few chapters and just evaporate like that. They all get their ends tied up nicely. The MC is not (too) op which I love because it allows him to be vulnerable without it being senseless. He's naive but still has common sense and is a hard worker. You can follow his train of thought and his interactions with the system are nice as well.

The ML is just a Super dreamy husband material. I'm not gonna write to much cuz I don't wanna spoil anything but he's SUCH a Cutie. His interactions with the MC are so sweet. You can feel him falling in love with the MC and you actually feel the love between them.


The Brothers are by far my favorite for obvious reasons and the relationship between them all is so well written that I didn't even know what to do.


Plot/ Pacing:

The story is really interesting. It has multiple arcs and the pacing in each of them is super good. There's foreshadowing and the timeliness lines up perfectly as well. As in if the MC asks for information it's not just there by the next day. It takes time to gather and it doesn't feel rushed at all. The atmosphere while reading is super nice as well because it's just so well written that it's easy to get immersed.


Nothing to say aside from how good it is translated. With all it's notes and everything. I'm really grateful that they took their time to put out such good quality work even if it takes time.

This is legit my favorite story and I keep coming back to it especially since I'm still waiting for new chapters. It's almost finished though so there's that. I didn't really wanna write this much but I just have to let everyone know that I can't stop reading, thinking and talking about this novel. My friends are really sick of it by now 😂
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March 30, 2021
Status: Completed
I loooove this novel so much!!! Finished it by mtl and it was such an emotional train!

It depicted a story of the people of the underworld organization who have to struggle & sacrifice to live under the light, which is the world of the ML.

It is also a story of MC with his brothers who had betrayed him in his previous light. It is satisfying because it is not some cliche story of revenge or face-slapping. Instead, it's a story about redemption. I love to read about the interaction between... more>> MC's brothers. And the way each of them try to compensate MC in their own way is so awkwardly cute! And how they fight over doting on their youngest brother (MC) is soo funny! It makes we want to have brothers too..*sigh.

And my most favourite is of course the interaction between MC & ML. It was soo sugary sweet and full of fluff! I like that the MC is proactive and clingy towards the ML and yet at the same time become the ML's sunshine in his cold life.

And the ML, Lian Jun... I like him so much!! He is a very smart, charismatic & dependable leader. So-so-so dependable, that even though he is crippled you can't help but fall into awe towards him & exclaim, 'how cool!'. And he is very gentle, indulging, considerate & supportive towards the MC, always silently becoming a strong pillar for the MC to lean on when the MC face turbulant in relationship with his brothers. He is such a sweet lover! Not the typical domineering, overbearing & possessive ML at all.

The ending is ahhhhh... so satisfying!

Oh yeah, the system, xiao si is adorable too! <<less
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Chipmunkch33k5 rated it
March 11, 2021
Status: c111
(≧▽≦) A super immersive experience on this journey so far and I love every minute of it; a healthy relationships between the couple, actual exciting scenarios due to the job if the ML, thought out ways on how to deal with different situations that felt realistic, an actual in scene journey towards becoming healthy, the anticipation of solving the mystery elements....

Gonna torture myself by waiting for this to be completed, then binge read the rest (♡ω♡) ~♪
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January 29, 2021
Status: Completed
Well written & well translated! Went to read the raws coz I couldn’t wait to get to the ending.
it’s not a typical system story, and not a typical revenge story.. The confrontation with each brother made me cry, and the way the author set out how each character felt from his own perspective felt so honest.
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Sleepy_sheepy rated it
November 30, 2020
Status: c105
This novel is just so good.

It's got a great blend of humor, mystery, action, drama along with a good dose of healthy affectionate love between the MC and ML... along with exploring complex family/sibling dynamics! ... more>>

Sibling reconciliation and redemption arcs are my guilty pleasure... so this was definitely right up my alley


The MC and ML are capable and intelligent and so so good to each other. It's actually amazing and really romantic. There are sooo many instances of great teamwork and communication between them, I could gush on and on.

romantic moments include: MC accompanying and actively assisting with ML's rehab re medical injuries; ML secretly making plans to actively help MC for their future; meticulously planning dates; GENUINELY COMMUNICATING to resolve misunderstandings...

Simply put, they really complement each other.

The arcs get fairly intense. While initially I was a bit hesitant due to the strange premise (felt like I had to suspend my disbelief at the very beginning re the criminal organisation and background of the world), I soon was drawn into the world and the story kept getting more and more engrossing. The revenge plot and the way everything unfolds is dark but very satisfying, with funny and light moments in between.

Can't wait for more chapters! <<less
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