Death Is The Only Ending For The Villain


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I’ve reincarnated as the reverse harem game’s villainess, the one and only adopted daughter of the ducal Eckart family.

But the difficulty just has to be the worst!

Everything I do will only lead me to death.

I must be paired with one of the main male characters from the heroine’s harem before the ‘real daughter’ of the duke family appears!

Two older brothers who always pick a fight with me on every little thing.

The insane crown prince whose route will always lead to my death.

‘I only see the heroine and no one else’s wizard, and also her loyal s*ave knight, too!

‘First, let’s take some of them which I see no hope in, out of the list!’

“I didn’t know my place up until now. From now on, I’ll live as quiet as a mouse so you wouldn’t care the slightest bit!

But why do their interests in me keep on rising every time I draw the line?!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Death Is the Only Ending for the Villainess
Villains Are Destined To Die
악역의 엔딩은 죽음뿐
Related Series
I Don’t Want to Be Loved (10)
The Duke’s Imposter Sister (9)
Under the Oak Tree (9)
Living As the Villainess Queen (8)
Predatory Marriage (8)
It Seems Like I Fell into a Reverse Harem Game (8)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Romance Novels
  2. Obsessed male protagonists
  3. (Fantasy Romance)
  4. Korean Novels
  5. Favs Favs

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202 Reviews sorted by

Maxigroggy rated it
November 4, 2020
Status: c102
So this novel really made me emotional. As someone who sympathize with Penelope’s background and her overall character, I really do adore all her flaws and her struggles as a hated villainess. Now as for the male leads... Penelope has really good points when they argue and it is quite satisfying when reading. It really isn’t obvious as to who the main male lead is but as to the story hinting at it, it is quite low key as to who it is. As to the story progressing so far,... more>> it is fair to each male leads with the percentage of favorability. The story really hooks you in with all the mysteries it gives and for me as a reader I really can’t put my phone down even in a second. So I really highly recommend you this novel and at least give it a try. <<less
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Pffftttt rated it
July 3, 2020
Status: c105
My #1 villainous MC novel.....I just love the MC. Unlike other 'transmigration into a game ' novels this one is quite different. The MC has suffered so much I really want her to reach a happy end soon. It can make you move and sympathize with the MC so much during some chapters.... I don't know how many hate comments to that s*upid brother i've already given on different websites, although he'll improve later (still no regrets cz he deserved those comments!!!) . It's worth it.... go ahead and enjoy... more>> this amazing novel ! <<less
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Ambery05 rated it
May 18, 2020
Status: --
Drama. Drama everywhere huhu.

The story is great. The side of how a villainess is made. It really hurt.

Can't wait for the development of the story.
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Valentine Jegeg
I especially made an account so I can leave this review

This story stands out from the rest of reincarnation/ otome game story. Rather than a romance drama story, this is more like thrilling psychology one, and I like it.

The main protagonist is not your ordinary main. She is determined to keep her neck intact and stay committed to that. She's no saint tho, where she would blindly believe in everyone who is nice to her. Death is in every corner and it does take toll on the poor girl. I... more>> think at one point she admit that it makes her paranoid.

Even until chapter 33 I still can't tell who the main male is.

I sympathize with her, cuz she actually weeps at the fact that she has to deny her true feelings in order to curry favour from the male targets. And boy, all the things she does to keep her head attached.

I hope it gets translated smoothly. So far the translation is going great. <<less
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PomeloCloud rated it
April 30, 2020
Status: c34
I am forever waiting for updates because I can't seem to MTL the raws, how sad. But knowing that the translations are great, waiting is a pleasure. Yes, indeed it is another of those cliche villainess novels but that's the reason why I'm even reading this, lmao.

I love how much of a slow burn it is, but considering that the MC is at hard mode, and is doing her very best to survive, I guess it is only the most logical pattern to follow. A system is also attached to... more>> her, hence makes it more bound to rules. What I love is that she's not completely OP. I enjoyed all her interactions with the capture targets, because as you see, the response isn't what you would expect. <<less
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Smart coconut san
Most of these reviews are like the same person in different clothes lol.

The only valid arguements I found are about:

- Bad character development

... more>> - Penelope not being held accountable.

There are some arguements about her being too cruel on the others and expecting sincerity when she's not sincere. But when will you realise that if she doesn't bite first she'll get bitten? She was treated like tr*sh the entire time before, right from her childhood so how is it her fault she has a completely shitty personality when she had no one to correct her. In anything. So it's completely understandable that the current Penny justifies her behaviour, she sees her past self in Penelope.

There are also complaints about her being too manipulative BUT. She's supposed to be a villain, it's in the title incase you missed it, literally everything she did before HAD to be calculated or my girl would've lost her head. I think we're a bit too used to female leads just getting close to the MLs without much effort despite the death flags that's why this is unusual where a fork is a death flag. Every male lead us a walking catastrophe, she's not safe I'm her house, hell even her room ffs. But the main issue is, this wouldn't be brought up if it was a male MC because they can be as shitty as they want in the name of revenge and it's always justified. I think she can do her revenge as she sees fit because she understands her situation the best and nobody else can understand anything she went through like herself.




I grandly agree with the no character development part because she's not changed even a bit from how she was at the start, but just by itself that's not a valid point to give the novel a one star.

I rest my case. <<less
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July 20, 2022
Status: --
It's my first time writing a review and definitely not an English speaker, so forgive me with the grammatical errors.

This is actually the first Korean novel that I read and I find it very very promising so I skimmed the first few chapter and immediately got hooked. I personally love the MC, I don't why many people are hating her but everyone's opinion is different.

I find it realistic where the MC is kinda cold-hearted at first coz' with all the things she experienced, it's somehow reasonable why she ought... more>> to act that way. A child who suffered from abuse is not something to be taken lightly off. Everyone should understand that the MC did suffer from an abusive environment and IS NEGLECTED from her adopted family.

The first translator did a very good job translating the first few chapter but the second translation just suck. I forgot what chapter the 2nd trans started but I really couldn't go on reading since it's just that horrible. I hope someone picks this up again and share this brilliant novel. <<less
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kello rated it
April 4, 2022
Status: Completed
" captivating and beautifully written work"

Great character settings and plot... The main parts I love are the interaction between the main characters (I also love their daughter)

I would recommend this book to anyone who likes adventurous romantic mystery stories!

Many thanks to the author for writing this amazing story!! 💕😊
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Pinebestapple rated it
March 9, 2022
Status: c231
PLEASE for the love of god stop reviewing novels when you've read like 4 chapters. (I wont speak on the translation but if I remember correctly, after the Banquet arc and the Cave arc there isnt many, if any, missing pieces, so if you're coming from the Manhwa you can try and just skim to there.) (Also obviously there are times when early reviews are ok, such as like "this author basically writes r*pe p*rn, or excuses that kind of behavior, that I understand. This author does NOT... more>> do that.)

This novel is definitely a heart wrencher, but, imo, you'll feel angry more often than sad. I normally stay away from any and all angst, so for me to be able to read this says something. This book is a phenomenal read.

This next part will contain some mild spoilers (such as who is the actual ML in case you havent spoiled yourself that yet, and a little bit of my opinion on how the book ends pre extras, which I havent caught up on.)


The only excusable ones actions in the novel is Kallisto and I guess maybe the Mage (iirc the mage overall didnt end up doing much to her, but he probably still did something to make me dislike him). While Kallistos actions in the beginning were extremely harsh, there ARE reasons for it, like genuine reasons (have to remember hes a prince and doesnt know a damn thing about her in the beginning). Although he doesnt directly apologize for it, his attitude towards her changes over time as he gets to know her. F*ck the brothers, f*ck the dad, f*ck everyone else.

If you're looking for them to die, sadly, as of the end of the novel before extras, they don't. I truly wished they did, but alas we can't all get what we want. HOWEVER! However, none of them get "redeemed" besides maybe Kallisto. They're all still dickheads in Penelopes mind and heart, and that's what they'll forever be. Do not worry.

Some if you may disagree with my take on Kallisto, and that's ok, I understand that. But I just think given the context I know from reading the novel, his actions were the most reasonable, and the "most forgivable" of the bunch.


Sorry for the mini Essay, I'm just so tired of seeing people review this novel and other novels and not give credit where credit is due.

Also, if the spoiler part is a little incoherent, I tried revealing as little as possible while giving my opinion. It has been awhile since I've read the novel. I just, couldn't take it seeing so many review the translation basically instead of the actual novel.

Edit: Extra spoiler about a certain character (dont read unless you want to see a mini rant that does contain a pretty big spoiler) :


All this simping for Eclise needs to stop, it really does. Out of all the characters, she treated him the best for the most part. If he really wanted freedom, he could've gotten it from her pretty fast, and she wouldve just continued on her way to find a different path. She already showed that. Eclise had the best treatment possible for a sl*ve, and had a chance early on to get away, and he didnt. So for him to turn around and betray her, is inexcusable. It's not like she abused him at all, besides not loving him back. But the way he loved her was a crazy psycho way anyways? There really is no excuse for his behavior. That betrayal was just, way too much. Hes the one I wish died the most.

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July 23, 2021
Status: c231
As for the story, I thought it had great potential. Super interesting in some places and a bit slow in others, but overall a good story.

However, the translation is a completely different thing. It's almost unreadable in certain chapters. The translator changed an uncountable number of times and while some were ok, a lot were down right terrible. You have to be very patient and seeking to guess sometimes to make it through some chapters.
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Immernachtreich rated it
July 23, 2021
Status: --
I stopped reading at the point she met the crown prince. At first this was rather interesting. I liked the game aspect and how she was desperately trying to stay alive. And then bam, she suddenly wants to meet the prince and get mu*dered and the second she meets the prince she regrets her hasty decision. She had enough time to think this through, she at least should have come up with some plan in case she regrets her decision. But because the prince is the ML and the author... more>> wants the MC to capture him she forced the MC to act OOC and do something monumentally s*upid that she regretted the second she did it. I dislike harem in the first place, but the worst was the author destroying the MC established personality to force the romance. <<less
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Naega rated it
June 30, 2021
Status: c9
The female lead is not very likable. Or should I say satisfying? Although the concept was unique, I think the personal choices of words of the female lead makes it hard to like her. She chose to switch of the choice button, but her personal choices were not very smart either
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wacamole rated it
June 30, 2021
Status: c223
After reading the manhwa version for this novel, I got impatient and wanted to know more about the story since I never read something like this before. The first barrier I encountered while reading this was definitely the translation. There were times where it was hard to understand and follow the plot correctly since I think they directly translated from google translate? I'm not sure... but, I was extremely patient trying to grasp the key parts of the story. Moreover, someone also commented, but the pronouns are a mess... It... more>> was definitely one of the main reasons that made me stop, and read twice to second-guess who was talking in the plot. Aside from that, the plot was nice and a bit dramatic, but the part that triggered me the most was

the way the FL (Pennelope) treated Eclise (one of the ML, who is supposed to be bought from the s*ave)... Oh, man! I got sooo frustrated while reading the parts when Eclise brought Yvonne to the Dukes. I got that Penny got mad that she was betrayed and who wouldn't be pissed after getting stabbed in the back, but the fact that she was acting like a victim the whole time made my blood boil!!! OMG!! seriously! I was hoping that there would be a point where she would reflect, but she just kept on calling him a crazy bastard, when in fact she is the one who made him that way!!!! Take some responsibility young lady!! After using him like a dog and now that he wasn't of any use for her, how dare she acts like a victim!!


Now, I'm trying to push my anger and frustration aside so that I can hope for the better for


. <<less
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FullOfArrogance rated it
May 14, 2021
Status: --
Okay so... At first, the novel and translation was pretty good. I had high expectations over it after reading the few beginning chapters but unfortunately.. Abandoned it after reaching the middle. It was just... Disappointing really.. As for why, just read it and you'll know why. Even most reviews says the same thing..

It kind of, gave me a rather negative feeling of the novel for having good feelings for it, but.. Left me disappointed in the end..

The story would have gone perfect if the MC, Penelope herself also had some... more>> character development.. But.. Ishsiaubdiejbd

Whatever.. My feelings for this novel is just.. 😭💔

For those who felt the same way as me, lets just move on.. <<less
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Haruko rated it
May 10, 2021
Status: Completed
This is a great novel to read if you are not bothered by MC's cynicism and I have just spend a week binge reading it.

MC is fed up off the word, both of them and I can understand her attitude so it did not bother me at all and I think that most most of the negative reviews were just disappointed people who hoped that she would turn around completely and become kind holy mother Mary Sue or something like that...

Overall solid read. Translation is a little iffy sometimes but... more>> it didn't bother with immersion that much.

MC is a bitter pessimist and can irritate some people, I however only found her irritating after the hard mode game over, when she was still overly fixated on the lack off game favourability mechanic's.

The heroine aka the real villainess was a great psycho but she was killed off perhaps a bit too easily.

I like it how all the male leads got a fitting ending and I also like it how MC got the chance to personally end her matters in her previous world. Proper ending for novel for once! That I appreciate a lot. <<less
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Dr. Baggels
Dr. Baggels rated it
December 8, 2020
Status: Completed
It's a really great story, my no.1 favourite actually.

IMO I don't think this story is that bad actually. I don't get why the negative comments because tbh for me at least, Penelope sounds like a pretty realistic character that uses common sense I guess.

I mean, she acted distant towards others and doesn't really let others in easily. Why? Because she knew everything was just a game and in the end she'd still go back after completing 'the game'. It's better not to get attached to others if you know you'd... more>> leave them anyway.// That is, if you look in a logical way ofc, if you look at the emotion part it's kinda not fair but hey, she did all those distancing for survival too.

Also can you really blame a girl who had never receive affection other than from her

mother that died when she was young?


I also like that she gets along with the main male lead. Well not really, but their relationship is very cute I want one.


Callisto and Penelope go well with each other because amongst all the mls they resonate with each other most, like they know and could feel about each other's pain. Both of them had their mothers died when they were young, both were hated and neglected by their family. Obviously they never really receive love from anyone so they are a perfect pair to heal each other's wound.


For me, Callisto is my favourite male lead because

despite his mean nature, he was actually a very nice guy (mostly towards Penelope) and you might even find his personality endearing. I legit cried for a solid 5 mins at chapter 230 when he was dying lol.


To be honest, those who left negative reviews when they haven't even finish the novel they were reviewing are not fair and even rude to the author. Like, you didn't even give the story a chance, straight up dump it cuz it didn't match your taste and leave bad reviews for it. You don't know, maybe you'll actually find it to be interesting if you finish it till the end. <<less
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soysuva rated it
November 18, 2020
Status: c140
I have a hate and love relationship with this novel. I've read the manhwa first, but I love both versions. When I first read this, I went in without expecting anything. I later came out with a waterfall of tears after reading it. The feeeeelllsss!!!

... more>>

All the abuse she had to go through from everyone around her and developing trust issues made me cry my heart out for her. She honestly deserves a better environment and better people around her. Her f'n "brothers" and "father" deserve to rot in hell. For one, the reason why I say this to her brothers is because: 1) they abused her emotionally and manipulate other people into bullying her. 2) they caused the deaths of the original Penelope (it doesn't matter if it was direct or non direct, they still were the cause of it). 3) they treat her worst than a servant, even though she's suppose to be there adopted sister! Her dad: 1) neglected Penelope to the point that she had no one to turn to for emotional support since she was little. 2) was also one of the causes to allowing servants to bully her (he basically turned a blind eye and only started taking actions because Penelope, the current one, voiced it or spoke about it to them while it was happening) 3) He only took her in because of her "pink hair", but was IRRESPONSIBLE for the after math. He doesn't deserve to be a parent. This family doesn't deserve love. They're a toxic and dysfunctional family.

My thoughts on Penelope?

I honestly liked that she had not fully trusted the people who caused a lot of emotional trauma towards her and that she didn't forgive them. She's an emotionally strong female lead. Of course there are times where she'll break and that's because she's only human. AND THAT IS NORMAL! So don't go in putting too much expectations on her. She's been through a lot and I for one, want to see a happy ending for her. So that's why I'm invested in reading this. I also found out through some spoilers who the male lead is and for anyone pissed at the adopted brothers, be happy! They aren't the male leads! I won't spoil it anymore, since you might want to find out for yourselves. 😅

But yep... Penelope is a complexed character who's been through emotional and physical abuse. Although she's toughen up because of all of this, I still feel like no one (including her) should have to go through this. And the sad reality is, that there are still people who go through this in real life. I really hope and wish everyone who's going through this, that they will find happiness and joy in life. Please do get help if you are currently experiencing abuse! You don't need toxic people in your lives! You deserve better! Gah, I'm getting emotional again! 😭

Penelope is awesome!

Also, do not be discouraged with the bad reviews. It's just people preferences. Read it first and decide for yourself. How can you know if you'll like it or not, if you haven't read it yet? Am I right? 😁 <<less
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axl-NU rated it
October 26, 2020
Status: Completed
The start is fantastic, a great example of a transmigration romance story well done. When it later devolves into fantasy with magic, wands, and spells, the novel loses quite a bit of its charm. At that point, however, you've become so invested in the characters, their relationships, and the plot that you plow through the rest. Even with its flaws and some of the wholly unnecessary subplots, the novel is among the better romance novels on here, especially when it comes to fleshing out each and every ML.
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alyx_teohwj rated it
September 3, 2020
Status: Completed
I love this story! The female lead is not your typical Mary Sue character. She is clever in her own way! I love how she is realistic and thinks that survival is the top priority. She does not fall in love with the characters easily, she is merely using them. Think of it this way, would you suddenly fall in love with the characters in the novel when the death is awaiting at every corner? Definitely no.

Secondly, the story progresses in a fast pace. No unnecessary fillers. The plot is... more>> intriguing and unique. This is not your typical romance novel.

If you are looking for something fast-pace and comical, give this novel a try! <<less
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kamisamanaa rated it
August 17, 2020
Status: Completed
one of the best isekai stories in my opinion. Very heart wrecking but at the end she got what she deserved.

Read the side stories! XD
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