PUBG Online Romance of the Century


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As a new anchor of StarTV, Yu Yan’s ruthless tr*sh-talk, natural rifle-shooting skills, and character of never searching houses earned him a big crowd of fans.

He felt like he was a good anchor who treated all fans of his stream equally—you can suck at the game, you can get knocked down, but if you want the gun in my hand, sorry, no way man.

Until he heard the voice of the streaming platform’s Big Boss.

Yu · ultimate voice-con · Yan: I’m not familiar with this game, swap my Kar98k for your Mini-14.

Yi · brand new noob · Chen: En.

Friend: Daddy, I want to snipe too!

Yu Yan: I think this frying pan suits you very well.

Not-a-very good gamer but dripping with money and looks Big Boss vs Cute, super good tr*sh-talking gunslinger voice-con Anchor.

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PUBG Thế Kỷ Võng Luyến
Related Series
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My Teammates Are All Crazy (4)
Guide on How to Fail at Online Dating (3)
God Level Summoner (2)
Recommendation Lists
  1. You Can Be The Gamer To My Game.
  2. Danmei + Baihe TBR (1)
  3. Read novels
  4. Read: Completed (Both Meanings)
  5. Read (Completed)

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105 Reviews sorted by

erialolita rated it
March 22, 2022
Status: --
I read this one after "Guide on How to Fail at Online Dating" so I had high expectations, but this one was just average comparatively. Again probably more like 3.5 but the authors disdain for female gamers makes me angry 🤣

The power dynamic between the MC and ML was very unbalanced as well which I really didn't like ... more>>

the chapter where he wants to go back to school seemed out of place, if he wanted to go back because it was something he always regretted, then sure, but it was only so he could talk to the ML.


The ML was kind of bland and though I love gaming/FPS, I wasn't that into the PUBG elements. I liked Guide because it was just like a generic MMORPG that could be found anywhere. The translators did give enough info to follow along, even if you've never played PUBG though. Not mad I read this one but probably wont be re-reading it any time soon.

Also take any of my reviews with a grain of salt, I leave them mostly for me so when I come across the novel in the future I know why I loved/hated/meh it.


The side story of the friend.... that one I still not sure how I feel about.

on the one hand it was kind of cute but on the other the idol guy was really possessive/angry for no reason, like dude you were the one that catfished him, give him some time. I was waiting for it to be a misunderstanding or something, like the idol had told him he was a guy but the friend didn't pay attention or something. Also the idols reason for falling so deeply about him was kind of random. Lastly the time lines with the main story didn't really add up? The part where they play PUBG and the idol invites himself along didn't really fit anywhere and there was another instance but I forgot now

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guge rated it
January 29, 2022
Status: --
I really enjoyed this! I hate esports and shooters and multi-player games, so I was not excited about a PUBG novel.

But, the character development, and fantastic work by the translation team, made it a thoroughly enjoyable read!

I didn't find Yanyan or Boss Yi to be dull. Perhaps this isn't the right genre for someone expecting more action or passion? Though it was definitely passionate, after considering that it was a sweet and fluffy slow burn between two people navigating their own goals and wants in the face of obvious work... more>> addiction. Yi Chen wasn't a dominating president either- he didn't always know what to do, but did his best. I think he probably was, like many facial paralysis gongs, coded as autistic. That, combined with the pressure from his grandfather growing up and stunted inner child, made it a lovely experience to watch him learn to treat his friends and family and even himself better after confirming how much he wants to love Yanyan. Both of them grew up too fast as teenagers, and are discovering their emotional stability as young adults, both have their own lives and friendships and families, nobody has to lose his identity to enter the relationship. It was very wholesome and satisfying, a well rounded and relaxing danmei. Editor juu also wrote some sexy fanfiction!

Glad I gave this novel a chance even after reading the reviews. Something lovingly written will always show advantageously. <<less
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karxian rated it
January 7, 2022
Status: Completed
GOOD READ! Had fun reading, lovely characters 🥳 I only got irritated at our love interest in a tiny amount in a tiny time. Overall, it was really good. I like our main and secondary couples <333 Sending the novel xxx meteor shower gifts! 🤩
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Anjayewassleeping rated it
January 2, 2022
Status: Completed

The fluff is killing me!! Its so cute and really nice. The translation is great too!! (Ps thank u for translating!)

the second couple only stressed me out a little bit. Its embarassing me on some of their moments but mostly there is a slight, like, teeny weeny angst (only a pinch bcs uke from the 2nd couple insists he's straight as a steel ~yea sure bro~ and so on)
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Golex9000K rated it
October 19, 2021
Status: Completed
Long distance relationship is alite frustrate for me and it took really long time before BL but I do enjoy it fluff and gameplay.
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Iamher rated it
September 7, 2021
Status: Completed
It was amazing! This novel is more of like how they fell in love with each other.

It just needs a few more extras for some closures.
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Soulite rated it
June 23, 2021
Status: c1
A must read 🖤 Thank god I was not deterred by the gaming aspect of this book and read this book. It's so fun, fluffy and lovable. Thank god for GHFOD I am currently devouring this author's books and no to forget the awesome quality of the translation
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timma rated it
June 15, 2021
Status: Completed
I honestly thought I wouldn't like this. I had tried once after coming off another video game streamer novel and it was just too different to reconcile. Tried it again without bias and it was worth reading. Give it a shot, if you don't like it, try again later. Worth reading.
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May 30, 2021
Status: Completed
I love this and this author is amazing!!! I admire writers who could write funny pieces and insert fluff that makes your heart beat a bit faster. I personally like this better than the other book but it's thanks to the other book that I read this.",)
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nitan rated it
May 21, 2021
Status: Completed
this was really refreshing to read!! even if you dont know anything about gaming like me, it's very easy to understand what's happening and the tempo may be a bit slow but its really nice!! savour the relationship slowly, I like how both partners seems to care and try for each other. the dynamic is really balanced!! even the side partners are really sweet as well.. the main pair is very stable, level-headed and sweet. even the 'foolish' side of the MC doesn't make it his whole personality trait, just... more>> how he is with the ml... a good starting point if you want to try reading e-sports stuff!! <<less
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neuramine rated it
May 5, 2021
Status: Completed

Really a good and very enjoyable story! Made me laugh too. Some parts of the plot felt like they were technically resolved but not in proper depth. I feel like this could have been even better if there were like ~20 more chaps about certain plot points. Still great though!
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bunnydesuuu rated it
May 1, 2021
Status: Completed

Cute, fluffy with almost no angst (except in the extras). MC is a financially weak but strong-willed gamer who just joined StarTV as an anchor streaming while playing games (kind of like Twitch). ML is a wealthy boss who just accidentally entered the stream and ended up staying and supporting MC. MC keeps getting bullied by people with "connections" and didn't back down, which resulted in some backlashes from the media and anti-fans. ML protects MC. I agree with wallyblob that MC's lack of education is seriously not a concern... more>> in this novel. I like MC's persistence in doing what he likes, and also the way he makes sure not to burden his uncle by being independent. ML was kind of a typical cold, rich boss type who just silently support MC in the background. IMO in terms of romance, not much chasing and the relationship just... kind of happened just like that. Still cute and fluffy though, a very good light read.

On the other hand, the side relationship was very good, very angsty and a massive tear-jerker and I loved it so so much.

Overall, read for some funny and cute misunderstandings as a light read. <<less
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Moocakey rated it
March 31, 2021
Status: c105
Very sweet story, although a lot of it is about PUBG gameplay but I still find the main couple very lovable. The side couple is covered in the Extras and I feel like their story was a bit more rushed.
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March 23, 2021
Status: c118
Its short and sweet my favorite part is the cousin Yi Ran. But this gaming bl novel felt quite short and unfinished? Not a lot of new things introduced in this genre so it was quite disappointing.

Still entertaining to read and has multiple sweet moments, chuckled and snorted a lot of times and the side couple were cute.

I wished the MC kept the momentum of his shamelessness but as he got more popular he got more insecure or shy cause of attention or being lovestruck by the ML. I loved... more>> the "

The little sl*t is me!

sadly it didnt return <<less
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shuulys rated it
March 4, 2021
Status: --
this is good. Like even better if you actually know the game so that it's easier to visualise the scenes and what the writer is trying to convey. Will totally recommend this novel to those that love romance and gaming so don't scroll through the comments anymore. Just give it a try and I'm sure you will love it.
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March 4, 2021
Status: Completed
This story is so good. MC and ML both so sweet and cute. Yanyan is strong. President Yi is nice. No toxic relationships and no dog blood.
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auroraRMC rated it
February 2, 2021
Status: Completed
This story was innocuous. It's pretty cute and wholesome, just not as satisfying as other BL gaming stories I've read recently. The MC and ML take a while to get together, so there's a lot of slow burn and both the MC and ML have pretty low EQ when it comes to love at the beginning. I feel like Yu Yan is also just too weak-willed, just taking everything and not complaining except for like once or twice. There wasn't even really tr*sh talk or other things to balance the... more>> weakness and awkwardness that he would often show, even with the ML. Overall everything worked out, but their interactions just left me with a little to be desired. <<less
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clxndestinely rated it
January 24, 2021
Status: Completed
A cute, fluffy, and — god forbid — healthy romance. Enough misunderstandings to keep you on your feet, but not too many to be exhausting. Side-couple had some dodgy themes but was also pretty cute.
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Kari95 rated it
January 14, 2021
Status: Completed
DONE READING!! I just recently finished reading this novel and I'll tell you... IT WAS SUPER WORTH IT!

I enjoyed my time reading this novel. It's full of fluff and at the same time in-depth plot. Both lead characters are given equal attention. Whether from their character development or their background stories.

What I like most from this plot, is how the author showed us the ML's backstory. The author showed us his struggle. s/he didn't turn him into someone who is just a cool Gong. The author told us that... more>> he has some problems as well and of course, the adorable shou would be there to accompany him, no matter what.

I love how both their relationship was mature and no useless misunderstanding for both of them. The only funny thing about this novel was that the Gong was so oblivious of his feelings that it took him long to realize it. I just love how the author also, didn't rush their relationship.

Oh... another thing, I'm in love with the side-couple as well. To the point, that I even a wanted separate novel for both of them. It was this couple that made me shed tears. This is also the gem within this novel, the author did a good job making or sticking it to reality. Giving attention to the struggles of the individual characters also, to the possible perspective of those who are not accepting of LGBTQ+ relationship. This is a fluffier type of novel in which the author chose the path wherein LGBTQ+ relationships are not yet fully accepted.

Overall, I just super love it. I don't want to put some spoilers in this review so the new readers can just go ahead and give it a go. Trust me... it's worth it.

UNLESS... You prefer a deeper plot or a not a fan of fluff cause this novel has more fluff than angst so... I guess, you can just click off or maybe just give it a try. <<less
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Magz84 rated it
January 4, 2021
Status: Completed
Absolutely loved the story. Didn't expect it to be as good as it was. It is really easy to get into it and difficult to stop. The plot is good, funny, there are some exciting bits, the game scenes are well written (the author doesn't rumble on). The characters are funny and interesting. Likeable.

The extras are about the 2nd couple. If im honest I would have preferred more about the main CP but im happy with the ending (though im sad its over)

Anyways it was a good story, recommend... more>> it to anyone. I kinda wanna read it again now. <<less
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