Aristocrat Boys School


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At first, it was a dream without any omens.

The scenes in the dream corresponded one by one with reality, and it was then that Jian Chi realized that he was living in a danmei novel.

The protagonist in the book was naive and weak, surrounded by wolves in the noble boys’ school, and finally ended with a 1vN forced love ending.

And he was the vicious male supporting character in the story, who framed the protagonist everywhere and ended up miserably.

Jian Chi, who became self-aware in advance, decided not to mix with the protagonist’s feelings, and strived to be a transparent person who had no sense of existence in the aristocratic boys’ school.

But who knew that he didn’t have to take the initiative to provoke others, but troubles would come to him one by one.

When the plot continued to develop in the direction of collapse, Jian Chi finally found that the Lead Gongs’ eyes were a little different when they looked at him.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Guizu Nan Xiao
Related Series
Why Do All the Male Protagonists Look at Me Like That (1)
Five Scum Gongs Get Crazy Jealousy For Me (1)
Who On Earth Bit Me? (1)
Alsar (1)
Something is Off About How I’m Treated in Another World (1)
Stealing the Protagonist Gongs Away in a Shou-Centered World to Have Gang S*x (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. danmei ive read part 2
  2. MY favorite reads
  3. Novels that I've read in 2024
  4. true harem fr fr
  5. Done read!!

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55 Reviews sorted by

Eustoma White
Eustoma White rated it
October 28, 2023
Status: Completed
Hmm.. Honestly, I liked it since I could read to the end. Not Good but not bad~


Just wished that there were more scenes of Bai Yinian (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵) The way he was introduced and the interactions with the MC showed signs of him being one of the gongs, though it seems there are only four official gongs and not five.

I liked him the best, even if he isn't an official pair.

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ruru143 rated it
October 24, 2023
Status: c108
(Idk why my stars are 4, but I rated it a 3.)
Long review short: Mediocre at best, with bland writing, a plot with a wasted potential, and, at a lot of times, the story and its scenes were difficult to read. Not the fault of the translation.

To me, I thought it was ok. A lot of the 5 star viewers probably liked it because the story caters to a specific audience that wants some of their BL itches to be scratched. But looking at it through a wider perspective, the story is... err...

- The MC is unable to assert himself. The author TRIED to write a cold MC, but the MC they created just came out as idiotic, hypocritical, contradictory, and pathetic. He's unable to resist being swayed by others and is an absolute pushover. He feels a lot like he's just together with his boyfriend... just because! He's very indecisive with his emotions and feels a lot like someone who's better off by himself. Like—much like the MC of SVSSS, he's heavily led away by the MLs. I... frankly do not enjoy this depiction. It's uncomfortable seeing MCs who don't exactly feel love in their relationships being forced or is trying to force themselves to love their partner/s and whatnot because of circumstance... at this point in the story, I really can't tell if the MC truly loves his boyfriend or any of the MLs or not or if the MC is forcing himself to love the MLs or if the author is the one forcing MC to love the MLs. It's... eh.

Translation is quite good in my opinion. I just think this story isn't quite it. Started off ok then veered off to a weird direction. Caters to a specific audience.

(Edited. I assumed that the story would end up as a 1v1 because I didn't complete the story. My bad. Just so you know, all of the MLs are creepy or have done something non-consensual at some point, so I don't exactly enjoy them... the most decent ones are the boxer dude and the vice president.)
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Annelithenovelty rated it
September 23, 2023
Status: Completed
FINISHED (ch155 - end main story, couldn’t be bothered to read the extras)
BICH, its an open ending, he didn’t end up with anybody
I have a love hate relationship with this one idk
The moment I just decide to stop reading sudden I’m pulled int the story again, it was never ending
I REAAAALLY loved the MC and was on board with him until ch80 and up,... he just lets everything happen and just lets everyone assault him and calls them friends like usual, even when he was in an official realashionship with his BF he never directly refused or stopped anyone.
Then I just pretty much almost skipped everything, after realising he was opening his legs to everyone. -.-
ch102 (S/A)

but I can say that it was kinda worth it until the end

the story itself had a good plot

but I always felt weird like a subplot or a secret plot is there like the nurse that has magical powers to reveal secrets every time he's there

like it just feels suspicious all together in a way if you think about it more deeply after reading everything
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Wen Rou
Wen Rou rated it
September 7, 2023
Status: extra 2 (c165)
I still liked reading this despite the ups and downs it had. I'd really like to read more of the extras but getting access to those ones is pretty difficult. Maybe in the far future I'll figure it out but for now, I'm glad it was a


ending otherwise I wouldn't be able to stand seeing the other MLs sad.

Good luck future me! Current chapter read c165 (extra 2)
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DementorBehindYou rated it
July 4, 2023
Status: Completed
I started reading this because I was in the mood for some shounen-ai and harem vibes and it was delivered. I love a nice slow burn with a pragmatic character who doesn't want to be involved in the drama but somehow finds himself s**ked in regardless. Reading this novel was like craving pizza all week and then getting the perfect slice right when I was about to give up on satisfying those cravings. I got all the tropes I wanted to read and more. Hit the spot perfectly and will... more>> probably come back to re-read when I get these cravings again.


Also, the translator was unable to find 8 of the 10 extras so unfortunately they are not translated : (

My only complaint (if any) is that


I feel like some MLs got more screen time than others. Personally Wen Chuan was one of my faves and I wish he got more alone/romantic time with the MC. And Bai Yinnain, for being a ML, didn't really get a lot of time either. Heck I'm not even sure the MC was aware of his feelings... he felt more like a side character more than anything.

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Bob127 rated it
April 8, 2023
Status: c123
I meant to rate this ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ FOUR STARS!

the world building and background information were great to me and the male leads' interactions with the MC were really cute and sweet at times. They're like straight out of an otome game and seem to really love the main character. stoey is good but the MC went from a really likable protagonist to an indecisive character who doesn't know what he wants which rlly makes him seem like a white lotus and also the male leads are not much better than him... more>> because they continue to sway (harass / seduce) him even though he is in a relationship already! So in actuality I think everyone is perfect for each other. <<less
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Melon eating bystander
Like upstairs I also start with high expectation for this novel, but the apathetic MC gradually developed into stereotype ambiguous uke.. When my ship finally sail, I have this feeling that he isn't the end game, the MC is still entangled with the ML's making me see the MC like a white lotus flavored green tea 😖So I re checked the tag and I saw glaring HAREM
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PitifulEternalPeace rated it
November 28, 2022
Status: c25
I found the MC to be quite like me in regards of personality. I also understand MC's view of being afraid of not being in control etc.


Hence why he try to follow the plot into his reality.


I think I can assume whose the ML is but I won't say. The transition is smooth and not difficult. MC isn't annoying and he's quite a realist.


Though I won't continue reading.🤷‍♀️


Also BX is very much like a mary sue character that is quite annoying and I tend to avoid those type.

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Surrealist rated it
May 16, 2024
Status: c165
The constant lack of consent was obnoxious. The way the MC seemed to consistently trip into relationships was annoying. The lack of agency made me so angry. The whole story felt like it happened to the MC rather than being something he was an active participant in and that did not do it for me.

The premise was unique. It had potential. I liked a few of the MLs, but some I hated from first intro to extra content. It wasn't for me, but the characters were clear and the world... more>> was built well. <<less
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Fishh rated it
May 7, 2024
Status: --
The reason I read this book was because I saw a review saying all of them got in a polyamorous relationship and I take that as everyone loving each other and not a harem : (

That was honestly my fault cus I didn't read the tags lol but the reason I gave such a low review is because

... more>>

first, I noticed that when the MC was in a relationship with ML 1, he doesn't seem to be too into it. Like, ML 1 was quite forward and very affectionate but it wasn't until much much later that MC starts to think "hmmm, maybe I should also be affectionate". Idk it just seems like he doesn't like ML 1 much.


MC is also very contradictory, he said he would stay far away from the MLs yet when they come to him he indulged them. It's fine if that contradiction is only on the first half, considering that this is a harem novel but it continues on and on and on to the point I got tired and annoyed of MC often


I also noticed that the MLs often forced MC into intimacy and relationship, like ML 1 even manipulated (I guess?) MC to date him and ML 2 forcefully kissed him and it was stated that the MC felt disgusted


And as if that's not enough


MC also cheats on the ML 1 that he first dated with ML 2 that forcefully kissed him. Basically at that time MC was dating ML 1 and then ML 2 came and kissed him forcefully (again) and from what I've read it seems like MC only put up a token fight.



AND AS IF THATS NOT ENOUGH MC also did the do with ML 2 and ML 3 who is a student council president WHILE HE'S STILL DATING ML 1!! There's a lot I can handle but cheating is not one of them. Sure, you can say that the MC was drugged and MC and ML 2 did it to save him from the effects of the drugs BUT COULDNT MC JUST ASK ML 2 TO SEND HIM TO THE HOSPITAL?? And how are you gonna counter his entanglement with ML 3?? Like he's not drugged nor drunk at the time. And even if he is forced, he still could've just put up a better fight, it's literally stated that he "became weak" when the pleasure came. Like??? Multiple times I want to jump in there, grab his collar to ask him, "did you forget you're in a relationship currently???". Like, it's fine having ambiguous relationship with all of them as long as he was single BUT HE WAS IN A RELATIONSHIP???



and the kidnapping act?? Like I'm fine with some but the kidnapping in this novel is so irritatingly cliché I just hate it. I also really, really hate the fact that the writing made it seem as if the kidnapper is also going to be a ML. He literally only kidnaps the MC because his younger brother likes ML 2. Like it's fine if the kidnapper was already in love with MC and was kidnapping him because his brother ask to AND because he's in love with MC but he doesn't even have any feelings for MC


I've only gotten to chapter 127 but I'm so tired of this novel and the reviews I read afterwards doesn't paint a good picture so I don't wanna continue reading it. <<less
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MoonkeyUwU rated it
April 5, 2024
Status: c1
It's not bad, I guess 3-4 star for me, but I wouldn't say it's my favorite.

For if anyone is curious wether it's 1v1 or 1vn in the end =

... more>>

It's not 1v1


Just one thing though, MC is very very dense and oblivious, and as for his character, he's a lil bit too easy to be thrown around, like where's his resistance bro he's just too accepting!.. And also the plot might come sorta silly to be true or like "yo, you could just avoid by bla bla bla" but it's actually quite interesting, I binge read it in 3 days. <<less
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PhoenixPlume320 rated it
April 3, 2024
Status: c26
This MC is just a hassle to read about. He was okay at first but he learned about the world being a novel and now he's so cowardly. He rejects every invitation to hang out, try out for student council, swim team, etc etc and he rejects the ML's too, even though some are actually friendly to him. He always mentions how he feels guilty turning them down but still does it. He thinks that the novel is the worst and most offensive oe he's read but he still tries... more>> to get the story back on track because he wants to be a mob character so bad. He doesn't want trouble or the spotlight but it just sounds like he's soooo afraid to love his life just because of the contents of the novel he dreamed about, even though he realizes nothing is going the way it was in the novel because duuuuhh it's real life. And it's weird that he tries to get the novel on track when he has a terrible ending too. He thinks he can just avoid the ending and it'll be fine but I think he's naive. He's just such a pain to read abo because everytime there's a development, you already know he's just going to find an excuse to refuse and feel guilty about it. I have ZERO clue why the MLs keep approaching him when he always rejects them. Like at first okay, it's 'hmmm, you have successfully caught my attention' like maybe he's hard to get or something but he's such a plain character it doesn't really make sense.

One of the good points are the ML's because they seem interesting and have some character development here and there but I keep thinking how they must have brain damage because why try so hard on someone that says no to you, no matter how awkwardly you try and get close to them? It's just not realistic. <<less
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azusa yuuya
azusa yuuya rated it
December 30, 2023
Status: Completed
Read up to chapter 163 (which is basically completed) and I'll give this novel 3.5 ⭐️. It was interesting enough to keep me engaged and I was hooked onto certain parts of their romance like Jian Chi with JHS and SST. Let me explain the mls & state my biases:

1. Ji Huaisi - THE BEST ML & MY FAVOURITR OFC !!! I love this guy even though he's a bit of a sheep in wolf's clothing & controlling (not in a forceful, obvious way but he uses emotional manipulation like... more>> guilt tripping on the MC all the time). Okay but he's such a gentleman and I love gentle & smart guys with a jealous streak 🥹🥹 When I picture him in my head I can see his warm smile & beautiful eyes...

2. Shen Shuting - my 2nd fav !! He has OCD, stone faced kind of ML with tsundere behaviour. Honestly I like him mainly bc of his possessiveness & GOOD LOOKS like he's super fine. Green eyes and blond hair 😭😭 the combo is too powerful alr...

3. Shao Hang - He's okay, im neutral with him, your typical bad boy, bully ml. He seems to be a forceful ML at first but actually he's nicer than like SST & BYN and you'll grow to like his character more. He's like a dog no joke I preferred him with red hair haha

4. Wen Chuan - I don't like him... He took away loads of screentime that cld hv been spent on JHS or SST. Very boring ml, has a sob story, a few years older than MC because he retained sch... Sorry not sorry I live for Wen Chuan slander

5. Bai Yinian - nothing much to say he's just irrelevant to me idk why the author needed to throw him into the mix ???? He's 9 years older than MC that's a huge nono already

Anyway there are major flaws & contradictions that made me lower the score from a 4.5 to 3.5 ⭐️. The MC IS SO WISHY WASHY like he cannot pick a side at all. I'm not saying to choose a main ml, bc I know this is a true harem novel, but the MC basically doesn't know what he wants??? He literally keeps leading them on and playing with their feelings AND HE DARE TO ALWAYS ACT LIKE THE VICTIM ??? The only clear dislike/boundaries he ever made was with Shao Hang at the start. He had a bit more of a backbone. But after that, with SST & BYN especially, he even say no when they had their way with him... Wen Chuan also -- the MC says he wants to just "be friends" but when Wen Chuan says that he'll wait for him & asks him to give a proper answer in future (like if MC and JHS breaks up), the MC is lost for words and doesn't reject Wen Chuan outright??? HELLO YOU ARE CHEATING ON JHS...

Also the MC breaks up with JHS bc was monitoring him but at the same time, MC literally kissed so many other guys when they were still dating ??? Yes you could say that Wenchuan, Shao Hang initiated it & kissed the MC BUT THE MC NEVER OBJECTED. HE DIDNT EVEN PUSH AWAY WEN CHUAN WHEN THEY WERE ON THE ROOFTOP ??

Also the author is unclear about certain things like why BYN fell for Jian Chi... Sigh. But it is a good harem novel. A lot of censorship though they don't show the smut explicitly at all, just skips to the next morning 😭😭 Anyway I love my baby Ji Huaisi, JIANSI FOREVERRRR <<less
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October 19, 2023
Status: c50
Honestly I continued to read this bc of my love for harem (and there aren't really many of them...) but I don't like the MC at all and I need to stop now bc even if I love them, I can't force myself anymore.


At the stards, pretends to want to be alone and cleary says he just want to graduate without being at the center of attention but do everything wrong.
He always says excuses as to why he can't just reject people and stop being the center of attention like "no but he's so kind I can't", "no but being angry or refusing them with make them like me"...

Like hey Wen Chuan and the vice-president are just always kind and if he just would have says to them that he didn't want to be disturbed in order to evade attention, I'm sure they would have left him alone.
Same for Shao Hang, okay it's a bad person but every times if he would just gone to Ji Huasi to tell him what happened (instead of being like I don't want to disturb him) and just ignored completely Shao I'm sure even he would have stopped too.
And then now even with Shen Shutting he knows the reason Bai attracted him was because of his courage and then just decide to be courageous too ??? In order to what boy, attract him too ??
It would be fine if really he didn't have any other choice and couldn't evade them but ITS NOT THE CASE
Even if Wei An, I was so angry like you know you ruin his life like Bai ruined yours and just... don't care ? He didn't even try to talk to him, honestly he wasn't even kind for a moment to him, make all the attention on him and then wonders why Wei An put a post about him : a post which is indeed the truth : he is always with the black brooch people.

The reason that why it's annoying me so much is probably bc Ji Huasi and Wen are indeed really good persons and seing a half hassed protagonist like him piss me off.

I would have preferred a yaoi, not a harem here even if that's my fav genre.

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Sier rated it
October 12, 2023
Status: Completed
The story is well-suited for the harem theme, especially set in modern times and within a school. Some male leads stood out more than others, but overall, it makes for a good read.

The only downside I found was that the translator at the time couldn't locate all the extra chapters, and in the end, only two were translated.
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