Warlock of the Magus World


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When a futuristic scientist is transported into the body of a young man in a fantasy world, his curiosity and desire for power push him to pursue magic. In a world without mercy, Leylin has no qualms about doing anything if it means benefits. He is cold, ruthless and calculating, never forming attachments that could impede his ultimate goal…

Honor? Who needs that… Hmmm… that guy seems too powerful for me to take on now… I better keep a low profile for now.

You want me to help you? What do I get out of it? Nothing? Bye.

Hmm… that guy looks like he might cause me problems in the future. Better kill him before he becomes a problem…

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Vu Giới Thuật Sĩ
Wujie Shushi
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Iluin rated it
May 20, 2019
Status: c747
This novel is really great, and for now more I read it, more I like it. I admit the beginning is a little slow, and he may be using his AI chip really often, but I don't think it's abnormal. If we were in the same situation (with a dangerous world full of people who only think about benefices, and where many have grudges against you), I think everybody would use it often.

And for those who rate it low after less than 150 chapters, I just want to write one... more>> thing : this novel become to really be amazing after the first part, after 100/130 chapters. For me after that point, the reader really begin to have feeling when the MC fight (physicaly or in others manners, but I'll not say too much) the beings worthy to be called his "opponents".

I hope readers really enjoy this novel like I am. <<less
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Manav007 rated it
February 19, 2019
Status: c1200
love logical MC but I just thought of something why doesn't he build a external ai chip to process big tasks that take a lot of computing power like send a task to a external computer and the data needed and it would be much faster as u don't have to fit everything in his soul it was fine in the end as the chip upgrade alot but in the middle I don't get it why doesn't he build a external computer for heavy tasks (edit SPOILER ALERT he did... more>> build one) <<less
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Lumosz rated it
February 12, 2019
Status: c1200
Let me rant to people who rated it bad first then I will review the story. I love this story, it is novel I have reread the most about 5/6 times.

A very good novel, people are complaining because of bad character. But if you do not like this type of realistic character and like a MC who likes to court death then is saved by the plot amour. Don't read it.

In all honesty, this novel is well developed. The background world, the plot, the characters have been thought and planned... more>> carefully. Nothing out of character is done by the MC throughout the novel. <<less
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Zhrocknian rated it
November 3, 2018
Status: c1200
I read the whole thing. Giving it 5 stars because it is the best of the long novels listed in novelupdates. If the best doesnt get 5 stars what does?

Yes, I have read almost all of the top 20 novels. This one is the best.

Only sad part was the ending was rushed. A lot of build up on amazing ideas that weren't followed threw. I guess the author was ready to end it.

The rest of the book is awesome, the first time he almost dies and is forced to use... more>> all of his new powers as a rank 1 magus, my blood was pumping so hard for that fight! Great book. <<less
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Lord Cryptic
Lord Cryptic rated it
October 27, 2018
Status: Completed
This is one of the most amazing novels I have read.

Firstly, I would like to comment on the cheat ability of protagonist that is AI chip. A lot of reviewers have criticized that everything is done by AI chip. Yes, AI chip is a cheat ability and yes MC depends on it for doing many things which are impossible otherwise but in the end it is just a TOOL. If you don't use that tool properly than it is just like showing the most beautiful painting to a blind man.... more>> But the protagonist is different he uses the AI chip very efficiently.

Moreover almost in every novel the MC has a cheat ability that makes him a step above others. Example:

1) martial world - magic cube

2) book eater magician - grimoire

3) true martial world - purple card etc.

So why to criticize the novel just because MC depends upon AI chip.

MC : the MC is rational, calculative, prideful, ruthless. He cares about those that have helped him but not at the cost of his life.


for example if the enemy threatens to kill his friend if he does not show himself then he won't come out if he doesn't have a chance to win. Instead he will hide and come out when he is powerful enough and avenge his friends by killing the enemy


The MC is not hot headed or impulsive and thinks before doing anything. Also unlike many novels the MC does not become strong in very short time but takes time to grow. The MC may seem like op but he is actually not (though he is a little stronger than others). The author makes this point clear many times in novel and even at end of the novel.

I will recommend this novel if you like a rational MC and not a saint MC or a super lucky MC. Also though it has a harem but the romance is minimal and not a dedicated one. <<less
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jajajaja rated it
August 8, 2018
Status: --
Haha I see the haters are out on full force on this novel. Lololol

The reason why I say haters is because while I agree that the novel is a bit overrated and doesnt deserve all the 5 stars, its also not something that is a 1 star. If anything it is vastly superior to most chinese/korean/japanese novels. And with all the rows of 1stars on this novel its obviously the haters trying to drop the rating of the novel.

Again im not angry at the people for doing it. Its just... more>> funny seeing them take a cause for it XD <<less
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hehek rated it
July 10, 2018
Status: --
Honestly this novel would not have been as great if it wasn't for the effort that the author placed into building the world and characters, however because the main character really doesn't give a sh*t about anyone we don't really get any character development from the other characters around him (since it's all told from his point of view), the best chapter was the underworld 1 where we even got to see things from different perspectives but like I said the world, characters and slow progression of power buildup made... more>> for a really enjoyable ride, 1 of my favorite novels to date. <<less
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July 2, 2018
Status: c389
MC is pretty much a revered scumbag, well, just as the warlock usually state though. It's just he's simply like a psycho, sometimes he acts like a decent person, many other times he act otherwise.

Too many things appeared out of the blue, especially MC'S new abilities, such plot armor is even more formidable than random old man appearing out of the blue.

When MC is still weak, the world will be very kind to him, but once he has enough power, the world will immediately rotate and gives him reason to... more>> kill.

By the way, other characters aside from MC are there either to worship MC, satisfy him, or killed by him, also they are all fools to the core.

The power balance simply strange, no concrete (solid) and detailed description about power level.

well, I think there's still many other things, but I just can't put it into words easily. To put it simply, this novel is utter disappointment, I've read several Chinese novels but, as far as I'm concerned, this one is surely one of the worst as of yet. <<less
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Grand_Rider_Iskandar rated it
June 29, 2018
Status: c642
His science is bullshit.

... more>>

His potionering ability heavily depends on luck. He enhances his ability using the AI chip by correcting his method after analyzing the point of error will is good. But the bullsh*t thing is he still keeps getting failed products after all that shit. It's acceptable if he has no control on some stuff. But the thing is he had control on all of the variables from the materials to the magic stuff. There's also the fact that the chip can control his body and maybe. So why after all that stuff, he still keeps saying sh*t like needing luck to successfully brew potions.

There's also an issue with the bloodline shackles. The guy never even though about generic engineering. He originally came from a world way more advanced than ours for f*cks sake. He could just turn himself into an Eastern dragon since this is a xianxia anyway.

My biochem may be sh*t because I only studied physics but I still get annoyed from those crap.


I don't really care about his actions since he lives in a medieval society but he's still a self centered ass. It might be interesting in the earlier chapters but it's not really a story if it only focuses on a single character and ignores the rest. The author might just as well show his s*x escapades just to make this a little more interesting.

If you really want to read this I have a suggestion for you. Spoil yourself by reading the titles of the further chapters or search for a specific information in the wikia. You can then anticipate and imagine how will the story progress until it reaches that point. You'll kill your boredom by doing so. <<less
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weirdfishes rated it
May 12, 2018
Status: --
Probably the most boring novel i've ever read, each plot or arc is just well.. Uninteresting, there's absolutely zero excitement that I got from reading this novel. The MC has no motivation that makes you want to follow his journey. Also the AI Chip's logic is so inconsistent, sometimes it's so conveniently smart, sometimes it's so conveniently dumb.
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April 1, 2018
Status: Completed
The MC grows from weak to powerful in this entertaining world. The MC isn't a saint, however he isn't a psycho either. I enjoyed the ride of this novel.

4.2 stars Upper-tier - Would recommend giving a chance.
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Pretender rated it
March 13, 2018
Status: c1200
It's a good novel. Not that satisfying, but it's good. So, let's start the review.

First, some things that perhaps it's better for you to know before reading this novel, that may save some of your time (and your heart, there's no reason to read something you know you'll certainly dislike) :

... more>>

1) The MC is evil. There's no justification or bigger reason behind this, just pure hunger for power/eternity/"knowledge". He will do anything, use anyone, in any possible way, to reach his goals, and not feeling the least bit of guilt about this. Basically, he is a psychopath, and that's something you should never forget while reading this book.

2) As you can already deduce by reading the one above, there's no real deepening in his relationships with other characters in the series, neither friendships nor romantic relationships. Just sometimes one sided feelings by the others, that most of the time are used for some of his goals, and there's no one that walks though the story with him. Well, perhaps it's a good thing his women/sons doesn't follow him, he would sacrifice them without thinking if needed, lol.

3) Sometimes the author throws some famous names already used in other anime/manga/books. For example, there was a Vegeta somewhere between chapter 1000 and 1200. This can break immersion and annoy sometimes.

4) If you become attached easily to characters, you'll become annoyed by the fact that they will die by the hands of the MC and his plots.

5) He never fails, nor he have true difficulties in his journey. Almost everything is always under his calculations.


Now, to my overall view of the novel: The focus of the MC lies in becoming stronger, eternal, to reach the apex, the hunger for knowledge. He is intelligent, smart, beautiful, cunning, strong (fights people realms above him) etc. There's no romance, he just uses his women to have kids and that's all, one of his women don't even like him (in my eyes) and just stays with him to gain influence (at some point they just disappear from the story). All the emotional involvement that you will have here comes from the characters introduced in each arch of the story, and that's good and bad at the same time (think of your reasons and insert here, lol, I'm too lazy to write mine).

The plot is not the best thing in the world, but it's certainly above average. It's steady too, I generally didn't ask myself "what the fck he have in his mind doing this?" or "this doesn't have anything to do with the story" and so on.

The power system is a mix of game (cause we see the world by the eyes of the A.I system, so the characters and the MC have stats, skills etc.) and cultivation (the traditional initial phase, medium, late, peak etc, depending on the "realm" the name of the phases can change, example: liquid phase, crystal phase etc).

The world building is not bad. Of course, like any other novel where you have a lot of realms, pocket realms, space whatever and the likes, it can be confusing sometimes. But generally you can find yourself and picture things decently.

And again, there's no true friendship with the MC, and there's no romance, keep that in mind.

Good read, good night. Hugs. <<less
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February 10, 2018
Status: Completed
A lot of setting concepts, including most of the magic system, has been copied wholesale from the earlier work; Wizard World. The author has also copied numerous other literary works, including Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones). In fact the whole final quarter is basically a fan-fiction of D&D Forgotten Realms Spell-Plague saga.

Having said all that, I still consider this work to be worth reading. The MC is an intelligent, scheming villain with sociopathic tendencies. Yet he is written in such as way that I actually wanted to... more>> cheer for him. Unlike many Chinese protagonists, the concept of “Face” is less important than his ultimate goal. He is willing to retreat, deceive and even ally with former enemies to attain the final outcome. <<less
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terraheart rated it
January 31, 2018
Status: c1200
Interesting novel - this is the story of a "Villain" (not anti-hero/ hero). MC is cold, smart, calculating and logical. At times the novel can drag on as the "relationships" (not just romantic but with other characters) are minimal and as such the MC carries the whole story. A good read on the whole.
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expertsource10 rated it
January 28, 2018
Status: c358
There are lots of PLOT HOLES in this novel.
I had to stop tormenting and exhausting my brain by reading this novel. It's full of inconsistencies and illogical actions without any given reason.

The most important reason why this novel is so bad due to its inconsistencies,
-Changes of numbers due to inconsistencies, (Power levels change in the novel at any time)
-Ass-out fights and plot armors due to inconsistencies,
-Stagnations in the plot and lots of boring paragraphs to cover up the inconsistencies,
and so on...

Plus, there's so much bad and unrealistic fights, for example; the MC talks nonsense, smiles and laughs during his first real fight while his life on the line. It has zero seriousness, zero writing skills, and zero realism.

Another big example,
I was always saying to the Mc:
"Why are you doing this? The option I think is much better!" throughout the whole novel... The MC does some things, and the author never explains why for hundreds of chapters. I always find much better options and oppurtunities for the MC, but the author always chooses the bad and s*upid option without any giving reason. The MC doesn't think, he just does things, and thinks later, maybe. this is really bad for a novel.

I think the author first writes some text, then realises how sh*t it is and changes the number. For example:
(The author) -'Oh, I wrote hundreds of chapters focusing on the boy and girl, and the swordmaster underlings, but they're so weak. What should I do? You know what, after they level up, let's make swordmasters x5... no x10 more powerful! and lives 50... no 150 years!. And I'll add some special kind of power to this boy and girl when they level up too'
(The author) -"Alright dear readers, the last hundreds of chapters weren't inconsistent and unreasonable anymore, right?"
(Me) - F*ck you author!
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Sceer rated it
January 2, 2018
Status: Completed
That was one hell of a ride.

Sadly, the story gets boring as it goes on and on. The only reason I completed it was that it started good and I almost never put a novel down when I start reading it with temporary enthusiasm.

Overall 4/5?

If you are looking for elements of science then this is not for you though. The MC uses AI Chip to improve his abilities in about everything but that's it. No compound making, no bacteria evolution or robot making something or chemical reactions involving perhaps trinitrotoluene,... more>> etc. Which is understandable, they live in a world full of magic capable of destroying the world so f*ck science.

The reason I am giving it a 4 is because of the story and I'm not really nitpicking about the misleading 'scientist' part. <<less
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Darthi rated it
December 10, 2017
Status: c1200
He starts an arc worst of the worst because his cheat basically non existent

He starts to snow ball as chip builds databases of knowledge

He starts to get close to the climax of knowledge for this arc

... more>> When he hits the peak he is basically a god till next arc where he starts over again as a worst of worst.

This story has multiple beautifully done arcs they are all exactly the same format but I love it. This is the way it has to work for AI/Bio chip story's there is no real room for change, when you think about an AI/bio chip story this is the format you are looking for and we get it here in spades I loved this and the speed of translation was one of the fastest I have seen without impacting the actual translation quality.

It can be somewhat frustrating when the MC of the story your reading goes from god to ant multiple times but it also feels like that is how it should be when you combine this science fiction type setting with a cultivation setting. <<less
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Pixeldrum rated it
December 8, 2017
Status: Completed
I'm going to try to keep this review as short as possible. After all, its a review, not a research paper

Check these pros and cons of the book. If you like what the pros are, then you definitely should read it


... more>>
  • Great plot, as in it does not get stale, and is always interesting. For a 1000+ chapter webnovel, it is a very fresh and out of all the novels I read, it has the least amount of stale or repetitive parts
  • Dark MC. As you should know already, the MC will use the most efficient way of getting his goal, even if it is considered immoral
  • Calculating and scheming MC
  • Great storytelling
  • Fleshed out characters and well thought out villains

  • Terrible Romance. Let's all be honest here, the amount of romance focused in this novel can be summed up in around 100 words. Don't let the Harem tag fool you if you hate harem, because even though it is a harem, there is a good 2 chapters dedicated to it, and irrelevant to the story in its entirety
  • Characters fade. This seems contrasting to the pro, but even though a lot of the characters are fleshed out and less one dimensional than a lot of other novels, they tend to either fade away in existence after 100-200 chapters, or they die
  • "Unscientific" MC. Dude, you're reading a fantasy magic webnovel. Of course its not very scientific. Go read a research paper if you want a "scientific read." The AI chip does all the calculations and simulations. Not a lot of time is spent on how it does it. It's true that the author does not dwell upon the matter of how the AI chip works, but you don't really need to. It's a high end AI chip that has super intelligence that can calculate and simulate anything, given the MC's skill level and experiences he has done.

Not the most amazing novel in the world, but a novel that is 100% worth your time, and definitely better than 99% of any other novel on this site. It is no miracle that this novel has been consistently been top 5 on the novelupdates charts. Sorry for the short review. Hopefully this helps. I would have done a much longer review, but a long review defeats the purpose of it in my opinion. <<less
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LoneDK rated it
December 7, 2017
Status: c1200
It's and interesting novel. It's very good compare to some of the cookie cutter xianxia out there. There are lots of problem here and there but it's not enough to drag down the novel.

Story - 0.5/1: There's no central plotline - it's just a story about the MC getting stronger and stronger. Many xianxia have this sort of story but the difference here is that they all s**ked at it. Most of the time it gets repetitive very fast but not this one. The world is interesting and each arcs... more>> of the story feels very fresh and fun (not all of them but most of them). This negates the lack of story and makes the novel enjoyable. However I feel that there were missed opportunities to expand the world and sometimes the author cut off an arc prematurely.

Character - 0.25/1: One of the weakest part of this story. While the MC is a breath of fresh air as he is unapologetically pragmatic and evil, the rest the of the cast is just meh. Each arcs of the story introduced new characters that could've been kept around and expand upon that could have added so much to the story. But the author never did that and the side characters are forgotten as fast as they are introduced.

Writing - 0.75/1: Good writing, I never had the urge to skip any part of the novel and I never felt that the novel repeats itself. Everything is well presented and the author doesn't repeat himself too much. The world is very interesting and the power level is fun to follow. However it level system is a bit hazy to the end of the novel but it's not terrible.

Enjoyment - 2/2: I enjoyed this novel very much. The translation speed was fantastic and each arc is very enjoyable to read. The length is not too long and can definitely be binged. While the story could've been much more epic, and the ending leaves much to desire, I nevertheless felt satisfied.

Overall: 3.5/5. <<less
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December 7, 2017
Status: c1200
Great long running novel with a complete translated ending... so yea go read it.

That's for a short review for a longer review here come the three main elements that stand out.

  1. MC, definitely the MC. Tired of goody good heroes that want to protect their nakama, tired of those that always want to follow the path of good. Follow Leylin, MC who cares about only one thing and that is "How to profit out of this situation?". Stab your teammates into the back just to take the entire goodies rather than split up the loot... corrupt good souls so they can help you... cause a giant massacre just to cause a distraction... you name it, MC did it. The title really does not lie and this is indeed the storyline about the Warlock (aka evil mage).
  2. The world and the setting. Most of Chinese novels always follow the dao when it comes to world building. Here however we have a proper western magic world, in multiple variations as MC travels a lot... starting with travels on one giant world to a travel through space and multiple worlds. All those worlds often completely differ to each other but each of them is memorable and different. Truly after reading the entire thing I can just say "What a journey it was".
  3. Cultivization/Leveling/Getting stronger is done in an unique and interesting way. Unlike most stories that come down to either Scheduling yourself and meditating or simply combat makes one perfect, here MC goes through the long journey from a scrub to rank 9 mage. Every rank gives MC new challenge to overcome and each rank level up is never the same and contains it's own level of difficulty. It's never YOu have levelled up, to reach next level you need 1000 experience/hours of training. As to what is necessary for those level ups, find out!
As for... more>> Cons... there are quite few, one that stood out to me the most was that other than MC, there is no other character that holds importance for extended period of time. There are few that will reappear in several arc but in the end the entire story is really MC focused. Sure this can be both good thing and a bad thing but with story this long there really should be some secondary important characters here and there.

In any case I think I forgotten about most important part and that is that the largest plus of the story is that there is very little bullsh*t that MC has to deal with. Like when you think chainese novel with cultivation you think young masters giving sh*t to MC for the sake of it... well I think there is one or two somewhere but generally, "the enemies" that MC goes up against are well-established, often long since foreshadowed, and generally interesting on their own.

In any case if someone is still reading this review then worry no more as this is the end. <<less
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