The Marquis’ Eldest Son’s Lascivious Story


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A Japanese salary man was reincarnated in a different world with swords and magic. He reincarnated into the family of a powerful noble. One day when he became twelve years old, he was suddenly summoned by his father.

「 I do not mind whether it is a woman in the town or a maid in our house, learn about women.」

Having gained the permission of his father, he uses his power as a noble to have his way with women.

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MoinsFaen rated it
October 13, 2023
Status: v2c213
Overall I like the MC, and if you read more you never get boring of adult scene

But, I don't like more political story in ch 190+, just like why? I know author try it to improve the story, but the drama is more more complextible that make you just "is s*x scene?" I think no adult anymore, just echi like similar story and the atmosphere was almost unnoticeable or no satisfy

And problem is early chapter you build adult story, and now you give me drama politic level Hard

Ok, but if... more>> the result no great reward, is just bait to longer the story. I mean, give MC win after the conflict 1 princess s*ave or something. Just make it worth it🥴 <<less
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gyan7 rated it
October 4, 2023
Status: --
r*pe is one thing. But this guy just r*pes little girls, s*aves left right and center. There's lot of emotional trauma and crying involved on their part. And, he doesn't seem to care about them. Just throws them away like a used sanitary napkin after he's done. Literally a miser when it comes to them too considering that he's a reincarnated earthling. Of-course, that world doesn't really have a lot of morals but its kind unreal how in a span of 13 years of age (most of which he spent... more>> training magic, gaining knowledge) ; he's turned out this way.

Power trip is one thing but this guy is more of a villain. Some people called it realistic and it might be for some people acting out this way. But would you really not consider being more cautious even if so? Its graphical and that's alright. But as stated, no plot. No build-up. No character intro or nothing much about them. He just comes across random girl X, Y, Z and r*pes them. Nexxxxt! Literally just this in a nutshell.

Actually surprised its rated at a 4/5. Shocker. But I guess it could make sense since pure mindless r*pe novels like these are rare and some are only into those. And only the ones who are actually into these would usually come in to rate it at a 4-5 star to encourage it. Because they want more like it. <<less
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AcceptingTanuki rated it
May 29, 2023
Status: c286
As others have said, the second volume is a completely different novel. The *plot* is almost completely gone and it turns into a political and wartime story with long digressions into the history and religion of the world. For example, there are long rants about why sunflower oil is used in priest rituals, about the history of fallen houses that never come up again, etc. On the one hand, it helps to fill out the world--but on the other, almost all of these digressions are incredibly boring and add nothing... more>> to the overall progression of the story. You can safely skip almost all of them without missing anything.

Of more concern however, is that you can expect the majority of the heroines to be forgotten in this second arc.

If I recall correctly, there aren't any more scenes with Odie, Anna, Tiko, etc. Likewise, even characters that are important for the plot, like Lupetta, are forgotten for fifty chapters at a time only to reappear in unsatisfying POV shifts without the main character. (Basically, the author remembered they exist and threw them back in for a chapter before going back to ignoring them again.)


The last big con for me is the NTR vibes. To be clear, there hasn't been any *actual* NTR yet, BUT:


Lupetta who features prominently for quite a few chapters and naturally is one of the main character's women, is proposed to in a way that implies that she agrees to the marriage and then isn't mentioned for dozens of chapters. You're left in limbo for a long time just assuming she's already married and sleeping with the other guy, until eventually there's another chapter where you find out that she's delayed the marriage until she gets approval from her village. Cue a lot more chapters where she doesn't come up, then you find out that the village agreed to the marriage... then nothing.

Likewise, the MC is promised that he can have his sister Fannie (yes, I know, the in*est is a completely different topic to go into). Shortly thereafter however, his father tentatively agrees to marry her off to the prince instead. There are some mitigating factors, but there's quite a few chapters spent on the MC trying to stop the marriage.

Anyway, that might not bother you, but I find it a little too NTR-adjacent for my tastes.


TLDR: If you came for smut, the first volume is probably 4 stars. If you're not looking for a genre shift focused on wars in volume two, then it's a straight 2 stars. <<less
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Hggat6 rated it
March 7, 2023
Status: c273
MC is tr*sh and yeah as*hole but he is not merciless or ruins every ones life he is greedy noble that wants pu*sy nothing more he is strong and he have duty to project land from enemy plus monster if he die people really f*cked so ? He f*cking some chicks bad thing ? No not all and yes he still as*hole but good as*hole nothing more.

Monsters really dangerous here if they cant hunted down in shorth time they gonna ruin land and if that happens thats means you can... more>> grow things here thats why nobles need to exist because they have mana and mana means everything in this world.

For a story its classic noble fights scheming yada yada theres many arc here and lot of s*x scenes and that scenes really good and yes they are violent but this is DARK style novel so be warned.

İf nobles dont hunt down monster then game over for everybody thats why people dont do anything againts nobles because they cant if they kill them or something like that WORLD gonna be cursed by this monster so thats summary of this story plus MC wanna some pu*sy plus ambition of MC.

This is really dark and violent novel be warned here if you like classic Chinese and Korean martial arts style reader high possibility this is not for you and please dont rate this one because you gonna hate it from start and I see many 1 and 2 stars without reason and thats bad for this novel you ruining other people chance to read this novel and liking it so thats all for me.

One last hing this is like Game of thrones so be warned.

Edit:Author is BACK YAY! <<less
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magthefma4 rated it
May 11, 2022
Status: --
If you are a smut fan, this is not the kind of thing you should spend your time reading. If you are not and this is your first try at a smut story, I hope you like the s*x because the story probably won't interest you.

The world building hardly interests me. It's boring.

The characters barely have any personality.

The s*x... lengthy and boring.
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Alexom rated it
September 21, 2020
Status: c87
I have read a few adult novels so far and this one really intrigued me.

the Lead character acts on his impulses but is smart about it too. The side casts does have some character but don’t expect too much.

dont expect a plot, this is more of an young lord on his journey to conquer as many woman as possible.

... more>> the s*x scenes are good, enough to get you aroused and imagine yourself in it.

the world building and setting is just another medieval ages magical isekai nothing special.

So far this is good enough for me to keep on wanting for more, I sincerely hope a good translator will dedicate themselves to this series. <<less
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