Wu Chang Jie


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A lineage of enmity, two lifetimes of love.

A hundred years in hell is not as bitter as love.

[Past Life] A gentle and strong Eldest Prince shou who turned evil in the end.

The Ninth Prince gong, who originally did not have a good heart, turned evil due to hatred.

Conclusion: It’s all the fault of the family of origin.

[Present Life] A white impermanence senior brother shou, who already doesn’t have any memories of the past.

A black impermanence junior brother gong, who has memories of the past and impure intention.

Conclusion: It’s all the fault of senior brother being too good.

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Impermanence Calamity
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66 Reviews sorted by

hiryukaede rated it
August 13, 2021
Status: Completed
I really like this story so much!!! I follow this story' since long time ago, and finish it yesterday... And for me, this books is one of the most "real". I Mean,.. all the feeling on there... How the ML show his obsession towards the MC... How MC learn to accept his feeling,...

When I read The MC journey, I cant stop crying,.. he just want have a good life and keep his beloved save. But,... Everyone who close to him want him to died, except ML... I cant stop crying... more>> T-T.

They love and hate in all their journey in past live and present time... and all those their sweet time,... Totally worth for reading.

The ML obsession toward MC, well,.. some of his action are crazy, but what can he do? he really love him and hate him in the same time couse a lot of Missunderstanding towards both of them.

The MC not easy to fall on love, maybe thats way I pick this novel first, couse its feel so realistict. The MC was strong, but everyone want him to dead. He only care abaut the ML, but couse of a lot Missunderstanding they both hurt each other T-T.

But, don't worry its happy ending. And they have a lot smutty time ⁄ (⁄ ⁄•⁄-⁄•⁄ ⁄) ⁄ And sweet time as well.

Totally recommend tho!. <<less
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Aniv2008 rated it
August 11, 2021
Status: c279
Finally I've finished this story!! This story has angst, dog blood, lots of twist and turns. Great characters & plot. Our MC is so strong, I feel like so many times he would break down and not be able to go through the mess of two lifetimes. As for ml, I wanted to whack & kick him a few times. The love-hate relationship and the obsession of mc/ML and the side characters. The mc/ML intense relationship made my heartache for them. So much to remember, to forgive and to forget... more>> for these two and I'm so glad they made it. The ending for one pair of side characters (I won't mentioned names) made me sad but maybe that was the best ending for them.

Note on the great job from translator/editors. It's a great read cos of their awesome work! <<less
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Cherry tomatoes
Cherry tomatoes rated it
October 20, 2023
Status: Completed
Usually I don't have such strong opinions on story with scum gong or the HE relationships cause the scum gong usually will have some redeeming quality when it come to his love for MC.

But, this one I strongly feel that it should've been BE. I don't understand how MC can forgive ML. It's a toxic relationship from start to finish.

For all the smut this story has, only find 1 time is consensual and even that is questionable if I didn't account for ML's scum objective, while the rest are r*pe.... more>> It didn't matter if the author try to make ML pitiable, cause right after ML pull the pitiful act, ML always try to shift the blame to the MC, which annul any tiny pity gained from any attempts to gain ML pitiful because he doesn't take accountability for his actions.

If you enjoy a manipulative scum gong with no redemption arc and think more with his d*ck more than his head, this one is for you.

MC is more pitiable but he also is very bad at communication. Honestly, a lot of things could be solved if only he is honest with ML, but then ML with d*ck for brain is already a lost cause so it didn't help....

Anyway, I have to forced myself to finish because I already got so far in the story and cause I was hoping for that ML redemption arc that never came. By the end, whatever ML did previously it was basically sweep under the rug to achieve that HE. <<less
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Verdante rated it
October 1, 2023
Status: Completed
Just finished reading this massive series, and WOAH I have a lot of thoughts.

Imagine you are in a Disneyland Ride. You're in the dark, you go in, fasten your seatbelt-- expecting to have a roller coaster ride. The ride begins to move forward, no ups or downs yet--then, it drops down. And down. And down. When you expect it to finally climb upwards, it drops you down again and again and you begin to wonder if you went to the wrong building and sat through a ride that only drops.... more>> Makes you wonder when you'll finally stop taking all that beating. This is that story.

I have high respect for the author who is able to evoke that sort of feeling while reading the story. Countless times I've gritted my teeth in anger and want to step into the world and grab Xie Bi An so he can have the peaceful life he wants. I cannot stress enough how good this author is in making you feel just as beaten and battered as the main character. The first half definitely had the most impression on me in the story. The mystery, the hopelessness, the despair-- everything in it had been done well IMO. I agree with other people's assessment that if I was to rate the first half of the story, it'll probably be 4.5 or 5/5.

The second half still kept me interested in what was going on, but it's not as interesting as the first half. I'll be more specific down below. If you don't want any spoilers, I suggest you stop reading here.


First Half

I loved the palace politics in the flashback. Everything was laid out nicely, and I love the contrast between how the Eldest Prince (ZZH) and the Ninth Prince (ZZX) were treated. The fact that they adored each other despite how different they were treated made the dynamic interesting to me. I didn't really mind ZZX acted like a spoiled brat. He was powerful, doted on, and he was used to getting his ways.

I liked how the present was weaved into the past with mysteries around XZN and LBY. How we got to know about the past because of the crimes committed in the present. I couldn't stop reading.

Second Half

I consider the second half of this story after XBA remembers all of ZZH's memories. It wasn't completely boring, but it was sort of bland? I was expecting to have an idea about what XBA would do to make sure past tragedies wouldn't happen again, but the story just kept throwing him around. Basically I was expecting all the suffering to end, but it just continued LOL. Everyone was out to get XBA and he wasn't even powerful enough to defend himself.

I'm not too disappointed in the second half since it's understandable all these characters moved for their own gain. XBA who didn't have any selfish desires would of course find it more difficult to fight against enemies who didn't care about killing people or breaking some rules that can lead them to the deepest layers of hell after death.

Main Character

I wish we saw a little more of XBA's agency. I was invested in the whole Celestial being and Imperial destiny and how it breeds calamity, but we never really understood why XBA needed to go through all that BS.

I also wished we had a plot point where XBA realizes how to fulfill that destiny and willingly take on power if it means maintaining the peace of the world. Because that's what he lacked on his previous life. He didn't have much agency. For most of the story, it just felt like XBA was a billiard ball that world liked to toss around, and he's on the defensive. I definitely liked his change at the end but DAMN I wished we had more glimpses of that internal conflict and the moment he finally realized for himself that he needed to take on power to suppress others from causing harm.

The Main CP

Lastly, let's talk about the controversial.

I hated FWS for tormenting XBA both in the past and present. I also hated how prideful ZZH was and refused to coax his brother in the past. But the way they acted based on how their characters were introduced was reasonable to me.

It was incredibly frustrating, sure, but it didn't feel like it was put there purely for angst. The characters stayed consisted throughout the story, and their stubbornness really encapsulates how stubborn people could be imo lmao.

The change in how they interacted changed a lot throughout the story and I find that interesting. We start off with a hateful FWS flirting with XBA, then ZZX's first love for ZZH, then ZZX's obsessive and hateful love for ZZH, then FWA and XBA's ignorance is a bliss love, then FWA coaxing XBA and acknowledging he was wrong for the things he's done in the past. One thing I noticed tho, I think the author has trouble writing fluffy smut cause the scenes were either kinda fluffy but still kinda noncon, or we just don't see it at all. But the hard noncon scenes always gave me a punch in the gut.


Overall, I think this story has its own merits, and it definitely delivers as a dogblood novel. It definitely made me feel pain I haven't experienced before. It made me feel angry in a way I haven't been angry before (and not at the writer, but at the characters and their situation). But would I reread this? No. Would I be reading other stories from this author? Nope, and it's not because I have beef with their writing, I just can't handle that much suffering anymore XD. If you like to suffer, I definitely recommend this novel.

edit: After weeks of pondering, I might read Blood Crown after the translation has been finished LOL <<less
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AnneGriffin rated it
August 1, 2022
Status: c250
This novel was just amazing !!!!! I binged read it in like 3 days (i k crazy right) I forego sleep for this, that'ts how much I could relate with and was intrigued with the characters.I just love shu qian chen's writing. Her stories feel like like, they are written just for me, so passionate and intense.i love to read the diff. Characters she pens.
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cleocries rated it
July 1, 2022
Status: Completed
finally finished with this novel. not going to lie, I had to take abit of a break from it towards the end because it was getting too heavy. but I'm glad I got around to complete it!

mc: I love him, he reminds me alot of xielian from tgcf, he has a selfless and righteous character that always puts others before him. they are similar in the way that people keep misunderstanding him and it frustrated me alot that in his previous and current lifetime, his well intentions are still being... more>> taken advantage of. but our xie bi an is someone who does not feel the need to explain nor brag about his good deeds, and sacrifices himself for others and choosing to suffer by himself instead. (poor baby, his been through alot)

ml: I hate him. but I love him too at the same time. he has so many detestable attributes to his character, and is just a red flag all round. I couldn't stand the fact that throughout the novel, his mind is always filled with h**ny thoughts. even up to the point when

he found out the truth and how he musnderstood everything about the MC

but gosh he was so irritable. and the guilt tripping? like babe you're the one who is at fault, geez. but I applaud him for his unwavering and never ending love and devotion towards MC, albeit I don't agree with his ways. but oh well.

they both deserved a HE, and I'm glad they did! After everything both have been through, they really needed that peaceful ending.

now, moving on to the sad part. I feel absolutely distraught for the side couple, or rather what could have been one.

lan chui han and jiang qu lian have such a sad backstory, and their ending was equally heart wrenching... the tragedy of forbidden love. right person, wrong time I suppose.


overall, this is a really good book! tw; noncon interc**rse, tragedy and angst. <<less
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saphire8626 rated it
March 27, 2022
Status: Completed
I'm a fan of the author so I enjoy almost all her books. Another melodramatic (狗血) book by SQC! It's my first time reading actually good melodrama and I'm actually really enjoying this. I find that this author is very skilled at conveying her characters' emotions and feelings and making you feel for them, and at writing relationships that are so unhealthy but somehow it works and you want them to be together anyway. I liked Blood Crown more, but this was still very fun to read. I am devastated... more>> by the side pairings 😭 also the real villains had rather dumb motivations. Special shout out to the fan translator Corgi, whose footnotes were really wonderful. <<less
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snowsauce rated it
January 30, 2022
Status: c189
If you have read Erha before, you will 100% like this book as well. When I first started, I didn't think there would be so much drama in the book. If you like angst start the book.

I didn't read any spoilers about the book, so I initially thought there was in*est. But there is no in*est in any way. I can't understand why most people can't warm up to Zong Zi Xiao. I think the main characters are very well fictionalized. I believe that the book will become very popular... more>> in the future. <<less
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papaseat rated it
January 27, 2022
Status: c280
Although I started hesitantly, it was one of the best novels I had read in a long time. You have a lot of empathy with the characters and you cry for them. I hope this book will have a drama in the future. If you are hesitant to read, don't wait even a moment!
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Anissia rated it
December 14, 2021
Status: c98
I really enjoyed it at the begining and was really attracted to everything that was happening. But, the manner in which the ML blackened in their past life got me thinking "was that all that your trust in him amounted to, was your understanding of him so shallow, could you dout and throw away everything that happened between you so easily?" and the way the MC failed to explain what was happening when he could also bewildred me, it is understandable that he had many more considerations but at that... more>> point he must have and COULD HAVE explained clearly and that would've been the end of it. When I saw how easily they were getting together in the present life that was the end of my interest in this story. <<less
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nurcerise rated it
October 28, 2021
Status: --
It's not bad... Tbh, it kind of reminds me of 2ha. Some parts bore me to death that I almost can't go on the next chapter, but here I am. I have read novels worst than this, written badly. The plot is not that unique either, so a 4-star would probably suffice.
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Evesneon rated it
August 16, 2021
Status: Completed
Obsession. Love and hate.
Two opposite emotions that span two lifetimes. The push and pull between these two, from the external and internal cause-and-effect that contributed to this, the anger and hatred that led to this turbulent past and sadness.

Twists and turn in the plot that you won't see it coming.

At the end, I'm so happy that there's a

HE. They went through a lot.

Does the suffering Zong Zi Xiao experience negate the pain he caused his big brother?

No. But what happens if deep down, Zi Heng simply wants his Xiao Jiu back? Do we have a right to reject what his deepest yearning was?

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July 15, 2021
Status: --170
My rating is 3/5 💫💫💫

I had to quit this novel at chapter 170. The beginning was really good. All the twists and secrets in this novel was great! I will give a 5/5 star just for that only.

..... So MC and ML both reborn again. Only ML remembers their previous life. Story goes back and forth from their past to their present life telling how they died and what happened, why ML went dark.

Then after everything is revealed around chapter 100, (remember this has 280 chapters), the... more>> story continues in the present and this is where I start to lose interest in the story. ML starts to be so nice to MC.

MC, without any feelings at all for ML just decides to sleep together with him. I feel MC'S feelings for ML was not really strong or like there is really no reason to why MC will like ML at all. There was really no chemistry between them. And they start making out too early on in the story lol. MC's character is boring.


There are readers hating on ML but I think it's MC'S fault too that ML went evil. Um... don't know why MC left ML in the dark and not tell ML anything about what's going on and thats why ML misunderstood him and came back to torture him. sh*t could've been avoided if only MC hadn't been so dumb 😪

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kierakii rated it
September 29, 2023
Status: Completed
I hated this novel and loved it. I think the relationship development in both life’s was a little lacking but I love the two lifetimes and reincarnation plot. My complaints with this novel are obviously the graphic content (read triggers), not even the fact that it deals with those subjects but the way it doesn’t properly address it after. Besides that I really enjoyed this novel it was very interesting and hard to get bored with.
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A188 rated it
July 4, 2023
Status: prologue
This is one of the few BL novels that are really well written. I don't particularly like the yandere theme but the author does like it shame. However considering how mature and well thought out her/his writing I will keep coming to her/his works.

With this novel I really liked how the characters stayed consistent throughout. Their action or reactions to the whole scenarios going on was really on point every time and I could understand why a certain character would react or act that way and sometimes even relate. It's... more>> very rare to find a BL that does not seem like it has been written by or for a 9th grader.

I'm really glad I took a chance on it. <<less
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Villain Lord
Villain Lord
March 25, 2022
Status: Completed
A well written novel overall... I would definitely recommend this if you're a fan of novels like 2ha

... more>>

Okay... so the relationship of the main couple made me feel somewhat unsatisfied... It's something like...

Gong: Hey... I r*ped, tortured and humiliated you for crimes you didn't commit oh and btw I'm just going to manipulate you into loving me again!

Shou: Oh my! You're so pitiful... You got tortured for a hundred years in hell because you took countless innocent lives and deserved it... but our past hatred can be erased... no prob...



I also feel bad for the side CP. I mean, the main character and the side character are pretty much both evil and the main character even had a few good memories with his partner... so why does the main CP get a HE and the side CP get a BE!!??

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jiainoue rated it
February 10, 2022
Status: Completed
My stomach hurts so much whilst reading this novel ahh my anxiety... but for some reason I love FWS/ ZZX but yupppp the main theme is about MISUNDERSTANDINGS and it's hard to take all of it even with xiaolan & xiaohong it all revolves around this theme... well I still haven't seen a lot from this genre maybe that's why I'm overreacting
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vincentgray rated it
December 24, 2021
Status: Completed
i was struggling to upload this review. apologies for that. btw this is my longest review

i was really debating on whether I should make this a three stars reviews or four stars. ended up going with 3 stars although think 3.5 is more suitable. anyway, enough chit-chat. i'll go straight to some good things I like about this novel first :

to be honest, this novel somehow got me hooked in just 10-20 chapters early on.

i also really like ZZH's character (his past life version). I personally really like this type... more>> of character development where you can see the character having some moral ambiguity and got driven by confusion thus became a cold emperor.


oh and I also really like the blue and red couple (jiang qulian and lan chuihan). they catched my interest more haha... /cries/


now on to some things that I don't like about this novel :

info dumps. I ended up forgetting them anyway and only remembered the key words of it

i don't know if this is a spoiler or not, but I have VERY mixed feelings about ZZX's character. I admit that I was expecting a lot from him. his redemption arc was overall a little unsatisfying.

i wouldn't complain if the author gave him something like: major plot twist, and then being forgiven, and then eventually die in the end. that would be much acceptable ngl

im not saying that im not happy for the main couple to have some happy ending. what I meant was: ZZX had commited some unforgivable crimes. so, an alternate ending like what I said is more acceptable to me.

overall, im not denying the fact that I actually REALLY enjoyed reading it. well, precisely the first half of it. but yes it has some flaws. if I read this when I was still new to xianxia/wuxia novel, I would have regarded this as a masterpiece ngl <<less
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remnantsoffilth rated it
April 22, 2024
Status: --
finally done reading! I love fws and xba so much. they’re everything to me, even if, at times, they drove me to frustration.

a lot of people argue that if only fws and xba communicated, then things wouldn’t turn out this way. this, imo, is a fundamental misunderstanding of xba’s character. yes, him keeping things from xiao jiu was frustrating—but his intentions have always been clear. his actions pre-emperor kong hua was motivated by one thing only: protect xiao jiu. and even if he explained himself, which he did (although only... more>> revealed very little information), zzx didn’t want to believe him.

and this is also understandable! yes, they had a brotherly bond. but consider this: in this dark and gloomy palace, entangled in disputes among the consorts and the empress, you only had this big brother as a genuine source of warmth; this big brother nurtured you, raised you, taught you. your entire existed is rooted and devoted to this da-ge who has loved you wholeheartedly—or so you taught. and mind you zong zixiao was 14 when all of this happened - a perilous time for development. naturally this would leave a long-lasting mark on his soul. no wonder he carried this grief for two lifetimes.

zzh on the other hand was already being crushed by the weight of everything. yes, he has the imperial core but that doesn’t guarantee anything. only that he is a reincarnation of a celestial being.

as for the side couple and the love triangle... wcj could have been a five star if not for that. I understand the point she was trying to make: love corrupts—people will do anything for life. but love is also liberating. to be loved is to be freed. and this is true.

but the reason for their falling in love was... meh? for me. it felt so shallow. the love triangle I COULD give the benefit of the doubt but the other one... well, I guess it has to do with opposites attracting each other.

anyway, overall good novel even if some parts were a drag. <<less
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Anniethebaddestbishthusfar rated it
March 28, 2024
Status: --
I normally don't do reviews, but this book was a masterpiece up to around chapters 200 or 220, I think??? When the ML - who is the younger brother- literally sexually abused and tortured his older brother (the MC) all the time in their past life and in his current self felt nooo remorse and even victimized himself to make the MC look like the bad person. And the MC has nooooo backbone at all omg😭😭😭😭 it literally makes me soooooo mad like he is literally useless asf. Anyways, it... more>> was good while it lasted. The last chapters literally disgust me soo much I had to drop it. <<less
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