World of Warcraft: Foreign Realm Domination


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Xiao Yu, who was a student from modern Earth, accidentally transports to another world and becomes the lord of a territory. Facing an unfavorable situation, he vows to take back his family business, build his new territory, kill all of those who covet his wealth, and dominate the world!

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47 Reviews sorted by

hidadsek rated it
July 26, 2017
Status: c145
After reading chap 9, I am somewhat disappointed in the MC. He said he was disappointed because the orc still think about the honor and dignity. If you are true WC fan, you should know that what change the Orc from being the demon s*ave that only wants slaughter and battle is honor, the honor that they will live, fight and die as true warrior. Because of that honor, the Horde becomes what it is now. I will not rate this now and read more to see if it will... more>> become better.

Edit: After reading a while, I will give this 4 star. The problem I see from the MC's character is that the author is trying too hard to stuff in humor and modern world's practicality in the story that he makes the MC little contradicting and inconsistent (make him pe*verted and arrogant). The MC is quite good since he respects life (that alone is enough IMO), and tries to keep the some core principal that has been with him since he was born (no r*pe, no s*ave, gender equality, no social status prejudice..) while still adapting himself to his current life and doesn't force others to follow his will (no sudden s*ave abolish, trying to think in his retainer's shoe and value...). The fighting is cool and strategic is fresh. It is one of the better CN novel so far IMO.

Edit on 8 september: Chapter 145 ruins every good point I have for this MC, he is just a hypocrite that did thing for his lower half, all other beautiful stuff the author show is just forced. Spoiler: an MC that use Mind control on the girl close to him (she is no longer his enemy and has been with him through some life and death) simply because she doesn't listen to every of his whim is lower than in*est, even worse than all other ruthless MC (they atleast still treats their men well enough). I will drop it and judge it 1 star. <<less
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Valkemin rated it
February 12, 2021
Status: c3
honestly, the idea is good, but the spelling errors and the grammar makes it impossible to read.

Then there's the problem with the main character, he's an absolute hypocrite, he acts like an 8-year-old, it's just unbearable.

I don't recommend reading this if you can't handle a dumb and h**ny main character that has a brain the size of a peanut.
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finalwars rated it
October 13, 2020
Status: Completed
Before my review, let me preface this that I have read tr*shy web novels for years and I have come to the realization that it is futile to nitpick on the novel as a whole, whether it be the over-arching plot, characters, development, world-building and such.

And the reason for that is simple; WN authors are amateurs. You and I might be able to write a better WN than the authors themselves. The number one thing that you should seek for when reading a WN isn't the skills and abilities of... more>> the amateur authors, but enjoyment itself. As long as you enjoy said novel, it doesn't matter whether it's "tr*sh" or not.

But this novel.... is something else. A very extreme case. Where do I even start?

    • Character development
Amazing. I have never, in my years of reading web novels, read something ESSENTIALLY HAVING ZERO CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT FROM START TO FINISH! Yes, zero. Not "little", not "almost nothing", but ZERO. On this aspect alone, this novel is at my top for having the worst character development out of any I've read. I would also argue that not only does it have zero character development, but it actually f*cking regresses at some point of the novel, especially the latter parts.

Many characters are introduced as a wooden board which is normal in many novels, but unlike other novels where they at least develop them a bit, this novel "develops" them into "nothing". They are not even a character but the thoughts of the author's whims on a paper. Think back to school when you were young. You're bored and you decided to doodle some cool characters on the bottom of the page of your textbook. No thoughts about the future plots and development of the characters but the relieving of your own boredom. That describes characters in this novel. Bland has more taste than the characters of this novel.

And I'm not even done yet. I did not exaggerate when I mentioned the fact that characters regress in this novel. I wont spoil, but imagine that Timmy had an enemy called Bobby. Bobby is a little piece of sh*t that likes to torment Timmy over a long period of time in school from the very beginning. Timmy had been working out and learning MMA to settle the issues with Bobby.

The time has come. Through blood and tears, Timmy overcame all odds to reach the apex. The long-destined feud is about to reach the climax. Climbing over the shoulders of adversaries throughout Timmy's climb to the peak, stepping over the heads of giants of the past, his body and soul tormented from the tortures of combat, his loved ones grieving for his safe return, his back burdened from the wills of the demised from the condemned by the reign of terror of Bobby.

"We meet again." Timmy scanned the surrounding people. "The heavens have foretold of your demise by my hands. My blood, tears and the wills and dreams of the departed that I carry shall be your ruin."

"It's just a joke bro." Bobby cried. "I dindu nuffin'!"

Barney wriggled through the crowd and plopped his head out and shouted. "Chill, he turned over a new leaf!"

Timmy looked towards Bobby and the crowd. "Mmkay."

I have digressed a little as I was having some fun, but you get the idea.

0/10 for character development.

    • Plot/story & tension
If it wasn't obvious on my previous point, I'll remind you now. The author is an absolutely terrible writer. The way the author wrote the plot is so one dimensional, it feels like I'm reading a f*cking mathematics textbook.

And this brings my point on tension. No matter what novel you are reading, be it good or bad, the tension CANNOT be stagnant for long periods of time. All the other novels I've read barely had this problem, including my top 3 worst novels of all time. And the reason for that is simply because of "fatigue". A book needs rests for high tension so that the readers won't feel burned out. For example, Timmy just cleared a long and grueling dungeon, almost losing his life on multiple occasions for 40 chapters. High tension. Author needed to find a method to lower the tension for "rest time in between" and he writes how Timmy is spending time with his family and loved ones, going on a mini 5 chapters adventure on finding a renowned sword-smith to repair, enhance his sword and recruiting him into his empire. Low tension. And then Timmy finds out someone is conspiring against his empire and that restarts the plot, bringing it to high tension. Many ways to reduce tension and I'm just giving an example.

This f*cking author, after Timmy completed the long 40 chapters dungeon, IMMEDIATELY embarks on another 40 chapters long dungeon. AND IT HAPPENS THROUGHOUT THE NOVEL FROM START TO FINISH! Of the 562 chapters, I promise you that AT LEAST 540 chapters are high tension.

    • Swamp arc
Unholy hell almighty f*ck! This is, undeniably, the 2nd worst arc I've ever read in my entire life out of any kind of medium. 110 chapters of tr*sh from chapter 350, all the bad aspects that I mentioned previously crammed into one mega arc including glaring plot holes, inconsistencies and GODLIKE translations gave birth to an unholy baby demon of a cluster f*ck that it was amazing how the author stooped to this level.

    • Godlike translations
I had to add the "godlike" in the prefix simply because this novel has the worst translations I've ever read. For the first half, it was pretty bad but still manageable which I would rate around 3.5/10, but for the second half? I think the translator just couldn't give any less of a sh*t for this dumpster fire of a novel.

I'm talking a person's name magically having 4 different versions in a SINGLE chapter type of godlike translations. Take a look at any chapters after 350 and you'll notice. Just one (1) step away from google translate tier LOL

First half 3.5/10

Second half 1/10

There is nothing good about this novel. The "good" is that this novel is only 562 chapters long comparatively speaking, most likely because the author realized how bad his novel is, seeing as how this is his only novel. You can look at other reviews about the "good" but believe me, they are at most barely-average.

"The number one thing that you should seek for when reading a WN isn't the skills and abilities of the amateur authors, but enjoyment itself."

... But there's a limit to how sh*t you are at writing that readers cannot look past that to find enjoyment. Essentially, this novel is a failure. The kind of cursed book that established authors rather dig out their eyes with a rusted spoon than read it. It failed on every basic aspect of writing even on the premise of a CNWN format. A piece even an amateur should never be proud of. A seppuku inducing piece for an established author rather than showing it to the world from shame.

2 stars only because the first half was somewhat average with some aspects I kind of enjoy. 1 star only for the absolute worst of the worst, which despite this novel not being one of them, is very close of.


3/10 <<less
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KingOfMangonia rated it
December 4, 2019
Status: Completed
Okay, I shall start by prefacing that I knew little of the lore of warcraft when I began reading this, but as I went along with the story I would look up the various characters and places that were mentioned in the story.

Now that I've said this, I can only say that this novel is okay, in both translation quality and just overall story. I will try to keep it as spoiler-free as I can, but I read at your own risk.

In the first 550 chapters or so, the story... more>> is about your usual protagonist, generally just being better than everyone in the world, they are quite unlikeable, and they also aren't what you would call a good person. They do things that would cause scowls and would turn heads in a bad way. Overall, it is not the type of person you would want to have around as a friend if what you were to go by was his general behavior. He goes about making allies, waving around plot armor, and just being extremely powerful due to "strategy and tactics" which for the most part was just for the most part basic strategies. The protagonist gets stronger as the story goes on, slapping the face of those around him. He does not however ever face any real setback. There was not one point where I can remember them outright losing a fight, and instead just had a powerup to win the fight. Because of this, there is no real "growth" in terms of their ability. They just kinda go from one adventure to another winning every fight they come across. There is a lot of build-up for future enemies, with some of them being shown in glimpses without actually becoming his enemies until further into the future.

The novel goes from one arc to another quite smoothly, with the looming plot defining arcs looming in the distance. After that, it is what seems to be the meat and bones of the story. The real climactic battle was about to be underway. Since we can see how many chapters are left in the novel, however, it is clearly obvious that it will be rushed. While 562 chapters seem to be like a lot, when you get to chapter 500 and still feel like you're not halfway through the entire story, then you know that the story is not going to have a good ending.

In the last 10 or so chapters, you can visibly see the plot progressing at lightspeed and with it, comes many plot holes, literary sins, and other just bad writing practices. It's like the author decided that they didn't want to write the story anymore at around chapter 550 and just wanted to tie up as many loose ends as possible and put an end to the novel and shipping it off (figuratively speaking). The examples are extreme spoilers so they will be in the box.

The pope who was an enemy of xiao yu for like at least half the story disappears one chapter, just to immediately change their entire outlook and becomes an ally of xiao yu and help him out. The person who was supposed to be the rival of xiao yu just kinda dies one chapter to what can only be described as the author no longer knowing what to do with them and impaling them with a random tentacle because of randomness. The 6 million-strong army that xiao yu was fighting just becomes his ally because of the undead. Gul'dan who became an enemy of xiao yu later on in the story, just calls a ceasefire, joins up with xiao yu, ditches them, and runs off to the marshes never to be heard from again. Naxxramas is added to the story, gets a few chapters of hype, then xiao yu goes and goes off to an adventure somewhere else just for it to show up in the last 10 chapters as what can only be thought of like a deus ex machina, winning him the battle, taking away the undead, just to be never heard of again.


Moreover, some characters are just forgotten or just phased out without any real reason. (Ex. The mc's sisters are everpresent at the beginning of the story and by the end aren't even mentioned anymore)

Overall the story just had everything rushed to be tied up at the end and didn't give it enough time to fully let the reader digest what happened in the last few chapters.

From henceforth I will be commenting on the translation quality.

Overall the translation quality is pretty good save for some grammatical errors, but for the most part, it's readable. There are some terms that aren't translated well, and at one point, names were upended due to what I can only assume be a change in translator, causing some of the names of the characters that were ripped from Warcraft to be changed. (Ex. Maiev as in Maiev Shadowsong turns into something along the lines of Ma wei) Moreover, some things can only be thought of as a mistranslation. (Ex. The translation brings up Zerg while it should probably be the Qiraji) this could, however, be a mistake on the part of the author, or just them not knowing the name for the Qiraji. Also at some point in the novel, the gender of some characters was swapped for no apparent reason (ex. Maiev is said to be female, is a female in warcraft, but later on, in the story is now male.) Overall, there is some confusion that is wrought by this.

The story was essentially standard fare for a Chinese novel with the protagonist starting off extremely weak, getting stronger and stronger, with enemies scaling to their power level and the protagonist just slapping the faces of people around them. The story started strong and just trailed off.
Everything was ruined by the extremely rushed ending however and what should have been the best part of the novel is condensed into the last 10 chapters.
The translation quality was decent, had some terms that were weird/mixed up/ translated but overall readable save for some grammatical errors.

Had it not been for the ending I would have at the minimum gave it a 4, but instead ended up with a 3 as it wasn't bad per se but the potential was wasted.

If you are going to read to chapter 560, read the side stories too. They can't really be considered side stories but more of an epilogue and also kinda actually are the "ending" of the story with the big bad being defeated in the side stories even though 560 was the "end". <<less
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August 16, 2019
Status: c49
The MC literally acts like a child at times peeping at women while they bathe and literally drooling while looking at women in general. He will just randomly grope on women or rub them and wonder why they get angry. He's dumb af.

I could stand this kind of behavior a bit more if the MC wasn't such a beta. He is the lord of his territory and yet the women control everything. They don't even let him use his own dancers that work for him and even sometimes threaten to... more>> cut off his pen*s and then the MC gets scared when they do this even though he's got powerful stats and abilities. It's like the Chinese Author is actually secretly Japanese. This is a Japanese MC. Typical loser virg*n MC that doesn't know how to interact with women and can't ever stand up for himself. Gross, no thank you.

I like kingdom building but this is a no from me. <<less
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jsnide451 rated it
May 26, 2018
Status: c369
I love the book. I hope the translator keeps translating this! It has a somewhat slow start but I like it. It has a somewhat slow release but the book is good enough where that isn't too much of an issue besides the unfulfilled craving it gives me. Keep up the good work! I most definitely recommend one reads it.
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November 25, 2017
Status: c64
A little meh in the beginning but it had its own quirks and charms which drew me in
progressively becoming worse per chapter until I could no longer handle the s*upidity of the MC.
The WoW elements in it are also literally just powers, the back story and characterization of the characters dont fit the WoW couterparts at all.
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KanadeTenshi rated it
August 17, 2017
Status: c102
This one is quite fun!

Premise is thayt MC ends up going to Azeroth by possessing the body of a Duke who used to be an absolute scumbag who got beaten to death, then finds out he can summon the 4 Warcraft bases & units & heroes like from the game.

MC uses good strategies to win wars even though hids side is always outnumbered, which is always quite fun to read. Author even tells you the historic event or person which the strategy was taken from.

Sure the MC is a bit... more>> pervy as he really likes to peek at his sisters-in-law, but peeking is as far as he gets. As is emphasized several times, MC hates forcing ppl against their will, and the author also writes the female chars with strong personalities to not let him do anything further than peeking.

Unfortunately I don't play Warcraft, but I camn see how fun it would be to read those familiar heroes in action.

Now this is making me want to go play TW: Warhammer! <<less
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i am born for relax
i am born for relax rated it
April 2, 2022
Status: Completed
CN MC is mostly better personally than JP MC, this is the only warcraft (theme) novel that have world building and progress with game system. It is not 100% of warcraft since the author it self said IT IS NOT. The story it self is enjoyable, not good but not gonna make me bored. The later half of the story, the translation is VERY BAD AND WORSE translator I have ever met (read). The translator is so shameless and even have the gal to asking $20 for each chapter. You... more>> better read the raw instead since the translator start changing the name of characters, family/clan, etc and even gender for no reason at all. <<less
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darksideskna rated it
May 2, 2021
Status: c420
MC has the power to summon player bases and units from 4 factions of human, elves, horde and undead but basically all wow classic units can be summoned through them as this is 100oo years into the future and azeroth is united into single continent. The premise is good but basically there is only one player and everyone else can be considered NPC so, there not really much suspense on who will win as MC can summon all heroes and level them.
author to keep some kind of balance in gameplay stops his own exp distribution rules and halts the progress of all units by level 10 so they aren't overpowering everyone. MC goes into a campaign and wins and only heroes level up.

i wouldn't recommend this as author himself doesn't follow his own rules and makes it look like MC is a genius and barely won because of his command and not the diverse units from all the different factions.

initially he does level up non hero unit to level 11 but immediately stops doing so afterwards as he would need to write original story about these newly converted hero and author is too lazy to do that so stops levelling them.
it is so ridiculous to the point that a newly summoned hero from lv1 becomes lv40+ but lv10 units stay the same.
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Dxynix rated it
March 6, 2021
Status: c97
This is just plain bad, don't waste your time. Not to mention the bad grammar that's so distracting you'd want to fix something every sentence. An eight grader has better grammar than this.
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Johnmophet24 rated it
September 13, 2020
Status: Completed
I can't tell much about the glaring plot holes because I mostly skimmed through the story - I've read like 5% of content of every chapters? What I can say is the okay premise it had at first, but it downgrades really quick. The setting is common, the beginning is okay. After that, it become the usual troupe and recycle. The author don't know how to write or is it the fault of translator?, i.e, sighing blood, etc. It should be coughing or vomiting. Furthermore, everyone is NPC, even the... more>> MC, there is no character development and their actions is pretty robotic. This is more like a fan-fic indulgence of the author. No one is as smart as the MC lol, his brain is like a computer, which I doubt and other people can observe easily. The other characters are just dumber than him that's why he looks smart. Moreover, there are many times the author changed what he'd said in the previous chapters. Also, the hypocrisy, hays. Tough luck, but I am a person who really, really can't stomach NOT finishing a novel - regardless if it is bad, worse or good. <<less
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bthnccklr rated it
June 9, 2020
Status: c80
boring so far; every chinise novel cliches, "family flapping faces", repeated description over and over again and sentences someone saying but dont know who like: "...... is an artifact only true ancient legend nobles can have, who is this guy?", "only universal strongest warrior can have these beauties around himself, who this grand person which is 18 y/o". Sick of these novels. They are carbon-copies of each other, nothing new, nothing different. how these series became populer? I mean, who tf give this novel 5 star?!?! You have to be... more>> blind and never read anything in your life except harem/faceslap bs web series at the same time for give this sh*t 5 star. <<less
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Bakaleaf rated it
December 18, 2017
Status: c280
Good Novel was my first impression but as time pass by I need to change my opinion everything is very slow in development in MC's side but the world plot is developing so fast that each encounter is a joke like situation for example MC is weak but because of plot armor he always the last one to win It's no longer being OP it is just boring straight boring!

It was a unique development for Wow characters but since I am not an avid player I can't tell whom is... more>> whom it's like the author is expecting that each reader already knows who is whom and lack background explanation. What's worse is how each race develop it is so very very very slow (mentioned 3 times its important) and MC seems love to show off to much with this and that yet he is very very very weak!

It's no longer a novel worth following I won't drop this but I will put it to my To read later list as I don't feel reading 1-2 chapters daily since like I said it is very boring... <<less
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niallronen rated it
August 27, 2017
Status: c120
Very good idea. Well written. The MC's lecher-like personality when it emerges is simply not that entertaining as to do that well you need some humor and originality which is just not there in the dialogue for those scenes.
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Tarlos rated it
August 14, 2017
Status: c96
Surprisingly enjoyable junk food novel. I was originally turned off by the extremely silly premise, but once I started reading I just kept chuckling and continued to read.

... more>>

MC is transmigrated into the body of a useless young master. He had 5 brothers but they all died before getting to do it with their wives. (The author emphasizes multiple times that his sister-in-laws are still virg*ns lolol so you know what's going to happen) MC is able to summon units from Warcraft and he uses them to beat his enemies.


Huge props to the translators for being able to keep up with the breakneck speeds <<less
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Bookworm789 rated it
August 13, 2017
Status: c90
Ok so if your looking for deep and meaningful stories you're in the wrong place but if you're looking for a fun read this is a good bet. The Warcraft bits are bit of a mashup of the different games like World of Warcraft and Warcraft 3 but its ok as long as you don't obsess over it too much.
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PoSunBanYi rated it
November 11, 2022
Status: c182
Can't believe I managed to read so much from this, it got me soooooooo easily going through the first 50 chapters, but at the 60th it just becomes dog blood drama from which chinese really believe they are gods at, oh god no.

Power levels are the worst, as this wow fanboy of an author directly kills off his novel by just telling you what number is which and which is better than the other, awful.

Character development is bait, harem is bait and all beauties is bait. It all turned into... more>> a comedy, a bad and talentless one, where he just gets c*ckblocked and have fun reading beta MC that is also righteous and hypocrite.

Not even the MC gets any development, it's a sorry story being wronged by its creators, but at the same time; if this didn't had WoW in it, nobody would bother to read more than 10 chapters ahead due to the real colors and capabilities for writing like an AI in the chinese format; the typical 'even the same level of enemy would have problems...', 'this person is definitely not simple!' and 'MC respected women, he was disgusted by the idea of doing bad things to them'.

It's like a baby chicken Gary Stu, just awful and what a void from disappointment, here I thought I was gonna enjoy another short yet quite a journey of a read like I Don't Want to go Against the Heavens or The Wizard World. <<less
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October 17, 2021
Status: c560
I think reading this story was waste of my time.

95% of story is describing battle and spell usage and doing adventure for leveling up or gaining artifact, for example a single plot to go somewhere and get an skull was near 100 chapters.

i skipped most of battle descriptions.

i don't recommend it.
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April 17, 2021
Status: c562 + ss
Frankly a Warcraft fan MIGHT rate it higher but sigh, I don't mind the cliché settings and the obvious copy paste of the mechanics etc but the lack of plot just kills the brain cells when reading.

I persisted all the way to the end and honestly, the happy ever after (which is expected of 99.99% of any novel tbh) would have been a good fullstop. Unfortunately the author just had to try to add in one last curveball (only to return back to the goal eventually) for literally no reason... more>> other than maybe a personal joke.

Maybe 2 star if he hadn't done so. Read if you have burned through most of the top recommendations or just want to see some Warcraft thrown into a random setting <<less
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