Death March kara Hajimaru Isekai Kyusoukyoku (WN)


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Suzuki, an adult programmer, suddenly notices that he’s been thrown into a different world while wearing casual clothes at level 1. He gained high levels and treasures after using the 3 times use-disposable-magic, Meteor Shower, at once. After that, he intends to do different world “sightseeing tours”?

He meets 3 beast girls, beautiful purple and black-haired sisters, and an eccentric blonde-haired elf girl along with various people during his trip. Although there are occasional fighting with demons and demon lords, this is a heartwarming fantasy story at heart.

Associated Names
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Death Marching to the Parallel World Rhapsody
Related Series
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  3. good novels
  5. Leidos

Latest Release

Date Group Release
09/09/19 Sousetsuka v17c31
09/02/19 Sousetsuka v17c30
08/26/19 Sousetsuka v17c29
08/19/19 Sousetsuka v17c28
08/12/19 Sousetsuka v17c27
08/05/19 Sousetsuka v17c26
07/29/19 Sousetsuka v17c25
07/15/19 Sousetsuka v17c24
07/08/19 Sousetsuka v17c23
07/01/19 Sousetsuka v17c22
06/24/19 Sousetsuka v17c21
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06/03/19 Sousetsuka v17c18
05/27/19 Sousetsuka v17c17
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240 Reviews sorted by

July 14, 2016
Status: v14c17
This is a slice of life with a very diverse cast of interesting side characters. One shouldn't go into it expecting a ton plot development, action, etc. If you are fine with that, this is one one the best WNs out there. The MC is ridiculous OP, above Tatsuya levels and there's very little tension when solving conflicts because of that.

You should stay for the cute characters, interesting world and relaxing atmosphere.
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July 13, 2016
Status: v14c17
So, I like this because I like the way the MC live his life, easygoing, no worries, he has god like abilities so until now we don't have any enemy that can make a fight with him and is easy to read. It isn't a masterpiece but it is at least, addicting, and I liked it a lot. I think it was worth my time and I think it deserve praises for being a perfect slice of life in a world where you would expect a dangerous adventure.
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July 12, 2016
Status: v14c16
Do you like overpowered protagonists?
Do you like lolis?
Do you like harems?
Do you like slice of life?
Do you like food?
Do you like cute moments?

If your answer is a yes to most of these questions, then you'll enjoy this novel. Though as a warning, though you do get action, it is very rare. This novel could probably be best described as the travels of Satou and his harem as they discover the wonders of food. Though as a slice of life novel, it is an amazing read, and the fights are quite well done as well.
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Pkbwgsc rated it
July 5, 2016
Status: v13c10
I'll just list the good and bad parts of the novel and expound from there.

Good: The premise of the story is okay. It draws you in, and with a lot of traveling starting almost right away it often introduces fresh characters. The MC *SPOILER* later obtains a teleportation ability so former characters are not just forgotten. He uses this to go back and visit acquaintances so characters are not just forgotten and 'happen' to have a random encounter later. It's very slice of life, the characters have clearly defined traits,... more>> and the author tries to give voice to the main cast, MC or not. There is much more to add to this list, but that's all I'll list off he top of my head right now.

For the BAD: the MC is passive. Not horrendously so. He does still go out and use his powers for benevolent matters, but you can often see in the exposition he tends to be restrained and very conservative. He's kind of like the adult in anime that acts as a touchstone for many other people. Except this is MC. Makes the story feel flat later on, especially when he decides on a "main girl".

Oh yeah, that brings to mind - this is a harem story. With the MC ignoring most of the girls because his morals do not allow him to do anything else. I think at this point only 2 (maybe one if I'm remembering incorrectly) have directly confided their feelings to him. And he brushes it off, citing the old "they'll get over it eventually" trope.

Like I mentioned earlier, the story eventually feels flat. The world is dangerous, but races thrive; s*avery exists, but abuse is frowned upon and never touched on in the story; the MC is op, as in op enough to kill an immortal demon lord that can defend against 99% of attacks and beat the sh*t out of a legendary dragon that can penetrate through any armor with only his teeth. So no real opposition to him.

All in all, this is slice of life without any overt drama. The author tries, but mostly only superficially manages to make all the characters deeper. The MC is denser than dark matter, stays within all boundaries (being a beta if you want to be critical) and just treats everything like it'll turn out okay. The harem is ever growing with 2 illegal lolis, one preteen jail bait and a baa-san in a young, also illegal loli body from the beginning traveling with him.

However, the story is cohesive, if very simple. The MC is not a jackass that goes around picking girls up like candy and slaughtering countries for making him angry. And the story regularly updates, having only 2 days in between updates.

So, take your pick and choose to read it or not. <<less
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lekhoa88 rated it
June 14, 2016
Status: v12c20
Like many other reviewers mentioned:
- The story get repetitive & boring later on.
- Many bland, underdeveloped side characters got added.
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May 21, 2016
Status: V13c34
This series is just fun in every way. The OP MC is just not in the league of OP anymore. He's God level n still seems OP. Light hearted series with fun adventures n food.
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UnknownSaint171 rated it
March 21, 2016
Status: --
The character interactions and action is really well written. But please keep in mind there’s no such thing as Plot or Character development in this story! Even a Wuxia would had a better plot. Its fun to read but there will be a lot of times you’ll be mad or frustrated enough to want to drop this. The summary says its “heartwarming” but there’s not once a scene that has made me cry or emotional.

This is a really good story to waste your time on. But the Harem is so... more>> suffocating that the Main Character doesn’t have time to breath. Even I as the reader can’t breath. The girls push their will unto him but its not that bad I guess. This story could be so much better but the story is like Scramble Eggs. Utilize the characters better! Lol. The story is really unorganized.

Ill have to rate this 3.0. Yes, its a great adventure and a very popular WN on the internet. I think we all can agree on that. But even if its good it still has things people may dislike or like. Other then that its really fun to read at times. Please read the Spoiler.


One good reason to read this would because of Zena, since the beginning of the story she was the first Heroine. She to adorable!! I really enjoy her character. But she has little scenes. In the Ln I heard she has a lot more character impact and longer scenes. Anyways Gotta love her!

The Main Character often visits prostit**es. The Harem doesn't give him enough space that they won’t let him be near other girls so he goes to Brothels secretly time to time. At first I hated he was a playboy but now I can’t blame him for it.

-Be warn further will be a spoiler-

The other thing I really disliked would be... Mia. There was a illustration on the Novel of her in underwear and arms extending towards him. Honestly I can’t help but feel disturb that a little girl would do that.. she would do anything for him.

I really hate how a some of the young girls who played the "Little sister roles" perfectly become lovers. Reminds me of Usagi drop in a way. Raises the girls like family but then marry them when they get older. Isn't that like ruining something sacred?


P.S: I am only reading this because of the OPness. If you love OP then you will enjoy this. I love how he defeats those who underestimate him and I love the power lvling. The comedy and characters interactions... these are the only things I love of this Novel. You could say the rest is garbage.

Is there Romance? Well yes and no. Its the type of story where he gets all the girls with little effort so can that even be called Romance? Lol. Maybe if lovely dovey to one girl instead but obviously not happening!


ZENA is best girl!! but wasted character potential :/

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Maracas rated it
March 18, 2016
Status: --
if you want to see a MC that love young-mature women but is surrounded by lolis < 11 years old read it.

if you want a MC to see him puke and summon a loli read it.

the plot is ok, but the desire of the author to try to add but fail miserable mature implicit content reduce his work by whole 6 levels. if author removed the wanna be mature content his work would be great. (i stop reading this when the MC said he wants to have s*x but cant... more>> with the golem and cant go to a brothel because of guilt with the other lolis... that seriously pissed me off XD)

independent of the author's wanna be implicit mature content, translators and editors were great in all those chapters I read, for them I gave 3 stars lol (if it is only for tl and edition I would give 5) <<less
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SeveringSoul rated it
March 5, 2016
Status: --
You need to take this series with a grain of salt, it’s not meant to be a serious story there is no bullsh*t drama that makes you hate the story, the main cast have so many plot armors that there is no chance of anything bad happening, (normally.)

It’s meant to be a light hearted story, so that’s what you need to take it as, the plot is shallow, and needs to be viewed as something more like a slice of life, it’s literally about the MC and him... more>> traveling this new world he was transported to, and all the things happening around him

In this world it’s not unusual to have s*aves, (especially) women so the MC having a harem is no surprise, that said it’s not like these other shitty stories where it’s all about r*pe, and turning women into the MC’s whore’s, all the girls with him have a special circumstance, some cliche but none of it is forced.

Most of them being little girls, the MC is a lolicon (lol, once you read this you’ll see why that’s funny,) any way poor Satou despite not even looking for girls to be in his harem, is constantly put into situations where more and more girls are thrown at him, normally even this kind young man that just want’s to essentially chill and travel the world would not be so adverse to it, but 9/10 times it’s a little loli, so this ‘harem’ of his is more like he has a big family and he is the parent/big brother.

So honestly just read the story, believe me if you just want a light hearted read with a low-key OP MC, actually decent fight scenes where the author actually has a brain, and a fluffy harem/romance, you’ll love it, so read the damn book already.

And no he isn't a dense whiny MC, he has no problems with being around girls, so if you're looking for one you won't find it here. <<less
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February 12, 2016
Status: --
Cute and fun but seemingly aimless.

Read for slice of life and MC being sugoi for his domestic skills.
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sdarkpaladin rated it
January 25, 2016
Status: --
Do you want a story of an over-powered MC? Do you want a slice of life, nothing happened storyline? Do you want something more boring than Mahouka? Well this is that story.

In all seriousness though, people looking for new Mushoku Tensei shouldn't read this. This novel is for people who want to read about the MC breezing through everything. The interaction scenes are nice though, with the MC acting like a boyfriend/big brother figure to his harem of little girls.

Another big plus is the speed of the translator group. Man... more>> they are fast. <<less
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Aren rated it
December 21, 2015
Status: --
First I was like: Ehh why is the initial plot like that. So he just transferred into another world and get Uber level and skill all of a sudden? That's cheap
After that: Well it's not so bad. The plot progress at leisurely rate, but there's certainly some action.
And then: The dungeon arc is really interesting. Oh he got surrounded by (some loli) girls. Well it's part of the plot and it seems to further develop the story.
Then: The more adult female character is interesting. I hope the author will ship her with Satou.
But then: MC meets more loli character. It would be fine though if only he didn't turn it into a sexualized circumstance (one of the loli basically just threw herself to MC), which is weird because the previous relationship development with other character is not rushed.
I still think this LN is worthwhile to read though, as long as the author does not describe the loli in s*xual context too much.
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illumi rated it
December 7, 2015
Status: --
read first 2 vol, common and annoying, those are 2 words that I get from this wn. The common part is from the setting of the story, as for the annoying part, I dont really like the author’ writing style, sometime too confusing plus there’s too much of game terms.

I dont know if the story get interesting along the way, but this definitely the least interesting wn that I've tried to read.

update: I read the chapt 1-6 of LN translation, it’s somehow different than what I read on wn. Will... more>> try read another chapt of wn. <<less
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Miracle rated it
December 5, 2015
Status: --
Truly a slice of life type novel cuz you know what? He is too powerful for anyone to stand up against him and thats that. So no fights worth draggin. However I think people fail to notice the fact on how this is a slice of life and MC is just op when in terms of lvl only and apparently people fail to notice this (if you’re gonna read. Do it properly especially on the SYPNOSIS given)

Problem is it is too much slice of life that there is... more>> no goal here. Just go with the flow MC and the author jumps to whatever he likes.

Apparently people get annoyed in the start and gives up reading because MC is op, yet he does not live up to it. Stop being dumb and realize that he does not have any skills at his disposal duh*#~$& <<less
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Nyanko rated it
December 5, 2015
Status: --
This is the story of the world’s most powerful tourist, transported from another world to tour around the world surrounded by Loli’s! If you’re looking for a “Reincarnated Hero comes and Saves The World” type of story, then you would be very disappointed in this one. To me, I cannot see the long term goal of this story, where it is going to go, and for that reason, the score suffers. Still, I read it every day, so its not >THAT< bad of a story.
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Lachiel rated it
October 16, 2015
Status: --
I like to call this novel "At your own pace.."

We follow a MC as hes transported into a different world, and finds out that it has a UI thats similar to a game he was developing before he got transported (Chapter 1ish~ no spoilerinos)
In the process he becomes OP and then acquires a.. Harem in a sense.

Now the reason I called it "At your own pace" is due to the fact that most chapters usually end off pretty well by themselves. Now their are a few that are linked together to form a kind of multi chapter fight scene but other then these you can stop reading for the day and pick it up another day and not feel like you >really< need to keep reading. I do recommend it as it's fairly a fairly light hearted story that can cheer you up.
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makenai89 rated it
October 15, 2015
Status: --
Good story, funny moments, relaxing novel, with overly OP protagonist and a lot of cute girls, but the story can be very drawn out at times and become quite boring.
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October 13, 2015
Status: --
boring slice of life, less of action, it is good to make you feel sleepy when you read it
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conspible rated it
October 7, 2015
Status: --
MC is honestly too OP and the way of writing makes me skip a few chapters here and there. Otherwise really good for a "transfer" related novel.
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