The World Without My Sister Who Everyone Loved


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“I hate you enough to want to kill you, Sienna.”

I was my sister’s shadow all my life, and I was betrayed by her and died. But… people have changed since the day I came back in time.

“You’re the only child Nacht chose.”
“Your Highness recognizes you as family.”

Something’s wrong. These people seem to mistake me for my older sister.

“I beg you, believe in us for once, that we care for you.”

I once wanted to be loved. Now I fear that this mindset will become my weakness. One betrayal was enough.

Everything is over when you bet everything in love. I just want to get my life back so…

Associated Names
One entry per line
A World Without You
사랑받는 언니가 사라진 세계
Related Series
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Ashtarte (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. They sound good
  2. Fantasy Romance [1v1, GxB]
  3. misters before sisters
  4. what kept me till the end
  5. recommendations

Latest Release

Date Group Release
03/05/23 Bluebells in Bloom side story 9
02/26/23 Bluebells in Bloom side story 8
02/19/23 Bluebells in Bloom side story 7
02/05/23 Bluebells in Bloom side story 6
01/29/23 Bluebells in Bloom side story 5
01/22/23 Bluebells in Bloom side story 4
01/15/23 Bluebells in Bloom side story 3
01/08/23 Bluebells in Bloom side story 2
01/01/23 Bluebells in Bloom side story 1
11/01/22 Bluebells in Bloom c166-167
10/15/22 Bluebells in Bloom c152-165
09/15/22 Bluebells in Bloom c140-152
08/15/22 Bluebells in Bloom c131-139
07/15/22 Bluebells in Bloom c125-130
06/15/22 Bluebells in Bloom c115-124
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42 Reviews

Bluebells in Bloom
Bluebells in
Oct 25, 2022
Status: Completed
Hey, it's Ame, the translator of this novel! I'm already quite long-winded in the last chapter's end notes, so I shall not repeat that here - I wholly agree and echo the sentiments of Crispycrumbs review.

The mystery was what lured me in, and I'm very happy it continued all the way till the very end of the novel. It's not the kind where you can pretty much predict where the storyline is going, or what's to happen next. Subtle hints of the first timeline were dropped here and there till... more>> the 'revelation' (C101-106), and re-reading it is kinda like an Easter egg hunt. Amazingly, the unveiling of the truth of the first timeline continues even after those aforementioned chapters.

Now, onto the ML - regretful MLs are not my preference. I wasn't very happy when I found out Ashiel will be the ML, yet, I won't deny that he has completely won me over by the time C136 rolls around. He knows forgiveness is not a given, and his regrets really aren't temporary.

Really... Sienna didn't forgive the Nachts as fast as we might have expected based on other similar novels. And this is partly why, that tragedy tag isn't a joke. It really isn't a joke.

I said I wouldn't be long winded, but I guess I lied... oop ^^ <<less
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Rena Rain
Rena Rain
Feb 06, 2021
Status: c12
This is pretty good so far. Only 12 chapters in but I already want to write a review for this. I think it needs more attention.

This is a good story of a girl betrayed by who she thought was her "sister" as in someone she could trust and all. She was sent back in time when she was 11 years old and things start deviating from the other time line. It's pretty cliché, if you ask me. Got betrayed by her "family" –> went back in time –> not expecting... more>> love anymore —that's what's happening here. But it's good, really. However, I still don't get why they start being nice to her and giving her preferential treatment in the current time the MC is in. Maybe they received a message from the future like what happened in "Secret Wardrobe of the Duchess" or an oracle or something? Anyways, you might feel frustrated by how the ducal family were s*upid for letting what happened to the MC go unnoticed and I would definitely agree with you there.


When she got framed, they didn't put on a proper investigation AT ALL! They just listened to that girl, Lorena!! A two-faced bit—ahem, anyways, our MC, Sienna, deserves a good life. I hope her plan of going to an academy and live independently would happen but well, ya know, these novels tend to let our MC be in the care of the once-hated-but-changed-somehow people. And it's so sad that she got scammed by her "sister" (ㄱ-ㄱ) she got her mana stolen from her by phrasing it as her sharing her mana to our MC!!!


On a personal view, this novel has definitely strengthen my conviction to dislike white lotuses because you never know they're actually two-faced bit—ya know what I'm gonna say.

But it's good. Translator-san has done a good job and I wanna see the story unfold some more to understand it. Give it a shot if you're interested. <<less
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Mar 17, 2022
Status: Completed
Edit: Do you hear that sound??? It's me screaming. WHAT A RIDE. Thank you so much to the translators for this gem. All I'll say is READ THIS. You won't regret it.

... more>> Original review:

Like a previous reviewer said, this story is not everyone's cup of tea. I'll start by saying that the story is pretty long winded. The progress of the story occurs over the chapters, rather than taking place immediately. If I may say so, it's kind of the way a plant grows at a steady pace, rather than all at once.

The worldbuilding in this story is pretty good. We do have the typical nobles and class system. However, the magical worldbuilding is really nice. The author has also vaguely put in hints about the previous era, the political and social environment too.

This is more a character driven story than a plot driven story and it's unlikely that there'll be much romance either.


HA HA boy was I wrong. I usually steer clear of obsessive love interests but man I was too deep into this webnovel to give it up WELL PLAYED author lol. Ultimately, whatever makes the characters happy


I also want to add that the characters and character development is amazing in my opinion.

From a traumatized child, Sienna slowly begins to bloom and grows beautifully.


She begins to assert herself, learns magic, becomes the freaking owner of Hesaros and a terraformer and begins to overcome her trauma. I love her nerding out with Seth about magic ahaha it's so cute. I also literally got goosebumps when she decides that she will do everything she can to reach her best potential!!


The Nacht family is also, a doting family, but there's enough room for her own character without it being overshadowed by them. The best part is that they are not invincible. They are actually written to be human!

Initially, I really was sceptical about them, but the author has a way with weaving the story- they are now some of my favorite characters. The adversaries Sienna faces are like that too. They may make your blood boil, but their qualities are eventually revealed.

The mystery in the plot is still strong and the author is not afraid to add bold twists.

I'm eagerly waiting for the next update.

The translations are very good, and the team posts multiple chapters at once, which I really appreciate! (Haha though I did find it a bit difficult to find the part I left off reading at when I accidentally closed the tab)


Please omg I love love the emperor and Sienna's relationship it's adorable.



Hesaros and Sienna!!!! Hesaros is the sweetest and helped a lot with Sienna's growth I love him very much too <3 He was literally the named that existed only for her

19 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
May 25, 2021
Status: c10
TLDR 1.5 stars two out of generosity. I found the story nearly unreadable

The setup is interesting. You have a young girl that's so clueless she doesn't know there is a score let alone what it is. She has the misfortune to encounter a viper that takes complete advantage, reams her out till there's nothing left and then gets her executed. Instead of dying she gets a second chance.

It's a nice setup that offers lots of possibilities but!!! The writing is painful. The writer shifts between present, past and character POVs... more>> with little or no indication of doing so. Scene transitions and character appearances leave the reader asking how did they get there, where did they come from. I found myself rereading in vain to find just what I had missed.

Character motivations so far at best seem confused. Sienna manages to be both totally destroyed and strongly motivated? It's incongruous at best. While the rest of the characters are inexplicable. There may be some explanation in the future (all of them rebirthed?) but for now it's a slog.

Bottom line I'll wait to read this as spoilers <<less
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Mar 16, 2022
Status: c84-101
despite the fact that the story is full of some nasty old cliches, it's still a very good read. The translation is great and I like the author's writing style. It's not the absolute best novel in the world, but it's well written and engaging.

just don't read it if you don't like:

... more>>

"the original heroine was actually the evil one" cliche

"poor misunderstood abusers" cliche

"we emotionally tortured you to su*cide but it was all a misunderstanding" cliche

"I can never tell you how much I suffered because reasons, so I guess I'll keep it to myself forever" cliche


again, a good read, not too much tension but a nice enough mystery, good worldbuilding with some semi-novel concepts, and a good way to pass the time. <<less
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Kawaii Panda
Kawaii Panda
Mar 19, 2021
Status: --
Jeez, here goes another white lotus fake sister xD the family trust this bish so much that they didn' do anything when MC was framed ┐ (´д`) ┌ but so far its good


but as usual in these kind of stories, the bish probably controling them cause' she's selfish and stuff till the point where MC died. After that the ML will realise things and go crazy or something then do some kind of alchemy or magic to return the time xD


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Lord Meh Meh
Lord Meh Meh
Dec 29, 2021
Status: c36
Story is so painful to read. It has all the elements that I would typically like but its just poorly executed. I'm having a hard time even liking the main character with how clueless she is. And belive me I tried. If there's one thing the author managed to do right its to make me believe that someone like the MC can be lead around by the nose her whole life.
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Mar 20, 2023
Status: Completed
amazing character development and plot. Ever wanted the MC to not forgive her past abusers (in this case, it's neglect rather than abuse) instantly? This is it. She takes basically 4/5 of the novel, but it doesn't drag on this part, plot moves. After a while, it's quite obvious the Nacht family is brainwashed, but it's deeper than that, it goes back to a time where the Sienna might not even be born yet, the author isn't just trying to white-wash them.

the side stories are awesome and really completes the... more>> story, huge ass chapters so totally binge-able, translations are overall amazing. There's a manhwa that feels like it moves slower than the source/aka novel? That's just my personal opinion, the art is pretty tho <<less
6 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jan 07, 2022
Status: --
I'm enjoying this story very much thanks to the translator for picking up this gem.

Great to binge read, there are mixed reviews tbh those that had low ratings are confusing. The translation is great, very readable, easy to understand, so I'm not sure what difficulties they are experiencing?

They have said the pov changes and isn't clear when or how, it's not that difficult, the Duke's family are experiencing a strong sense of deja vu, they don't understand these feelings that makes them drawn inexplicably towards her, a feeling that they... more>> are desperate to understand. Their dreams are nightmares that don't reveal anything overly horrifying yet both brothers identify an overwhelming feeling of fear and dread but they don't understand why. They are on the cusp of remembering, it must feel incredibly frustrating...

She's not a reliable narrator, her pov is biased, the mystery that unfolds surrounding her unfortunate first life culminates in many new discoveries, that's what I like, finding out why she had such a miserable life. There was more going on than what you truly see... <<less
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Nov 01, 2022
Status: Completed
One of the best reads ever! Great writing by the author and awesome translations from the translator! :) Was not expecting the twists in the plot that way. MC stayed true to herself and super hardworking to change herself.

It's refreshing to see her rely on herself but slowly learning to trust others and put the past behind her even though it was a VERY painful one. Even more so when you read how those that wronged her suffered while trying to gain forgiveness from her.

The way the author wrote her... more>> trauma from being betrayed to the way the MC did some things are seriously relatable. The author didn't just poof trauma is gone and MC forgives everyone. But shows how deep rooted some trauma is that even after years, MC still fears it but she has learnt to somewhat cope with them then. <<less
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Jan 07, 2022
Status: c5
You either like this or don't, basically. I think it's really good, but it's not everyone's cup of tea.

Anyway, the story is pretty interesting and talks about this girl who's reborn after suiciding because of her sister's betrayal.

... more>>

The protagonist is definitely talented, but at the same time I think she's quite normal. She's definitely traumatized because of what happened in her previous life, but at the same time she changes during the story which is very realistic, becoming much more healthy.

For what regards her sister, though, she's definitely a genius. Not talent-wise, because she's actually not that skilled, but in regards to her intelligence. She manages to gaslight Sienna for ten years, telling her that she is the weak one and taking all her magic, ALL THE WHILE managing to abuse the fact that the Emperor is poisoned, maybe because of her, to get loved by everyone while she actually does nothing to heal him. The way she doesn't have crazy skills but goes so far without anyone even realizing is absurd, so much that Sienna would have no clue about any of that if it wasn't for being reborn.

Anyway, this story talks about Sienna. She's a good person and doesn't deserve to get played like a toy by her sister, so it's nice to see a world where she is put in first place and the effect it has on her mental health.

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Mar 26, 2023
Status: side story 9
It's been a long while since I gave a novel 5 stars on this site. It was so fricking GOOD that I found myself jumping from my seat.

It starts out really depressive since the author nailed to portray her trauma. You can really feel her untrust and it makes you question: Why the hell Nacth family acted so abusive in her 1st life? But don't let that fact make you stop reading this novel. They'll pay for their sins and give their hearts fully to the FL.

Like the fact... more>> the Natch weren't OP... They get bruised, hurt and make mistakes.
Especially Ashiel becoming more of an obsessive freak was entertaining. It was clear from the beginning he was the ML but I still continued ship Sienna with Hesaros for a long while. Anyway, ML is a desperate dog, I ADORE obsessive lunatics in love so I was satisfied with him.

Loreina's (the sister) ending went too soft for me and the actions in the last arc were a bit of a mess: The FL got way overpowered for my liking. I'm not cutting any points because I already fell in love with this book.

I remember reading someone saying: "It all went her way." Yeah, it's kinda right but didn't she deserve that after living that miserably?

1-I was glad to know all the abusive stuff from their past life was from brainwashing but not from their corrupt characters. Well, they fall for the spell very easily but they gained my pity in the end.
2-Grand Duke dying without seeing Sienna's garden got me sobbing. Then the funeral in the last chapter broke me down. I can't help but feel sad about his ending. I'd like to give him a BIG hug since Sienna couldn't give one. He deserved it. I was kind of salty with Sienna since she was too late to forgive them.
3-Ashiel blushing just because Sienna purified his hand, made me smile. How can he be so c u t e !!! :>

While their victory kiss I couldn't help but think about Lou. My poor guy. Sienna brought world peace while giving my boy the biggest heartbreak. I don't care about Admiral F-llatio's feelings, to be honest, his was a star strike only kinda love.

The last chapter's shortness physically hurt me, I didn't want to see the end.

As always Bluebells in Bloom group with their spotless translation. I really start to trust them with their story choices too. There was non I didn't enjoy since this day. Much love to them ♥️ <<less
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Jan 15, 2023
Status: Completed
Rating: 3.5/5

The story wasn't that bad. However, the MC didn't face many difficulties with the antagonists. It all kinda went her way.

Sienna suddenly became very powerful (Hesaros, doing incredible things) and basically forgave the people who adopted her (Duchy of Nacht) a bit too easily (after the way they mistreated her in her past life). Also, the way Duke Euros died was kinda rushed, and when Sienna was able to easily convince Loreina to sacrifice herself didn't feel right. Especially when Loriena hated Sienna so much.


But that's just my opinion.

All in all, the story isn't that bad, and would recommend you read it.
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Dec 28, 2022
Status: Completed
The story was kinda bland. The translation was amazing but the story... it felt very unfulfilling. Like having a soup that smells amazing and you taste hints of the delicious flavour but it never fills you up.

Also I dislike the use of fraud (you'll understand the term if you read the story) ... more>>

It was like everything the people did to the FL in the first life could be forgiven with just a few tears and pools of human decency and kindness. I wish the FL's path to recovery was fleshed out more and that the ML was the pirate/general dude. Also the ending for the "villainess" felt very unsatisfactory, I felt like her ending was much too lenient due to the excuse of being brainwashed, I would have preferred her living her life, regretting and suffering from her decision or learning from it. Also would have liked to have seen the ending of her parents who was honestly worse than her but never got much screen time.


Overall I feel like this story will be better as a manhwa than a novel. (And there is a manhwa btw) <<less
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Mar 07, 2023
Status: Completed
I love the story, I love the characters! Great character development for the baby girl Sienna. I really enjoyed seeing her character grows throughout the novel.

The story have a bit of slow romance since the earlier volume is telling us the story about the character background story and how she spend her new childhood days, and the romance will not be blossomed until the later volume when the babygirl reached adulthood. But then I do love how their love story come out later hehe.

Sometimes, the story might get a bit... more>> complicated but the translation team often make notes as a reminder and explanations and it was really helpful for the understanding through the entire story in case you forgot. I also like how they have long chapters and that this novel has been completely translated so I won't have to wait long for each chapters~

Anyway I really enjoyed this novel, thank you so much for the author and translation teams!~ <<less
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Feb 18, 2023
Status: side story 6
I give the story 3.5 stars, but rounded up to 4 for the translation team — Thank You!

... more>>

It didn’t show how Ashiel fell in love with Sienna in the first life. The author wrote that the Nacht family ignored her as soon as she entered the family; there were barely any interactions between her and any of the family members and when there were, they were hostile towards her, so how did he fall in love with her? I understand the guilt feelings they had towards her in the 2nd life, but I didn’t like how Ashiel was portrayed — I felt he was emasculated. Also, it explained that they were tainted, that’s why they were hostile towards her. They atoned for their neglect/sins in the previous life on the next life, so... Even in RL one would get off or get reduced sentence for reasons of insanity, she couldn’t give the old duke a break? Welp, I guess I just felt bad for the old duke...


The story is fine, easy read. I like the MCs and the side characters. There’s no one that’s over the top or any s*upid situation that would frustrate you or anything. Highly recommended! <<less
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Feb 13, 2023
Status: --

I really liked the mc's character and how strong willed and resolute she is in not forgiving them. I was really happy when she kept the line with Michael even after 7 years.

But all that got ruined when she literally falls for ashiel (more like tr*shiel) in like 1 second just because he kissed her. Like wtf?? Did the writer change or something??

Everything was going well until then, and suddenly MC goes from being strong to being weak in her knees just because someone kissed her. Ugh, thanks for ruining her entire character growth...

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Dec 21, 2022
Status: c167
It took me a little over a day to binge read both novels. It was well worth it. I am now prepared for the manhwa and light novel when they become available to read.

Thank you very much to the translation team, you guys did a wonderful job.
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Dec 02, 2022
Status: c166-167
This is a novel I have a love/hate relationship with--mostly because it can be kinda heavy and make me want to cry. But they're good tears! More from a release of the emotional tension than anything truly depressing. There are fun parts too, but it's the type of book you get emotionally invested in every time you pick it up. Whenever I ended a chapter and knew I had to wait for the next update, there was both excitement and relief😅

I personally think that the story is very rich, but... more>> the main focus is definitely character development. The world-building is also cool, with unique elements to it even while other parts are a bit cliché. Overall, I loved it and will probably end up reading it multiple times! <<less
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Nov 26, 2022
Status: Completed
Honestly, I'm kinda bored in the first few chapters (maybe bc of one page site for 12-20 translated chaps)... but I'm glad the plot thickens and it picked up really well until the end.

I really like the FL (Sienna), she's a femme fatale. The novel described her as a powerful OP and heroine halo... but it didn't bother me too much bc she was still emotionally humane, due to her past thus becoming a hard shell to crack due to her fear of repeat betrayal like before. Also, she didn't... more>> do unnecessary revenge but chose a good path to protect the world despite the unfairness she experienced before.

For the romance plot, she really didn't need ML but can't complain bc...

Ashiel got redemption and even treated FL as his goddess willing to sacrifice his heart and be a mad worshipper.


It's just disappointing that there's no epilogue especially most characters were interesting. Some questions also remained unanswered like the real background of Sienna and how she became so powerful? <<less
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