The Founder of Diabolism


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As the grandmaster of demonic cultivation, Wei Wuxian roamed the world, hated by millions for committing acts of necromancy. Overthrown by the powerful clans he had attempted to subjugate, Wei Wuxian is supposedly killed by his shidi in order to save the cultivation world.

Restored to life in the body of Mo Xuanyu, the local cut-sleeve lunatic, in order to exact revenge on his abusive relatives, Wei Wuxian quickly finds himself spiralling back into his old life when he’s taken away by the cold-hearted, stern, and ultimately quite boring Lan Wangji – who might be harbouring warmer feelings than contempt. Perhaps of the…romantic kind?

But despite his new beginning, Wei Wuxian begins to unravel a decade and a half long mystery that is set to undo the very fabric of the cultivation world as they know it.

A mysterious, action-packed thriller of a ride, this is a journey you won’t want to miss!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Demonic Path Ancestral Master
Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation
Ma Đạo Tổ Sư
Mo Dao Zu Shi
Засновник темного шляху
Основатель Тёмного Пути
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Recommendation Lists
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  2. My favourite Danmei Novels
  3. Historical bls I've read <3
  4. BL for straight female cancerous fujoshi
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01/15/17 enxiao c4
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547 Reviews sorted by

Ghiro rated it
January 25, 2019
Status: c108
Loveable, 3D characters, even the villains are amazing. (Well, aside from Wen Chao)

The main couple is beautiful, their relationship one of the best I've ever read of.

Much, Much love for this story <3
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hoalilac rated it
January 21, 2019
Status: c110
Lots of intricate plots and stories about side characters. A little too long and convoluted and the fan service scenes are unnatural to the story. However the interactions between the two lead males are hilarious!
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January 2, 2019
Status: c30
I heard of this novel quite a while ago, and I kept putting it back. I just started reading this, and I can only say that it lives up to all of its hype. It is amazing. I love Wei Wuxian and Lan Zhan's relationship, they are so cute and funny.
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Ophious rated it
December 18, 2018
Status: --
I lost it when Wei wuxian was walking backwards and lan wangji griped his hand then they just stared at each other until Jiang Cheng arrived. They only touched hands kinda and I was ready to die blissfully. It's too soon to die though since Wei wuxian was just incarnated. - My sister
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Rukachi rated it
December 9, 2018
Status: c80
Beautiful. Astounding. Gripping. Amazing.

Not only do I wish that I took Chinese more seriously in my childhood so I can read these raw, but also so that I can find ways to express the beauty of this novel in ways English fails to. The plot is so fascinating. And the CHARACTERS. YES. There are a lot of them. Your first read through may leave you confused. But the depth and development of these characters are so fascinating and touching. Their paths are so tragic but they fight so hard. My... more>> heart broke so many times but mended itself as they continued to live despite everything that happened. Wangji and Wuxian especially hold my heart. They hold all of my love and devotion. Their relationship is so, so adorable. This novel holds me awake at night. I’ve also read the manhua and watched the donghua and am actively recommending them to anyone who is in search of a worthwhile masterpiece. I’m even planning on re-watching the donghua with my mom and brother, since they seem more PG haha. Do yourself a favour. Give MDZS a chance to lead you through an incredible experience. I won’t say “Even if you don’t like BL, you should read it!” While so far romance seems to be on the down low, it is still there. If you are absolutely uncomfortable, then stick with the donghua. I think it will be toned down. If you decide that you’ll take the jump, then I promise you that you won’t regret it. Besides, I think most of the harder stuff is going to be in the end haha. <<less
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Foxstens rated it
December 5, 2018
Status: Completed
As an avid reader who has way too many favourites from all sorts of genres to count, I can confidently say that this is probably in my top 3 books I've ever read, and I never expected that of a chinese novel of all things, something I didn't even know existed until 4 months ago. This book is as close to perfection as it gets, at least in my opinion, and my words are not good enough to do it justice. But if I had the opportunity to make everyone... more>> read a particular book, this would be it. I am not even joking. <<less
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pinhu rated it
December 2, 2018
Status: c79
very highly recommended. If there is such thing higher than this phrase, then I prefer you to have that in mind.

i first read the manhua, watched the donghua, and read the novel. This is the first time I stayed looooong (and I will really stay) for a chinese novel. Most of the people around me say that I'm hard to please, or rather I have a different taste in anything, for anything. Maybe have their word for this one?

i came for the plot, and really, along with all the extra... more>> fluff and heartbreaks from our mains and *coughs* the remaining characters as well, I stayed for the plot.

i've read some of the comments (black, gray, and white) along with the updates of the translated chinese novel. For now, this is what I could advise you: trust the author. Trust the people behind the translations of this novel. Patience.

if ever you decided to read this novel, thank you. It might be one of the best decisions in your life.

enjoy the adventure that awaits you, everyone~ <<less
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turnipsprout rated it
November 27, 2018
Status: c79
Honestly, didn't expect to like this nearly as much as I did - I ended up LOVING it. Interesting mystery plot, great characters, with strong relationships - not just romantic, but the family relationships are sweet and heartbreaking as well. The main character is just so shameless and funny, but also brilliant.

Currently one of my favorite novels and animes of all time.
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deuxnoir rated it
November 23, 2018
Status: c78
Without doubt the best novel I've ever had the pleasure of reading. His story is well written and with characters full of personalities. I thank the translators for the immense opportunity given to us.
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Chronossama rated it
October 21, 2018
Status: c73
This novel is the greatest of the greatest. I have nothing but deep affection for this novel and the main leads. If you want a smart, righteous, humorous, shameless MC with a hint of BL look no further. I’m biting at the nails for every chapter translated, it’s just that good. The further you get into the story the more you fall in love with the MC. I felt so much frustration on his behalf for how misunderstood he is and how under appreciated he is by the people who... more>> should have been the closest ones to him. This novel is just too beautiful for words. Please read and join the dark side, we have cookies =^~^= <<less
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XiaoLin rated it
October 19, 2018
Status: c72
Xxxxtremely well writtennnn.

The author throws a lot of subtle hints throughout the way and SUBTLY HINTS at the BL (Dang author, hiding the goods..) sadly, it's not as romanced focused and there's hardly aaaaanny until later chapters. It's worth the wait though.

my single complaint would be the flashbacks at the MOST IMPORTANT PARTS.

Also. Lan Zhan/Wangji is the besttttt. He's such a melon. Hard on the outside sweet on the inside.
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zerokochan rated it
October 14, 2018
Status: Completed
I am really into this story. The plot is well-designed. The author hides many clues in the former part of the story and reveals them one by another in the latter part. For example, the rabbits in Cloud Recess, the song, the peony bookmark in ML's book, the wound at ML's back, etc.

The characteristics of the characters are well-portrayed and vivid. I can understand how characters with such characteristics will necessarily lead to this tragedy.
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October 9, 2018
Status: c71
This is my very first Chinese webnovel, so maybe consider this review from a noob's standpoint.

It really was difficult for me to get started. At first, it was all the names. Who was who? What was what? Perseverance and just a general interest in it helped, and I finally got the hang of it

Now, I really think I'm hooked. The MC is a very likable guy... heck they're all likeable, even the antagonists. And the great thing is despite this being a BL, there's a serious story plot with a... more>> great amount of action.

I'm looking forward to reading more cnovels, especially by this author. <<less
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crustyturtle rated it
October 8, 2018
Status: c72
btw if you didnt know mo dao zhu shi is getting 3 seasons with 15 episodes each.. season 1 just finished airing today.

one of the best light novels i've read, doesn't have that many intimate scenes but its enough!! i've watched the anime and read the manhua first (still ongoing only has 40 chapters rn), idk it's easier to get used to the characters that way :p im excited for season 2!! I love how even though it's shounen ai, romance is just a sub plot. its mainly action and... more>> about the cultivation world, even though if your not a fan of shounen ai but like cultivation stories you should give this one a try! the characters are all very well developed and its more about the growth of the main cast (not just MC and ml). flashbacks in this novel are kind of confusing but not that hard to understand. although cultivation is a genre in this novel its different from other novels... the two main characters are already prodigies?.?? I guess?

heres my small guide to the characters/sects. I might get some names wrong if u have any questions dm me ;p

main character: wei ying (childhood name/name people use only if they knew him personally) / yiling patriarch (what people call him/formal title) / wei wu-xian (full name)

- adopted by jiang dude, the father of the jiang cheng.

- from lotus pier sect (the purple one)

main lead: lan zhan/ lan hanguang-jun/ lan wangji

- from cloud recess (? I think cloud recess is the name of a building or place in their sect) sect (blue cloud one)

- a possessive icey boi


- illegitimate son of the past leader of the jin sect (yellow one, the past leader is in the anime season 1)

wait actually im gonna stop here I don't want to spoil anything. ok well wen ning and lan xi-chen are two of my favorite characters , seeing him animated though!!! xD and jiang cheng.... :l I don't really hate him but he's really annoying.

oh wait I also want to say that s1 mainly focused on wei ying's life... after ep 2 so... but it helps to understand what happened in the past. <<less
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kyn rated it
September 2, 2018
Status: Completed
Around 3.5 stars. Not a bad story but I have trouble following a story with too many characters and places. The romance part is very subtle and you wouldn't even get s*x till very very late. The lovey dovey part was also at a late stage. It's a good story though. It's a supernatural theme with magic and fantasy in the mix. The story mainly focused on solving a huge mystery with a bit of crime investigations here and there while dodging dangers, slaying monsters and zombies. Lots and lots... more>> of zombies in this book. It's a first time for me reading Chinese-period-wuxia story with zombies in it. That's refreshing.

*Reviewed on March 29th, 2017 <<less
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riceumi rated it
August 18, 2018
Status: c54

It started out okay, maybe even great, I love the MC's personality and his relationship with ML. However, the story seems to be lagging a little because of the flashbacks. I wouldn't mind if the flashbacks weren't so long and started feeling like filler chapters as it did not advance the plot. A prequel of MC's past could probably be written from all the flashbacks and it would make a great SEPARATE novel. The novel should revolve more around the present instead of the past (although the flashbacks do play a part in the MC and ML's relationship) and the flashbacks can be shorten to more relevant parts instead of including parts that don't really matter and can be shorten to a paragraph or at least something that does not take up an entire chapter (s).

Maybe I would enjoy this novel more without the flashbacks, but some of the characters anger me so much that frankly, I really can't and don't want to continue reading.

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blrblrb rated it
August 10, 2018
Status: c60
I am OBSESSED with this novel!!! WWX and LWJ's personalities are so refreshing and fun to read. I love all of their interactions.

The characters and story have so much depth to them. The mystery and action are also very well done and thought out. Even if you remove all of the BL in this novel, it would still be a great read. And it's rather easy to understand compared to some of the other Xianxia novels I've read.

The main negatives are that the BL scenes are rare, and there are... more>> so many names @_@ <<less
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ToSilence rated it
August 10, 2018
Status: c60
I'm really enjoying this novel! The main character is super entertaining, and with the loveinterest by his side, they make such an interesting duo. I'm looking forward to seeing where this will go!

There's so many names that I got super confused in the beginning. But at this point I can remember the characters, so it's not that big a problem anymore. I can imagine that it'd be troublesome for new readers though. Just keep up your spirits! You'll learn it soon enough. The story is absolutely worth it!
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yellow_canna rated it
July 17, 2018
Status: --
This is a very enjoyable and extremely good novel to read, even for people not into same gender love. To anyone new to the book, if reading isn't your thing this novel is being made into Chinese cartoon as we speak! The animation quality is very beautiful and the battle scenes are epic! I have never seen so much efforts put into a boy love cartoon before! That's just how breathtaking the artworks and animations are!

The cartoon's name is the direct Chinese translation so it's Mo Dao Zu Shi instead... more>> of Founder of Diabolism. <<less
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sakurahime rated it
July 15, 2018
Status: c55
Non chinese speaker who very grateful to the translators. This novel brings me to china fandom for the first time. WuXian and WangJi are so perfect. The plot are amazing, you can laugh, blush and cry in one chapter
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