God and Devil World


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In less than an instant the world as we knew it was at its end.

That’s right. The Apocalypse. In a single blink Zombies appeared and mutated monsters began to rampage all throughout the world. Now it was the human species turn to fight for survival and planetary dominance!

On the same day that the world descends into chaos we meet Yue Zhong. Initially only hoping to get to his friends and escape to a refugee camp our protagonist sets out, inadvertently building a team along the way. After a series of fortuitous events and a few serious hunches our hero decides it’s time to do more than just survive!

Yue Zhong begins to form the foundations of an enormous survival plan… before he suddenly discovers that he has only gotten over the first hurdle…. Unbeknownst to Yue Zhong and company, the world outside of China is mostly a wasteland! Country sized swathes of nuclear radiation and an extreme shortage of supplies in the world after the nuclear explosions was quickly becoming the “norm”. Mutants, Evolved animals and what’s worse, intelligent out of control dinosaurs had quickly appeared and claimed their own sections of the planet. There were several innately powerful Evolved races which appeared that were more than 10 times stronger than humans, nearly all of them possessing bodies impenetrable by normal bullets. The fabled orcs’ were another of these Evolved races, the leader of which had in fact ens*aved many of the remaining human beings.

Unceremoniously exposed to such a cold and heartless new world, Yue Zhong is faced with a choice: Find a deep dark hole and hope it goes back to “normal”? Or overcome all obstacles and struggle towards Evolution!!!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Shen Mo Xi Tong
Thần Ma Hệ Thống
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Ashers rated it
November 28, 2016
Status: c315
It's a potentially fun read of the struggles and hardships our hero, Yue Zhong, encounters as he tries to survive in a Post Apocalyptic Game World. The story's strongest points is the base/kingdom building which is complemented by the authors knowledge of modern weaponry. While the genre includes comedy and martial arts there's actually very little of that here. It's best to focus on visualizing the scenes in your mind and leave the technical stuff on the side if inconsistencies bother you.

I would recommend this as a breather between the better stories out there.

Story Ranting


Game Elements
The purpose of Game/RPG Elements within this story is to enable the author to justify his MC's OPness. While it is used abundantly throughout the story due to it being the key to humanity's survival the author doesn't explain many elements of it too deeply. This lack of detail enables the author to use fantastical elements freely, but also gives birth to many inconsistencies;

Stats - Agility needed for one person to keep up with the reaction speed of enemies is not needed for other people later in the story to keep up with the same said enemies. Strength that primarily boost damage pales in comparison to the damage that comes from the game's weapons and magic. Endurance that allows the person's summon to withstand bulletfire does not provide the same durability to the player himself at equal levels (skin is always as fragile as skin).

Items - Apples of Vitality restore Stamina while there's already an existing Vitality stat and no mechanical relation exist between the two stats. Stinger is the only existing system ranged weapon despite the pletora of valuable loot boxes the MC obtains. Various characters use Replica Tang Swords to take down L2s while the MC has trouble using the Dark Magic Sword to take down L3s despite the Dark Magic Sword being two whole grades above the Replica Tang Sword.

Skills - Eyes of Perception's description only allows the user to see levels up to 5+ their own but the MC often sees information of mutants and zombies far surpassing his own level. Small Fireball and other various magic skills have class limitations due to their strong abilities, yet Devil Flame and Minor Injury Healing only get usage restrictions. The player can only initially learn 3 active skills there's no limit on the person learning passives despite them providing permanent bonuses comparable to active skills: http://gdw. Wikia. Com/wiki/High_Speed_Movement vs http://gdw. Wikia. Com/wiki/Agility_Solidification.

Balance? - The person's initial attributes do no influence the player's initial stats at the beginning of the story. Everyone starts at level 1 with 10 stats across the board, however there's still a difference between each individual's strength and agility. No one seems to be suddenly stronger or faster, nor does anyone seem to be suddenly weaker or slower. There's no mention of this so this seems to indicate that the game stats boost the base stats of the individual. This idea is reinforced by the MC training his aim and physical stamina, however it doesn't seem to make sense how the two are related. If the training is actually worth it (since the MC wouldn't do it if it wasn't) then why is such a difference not apparent when the MC faces people that would have vastly superior initial physical and mental capabilities?

Women are attracted to power, MC is OP, therefore MC gets a massive harem. While initially nice as there was relational development between the MC and his various concubines it slowly deteriorates into the harems where you add any new girl that tickles the MC's fancy. The MC supposedly cares about the feelings of his wives as well as understands the burden having more wives would be, but that doesn't stop him from progressively increasing the count. Instead of developing the relationship and love the MC has with his current wives the author introduces a new one which makes it feel like the author gets bored of the wives he gives the MC.

Racism - While many of the reviews conflict whether the author is racist. I believe the author is more of a nationalist, taking pride in his homeland. My personal take from it is that these events of racism within the is the author trying to showcase another dark aspect of humanity. Near chapter 310 the author acknowledges that racism is a terrible trait so I doubt the author themselves are racist by any means. I believe this notion of the author being racist is born when the Japanese and other International representatives appear in the story. The racism in the events are just superficial as the MC is furious that the government officials who're meant to protect citizens of China allowing them to live in poverty while the international representatives are living a life of luxury.

Sexism - Unfounded as the negative reviews are essentially saying that the author's idea of how society would deteriorate does not match their own personal idea so it's wrong.

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November 26, 2016
Status: c312
Look this is an author's take on the apocalypse of course its going to have hyperrealism and some things are going to be outrageous (zombies evolve for christ sake). That being said I cannot and will not stand by those who obviously defend this novel simply because of criticism and rating it 5/5. This novel has faults and to try and defend that like this is what the real world is like is utter ludicracy. For instance after the MC goes to the village seemingly everyone he meets Is a... more>> HORRIBLE HUMAN BEING statistically this is IMPOSSIBLE. Everyone the MC meets is literally just a stepping stone, a reason to be beat down upon. I digress, this story has faults, these have been expounded upon over and over again by other reviewers. I wrote this review after reading the obviously reactionary reviews of people who love the novel. I will admit the story can be very entertaining but after a while it drags on you as the MC does everything in cycles rinse and repeat. Nothing feels like progression sure he gets stronger but what is it all for? You think know until the author whisked away the MC to a new random area. <<less
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July 26, 2016
Status: --
is it me or this novel is like the authors fantasy of having his own harem. It also oozes of his inferiority complex and racial ideology. Good thing the author doesn't have this kind of "power" or else he'll be one hell twisted son of a b*tch. Anyways the novel started really good but as your read on it becomes dark but so what it's still enjoyable. MC made good realistic choices not those self righteous dumbasses. However like I said author went crazy with his fantasies and misguided ideology.... more>> Oh did I mention the strong sexism against women? It's as if the author view women as cows to f*ck and play with it not as a person. <<less
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Tjumi-Tjumi rated it
July 19, 2016
Status: c584
Edit, reading ch 584:

I'm bringing this down to 1/5. Truly disappointed with how he depicts other countries. Hell, my country's a big mess, but he's making it like a big puddle of piss and puke and sh*t instead.

I have no idea which source he's reading to get all the "awesome" description of Indonesia, but the author basically has no basis to write what he's writing. I think Kun should be dropping this. His translation talent is better used on other series. Look at his Patreon, instead of getting more, he's... more>> losing more patrons than ever.

I'm not revoking the previous points on my old comment, just asking the readers to be more objective on what they read.


Up to this point, I am loving this LN, except for the over-nationality of the writer, plus some rather irresponsible quotes of past event (hell... I am Indonesian, so I know what I am talking about).

Fight scene wise: 4/5
1-on-1 situation: 3/5
MC Development: 3/5 (seriously, the MC is far too OP at this point. I'd like to see him facing someone his par. Last time was facing that assassin who later on became his underling)
story dev: 4/5 (I like the fact that he is moving around, while maintaining his base)
character dev: 2/5 (seriously lacking depth other than MC)
future prospect of awesomeness: 5/5 (seriously looking forward for the day he liberates Beijing, and perhaps other big cities as well)

All in all, worth to read, but not for those feminist... you'll puke on most of the scenes <<less
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Sythellri rated it
July 3, 2016
Status: c338
One of the most boring leave repetitive novels that I have ever read. I am completely caught up all the way to chapter 340 and his novel repeats itself. Level up while gathering survivors
Get laid
Establish a base
Get transported or teleported to a new location
Rinse and repeat until you are bored as hell
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June 4, 2016
Status: c316
So, ugh, I've read quite a lot of the reviews, and IMO some are completely wrong or biased.

The part where people say : Racism is plain dumb. First off, IF you yourself is in a Zombie world, I doubt you would like the fact where some foreign/even your own countrymen raping women. Its not completely impossible, but its stated that the Government is pretty much doing the same which enrages MC to kill the foreigners and his own countrymen. If you see that as racist. Welp thats that. Although I... more>> agree with : it hasn't been long since it started, a month or two is enough for 'whorehouses' to come up. I also dont see the problem of prostitution. If you cant pillage to blah blah get your own food, dont contribute against zombies or provide help and work, selling urself is pretty much the only way to live. You dont see, for instance, Jia Qianqwu (not sure, but the swordgirl) selling herself. Its a ret*rded opinion of idiots and children IMO.

Lastly, the novel is pretty good. Though the story is somewhat repetitive, its a fine read <<less
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June 2, 2016
Status: c311
This is a good read, though it does have its low points. The novel offers a new perspective on the rpg game based novels in that the MC doesn't enter a game the real world becomes the game. The build system is interesting, with people that don't participate in the system being left behind while those the do rapidly increasing in power. Additionally, the novel offers a harsh reality of what the world would be like with the break down of law and order. This seems to give rise to... more>> the authors take on the true nature of humanity. The MC is interesting and has his ups and downs as to whether he is a good or bad guy. You get to see how power and having to make hard/brutal decisions effects a person who starts out moral, and tries or doesn't to remain so. The low points for me are the general weakness attributed to the majority of women and the treatment of women as property to be used in barter. <<less
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June 2, 2016
Status: c311
I like the story mostly for the gritty atmosphere and characters. It shows the more depraved side of humanity which is a nice change of pace to the classic "there is no real evil in the world" or "I'm the main character, so of course I'm a hero!" Type of plot. My only qualm with it is that the author takes his pride in China a bit too the extreme sometimes and is a bit sexist as well. Other than that though, good read.
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tdewyse rated it
June 2, 2016
Status: c309
When I started reading this novel I thought it was very good. The plot was interesting and the ability and loot system were cool.

And when he got to the noob village and found all those shops and class trainers, I got excited at the prospect of an apocalypse community of sorts with trading and everything. I even thought there might be other strong characters the MC could meet and interact with. But none of that came through. The village and trading shops were never mentioned again and only the rare mention of survivor credits gives me any hope at all that the towns might make a comeback. And I no longer have any hope at all for the MC meeting any equals in the story. The author seems determined to make any powerful human in the story either completely hate him and want to kill him, or makes them his subordinates.

The only reason I'm still reading is because the solo fighting sequences are cool and even those are more and more replaced with group military battles. I will however give this story a 4/5 because if the story will just make use of the elements that are already established it could be a great story.
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ProxyAccount rated it
June 1, 2016
Status: c311
If you're looking for a story that's mostly flowers and sunshine, with a noble main character, God and Devil World isn't going to be to your liking. On the other hand, if you like dark and gritty elements, as well as anti-hero main characters, this story might very well be to your liking. Now, there's no mistake that the main character has more than a bit of plot armor, but it's pretty much standard fare.

The author strikes an apt tone for an apocalyptic world--it's definitely a dark place and the... more>> characters reflect that. Scenes where character dialogue abound are infrequent, but often rewarding. However, the writer misses a lot of opportunities to develop characters and seems to gloss over details and ignore loose ends in order to move on to the next military conquest. So while the story's premise is interesting and the direction is engaging, the execution tends to fall short. <<less
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June 1, 2016
Status: c310
I really enjoy this this novel, shows the darkness of humanity which you would expect in an apocalyptic novel. Releases comes out quite regularly which is another boon to the novel. Only personal negative to me is that it seems like the MC gets lost from his group all the time. It's a good way to move the story along the first time but by the third time it gets quite old. But like I said, that's a personal negative and in no way does it take away from the... more>> story which is quite enjoyable. Translators keep up the good work. <<less
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June 1, 2016
Status: c310
Great novel for the first 90 chapters? It was extremely detail describing things from hair style to how tall a building is or what design this type of car has. But as soon as the plot really started rolling the author just said f*ck it and made the MC extremely op, growing stronger every two-four chapters and conquering villages and cities like drinking water. Overall its still a good novel but I think that the author could have spent more time on this and not rush it. Especially the transition... more>> to the newest arch, I was extremely off guard. <<less
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June 1, 2016
Status: --
This is one of the more popular and further translated Survival/Apocalypse stories on the web and for good reason. Its fun and provides plenty of entertainment with tons of violence and detailed combat scenes ranging from battles with giant beasts to large scale army tactics. Also chock-full of of drama, friendship, and romance it plays the harem element without focusing on it too strongly. Really the s*x and race issues are minor as its comparable to a warring states tale with the MC growing to become an excellent Warlord and... more>> battling for power and survival in this post apocalyptic world that has both Zombies and Monsters as well as game elements and evilution. A passionate weak to Strong nocel its a fun read and really easy to get into. Worth reading. <<less
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June 1, 2016
Status: c306
Pretty good story line and I like how the MC develops over the course of the story line although it might get a bit repetitive at times, it's still one of my favorites
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June 1, 2016
Status: c309
I quite enjoy this webnovel. As far as the questionable content I just skip past anything I dont like, tis simple as that. But as far as the story-line and action goes im one happy reader. Please keep up with the hard work and know there are people out there who really appreciate you spending your time to do this.
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June 1, 2016
Status: c309
It is rather expletive in what happens, but overall I think it's a really interesting read. The main character is perfectly motivated to do what he wants, and protect the people he has said he will protect. People who don't follow his rules are unnecessary and are dealt with as such.
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June 1, 2016
Status: c309
love that light novel! It's really fascinating to think about how they can improve themselves in order to survive in this new apocalyptic world.

Only downside is about how many women the MC gets... It really is too much in my opinion. But otherwise, it's really great!
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June 1, 2016
Status: c301
Interesting approach bringing Xiantian wolrd in modern lifestyle. If you ever tried to guess how would be our daily life in xantian universe, and how it would have startef you ll enjoy reading this, it s like humanity being birthed again.

Two point that I am not found of:
1. The main character never encounter any real threat from humans, he is like an untouchable god.
2. I m not found of harem
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June 1, 2016
Status: c309
A really dark and well written story. The MC is of course OP and don`t take sh*t from nobody. Its realistic in a sense of how humans will be if we indeed have a zombie outbreak worldwide. I feel that personally there is nothing wrong with this novel as some of the reviews state about some of the issues.
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June 1, 2016
Status: c309
Great story, goes from a walking dead type scenario to controlling armies of thousands to fight the zombies and rebuild!! Can't wait for the next chapters. :D
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