Star Rank Hunter


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The universe. This infinite field of stars is the dream of every Hunter.

For the Hunters who run amidst the stars, the only limit they truly have is the universe.

Is there a limit to the universe? And where would this limit lay?

When the Shadow Hunter; a young man named Cillin obtains a strange chip by accident, he begins his journey into this endless field of stars.

Associated Names
One entry per line
xīng jí liè rén
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  2. Male Protagonist Novel
  3. Forever Faves
  4. No harem in action and adventure!
  5. Action / Adventure / Fantasy

Latest Release

Date Group Release
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01/10/20 craxuan’s... c294
01/03/20 craxuan’s... c293
12/27/19 craxuan’s... c292 part2
12/20/19 craxuan’s... c292 part1
12/12/19 craxuan’s... c291
12/08/19 craxuan’s... c290 part2
11/28/19 craxuan’s... c290 part1
11/21/19 craxuan’s... c289 part2
11/13/19 craxuan’s... c289 part1
11/07/19 craxuan’s... c288 part2
10/30/19 craxuan’s... c288 part1
10/23/19 craxuan’s... c287 part2
10/16/19 craxuan’s... c287 part1
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49 Reviews sorted by

Demi-Chicken rated it
August 4, 2023
Status: c214
Waste of time. Don't bother.

I'm not gonna list everything since people already mentioned a lot of the points but here are the ones I found most egregious:

The characters. I've read like 4 of this author's work and I can say for sure that he's not changing his style. Every character has one joke, one personality trait and one purpose for existence. He's also reusing some of the character archetypes. I hate the second generation type characters in his works with a passion. They are just really annoying and unlikable.

The worldbuilding.... more>> It's too big. The author wants to give a picture of vast scope and make you go 'wow so great' but he does not know how distance or management works so it's just a disorganized mess of measurements that are mashed together to give a big number. From chap 100 onwards, the author seems to be trying to build a dystopian, look at them enjoying all these luxuries while all these other people are suffering except it's either just way too exaggerated to take seriously or too jarring of a change of pace.

The worldbuilding is stretched too thin to be good. There's not enough explanation or focus for any technical subject to be interesting. <<less
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AnimatorOfSouls rated it
March 17, 2023
Status: c390
MC is amazing at everything and has a genius brain after getting experimented on by some nutcase.

The arcs right after the school arc (ends at ch90) are pretty annoying to read since it's basically just the MC getting screwed over by various powerful forces. I skipped most those chapters.

After around ch200 is where the more interesting explorationary stuff happens and there are more interesting characters introduced.

Romance: none

The TL for this is really good but the MTL is pretty unreadable as is usually the case with sci-fi.
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Queen77 rated it
February 28, 2023
Status: --
I'm so surprised that this novel is still ongoing (lol) really.

I don't mean it in a bad way but I had left it at 300 something chapters about 2 years ago and I only dropped it because of disappointment and translation was slow, so I was hoping to read it after more chapters have been translated but... (sigh)

Review : It started out really well, the first chapter and the following chapters as MC escapes from the mad scientist and learns his powers was absolutely phenomenal, I had hopes that... more>> it'd be as good however after the MC started going to the other world and met his friends it got so disappointing and annoying.

His relationships with the other characters was boring, (especially that random girl he met I couldn't stand the stalking as if it was okay, idk what's wrong with some authors, it's as if girls are just meant to be annoying and toxic so readers could hate on them, The only story that's ever written women correctly was My disciples are all villains, in terms of cn novels) . Only the cat was likable, as for the other characters they basically just existed for his luck.

It felt like he was just going along with whatever happened.

It's not the best, and I can't obviously expect every novel I read to be the best but even when I gave it a try, I still forgot about it. So definitely it's not recommended, unless you just want to read something different from the usual cn plots then go ahead, but prepare to get bored. <<less
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Yuki_Ringo rated it
September 21, 2022
Status: c321
I truly enjoyed the world building and different race n cyborg n skills but after the 1st) arc (school arc) novel just kinda keep dropping.

MC is calm n have golden Finger via kidnaps and experimented on, though its not too irritating since MC low key and the friends he made in 1st arc give good interactions from the cold calm MC to more youthful vibe hanging w friends.

Afterward the stalking from a girl who likes him to inviting MC to said girl party who show how rich n powerful the... more>> girl is, to the adoption of multiple pets (especially snowball) that does nothing other than Comedic relief including the gunman loli.

The discovery of his guardian being rich n powerful after accidental revival and MC cheat of a chip from curing plague to increasing Skill to making MC to half android. Everything just show how MC got drag around.

On the other hand, the interaction between MC and his tech teacher is very charming and more like grumpy grandpa that like to boost bout their grandkids while fussing over his health. Considering the orphan status of MC n early death of guardian, the teacher showing care make me goey inside.
The mascot cat Wheeze is also one of my fav considering how powerful and bratty as a cat and how it interact w calm n cold MC, especially how loyal for MC (eg. Jump into blackhole to follow MC even though wheeze can escape and won't know here they will end up. Eg. When MC solving the plague n got infected, how wheeze worry for him and run around to ask for help)
In summary

Good beginning, interesting world building and character interaction but the stale plot in mid n the duex machina from golden Finger n the slow update makes it a solid 3 star <<less
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Gorgeously Large Panda
Gorgeously Large Panda rated it
May 3, 2022
Status: c79
Too wish-fulfilling. The MC can literally do anything and it gets ridiculous. On the surface, he succeeded in his first mission but in reality, he failed miserably because he stood out too much when on an undercover mission by participating (and winning) in too many school competition. The author disguised this bad-writing by giving us the impression that the MC was just THAT good, that everything he did was perfection and that he simply stood at the top by not even trying. There's low key and there's humble brag. The... more>> MC is exactly that.

I can turn off my brain and accept that in the age of mecha and space traveling, somehow human manually assembling parts is better than machine, but an MC who likes to show off (while pretending to be low key) is too much to read. And all the girls in this novel are annoying. So is that other character that is too poor all he has is money.

It's a shame I really like the author's other novels like Superstars from Tomorrow. <<less
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September 18, 2021
Status: c353
So far liking it thou I can feel that the story got a bit worse after the first arc it’s understandable at least because some of my fav novels are sometimes filled with fillers..... everything about the cat and loli actually livens it up a bit cause if not then it would actually be filled with muscular guys for the whole story so yeah actually if you read up to this point you will naturally feel that it’s understandable at some point

Firstly without the cheat skill he wouldn’t be able... more>> to progress the story cause you wouldn’t want to stay on a planet that there’s no fun plus he doesn’t use it that often

second no spoiler but the cat being a mechanical behind or wonder makes sense it actually compliments Cillin and it would actually make sense later

overall this story isn’t half bad as you would thought it would be <<less
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February 28, 2020
Status: c207
Sci-fi martial arts story that includes a lot of popular elements without getting too wrapped up in any of them. The main character had a fortuitous opportunity and was injected with a bio-chip; he survived his temporary imprisonment and the experimentation and became the MC of the story. As of my current chapter, there are martial arts elements, modern weapons, genetic augmentation (not a ton, mostly background flavor), space travel (setting changes, not a major story theme) and some minor space combat, technology mastery, alien pharmacology and bio-science, clans, guilds,... more>> etc. Not much in the way of boy-girl relationships, but there is fairly solid side-character development in the story.

The MC doesn't have a major objective, aside from surviving and finding the family of his adopted parent, who came from... some mysterious place (why don't these people actually say where they are from; are they trying to make their inheritors crazy?!). He found an organization that allows him to see a good deal of his known universe, and takes advantage of his unique talents. He has a ton of fortuitous encounters, as one would expect in a fictional-fantasy-scifi story where the protagonist is doing "exploring" and his unique constitution/augmentation allows him to take advantage of the resources and unique beings he meets.

Story should be fully translated by the end of 2020 at the rate of 3ch/week. <<less
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Nosta rated it
February 3, 2020
Status: c88
Honestly, this novel is an utter disappointment. It was recommended to me and I had high hopes for it, but you don’t get what you wish for.

... more>>

Don’t get me wrong. The storyline is refreshing. Never expect Cillin to become an experimental subject by accident and obtain a new ability. He’s then recruited by another hunter and went on a mission. His first mission was to pose as an influential person’s son because Cillin looks similar to said man. Cillin was given a chance to attend an elite school and make many friends.


I don’t know if it’s because of the translation or it’s written that way, but it’s so confusing to read. The novel has a lot of terms that are hard to understand. All I know is that it feels like I am reading my college textbook because that’s how difficult it was to read. I get the gist of it, but it wasn’t fun to read when I’m trying to understand what certain words mean every sentence. Do you feel me?

This story has potential, but the way it’s written just kills the mood. I’m already being generous by giving two stars. If not for the storyline, I would’ve given up on this completely. <<less
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March 28, 2018
Status: --
Mmmm... I'd say only the first arc is good of this is good, merely because it does the slice of life thing entertainingly well. Once that's done though it goes downhill pretty fast. You get a new character that comes in as a loli and with an already underdeveloped cast, she's pretty grating. I feel like they don't focus on the relationships at all after that.

MC is... weird. He's easily adaptable and he accepts things so wholeheartedly I have to raise an eyebrow and think to myself, "What the f*ck...?"... more>> He feels really forced at times. <<less
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