Back to the Apocalypse


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It’s the beginning of the Apocalypse, and zombies are running rampant over the Earth.

Bai Jing brought his space dimension with him when he was reborn.

A lousy man becomes a loyal lover.

Hidden dimension, check. Food supplies, check. Golden finger, check.

Next, I’m not good at introductions, so please forgive me.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Back to the Apocalypse: The Rebirth of Bai Jing
Mạt Thế Trọng Sinh Chi Thiếu Gia
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Recommendation Lists
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115 Reviews sorted by

DarkSun rated it
April 17, 2020
Status: --
A good novel but I don’t like the MC.

The MC was a scum in the first life who caused the death of the ML, so he was hated by the subordinate of the ML. It’s understandable as the MC was an ungrateful and s*upid character similar to the cannon fodder in the first lifetime. Yeah he changed after rebirth but hated the subordinates because they wanted to kill him after the death of the ML (but they didn’t). Like why you hate them?You don’t have the right as you were... more>> the one who was wrong that caused their BOSS to die in the apocalypse full of danger when the ML protected you but you were too s*upid to notice and always courted death.

And it bothers me when the MC look down on people who are afraid of zombies, like you were the same (or worse) before.??‍♀️

(And please don’t disdain my English as it’s not my mother language?) <<less
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T1t4n14 rated it
October 27, 2019
Status: c133
Entertaining and rich with different characters and action packed. I love the MC and only wish for more extra after their return to jing sa city. All in all I binged read it in 2 days.
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Staringatastar rated it
October 21, 2019
Status: Completed
This novel was well translated (even if it took 3 translators). However, I'm not sure I enjoyed the plot (what there was of it) or the characters.

The characters were a bit dislikable. The main character arbitrarily hates people. Anything can set him off, from looking too smart, being too nice, or trying to kill him. Only one of those is a real offense. He also is proudly dumb (brawn over brain, which is actually usually not the best way to raise your status) and uses everyone while giving very little... more>> on return.


Everything his dad does for him is just treated as a matter of course (what a horrible, entitled, spoiled outlook). Anyone who tries to get mutual benefits from him is treated suspiciously (despite him doing the exact same). The kind grandparents who took him on are bought off and then left to die. Everyone who can't live as well is treated with mild contempt, despite the fact that the only reason he's better off is because this is his second run through.


His lover is also ridiculous. Towards the end, he just becomes arm candy that occasionally shows off his fighting skill. He has very little actual personality or motivation.

The side characters are poorly developed for the most part, and many times dropped without resolution. There are many plot holes

Such as why the plants mutated. What happened to the little kid's brother. What will happen to the cities after they run out of food. What happened to the intelligent zombies. What happened to the nice couple who helped him learn martial arts.


Towards the end though, I'm not sure I really cared, I just wanted to finish just to see if I missed anything (I didn't) <<less
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Lovemarsh rated it
September 10, 2019
Status: c133
I really loved the novel! I got really addicted to it, but I think the end stopped to fast. It didn't feel like the last chapter was the end and if I hadn't seen that it was marked as 'completed I wouldn't had believed it. I would rate the story as 5☆ but ending 2☆ because it felt like the story ended like an uncompleted work. Was really too many questions unanswered, the space and meteorite, the future, how the base was at the end, the zombie and human relationships,... more>> etc. But even with the quick ending the book is worth reading and I enjoyed it. <<less
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ike_00000 rated it
August 12, 2019
Status: Completed
Not bad! Nothing super original, but entertaining nonetheless. I like the zombie and crystal nuclei troupe and I like when main characters are OP, so I enjoyed this story. That said, maybe they were a little too OP, but they still had some struggles so I guess it's fine.

My main issue with this story is how author always tries to feminize MC. ML always calls him "my kitten", which I'm still okay with because pet names and all, plus he never says it aloud in front of other people. However,... more>> I hate how every time he appears around HIS base with ML, people always look down on him and obey ML instead. It's maddening. Later on, people refer to ML as city lord and MC as madam. Like ?????? Bai Jing can slaughter all of them!

Characters: 4.5/5

I really like a strong MC, and this one definitely leaned towards arrogant and petty and vicious, but it was still tolerable. He's cold, but he won't treat poorly the people that treat him well. He also makes some effort to differentiate between past life and current life grudges. Most importantly, he's strong and capable and makes smart decisions. On the other hand, I'm a little upset at the ML. Especially near the beginning of the apocalypse, he was just too overbearing and restrictive on the MC's actions. Like I get emotionally it's difficult to see the person you love in dangerous situations doing reckless things, but MC has always acted logically. However, the ML does eventually see that and change, although he's still too overbearing.

This story also has a whole cast of side characters that are very interesting. There are all sorts of different people and personalities with very interesting relationships. I think this author did a really good job portraying the nature of the human heart; some are cruel, two-faced, but it's hard to say whether they're good people or bad. It's best to use the people who are also using you, establishing sometimes relationships stronger than familial ties. The side characters definitely deserve 5 stars, and although there's a lot it feels like I do have quite an understanding of the key ones. Considering there's so many, it's quite impressive that I still remember so many.

I wish there was more of a story about Yang Yan & Yang Jin! I hope YJ found out his identity, and I hope YY & his army moved closer to BJ for camaraderie! Plot: 5/5

Very classic plot, nothing too original. Doesn't really address the bigger questions regarding the apocalypse and the MC's cheat, but still an entertaining story to read with my favourite zombie apocalypse troupes.

Writing / Translation: 5/5

Thanks to the hard work of all the different translators! <<less
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Hweianime rated it
August 11, 2019
Status: c57
I love this omg what on earth are those haters talking about? This is great! The MC is a ignorant brat in his last life who comes back a year before the apocalypse with a determined attitude. He’s still spoiled, moody and arrogant etc because that’s his personality but it’s been tempered through guilt and tribulations which feels more realistic in my opinion than doing a total 180. He focuses on preparing for the oncoming apocalypse which is well shown, and he figures out early on that he indeed might... more>> harbor romantic inclinations toward his gong (which helps cut off any unnecessary ‘I’m straight’ bullsh*t). So far the apocalypse has happened, I’m not seeing anything particularly different about MC, he’s still strong and has his sh*t together very well. Yes he does depend on ML a bit more once the zombies come in but ML is portrayed to be used to leadership etc and MC wasn’t exactly paying a lot of attention to details like this in his last life (due to him being a little shit) so I think the dynamics make perfect sense.

Overall so far the plot moves at a good pace, the characters are vivid, the arrogant redeemed shou MC is great, the ML is the wolf puppy gong type, I’ve been reading this nonstop since last night and cannot wait to see what happens next! <<less
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beemiracle rated it
February 27, 2019
Status: c62
*Note: Eng it's not my first language.

I haven't really read a lot of this zombie apocalypse and super powers genre, but I think it's a pretty good story.

First of all, the quality of the translation it's a delight, so, thank you, translators, *lots of kisses*

... more>> Second, the actual story :D

The MC reborns a year before the start of the apocalypse, and at first I was a little confused because he was having a lot of mood swings, and I somewhere read that that kind of thing bothers some people, but I think it was pretty realistic. In the beginning, he was really broken, mentally and emotionally exhausted (c'mon, he just died) for having the most trusting of his people backstabbing him, the MC was ruthless (having assimilated all that) and started with his preparations for the end of the world, recognizing that between the people who betray him there where actually people who also wanted to protect them, so the MC received them.

The MC background without being a spoiler (hope so) it's that he's the bastard of a very important person in the government, but where our rich and proudful MC wants love, there's only money and false appreciation.

But then, in the first life of the MC, there was this person that actually died and care for him, but he didn't appreciate it, so he wanted to find that person and protect him.

Oh! Also, since the beginning, he started his second life with his ability, hidden space, you know, the one where you can keep a lot of things and has a land, spring water, trees, and blah blah, but it's not thaat large (it seems)

Well, apart from all that, the MC has been ruthless, but also have a soft childlike side (which, again, bothers some people, like c'mon!, why can the MC be like he actually is? He has said it pretty clearly: he's a spoiled child, and even if he suffered on his previous life, he didn't live a lot for a reason), I don't exactly remember his age to be honest (maybe 20s) and what I liked a lot (and consider it funny) was that even he admits he's not the most intelligent of all, he has made mistakes, he doesn't always go away unscratched.

Another thing, if you don't like that he's starting to (sorry for using so much "start" and "that" and the like *sob sob* I'm going to study harder) get intimate to the ML, Xiao San, well, he also stated that he would accept him (didn't exactly know he was pursuing him), but also has not that much idea of being in a nice not toxic relationship, even less with a man, so he is somewhat nervous. But I think that's also cute, only slightly disappointing as I (personally) want more action :) hahhaha <<less
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vertios rated it
December 11, 2018
Status: c53
I enjoyed this novel a lot. I think the execution of the zombie/apocalypse theme was very good. It's super promising and easy to follow. You get to follow the MC's preparation before the disaster and I found that part extremely satisfying, knowing that his preparations would pay off later on. MC is likeable and a bit cold which was probably a trait he inherited from his past mistakes and his past life.

ML is also likeable and their interactions are cute. Not only is he strong but he supports the MC... more>> with whatever he needs without hesitation and I'm a sucker for male leads like that. Despite this novel being BL, I think that the plot and the writing perfectly blends in with the BL. Often we'll get novels that are so BL focused that the plot becomes a bi product and bad but this novel is none of that.

Definitely a good read for those who want a more plot driven novel instead of a flat novel with BL to compensate for its lacking story. <<less
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September 19, 2017
Status: Completed
Nice story.. Just felt the ending a bit abrupt. No mention how lady zhou and her daughters situation after hardblow. I want to read how they suffer. Plus, no mention on how the MC space happen. I mean MC also curious about red meteor with spring water in his space and the relation between the black meteor outside.
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Redle rated it
May 12, 2024
Status: c82
I seriously wanted to like this novel because the premise is so good! Badass MC, gang leader ML, zombie apocalypse and reincarnation sounded like an incredible mix, sadly I disregarded some reviews and later was disappointed.

I have to agree with readers saying the story was plain, nothing much happens and as the plot progresses the character development goes backwards.

I also felt like the pre-apocalypse background and previous life was given plenty of importance at the beginning, expanding for around 30 chapters just to be disregarded later on. It could have... more>> been summarized in a few chapters with no harm to the story.

The MC started being very interesting, cleaver, self-sufficient, determined and strong to just be described as lazy and not so smart. Seriously, what even happen to the guy who wanted to protect and get power to not be the damsel in distress he once was?! After the first 50 chapters it seems like he didn't care anymore and very apparently the author started to OP the ML, I was also curious about this decision, it made no sense there was such a sudden gap between the MC and ML for no reason. Actually, many things seemed to be without reason, sadly after the novel just got more inconsistent as it went on.

I thought the author would also emphasize the struggles of the apocalyptic world, especially the conflict with zombies (the main reason I started reading! I love zombie BLs!) but the story focuses more on the powers development and human conflict, even on supplies recollection, all that while following a very cliche plot were all goes well for the MC's party, also somehow everyone got a quickly understanding of those powers so it caused no conflict. It all made it seem as if nothing actually happened before even things that should have caused interest didn't nor for the character or the reader, the MC and ML were always above everything and everyone.

I also expected more of the ML, considering he was a big Mafia boss he was surprisingly bland and a bit annoying with his overprotection. He had so much potential... I can't believe he also was boring, he had everything to be the opposite. He wasn't cold, aloof and strong in a cool way, he somehow was plain too...

The side characters also started interestingly, I was very fond of some of them, I thought there were going to be more relevant but they suddenly faded into the background.

I think the author started many plot lines that couldn't and didn't care to finish or develop. There many points when things, people or situations that looked relevant were discarded or suddenly had no importance! (That's what many times I wondered why the author bother at all to waste time for them). The novel really could have been so much shorter!

This is more personal but I also found "interesting " how the MC though about women and how they were portrayed. It was as if MC constantly though less of their capability (they were either weak or cunning), the usual "we're MEN" talk and the lack of meaningful positive representation of women was an itch for me throughout the reading. It's a common thing in BL but I still feel quite weird about it.

It is also very subjective but it bothered me how they constantly though less of the common people, I get they want strong and convenient people for survival, but the "we couldn't care less" attitude was too recurrent to the point it was too much. I usually don't care about the MCs being cold, cunning and ruthless (I actually like it!) but I guess the way the author did it was just tiring, the MC's display of his privilege while looking down on everyone else, caring sometimes but mostly just being rude, made him look like a spoiled and egocentric rich brat, which wouldn't be bad if he was more charismatic. This is just my preference for characters btw

Overall, it was a plain, tiring and boring reading that had everything to be interesting but failed. It's tolerable if you have nothing better to do, it's not bad in a horrible way, it's just like a tasteless meal, you can eat it but if you had the chance, you would change it for food that actually tastes like "something".

As for the romance, there's plenty of displays of affection, the relationship starts early on and the smut isn't as censored as more recent novels. It has the common "tsundere" MC and overly doting ML trope, I don't care about anyone else type of couple. If you're into it it can be a good enough motivation to keep reading but you have to consider that it also has the usual problem that especially older BLs have


MC: I want to "do it" (s3x, kissing, etc) but I won't say it or show it

ML: I usually forget what consent is because I have "strong desires" lol


Maybe I'll finish it one day who knows.

Kudos to the last translator though! The translation was great and the best part of it all. <<less
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WallEyeKnee rated it
January 24, 2024
Status: Completed
The ending was definitely rush because of Author's personal life issues otherwise that woman would be tortured for sure.

This novel is more of the cruel type of Apocalypse novel, anybody could get shot.

Woman Shot in the head

... more>> Elderly shot in the head

Children shot in the head.

Our MC and ML stay OP Through out the novel and little problems could cause them trouble, even though other characters seems cunning but every single one of them was won over by their side. Which is funny. So there wasn't any real threats. They both really ruthless, especially MC will shoot you point blank if you're against him and speak too much

MC is a young arrogant young master, the title in Chinese clearly 'Reborn of little master in Apocalypse, so that expected. ML always lust after MC everything else he's calm and cold. So there's that the couple is so fluff fluff together.

The level system is easy to understand, the Dimension cheat is over powerered.

One of the rare novel that allows zombie animals, I always find it lacking in other apocalypse novels they weren't included.

I like this novel <<less
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January 12, 2024
Status: Completed
I really liked it. If this story is not for you then please don’t give a bad review. I feel that bad reviews are for stories that trick you. But this story stays true to its tags. If you don’t like it then stop reading. Why make the author and translator feel bad? Unless the tags wear misleading then u shouldn’t be to an*l as to leave a 1 star review and emphasizing to not read.
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art3micia rated it
March 18, 2023
Status: c1-3
it was a great novel, my only complain was that it was cut short !

I liked the balance between the MC and ML and that there weren't one part strong the other a follower. They both had strengths and their team members saw it again and again.
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Hadhira rated it
February 7, 2023
Status: Completed
Loved every moment. Honestly, one of the best novels I’ve read. Hands down, in the top 10.

Just so memorable and great! I’d recommend!

I read it at Chrysanthemum.
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Lea168 rated it
September 15, 2022
Status: Completed

I quite enjoyed this story

It was a typical zombie apocalypse setting. Gathering resources, planning, waiting for the apocalypse, ability users, upgrading. MC and ML were really OP and high profile, building their own base.

... more>> Not everyone will like MC/ML. MC is very arrogant and too OP. From his background to how he behaves himself during the apocalypse. ML is smitten with MC and follows what he wants. I didn't mind. It's just a story ;)

My only complaint is that everything went so smoothly and the abrupt ending. I understood that author had to wrap it up because of family circumstances. The story is more or less not finished. <<less
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J.A.M. rated it
April 27, 2022
Status: Completed
I like how the novel started.

The plot is amazing. Full of fighting and blood since its an apocalypse.

Both MC and ML are ruthless and cold blooded because of the setting but I just felt that MC is soft too much towards ML. I think his image that should be portrayed as loving couple become exaggerated. Don't know if only I think about it.

I also felt that there was something missing in the ending. All in all, I still enjoy reading it.
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SweetLove rated it
April 19, 2022
Status: Completed
Aww that last extra about the clean freak zombie was so adorable 🥰

I had an enjoyable time reading BTTA. Thanks to the team at CG for their hard work in finishing this story!

There were a couple of chapters I found quite boring to read but the overall satisfaction I had was still ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐. Kudos!
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April 17, 2022
Status: Completed
I love-hate this novel. I am not a fan of the tsundere character so I sometimes got very annoyed with the MC especially when it came to matters of intimacy. That said, I liked the plot and the machinations. I also liked that the author didn't tie everything in a neat little bow. The romance was frustrating during the first half, but it was fulfilling in the latter half.

All in all, this novel is worth reading.
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Mairin rated it
March 1, 2022
Status: c133
I originally wanted to give this a 5 star but the abrupt ending disappoints me... Because I feel like there should be more to the story as there are a lot of things in the story that haven't been cleared up yet. There's a lot of things that I want to know more and see how are they doing in their base cuz it haven't been highlighted yet.

I could say that don't mind the reviews too much as we all have different insights in this story but I'll still put... more>> some pointers as guidance if this thing is your thing or irritates you...

  • There's a lot of part in the story that's cruel as they easily kill other people off or use them as bait (our MC and main gang never sacrificed their own team mates so rest assured)
  • But isn't that how human is? They will do anything to survive even if they have to sacrifice and use other's life
  • It takes like 30 (?) Chapters before the beginning of the apocalypse so bare with it with MC's preparations
  • What makes me at ease is that no one died among the named characters in the gang and instead they became even better
  • Bai Jing's character setting and personality is consistent and he's well fleshed out even if he's not a typical saint in this type of stories
  • World building is great as I can imagine how the world inside this novel works and author didn't shy away with some details even if it's only little
  • Every character around MC and ML are fleshed out and have their own unique personality even tho I sometimes mixed up the names haha
  • Spoiler

    the zombies in the military warehouse are so frickin cute that I ended up having a crush on zombie Yang Yan even with his short screen time hahahaha

  • The development and relationship of our leads are harmonious and they trust each other to the point that they didn't stop the other when going to dangerous situations. Jealousy can't be avoided but they are still reasonable and doesn't appear to be too obsessed with each other
  • Too bad JingJing's space didn't get elaborated because of the abrupt ending
  • It's also disappointing that we didn't get to see the development of their base and more heart warming build ups
  • Spoiler

    Bai Jing ended up bringing home a cute zombie pet lol

  • Lmao zombies are better than humans here hahahaha
  • I'm disappointed that we didn't get anymore news if the old couple and their son survive or not because the annoying abrupt ending when I have a feeling that there's a high probability that they may survive and get reunited with the gang
Uh that's all... I got lazy listing down more so judge the story while reading. Just give it a try for at least 50 chapters as the pre-apocalypse scene is quite long <<less
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Divcia rated it
January 9, 2022
Status: c133
There are couple of inconsistencies but really minor.

A lot of people seem to complain that MC turned b!/$y after the biggining of the apocalypse. I actually found it the most realistic part. Once your safety is assured why not act willfully in this environment - especially since this was MCs personality before. It's rather refreshing to have an MC who is just not that bright or nice for that matter.

I would like for the extra chapter to show Jing Sa city a couple of years into the future.

There was sufficient... more>> number of plot points to write at least 50 more chapters especially with developments during last 15 chapters. That might even be enough for a second volume. A this here is my only beef with it - could have been longer. <<less
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