Taming Master


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The world’s largest scale virtual reality game, ‘Kailan’.

A well-known gamer in the virtual reality game community, Ian.

He reset his lv 93 character to obtain a hidden class… but the class he chose was the most useless class in Kailan, the summoner? On top of that, a call from his professor leads to a mental breakdown! To avoid academic probation, he must level up to the same level as his reset character in two months!

Associated Names
One entry per line
teiming maseuteo
테이밍 마스터
Related Series
Emperor of Solo Play (9)
The Legendary Moonlight Sculptor (6)
The Charm of Soul Pets (5)
The Second Coming of Gluttony (5)
Rebirth of the Thief Who Roamed The World (5)
Night’s Nomenclature (4)
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  4. Adventures
  5. Overpowered KR MCs Give Me Life

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11/05/18 Myoniyoni Translations c237
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62 Reviews sorted by

LunethL rated it
January 10, 2017
Status: c38
Taming Master is one of my favourites at the moment. The MC is OP for his level but still at the level where he would be a punching bag. The story is simple and focusses on the levelling of the MC and his familiars and the discovery of his new class, but it's a lot of fun to read. I personally like that for once there is no great threat or sinister plot (as of yet) behind the VRMMO and in-game problems are in-game problems and don't affect the real... more>> world that much. <<less
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ASplashOfMusic rated it
September 18, 2018
Status: c222
The setting of the game is interesting but quite unrealistic in my opinion. A game like Kailan with its development, its gameplay mechanics and AI isn't feasible. A large-scale project like that is very risky from a business point of view. Plus, the incorporating AI into most of the NPCs and even the creatures in the game. The MC always seems to come across such good fortune and gets dibs on most of the new content related to his character. The plot also isn't very deep or intricate as the... more>> novel's mostly narrating the MC's dominance in the virtual game. But still, I enjoyed reading TM. The thing that I liked the most about this novel is the interaction between the characters, and OP characters also have their own charm. It was fun reading about the MC's adventures and his awesomeness. <<less
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TheHawkk rated it
January 26, 2018
Status: c65
Urgh, leveling novels. Disgusting.

There's nothing worse than an inexperienced author that sets an MC out on an adventure all by himself. The characters we meet along the way are nothing more than simple extras, passing by never to be met again. Except of course for the rare few, who we'll meet once in a rare while. Few characters get any sort of development at all in the story.

Personally, I love dialogue and character interaction the most. It's where I learn the most about the characters and their personalities are fleshed... more>> out. A loner, who's traveling with nothing more than dull animal companions is one of the most boring things there is. It makes the world feel unreal to me, and like there's none else living in it. Like everyone else is nothing more than an extra to this story and it makes for a very lifeless and static world.

It's really goddamn repetitive too. The MC just goes around from area to area spending his time leveling. Grinding grinding grinding. How could anyone possibly think that's a good story? Not to mention that this MMORPG is just unbalanced as hell.

I don't know man, it's hard for me to review this novel at all because it's just so unmemorable. It's chock full of tropes with little no writing ability at all. Nothing much happens at all except for questing and leveling. Yeah... It's just there's nothing interesting about this to make it stand out from all the other countless VR novels, and when you combine it with the carbon cutout self-insert MC + the glaring issues with the storytelling, it makes for a very forgettable read. <<less
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Mr.Jello rated it
April 4, 2018
Status: c161
Score: 3.5/5 (Nice novel)

It's a fairly good novel if you like the summoning and evolution concepts.

That said, the early plot feels pretty bland, the first 100 chapters are almost all about grinding on dungeons, with little or no side character development. The best parts are when he gets or evolves familiars.

This novel is, in my opinion, pretty similar to emperor of solo play, but not everything is related to money.

The best part of the novel is the turtle familiar. (Made me laugh more than once).
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Marvel86 rated it
August 31, 2017
Status: c119
It is one of my favourite novel here at the moment. I started it cause I tired of MCs playing games for money - this one doesn't (at least at the moment). MC is just a regular game obsessed guy who enjoys playing the game.

For those who compare it to LMS or Ark - I agree that this novel is a lot more straightforward. It could be better in terms of plot development but to be honest I don't care about that. I find it highly entertaining anyway and for... more>> the first time ever since I started reading korean and chinese VRMMORPGs I am not getting annoyed with MC's greed (LMS and Ark are both shining examples of that).

For those saying that it is nothing like MMORPG I laugh at your faces. I spent years playing these games and although the latest crop of them seems to be virtually the same that does not rin true for all of them. I played games where you only could have one account, one character - quite a few of them in fact. True, the hidden classes don't exist it MMORPGs. However, you did not seem to mind that in LMS or Ark - so I'm calling you on your bs here. Finally, the matter of no purpose for MC - that's just how all the MMORGs are - first you grind like crazy to get levels, then you grind like crazy to get gear. Only then you you get involved in big leagues and get to enjoy a moment of being one of the bests in the game. After that, if there is new content release the vicious circle repeats. I don't know what kind of MMO experience you guys have bit that's pretty much 101 in my opinion. It may not be perfect for the novel but it rings true for the game kind nevertheless.

Ufff, that made me feel better. Now then...

The pros:

- likeable MC (just an ordinary dude)

- practically pure gaming experience (not much RL nor online drama)

- well written battle scenes

- nicely flowing plot

- no harem

- excellent translation


- could be a bit less lucky and more creative

- side characters are not very developed at the moment but since there is a rather limited amount of them I'm hoping it will change in the future

- dialogs are a bit... *scratches head sheepishly*


If you just want to read a feel good, drama free novel about online gaming this one's for you. <<less
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ISuckAtWriting rated it
March 12, 2021
Status: c400
The novel is quite decent as a time waster. The VRMMORPG setting of this novel is weird, but I am able to suspend my disbelief despite just how impossible the settings are (The pets being able to discuss gaming terms with the MC is meh). My biggest pet peeve so far is how the author writes the game developers. They are TOO FOCUSED on Ian, such that they are manipulating his progress from behind the scenes to an extent because apparently he is "Too Broken". No, that is not how... more>> it WORKS. You are not allowed to do that since you're tampering with the experience of a player. If you're gonna be angry at someone, be angry at yourself for allowing a player to do SOMETHING that he is not supposed to be able to do, since you clearly didn't program the game enough. How the hell does a player manage to

enter a stage that is LOCKED by the game moderators themselves?


My second biggest pet peeve is how the MC is written. The MC, for all the talk that he is an amazing gamer at the top 5s with amazing coordination skills, is not just forgetful but also at times clumsy and even more s*upid than his pets and retainers. He had a skill that allows a pet to learn a skill at the cost of 20 potential early on in the story (which is very useful and overpowered), which he just uses in like 4 chapters on his wolf afterwards he NEVER USES IT AGAIN and is never mentioned in the story. To be fair that is obviously something the author forgot more than anything. Aside from that, he also forgets important game details, quests, NPCs, mechanics, items, etc. At the very least the author is loyal to the fact that the MC is a gaming addict geek who often skips schools and ignores his social life for his game, which is honestly more of a personality problem more than a characteristic. If the author decided to write an arc dedicated to the MC making his life more balanced and healthier, the story might just improve, but what are we gonna do about it if the author decided that Ian should stay as a lifeless gaming nerd. Also, the romance portion of the story is so insignificant and forgettable. Its basically wordcount filler at this point.

The author around the middle of the story writes Ian as if he is at the center of the universe. Hell,

he basically solo cleared the entire main story questline in the middle part of the story by getting the item that allows him to summon those celestial warriors to fight against the devils, which them allowed him to earn the recognition of the dragon god which helped the human side win the war. Like wow, way to go on making it clear to everyone that it was one guy who fixed the main story problem.

Ian here always getting lucky 24/7/365 with the help of his thick, adamantium plot armor.

Third is how the characters are written. They're all shallow and lame. They converse with one another as if they're 3rd Graders. There's nothing interesting with anyone in this story. You can summarize their whole conversation with two sentences and you won't lose out to anything. The only reason why I rated this 2 stars is because its at least a good time waster. Other than that, lame plot, boring characters, bad worldbuilding, etc. <<less
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bloggbigg rated it
January 18, 2021
Status: Completed
I finally 'finished' this. It is not 'completed'- Vol 1 is 'complete'- and ends on a cliff. Vol 2 is untranslated, Vol 3 ongoing...

The Good:

  • MC is mostly likable
  • General situations and plotting are ok-good. There are some issues, but it's got interesting bits.
The BAD:

  • Legendary Moonlight Summoner was better (and this clearly says 'I can do that too', misses why LMS was good, and does pedantic LitRPG instead. Ah, not 'pedantic'- that would be praise- whatever 'looks like' pedantic, only without any actual research/accuracy).
  • Holy heck, 1st class OP MC, Gary Stu Adventure. The MC will win all the things.
  • Later in the story, the combat plotting is on rails. Whatever is narrated is true, DESPITE what was said before and your basic common sense about the current situation. Author circumvents power imbalance issues by just ignoring MC is OP sometimes, and instead saying 'this is troublesome' for 'drama'.
  • So much 'Lucky MC' nonsense.
  • So much 'So you're a summoner, eh?' bonus
  • The VR game is (of course) super imbalanced in nonsense ways that would render it borderline unplayable IRL.
  • Author has no idea how game development works, nor how big a project team is/what they actually do.
  • Author has no idea how MMOs actually fix balance problems, technical issues (Nerfs, Rollbacks, Removals).
  • Almost all human characters are shallow plot puppets. A few AI characters show more agency/development for some reason, but 'whatever'.
The Different:

  • Nothing. well, if we stretch, the magic system in the game is somewhat unique. More a 'slap together', hodge-podge of 'neat things'- but 'there ya go'.
Altogether, it's an ok time killer with a few high points.
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Master10K rated it
June 13, 2020
Status: c598
An "Original" Korean VRMMORPG where players are locked into their one and only avatar, and class resets are blasphemous to non-beginners. And so the story follows the hardcore gamer Park Jinsung, who's socially inept and the bane of existence for the incompetent game devs trying to balance their exploitable game. He stumbles upon the Super Special Summoner class, that's 100% reliant on pets, unlike all the other AI companion classes found in these type of VRMMO WNs. And for a time this story is nothing but fun, when delving into... more>> the mechanics of raising pets and the build up of Guild territories.

That is until the "Devildom" Patch, which irrevocably breaks the game's balance, the fan translation turns to complete garbage and the author continuously espouses the greatness of Ian/Jinsung. This could easily have been an incredibly engaging Gamer's Wet Dream, with a solid romantic relationship & business management aspects, if the author was any good at conveying subtle details in both the dialogue and the world. Nevertheless often he just skips past potentially good moments, just to return to more grinding & questing. <<less
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Draigon rated it
February 2, 2020
Status: c598
All I can say is that the ending was extremely disappointing... I truly hate novels which end in this style but I suppose if it did carry on, it would just be the exact same thing over and over again so I can't really blame the author for ending it so abruptly imo.

However, one thing I would criticise are the real life interactions outside of the game which were basically pointless and had little to no impact on the story and something which what I would count as sh*tty filler.... more>> For example, him having a girlfriend and her being hardly relevant in the story since he literally spent 20 hours or so everyday inside the game and so had basically no contact with her... Honestly, what is the point of knowing that he has a beautiful girlfriend other than to boost the MCs standing especially since he hardly interacts with her also the fact that she doesn't even join him on his adventures makes her character pointless.

Well overall I'd say this was one of the better MMORPG novels I've read if you can get over the open ending that the author had finished it with. People say these type of endings are good and it allows your imagination to take over but, for me it just shows the author can't be bothered to finish it off and is lazy imo. Well I can't really say much since I've never written a novel/book before so take this review how you will since I have read about 100 or so mmorpg novels to know whats good and what isn't, maybe.... <<less
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WordsOfWisdom rated it
August 10, 2019
Status: c432
When you see the rating 5* in this novel, they gave that when the novel is around below 250 chapters. Which also still quite good translation team doing there job. But after it changed hand.. Meh it going worse (It just the external things and not about novel content). Ok I will review about this Novel and the content in there. Actually this novel is quite good at the beginning.
it give us the environment of virtual reality game.. With such freedom for user to do what they want. And here the MC is a pro player who got the chance to change his class, yes to get the class of "TAMING MASTER". So then the story goes.. It was good, but until the Author make some s*upid move.
The Author make the Game Developers to interfere with the player progress. For example they try to block the MC quest so he cant continue. For me if it just once, then it still fine. But it keeps going on. They keep interfere with player.. how should a game got it "Freedom" when the GM interfere with player? it's totally s*upid that makes the story completely ruined. don't get me wrong, the novel got high rating because the early start. I am too giving 5 stars at the beginning, but when the story progress, the Inconsistencies start to pop out like a shit. for example: There is an item called "Dimensional Bead" which need 7 days to recharge before it could be used again, but later on the MC use it like there is no Cooldown time. He use it whenever he wants.

Not to mention there is also a player called Hoonnie which role are Black Magician, he is a Ranker but his actually age is about 12 - 14 years old. He also has a real life activities, such go to school but he can play around 20 hours a day, yeah its 20. Can you imagine a kid play that long and still didn't have a problem with schools life?. Its also mentioned that this kid scared his mother and homework from school. Can you explain this common sense? They all need to do that to match with MC gaming style which can play straight around 40 hours

that is just the example, if you read the novel you will find out the other. But the most s*upid and disgrace thing is, the people who translate and edit this Novel didn't do their job, when reading this novel you will feel the same feeling reading a Machine Translator


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Mr. B
Mr. B
May 5, 2019
Status: --
I feel like at this point if someone picks it up no one would mind, since the folks who claimed the copyright clearly did nothing with it and left it in the dust.
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Finore rated it
May 2, 2019
Status: c187
It's a great and funny read. People complain about how the VRMMO side is depicted, but here it's merely a medium, the story is built around the characters not the game itself.

Edit: Why is the author (or translator) obsessed with pointing out the number of eyes everyone has? (So far they all have two, even the monsters)
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Ixcez rated it
August 9, 2018
Status: c212
Some reviews on here say's this is not similar Legendary Moonlight Sculptor but lets be frank here this is pretty much a carbon copy on so many levels. For instance both novels MC's are super similar, their gameoholics, greedy and dense. The setting of the novel is also very similar, poor guy makes a living as a gamer, and fights with a ton of super strong minions that let's the MC challenge content that is 10-100+ levels above them or against content that needs groups of players but because of... more>> OP pets/summons/etc the MC = the strength of 5-10 people at least on their own and again +10-100 levels above their own. Some parts within the first 200 chapters also feels like a direct copy paste from parts of LMS.

What really differs between the two and what makes Taming Master somewhat of a worse read in my book is the simple fact that the battles are over simplified mostly ending with the MC's pets just one hitting everything. But the worst part with the novel is the simple fact that A LOT of stuff is simply skipped. For instance parts that should be 5-10 chapter might just be done in 2-3 chapters by having the author write about stuff then the chapter either cuts of or we time skip, if it cuts of it sometimes simply skips over to either keep the reader in "suspense" or simply because the author wants to move on. Sad part is that the stuff skipped over to 90% of the time is just skipped over as if the author is giving the reader the finger and saying "deal with it".

Another things is that early on it focuses on stats, skills, gear etc. However over time this is just ignored for the most part like for instance every 20 levels from 10, 30, 50, 70 etc the MC is supposed to get 2 random skills but from lvl 90 or 110 the author just stop mentioning them at all not even bothering to say why the MC stopped getting them or if he has been getting them and the author don't mention the skills. While small things as a reader it annoys me when the author introduces a bunch of stuff and then just throws it out the window or just forgets/ignores it like it was never there to begin with.

Overall the writing is fair enough but sporadic on quality and as mention the author skips things all the time some of it quite funny but overall it is simply just an okey read and I would say that reading LMS would be a much better use of one's time.

It get's 2-3 stars from me depending on arcs. <<less
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bodesagaz rated it
January 24, 2018
Status: c55
This is tr*sh, and quite the tr*sh to make me do a review even though there is nothing good about it to talk. Believe me, calling this novel tr*sh isn't a offense by any means. It not only lacks any quality, it's plain and througly s*upid. That's right, s*upid.

Fristly there is no real introduction about the game, it only says that is amazing, detailed and more amazing. What I could scrap about the game so far is that it's shitty. What kind of game only allows you to have one... more>> character and doesn't let you change class unless you reset/delet you char, moreover has some kind of "hidden public effect" that increases the stats pf a reseted character. It's not like you have to make a quest and reset to levelup again and get even stronger. You just buy a potion and that's it. Now you have cheat stats and go for top class titles and special classes.

The writing is also disgusting. It's repetitive, sloppy and random. The most basic math doesn't works here. Even though one of his familiars has 5 times the defense then other monster of his level, a hit that deals several thousand dagame to the MC or his other familiars only deals 1 damage to it. So by having fivefold defense he can block a higher-ranking boss-class monster of more the double of his level and specialized in attack, with no trouble at all.

There is a celebrity-like beaty in his Uni that he didn't know about, he meets her in the game, use her as a meat shield and she falls for him. After he refuses a date to test a new skill and lies to her, he still goes to anoter date because he died due do make a mistake that only a kid pr a completely clueless noob could do. He is suposedly a game expert that completely relies upon a familiar that is fragile and has no means to escape a dangerous situiation. But thats not all, he throws this familiat into danger and doesn't think of any method or does anything to cover it.

There is no character, plot or cenario consistency whatsoever. So even if you don't think about it and just read by glossing it all over (like te author wrote) you will still be annoyed by random thoughts, random events and random behaviour.

If you want to waste your time, it's better to stare the ceilling, as at least you would just fell bored, but not disgusted.

If you really want to read a good VR story, theb I'm sorry, but you will have to write one. <<less
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Shiara rated it
August 24, 2017
Status: c117
Its a really good novel I really enjoyed it, because of its good speed it never gets boring and his abilities are really fun too spectate aswell. Too say its not close enough too an mmorpg is nonsense. You might ask yourself why is that, ill tell you. Do you ever experienced an vrmmorpg ? Do you know what futer vrmmorpgs will be able to do? I mainly play mmorpgs and for me its no reason too whine, aslong as you dont search for mistakes (which you shouldnt do anyways... more>> because you read that novel because its fun, no?) you will happily enjoy it. Exceptions prove the rule <<less
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lamb rated it
May 29, 2017
Status: c87
There isn't a away to display this in the stars, so I hope you read the review.

I would give this book a 7/10. It is light hearted fun, and most people will probably like it if you can get past some awkward cliches. The cliches, are few and far between however. Taming Master is about the life of a gaming addict; I think it does a great job of showing that.
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Ferhul von Catonyan
Ferhul von Catonyan
June 16, 2022
Status: c438
First time I see that resetting an account and selecting a not-so-popular class actually allows you to become the most beloved by heavens, it almost seems like the game itself is gifting everything to the MC, almost??
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January 10, 2022
Status: c114
many people are crying how resetting is bad cuz you cant min-max like everyone does in any mmo.
but the thing is... usually players dont create builds, and theories themselves they just use things that were made for them. (aka blindly following)

MC does min-maxing his character, pets, and even guild base. (he is trying to maximise everything) but he is doing this by himself ! he is going at the forefront of others so there is no guides or builds available to use. not to mention his hidden class.
some were complaining that other people cant play summoners ? well that`s not true. there are hundreds of summoners walking around (even though their playerbase is lower then other class.) and MC is not the only one who made a reset of his character to play a new class.

even though hidden class is rare, it is not like other people cant find their own hidden class.

the only downside is author went from "0 to infinity" too fast.
he gave MC high ranked pets too fast imo.
i`d rather have more enjoyment to read this if author had put more limitations on MC and slowly made him stronger.

overall it`s a good novel with decent writing for those who love and understand this genre.
again VRMMORPG is not = MMORPG even though it may seem like it at first glance but it's not.
in vrmmo you always have only 1 character. there are no endless amounts of secondary twin characters like in mmo. and that changes everything.
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LeBlaine rated it
March 5, 2021
Status: --
I tell you all, this one deserves the highest rating. I recommend you to read it 💟

What I love in Taming Master the most is that, it's not set to be 'the main character should be the most OP in VR' wherein most of the manhwas out there or even novels had.

It's not the cliche 'domination of ALL the OP titles and powers in the whole VR world', as if there's no balance within the classes.

... more>> I tell you guys, it's not that at all.

Each classes have their own Monarch route quests depending on the possible rating of the player itself on how well he do most especially how he can have affinity with the NPCs. It's definitely a free world where it depends what kind of a player's character, personality, perseverance, and results you have

Taming Master is not an obvious story but a very adventurous one. To be honest I never saw a chapter where I find it boring or have the need to skip. I'm currently above 260 chapters now and I still love the flow of the story. The ML is not arrogant too he is just a decent player addict and very good at controls. He also have well filed documents and plans about his experiences to come up future results. He is a genius and very serious in game.

I remember what Ian, the ML, said before that playing this game, hunting or grinding never betrays his effort and time.

Second of all. This ML is a pure soul and nit a money greedy maniac who dont really care about others circumstances.

I really love how his relationship with their guild members. Imagine someone who's strong enough to carry his members everyday in a dungeon just to help them while trying to break his time record? He also remember to give a bunch of fortiying stones for the guild. He is also someone who is not greedy enough to keep his points to himself. He spends it also willingly for the sake of the guild.

Well I really also love the fact how pure and cute are his reactions towards Harin. Honestly speaking he is a One Woman Man who dont have pervy tendencies. It's like he never expect himself to be a guy who a girl will have interests on. Because he admits to himself that he is only good at games hahahaha <<less
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rhianirory rated it
December 31, 2020
Status: c300
it's OK; decent enough as a light read but don't expect too much. there are a few things that don't make sense and the author tends to forget skills and abilities right after assigning them. there are also pets and retainers and his demon s*ave that vanish for many chapters only to pop up for a paragraph here and there or they just fade away entirely.

i think his manipulation of bbookbbook and his treatment of his other summons/retainers/friends/s*aves is supposed to be funny... maybe it's a Korean thing because I... more>> didn't find it funny. by chapter 300 I was really hoping for a little character growth from the MC but it didn't happen. <<less
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