Thriller Paradise


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This is a game that surpasses dimensions.

It is also a competition for the search of truth.

Unknown seals, a game of chance with ghosts and gods…

The digital struggle, the redemption of humans…

In the virtual world that links with reality—It consciously decided us. It consciously chose us. It consciously decided our consciousness.

And now, throw away your fear.

Throw away your selfish thoughts, questions, and resistance… Free your mind.

Welcome to: Thriller Paradise.

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Terror Paradise
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41 Reviews sorted by

SnowTime rated it
March 24, 2017
Status: c500
We changed the name from Terror to Thriller for a reason.

This is more of a detective-type novel plot, not really a terror driven one like Terror Infinity... so stop trying to read it hoping it's like that =-=

The MC is very intelligent and witty, he is not exactly a super straight morals guys or a bad one, he has a rather interesting view on everything. The things he say sometimes sounds like a joke, but in some cases he is quite serious

... more>>

He once said he would bury a dead body for his best friend. He had pretty much done that already


A lot of things get gradually told in the future and a lot of characters get fleshed out and reappears pretty often. There is a lot of mysteries both in and out of the game so Real Life is actually important and interesting so this isn't just pure game situations only. <<less
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UniverseCreator rated it
June 4, 2016
Status: c18
Really interesting series, especially with the fact that he is in a horror game, and he seems to not be able to become afraid, along with his deduction abilities, make it so that he can solve difficult problems even during stressful time, which I really like as a matter of fact
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keklel rated it
November 6, 2016
Status: c26
Updated review (written at chapter 26) :

This novel is actually very different from Terror Infinity. Whereas TI relies on suspense (from high stakes, knowledge that anyone can die at any point) and character conflicts (e.g between the MC, Lan, and Xuan), this novel revolves primarily around the MC solving mysteries, very much like a Sherlock Holmes novel. The novel is quite unengaging because there are no stakes. If the MC dies in the game, there are no consequences, just the difficulty gets lowered.

The entire plot is that the MC is a writer playing a game to enough inspiration to get over his writer's block. That's it. For 26 chapters so far there's been absolutely no hint of anything more than that.

As is the case with most such stories, the reader usually doesn't get enough detail to be able to solve the puzzles themselves, so they're supposed to just be impressed by the protagonist listing the details and coming to the conclusion - kind of watching a "worked example".

This was Sherlock Holmes' shtick, except Sherlock Holmes had high stakes - very often, Sherlock would put his own life on the line in order to track down and defeat a dangerous criminal. In this story, there are no stakes. If the MC fails to solve a puzzle, he just gets fewer points.

The puzzle solving is the central attraction of the novel (as far as I can see). If you want more action or say, political intrigue, or maybe character interactions, I see no signs of them. Which disappoints me, because the main thing I look for in novels is good character interaction, plotting/scheming, use of cunning tactics and so on.

Another thing I don't like about the novel is that it very frequently breaks the 4th wall. An example is in one of the first few chapters where the author tells us that the MC has no parents because he can't be be bothered to write them in. It's supposed to be funny but it breaks my immersion completely. This happens very frequently - the author would constantly remind us that this is not a real world, it's completely made up, that the game designers were lazy in this or that, etc. This makes reading the novel quite tiring because you are constantly being taken out of the novel by these 4th-wall breaks. Anyways, I see that a lot of people enjoy this, so YMMV. It doesn't suit my tastes, that's all.

Previous review (written at chapter 2) :


An input box appeared on the screen. On the side, there were several restrictions, such as the name had to be over 4 bytes, and dirty words or sensitive wording were not permitted. In the era of photon computing, those restrictions were even more thorough because the intelligence and calculation capabilities of the system was so high that it terrified one's hair and bones. "It" only needed a word bank for censoring or even just a general category to automatically display its reasoning abilities and restrict any grey zone actions. For example, the name "Sudden Big Stalk", or a name with any symbols behind "FUC" then a "K", those anti-censoring methods were useless to 4th generation photon computers. Dozens of years ago, someone worried that these types of calculative AIs would attack and ens*ave humans, but up until now, there were no solid proof to support that saying.


This is basically like the original Terror Infinity where the author tries to make up something that sounds impressive but makes no sense in reality.

Is the author aware of the Church-Turing thesis? The fact that all Turing-complete machines are equally powerful? Does he think that "photon computers" are capable of operations which ordinary computers are not? Because that seems to be what he's suggesting and it makes no sense. If a photon computer is Turing-complete then whatever programs that it can run can also run on a normal computer, so in fact it's the programs that are smart and not the computer.
The first chapter reads like a literal copy of Terror Infinity (guy bored of life, seeks excitement and terror). Tired of reading this nonsense.
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MostlyBlue rated it
December 14, 2017
Status: c64
Why do people keep b*tching that this is exactly like the terror infinity? Every virtual reality game is not a copy pasta of terror infinity you doofus.

Story is enjoyable, very interesting, slowly dabs into the mystery of the game, imo read this for yourself, you might find enjoy it, peace.
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IRainstorm rated it
July 24, 2017
Status: c49 part3
Very different from the usual CN, you can feel the influence western culture has on the author thoughts from the way his story unfold, his random knowledge on our pop culture and the way his character behave. I've even wondered if this wasn't a Korean novel instead since it felt so... different.

The story is about the main character who happen through some kind of trauma has lost the emotion of 'fear', hes literally fearless and want dearly to feel this emotion which eluded him for so long, so as you... more>> can already deduce the MC find out that there is this new Virtual Reality Game that guarantee horrors to its players and the MC anticipate it dearly.

But here is where the cliche sh*t stop, you don't get the protagonist going inside the game to swinging his sword or shooting his gun at armies of ghosts or demons, no its way more than that, each scenario (mini story) has it own plot, indices, and multiple ways of solving it, but the good is our Main character has quick wits and happen to be a novelist with very good memory so he goes through each of them like a Sherlock Holmes solving them one by one.

Also the side characters so far has been pretty good, they have been fleshed out and with more story time and more scenario, the readers will grow even more attached to them, the MC isn't the only spot light in this story, its a team work.

The thing that really sold the deal for me was knowing that the author of this novel is a fan of SCP

https://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/SCP_Foundation

shame on those who don't what it is lol, I'm pretty sure we can expect a lot of great stuff just from this fact alone. <<less
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Miri-Bell rated it
October 14, 2016
Status: c22 part6
A very creative and unique storyline. I definitely recommend reading it. I'm not sure why people say it's like Terror Infinity as I see very little similarity when reading either of them.
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Nedrey rated it
March 22, 2016
Status: --
A very good, entertaining read. Sort of reminds me of Terror Infinity, but without the death game factor. A must try for those who enjoy reading Terror Infinity. Sadly, at ch16, it seems like it's been dropped though.
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Asphyxia778 rated it
September 14, 2021
Status: c420
This is super fun to read and I enjoy Feng Bujue's crazy shenanigans. MC is a chaotic guy and I love how he causes chaos wherever he goes.

Most people judge this too harshly. Come on this is a thriller novel. Enjoy the crazyness. Of course there are flaws like some excessive infodump, the fourth wall breaks or Plot Armor but I like this.

The MC is a charismatic bastard and his relationship with his friends and the other characters are fun to see play out. The premise is interesting, the secrets... more>> and mysteries even more so. The characters do develop and we see more of our MC's true nature.

Some of the arcs are boring and the romance isn't that great but it's not bad just so so. The romance isn't even the focus.

The game story is also great and the tension is well kept up. I'm waiting for this to be completely translated into English.

Definitely worth reading. I rate this 4 stars. <<less
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A1xL13 rated it
March 10, 2017
Status: c20
Kinda found this when I was looking for terror infinity, but I was not at all disappointed. Other people may say they are similar with guy bores of life, seeks excitement and terror... their wrong. There is a difference.

(This is not a spoiler because it's told in the 1st chapter)

While terror infinity MC was actually done with life due to a depressing event that happened to him, the MC in terror paradise is an mystery author who needs fear as his occupation requires it to instill it into... more>> readers which lead him to play a terror game.

The reason why he wants to feel fear is because he can't- at least, until recently. While it that does lead to amazing scenarios of deduction and action, it's kinda understandable if it's hard to believe such an op ability he happened to suddenly gain. But just realize that's not impossible to have in actuality. Just like psychopaths lack emotional activity at birth, or a certain head collision can cause lose of taste, it happens.

In the end, terror infinity is more intense and is circled around already made horror films while terror paradise is more deductions, decisions, and maintaining calm in frightening situations. Both have game qualities. <<less
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Isaic rated it
May 24, 2018
Status: c85
Idk...I really just don't know. So I'll just list some pros/cons.


-MC is good. Logical, funny, skilled.

... more>> -The game is nice. It has good scenarios, decent fighting.

-The MC's best friend is a solid character all-round.


-No suspense or tension. The game is based on a "fear" factor, which the MC doesn't have. For a game like that, the writing makes it into more of an adventure/"quest completion" type novel.

-The author breaks that 4th wall and writes directly to the reader quite a lot. At first I found it refreshing, but he does it at bad times and just goes off on tangents that I don't have any interest in, usually. Some people like it, so it might not be a negative for you.

-You can skip over entire scenarios (10-15 chapters) and not miss any important details. You can get all important information needed at the end game breakdown.

Personal issues:

-The author brings in a female lead and immediately tips us off that she has something to hide. Even though it isn't a big deal and other than that I don't have a reason to dislike her, I still want to skip over all parts that include her. It's more of a combination of annoying females from past novels and knowing she's hiding something immediately that makes me not want to read about her. Semi-spoiler:

Oh, she's a badass at fighting as well, which is really cool. It's just that apparently she is a famous, rich, beauty and we have no idea why she is such a badass. I like a girl being skilled, but it feels like she is skilled just because she is the main lead. (author also stated that immediately when she was introduced.) That might change as her background was introduced.


I'm dropping the novel, which is sad since I really do like the MC. I might pick it back up after my brain recovers from feeling so incredibly numb. <<less
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mathilde135 rated it
December 17, 2017
Status: v2c294
The Author wants to combine Terror Infinity with Detectiv Conan. Out comes a sometimes first-class novel and now and then total bullshit.

Pros: All the Saw-Arcs and the Alchemist Arcs were really goot to read


  • The Setting from the Beginning with the fear was cool, but Since the author was fast tired of horror, it was totally useless
  • This whole Money-hungry writer thing feels just s*upid
  • Believe me when I say I have not seen a worse romance yet
  • Whenever the MC has to fight, which he has to do very often later, it gets so bad that I feel like a toddler is writing it
  • Actually, the novel should be about horror and fear, but later it's really just about bad fights and if I want to have them, then I read ATG
  • The author has no idea about games or Pay2Win. I would have liked it better if the author were to read through a few Virtual Reality novels beforehand, then the whole thing would not be so weird and inappropriate in some places.
  • But the thing that has made me stop was this mysterious stuff that is often just confusing and moronic. I know that the Novel would then not has so many chapters, but I have rather a short good novel than a long bad one
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August 6, 2023
Status: c630
About the translation, put in a spoiler bubble since it's not about the story itself.

... more>>

It wasn't a bad read as long as it lasted, though I have to say I started to lose interest after a while, perhaps in part due to the translation being so-so right from the start and only getting worse later on, especially after chapter 605 where the "pure number" translator took over, not even having a translator name. Sadly that's not something unexpected when it comes to qidian since they have zero respect for the novels, no quality control and no honor in going all the way by properly translating the novels they pick up, yet asking for huge sums of money for what is essentially garbage, but enough about that even though it's important and something every reader needs to know. Therefore, expect to get several hundred chapters to read but after that it's just not enjoyable anymore, that's not the author's fault, it's just how it is.


3.5, rounded up to 4.

I find the protagonist, feng bujue, to be a pretty fun character. His "fearlessness" or more aptly "lack of seriousness" wasn't bad. The summary, while technically correct, feels a bit misleading, at least it gave me a very different image from the actual story. It's essentially about a dude who happens to lose his sense of fear, while also not being normal even before that, playing a virtual reality game where "thrill" or "terror" is the main theme, this begins to first dip into the sci-fi territory and then ends up supernatural in the end, where the world itself clearly isn't just our own reality in the future but a parallel one where the supernatural exist but only some authorities and people know it.

We'd go into this expecting that, oh, he's gonna be a fearless guy, maybe a madman from the picture. That things are going to be pretty serious. I was surprised when I realized that there's nothing even a bit serious about this. The MC lacks fear and seemingly a lot of normal personality traits, he jokes around all the time, he's almost never serious. He is indeed a madman, a cynical bastard that never fails to see the worst in people and attract hatred and weird looks since his personality is very unusual. I honestly agree with a lot of the main character's (the author's) views, being something of a cynical bastard myself. This makes it more fun to read about, I think the most important thing to enjoy this novel is to relate to the main character somewhat.

There's also romance, although it starts off very slow. The good thing, I guess, is that the females aren't useless decorations. But that's honestly where the good things about them end.

He's thrown into various game worlds, conjured up from memories and clearly data banks of all content in the world. A lot of the stuff, or rather, most of it, is just references. Various games, series, movies, literature of various kinds and so on. The good part about that, I guess, is that the reader will often find themselves knowing the references.

But honestly, there are a ton of bad parts too. Translation aside, the original content clearly has various huge issues too. For one, the author has a penchant to break the fourth wall over and over again. Some may claim it's funny, it's to make things lighthearted, while I honestly have the view that it's not funny and that it's very misplaced in a novel like this, because it breaks immersion. This isn't a super funny gag novel where the author makes fun of everyone and everything, it's something like a drama novel with a protagonist that can never be serious but also isn't that funny, nor are the events happening around him. There's a time and place for everything and this isn't it. Especially not when the author talks about just writing stuff for the word count, come on.

Another huge, really huge issue is the amount of redundant exposition. Every chapter, at least a few paragraphs to even entire chapters can be pure, useless exposition. Elaborate background introductions to scenarios that will only be relevant for a few chapters and then never mentioned again, copy-paste of events from south park, explanations of various people or stuff that happens that actually doesn't matter and just makes things more difficult to understand or care about.

Perhaps the worst offender when it comes to this is the author so damn often derailing from the actual events happening. In the middle of exploration, he can suddenly shift from the MC to talk about the "mc's views on this or that" which is really the author's personal views on particular industries, works or philosophical issues. This can take up most of a chapter and it happens very often. The author's views on the writing industry, on the entertainment tv industry, on movies and so on. Suddenly describing things that really has no impact on the story and are of no interest to the reader either, purely interrupting the story flow. It's incredibly bad writing at those moments. Even if I agree with a lot of the content, it's a chore to read and I don't care about his opinions. He often explains opinions as facts and all of this also serves to cheapen the MC.

Onto the MC, I like things that aren't too serious, but the thing is that he's honestly caught somewhere inbetween being a joker and being a normal person. He's not mad enough to truly feel like a madman, nor normal enough to pass for a functional human. While incredibly intelligent and possessing something like eidetic memory and showing this off at every turn (often with the author lavishing praises on him for it), most of his actions aren't really funny nor that interesting if you scrutinize it a little.

He's not extreme enough in my opinion. Someone completely lacking fear and who clearly has had warped views on humanity and extreme intelligence since young, yet he's too normal. The author could've easily taken this a step further and made him a funnier and more insane character. Scaring people with more intent and making them truly treat him as a real nutjob, doing his best to be mad, bringing his mocking and cynical personality up a bit, that would've made this a lot more fun. Truly acting like the madman he is. Not this wishy-washy inbetween where he's kind of a good guy, kind of a bad guy, kind of mad, but so very rational and normal in most ways. Rather than depth of personality, he just feels flat and boring. Too normal for the setting.

The romance leaves much to be desired. While I applaud that the girls aren't soulless ornaments, they nevertheless feel very one-track and boring. It was still fine before the relationship got going, but the direction it goes in after the author starts taking steps to bring them together just makes me cringe more and more. I clearly have a vastly different perspective of romance compared to the author and I don't enjoy the male being dominated by the female, nor do I enjoy soulless, cold females. I feel like this novel would do better without romance.

The story is slow and often very random. While the author clearly manages to, on purpose, tie a bit of the previous content into future content, it's clearly more of an afterthought than an organized, well flowing story. The MC has no real goals until forced by circumstances. This is a very big issue. All protagonists should have some sort of a goal in any semi-serious story driven novel that isn't episodic, pure comedy or slice of life novels not counted. But what is his goal? For more than a third of the novel, it was merely mentioned once that he wanted to play the game because he wanted to see if it could trigger his fear. But despite that clearly not happening (and the matter never being mentioned again), no other goal arrives until he's goaded into it by another character, practically being forced into a goal that is little more than a trade of benefit. The lack of goal makes sure we don't really feel any purpose behind his actions either and that quickly becomes tiresome and boring because there's no sense of progress. He's just playing a game and it lacks the fun, intense parts of a real comedy and the thrilling part of a serious novel. If the MC himself doesn't really appear excited or having any goals, why should we as readers care about his random achievements?

Overall, a decent enough novel to pass some time, but nothing great. A great translation might improve it overall, but it's severely handicapped by the author's writing style choices, random trivia and ramblings and the mc's lack of clear personality and goals. 3.5/5 rounded up to 4 out of the idea that the original would be better than the translated version, the translated version is only average at 3/5. <<less
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ScotlandForsythe rated it
April 10, 2017
Status: c44
I absolutely love this story. It is very different from terror infinity (no matter what anyone says) There are very obvious similarities though, like the missions and scenarios.

Don't be mistaken though. This isn't a movie by movie story where the MC has to fight for his life. The main character loves observing things and using deductive reasoning. He has a weird illness that pulls him into this weird virtual reality game rooted in fear.

... more>>

He can not feel fear.

He isn't capable of getting scared. So he joins this game designed to test people's fears using missions in various scenarios.

You can do it solo or with a team. It can have people you know or in can be completely random. I love the rewards system even though it hasn't really showed it's usefulness yet.


Also the scenario themes.


As already said it isn't just movies. The scenario in chapter 38 is based on a short story called "The fall of the house of Usher"

by Edgar Allen Poe. It's awesomeness. Some can be made up I believe while others are based on plots that exist in real life.


Oh and the main character has a life outside the game too. He has an ambition.... Even if he is a little weird. (Okay, I lied. He is the definition of weird.)


He's a novelist. Ikr?

Awesome. He writes detective stories. He actually has a series about this detective and a talking cat who can give really good deductions. (Funny thing is the MC ends up picking up a stray cat...)

His best friend is a doctor who screams like a girl when scared. He is a genius though... Just not in the mental stability department


I hope you guys read this story and realize just how awesome it is. As much as possible would love faster updates, I hope the translator keeps up the good work. *Hugs* <<less
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Dracoocard rated it
November 29, 2022
Status: c640
Okay. Now this isn't really a review about the novel itself. Personally I found the novel itself great, genuinely funny MC an author that is forthright and an interesting plot. It does hide some information and pulls ninety percent of its content from popular media but that's fine.

So what made me stop at chapter 640? Well we are well aware how volatile the translation of novels can be. It's not unusual to have translators change and unfortunately I don't know the full story behind this one. However at about chapter... more>> 600 the translator changes from a person to purely a machine, this is obvious from the machine struggling with English names, often translating them in weird ways.

My assumption is this is Qidian being the cancer that it is. Im... Genuinely upset to give this novel two stars but I really have no choice because despite how much I love it the novel is unreadable after this change. <<less
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Yuki_Ringo rated it
August 21, 2021
Status: --
Chaotic mc

Like batman n joker got together n had 3p w deadpool

Sometimes he's play it smart other time no preparation n just seemingly fooling around to confuse enemy while the 4th wall break from author w word counts he shamelessly added

MC got weird tumor on brain one day n lose the ability to fear. So what would a broke detective Novelist do other than buying a game capsule to play scary games

The comedy is top notch w how shameless the MC behave while everyone just become flabbergasted
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lafiel11 rated it
January 11, 2018
Status: c110
Awesome story so far /ch110. So here is the review :

Thriller Paradise is a VR game - detective and action /mystery centered story somewhere in the future. Starting point is, MC has a psychological problem /unable to feel fear/ due to unknown circumstances.

So his plan to somehow deal with his by doctors "uncurable" condition is to enter this fear-inducing game.

Believe me, our MC is a total weirdo. He isn't normal functioning human. Plenty of fun moments and interaction with other people. Also he describes himself as "a reasoning detective novelist... more>> ".

The style of story telling can be somewhat compared "Gate of Revelation" - there are Intermission (RL stuff chapter/arcs) and various Scenarios (VR game) arcs.
Majority of the time the POV follows the MC.
The in-game "Thriller" stories are generated and unique for each scenario.

They are divided in Solo normal / nightmare, Team normal / nightmare and PvP solo /team.

The "PvE aspect" is either more action - oriented with hints or more deduction with less action.
So far I found this story to be really consistent (or atleast made me believe to be so) , it has set a solid background world, one-of-a kind characters - everyone has their own motivation, quirks and backstory. And there is the element of mystery present as well ! First "nightmare" solo arc was absolutely awesome!

Some people may think that the author self-inserted explanations parts are immersion-breaking, but to me it's just a different way of storytelling. They are not often and happens when it's not a culmination point in some arc, but at the start. <<less
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Netherlicht rated it
June 12, 2017
Status: c47
Really enjoyable and a bit silly but the horror is in there, really well written with good translation. I hope anyone that likes a bit of problem solving, comedy and gruesome scenery and a dash of narcissism to check this out.
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Vlaeghe rated it
April 12, 2017
Status: c49
Rather than a thriller/horror novel. This novel reads more like a detective.

The main reason is because the Main Character is constantly deducing things and coming to a conclusion. Another reason is that there's nothing actually scary going on, simply because our MC is never scared of anything. Which defuses a lot of situations. And then there's the fact that most situations are occurring inside a game, so nothing 'life-threatening' can actually happen.

So if you enjoy reading about a game and our clever MC solving 'things'. Then this is the novel... more>> for you.

I would like to add that there's plenty to enjoy about this novel, even if it's not as thrilling/scary as the title would make you believe. It's well-written and properly translated. <<less
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alone1player rated it
May 25, 2021
Status: c420
I think there are no repetitive elements in the series compared to other novels

I do not understand the depth of the story even though I came to the 420th episode

but don't be misunderstood. I wonder about the mysterious things

The series may have made some references and can be enjoyable while reading.

The main character of our story consists of crazy sherlock and gives more pleasure when reading than other main characters who blindly jump to goodness and justice.
I admit that some scripts are boring but I think most of them are enjoyable
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DarkD rated it
October 20, 2020
Status: c19
This story is laughably bad. Whether it's the pages of useless exposition or the ridiculous scenarios that the protagonist (someone who's immune to fear) can barely clear. Worst of all, instead of focusing on horror like we'd expected, no, it's a puzzle novel. And a bad one at that.

So the horror itself is basically the lights go out and the protagonist gets chased by a zombie for a bit. Then the protagonist barricades the door and immediately gets to the ACTUAL genre of the story, bad puzzles. Seriously, it should... more>> not have been that hard to make this series. The horror element is almost completely absent.

So the scenarios are all barely clearable to a protagonist that is completely immune to fear. He's a fast reader and solves ridiculous puzzles within seconds. Yet all his clear times are down to the last second. Even the tutorial levels he plays. Honestly, his first scenario may have been easier than the tutorials which pit him against boss monsters that can 2-shot him.

The exposition in this novel is a nightmare. The translator really should have just cut it. Pages upon pages of useless information that never gets used. We got a three page description of social blacklisting, the next scenario he did was a solo level. Even if they ended up using the blacklist, I guarantee you, I could have figured it out just by the context.

On another note, video game combat of the future is "Morrowind style" where abilities have a 20% chance to succeed. <<less
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