Ero Gacha


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One day when my smartphone broke, I went to visit the electric district to buy a replacement and found a strange ominous feeling smartphone shop in a back alley. There seems to be unbelievable capsule toy cards. This is the story about the turning point of my life, after which I, who am not popular, experience personal erot*c scenarios.

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Recommendation Lists
  1. All Ero
  2. Novelprn
  3. Erotic
  4. Dark Romance

Latest Release

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10/28/17 Machine Sliced Bread c20
10/03/17 Machine Sliced Bread c19
09/03/17 diwasteman c18
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2 Reviews sorted by

Fluffums rated it
October 12, 2020
Status: c87
Don't expect anything from the plot. It's also as much comedy as erotic, and both are fairly random, though to me that's the charm of an "ero gacha" - the results really feel random and not predetermined the way most gacha stories are. There are a lot of fun scenarios and a lot of weird scenarios - many fetishes will be explored from one item or another including netori, but those are mainly side events that don't affect the main story (?) much and you can safely ignore any of... more>> the item events if you don't like them.

If there's a reason I rated this 3 and not 4 (not giving 5 to a story without a solid plot unless it has amazing h-scenes), it's the lack of... continuity? There are many characters who get introduced, are in love with the main character or at least in lust, they get added to the harem, and... you never see them again. And most of the ones you see again are only given a little screen time aside from the one main heroine. The gacha itself gets reset twice for new mechanics at the start of each new arc, there are different settings at various places, one full arc is mostly isekai, there's a random baseball subplot, etc. If there's any one aspect the story takes seriously, it's the yandere part.

If you go into this and get too attached to the cute girls you meet early on, you'll probably get sorely disappointed. If you go into this thinking there will be a variety of erot*c and/or funny scenarios and like to guess how he'll use the random items he'll get, you'll probably enjoy it quite a lot. <<less
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Blovix rated it
June 7, 2019
Status: --
It's pretty cool. The idea that he uses items to affect his targets in a s*xual way is actually much more interesting and well done that I thought it would be and I enjoyed it alot. Almost a 5 but not enough chapters for me to put it there.
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