Daily Disposable Persona


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As Zong Yan sat in the classroom, he always felt like the odd man out. His body was there but his soul had sneaked out the window. He wanted to do anything, wanted to be anyone, as long as he wasn’t himself.

He had a cool and unbelievable superpower:

He could extract different persona cards from the void with his bare hands. With a high enough “SAN” value, Zong Yan could become an entirely different being. Superpowers, ancient gods, eldritch powers, even… an Outer God.

Soaring above the dome of the magical city, he was the free-flying son of the wind.

Strolling through the rain-soaked, foggy streets of London, he was the secretive and unpredictable night watchman.

Walking in the extravagance and glamour of New York, he was the sun god who held the light in his hands.

Diving into the geometric city of R’lyeh, he was the indescribable king.

In the gorgeous and colorful world of dreams, he was the original belief in the universe.

Early to bed, early to rise, going to school on time, working late to save the world. A senior at Qingyang High School by day, honors scholar at Miskatonic University by night. Investigating unusual events all over the world during summer and winter vacation, battling wits and courage with evil gods, dedicated to preserving peace and saving a faltering world.

Zong Yan: Thanks, but I’m just an ordinary high school kid.

* CP is an unnamable evil god

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58 Reviews sorted by

PetitBleu rated it
December 13, 2021
Status: c124
Okay, I absolutley LOVED this novel.

It is a novel where you find lots of genres like fantasy, steampunk elements and even normal student life like working over exams,... so simply very divers

... more>>

I loved the main couple and I really routed for them to come together since the beginning. Even if you would not think they didn't work together there was just this charm 👌. Even if they only confessed to each other like 20 chapters before the end, you would always be excited to finally read this scene while reading the beginning.


I already read lots of other BLs over the year BUT this was absolutely some of the best I ever read since a long time

I was absolutely new to the H.P. Lovecraft universe and if you waver to read this book because of that, do NOT put it away!! The translator did a fabulous job in explaining each new vocabulary and even added pictures of the introduced Characters!!

Furthermore the story was great, there wasn't any plot used a second time and the diverse characters added more greatness.

Cudos to the Translator who diligent updates the story <3 <<less
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miumiumiu rated it
December 8, 2021
Status: --
its so good... without the romance.

the ML right now is the biggest piece of f*cking sh*t ever lmfaoooo

... more>>

he’s a god above others except one, everyone else are ants. literally tests MC to the limits and says he’s just a “special ant.” only after MC shows he might be NOT an ant, but also greater than him, he goes “😏 u have sparked my interest, ant...” but in a gross and annoying way 😭😭😭 please with MC’s personality I can’t see him with this weird ass chuunibyou ML 😭😭 MC too good for this 🤬😡🤬🤬 ML


but other than that the plot the MC the side charas the world building everything is so cute and cool!!! <<less
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pinecypress rated it
November 10, 2021
Status: --
extremely entertaining novel!! Full of action and the plot is super well written too. Romance is subplot but personally, I think it’s not too lacking at all. MC carries the series ><
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QinQing_Chen rated it
October 20, 2021
Status: Completed
I like the story. But.... The extra, the last 2 chapter.... Why it is like open ending fanfic!!! Nonono not open ending, it is like a story in hiatus! Whywhywhywhy? I feel like being hanged on cliff of curiosity! Where is the continuation QAQ!? I need it!!! TTTT_TTTT
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m0rph3uS rated it
October 4, 2021
Status: c95
I gotta admit that the first chapter didn't capture me as well as other BL novels I've read did. But by the time I reached the fourth chapter, I knew I was going to commit to reading this and waiting for the translation because it really showed potential (and it lived up to it!).

It's rooted in Lovecraft mythology and even if you don't have much knowledge about that, the story's easy enough to understand. Plus, the translator added photos of the Lovecraft mythological beings, so that helps with the imagery.

The... more>> characters are good. I first thought that the MC might end up being caught in the same old trope, but he wasn't. He has depth to his character and he shows emotions in a way that fits his character setting. For example, although he feels fear, it doesn't always project outwardly in a visible way but usually in a subtle way. He is OP but in comparison to the fact that the other characters he is dealing with are mostly otherworldly beings, it isn't much right now and he suffers lots of backlash at the start before he slowly develops.

I find the comedy to be fitting to my taste and I found myself laughing at some moments to the point that I teared up. The antics of the evil gods when messing with the MC and his identity leads to really funny results. Even the human 'Awakened' ones are really funny with how much hopes they put on his shoulders. Plus, even if he has an edge in math and languages, he really sucks at physics. I totally laugh myself silly whenever he mentions his disdain about it and when he is so proud of a three-point improvement in his exams ahhahaha. Another one is how he sets his priority straight. He has his own stubborn streak but he knows when to take a loss and retreat.

While he started off as someone weak in the eyes of the ML and the other beings, it goes on to a point that he becomes a variable that they cannot predict. I'm really looking forward to the future developments of the plot and their character, especially how the romance will even develop considering the fact that the ML has no inclination or even the capability to really 'feel' the same way that humans do.

Overall, this is a good read. The romance hasn't started yet and there's barely any hint, but well, the plot of the story really is good that it would make you stick to it. Just give it a chance!

EDIT: The romance has shown hints of starting. MC's caught in that awkward state of knowing he'd be with the ML in the future but also peeved that he had to know about it in the way he did hahahaha. <<less
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JustAki rated it
August 17, 2021
Status: c25
It's so good! In chapter 25, there's barely romance on it but the plot itself is pretty sufficient and enough to grab you in.
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Akior rated it
October 26, 2023
Status: Completed

Fun read. Unique BL novel. Would read again.

Story is about MC with powers trying to protect the world from supernatural creatures (mostly based off of Lovecraft) while trying to study for the college entrance exam.

Romance doesn't start until 3/4 into the story and it is quite sudden. I really enjoyed the introduction of different gods, the story telling and setting. I didn't enjoy the ghoul arc very much. The sudden love interest shown by the ML was jarring, but gets really sweet at the end. Reading the extras are a... more>> must to round out the whole story. The translation is top tier.

Thank you author. Thank you translator. <<less
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November 29, 2022
Status: c20
I really liked the premise and the whole chill and comedic take on the chunni disease concept was endearing in its own way,

I can handle all that cringe but what made me drop the novel is how annoying the ML is

the standard always way more powerful than the MC lurking at his shadow in every move

... more>> like idk what his identity is, just why don't mls mind their own business? Lol

anyway its good and immersive enough story wise

lots of rip off concept but the author clarified this is all for reminiscing the good ol chunni days

just wished this wasn't romance, I saw it wasn't in the main tags so my hopes were up <<less
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FlowingWater rated it
September 19, 2022
Status: c11
I also read a sprinkle of chapters at the end since I want to see where this is going. The author's note which was also translated really does explain the confusion. This is a chunibyou/eighth-grader syndrome type of novel. Once you view it like that, things start to make sense because they aren't really following 'normal' ways of thinking.

In this novel, what chunibyous desire is happening to the MC. I wouldn't call it Gary Sue since I feel it is a little different, but that's the gist of it. MC... more>> views himself as different and even when others are revealed to have abilities of their own, he stands out. The ending felt awkward and rushed, but it also sorta made sense. I viewed the entire thing through my old chunibyou lens. It's hard to put it into words at the moment. It is a self-indulgent novel, but more for the writer than the reader imo. <<less
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agathe rated it
August 9, 2022
Status: c120
The persona thing was truly interesting but it 's soon replaced by more and more interactions with monsters from Lovecraft myth, and friendly / gruesome interactions that never should be - it's fun, but it's not the same genre

Honestly I don't care for the gross romance, and as soon as the big players ares revealed, it becomes really like a different story, you don't wonder so much about the card origins, you don't discover much more personas either - alas, it was the most interesting part for, me
instead, it feels like a bit cheat, the MC kind of hack into the system, it becomes OP and loses all tension when it turns self absorbed in the absurd romance department (sorry guys, love belong to us social animals, I don't buy the bubble head feeling or booty obsession at all, it's kind of break the deal for me)

Having read very little about it (not my thing), I can't say much and even less criticize the obvious leniency of the author on the subject. Part of that exploration is even interesting as you explore the concepts without the madness - but that, by itself should be the biggest betrayal of all

it can't say it bad, but I felt a bit cheated when the MC become able to control everything. I also believe he is one of the many unfeeling characters that you obviously hardly can have any empathy for.
I understand it's pretty original and I get why people liked it though :)

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Oldaw rated it
July 30, 2022
Status: --
It's really tiring. At first I touht that it was superpower system but it turned out to be magic. We know that protagonist can "draw ability cards" but that ability isn't explained very well. Aditionally reader is flooded with so many characters, places, lore from the start that it's confusing. Autor also uses historical characters which feels strange and out of place. In my opinion original ones would by better.
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July 29, 2022
Status: c138
I was definitely hesitant to start reading this at first due to the description of it being a severe case of chuuni disease and that somewhat cringe cover but oh boy am I happy I did! This is not a YY story-this is a gentle introduction to Lovecraft! The intricacies of the pantheon which were mind-boggling to me while browsing through wiki were so logically arranged that I somehow found myself immersed in this experience of extreme proportions and magnitude! The translation is nothing short of amazing and I hope... more>> the translator or helpful fairies will be able to find the black box extra meaty chapter one day so that I could come back again and read it one more time from the beginning! I absolutely adore the fact that “love” wasn’t shoveled into the evil god’s nature and that author stayed as faithful to the distinction between races as it could possibly get while still delivering a very satisfying romantic subplot! <<less
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ner rated it
July 21, 2022
Status: Completed
I loved reading this novel, the MC was super cute for me and although the ML in most of the story was distant, I loved how he discovered his feelings and ended up treasuring the MC as the most valuable thing for him, I just have to say that everyone should give it a chance to read it.

He would read it again? Probably.
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July 15, 2022
Status: Completed
Lovecraftian BL! If you like the pairing where the gong can wave a hand and split the universe you will love this. It's a story about the Gods and the world and really good if you like fantasy. It's more of light mystery, not much ordeals or problems to be solved. It feels like character development of exploring who the shou really is and ending in a sweet ending.
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KichiX rated it
April 20, 2022
Status: Completed
The chuunibyou is strong with this one.

Seriously, how did all of the reviews fail to mention this? I was laughing out loud, not only at our MC's view of the world, but also the author in the background making poking fun at their own creations lol

After finishing: Idk what drove me to stay up for three consecutive days to finish this - probably the fact that I have no will power against mystery plots. And also that it's good. The chuunibyou faded after the first twenty chapters, which was slightly... more>> disappointing, but did enable me to read more than three paragraphs without cringing internally.

The side characters were forgotten about and not utilised as much as they could have been. The overarching plot was satisfactory, though at times I couldn't quite make sense of what I was reading. Whatever horror elements the author was trying to siphon off from Lovecraft failed, but the relationship between the gods and our pitifully miniscule MC was interesting. My only gripe is probably that the MC seems to just "put up" with the ML being a guy (he mentions that the ML could have other, female, avatars etc.)

(Oh, and props to the translator for translating the author's notes and also adding such extensive translation notes + pictures for the Lovecraftian horror elements) <<less
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Shortk rated it
March 10, 2022
Status: c11
No I really tried here. I even ignored most of the cringy parts very well up until he met his "professors" after falling in. They were too anime like.

So basically if you want a somewhat cringy fanfiction of Hogwarts, every shounen teenage anime, and/or academy superpowers comic story, then you'll like this. But with bl of course. Honestly I want to continue this because I like the MC's personality. However, it just triggers me that we are supposed to accept this is a prestigious university ... more>>

when the PROFESSORS explicitly plan and like to see the freshman fall from the sky in fear. And their reaction to how the MC smoothly came down was too juvenile man. Like "ooo can't wait to have him my student"

and you're telling me these are the professors? This author is aware this is cringy but this is just bad writing at this point.

Whatever. It's pretty juvenile imo. It's like the author is seriously mixing up all the genres because I think the professors reacted more like some spiritual masters of ancient china novel or something. If you're in highschool or middle school, you could definitely like this. But there's no depth for me. Btw lol the ML high-key gives me college boy student vibe lolol. Dropped. <<less
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