Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God


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Starting over once more, he has entered this “living game” in order to control his fate.

This time, he will not be controlled by others.

Previously the Level 200 Sword King, he will rise to a higher peak in this life.

Money earning methods! Dungeon conquering strategies! Legendary Quests! Location of equipment! Undiscovered battle techniques!

Even the secrets Beta Testers had no knowledge of, he knows of them all.

Massive wars, entering godhood, reaching the peak with just a sword; the legend of the sword god has just begun.

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226 Reviews sorted by

andz rated it
December 29, 2019
Status: c2693
Binged the first 1600 chapters in a couple of weeks. I'm almost at 2700 now, which is pretty much where the raws are at.


  • VR game world
    • Everybody plays and lives in the VR world, and makes a living in it, similar to Ready Player One
    • Full of RPG elements and game mechanics (monsters, loot drops, bosses, special events, item rarities, item crafting, spell casting, etc.)
  • MC is transported back in time, so he can play the game much better than everybody else
    • MC is super lucky
    • MC is literally undefeatable
    • Nothing bad ever really happens to the MC, MC always comes out on top
  • MC creates a guild
    • The biggest guilds have corporations backing them with billions of dollars
    • Lots of guild politics, rivalry, empire building

  • Incredibly repetitive
    • Big shot underestimates MC, challenges MC, gets defeated by MC, rinse and repeat 100x
    • Not just the storyline, but also the writing. Expect to read several paragraphs or chapters saying the same thing in a different way.
  • Antagonists NEVER learn
    • MC is ALWAYS treated as the arrogant kid who doesn't know his place.
    • Nobody ever realises that the MC has never been defeated and consistently destroys bosses, armies and cities by himself.
    • Seriously, over 2500 chapters of MC shitting on every opponent and they all still think they can destroy MC.
Still, I've read almost all the chapters so far and give it a 4* because I love... more>> the video game themed world building so much. If you can look past its issues, you might enjoy it too. <<less
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Bachingchung rated it
July 16, 2019
Status: c1644
This novel is like junkfood, you're well aware how bad is it, yet you read it anyway.

I gave this a 5 star because how it could entice me to pick it back up over and over again despite how bad is it. That alone is worthy of 5 stars for me, because all I can say is a bunch of cons and no pros about RSSG.

1. Repetitive

... more>> 2. Slow paced.

3. It's like the world only have Silver Wing as their opponent.

4. Idiotic antagonists. They never learn. Why do they even waste billions of credits to attack the MC anyway?

5. So many fillers.

6. MC has a 10 yr walkthrough already yet there's barely any advantage or whatsoever.

7. Too much MSG. <<less
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demus_wiesbaden rated it
June 13, 2018
Status: c479
If you liked RSSG at least up to chapter 479, what series did you also like and rank among your favorites?

I enjoyed the good translations of LMS, Coiling Dragon, Desolate Era (did not finish it though), Spellgun, Savage Divinity, Two Worlds, Azarinth Healer, Countdown (Reality Benders Book #1), Dakota Krout´s series, The Land series by Aleron Kong, Arthur Stone, Alexey Osadchuk, D. Rus, Cosimo Yap, Ell Donsaii, Versatile Mage, Beginner´s Luck, First Login, Underworld - Level Up or Die, Tony Corden
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Rezvir rated it
October 20, 2017
Status: c1869
This is one of very good novel about mmorpg out there. If you like weed in LMS then you like this one too. I don't know why this novels's rating low but try it. Dont give low rating if you just barely read few chapter.

I think the story is the slow one but the world building is very good. I read it till 1800 ++ chapter but the level is low I think. Haha so try it few hundred chap then give solid review.
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Nomota rated it
September 23, 2017
Status: c33
With only few chapters translated, its not easy to rate it but because of those unreasonable ratings, it doesnt mean this novel is bad. So far so good, we all know the early chapters has many introductions of side characters, enemies and allies but thats the way it is. I know some of the readers hate this novel, because theres no originality right? Another reincarnation novel where MC use his past as an advantage blah3x. I only want to recommend this novel for those who wants to kill time in... more>> their spare time. I hope this novel has ita own uniqueness midway. <<less
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KrispyKrem rated it
September 16, 2017
Status: V1c22
Imo some of its story is somewhat similar to rebirth of the thief who roamed the world; especially the scene where the MC gave tips to a player and the meeting in where they were going to tackle a dungeon (especially the conditions the MC gave) but someone said something, anyways just read these two (rottwrtw and this novel). Nonetheless, its an interesting novel so far.
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Sags1 rated it
March 15, 2024
Status: --
I'd give this a 5 star for world building, 5 star for the concept. But then everything else is bad. I read the entire thing and I realized this thing could have been like a 100 times better if the author didn't forget plot points that he foreshadows and doesn't use them later. There's a lack of consistency and he adds stuff about and then forgets about it. Even Zero Wing is pretty much growing only because of MC, which be okay at first but then it goes meh. And... more>> it has the same face slapping flavor that a lot of chinese urban novels have. It's not very obvious here but it's still there. MC grows a bit, offends a stronger party, makes a deal with a party of the same level, everyone underestimates him, he defeats the stronger party and repeat. To be fair its the same with all wuxia novels as well but some do it better. This one not so much. As many complains I have from this book, all the hate simply stems from the fact that such a good idea was wasted because of bad plot planning and lack of consistency. It could have been a masterpiece on par with The Legendary Mechanic and Moonlight Sculptor and failed <<less
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Blathana rated it
December 4, 2023
Status: c2694
A cartoon-ish webnovel written by either, a single author with dementia or several authors who gives zero f for whats written previously, should be a quite perfect description of this novel.

As for why its cartoon-ish, its because the logic and previously established rules would go out of the window had the plot need it be. Its like in spongebob squarepants, heis a carefree annoying neighbor for squidward one episode and turned into very sensible and selfless character the next. This translated to a lot of things being forgotten in the... more>> novel for the sake of plot progression, which was mainly 'suspenseful' guild wars. And lets not waste time talking about how the wars started in the first place. Its typical chinese webnovel, how else it could have started other than young master template A-Z no. 1-999 getting offended for the most s*upid of reasons.

I would have rated this 1/10 had I not enjoyed it the first few times I read it before. Alas, I have seen through the illusion, now all I see is a very shabby work barely holding together from the sheer desire the author/s generated for silly guild wars.

Still, I am now rereading it again for I, of the most oppressed race, gamers, am promised for the status of many wonderful items in the novel. Fascinated with number that I am, am willing to sail through the skipable part of the novel. Also I stopped at 2694 previously because the author/s decided pulling a hiatus after major cliffhanger would be rather funny.

Do remember this if you still decided to read this novel. All is fair in the name of plot progression! Cannot use your two bottle of S rank nutrition fluids because it was reserved for dear parent use? To the Forgotten realm they will go!

PS: Will update after I finished with the novel. <<less
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July 28, 2023
Status: c2000
It is a good at first.

Problems I have:

1. Women - The ratio is just ridiculous. He is always surrounded by women. If he ever met a new character, it is a woman. If it is a woman, it's always a beauty, competent, or got big packages. If it is a man, he's his enemy, good ally, someone useful, or a passing character. I don't know if the author is a feminist or a pe*vert.

2. Men - Brains of a mentally challenged person. Aside from MC, almost all men in... more>> the story lust women. They also act like teenagers.

3. People - Unhinged barbarians. They will either sneer or show fear at the MC. Almost all underestimate the MC like he is the weakest living organism. After tasting defeat in the mc's hands, they will still come at him unprepared. "He defeated me, but it's just luck. This time he will suffer." It's like saying "I improved, you're stagnant." They just don't learn a lesson. At first it's satisfying, but as time went on, it just become irritating.

4. His Guild - An organization that is 70% inefficient without him. When he goes solo, the guild always faces problems the moment he left.

5. The World - Everything is just different. People show their emotions easily. If they don't like the MC, they will say negative comments. Not showing emotions is a strategy so your enemy can't take advantage of you, but this fundamental skill was thrown out the window. Also it says "Everybody is working out at the gym", but that doesn't mean they also like fighting. Almost everyone is a battle maniac.

6. The story and the plot itself is ridiculous. After chapter 3000, I just gave up. I'm surprised I even persisted.

Good things:

1. The game - God's Domain is a good game. I wish it was real. <<less
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DAOTranquility rated it
January 1, 2023
Status: v2c415
I've read this novel since years ago and treated this novel like a junk food afternoon snack. This is because I already have extensive experience in reading mtl, fanfictions, originals, many bad and great translated books.

I don't recommend this as a first reading experience.

You're required to have huge patience, overwhelming amount understanding (Because the author has lots of Hidden Cards that the readers don't know, only he knows... Which he could pull out of nowhere. Although there's hints every now and then...) and vast space for imagination...

As for the current... more>> readers, read at your own pace. Remember, everything is made up, its the author's multiverse not ours. That's why if you're asking "These people in the Greater World are from other parallel worlds; Earth?" which is kinda 'meh' for me, because we don't see another Shi Feng yet. I don't dwell on that subject instead I theorized that these are people (Human's) from other planets in the galaxies nearby. Expect to meet other Humanoids in the future.

Overall 3.9🌟 from me... <<less
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Yind rated it
January 29, 2022
Status: Completed
I've read finish the book in chinese, took me a few months. Took a break for a few months at 52% to read other books cause it was really repetitive. Took me 3 weeks to read remaining 48% of the book.

There are better books out there. Read those instead like the gluttony, solo levelling etc.

This author likes to describe every equipment the MC found in great detail at least 10 paragraphs, and gave it to the side character and you will never hear anything about that equip again. I have... more>> no idea why he wants to pad the word count.

His writing style is always the same, enemy laughs at MC, "you are going to lose". MC cut off enemy's left hand. Enemy has this surprised pikachu face, and recovered immediately. "You are still going to lose, cause I have my right hand". MC cut of enemy's right hand. Enemy:" you are still going to lose cause I still have my legs."... repeat till enemy has no limbs and die. The next chapter will be a group of enemy higher ups having a meeting to discuss how to split MC loots among themselves. Receive SMS and video feed about the loss of that dude he sent. Higher ups surprised pikachu face, and meeting ended.

When MC first started the game, he has this BFF. Throughout the remaining half the book, he was mentioned once at 95%. That's it. Poor dude, he was forgotten for most of the book.

At exactly 90%, the author said he wrote the story for 4.5 years. He took a break for a year and continue writing the remaining 10% of the book. The remaining 10% feels rushed like game of throne season 8. At least the story is ended somewhat properly, many loose ends were tied up. <<less
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StarSpeedCollection rated it
December 5, 2021
Status: Completed
Okay. Dont read this novel if:

  • You want any sensible story.
  • You expect anything to make sense.
  • You want some heartwarming romance
  • You want some smart gameplay tactics/strategy from anybody in the novel
Now we got that out of the way. Why I rate this 5 stars?

Firstly, I misclicked. I wanted to press 4 stars but pressed 5 instead. Secondly, I approach the novel with somewhat a different mindset. I definitely won't deny the ridiculousness of this novel, the non-sensibility of everything in it, and the indestructible plot armor the MC is wearing but damn... more>> its a fun novel. The only reason I wanted to give 4 stars is the light-speed rushed ending of the "First Season".

Here's the mindset I keep when reading this novel:

  • I just want to see the ridiculous, brain-dead things that the MC will do next
  • Its seriously just for the fun of it. Everything is overpowered, everything is underpowered.
  • Its like watching cartoons when you're a kid where ridiculous things keeps happening and you are still entertained nevertheless.
  • The details are just secondary.
I genuinely read this to celebrate all the MC achievements and winnings while also just to see the bad guys get rekt. If you dont argue too much on the details, the novel is s*upidly addicting and fun!

If you are the type to fully engross yourself in the story, emotion, sentiment and experience of the MC and dont want to read this kind of brain-dead, brute force, no personality MC, then please dont read this. You'll just suffer. <<less
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Safziraph rated it
June 23, 2021
Status: --
I admire the concept of the story and had a huge potential. The game itself is very nice, a huge vrmmorpg that describes how astonishing it is to play the game.


The feeling of adventure to explore the world. A very unique places with different environments and seeing how large Gods Domain is. It also comes a long with expansion pack. Not just limited in land, but also sea. Different climates, etc.

  • God's Domain
  • World Shrine
  • Dark's Den
  • Dungeons
Combat System

A very hard combat system that requires skills to dominate the game. Along with hidden stats and martial arts combat techniques. With multiple combo set ups. Also requires you to train your body to further your potential with mental and physical strength.

  • Completion Rates
  • Void Steps
  • Sword Orbit
  • Tablets
  • Berserk Skills
  • Parry

items I find are very unique that provides the user with skills and not just stats. It also shows a negative effects of carrying a certain item. Dropping an exp to upgrade the item. I also like how the Author gave it a rank to easily know which one is better.

  • Philosopher's Stone
  • Magic Weapons
  • Abyssal Blade
  • Luminaries Ring
  • Moloch's Ring
  • Bible of Darkness
  • Nightwalker Cape

I really like the concept of quests. Hidden quests, unique quests, legendary quests, etc. It gives an hype for when he would traverse with the quests. Hidden quests that gives a feeling of mysterious vibe in it.

  • Sharlyn's Quests

PvP in general is so good. I absolutely love the action in this novel. Planning ahead for a raid in a dungeon or wars.

  • Party in a Dungeon
  • The Guild Wars
  • Contest in Thunder Island
  • Ambushes
Regarding about the novel.

Its so f*cking tr*sh I hate it. It had an amazing start then became repetitive and boring. It is also good and bad at the same time if you don't give a f*ck about the plot holes. The characters are so f*cking fickle and ret*rded. Every villains in this novel are the most ret*rded. They just don't f*cking learn any lessons. A simple-minded ret*rded villains.

The story is all jumbled and piled up together like tossing anything in your f*cking plate. The Author might as well put a f*cking LEATHER SHOE and his ASS HAIR in your plate for you to eat. Sometimes, the story dont make any sense.


(I think Im satisfied with this review. Anyways, Im too lazy to mention everything what I love and what I hate. Im going to end it. PEACE!)
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Karbite rated it
June 3, 2021
Status: c1500
Reincarnation of the strongest sword god is a power fantasy like many other Korean stories. At the start, the hero (unable to remember his name from barely anything unique after begins his journey of grinding and getting stronger. He beats down some arrogant people here and there and gets some good gear. However as the story slowly progresses, this process repeats. Although the story doesn't freeze up as much and overuse the same settings and scenarios as other stories, the goal remains unchanged. It is always to gain more money,... more>> gear, and power. More arrogant rich young "masters" show up to impede the journey and more events show up to bolster our hero's fame. His guild members' iq loses the hundred in one hundred after he needs something. His blacksmithing skills are somehow able keep up with the other people who are blacksmiths instead of swordsmen and is used as a plot device. After reincarnating with years of experience, wisdom, and an almost omniscient knowledge about the game and gear, the main character is only able to compete, instead of dominating, with the antagonists from his lack of money and money management. <<less
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siege breezy
siege breezy
May 5, 2021
Status: Completed
This story is by no means special, it has plenty of overused tropes and plot holes. However it is a great novel to turn your brain off and just enjoy the s*upidness of the story and antagonists.

My biggest issue with the novel (besides the rushed ending), is that every new antagonist or opposing force seems to forget how strong the MC is and how he has led his guild to victory over every opponent they had, sometimes even people who lost already manage to forget how bad they were stomped... more>> on and come back with the same "You guys are tr*sh who will never beat us" mentality just to get stomped again. It wouldn't be too annoying if it happened a couple times, however this happens with every single opponent in the novel without fail.

Although it has its many downsides, this novel is still very entertaining if you can get past the s*upid enemies. I would definitely recommend this novel if your looking for something dumb but fun to read. <<less
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HPKhan rated it
April 28, 2021
Status: Completed
I love this story. I have been flowing this story for few years, when I heard the authors need to take a health issues brake I thought this would be another of those incomplete masterpieces but somehow the authors completed it I am really happy. Wish Lucky Old Cat another 1000 years so he can make another few RSSG. I know the last 20 chapters without even bothering to solve several storylines but I still enjoyed this novel. The story development is great, the plot is great, the world-building is... more>> great, the character development is great. I also hope there will be a sequel or continuation to the story! I am very sad to see another masterpiece novel unable to read. Anyhow,

I really love this novel 5 out of 5 stars. THANKS, Lucky Old Cat <<less
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Fever rated it
April 26, 2021
Status: Completed
I've been reading this on and off for a few years now. This was one of my guilty pleasures.

To be completely honest, the story was a mess. The author would forget about things that were said to be very important, all of the antagonists where the same, and there was practically no character development.

... more>>

There was also that last chapter. There is too much to comment on when it comes to the last chapter. It was incredibly rushed. I mean, the biggest, baddest antagonist was defeated in one hit? There were also drastic time-skips at the end to excuse the power scaling that was going on. I forget because it's been so long, but how many chapters did the first month of the game take up?

Another thing is the whole explanation of God's Domain. Creating additions three dimensional spaces? If there's going to be a sequel I can understand why there would be such an explanation and why they started another whole journey. If there is not going to be a sequel, I could have really done without it. It really just got me curious.


I'd say my favorite part of the story, and the reason I stuck with it for so long even though it was a mess, would be the world and system. I really don't understand how the world and power system can be so well thought out when the plot is such a mess.

There is so much to talk about when it comes to the power system. The levels are complemented by tiers, which come along with their own intricacies. There are skills that are divided by tier along with combat techniques divided by rarity. The equipment system is also very well thought out with the different rarities and level limits. I found the city/NPC systems interesting too.


My only regret is that he never got any Fragmented Divine or Divine stuff, only getting Legendary stuff. I also understand the story stopping once he became a Sword God (hence the name of the story), but I would have liked if there was a little more interactions afterwards. Maybe some Tier 6 vs. Tier 6.

I have one last complaint. The power system kinda got ruined because of the premise that was revealed at the end. As we didn't get to learn anything about the main world they will be going to, we also don't know what the system there will be. I find it to be a bit of a waste.


As a word of warning, I don't think I could binge read this because it's so repetitive. It mostly maintained my interest because I was caught up with it, so I had a break after reading a few chapters.

TLDR: The plot is a predictable mess, but because of all the interesting stuff that gets brought out, it's still a fun read. <<less
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OutRange rated it
March 17, 2021
Status: c497
The author gave Shi Fang heaven defying luck, battle skills, cheat-like items, a broken class, amazing titles and past memories.

You might think woah that sounds extremely overpowered!

Hehe.. However, the author also decided to counter everything mentioned above just by adding some otherworldly, wuxia-like skills like: omnivision, voidsteps, whatever acceleration and recently he introduced a skill called triple attack or something, so now every in-game fodder who is a real life veteran or martial artist can face Shi Feng, even though Shi Feng triples their stats, has past-life experience, a vastly... more>> superior skillset, a unique class, a magic weapon, a dark gold set, that omega broken aura ring, a fragmented legendary and his crazy attribute boosting titles.

Also what's the deal with the real world trading? There's no point in grinding if a random young master with deep pockets can simply buy an empire overnight, literally story-breaking.

By the way, what's up with the girls descriptions? Their twin peaks, almond eyes, perky bu*t and stuff? (WE DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT THE MC LOOKS LIKE, all we know is that he was "skinny") and this story has 0 (zero) relationships, the MC barely treats his irl "friend" Blackie as a friend, his family? Pretend he doesn't have one because he doesn't visit them even once, so why waste chapter describing some random beauties? The author is clearly not interested in developing any kind of relationship in this novel (unless we're talking about random female players prostituting offscreen to get benefits), let alone romance, so only having their names is more than enough for the story.

The story was fun and entertaining until that 5v5 with Ouroboros happened, until then only skill, game knowledge and equipment mattered, that's what you expect from a VRMMO novel right?

Now? If you have any of those 4 wuxia-like skills you're an expert, if not you're an ant. <<less
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Grenore rated it
June 30, 2020
Status: c781
I had liked it, but sadly there are somethings that are not good.

1st: the name is sword god, but the class role is blade Saint.

2nd: alright a blade master can use sword skills (depends), but imagine a blade master using flame magics and others. (Looking at white emperor as an excuse, the guy got shaman and other passive inheritances allowing him to use multi class skills), but that's not the case in here.

3rd: where's the enjoyment of playing a game, even if it can help you build a career, doesn't... more>> mean you can't enjoy it. All I see is just war and politics in this VRmmo.

Game were created for enjoyment, if it can help to build a career, that'd be like 'me having my enjoyment to fulfilment'. <<less
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Secu rated it
January 12, 2020
Status: c2299
This is one of my personal favorites, but I don't think it can be compared with the best-written webnovels out there.

To use the author's favorite word: it has great "foundations", but the follow up is not always at the same level.

To start with some of the good parts:

  • the world-building is fantastic - both the in-game and the real world and are combined well together
  • there are a lot of interesting places, items, monsters, and skills ingame
  • the MC is not overpowered, but very knowledgeable; he is also quite proactive and decisive
Some of... more>> the things that can be imporoved:

  • the supporting characters are quite interesting, but they all become brain dead as soon as they join MC's guild/party and just gape at whatever is that MC is doing (they do seem to get a little more limelight in the last couple of hundreds chapters, so maybe that will change as we move forward)
  • opponents are all the same - unidimensional mustache-twirling villains that never learn and always underestimate the MC
  • the author often forgets things: characters, skills, etc
  • the author is quite fond of some catchphrases and words and he repeats them all the time - "he was shocked, but when he thought about it he found it quite reasonable", "why wouldn't he be shocked?", and author's all-time favorite word "foundation" which is probably used thousands of times
  • like almost all writers of this kind, the author fails to make the translation between weak and strong - the MC and his guild pull off miracle out of their arses every other day, yet people always underestimate them and are still shocked every time they win
Looking back at my review it might appear that it's a bad one that should keep you from reading, but the story is actually quite entertaining in a primal sort of way.

It's a perfect story for when you just want to read something relaxing and enjoyable without wracking your brain.

I would definitely recommend it! <<less
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