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Humanity has been gradually transported to the Abyss by a bored god to compete against other races and monsters. The problem is… humanity failed. In a last desperate push, the strongest survivors chose a comrade to travel as far as possible back in time.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Hwan Saeng Jwa
Related Series
The King of the Battlefield (45)
Master Hunter K (17)
Everyone Else is a Returnee (16)
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  3. series i've read
  4. KR Male Protagonist No Harem
  5. Damn good novels

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194 Reviews sorted by

shauT rated it
November 2, 2017
Status: c301
i don't know what is up with this novel, but when I started I liked it alot. But then, it just that I don't get attached to the character. He wasn't funny, he was a loner the whole story is evolved around this person. By the time I get to 250 I was skipping chapters (even though I skipped 10 chapter I haven't miss much) I don't even care about that character anymore. I just want to finish it by this point sighhhh
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darksideskna rated it
October 16, 2017
Status: c307
This is super amazing, I don't like Korean novels mostly because they all give MC everything on silver platter without MC working hard for it. I like this one because the MC struggles to save humanity despite being a loner, anti-social and distrustful personality. He has future knowledge of collective humanities effort on how to save them on each level but things go haywire every-time as he keeps changing the future and has to keep improvising.

he goes through different persona's to keep the popular opinion and seen as leader according... more>> to changing mentalities of people on each level.


he just drops the information bombs on all 4 levels when he can no longer continue on level and needs to rest and end up being hated by all for bringing a part of calamity so early due to information being leaked.

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Rosver rated it
June 9, 2017
Status: --
In many aspects, the story is alright. The plot especially is full of tension. The characters are quite complex. The setting is vast and varied. However, the story has one issue that buries anything good it has. It tells instead of shows. This is especially apparent with the characters. We are constantly told of what they do, what they feel, what they experience and, even, what they are.

Without any effort in showing things, I, as a reader, feels detached from the story. There is no emotional connections with the characters.... more>> I'm not transported to the fictional world the characters are in. The events feels like thousand of miles away. I just can't get engaged in the story.

Show, don't tell is a writing advice the author desperately needs. <<less
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B2j rated it
May 29, 2017
Status: c283
Beautiful plot. Praise the author. The apocalyptic setting is umuah! Beautiful! Especially in the beginning, I can really feel it. It kind of calms down as story progresses but it's understandable because the MC is strong~

Unlike other op characters, this MC really really struggles for this shit. All his experiences and adventures are exhilarating and awesome. His personality is also different from what I thought, he's much more cold hearted, manipulative, and decisive. Although I would love to see his cruel and ruthless side more these days... he had gotten... more>> softer but I like it still. He has virtually no time to think about such things afterall.

This novel has virtually no romance, at all. Don't get your hopes up in the beginning. It's good nonetheless without it.

Also love how things don't always go his way, it just make it more exciting but exhausting.

The author's writing is at least good enough, I think. Translators also doing a good job. Frequent updates banzai!

10/10 would recommend. One of the best imo. <<less
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Syr_Reiht rated it
November 2, 2016
Status: c218
This is one of my favourite stories at the moment. The developement is fast-pace. The MC is decisive and it is a delight to watch how his action impact the world he is in. He is definitely overpowered but I don't see anything wrong with that. My only complaint is waiting for more releases :P.

I highly recommand it.

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MewYi rated it
October 21, 2016
Status: c117
At first I couldn't really put my finger on why I did not like this novel. I liked the premise and the characters in the story but the wrting style is dissapointing. As JJ's review explains it completly.

As much as I want to enjoy the novel, either the author as some really wierd grammar syntaxing in the novel or something is lost in translation from korean to english.
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Cien rated it
August 6, 2016
Status: c109
Starts off good... The world and the story is interesting but method the MC deals with everything is very similar. (up to 109)

It's a fun read as long as you can get through the errors in each chapters. They really need more proof readers or at least a new one.

Edit: (up to 146) The story is too fast. Too many enemies/problem appear one after the other. Certain characters are basically forgotten. Hopefully they will make a re-appearance in the future.
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Lebrew rated it
June 18, 2016
Status: c131
I simply love this novel. The worlds it takes place in is well thought out and very well fleshed out, while being highly original and surprising for the reader. The power system is present, but does not take an as central role as in many other novels of the same genre. The objectives are what drives the story forward, rather than "MC is Lvl 5 now and can beat up everyone time to go to a new place". It's more like MC has something he has to do, and power... more>> is only a means to an end.

One of the things this novel does that I immensely enjoy, but some people don't like, is that it often does time skips past fights. Other novels, like say ATG, would maybe use 5 chapters for a final epic, drawn out and clique fight. Here it simply skips over many of these fights, and we just find MC standing over the dead body of his opponent in next chapter. I'm in love with this way of doing it. In the cases we know that the MC is gonna win, the author simply doesn't draw it out and shows the result. This does not only make the fights that are fully shown even more epic, but it also makes the story flow more smoothly in my opinion.

Lastly I will say that the main character, Hansoo, is everything I wanted from a time travel/reincarnation. He is mentally 76-77 years old, and reflects this by not regressing to an insecure horndog when he reincarnated. He has a no bullsh*t attitude, is completely immune to women not because he is ret*rded but because he simply doesn't care, and is overall the image of a very fed up veteran. I do kinda wonder why the guy with limited social skills and 15 years less time to prepare was the only sensible choice, but that's just me though. Easily 5/5 from me. <<less
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Llamia rated it
March 19, 2016
Status: --
The story is wonderful. The MC is mature and has his priorities straight. He's like a grandfather looking over children.
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ninthlite rated it
February 17, 2016
Status: --
This is really good. I was hesitant in reading this because of the flooded market of poor quality time travel novels which involve mmos where the main character is so f**king op that there is no point in any other character to exist, and the character's only defining character trait is being op. While the main character is op he is interesting to read due to his ruthlessness.

This was my initial impression of the story. The author managed to create a pretty good start, but managed to create a lifeless... more>> and stilted w0rld for the op to rampage in. I can't say the novel is worth reading beyond the first few chapters. <<less
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February 26, 2024
Status: c411
One of the better regression stories
background plot/world building is VERY well done. Characters seem a bit off, and most people wont like the MC... even though he is written very well for his situation. He's actually hundreds of years old and has been slaughtering enemy forces while watching all of humanity die for that time. If he acted normally, the author would be a hack.... saying that, it makes MANY interactions and thoughts almost unenjoyable?
Not sure if this is just a pessimistic author thing... but there is just a sh*t ton of terrible people. and the seemingly goodish people don't step up? it's hard to articulate what I mean on this one... but just consider this, the MC finds good individuals, but has to CREATE good groups. The final sections of the story has some of the people he helped come in with more new people as the calvary, but there is never an actual good force out there before these side characters create it for the MC.
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Fexa rated it
December 3, 2023
Status: Completed
I forgot whether I've read this novel before but as soon as I saw the chapter 1..... I remember what it was. It was one of the most memorable novel settings I read; at least, that's what stick out to me the most..... This one is definitely a MUST read just for the setting alone.

Everything is else (?) Forget it..... I mean as far as character goes, I only remember what they do if that even count as anything. XD
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xairs rated it
August 19, 2021
Status: c24

I just can't anymore. It's like the author forgot how conversations go and how a normal person thinks. Ugh.

... more>>

If you are able to shrug off cringing/wincing every 3-4 paragraphs from the messy dialogues and awkward internal monologues then I can recommend this novel. It has pretty good fantasy elements and the plot isn't bad at all. The writing is mediocre but good enough for light novels.

Honestly, it's a good novel but d*mm*t Korean webnovelists need to learn how to write scenes properly. "Tuk Hak Shoosh". What are these awkward sounds. Once or twice in awhile is okay but every single thing that has some sort of movement involve usually means a series of "sound effects" from the author. It's so frustrating to hear.

I had tried reading this back in 2016 but couldnt get past the writing and 4 years later it's still the same thing. And oh boy the MC. Oh geez.

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Pixeldrum rated it
August 2, 2020
Status: Completed
Man, back when I first started reading this in 2016, I really didn't think that it would have taken me this long to finish at 2020.

Reincarnator was one of my first KR webnovels. Nowadays, there's a truckload of KR dungeon-like novels like Reincarnator, but Reincarnator was my very first fantasy/dungeon KR webnovel, so it's always had a place in my heart. It's story, setting, plot, and characters were all solid, so it didn't come as a surprise that I held Reincarnator as the golden standard for such novels.

In the end,... more>> it is pretty rare to see something as well made as Reincarnator popping up, so despite finishing it many years later, I still find Reincarnator to be pretty good. It stands the tests of time, to say the least.

Reincarnator isn't great because of it's premise, but of how the plot grows out from the simple premise. Going back in time to fix mistakes isn't exactly a unique idea, but Reincarnator is great because Kang Hansoo never has an easy time. He always pushes himself and "min maxes" so to speak, in order to progress with his plans. It's enjoyable seeing how Hansoo establishes his strategies for each zone, and how they turn out to be. Not every strategy works, but he works around them despite that.

Characters are alright, but if we're being honest here, there's a few side characters that are actually relevant to the story, few of which Hansoo barely interacts with. Characters aren't exactly explored, and if you were to drop this novel, it'd probably be because the characters are kind of bland, despite there interesting ones. It's just because they usually fade into obscurity eventually.

And well, the plot was fine, but from the 6-7th zone, it becomes clear that the author doesn't know how to close out his novel, and the quality drops immensely. A plot that was straightforward but interesting to read about become pretty complicated and really not explained well. Text dumps and plot developments are frequently dumped into chapters so that you get what is going on. Plot progresses extremely fast, and in the end, you get a pretty horrible ending, if we're being honest here. The ending itself was expected, but the journey there and the description was... not.

In the end, Reincarnator is a good webnovel, with few bad points to speak of, the biggest one being the ending arcs. Such is the woes of webnovels. Even a 500 chapter webnovel (pretty short tbh compared to CN WN) has terrible ending arcs. <<less
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s0n1k rated it
June 4, 2020
Status: Completed
The whole premise of time travel was flawed. To make the novel more spiceful (or desperate) than it should be, the surviving last choose the last or the latest member to be sent!! Wtf! How annoying is that? So everyone else have a 20 year head start but they decided to send the rookie?

... more>>

Also idea that his values for mankind and his reasons or actions was what made him being sent back is completely bullsh*t as later it was revealed that his memories were tempered.


The whole novel after first arc is a - start from bottom rung and ascend due to some hidden skill or legacy- rinse and repeat.

Also the most valuable thing the guy had was knowledge of future (which according to him was what wad valuable) but later gets completely erased cuz the author ran out of plots to deter his OP skills.

Complete utter time waster. I hated the fact that they chose the person to send back in time as the person who would start 20 years later. So all the sh*t the others had done could be undone...

The only positive of the story (that kept me reading) was the history or the context of each zone (esp the green zone. For those stories only is this novel worth anything). 2.5 nothing more for this novel. IMO Master hunter K pulls off this genre and time travel better. In fact it leaves a better taste in your mind than this (minus the extreme gore or human defiling/ bizarre stuff in this novel). And the ending is so rushed and convoluted that it seems the author forgot about a lot of things he thought about the story along the way (sort of like shounen mangas *naruto/bleach*) where all people happen to get along blah blah. <<less
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Vulcan Hajin
Vulcan Hajin rated it
April 27, 2020
Status: end
end of v12 writing this (there is 16 vols) . I'm trembling guys, freaking trembling. Cracks appearead on my desk, I got a bit too excited, this in f**ng hot; even if the end isn't the best, I'm gonna give it a 5/5 star. If it's not horrible at least, because just up to now it was damn good.

Advice for those just searching fantasy and 'isekai' kind with a ruthless world and great changes, it's adviced. I like long novels rather than short ones and it's a quite long... more>> one (at least compared to KR novels fntasy).

  • Very important : it has a really too huge world, so at first some can fear the lack of information and so the world building, but it is really not felt, there is many information so I would advice a reading with care, since you may lose important points due to this though there is reminders some times. You can expect a great character growth through the story.
Edit: after the end of the novel, well.. There is certainly a little feel of loss... can't deny it since I personnally greatly expected to read

the abyss world and struggles, well it's expected since the novel would end really soon

but overall I had a great time reading it. Thanks NU for discovering the novel through you and the author for the work :)

HF reading the novel! <<less
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Gutzb4glory rated it
March 23, 2018
Status: c344
Not sure why its good. There is plot armor, annoying (sometimes) timeskips, and yet its so addicting. I think the best part of the story is how the author nails the human pysche. And the MC who long ago gave up on trying to be a hero, and just focuses on saving humanity no matter what is a welcome change from idiotic or insane mcs. He seen it all, and therefore become numb to most of the world. Hope you give this novel a chance :)
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selweron rated it
February 12, 2018
Status: c319
So, I am one of the guys who followed Reincarnator for the first 10-279 chapters everyday till the hiatus came near the end of 4th zone. I also agree that the 180-279 chapters were getting really repetitive, and MC was just like a robot, so there we were just skimming the chapters as you didn't really miss much and the exciting moments were pretty much nonexistent due to MC's bland character.

Now that I see the chapters come out again, I have just finished reading all new chapters. I have to... more>> say, I didn't expect an explanation of his character and behaviour by the plot. And since then everything kind of makes sense and the novel gets better again starting around 300 chapter which is rare (usually novels only go downhill..). This was a novel that I have read before Galactic Dark Net or King of Battlefield were picked up by translators, so I have many sentiments for it. What's funny is that after so much time I still remember the key characters like Sangjin and Arthur, because I always had problems remembering the characters in this novel :DD

All in all, this novel is not garbage, I still consider it as one of the best KR novels out there (even after so many more came to light). Give it a try, especially the people who never touched it! <<less
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Midget_bunny rated it
August 14, 2017
Status: c307
I recommend you guys to read it again up to ch300. There is mind blowing plot twist. After that you guys will definitely know why he acts that way. Why he keep continuing to enter one to another floors without stopping. I dont know what will happen after the plot twist but Im sure it will give you guys some satisfactory answers on the MC weird character.

MC is a loner up to ch300. Im not sure whether he suitable to have right man with him all the time. He of... more>> course has his own subordinates but rather than do things together, he gives them orders for them to do and he will continue his own things. If this kind of MC turn you off maybe this book not suitable for ur reading. N like other reviewers said, its hard to feel emotion from the characters.

But other than that, I really love and enjoy this novel so much. 5/5! Recommend to read up to ch 300, only after that decide whether wnt to continue or dropped it. <<less
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Chamber rated it
May 29, 2017
Status: c300
Put it on hold at c300

Starts off really nice, but MC doesn't really receive much love from the author. He's expressionless (other than frowning) most of the time, and I'd personally like to see more emotions in him.

Now, to spoil a little, chapter 300 marks the end of 'act 1' as put by the author. And act 2 should be more interesting, since something very interesting happens at the end of act 1, but I'm just too tired to read any further. Perhaps I'll finish reading it when I have... more>> time <<less
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