The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy


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[The Demon King is Dead] is a story in which the Demon King was immediately killed off in the Prologue.

And I became the ‘Demon Prince’ of said novel.

…Help me.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Demon King of the Royal Class
The Devil Comes To The Academy
마왕은 학원에 간다
Related Series
The Main Heroines are Trying to Kill Me (11)
The Novel’s Extra (6)
Love Letter From The Future (4)
The Regressor and the Blind Saint (4)
The Villain Who Robbed the Heroines (4)
Little Tyrant Doesn’t Want to Meet with a Bad End (4)
Recommendation Lists
  1. thesauce
  2. grateful's list of novels I'm grateful for
  3. Nice story
  4. My little corner
  5. enjoyed my time

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183 Reviews sorted by

Hosh rated it
April 28, 2023
Status: Completed
The MC, while not utterly ret*rded. Isn't very smart. Along with most the classic shonen characteristics.

The fights, again, are insanely shonen. They usually involve the MC overcoming odds with his determination, all that bullshit. Not necessarily a bad thing tho.

The 1st ability MC gets is insanely powerful and he gets it for an utterly bullsh*t price but tbh, it's managed fairly well. Its not insanely strong and leaves you questioning how ret*rded the MC must be to struggle against anything with it like 'I fell into the Game with Instant... more>> Kill'

The relationships are written really well.

It SHOULD be a 4-5 stars.

But ELLEN. I'm so pissed. She was best girl in the beginning but it seems like the author didn't know where to take her character in the later halves of the story. Her character also had a pretty unsatisfying conclusion.

She's somewhat similar to Iris West from CW's the Flash. (For some reason I just that show a lot when describing novels lol). Just on a much smaller scale. You know something frustrating and unreasonable is about to happen whenever she gets screen time. It's a totally different contrast from the early chapters. Where I'd leave mildly disappointed if Ellen didn't appear <<less
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new cultivator
new cultivator rated it
February 21, 2023
Status: c74
first half should add slice of life bc it's not only boring but very slow as well with barely anything happening besides MC constantly thinking to himself. 75 chapters of almost nothing of value.

The plot is driven by plot armor aka system missions and initial plot setting. "Oh there's a demon auction next chapter, save them" popping out like it's nobody's problem, but there's nothing wrong bc it's the world's settings. That's what I call the lazy but smart way of forcing w/e u want in the plot. Also plot... more>> and world building are so empty that he can make w/e up it would just fill the void and not look forced.

No character dev in 70 chapters besides some nobles not bullying the main character anymore. Also I hate how he somehow turned the evil bit*h noble into a cute and likable character as if her previous words and actions hadn't happened. That's not character dev, the only thing she learned was to not fck with the MC, idk if she stopped bullying commoners but it would make no sense whatsoever.

Now the MC was made to seem smart but with a snappy personality even tho the only thing he's ever done is fight with every single person he could ever fight with. Idc if the author succeeded in making him look cautious with inner thoughts, but the reality is that he's forcing his 30 yo MC into acting like the most ret*rded guy through plot armor and even trying to make him look cool as well.

Another thing is how he wrote somehwere in the middle that the only reason he's being aggressive is to not being stepped on as if it wasn't his real personality when everything else just shows that he rly just has a garbage personality. Idk how some people even think he acts his age : 30yo beating 16yo = morally correct. Also don't hit me with the "he had to" "that was the only way" bc that's not the point. The author is so good at misleading ppl he could litterally change everything, make the MC some peace lover and he would still be able to make u believe everything is objectively correct and right.

My final point is that author is just good at influencing people's oponion through his hundreds of inner thoughts paragraphs + the fact that there's no bs nonsense and very big flaws. It's mid at c75 but it surely gets better as it's this well liked and his first novel. <<less
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Novel binger
Novel binger rated it
December 10, 2022
Status: --
Super slow paced, like there could be multiple chapters you read but only a couple minutes passed, also really hard to read through the first part where he just entered the academy, really frustrating and I don't believe there will be a good payout given the pacing and I don't even want to like the first main heroine, the princess or whatever, she's not a likeable character at all, I actually like the prince more, so frustrating to read this

It's just not interesting enough for me to keep reading and... more>> I'm sick of these "it gets good after the first 100 chapters" arguments

'tr*sh Count' had a great beginning and kept me reading, so did 'Everyone else is a returnee' and plenty of other novels, this is just stagnant and frustrating <<less
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Decarabia rated it
July 17, 2022
Status: c14
I haven't gotten too far into the story to give it an in-depth review, but the main reason for the score I gave is: there is a huge amount of inner dialogue and exposition from the get go, that completely swallow the plot.

I'm all for diving deeper into the character's reasoning process, motivations and feelings. However, all the inner dialogue led to decisions that are second nature and need no explanation at all, or are entirely lacking in intelligence whatsoever. Reading such passages tired my eyes so that I couldn't... more>> find any desire to keep going.

As the author rationalized the inner and outer world, something that could be genuinely interesting and possibly smart became dull and full of holes. The entire sequence up to the 14th chapter looked extremely sketchy, giving me the impression that the MC was an idiot, who only made it through because everyone around him was equally foolish (soldiers, priests, citizens, even the royal children).

To mention a few things: the soldiers were insanely unreliable most of the time (trusting their own moral code rather than established orders), the mages worthless (even if it was enemy tech, couldn't they even detect a magical illusion or notice that MC did not actually show signs of torture?) the prince's helpers incapable of making an obvious choice (killing the princess and silencing the rest), the princess and her guard apparently blind, deaf and careless (did not immediately call MC on the gargoyle and demon uprising, his knowledge of demon castle, nor paid attention to his disappearance), etc. For one or other thing to happen, it's fine, but all of that? It would at least be tolerable if the author didn't spend so much time talking about such things.

In-between MC's thoughts, the author chose to give a lot of detail to the world laws and some backstory. Same for the interaction with his own system. Unless you're a true appreciator of game systems, you'll be in for some really boring passages.

Overall, in 14 chapters I can say that the actual progress was no more than 2-3 chapters of a regular novel. I believe that those who find it interesting do not care at all for the inconsistencies who could be patched later on, may be refreshed that the psychological aspect is explored and thus fleshes out characters, and genuinely enjoy the world designs explained. To me, it was a boring experience. <<less
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May 23, 2022
Status: c170
Pretty good. This is one of those novels where the romance was done pretty well, it doesn't feel forced (so far at least). Probably my concern is with MC's ability. I feel like the author could just randomly pull out something from his ass and say that it was MC's ability.

... more>>

I saw the spoilers. it's a happy ending (i think? I only saw the illustration but seems like it), it's the harem ending as always. There was some drama in the middle, but I think we all saw that coming from the early chapters lol.

Something like you betrayed us, you demon bla bla bla... and all that good stuff.

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nakie08 rated it
April 1, 2022
Status: v1c130
This novel had a rough start but it quickly builds up it's own charm along with its pace. While I won't call it the best of the novels I'm currently reading, it's pretty high up there right now.

The first few chapters felt like the author was still undecided about whether or not to commit to writing this novel. There's a very noticeable indecision to the author's writing style. You'd also notice a lot of plot holes from the very beginning but the author promptly cleaned those up in subsequent chapters... more>> smoothly. Due to this I also suggest you try to ignore the negative comments from people who just read the very beginning of the series. If you really want to judge this novel to the fullest I suggest you read up until the titular demon price actually goes to the titular university.

The thing I loved most about this novel are the characters. They aren't just there to populate a world. They each have their own distinct personalities, goals etc. The story is also very loose in giving distinction on who's a villain and who's not. The plotlines are kinda generic tbh but the execution is excellent for the most part.

I recommend giving this one a try. <<less
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RedKaiser rated it
January 28, 2022
Status: 60+
The premise is great and it is a Korean novel that know for good fast paced story but this novel managed to the the worst of it.

The thing I hate the most is too much info dump and MC do fcking too much self reflection!

He talk to himself alone a lot!

... more>> I mean the plot is good but the pacing is killing it like literally kill the novel.

MC is an author that transmigrated into his own novel but his don't know much of it because his novel is full of plot hole. His personality is almost a mad dog but that was understable because even I pissed off is a kid mentally younger than me kept looking for trouble.

And his s*xual orientation warped because he is demon prince so JK girl doesn't turn him on because they kids.. A high school girl doesn't turn you on means you gay! <<less
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AImmortalZ rated it
January 2, 2022
Status: c93
Because I'm presently reading this, I'm on chapter 93 of the novel "The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy." I'm not sure how I feel about the finale, but the content and previous chapters were enjoyable to read. I enjoy the MC's personality, which is that he pretends to be a b*stard when he isn't. As written, after the Demon King died, the MC was reincarnated in the body of the Demon Prince. He isn't overpowered, but he isn't the best either, as the temple is full of geniuses (the... more>> location). He's just right for a male lead. Although he isn't particularly distinctive, I appreciated the story. The MC is also still a virg*n. He is innocent, but at the same time, he is not because he had an adult mentality. Please accept my apologies for my messy review, and thank you to the author and translators for their work on this novel. <<less
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luckymorris rated it
September 15, 2021
Status: c21
3 star to keep it neutral because I think that this novel just isn't for me. I can't take the story seriously when there is the main character that keep saying that the world he lives in is just a book, that "this and that are cliché" and so on... It just feels like no one in this world matters, they're just living to punish the main character for his (petty) sins that he must atone for to get in heaven (that is the actual story), I don't understand why... more>> authors do that, it really brings nothing but negative to the story. <<less
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Roby1610 rated it
August 28, 2021
Status: c646
So im redoing my review after reading all the that werent translated yet (you can find the original chapters on the translators original discord server).

So this story can be divided into 2 halfs. I honestly believe that it peaks at the end of part 1 with the end of the school arc. That isnt to say part 2 is bad, but that its kind of rough.

The first half of the gate event starts with a 2 year time skip. Honestly that was kind of needed and isnt that bad. Everyone blames themselves for what happened and thats honestly great since the best part of the gates event is just how ironic it is and how bad timing and the actions of the protagonist come back to bite him in the ass. A casse of how destiny always finds a way to get you to make something happened if it was destined to be.
A bit sadly is the fact that the author clearly didnt plan on what to do after the gates open and so the plot feels rough here. There are a few things that feel a bit forced. It isnt actually so bad compared to some other series, but noticable because it wasnt like this in the first part of the story.

Still the author later figures out what he wants to do with the story and now were here in a very intresting situation with twists and turns all around.

The situation is all very ironic. The main problem not even being the gates (they are more there to justify the conflict, rather than being the main conflict). Instead the main problem is the people. The rulers who are in charge of both sides arent the problem, but the people who want someone to blame for this. It doesnt help that said rulers are also to blame for this. From the MC who is now the demon king who is hatted by humanity even though he tried to stop the gates from oppening, to Bertus who is now the emperor, Ellen who is now the hero and Charlotte who disnt believe in him. A sad situation where their mistakes caused milions of deaths.

And now that they understand each other and are on the same page, thye strugle to deal with people who are angry at what happened, while also dealing with the gates themselves. This also creates what you could probably consider the true antagonists of the story.

In yet another ironic twist of events its actually a few class b guys that are the main antagonists right now. Due to Bertusea own depsperation to end the gates incident, he gave a bit too much power to a few class b guys. That is to say he made them build a super weapon to fight the gates monsters. Said super weapon is an army of immortal undeads created from the strongest peoppe in human history. And one of the class b students, who is now in control of said army and went kind of crazy bwcause of what happened after the gates opened has found out why everything happened the way it did and the 2 others who helped her make the army (though they arent all that for her plans) have decided to not let the people who created this mess (aka the protagonists) do whatever they want with the world. So now with Ludwig (the original stories mc), who joined them later on because of certain reasons have kind of become the antagonists. Nothing has happened yet because the gates are still ongoing, but all the characters in the story expect sh*t to go down after the gates end so they are preparing on what to do.

The events of part 2 have a depressing tone. Sure there are light moments here and there, but I can see why people wouldnt like that. Still its not like it comes out of nowhere since the whole point of part 1 was to set up part 2 and its not like the story itself doesnt tell you that its gonna get a lot more dark.

Still imo its getting quite exciting witht he recent developments so I cant say its not good. Just keep in mind that its gonna get darker, but it gets very intresting as well.


Now if you havent read the novel yet dont read that big ass text of garbage that are my spoilers. For you I will actually make a short review.

This series is good. Honestly even if you only want to read a good slice of life school novel, this will be a fun read for about 400 chapters. After that you should be invested enough to stick around for the post school arc stuff when the plot really takes over.

What makes this series really good is the character developments and relationships between the characters in the story. If you are looking for good interactions, great character development, an intresting romance and hell even a prety good harem (the romance part gets more focus as the series goes on) then its a fun read. Honestly its a character driven story and it helps that the characters have actual depth and reasons for their actions.

The plot doesnt really become the focus untill way later and even then the characters from class A and B are the ones who make things happen. They are at times the protagonists and other times the atagonists with all of them having a reason for why they do the things they do.

The characters dont just stand around doing nothing, but progress and make changes happen. An irrelevant character may become super relevant. A characters ability may just become super op later on or very important to the plot. Just know that its gonna get more dark and honestly ironic when you look back at the school arc. Nobody is really safe in this novel after the gates open and things happen. Try to remember all the class A and B characters that are mentioned cause some will become quite important down the line, while others die. Even the ones who dont fall into either category still get some development as they mature and their characters go into intresting directions. Add to this an intresting mystery with a great plot twist at the end. Its an amazing novel hands down, though it has a few flaws (mainly in the 2nd half). I say read it cause honestly you are going to and/ or have alrwady read way worse novels.
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SoraKagami rated it
December 27, 2023
Status: c368
I really lament at having to write a negative review for this novel.
The story's premise is good. In fact, it's almost fantastic if we can overlook the various flaws. But the flaws are just too big, and too many.

TLDR: Story's world and premise is really good. Story horribly marred by flaws. Author later on starts doing the exact same type of sins as the MC is described to have done to his own novels, or at least at that level of flame-bait.

Now, onto the flaws (with as much of the spoilers withheld as possible).
  1. The main character keeps consistently withholding information from the people that he trusts, can trust and absolutely trust him. If the even confided in any one of the other main characters, the story would've gone very differently in a good way. But, for some absolutely absurd reason he keeps refraining from telling them anything, deliberately letting misconceptions and misinformation keep piling up. It's raw "plot fuel" (as opposed to plot armor), and unfortunately it's of the type that's the worst burning nauseating smoke filled type that is usually avoided.
  2. The main character is consistently flip-flopping between his decisions. These flip-flops can sometimes take up 80% of the core of a chapter when they happen. And this happens frequently.
  3. The author is great with his or her ability to write, but unfortunately also uses that ability to consistently re-hash content that was just said but worded differently, events that happened last chapter, and then go on to rehash anything and everything that happened in relation to the "current" part of the story. Then goes on to rehash anything related to the characters present in the current context. Pure word count fillers which typically take up around 20-60% of every chapter that isn't an action chapter. The worst I encountered so far was multiple chapters worth of 90+% rehashes in a row where anything really new can be read by just reading anything in speech marks; 3-4 sentences per chapter.
  4. There are just way too many subplots and scenarios that induce cringe and make it uncomfortable, at least for me to read.
  5. The author unfortunately later on starts applying the same "sin" as the MC to his chapters, which lead the MC to end up in his own novel world, tho not as bad yet (killing off relevant sub-plot characters just to increase the cringe).
  6. So much pointless suffering for the characters we want to cheer on and read about. Pretty much all of which could’ve been avoided, mitigated or at least reduced if the MC fixed flaw #1 above.
  7. Cringe inducing situations that the MC could've avoided by being truthful or confiding in his "friends" in advance. Oh wait, I'm copying the author's flaw #3 by rehashing point number 3 and combining point number five together to create word filler sentences. "Oops". But wait, the author has a really good and interesting writing style, so the flaws or maybe not flaws are considered ok? perhaps, but since the MC becomes indecisive but still ends up doing what's needed it's still ok. Until the MC ends up cleaning up after his own mess, which would've been avoidable or a best-case-scenario reached if he used his brains and confided in at least one other person he can trust. His friends trust him 100% (or more for some female characters) but he says he trusts them, but he doesn't; he creates situations that just makes readers want to scream why is he making it so cringe-worthy when telling the truth to someone that trusts him would've solved things sooner? Why does the MC keep doing things that keep leading to more and more suffering for his closest friends? Isn't it interesting that our brain can read all of this rehashed text and find it interesting, or at least readable despite the actual content being just a rehash of everything that's already outlined in flaws 1-4, just because the wording was different? Until we actually think with our brains and realise that nothing actually new was written.
I really really want to keep reading the novel, and already dropped it once around chapter 21x for a year before reading it again.
Unfortunately, I can't bring myself to keep reading anymore as of chapter 368 given how the story is unfolding and how the MC has responded so far to, well, everything.

Story world: 5/5
Character depth: 5/5
Writing style: 5/5
Translation quality (Novelingua and previously Reaperscans) : 5/5
Character growth (MC and related other main characters) : 5/5
Word count fillers: 50% of the story
MC’s IQ: 60
MC’s EQ: -10

But those flaws above just make it unbearable to continue to read.
If we take out the "word fillers" the story would be less than half as long. If the MC didn't have those flaws above, the story might end in 200 chapters or less but with a much higher-quality story.

The story progressively gets darker and darker in stark contrast to the lively feel of the first few story arcs. The author initially describes the MC as being punished for his sin of writing bad stories on purpose. Unfortunately, it’s starting to feel like the actual author is doing the exact same thing in his own story as of chapter 368, or headed for a similar kind of story-hell.

Maybe I will eventually finish this novel, after reading some of the other spoilers on NU and mostly due to the “I want to know what happens next” mentality. Then again knowing how badly

the female leads are mentally tormented later on

... I should just drop this good story turned into a burning mess. It’s making me wish I read the novel while being brainless and drunk. And I don’t even drink.
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lyamsi rated it
October 23, 2023
Status: --
Great novel. MC is a villain that wants to be good. But what makes this novel amazing is how the author develops the villains. It shows that a person is not born evil and that it is driven by circumstances leading to becoming antagonists.
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July 22, 2023
Status: c450
Contains spoilers

I'm currently at chapter 450 and my general thoughts are as follows:

  • Up until around chapter 400, the story was fine. I enjoyed it a lot.
  • After, things go downhill and I think these actions were what made that happen. The author's aware but I find it shitty that he didn't make the said characters be better ones:
  • MC should have been more aware of his surroundings when talking with his demon allies, particularly with the vampire lord. I find it weird how he did not change his appearance every time he went to the vampire lord's place, especially when the princess ordered him to stop talking with princess' rescuer already.
  • The princess and sword girl were weirdly too untrusting against the MC and too trusting with the prince. This was of course addressed by the author at a later chapter that it was their (sword girl) mistake that they did that but I don't think that's in their character to divulge what they discovered to other people immediately. I was expecting them to perhaps hesitate for a few days before telling or perhaps confront the MC but immediately divulging it seems weird imo.
  • The MC already knows that he might have been exposed when returning back to the empire but he still chose to teleport back to the empire, the imperial palace no less, without being cautious. And what was the reason? "It'll work out somehow". Wow! Really? One would expect the person to at the very least survey if the coast is clear or something. A more cautious person would have made plans on what to do supposing they were exposed, etc. But what he did was simply teleport back to the Imperial Palace.

  • If at least one of these weird things did not happen, the story would not have happened. But they did because the author wanted

    for there to be a reason for the mass destruction. Admittedly, I was also looking forward to the mass destruction but the execution/reason was really not something I liked personally

  • Will grit my teeth and continue reading since there are only 250 chapters left but it will definitely be tedious.
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July 11, 2023
Status: c252
Dropping this series, despite my 4/5 (actually, 7/10). I know I shouldn't let other reviews influence my judgement of a series, but as of chapter 252, the story is stagnating. Actually, it has been stagnating since a hundred chapters ago, but I chose to ignore the warning signs and push on.

I want to preface first that this story is better than the average web novel. Some people are completely content with better-than-average and would glady give Demon Prince Academy a 10/10.

  1. The characters have depth; although they are built upon tropes, they aren't one dimensional
  2. The story is consistent and utilizes a very clear format
  3. Interactions and events are enjoyable. Cliche, but enjoyable since it's refreshingly executed.
But if you were to look closely at the problems, then it's enough for you to realize... more>> the restraints of the author's writing skills.

  1. The characters' depth is generic. It follows the outline of webnovel character psychology, if such a thing exists.
    • Character is distant? Tragic backstory.
    • Any character motives? None. They are simply kids who want to do well in school, and those close to the MC wants to protect him.
    • Are these characters proactive, or reactive? Reactive. As this is a school setting, actions aren't taken unless the school prompts them to act first. The only proactive thing that occurs are fights.
  2. The story doesn't tap into a deeper side. And it can't. Because of the setting, when characters leave the status quo that is high school, they would throw themselves into a dangerous situation physically or metaphorically. But when all goes well, they return to high school, and the romcom/filler continues. In the case where there is a serious threat, it's resolved almost immediately.
  3. Monologuing. The author cannot, for the life of them, use show and not tell. Anything and everything that can possibly be explained will be explained. Even in the middle of a fight, there would a monologue about the school, about a fighting technique, about morality, about one's own limits, about consequences, about reactions, about religion, about the system, or some crap or another. I don't mind having a monologue or two every chapter, even though that shouldn't happen. I DO mind when it's every single paragraph in the story. If it's not a line of dialouge, a line of action, or maybe a line of imagery, it's a sloggy monologue.
It was obvious to me how Demon Prince Academy would pan out. I was addicted to the fast food like enjoyment it brung, but I knew it wouldn't be sustainable as fiction I love. Character depth, story depth, and monologuing. I have other complaints about it, like pacing and the lack of literary techniques (overabundance of metaphors to cover up this lack), but those are the main points. I regret to drop this since I enjoyed it so much, but I don't want to slog through mediocre writing any longer. Perhaps I'll give more chapters a try, perhaps I won't. <<less
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Briskfall rated it
July 7, 2023
Status: c475
(I'll reformat and re-edit my review later because I did not sleep and read 400 chapters or something in one go)

5/5 Before chapter 400

... more>> Exciting, chaotic, unpredictable developments.

Character interactions are VERY fun. It's tropey, not the most 3-dimensional character, but it doesn't take itself too seriously and makes it a really fun read.

The comedy is stellar and better than SSS su*cide Hunter.

The Crossdressing arc and the subsequent events 10/10 would read it over and over again, my sides hurt. (There's still some reference to it like chapter 435 if you can tolerate the bullsh*t slog "action".)

It's a shame that author decided to be a coward and not milk it more, it would have been better if it happened.

1.5/5 After chapter 400

Badly developed melodrama, not enough comedy. Contrived action.

The lack of comedy showcases the weakness of the other aspects of the series, such as "betrayals" (like Black Order really? Feels like an asspull). A lot of underdeveloped characters (wasted potentials).

The archipelago arcs + re-infiltration are such a slog to read. Like plz I just want a summary of that because instead of having dragged out dialogues of that, maybe a summarization would be swifter because they bring nothing to the table. Not exciting enough developments, like bro just summarize it lol instead of milking it with more low-impact dialogues. (Yes this paragraph is intentionally making you feel how draggy and loopy it became)

List of nitpicks

This series has lots of "downtime" scenes with Ellen "during training". Just likes creating melodrama to bait reader reactions but poor at resolving shit. If there's a series that consistently uses frustratingly poor communication between the main characters this has to be it. There's just so much scenes with Ellen and the payoff feels extremely unsatisfying.

The deaths of certain characters feel very "checkpoint"-ish (like Uncle Ben from Spiderman) to "advance the plot" and did not develop in a natural way.

Some characters' beliefs are just "conveniently resolved" without

Wasted potential on creating a "2nd year students" settings like what's the point of making them go one year higher if you're going to end the story right there. Honestly it could have been more fun if it dragged longer like Harry Potter and made the ultimate battle in the final graduate years. Like c'mon author MILK IT. Imagine if Harry Potter had to fight Voldemort at the start of the second year, uhh yeah that's what this series did.

Why does Harriet behaves like a 9 years old (she's 16 canonically but behaves like she's 9---and no I know a lot of rich ojousama and this is not they behave the f*ck) she's still really cute though, just mis-aged so it threw my suspension of belief.

Develop or give more screen times for the male characters (which are severely underdeveloped save for Berthus), it was fun seeing the bullies getting their right desert but the MC's emo phase around chapter ~400 made it boring and less fun. <<less
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AE-capsule rated it
July 3, 2023
Status: c703
i agree with below comment.

5/5 This is going on one of my lifetime favorites that I will never forget for sure


... more>> The novel I'm about to describe has left an indelible mark on my heart, becoming one of my all-time favorites that I will forever cherish. Its enchanting narrative, compelling characters, and thought-provoking themes make it an unforgettable masterpiece.

Set in a captivating world, this novel takes readers on a thrilling journey of self-discovery, love, and redemption. From the very first page, the author weaves a spellbinding tale that effortlessly transports readers into a richly imagined universe, filled with vibrant landscapes, complex societies, and intricate cultures.

The strength of this novel lies in its characters, each meticulously crafted with depth and complexity. The protagonist, an unlikely hero, faces incredible challenges and undergoes a profound transformation throughout the story. Their struggles, triumphs, and inner conflicts resonate deeply, evoking a range of emotions within the reader.

The novel delves into universal themes, exploring the intricacies of human nature and the power of choice. It poses thought-provoking questions about morality, ethics, and the consequences of our actions. As the story unfolds, it challenges our preconceived notions and offers profound insights into the human condition, leaving us pondering long after we turn the final page.

The author's mastery of language and storytelling is evident in every chapter. The prose is elegant, evocative, and lyrical, immersing the reader in a vivid tapestry of sights, sounds, and emotions. The narrative effortlessly balances moments of intense action with quiet introspection, creating a perfect rhythm that keeps us engaged and yearning for more.

Moreover, the novel's underlying messages of hope, resilience, and the power of human connection make it not only a great work of fiction but also a source of inspiration. It reminds us of the strength that lies within us, the capacity for growth and change, and the importance of empathy and compassion in a world that often seems dark and challenging.

In conclusion, this novel is a true masterpiece that has left an indelible imprint on my soul. Its captivating world, unforgettable characters, profound themes, and masterful storytelling make it a work of art that will stand the test of time. I am certain that this book will remain one of my lifetime favorites, forever etched in my memory as a reminder of the transformative power of literature. <<less
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Izanaginookami rated it
June 24, 2023
Status: c703
I never really do reviews, no real reason except lack of time. But I guess I have to when a story moves me this much and reminds me once again why I love stories: they're the sole thing that can make me feel so much by throwing me as a spectator in countless worlds and stories.

That being said, I by no means am systematically or even attempt to be objective. I'm straight up saying first that I enjoyed it so much I can openly say I loved it, enough to... more>> not only sustain me even, as I cannot live without stories. but also feel so much happiness I forgot I could feel so happy.

As for what exactly loved, well, that's hard as someone who never really review. The overall plot is by no means perfect, it's not a masterpiece, I do indeed feel like there are some.. forced plot point as well as unresolved, or at least, not enough addressed minor things, perhaps not that minor.

But I don't care about that all, they never really affected my elated enjoyement while reading, except the degree of a certain thing which quite blowed up later on, but it was still a temporarily bafflement.


I'm talking about the cluster of vengeful spirits coming out of Liana's massacre in the two years at Edina. Either it wasn't clarified enough that such cluster attracted not only the ones killed by her but also more or less far more souls all over the continent, or... those spirits were very, very strong.



It's weird. I mean, how many people might Liana have killed in these two years. It won't be a staggering amount, or at least, not compared to the deaths in the continent, so I honestly felt very baffled by how this became a legit important plot point. So I just imagine many souls were attracted to that pit.


Anyways, as a general connoisseur of despair, tragedy and self-sacrifice, but with a specific love and preference for tragic romance that resolves in bittersweet or happy ending, I can say I had field day here.

Now, it certainly didn't hit all my buttons, but I suppose personal taste matters a lot here indeed.

Given how 'tragedy' is part of the tags, I don't think it's spoiler, but whereas many felt off or straight up disliked the second half, to me it heightened the story. If I really liked the first part, I loved the second part so much I couldn't help but react physically, either by screaming or tearing up.

To be more precise, I absolutely loved both parts, it's simply that the latter one reached the peak for me. I find it very... appropriate even narrative wise actually given the world setting.

It's retribution for the MC, as he himself probably stated if I don't remember wrongly, how it's all due to him 'giving up the story' and making the 'gate event' in the novel.


The characters development is incredible. It's definitely recency bias here, but it has been a long time since I saw characters growing this much, they felt... yes, all-round, tridimensional characters, not mere flat ones. I especially loved the original MC's one. It was fantastic.


I overall loved the most the winter imperial capital arc in the middle of the war, so many events spontaneously started and become an avalanche forcing everyone doing.. what they had to do. Truly a series of unfortunate happenings. Ludwig's monologue at the end of chapter 618. "It's just... an inevitable occurrence, I suppose."


Yes, I can say that the thing I loved the most is most certainly the characters. The way they developed, grew, acted, moved and obviously made, built, shattered, consolided bonds and relationships was exceptional. I could go on for half chapter or three about how I loved his or her relationship with him or her. So I'll refrain. Enough to say, as much as I liked the plot, be it the first light hearted rom-com part or the second tragedy filled part, the characters are the element that shined for me the most.

If there are some.. unsatisfation, they would be... I wanted more of the 'after story' bits. More of the epilogue chapters. Basically, I wanted to read more about the characters I oh so love. Especially the ahem, 'main' heroine.

Oh, and

I honestly wanted Bertus to still question Reinhardt's reason for crossdressing. That was gold.

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ruth1ess rated it
May 4, 2023
Status: c506
It started off as a 4 and maintained its position as a 4. It hit a 5 peaking around chp.400 and just crashed hard at around chp.500. Currently I'd say it's somewhere around 2-3.

The best way I can describe this novel is that it was a slow decent read that climaxed then the author had no clue what to do after the climax. The characters sort of fell apart and lost brain cells. The story lost cohesion and just kept dragging on. I stopped at chp.506 because a really dumb... more>> plot device happened that just completely turned me off from reading further. Out of curiosity, I skipped ahead to chp.630 and somehow that plot device only just came into play or came back to play.


There's this girl who loves MC and MC also loves her but they are forced to fight each other. MC trapped these powerful vengeful spirits that hate MC in his body and also want to possess him. MC is dying as result so the girl, the only person potentially strong enough to not get possessed besides MC, took in the vengeful spirits inside her instead. She got this necklace that helps her from being possessed. In the latest chapters around chp.630, she threw away this necklace because she was tired of bullsh*t so she is now possessed. I stopped reading at chp. 506 when MC is dying and his friends plan to ask the girl take his place. 124 chapters later, the girl FINALLY gets possessed or repossessed. Idk what happened in the middle or where the necklace came from but the fact that 124 chapters later and the girl only now gets possessed just shows how badly the author is stretching it out.


I don't recommend this novel. I feel disappointed by it. It just feels like the author just didn't think about what happens after the climax and forgot how to write or is just stretching out the story for no good apparent reason. I skipped 100+ chapters from when they were building up this epic final showdown and 100+ chapters later, they are still building up to this final showdown. It's like the older Dragon Ball anime where they scream for what seems to be 10 episodes charging up their powerful move while nothing is happening. Don't read this to avoid being disappointed later. <<less
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Yjchong rated it
December 21, 2022
Status: c12
As they say, too many cooks ruin the soup, but it only take one dumbass to ruin a novel.

MC is a socially inept and very dumb. Novel is sh*t by virtue of the main character.

Though I could see how you like it due to some interesting things that happen that can tickle your interest.

Just checked the tags, "calm protagonist" lmao
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Choon rated it
December 5, 2022
Status: c90
I'm going to own up to my mistake and be transparent, I only read the good reviews and went into this novel thinking that it was going to be similar, SIMILAR, to the novel's extra. I think it was because of the mindset I had going in that I was severely letdown, but at the same time hooked (?).

In one of the beginning chapters, the MC states that the novel he's been transferred into is a slice of life novel, and I chuckled to myself thinking "haha you're the MC,... more>> there's no way it's going to be a chill life for you, " and oh boy was I wrong. The amount of significant fights that has happened in the story up until chapter 90, I can probably count on one hand, but at the same time each fight holds more significance because there are so few. Some people might view this as a good thing, but again, like I said, with the mindset I had going into this, when I was reading, hoping for a fight to happen, it felt like I was waiting for a dad that went out to buy milk.

With my hurt feelings put aside, I think this novel is very well written, and if you're looking for a story that has significant fights and well written characters, you're in the right place. The only valid complaint I have would probably be the MC himself. The author made it so that the MC was more realistic. MC often complains that his memory isn't perfect like those protagonists sent into their own novels, and he often forgets plot elements, which is a good thing, like I said, as it makes it more realistic. But sometimes I can't help but think that the MC is too dumb? He feels really inconsistent at times and doesn't feel like someone who was sent into his own novel.


This is a very minor thing, but the MC often repeats what characters say and basically translates it into language even a kid would understand. I get that the author is trying to make sure the audience understands every sarcasm/hidden message/silver lining, but it happens in literally every conversation and it became annoying quite fast.

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