Virtual World: Peerless White Emperor


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Year 24XX. With several hundred years of improvements, virtual reality has become more mature. It had gradually become humanity’s second world. Socializing, working, studying and other everyday things could all be done while sleeping.

Along with the rise in virtual reality systems, virtual games also developed successfully. Additionally, with the vigorous support of the government; every season, games continued to be born, be changed, competed with each other, and be reborn.

Ye Cang is a black bellied, underachieving, 2nd year student at a city college. He appears to have been cured of his albinism yet his story is still full of mystery. In the game ‘New Age – Conviction’, he began walking the path of a professional gamer. An all-rounder ranger, dark cooking, with a nasty disposition, willing to do anything. He’s slowly creating his own legend.

“Actually… instead of games, I prefer cooking and dramas” – The White Emperor

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Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. The Mt. Tai of Chinese Novels
  2. Peak Non-Cultivation / Progression Fantasy
  3. Fire af brah
  4. A List of Decent Novels to Try
  5. Things I've Read pt 2

Latest Release

Date Group Release
07/09/17 Syzc Translations c121
07/09/17 Syzc Translations c120
07/09/17 Syzc Translations c119
07/09/17 Syzc Translations c118
07/04/17 Syzc Translations c117
07/04/17 Syzc Translations c116
07/04/17 Syzc Translations c115
07/04/17 Syzc Translations c114
07/01/17 Syzc Translations c113
07/01/17 Syzc Translations c112
06/30/17 Syzc Translations c111
06/30/17 Syzc Translations c110
06/30/17 Syzc Translations c109
06/27/17 Syzc Translations c108
06/27/17 Syzc Translations c107
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94 Reviews sorted by

masterboo17 rated it
December 29, 2017
Status: c339
Hilarious, this is probably one of the funniest series I have ever read. The characters are all interesting and have their own distinct personalities. The way that the characters all develop, as a result of exposure to the three brothers, is both well done and hilarious. One of the only complaints that I have about this series, is that the author didn't really introduce the world very well, their are still many aspects of the world that aren't explained well, if at all.
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August 3, 2017
Status: c419
Such a fun series!

On the surface its three idiot friends who have never played a VRMMORPG before and therefore have very little idea of what the hell they're doing. We have a priest who specializes in tanking, the main damage dealer is a tiny guy with amazing luck who is borderline ret*rded, and lil'white, the knight/ ranger, an all around bada** who has really bad luck (can't roll above a 1, gets nothing when he loots) and who's cooking in game is bad enough to make the reader shiver in... more>> sympathy. It takes over 200 chapters just to get out of the newbie village.

and that's just in the game. Outside of the game the world is starting to remind me, vaguely, of Gintama.

we have super powers, cultivators, sword-masters, aliens, artificially grown humans, mutants, evil organizations, doomsday cults, robots, high tech weapons, and shadow powers that act for the greater good. And that's only within the first 250 chapters


I'm not sure why it's labeled harem unless lil'white has a total personality change in the future untranslated chapters. So far, in 400 plus chapters, he's been completely focused and hung up on one woman. Sure lots of women fall for him but he flat out tells them its impossible (though he's quite pervy at times).

this is probably my favorite of all the different virtual world: novels being translated and no, it isn't by the author of zhan long (thankfully). It's better written than those other virtual world: series as well. I know things are probably going to get serious later on but I really hope the story manages to hang on to its humor along the way. Right now I rate it a solid 4.5 but it could go either way, depending on the future chapters. <<less
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Easykiln rated it
July 24, 2017
Status: c147
Three stars. Good enough overall that I would normally give it four stars, but the game system is annoyingly inconsistent. All VRMMO stories are like that to a certain extent, to give the main characters uniqueness, but this is just totally broken and imbalanced.
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reigndrops rated it
July 23, 2017
Status: c70
Incredibly lighthearted and enjoyable to read. It's extremely similar to a slice of life anime, but in novel form.

The only drawback is the glossing over of a number of important details or unexplained situations simply being accepted by characters. If you can live with that, then this novel is pretty great.

Overall, this novel stands out for being super entertaining and hilarious. If this were adapted to a manga or anime it would definitely shine!
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Dexalia rated it
July 12, 2017
Status: c126
This is one of the funniest novels I have ever read and I love it. Although it doesn't really have much world background (in my opinion) it excels when it comes to the comedy! Some of the lines crack me up so hard that I'm spitting juice in the background though it is funny I also adore the serious background story that is building up for the three brothers and how it unfolds. I would rate a 5/5
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July 11, 2017
Status: c126
I'll change my review in a couple of hours. The impression I get from this novel is a solid 5/5. I almost always love virtual reality genres unconditionally, and this one seems to be no different. It looks a bit fluffier than LMS, with more comedy and less motivation but it also has more of a plot hook. As in it makes you want to get to know the characters more and thus draws you out to keep reading. As of now I have not read a single page of... more>> this novel, but I will finish soon.

New Review:

Its a great novel! most of the comedy is focused on the cooking, and I also wonder why there's no romance tag attached to this novel but its really interesting. Too bad it only took 3 hours or so to read it all. Its definitely more heartwarming and holds more mysteries than an average tale. For some reason my one star review disappeared even though I was going to rate it a 5 star ; (........ <<less
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ArgosYesu rated it
July 7, 2017
Status: c117
Fun! Characters are nice to read and follow, the events aren't that boring, though there are some REALLY long paragraph-length fight scenes/actions. Otherwise, I liked it. Balance isn't anything strict and the MC's group is both lucky and unlucky.

Again, a fun read.
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WhyAmImLost rated it
June 21, 2017
Status: c91
Short Review: Great for those that are tired of a MC being too arrogant and only focusses mainly on themselves and not others.

Long Review: One of the reasons why I like this novel is that it is comedic and light hearted compared to the other gaming novels out there. Their goal is commonly seen in this genre but what sets this novel apart from the rest is the use of the characters, the usage creates a fun reading experience. Sure that the way it is set up is pretty bull... more>> as the looting is op but the point of this story is not how realistic it is. The loot is not overly emphasized as the story itself is about a light hearted adventure to become pros. The real life part about this story makes you wonder about the characters' story and background. The combination of both in game and real life makes the story refreshing. It has it's serious moments and the light heartened moments. A great read, one of my favorite novels. <<less
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Toanngo rated it
November 13, 2021
Status: c1
The content is refreshing, comedy is good but it goes repetitive after a while. The female lead, thronyrose is annoying.

This story would have been rated 2* at most in my standard, but man, all of the characters have stories. It is insane that even a side character has his own story, which blew my mind and keep me hooked with this novel.
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CalamityBringer88 rated it
September 27, 2020
Status: c502
The story seriously was very funny and made me laugh hard. The only problem is the character Th**nyRose. She is worst out of everyone. Her behaviour is so annoying that it made me want to drop the novel many times. This is the best novel for comedy.
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XtraVirginLoliOil rated it
September 23, 2020
Status: c550
One of the funniest novels I've ever read.

Plot is convoluted but the author kept in interesting so far.

Jokes are repetitive but something absurd happens every once in a while which makes up for it.

I will say Th**nyrose has made consider dropping the novel many times, would be 5 stars with her absence.

Pray for lil Dino (╥_╥)
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potanx rated it
April 10, 2020
Status: c794
after c5xx

the story become unbearable "repeat"

1. Dark recipe/food

... more>> 2. Women/s*xual Harassment

3. Bullying

before c5xx all those three bearable (acceptable) most of the time the other party deserve it! And male lead still take account of the other party consent but after c5xx all those three become too overbearing just meet a minute ago do that three, if "before" the other party still show resistance, "after" it feel like they become a s*ave/prisoner of war. If "before" the other party berate anyone that do that three to them but "after" the other party only berate or fight back if not male lead doing that.

and yeah basicly bullying and s*xual harassment is "right" thing and there will be no consequences when MC and male lead do it in this novel, so please watch over your kid if they read this novel. <<less
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zacolamp rated it
October 2, 2019
Status: c112
I am reserving my voting right now. (Not my cup of tea, same bullshits keep on repeating)

It was good at the beginning but then when something happen over and over again then you start to feel bore. Same thing is happening here in this novel.

... more>>
    1. They enter in to VR world right?? Then what the hell with dumb-sh*t luck with MC (Ye Cang) and his brother (lele !!!) . One got worst luck in game and other got the best luck ??? Is that even possible its a game and in games these are probability, how the hell this happen all the times. This part is good for starting and few times in between but all the time, its feel like hacking and bug.
    1. MC got cooking skill but why the hell he always produce worst tasting food ??? I got it he should produce some dark food but still normal food should be available. But this did not happen till now and future chapters I see its not happening.
    1. VR world progression is kind of slow. It's not like I hate it but still some interesting stuffs are needed to engage not story build all the time. That thronyrose part (Same bloody stuff happen between her and MC) its feels like a cliche.

My current rating (unofficial) till chapter 50 : 3.1/5

It got good rating so still reading as sometimes VR MMORPG type novel are late to bloom too. <<less
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tides rated it
September 22, 2019
Status: c420
this novel is pretty funny at the start and it has a hilarious cast

but later on you quickly realize that they are OP and it doesnt make any sense at all. Also add in the fact that they are actually even more OP outside of the game and that the MC has some serious issues make this novel something that you'll want to read to find out more.

but hundred of chapter later, you get nothing besides more time in the game spent doing not much. They are still poor and... more>> struggling for some odd reason, still in the bottom dregs of society and still depressed.

like another reviewer has said, the novel is actually very promising but the amount of fluff and how the actual plot never progresses is just very disappointing. <<less
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JustDiededed rated it
July 10, 2019
Status: c511
There's really not much to say that hasn't been said already.

It's mostly pure comedy and OPness in the virtual world and OPness (at the start - later on things somewhat change) and drama at the real world. I also feel, like someone said before that the MCs group sillyness doesn't seem to match well their tragic past. Or maybe they do and it's even the reason to.

At these chapters (around 500) we still get some laughs for new jokes or old ones used in a new way, but the old... more>> jokes are really tiresome. The author just keeps throwing them at us.


EVERYTIME there's a chest/boss to loot, MC will loose his cool and be kept from looting it because of his cursed luck. And EVERYTIME this happens, he'll sigh and say something like "My divine hand... You fools.". This one is already starting to piss me off.


But that shouldn't keep you from reading this. It has some really funny moments and it's an interesting world with mostly interesting characters. <<less
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June 3, 2019
Status: c158
It was pretty great up around chapter 100. Then there's just too much repetitive jokes, same situations over and over again, item/stat/skill descriptions lose their value. It makes me to just flip through lots of text. Reading this in one gulp doesn't seem to be good.

While it is nice that MC and his bros are shown as skilled players but then they have greatest gear so it lessens their skill value.

Nobody (even the great genius) have figured out that some strange girl they invited into their team is a spy?..... more>> (*not a spoiler cuz it's said there from the moment she appears*)

Th**nyRose...i want to just not read about her. At first it was pretty fun but then.. let's say I'd just dump her and not team up with her again. Who told her she has the right for every consequtive quest chain? While she's nagging and belittling the MC and some of his teammates so much but still follows his group? For the benefits, that OP luck with items. What's up with the MC who's afraid of her? Or is he acting (but it didn't seem like that so far, only the doppleganger's situation was questionable). Or is he a some sort of masochist?.. While he seemed to be deep inside somewhat emotionless and steady but his actions in-game are so strange that low IQ doesn't seem to be an excuse. Or I wonder if there's some story-turnover later when he shows that he's playing a role, then I might try to read in hope for it. But again after around chapter 100 there's more disappointment to me than fun to read this. Before 100 it's 4.5/5 I'd say, after... 2.5/5, maybe I'm biased due to that Th**nyRose but if it was the case, I'd put 1.5/5, - there's just too much of her... <<less
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March 20, 2019
Status: c511
I am really enjoying this series. Laughed alot, cried some and love these guys - especially Ye Cang. I am hoping to see this translated and am hoping it hasn't been dropped or is picked up by another translator.
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Chrysanthemum Kiss
Jase Aniban rated it
December 12, 2018
Status: --
Honestly it was so so.

I love it whenever the character logs in and the author focuses on the online game story side of things. It loses my interest whenever the author switches to another plot. FYI the storyline is not really cohesive. 3 plots trying to work together.

... more>>

1. The Main Game Plot

2. The other competetive eSports plot that has no relations with the game.

3. The personal life which again exhibits another powerplot with regards to qi cultivation and underground world


Imagine you are so enamoured with the Online game and the character development of his avatar/game character AND THEN! The author cuts it for the sole justification that the government requires to shut off the game so that the people would not be confused with reality only then to access to another eSport kind of game (a PVP match which is nowhere related to the online game or the main plot)

So frustrating, yoy wanna say AUTHOR PLEASE FOCUS ON THE MAIN PLOT WTH. Haha

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RainbowCookie rated it
October 14, 2018
Status: c311
The story is pretty fun would have easily given it a higher rating if the author could just decide what kind of story he wanted to write it's like reading at least 2 different novels. Might be spoilers ahead we have the game story that is fun cool adventures and progression, then there is outside the game where there are super powers, cultivation with secret organisations fighting to save the world and sh*t either of the 2 stories would have been fine by themself but together it's just weird it's... more>> like author just threw every genre he could think of in there. But the humor is good tho <<less
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TianKrea rated it
June 22, 2018
Status: c460
I just caught up with the last chapter and I have to say this novel is awesome. It has funny scenes, cool scenes and sad scenes. The only thing I hate is how repetitive some events is. Like Ye Cang's loot obsession and his bad cooking. At first it was funny but later it became so boring that sometimes I just skimmed it.

Also wtf was author thinking when he was writing Crusader Kingchapters. It came out of nowhere and I read it like a lost lamb. It was amongst the... more>> one of the most obvious filler chapters in all the books I have read.

All in all it is a good novel with a few downsides. <<less
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