Virtual World: Peerless White Emperor


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Year 24XX. With several hundred years of improvements, virtual reality has become more mature. It had gradually become humanity’s second world. Socializing, working, studying and other everyday things could all be done while sleeping.

Along with the rise in virtual reality systems, virtual games also developed successfully. Additionally, with the vigorous support of the government; every season, games continued to be born, be changed, competed with each other, and be reborn.

Ye Cang is a black bellied, underachieving, 2nd year student at a city college. He appears to have been cured of his albinism yet his story is still full of mystery. In the game ‘New Age – Conviction’, he began walking the path of a professional gamer. An all-rounder ranger, dark cooking, with a nasty disposition, willing to do anything. He’s slowly creating his own legend.

“Actually… instead of games, I prefer cooking and dramas” – The White Emperor

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  1. The Mt. Tai of Chinese Novels
  2. Peak Non-Cultivation / Progression Fantasy
  3. Fire af brah
  4. A List of Decent Novels to Try
  5. Things I've Read pt 2

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05/12/17 Syzc Translations c1
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beddedOtaku rated it
February 2, 2020
Status: c601
Hey, would you look at that? Another fall from grace sort of a novel.

My 2 stars rating might be harsh, especially seeing as I've had a lot of fun reading this novel. I've laughed out loud countless times, and I've stopped counting the number of times I've chuckled or smirked. However, PWE is not a stand-up comedy show; it's a novel. Humor ought to be a subsidiary enhancer, a spice, if you will, to the meal. Instead, by 600th chapter, it is virtually the only good thing about this mess.... more>> And even then, it suffers from heavy looping, as 4-5 same jokes are repeated until the dead horse had been through reincarnation about 80 billion times, only to be beaten to death again.

There is certainly some fun to be had with PWE, but it offers very little beyond it. The story is slow, and don't even get me started with the tonal shifts. In one part of the chapter, MC would be crying over something something, and in the next, a grown man would be waving his boner at some random girls who wanna touch his mighty elephant. It is impossible to get in the serious mood with this novel as it never deviates from its humorous nature too much. In addition, any draw it had with the mysterious past has long since vanished, at least for me. It is difficult to pay attention to whatever serious issue the author is trying to bring up when juxtaposed with the outright idiotic things he writes in virtually the same paragraph.

In terms of the game they're playing, VRMMORPG, it's literally the same as with any other game in the novels: it's unbalanced, it's shit, it makes no sense, and nobody in their right mind would be playing this game in the real world. Some suspension of disbelief is certainly necessary, but we're talking mayhem-levels here. Our 3 main characters go from never having played a game in their lives to being literal gods at gaming within, what, 6 months? Maybe a bit longer? That's to say nothing of the professional stage where certain characters have like 3-4 more skills than the rest. So, you know, you can imagine how that plays out.

Even beyond that, I'm simply too exhausted. Characters themselves undergo very little growth, and most of the recurrent cast is just... annoying. Th**nyRose should have never made it in the novel in the first place, as honestly she made the good parts of the novel largely skipable, so you're left with very few good memories. The further along the story we go, the less tolerable our main cast becomes; they go from just goofy brothers having fun with the game and enjoying life to base a**holes. And while certainly funny on a lot of occasions, it does little to endear them to the readers.

Perhaps the greatest drawback of the novel is that it doesn't know what it wants to be. Is it a serious story exploring the mentality of people stuck in a dark side of the world, forced to do some crazy sh*t and still try and maintain their insanity? Is it a story about how friendships can pull us out of the worst hells and give us a reason to live? Is it a story about overcoming past losses and learning to love again? Is it a story about three goofy brothers and their adventures? Is it a story about professional gamers and the stress they undergo trying to maintain their top form? Is it a story about Murphy's Law? Is it a guide to becoming an a**hole? In truth, it is all of those things... but a novel cannot be so many things at the same time. It's a mix of everything, which in the end makes it all the worse instead of better.

In the same vein, the story suffers from some major issues with pace. In-game stuff takes far too long and is stretched out into infinity, while IRL stuff is often skimmed over, to say nothing of the literal World Championship which takes up roughly 30 chapters, whereas any random Quest from the beginner village took twice as long to complete.

Don't even get me started on one of the brothers suddenly creating a character in the game whose main weapon is his dick. No, you haven't read that wrong. His literal dick. At that point, I knew I just... couldn't. It was too much for me. What little good faith the novel had with me was completely lost. I skimmed a few more chapters ahead just to see whether anything changes, but after that they just returned to their same-old routine, and I decided it was time to bid the novel farewell.

If you're intending to go into it, genuinely consider reading it as a transcript of a stand-up comedy show. Beyond that, it has little to offer, especially so the further along you go. Fall from grace, indeed. <<less
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Sherrynity rated it
August 11, 2017
Status: c165
There are some parts that seem to be over-rushed, but overall it's enjoyable. Moreover, you should be reading it for lulz, not for some dramas.


An albino orphan, a musclehead, a mentally-forever-10yo youth, and a sane woman (yeah she's the only normal person in that group) are good friends with each other. The three men decided to play VR to gain pocket money.

The class system seems similar to RO, or maybe it's DOMO? One thing for sure, the classes they picked..... eeh, never judge a book by its cover, I guess.... more>> **laughs**

You might get turned off by out-of-place chapters that suddenly appear for no reason. Just think of them as side stories that have no importance to the main story.

Solely for its lulz-inducing joke, I rate it 5/5. Feel free to call me biased, but I had fun reading it. <<less
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Uno rated it
February 26, 2018
Status: c222
The story is ok, but it would be better if the background is based or concentrate on just the in game-story (virtual world). It was great at the beginning, for example: the jokes are super hilarious, then it kept repeating boohoo boring. The virtual setting is not bad but then it breaks into involving real life situations, as like a story in a story yet in another story.

Somehowthe MC and bros' real life story is more intriguing and mysterious and interesting, I find it's rather frustrating!? the awesomeness story of... more>> real life burried or rather I wonder why is the setting like that? I mean it started by telling the MC's history and progressed into the virtual world game (like how it should be) but after 50 chapters or so the author brought about the MC's real life story, after a bit back into virtual world. The same thing after 100+ chapters.

Now I am confused what's the real story about?? Coz its supposed to be a MMO thingi but at the same time story revolving around real life is being narated and progressing (which is more interesting, imo) but oddly the two worlds doesn't really intertwine or relate to each other. So what is the author trying to write actually? <<less
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Nicron rated it
November 22, 2017
Status: c217
Sigh... It was interesting and I laughed a lot. But.. I just can't ignore the let downs anymore. MCs childhood story is like forced, which made me want to forget about it. There's also times where MC gets emotional frequently which is I feel the worst part about this novel. I know it makes the novel life like but it also can destroy the quality. Lastly the romance is a let down. The Th**nyRose is very very forceful her natural disposition is also I started to hate after a few... more>> times. I can't read anymore without losing my rationality and the future don't look promising so this is where I will drop it. Also Thanks a lot for writing. I laughed a lot <<less
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sal880612m rated it
September 15, 2017
Status: c182
This doesn't honestly deserve a five, but it also doesn't deserve a four. It shares a lot of similar points with some other titles, but is on the whole a much more enjoyable read. The three main male characters are... s*upid... well maybe that isn't the exact right word as there are times they are incredibly competent. Maybe a better way to put it would be they march to the beat of their own drummer, and that drummer is clearing playing something different from the one the rest of the... more>> world is marching to.

Thing of importance to note:

    • This is not by the author of Zhan Long despite the fact that Zhan Long's author has several Virtual World titles.
    • This novel isn't a one man show. If you've read something like The Rebirth of the Thief who Roamed the World, Shura's Wrath or Zhan Long where the MC is often racing out way ahead of his allies, the same isn't happening here, so you actually spend a lot of time with the other characters in the novel.
    • As a result of point two, there is no need for the MC to be capable of and good at absolutely everything. The author has made the character extremely versatile in combat but has limited him outside of it, making him poor or just outright bad at some things.
    • This isn't a quick paced story. As of this review the cast has yet to leave the novice village.
    • My rating would be around 4.25-4.5 if I could give it that and that rating is less a rating compared to every other novel and more in comparison to other VRMMORPG novels. It would be around 4.0 against every other novel.
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Not Red Yet
Not Red Yet
June 5, 2017
Status: c50
Very enjoyable read with a lot of comedy plus some serious moments that make you want to read more and know more about the MC.
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Evil Kirito
Evil Kirito rated it
November 24, 2018
Status: c217


THE GOOD : There's some seriously funny moments, sure to crack you up. May feel repititive but not too bad. It has got some well balanced action and comedy, and the MC isn't actually super op (in game) as of what I read till now, so it's not irritating either. And then there are the 2 brothers of the MC irl, enforcing the novel's strong point on comedy but not destroying individual character.. there may be a bit too many equip/skills going unused but then... more>> I don't think that ther's any glaring issues (except one) in here. There's also a real life story (minor parts) but is still interesting and kept me wanting to know more. Pretty chill overall!

THE BAD AND UGLY : Knowingly removed the "the" before ugly, cause both describe the same thing - Th**nyrose! This bich is just a thorn on the side, irritating the hell off readers (like me atleast, majority) and is also the reason for me dropping the novel. Just can't keep up with her bichyness!


It starts of pretty good with your usual quarrelling style relationship except that it starts getting on your nerves later on. She keeps poking her nose into MCs business, going as far as placing a spy in their team. And the spy is another weak minded ditch! So, th**ny keeps popping up on the MC, jumps him, calls him a lowlife, bites him of he does something she dislikes, strong arms her way around asking for rewards that got nothing to do with her and is borderline jealous of him. Just a creepy parasite. All this happens while the MC tries to keep her of but the fckin spy... arrgh. SO HORRIBLY IRRITATING, made me quit the novel when she pops up in the new arc at 217 cause of the spy telling her the MCs whereabouts... Would have liked it better even if it was Harem sh*t over this cause any annoying harem member would atleast be temporary.


Well I think it's going to be a great read as long as you can bear reading/ignoring a certain irritating character. <<less
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MaceTheDon rated it
June 29, 2018
Status: c240
I don't understand how this is rated so highly (baffling imo). These are some of the glaring issues with the novel:

- Story is bad, Melodramatic IRL plot, MC gains a younger sister from out of nowhere in the space of a single chapter, as she's easily accepted even after the roller coaster of events that happened in that chapter (felt so forced).

- The same "jokes/funny moments" get used over & over again to the point they are completely & utterly unfunny (From MC trying to get the loot, feeding of his cooking, him getting used & attacked by a Tsundere, & A girl with "no presence" to name a few off the top of my head).
- No over arching plot.

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Riondrial rated it
September 30, 2018
Status: c104
Where to begin?.....

The Characters. I like them. Yeah, they differ and arent all shallow and have real personalities. The trio is loveable as they really are good match for lifelong friends.

But there is this one char I just cant get over with, Th**nyRose. Its your almost typical tsundere who differs a bit, but that is just because the MC is that much different compared to most MCs. I just can roll my eyes about most of her reactions, though she can actually get some things done, a minor plus I... more>> guess.

There is a lot of fun in this Novel and I certainly enjoy it..... to a certain extent. The fine bridge of "a good amount of funny things" and "its forced" is thin and I guess it differs for everyone. For me I couldnt already stand the bad cooking times at the 3rd time. Being a money grubber, ok, having really bad at looting, all right, being crazy too loot, good combination, cooking like a devil..... eeehr..... there is more? Isnt this already enough?.... Maybe I watched too many Animes and read too many Mangas in which the the girlfriend or whoever which is usually perfect, sucks at cooking. Cant see this anymore, as well as tsunderes, one of the most tireing personalities which exist out there, if not the most.

Being a ranger which is stronger then practically every specialised char..... *sigh....

Finding and getting quality materials (Mithril) in beginner area under lvl 10 which belongs more to, like, lvl 40..... *sigh.......

I know its the way the Novel is, I shouldnt take everything seriously.... But it breaks for me some balances which one should just keep, or else it is just boring or forced. So, I realized it doesnt work that well for me as I found myself often looking for other stuff while reading the chaps. Thats not something I usually do, but this one just cant keep me reading for even half an hour.

Well, gave it a 3/5, but after writing the review and thinking it over, it should be more of a 2/5 :| <<less
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Zhou_Nie_Li_Qiye rated it
July 26, 2018
Status: c474
[My First Review]

I made an account just to review this novel tho.

I just want to say that this novel is just new or fresh genre for me.

... more>> I gave it a 5 star because it's very balance (comedy in the game and drama in real life)

Others says that this novel have a repetitive gag and I can only says that the only cons in this novel (for me).

P.S Don't mind my review it's just nonsense in front of PRO. I just want to remind the others what I feel in this novel. <<less
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kikikemi rated it
November 8, 2017
Status: c270
It's funny but the jokes easily become overused, the characters get annoying often and have no growth. Also, the serious, tragic, romantic parts remind me of when I was 12 trying to write Inuyasha fanfiction. It's awful and super cringe. And everything reminds him of his tragic past every 5 seconds. Like rain or cloudy days or anything about love at all. But it was funny enough that I kept reading despite wanting to drop it from chapter 1. I still can't tell if Ye Cang is an idiot or... more>> not. <<less
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ciizen rated it
April 6, 2021
Status: c357

The novel was okay at first. I admit there were times when the characters made me laugh, but after a while it got really repetitive. The author uses the same jokes and scenarios over and over again to the point where I started skipping 20+ chapters a time just to find out a little bit more about the Mc's past.

    • Each chapter starts off with the MC and his friends finding some sort of quest. MC, his bros, and Th**nyRose's group join together. (Not sure why Th**nyRose is even there considering all she does is rage, throw tantrums, and call MC "a lowlife/pe*vert/etc" when most of the incidents that involve him "being a pe*vert" are out of his control. For instance, in one chapter Th**nyRose literally jumps in front of him when he was reaching for the treasure and ends up getting groped.)
    • After they join together, they spend half the chapter fighting monsters, eating Mc's "dark cooking" which is really overused at this point. They complain and mention how terrible it tastes for 1-2 paragraphs before they defeat the final boss. Th**nyRose calls MC greedy/lowlife/pe*vert/or whatever else she can come up with after 600 or so chapters of this same exact set up. Then MC gets held down by his teammates due to his terrible luck/rng. One of his bros opens it instead and obtains excellent quality weapons etc... Th**nyRose has to call MC a lowlife one more time. They split the goods through a bid or by rolling a dice. And the entire scenario repeats again the next chapter.
    • Think of the previous scenario happening over and over again for over 600 chapters. Change the loot, the boss, and the teammates (oh but Th**nyRose doesn't go away so be prepared to see her appear frequently and throw fits), and that's basically the gist of this novel.
    • This novel had the potential to be something interesting but the author dragged everything out so long that ultimately it's a 1-2 at best.
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Ruso88 rated it
November 3, 2018
Status: c480
Even though I did drop this novel, to me it's still worth 5 stars.

If you like VR, MMORPG genre then this is hidden gem you have been looking for (but be prepared to drop it in later phases because the storyline became all over the place).

This novel made me laugh really hard and chracters are memorable, not just MC.
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Raksha rated it
September 6, 2018
Status: c1039
4.5 out of 5 (edited: 2*)

Can't give it a full 5 stars as I have a tiff about 2 or 3 things.

    • The skills: earlier skills are okay, not too shabby but not too OP but the later skills they are getting are always epic and hero (epic and hero? Kind of redundant if you ask me. Epics are usually stories of heroes after all.) Granted, their quest are always hard so they got to have that rewards, but still, the skill's proportions are not at all balanced. Seriously.
    • Equipment: attributes are even more imbalanced. What kind of game gives an equipment that has an additional 45% in all attributes? Or a defense of additional 50%? It would, maybe, a bit acceptable if it was an artifact. But they were not and 800 chapters later, getting annoying.
An example:

Attack power: 145-174

Strength +700

Physical strength +400

Strength +110%

Physical strength +50%

Armor ignores 60%

    • Getting into spaces that has nothing to do with the game (in my opinion anyway).
Reality wise: the plot is getting more elaborate, complicated and very very good, unlike other VRMMO novels, so I don't have anything to say about that

Edit: (1000+ chapters) Be forewarned, it's getting ridiculous. At 650+ chapters, it's becoming nonsensical (even more so, as chapters go on). Seriously. It's not even funny. Reality wise, it's going haywire. I thought, at the very least, the reality is going to be serious with good plot. It seems that after a certain battle (I'm lazy to tag spoiler), the plot is gone for good.

Conclusion: If you're searching for nonsensical and 'comedic' read, then it's for you. (As for me, I reread it when wifi got shitty. Didn't read past chapter 800.) Read only when you have nothing better to do. Or stop on a certain chapter you can stomach. The start is good after all. Have to give that to the author.
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General Tanya
General Tanya rated it
March 26, 2018
Status: c100
A decent novel. Not too boring but also not too exciting. It kinda funny and author tried to go over the top with the jokes. If you want to read a novel to pass the time then this is it, but don't count on that it has much world building (they barely explain anything about the world), character building or a complicated plot. The story line is very easy to understand and while the author tried to go down the mysterious background route, it didn't quiet succeed and instead it... more>> felt rush and anti-climax. Is just about a OP MC playing games with his 2 pals while acting ret*rded. The drama is there but just doesn't manage to move your heart and also don't count on the romance theme. There are a lot of plotholes but you will manage to ignore it if you just focus on their gaming adventures. At least their adventure in the game still offer some mystery for our MC but all that team work and allies friends battles is really damping my mood. Can't see the struggles and hard working achievement of the MC in the game. The game system is really lacking. But is still a fun novel and better than most gaming novels out there. Decent enough to pass the time.

Ps:i will drop it. I like a novel with more complicated plot and mature writing. <<less
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lazygeko rated it
June 20, 2017
Status: c91
MC: In this age, its not easy being a dinosaur.

3rd bro Lele: Who said it was?

Great easy-going comedy so far. The RL world-building is a bit confusing so far but most of the story happens within the the game so it is fine. Has set up mysterious backstories for a lot of characters that can/will be fleshed out later. Mostly read this for the bro interaction and the comedy though. 3 idiots playing a game incorrectly but still striding forward with the best pros.

I definitely recommend giving this novel a... more>> go, makes me smile. <<less
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Jnhdo rated it
December 17, 2017
Status: c339
It's a typical vrmmorpg stories but hilarious. It is a nice change of pace and will brighten your day. I made an account, rated 5 stars and reviewed just so that many other people can read this and support the translator so more chapter will come out quicker.

One of my favorite LN, I rate it on par with LMS. Higher than ROTH, ARK, PtO, Rebirth theif, and shura wrath
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Puremagics rated it
June 20, 2017
Status: c90
A very refreshing story compared to other gaming stories with the main selling point of the story not being the game elements (In my opinion), but the lighthearted interactions of the characters.
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October 9, 2020
Status: c932
I honestly enjoyed this light novel so far. As you can see whoever is reading this I’m caught up (seems to be the only one caught up and leaving a review) and will continue to do so because of how good I think it is.
Anyway you want a review, so the story basically follows the main characters of the three brothers Ye Cang (Lil’White), Zhang Zhengxiong (Lil’ A’Xiong) and Lin Le (Lele) as they start their journey on making money as professional gamers and trying to become better rank individuals in this futuristic world involving mutants, special powers, legendary novel characters, and etc. The cast is incredibly diverse and well balanced. No one is left behind and they always find their way back into the story because of a good world building by the author. The world moves with the story, it doesnt simply focus on the main characters. You have instances of break always to fill in minor plot points.

I will admit some things will get on your nerves because of repetition but at the same time it’s never done in the same way, the author constantly finds ways to get different reactions out of slightly similar situations. And you must remember it may be fantasy but it is a day to day type of story so the plot may seem slow at times especially with some parts being multiple chapters long. Some parts you can skim but be careful not to miss something because they do go with the story.
I still don’t understand how the author decided on the percentages and etc for the equipment because man it seems like he just throws our numbers. At this rate they will have 100% immunity before level 80 lol.

One of my biggest frustrations even though it helps the story is the stubbornness of Ye Cang and his cooking lol.

I don’t mind Th**nyRose character like everyone else. She’s a woman who has been single and mistaken as a lesbian and then suddenly forced into a marriage, of course she’s gonna be somewhat annoying just because she doesn’t immediately conform to the brothers and their antics. She’s “normal” one who helps deliver the rebuttals and is the sane one. She helps the story have someone who gives you a normal persons perspective.

Ive read a lot of light novels and I sincerely love this one. If it turns into a manga or anime I guarantee it would be great. So give it a ready!

Or else Magical Girl Lil’ Cang will beat you to death yo~
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Piknos rated it
March 21, 2020
Status: c655
Feels like two different novels mashed together when they would've been better separate. The VR aspect and real life scenarios read like two different stories, they hardly affect each other at all. At a certain point, the game becomes irrelevant because the process is always the same, go in, eat some food, kill the boss and repeat. If there was some significant impact on real life that VR brought it wouldn't be so boring, but there really isn't a reason for it to exist other than introducing new characters.

While they... more>> all have distinct personalities it's all a bit disgusting in an immature way. Watching a terrible romcom, showing off g**itals as some sort of divine object and doing really strange stuff (stripping a dude you just met) for no reason at all. While it is chuckle worthy the first few times, when it's repeated over and over it quickly becomes annoying.

That said, there is an element that is written well, namely the backstory behind the main characters. They all have a path that led up to who they became, and is an intriguing story to read. There's also hints of a bigger plot at play that involves a strange hell-like dimension. However, all of that is counteracted when in the next chapter they're back into the game and a guy is wiping his boogers in someone's hair. It's a strange balance of seriousness and immaturity, but I can only say that I wished it was written as individual stories. <<less
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