The Big Villain Asked Me to Save Him When I Was Reborn


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Jiang Yu was born again and returned to a time when she was a poor and naive 17-year-old. In her previous life, because of poverty, she was forced to abandon her dreams of ballet and become the substitute for the white moonlight of a second generation scumbag. Jiang Yu really didn’t want to experience her poor and miserable youth again.

However, when she was helpless, she accidentally discovered that her mobile phone had also traveled with her. Through this mobile phone, she could actually contact people in the future. 

So, a steady stream of future business found Jiang Yu——  

“Please help me tell my mom, to not do stock trading when she has money!”

“Please help me tell myself in the past, to not study in the same university as my boyfriend, for which I made a deliberate mistake in the college entrance examination”

“My dad is no longer alive, help me tell him that I am not a waste of space.”

Jiang Yu relied on the mobile phone business and earned a lot of money. Until one day, when Jiang Yu received a man’s request for help. The man’s voice was low and magnetic, with a hint of wickedness.

Upon hearing this sound, Jiang Yu was so scared that the phone almost flew out of her hand.

He is a criminal with a high intelligence quotient, Qiu Li, who has been constantly reported in the TV news for ten days. For committing a sensational crime. He hoped that Jiang Yu would save him when he was a teenager so that he would not go astray.

According to his information, Jiang Yu found the teenager Qiu Li. 

Young Qiu Li was held up in the dark alley, being punched and kicked and his eyes filled with repressed and a forbearing light.

And that day, Qiu Li lying in a pool of blood saw the girl in a white dress at the end of the alley.

After seventeen years of endless night, that was the first time he saw the moon.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Villain Gangster Let Me Save Him After The Rebirth.
如果月亮有秘密 (Published Title)
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. rewind
  2. Couple Goals
  3. i like
  4. dark obsession
  5. Modern Day Romance (List 2)

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34 Reviews

Apr 11, 2021
Status: c32
So far it's good and you can pick up some foreshadowing/clues since the beginning then follows the mainstream plot to predict the rest. The only thing that irks me is the author might not know Ballet that well. Example?

Exhibit I. MC use brand new Pointe (ballet's shoes) and saying it comfortable then use them to audition in the next day. The reality is most Ballerina "break" their pointe first before the use it. Cuz new pointe is hella stiff, it didnt conform on your feet well therefore it's... more>> hella uncomfortable.

Exhibit II. ML fiddles with her pointe and then MC's feet. And they use well-proportioned, delicate, etc to describe her feet. In reality, most ballerina pretty much sacrifice their toes/feet for ballet. Constant smushing on your toes to support your whole body in a hella small/tight pointe wont result in feet with those descriptions. <<less
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Apr 06, 2021
Status: Completed
Agree with the other reviewer. This is a good story and I too cried a bunch of times.

Both the FL and the ML come from poor circumstances and even though the FL is reborn she doesn't get a cheat that instantly improves her life. Instead, she gets this app that gives her a chance to help people with regrets in the future for money. Although she makes a decent wage doing this her school fees and dance classes are so expensive that this money only really keeps her afloat. She... more>> is not considered well-off by any means. That being said, you can't help cheering for her because although she's not OP or a genius, she's hardworking, resilient, and willing to invest in herself and her future. Although she approaches the ML because of the app at first, she grows to love him for real, as we do, because our boy is so damn sincere.

When he's initially introduced he makes a show of seeming cold-blooded and rude but in his little actions we can see that he's secretly a sweetheart who just wants to be loved. Despite his harsh words to the FL and feigned indifference, he shows her he cares in so many ways. His loyalty, dedication, and unending displays of love made me melt with sweetness but also furiously ugly cry so many times.

For example, I cried when he signed up to be a punching bag at the illegal fighting rink in order to save up enough money to buy her the nicest pointe shoes he could find. I nearly flipped my table when that s*upid shithead she used to date came to beat him up but he refused to let go of the shoes she bought him. Then, I cried again when he later refused to show up at this party with her because he was afraid he'd embarrass her with his shabby clothes. I also cried when he started working at a construction site so he could buy her a music box. It made me so sad to know that despite his excellent grades, no one wanted to hire him as a tutor because of his reputation.

Ugh he will hurt you so bad because he's so good but the world is so unfair to him!

The story is a HE but there's a great deal of heartache before you get there so if you're not one for angst, stay clear. However, if you liked stories like Rebirth Plan to Save the Leader and Let the Villain Go, you'll really enjoy this because it's an incredibly gripping story.

Word of warning: the extra chapters for this story offers an explanation for her rebirth and explains some past life stuff but they're pretty bittersweet so if you just want a sweet ending don't read the extras. <<less
23 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jan 25, 2022
Status: Completed
I'm exhausted. This is a book for people who truly like villains. I asked myself the whole time: "why am I reading this..." 2.5 rounded up for the entertainment but honestly I have no words. Just wow. It's like a tr*sher bg version of a little princess x silent reading x idk some CW 2000s tv show romance. I have no words...


Omgod.... This is the most dogblood tv drama sh*t I have read a while. Like pure (addictive) dogblood sh*t omg.. I mean it's so hard because dogblood only exists... more>> if

    • a. Characters act intentionally dumb in crucial moments
    • B. Or act like a martyr and suffer in s*upidic silence for the "better" of another
Is it good? Measure your blood pressure, if it's normal, I see no reason why you shouldn't try it. Honestly if it wasn't intentionally dogblood in certain areas, it has a good romance kinda? It's hard to separate the dogblood from the good moments of this novel..

You're never bored I guess but it does get tiring. I'm like... There are 40 chaps left from where I'm reading.. is the world gonna blow up? Exaggerating but Haha.

But really it has it's cute moments which get completely overshadowed by the fact of how 75% of this plot could have been resolved by Just Telling Her Her Real Father From The Beginning. Hahaha.. haha. ha. #dogblood.

The beginning is kinda like "a little princess" the movie, the future stuff is like the "fortunetelling on taobao" cn book, the romance is like every early 2000s CW tv drama. That's it. Am I right? I feel like I'm right.. lol

I say what I say but it's so addictive high quality dogblood shit. Like.. why can't I stop reading T-T

This f*cking dog plot did he just


this martyr shit.. this a**hole. This dogplot. How the f*ck is this ok. Y'all have been abusing yourselves too much to think this is ok. I can't believe this is romance I have to accept smh.

..... Wow it just gets worse. It really is like a teenage tv drama in the worse way

the ml's "mom" who isn't his mom goes to him to threat the MC if he won't leave his daughter (who was harassing him all the time) alone....

they really just made her a dumb villain with a PhD for no reason...

Other characters in this novel: ephemeral butterflies who leave after their plot ends abruptly

The mc/ml: dogblood from every tv show ever except without amnesia I think

The parents: me - speechless at these turns. What.. wow <<less
13 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Mar 14, 2022
Status: c115
I'm only 6 chapters away from the end but I can't get myself to finish this novel. It starts off fine, but quickly spirals into the typical face slap novel with a Mary Sue protagonist and a dedicated and handsome boyfriend with a mental illness. The same plot you'll find rehashed a billion other times.

Of course if it was just that I would still have some willpower to finish it but it's more than that. Towards the end more and more unnecessary characters come to prop up the female lead... more>> and retroactively undo all bad things. It gets increasingly hard to stomach towards the end. In my opinion this is just a lazy novel.

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Jun 10, 2021
Status: c1 part1
I absolutely adored the MC and ML's relationship. While reading this story, I came to love just how much they cared for each other, and I thought that their relationship couldn't get any deeper until I kept reading it more and more. The ML truly loves the MC, and he would do anything for her. I also like how MC doesn't passively sit around and expresses how much she loves and cares for him.

I disagree with the reviews stating that the ending was "abrupt and lazy." The story was nicely... more>> wrapped up. Honestly, it was dragging a little bit until things started picking up at the end. Everything was nicely resolved, and I have never read an ending to a story where I felt so satisfied by it. <<less
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May 13, 2021
Status: Completed
Once I started this, I couldn't help but MTL the rest! Luckily, the MTL is pretty decent and isn't migraine inducing. Other than some confusion with pronouns, it reads just like a proper translation.

I honestly love this story so much! It made me cry one moment and laugh the next. While there is certainly angst, with both the FL and the ML's tragic background stories, the novel mostly leaves you feeling touched and fulfilled. I do have to say that the novel summary is a little misleading though- I thought... more>> it was going to be mostly about how she helps others fulfill their regrets. In actuality, this plot point only really serves to help her raise funds. The story is mostly about her working hard to fulfill her past life dream to become a top ballerina, her developing relationship with the ML, and their journey to heal their past wounds together.

The ML honestly grew on me. At first, I thought that he was going to be a typical yandere-type ML, but he is much more than that. While he is possessive, I love that he respects the FL and never tries to hurt her unintentionally. I always hate when ML disregards the FLs feelings for "her own good". Luckily, our FL is a tough cookie herself. Because of her past relationship, she knows how to set firm boundaries while also being considerate to the MLs feelings (due to his past trauma). Throughout the novel, I never felt there was one side that was giving too much.

The last thing that makes me want to recommend this novel is that everyone ends up with a happy ending (with the exception of the villain of course) and I'm not just talking about our leads ;). The consecutive plot twists in the end hit me like a truck! I see others say that the ending is a bit abrupt, but I thought it was perfect. Everything is wrapped up without loose ends, and it didn't end up being draggy. <<less
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Apr 20, 2021
Status: Completed

I just finished reading this and it is a good read. It is a rebirth story and she has an app where she accept tasks which will earn her money.

In the previous life, she married a guy who had taken her as a substitute. She suffered physical abuse and later, the husband was killed by the psychologist.

When she went back to the past, she received task from this QL guy, who was jailed for killing the husband. Asking her for help to change the past to prevent that tragic ending.

It was a long term task, aside from her goal to be a ballet queen, she met her dad and mom, and eventually learning that the past she knew was all wrong.

She was the one who killed the husband and QL took the blame for her.

There are more to this story, how QL was and his childhood, his mental illness and all. Her love for ballet, their relationship.

It's a different attack compared to the recent stories ive read which were all about revenge

6 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jul 22, 2022
Status: c24
Too much unnecessary drama. and I only read 24 chapters.

... more>>

MC and ML have sad dramatic stories as it is but does everything else really need to be so dramatic as well?

Like MC’s ex husband freaking punching her in public

All the haters around MC at her ballet school. Every time there’s a ballet scene there’s some kind of fight going on with random antagonists who inexplicably hate MC and who just HAAAAVE TO try to challenge/ sabotage/ insult/ pick on her.

The whole drama about MC being hidden from her real father. BTY supposedly loved XY and wanted to marry him so why on earth would she not tell him that she was pregnant with his child?? What does XY knowing about his child have to do with the bu family. And even if they knew, so what? XY is her biological father it’s not like they have any legal recourse to snatch MC away... ? also don’t understand why he asked JMY for forgiveness for BTY when it doesn’t even sound like he did anything wrong.

JMY’s weird dislike of MC learning ballet and her fixation on MC having an ordinary life because of BTY’s experience with ballet. BTY was miserable because she was forced into ballet. But MC obviously really enjoys it?? I mean JMY doesn’t really force MC to give up but she clearly really disapproves.

the random cheng anxin drama at school (the white moonlight of MC’s ex husband). The random neighborhood drama. Like does MC have to have enemies and haters everywhere?

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Feb 25, 2024
Status: Completed
I loved it. Awesome story. Compelling. The only thing I don’t like is the ending.

This is explaining the ending beware: ... more>>

She killed her husband. And he hypnotized her to make her think he did it. He then put her into a coma and gave her a dream of the life he wanted to live with her. She wakes up and confessed to the mu*der, he was going to get the death penalty but she only got 3 years... yeah I like that they love each other and got a happy ending. But if you think about it, either the QL from her dream is gonna be different from the REAL QL who tried to take her place in jail... OR he spent a long time building that whole world in her head and they are basically 1 to 1... and if it went on for THAT long, lord only know what that tr*sh who married did to her in the mean time. And if they had to get to know each other since the dream wasn’t real, they spent the 3 excuse me 2 years she was in jail getting to know the real versions of each other... I’m mostly upset at the implication that if you think about the elaborateness of the dream world and whatnot that he may have had to spend a long time letting her be abused to build such a deeply involving world. This is all my supposition though. I could be wrong.


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May 29, 2022
Status: side story 3
The plot twist revealed on the last extra chapter was soooo good. There are three extra chapters but that last one will really change your perception of this novel. And it just gave more depth.

the fact that there’s a system, having two sets of parents being able to do ballet, getting married and having kids was all weaved together by the greatest hypnotist in the world (ML) so that the girl he loves can be happy. And that scene when he broke down cause FL admitted her crimes of killing her (the scumbag) husband and when she was handcuffed and was about to go to jail. He loved her so much he was willing to go to jail and die for her. Thankfully, FL was diagnosed with battered woman syndrome and was only sentenced in prison for three years.

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Aug 04, 2021
Status: Completed
Pretty good novel.

The ML is just so broken, I can't, how can the world to be so unfair to him! 好心疼!But well, again sometimes he can be a d*ck, but considering his background, I can't really blame him. Some plots I find it a little draggy, but I really enjoy the story in a whole (at least I read it till the end).
4 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jun 08, 2021
Status: Completed
i just finished reading this story. bawling my eyes out in the last 10 chapter. how does it feel to know that all the fluff that I just read was all just sweet dream amongst the nightmare?. it felt so suffocating. my precious qiu li and jiang yu. They both had been through a lot, and when I say a lot I literally mean it. But no matter even if all the fluff from the first chapter till the last 2 chapters are just sweet beeppppp (cant give you spoiler),... more>> I am still satisfied. it was the happiest memories of me to be able to witness they growth and their pursuit of happines, even though....... anyway Both of these precious souls worth the happiness that was robbed from them.

now I have puffy eyes aftee crying my eyes out. This mother (reader) wish you a lifetime of happiness.

and I quote the previous reviewer Meatshild, if you want a perfect happy ending, just read till the ending of th main chapter. But if you want to get a more realistic ending, as well as the one that give you heartache the most, read the extras. <<less
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May 12, 2021
Status: Completed
It's hard to explain what this story is since it's a little bit like slice of life romance where both the ML and MC learn to grow up. Both of them are flawed but both are learning how to better for each other. But at the same time it also feels like a story about people being people, some turn out to be very crooked, others regret and some are just people who needed a chance to be told they are worth something.

Even if the ending felt a bit rushed... more>> it still tied everything that needed to be tied nicely. The side characters served to fleshed out want kind of mentality MC and ML have, showing us their beliefs and humanity.

The greatest part of this is that everyone is written like a human in the way we commonly know them as, the side characters that served as a temporary fodder are written showing us the superficial layer of the people who we know but not really know through the lense of MC's eyes.

At the same time the short interludes of MC helping out those with regrets are a good way of showing how MC grows as a person, and by extension ML there twists and turns but overall it's good, the author doesn't shy away from the topic of domestic violence but doesn't go into details about it.


Be warned that ML was abused as a child by his dad psychologically so readers should take that into account when reading for potential triggers along with the flash backs to the domestic violence MC suffered.

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Apr 06, 2021
Status: Completed
I cried. It is a good story.

I liked the story. It is not the best one but it is good. I love and hate both the leads. They are both so stubborn. I could understand the ML's situation but I felt the FL acted quite immaturely even after rebirth. Certain situations could have been handled in a much better way TBH.

Also I felt that the rebirth app was quite neglected in the later chapters. I would have liked more cases and how the FL helps the targets.

Well it is afterall... more>> just a story so I won't pick out anymore faults.

Overall it was quite a nice read. <<less
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Jan 14, 2024
Status: c116 part2
Cute story but you'll need to suspend your disbelief a lot.


From the new ballet pointe shoes to the hypnosis superpower and the getting shot in the knee and being perfectly fine... aspects of the novel don't read as very grounded and instead like they were written by very young person who doesn't understand how the world works.
However the writing style contradicts itself because along side the fantastical subplots are some very emotionally moving scenes that honestly did make me tear up, and the novel itself references some heavy stuff like self-harm, s*xual and physical violence, attempted su*cide etc. (although it's never addressed in the plot of the novel again.)

Another plus point: the characterisation is really kind of brilliant- the mother who raised her best friends child as her own is so anxious about her child getting hurt to the point where her overprotectiveness becomes sinister (this is an another thing that was never brought up again in the novel.) The man who is so devoted to his lover—even after her "death", starts believing another woman with a completely different face and similar mannerisms to be her (turns out he's right about it.) These characters would be really interesting to delve into if the novel itself wasn't so lighthearted about it. There are multiple such "red flags" which are just overlooked and actions that have no repercussions.


So really it's a mixed bag. If you're in the mood for some junk food- I'd recommend you binge.
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Jun 15, 2023
Status: c92 part2
I think there is a bit of confusion with the last chapters, from what I understood the author leaves you with two paths:

the first a sweet happy ending where the rebirth was real and that in the end it seems that MC was left in a state of confusion by not knowing how to distinguish the present from the past, but which suggests that he did return years ago.

And the second, that everything that happened was a hypnotic dream in which ML induced her, and at the end of the... more>> fantasy she "returned" to reality, where thanks to that dream she gained the courage to face everything and not let ML die for her, and in the end they both manage to move forward together building a new ending, despite all the wounds and scars.

I'm sorry, English is not my native language. <<less
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Mar 01, 2022
Status: c52
im at chapter 52. so far I thinks its good. the story isnt really focused on FL's mobile phone business but rather on ballet and the ML. so glad I started reading this because this novel is actually kind of realistic (except the mobile phone business thing). the FL and ML arent from wealthy backgrounds and this isnt a typical sweet innocent high school romance. also can we just talk about how the ML actually understands consent and the FL isnt some innocent and ditzy pushover. they both work hard... more>> for their dreams and fall in love with each other. there are some parts that made me emotional and some part that were cliche (tons of people jealous of FL) but overall, such a great read!

edit: I think I saw a review mention that ML forced FL and then hypnotised her... <<less
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Feb 24, 2022
Status: Completed
I reallyy love this novel. I fell in love with the characters that I cried buckets of tears. The twists in the plots were unexpected, nevertheless, made the story more interesting and the characters lovable. Really recommend this. I felt sad and at the same time happy when the novel ended... I just wanted more of their story.
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Jan 22, 2022
Status: Completed
I Mtled this. Really loved the MC’s personality, she’s not s*upid at all but has her passion for ballet.

loved the ML as well, despite his flaws. This novel is so heartwarming, a bit dark at times, and made me shed tears at other times. There are several plot twists and unexpected turns which were very satisfying.

my only complaint is you have to suspend some belief if you have a background in psychology... because ... more>>

the novel makes it sound like a powerful hypnotist has super powers, which in reality anyone with some familiarity with hypnotism is well aware of its limitations. It would never be able to make people believe fantastical things out of the realm of reality to such an extent.


Aside from that, excellent novel! Definitely worth re-reading. <<less
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May 08, 2021
Status: Completed
This is a solid 3.5. The plot is great and you just can’t help but root for the flawed characters of ML & FL. Given this plot, it would have been more than 4 stars.

But I have to deduct because of that abrupt ending. It was like the author just didn’t want to try anymore and just wrapped it up as quickly as possible.
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