This Hero Is Invincible but Too Cautious


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Lista, a Goddess from the God’s realm, has a huge task to accomplish. She must save the world Geabrande (with a S-rank difficulty salvation) from evil threats. To perform this task, she summons a hero from Planet Earth called Ryuguuin Seiya. This hero is exceptional and fully capable, but has one major problem: he is unbelievably cautious.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Cautious Hero
Kono Yuusha ga Ore TUEEE Kuse ni Shinchou Sugiru
Shinchou Yuusha
The Hero is Overpowered but Overly Cautious
Related Series
Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Bakuen o! (1)
We Live in Dragon’s Peak (1)
My Senior Brother is Too Steady (1)
The Otherworld, Goddess, and Anchor (1)
I Got a New Skill Every Time I Was Exiled, and After 100 Different Worlds, I Was Unmatched (WN) (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Action - Adventure - Fantasy (JP On-Going)
  2. Isekai Fantasy | #1
  3. JP Isekai without Harem (Shounen/Seinen)
  4. Everything I've read :) ( Highly Recommended )
  5. "Just What I enjoy"

Latest Release

Date Group Release
06/21/19 TOMO Translations v2c52 part1
06/19/19 TOMO Translations v1c51
06/14/19 TOMO Translations v1c50
06/12/19 TOMO Translations v1c49
06/07/19 TOMO Translations v1c48 part2
06/05/19 TOMO Translations v1c48 part1
05/31/19 TOMO Translations v1c47
05/29/19 TOMO Translations v1c46
05/24/19 TOMO Translations v1c45 part2
05/22/19 TOMO Translations v1c45 part1
05/17/19 TOMO Translations v1c44
05/15/19 TOMO Translations v1c43
05/10/19 TOMO Translations v1c42
05/08/19 TOMO Translations v1c41
05/03/19 TOMO Translations v1c40
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30 Reviews sorted by

duderus rated it
April 25, 2020
Status: v2c72
Damn, I still got 49 chapters into volume 2 to read but I'll say it now...

The anime volume 1 and volume 2 picks up right where it left off. If you don't feel like you can read the first 50 chapters then you can jump straight to volume 2.

However, don't think of volume 2 as all fun and games. While I still find many scenes funny, the darker elements to series really pick up. If you are not good with edgey scenes where humans are treated like livestock or are... more>> tortured for sport, this may not be for you.

Other than that, it's pretty much business as usual. Volume 2 is obviously a SS-difficulty world. So it's more difficult to conquer. It has gotten a magnitude more difficult. Ristarte is faced with dealing with her previous human life through the eyes of a goddess. She doesn't seem to feel anything in particular as of yet. However, she has started to show some signs of sympathy. I assume this arc will be more focused on the serious side of the story and the inner turmoil told from the Listarte's perspective. If you were to remove the comedy aspect it does make for a more compelling story. <<less
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February 14, 2020
Status: --
So the praising japan is a misunderstanding I believe. Lista states she likes choosing from Japan because it’s filled with otaku and telling them they have been summoned to a new world with magic and sh*t isn’t a new concept to them. This is the same concept as making a non gamer play a new game. If you give your mom a Xbox controller and told her to play something she would have no idea what to do and it would take time to just get used to controls, but... more>> if you give it to a gamer they would instantly adapt and you wouldn’t need that learning curve.

telling a Japanese otaku they we summoned to a new world vs telling a normal person from South Africa is the same concept. I’m not from South Africa but if I was a gambling man I would put my money on them not reading Isekai novels as much as Japanese people. <<less
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warrock4862 rated it
October 11, 2019
Status: v1c30
I was Introduced to this novel by it's anime adaptation.

The anime was good. The best that I liked about the anime was it's comedy and that interested me to search for the original novel to get ahead of the anime. I am an impatient person and tend to read ahead by reading the novels whenever I like a anime.

Now about that novel, I would like to say that it's great but sadly I was disappointed. This is just not the novel for me.

The novel starts of the usual with the... more>> MC summoned to save the world but with a twist of him being too cautious, the title seems great but sadly the story is not up to the title standards. Powerful characters lose their value as the story progresses and useless characters gain more value. The scale of the operation of the saving worlds by summoning heroes does support the actions and personalities of the gods and goddesses, if I have to give an example its like a historical multi trillion dollar company with centuries of background with its original founder and managers still running the company but when the MC is involved the founder and managers are just toddlers that are not even able to suck their thumbs without the MC.

If the story had gone differently such as if the MC was summoned the save the world but there were no contact with the gods and god realm and there was no love interest at the very beginning of the story, then with the MC's personality still intact it would have a novel worth reading.

The concept of a cautious MC is great but how that was applied to story was a disaster. <<less
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March 19, 2020
Status: v2c118 part2
The story is getting more and more predictable and it is already within expectation that the male protagonist Seiya would be the invincible and overly critical hero who triumph over his opponents with endless plans. While there is some humor for this adventure series, I am starting to feel that the goddess character Lista is becoming redundant in the story and she is only there to show s*upidity and bring annoyance while staying next to her companions. Maybe there would be a chapter to show more about Lista's importance for... more>> the whole storyline in the future. Overall, it is a one-of-a-kind story. <<less
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cleesus rated it
January 17, 2020
Status: v1c19
This story should have been good or even entertaining if it was done right but it wasnt even remotely close.

I got bored by chapter 19, I read the manga which is probably the main reason any of us are here. They both start off potentially interesting but the main character is a boring piece of sh*t and we got another overused cliche dumb goddess.

I feel like we have all read a story like this that was better in every way.
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MyRAMEN rated it
May 19, 2024
Status: c15
This novel was surprisingly good. But the mass 5 star flags seem to be from a recent anime. I also do not understand the mass 1 star flagging. But either way, it's mid. I could see a manga/anime format being more entertaining, but in novel format, the MC single handedly destroys the story. Character reactions/emotions are lacking in every step / event other than a basic wtf, little to no explanation on MC's thought process, et cetera. The MC in novel format is the authors tool to say BS goes.... more>> I decided to drop mostly due to the novel being in hiatus <<less
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Willi_Senpai rated it
May 8, 2024
Status: v4c161
I wanna thank the group that is translating this masterpiece called "This Hero Is Invincible but Too Cautious" and please I hope you can continue until the end of the story.

I remember when I first watched it and it was just amazing and delightful. At first it appeared to be just another isekai with a mixture of comedy and action but towards the end of the season it got dark and dramatic, and this was what made it different.

My impression of the MC changed as the story moved fowards and... more>> it's amazing how caring and tender he turned out to be (I'm not spoiling anything because that side of him was revealed at the end of the first season in the anime).

It was worth the wait. Every year since 2020 I've been opening this page hoping to find it updated and some days ago my prayers were answered!!! I'm so happy. Thank you so much for your hard work. <<less
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Kaung2240 rated it
April 26, 2020
Status: v3c127
First let me apologize for saying aqua is useless goddess. In this story every single god is seriously useless. The MC is super sad*st and the female lead (overly useless goddess) is super Masochist and every single other characters are useless and dumb and crazy ones. This is my impression after reading every released chapters. I am going to read till the end and watch how thing will turn out. It is my bad habit. I cannot drop after starting something.

BTW if you are into S&M this story will give... more>> you some thrill lol

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April 23, 2022
Status: v1c15
I won't give any stars yet, but I want to fully agree with the review of Buffalo_QJ. This blatant racism is a bit too much. They come from South Africa, so they're s*upid? Really?

I'll keeps reading, as I've been trained by Chinese novels, where all sorts of phobias thrive, but such a beginning is a big turn-off.

Regarding another review, even if everybody loves their nationality and want to praise it, they don't have to do it by undermining other races.

Edit: The superiority aspect doesn't come up later on. The novel... more>> is interesting and, in a weird way, logical enough. There is one weird thing regarding the writing style though. There are a lot of sentences that give you the image too directly, the way it is given in memes:

「*laughs eccentrically* Even so, that's a tough and competitive opponent to defeat! *Laughs madly non-stop* 」

It's really weird. <<less
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DeviousColony69 rated it
February 21, 2022
Status: v4c165 part1
Amazing novel, the writing is good, the characters are pretty interesting, and the overall plot is like riding a rollercoaster. Sometimes it's funny, sometimes it's sad. I like how the author just suddenly throws a twist while the character are in a bliss or the current situation is too light. Overall, in my opinion, it's a unique novel. Hopefully, we'll get to see the ends of this novel
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