There Was No Secret Organization to Fight with the World’s Darkness so I Made One (In Exasperation)


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The protagonist wakes up to a superpower one day, out of the blue! But there’s no organization targeting the protagonist’s superpower! The prettiest girl in his grade doesn’t turn out to be a psychic like the protagonist himself! No door opens to another world and he doesn’t get summoned! There is no secret history in the protagonist’s past! There is no reveal explaining the protagonist’s sudden attainment of his superpower! So normal! Such overwhelming normalcy! He graduates from school and gets a job without anything happening! He lives as a mediocre working adult! Having enough power to fight against all of humanity yet not seeing anything happen finally makes him snap! Fine, be that way! If this is the way it’s gonna be, then I’ll make it! I’ll make the secret supernatural organization myself! Welcome to my manmade extraordinariness!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Sekai no Yami to Tatakau Himitsu Kessha ga Nai kara Tsukutta (Hangire)
There Was No Secret Evil-Fighting Organization (srsly?!), So I Made One MYSELF! (LN)
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53 Reviews sorted by

aetonazniel rated it
April 3, 2019
Status: c6
Its only a few chapters so far but is proving to be interesting. Its basically mundane normal life for the first two chapters until eventually he realizes his goal after his power grinding. Although I am wondering why he does not explore helping people in the world with his powers or what else he does with it be it heroic or pervy stuff. That I think would have been interesting
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Krazyguy75 rated it
July 25, 2020
Status: v3c4
A world without super powers is boring. That's the premise by which the whole story works.

As it turns out, a world with super powers is still very boring to read about. The characters are boring and cliche, the MC is boring, unmotivated, and indecisive, and the plot is non-existent. That last bit is why I ended up dropping it. 3 volumes in, and the MC still has to create his own plot, which is a damning thing. A main character exists as a window for readers to self insert, and... more>> to do so that character needs to feel immersed in the world. In this, the main character is less akin to a main character and more akin to a DM for a tabletop game which we don't get to play.

Boring 2/5, go read To Be a Power in the Shadows instead. <<less
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rosie94hrpr rated it
March 23, 2019
Status: c5 part2
What I like about this novel is that not only is it funny, it features an MC who actually uses his brain and figures things out on his own. There's no game/leveling system to show him his stats, no adventure's guild to explain things to him, he doesn't start ridiculously OP nor is it easy for him to become that way. He gets to become OP through his hard work and effort. It makes me excited to see where he'll go from here and what would happen if he were... more>> to get serious. <<less
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I-kun rated it
March 4, 2019
Status: v1c3
Currently when I write this review, this novel has really good rating, I thought this is wierd because even though it have only few chapter 72 out of the 90 people rate this novel 5.0 and because there's no update on my waiting list I try to read this novel, turns out it really good.
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Syokool rated it
March 28, 2023
Status: c133
The novel series is really interesting, up to volume 2.

After that, the series self destroyed itself. The absurd premise of wanting to do something but not wanting to show one's face, added to the really poor interactions and vague feelings from the characters, made the series self derail after volume 2 where it wanted to be more "serious", tackling down real life issues and so on.

This work, albeit amateurish, had great potential. However the author wanted to do many things that he ended up doing almost nothing without sinning of... more>> absurd, or writing forced situations to somehow fix the storyline.

For things that the author shouldn't have omitted are


The main character being part active of his own group from the start.

MC's high school/college life.

MC's inner thoughts beyond those about psychic powers.

Erase the absurd thing about the impossibility of traveling between worlds but adding an elf character because why not.

Being bold about making an organization. He wasted fMC capability of making a fortune through forex.

Had more people working on said organization without giving them much explanations.

Stop getting the MC suffer from one arm destroyed and making one character a cripple for no reason, when he already had a healer character and a healer device.

Stop living through highschoolers like they are the only ones thriving for adventures.


So if you want to read something with those premises about secret organizations, the one that still tops over every work out there is Eminence in shadow, period. Don't waste time of your life reading this, unless you really have nothing on your backlog. There's a good reason this series was dropped from the publisher. <<less
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LoneDK rated it
May 14, 2020
Status: c4
It's not a bad novel or anything but I intensely dislike the main character. I dislike the way he handles himself, I dislike his decision in life and I intensely dislike how he has use his powers so far in the novel. I just don't like how he does anything in life.

... more>>

He discovered his powers and besides training it up (which I approve of), he has done nothing with them. The explanation is that he was afraid of the "famous tax"" and people judging him. Huge minus in personality wise for me there. He even spent time in an office job that he allegedly hates and receives abuses from his boss. When you are literally the strongest person on Earth and you still do 7 to 8 job while receiving abuse, that should tell you all you need to know about his personality. When he FINALLY decided to 'build' an organization, the first thing he did was to come clean to a random stranger purely because she is rich, pretty and a bit of a nerd. Like WTF, this novel is like a power fantasy without the fantasy.

tl:dr the MC is a cardboard box who lucks his way into superpowers and remains a cardboard box

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Hamahama rated it
May 13, 2020
Status: c28
NU doesn't have comment section so I put it on the review. Seriously, NU really need to make comments section.

First some rants, I really don't understand the peoples that like to give bad reviews when only read few chapters.

Yes, you don't like the story. Yes, this is not your cup of tea. I get it.

... more>> But that doesn't mean you can just bashing the story. Have you ever help the author by buying their novels?

Or at least help the translators?

Or any of you even write a novel and have the courage to post it?

Read the stories and if you don't like it, leave it alone. Or go to the original page to give your opinion directly to the author.

This is not the place for keyboard warriors.

We like to read and we know what we enjoy after we read them ourselves. And so far I enjoy it.

So, this is my opinion. The story is good and develops with a pace that makes me feel that the author really enjoying writing this story. The OP MC is not selfish but trying to be one. The other characters also is fit in nicely with stories and not really following the trends with other same genres with overly glorified the MC and dense MC.

It's enjoyable and fun to read. But If you don't like it, stop read it and leave it alone.

Cheers <<less
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Klaus282 rated it
May 2, 2019
Status: --
Who among us haven't ever dream of getting Superpower?

To become involved in some Secret Organization or some Ancient Conspiracy?

Well the MC who do have Superpower find no such thing.

... more>> I can honestly said this is a kind of make sense approach of how a Normal human trying to create a Secret Organization.

He didn't want to create chaos, he didn't want to rule the world, he just want to live out his fantasy. And for this he find a like-minded people who share his goal.

In the end, this is a story of how one man trying to live his dream to live fantasy like world and at the same, granting a chance for other people to live their fantasy wish dream too. <<less
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password123 rated it
February 25, 2024
Status: --
By novelupdates. com standards, this is a masterpiece.

By the standards of regular (i.e., not webnovel fiction), this is still really good. Is it as literary a work as anything by Nabokov? Of course not. Mishima? You kid. But if you were to say that it's reminiscent of Murakami... yeah, a bit. If you squint.

Read GabeZhul's review. Disregard the others. This is not a genre novel. It is a meta-narrative masquerading as genre fiction. Its project isn't to sling fireballs or give you goosebumps and some of the spate of recent... more>> low ratings have come from readers with mismatched expectations. Don't treat this like a cheap beer and you won't be disappointed when you discover it isn't one. <<less
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Konstantin rated it
May 28, 2020
Status: --
Honestly, this story has a very interesting premise - MC gains superpowers in the real world, but there is no one other than him with those powers. It has a lot of potential, even I myself can think of how to make a very interesting plot with that premise (for example if he lost someone important to him and then found out that he could give his powers to the other people and they gain different abilities than him, then he would try to create fake "justice" and "evil" organizations... more>> so that those people he gave his abilities to would be forced to develop their powers and then MC would take them away to become stronger and to find a person with "time travel" ability so that he could return back in time and save the one he lost, etc). But no. MC is a good guy to the core, he doesn't even use his OP abilities to earn or steal money, instead, he relies on a girl to support him financially, lol. He doesn't want there to be any kind of danger, so he doesn't give his abilities to evil people for them to be antagonists, instead, he just creates harmless monsters from rock and water. As a result, this is a story without bad guys, without any stakes, without any deeper motivation (other than his childish dream) or purpose. This is that makes it different from a similar story "To Be a Power in the Shadows" that I really liked. There, MC isn't normal Japanese beta-boy, this type of story doesn't work well unless the protagonist is a little bit evil and psychopathic. Even people he chooses to give his powers are absolutely ordinary and nothing special. No, he doesn't try to help bullied kids or those abused by their parents. He doesn't give his abilities to powerless so that they can have a normal life. MC gives powers to those who are as ordinary as he was without nothing bad or good happening in their life, people without challenges or purpose. Another problem with this novel is, as others pointed out, that the author "tells instead of showing". And even if at the prologue it works well, you got tired from this type of writing very fast. <<less
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HunTear rated it
May 26, 2020
Status: c30
i don't know why some people still expect some fictional development when something fantasy-like came to MC. The title says "there was no secret organization to fight with world darkness so I made one", it's totally makes sense if there are ABSOLUTELY NO action fantasy for MC (except he is the one who make them for other people).

... more>>

if you prefer something like The MC got supernatural power because there is a task from goddess or summoned with purpose to defeat something or when he got power because he want to be something, you absolutely wrong.

it's interesting how he interact despite having power that literally can destroy a star. I think his response is logical if you just give some, random bored people without a goal, a power without the purpose for that power and other people that have the same power. The MC doesn't want fame (which is typical beta japanese), he just want to have fun in fantasy like development with his superpower with simple purpose to defeat something or gaining something. In the beginning the MC want something simple like fantasy development come by itself because he get super power but then he realize his world doesn't have something like that and he is the only one with superpower. So he make the shadow organization himself and the monster himself because his world don't have anything like that. Thus he made the fantasy development for somebody else because he can't have fantasy development for himself.


sure the MC is bland, but what can you argue with, he is living a normal life during his lifetime without any hardship and something he really want to do (atleast until he got superpower). He doesn't have tragic past nor fateful encounter with someone. If you like The (Idiot) MC where he boast his ability and doing something so called justice because he don't like it (which is s*upid in my opinion) and the (s*upid) MC who think he is "genius" and do something s*upid because he got superpower which made him think the world revolve around him, then go search for something else. This is not for you. The MC maybe not the best MC but he is atleast a logical person with interesting thought and a good story if you like something like a normal logical person who want something fantasy-like without bothering or causing chaos with his power.

note : I honestly don't really like monologue story, but this is one of my exception. And I quiet enjoying this story. <<less
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wantek rated it
November 14, 2019
Status: --
This is a story about a man that got himself a supernatural power, believing someday he'll use it for the world peace, fight evil organization and such he train himself and turn him into something that even those three kingdom general from DW series turn pale in comparison.

The problem is there's no evil org, and he's probably the one and only guy with such power; making him frustated and finally came up with the idea of making the evil organization himself, while also make a good group to fight them

the... more>> writings are good, and the chapter is long, I haven't checked the translation quality but the raw is really good I wont be surprised it'll be published to LN just after reading a few 5 chapter back then. <<less
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MadXBite rated it
October 28, 2019
Status: v1 illustrations
The plot made me read all of it. To my surprise it was really good. What I like the most in this novel is the MC power (not like to be a power in the shadows) as he does make an organization, he makes new friends and enemies (maybe in the future).
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shinidoshi rated it
August 17, 2019
Status: c11
Despite being wacky and a pushover, I wish the MC was real.

First of all, he single handedly turned his Slice of Life light novel into a Spice of Life LN. (I'll be here all day, folks)

Second, for all of his misgivings, he is like a wish-granting fairy for people like me - who once desired an escape from reality, or a paranormal invasion in everyday life.

Finally, his ambitions are quite literally the polar opposite to All for One, in that he is making a Chuuniland all for his own... more>> satisfaction. If I had to put it to words, it's like having a really good fantasy author (re) write your reality. <<less
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March 15, 2019
Status: c46
I can only say one thing, disappointing.

The premise was interesting, but in the course of reading the first arc everything went down, although the second arc improved this a little bit the third one just let me see the reality that was from the beginning. I will not give real valuation, but this would hardly stay with 3 stars.

I'll just say that, if you expect something serious (at least at a normal level) about how an organization is built, about how the MC strives to create the whole plot to... more>> give a purpose to that organization or how this may result in something which is actually greater than what even the MC expects, you are wrong.

This is like the The Simpsons meteor episode that evaporates in the end, what will keep you reading is the expectation but it will never come or it will come but at the level of a silly mockery. <<less
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Jamerax rated it
July 22, 2022
Status: v6c3
It was pretty decent honestly. Reminded me of To be a power in the Shadows quite a bit which was cool because I liked that one. Pace can be a little slow at times but makes up for it with some good jokes here and there.

Unfortunately the worst thing about it is the speed of releases. As of writing this and I hope it one day makes this review a lie... It has not updated for months.

Hope everything is well with the translators.
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JKingSniper rated it
December 27, 2021
Status: c27 part1
Funny novel where MC is basically the only superpowered being, who becomes bored so he decided to make more superpowered people.

Very interesting and a very chunni novel
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gunbababan rated it
November 10, 2021
Status: Completed
Just finished this today (MTL'ed).

It is good. It's about a middle age man starting a 'secret organisation' with his superpower. It was both cringe but funny at the same time. Although this might not be for everybody as there are a lot of monologues, but if you can bare with it then this novel is incredibly interesting and fun.

I suggest you to read it if you like chuuni things.
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S3RS rated it
August 24, 2021
Status: --
The main protagonist trained for a lenghty time, so instead of showing the readers boring training montages, every training he did was summed up so that the story could progress into the next part such as: realising there was no secret organization, deciding to create one himself, recruiting members and so on.

What draws me to continue reading this novel is how to protagonist develops his secret organization. It started off as a little fun, but ambitious, thing the protagonist decided to do, but later the scale got so large that... more>> governments and world-scale organizations got involved. You get to see how his secret organization impacted the characters and the world.

While there were no actual goals or antagonists, the author managed to create tension and excitement through clever and well-written, one of the best, plot twist.

this below is a rant


Some said that this is not as good as 'To be a Power in the Shadows' but I completely disagree. Unlike 'To be a power in the Shadows, ' in which characters were saved by the protagonist and joined his organization with only little to no interactions between them, timeskip and now they are acting only as waifu materials with only some character traits and no proper characterization; This novel, 'There Was No Secret Organization to Fight with the World’s Darkness so I Made One, ' showed interactions between characters, it did not have a time-skip immediately after. Also, in this series, you can SEE the main protagonist DEVELOPS his secret organization, while in 'To be a Power in the Shadows, ' it went TIMESKIP and THE SECRET ORGANIZATION BUILT ITSELF WHILE THE MAIN PROTAGONIST DID NOTHING. 'To be a Power in the Shadows' has overpowered main protagonist, so it has no tense moment because the OP MC can take care of everything in a short time. While 'There Was No Secret Organization to Fight with the World’s Darkness so I Made One' also has an overpowered main protagonist, but it was written in a way that dangers could get to him. That combined with clever plot twist is way better than 'To be a power in the shadows.'

I completely disagree with those who said that 'To be a power in the Shadows' is better than this series. Maybe they got impatient and could not get to the good parts of the story, I don't know. But it is possible--considering that 'To be a power in the Shadows' uses timeskip like an impatient child--that those, who really think that that is better than this series, are as impatient as well.

You can say that this novel could not hook in those people to continue reading. You can't blame the readers if the book bores them. Or can you? I would say that those people can only have fun reading only novels written like a scuff journal with no attention to detail and interactions that would develop relationships between characters. Get girls, timeskip, and BOOM! Waifus! Now they all love the MC! Who need character developments for cookie cutter waifus anyway, am I right?

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l2aYz rated it
August 21, 2021
Status: c12 part2
Maybe because I read it in 2021 meanwhile most review is on 2019 I felt this novel is boring.

The plot is unique but It's not executed very well. The character is cliche and shallows. The instant Isekai elf doesn't make sense and does not really fit in the story. The author just made it up so he can put some elf in the story. It starts with superpower cell sh*t but suddenly fantasy comes to say hello.

The whole story is an MC monologue. He creates secret organizations, made superpower humans,... more>> and made an enemy for them to fight. Well, I try to read it as a comedy novel but It barely has funny moments more like you're reading MC self insert as a Dungeon master. <<less
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