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Humanity has been gradually transported to the Abyss by a bored god to compete against other races and monsters. The problem is… humanity failed. In a last desperate push, the strongest survivors chose a comrade to travel as far as possible back in time.

Associated Names
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Hwan Saeng Jwa
Related Series
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194 Reviews sorted by

Blisfulloblivion rated it
April 24, 2017
Status: c232
It's interesting how divisive the reviews for this story are. Seems like most people love it or hate it. Personally, I really enjoy it. It's not perfect but it's still very good. The plot has obviously been planned out and there are no filler chapters. It completely breaks immersion in a high tension/action stories when suddenly there is a string of chapters rehashing past events or doing unrelated activities. So I appreciate that the author never stoops to filling pages. That being said, in the later arcs sometimes things progress... more>> too quickly. The author skims over sequential battles or jumps from one battle to the next without properly leading into them, skipping the planning/regrouping between fights. It makes sense but the lack of calm moments makes the big battles lose some tension since the reader becomes numb to the constant action. The fights are still enjoyable but the emotional rush is a bit less than what it could have been. I love the MC. While he's not the most expressive or emotional lead he's a very likable one. The MC has just the right amount of cruelty and kindness. He's a good person who has been made very hard due to the stories events and this has been portrayed very very well. It could be argued that rather than a being good person he's more a trustworthy type as he still kills and schemes but doesn't backstab or lie. And I appreciate the bits of development his character has. This is best seen in the moments when he debates over the merits of his friends ideologies that he uses to guide his actions. While some of the scrubs start to feel the same after 200 chapters the main villains all feel unique and fleshed out with the right amount of mystery to them. Especially the Mad Light Lord, who at first seems very evil (and arguably still is) but has a higher goal that's not too dissimilar from the MC's making the distinction less clear.

It's refreshing to see the MC struggle and suffer in his mad dash to save humanity. Too many stories, especially with the gamer tag, let the MC just breeze through with only minor setbacks. The MC has to frequently make life or death choices, push himself to the point of literally ruining his body and soul, while trying to navigate the hell created by the faeries. While you know he wont die he's still going to suffer.

The world building is very good. While some people may consider it too much I think it's appropriate for how unique the setting is. Only complaint is that sometimes it could be worked in better and at times I wish there was more. The author always gives the minimal amount needed to create the current zone but doesn't always embellish. This could be intentional as the MC is rushing through as fast as he can as time=lives. This doesn't leave him much time to explore or ponder over the zones he's in. It's also nice how different each zone (world) is. The challenge presented in each area is distinctly different from the others. The variety between zones keeps the story from getting stale and I feel that they get better as the story progresses. With each zone being a unique world there is going to be a fair bit text devoted to world building.

All in all it's a very good story but it's not for everyone. I would also recommend taking a break from reading after each arc (zone) to keep the amount of action from becoming to much. <<less
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raifan rated it
April 6, 2017
Status: c40
I liked the beginning of the story, but it went bad due to the writing style of the author. The Author jumps from scene to scene and from character to character with no transition. It is like the author expects you to read his/her mind and know what is going on. Really got bad in the late 20s, and I struggled to make it to chapter 40. I was hoping to find out what skill he would end up getting, but I couldn't make it.

In terms of the story, I... more>> wish it would be more so about his experiences rather than the secrets that he got from others. They mentioned in the beginning that he was the choice to travel back because he was able to achieve so much in so little time, so he must have gotten some type of gains in his own past, but all he does is follow the past stories of others. None of the secrets are his own. He also mentions the fact that a lot of people remember the first days of the tutorial because it was the beginning, but we get none of that from him. No advantages of knowing people's past actions or anything from his own past. All of the other 3 top member had big achievements in their tutorial that made them special. What were his? All of this would have been forgivable but the bad writing just made it unreadable. <<less
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natsume142 rated it
January 7, 2017
Status: c122
It use to be so good but after a few chapters the plot become so lousy and the writing are so confusing. I desperately need a glossary to actually understand what the heck happen. I always felt sleepy and dizzy reading this novel due to the bad writing. I was really hoping it would change after a few chapter however it's still the same.

The characters are easily discarded like tr*sh and I don't understand most of the plot. I really hope the novel will become better in the future and... more>> I would probably pick it up again if I'm desperate. <<less
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k1nk4 rated it
September 18, 2016
Status: c198
One of the best I have ever read. Well planned, you don't feel like it is forceful at all, unlike most novel where the MC has 999 of luck, in this story everyone has the same start and the same chance to get stronger.

The MC goes back in time because of a artifact and not random luck, before going back, he, his friends and a big group of experts planned the best path he can take, ofc they cant think of every possible choice, but most of situations.
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JJ rated it
August 18, 2016
Status: c183
The idea of the story is pretty good but the writing style could only deter some leechers to read further. An editor could alleviate all this, though. I could have rated it five for the story but dropped one star due to the writing style.

The Writing Style.
It could only.
Talk like this.
For some unknown reason.
If you're going to read this.
Outloud or subvocalize.
You will always stop at the.
Period or per break.

I don't know why the writing style is like this but it sucks to be honest. My opinion is the same with a review that tells this is a headache to read -- heck, to be fair, using a software to analyze sentence structures, a chapter is rated post-collegiate even if the words used are easily digested. Meaning, it's damn hard to read whereas other translated project, such as ISSTH or DE, are rated grade six to eight. There are also sentences you won't understand unless you read three prior sentences or never understanding them at all.

(The passages below are non-spoilerish btw)
Case in point:
A message with a large amount of worry.

He could only.

Since they were connected with the symbol of the Clan.

When I first read it, I asked myself: what?

There are also incomplete scenes/description like this:

‘Those guys... which village did they come from. Why are their numbers so low. And what about the newcomers this time?’
Junghwan from the

Yep, it's cutoff from there. This is for chapter 174.
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Lolistalker rated it
July 30, 2016
Status: c133
This is not for everyone (as you can see from other comment)

I personally love this very very very much, this is very different than most novel/story out there, its feel very fresh, a bit similar to some xianxia but with no useless exaggeration and repetitive word or phrase which is really annoying, do note that this is for adult, many blood spilled and character die of here and there everywhere, there is no hope nor salvation (well maybe there is?)

The MC is very reasonable and smart, not a... more>> hypocrite nor overly kind like Shirou from (fate/stay night) but also not crazy lunatic like Hifumi from (summoned slaughterer), he is more like Kiritsugu Emiya (fate zero) if anything he know that saving everyone is just simply impossible and naive dream, but he still want to save as many as possible so he use his own method to do thing, I love this type of character the most, realistic with no bullshit. But then again he is amazing but not perfect guy so yeah I can see why some people dislike him.

Also some people seems to feel that the character are just like some cannon fodder and the world isn't explained fully/take to long to build etc etc, but think of it like ISSTH, first hundred chapter is just a prologue or some kind, if you think of it that way then it will make more sense, its still chapter 130s so its just barely started.

Actually I have a lot more to say but oh well, maybe later. <<less
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justmehere rated it
July 27, 2016
Status: c168
I rarely gives 5 star rating to a novel.

This one deserves it.

Interesting plot, splendid story telling, totally packed with action sequences.

If there is anything that is lacking on this novel, it's prob the way the MC potrayed.
It seems from his inner thoughts, he does things out of necessity. But this is a minor setback, coz the whole story is really mind blowing.

Be prepared though, this is a packed novel that requires your full attention to be enjoyed.
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Oppenz rated it
June 13, 2016
Status: c90
Starts pretty good, went downhill past 30-ish. No side characters that is worthy of note, no character development and everything looks bland. Everyone else besides the MC is just a lateral fillers and you won't even remember who's doing what and when. The conversation and the story jumps unexpectedly every now and then, not too mention the events progress too fast and before you even realize that particular arc was over it's another arc already.

Honestly I feel like the author just make things up as the story goes on without... more>> solid back story of the characters and the world itself.

While the story starts out with not too much overpower bullcrap; MC relying on strategy and by outsmart the adversaries but after a while it's become never-ending op battle novel without much else to read.

If you have a lot of time to kill and like to read fighting that won't ever stop with the "unnecessary" parts cut off, read this one. <<less
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TheJudge rated it
March 10, 2016
Status: --
Really good 5/5

After reading 4-5 chapters I was hooked, ended up reading all 48 chapters in a day. This novel has none of the ret*rded cliches from ATG, MGA, Wu Dong w/e and most of the other crap out there that spends a chapter lusting after a women or describing how hot they are, nor does it have the ignorant "Opps I f'ed up again, oh well I gots the plot armor to save me". Sure they were fun and interesting to read when I first started reading novels, but... more>> now I just can't stand it. If you ever read the manga gantz (minus the senseless killing and nonesense) or the novel terror infinity, it's a mix of those two.

I find Korean novels to be a mixed of japanese (without the passive, shy, dense MC's) and Chinese novels biased thinking.

This is now one of my top 5 novels, up there with:
Terror infinity
World of Cultivation
Magus World <<less
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tanzmoon rated it
March 3, 2016
Status: --
Its amazing! It has no cliche plots or useless content. It's like everything happens for a reason. Its really good. Plus no harem!
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Beixuan rated it
December 31, 2023
Status: c489
In my opinion this is one of the best novels of its genre, the world building is fantastic, the story and how it progresses made me feel the urgency that the protagonist has in fulfilling his mission, also giving importance to secondary characters and their choices managing to describe them not only as good or bad but as complex.
The only flaw I found was in the translation, which in the first chapters isn't the best, but I don't take it into account in the score I assigned because it's subjective, or I simply found a site where it was poorly done.
To conclude, I highly recommend it.
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cosme7 rated it
October 12, 2023
Status: Completed
If you've read The Second Coming of Gluttony or Omniscient Reader Viewpoint, there's a good chance you'll end up liking Reincarnator! I just finished reading it and I hope this review helps you decide whether to give the WN a chance or not :P
1. Story ★★★★★ - Great world building, interesting and very simple to understand skill system, a story that doesn't drag on, and has a pretty decent plot.
2. Character ★★★★☆ - Characters come and go in the story, they are passing through to help in world X or Y, few follow the MC precisely because he needs those people there to control the people, but does he conquer through charisma? No! Use of force, fear, tenacity to face challenges, etc... He is not there to become a “King” but rather to save Humanity, but this is where a problem comes in for some... Not having “character development”, but at the same time it is not necessary. MC is already around 70 years old +/- when he returns from the future, what drives him is to save as many people as possible to fight against the Abyss, he doesn't care if the person is a "sinner" because a Soldier is a Soldier, whether good or bad, will end up dying, as he has seen good people die in the worst possible ways, so what he needs is STRENGTH to control these people.
You, through the MC, know what happened to race X or Y, as well as the reasons for their downfall, but the relationship stops there, they have no compassion or anything. The most that both sides can achieve is an "alliance" of mutual benefit.
3. Enjoyment ★★★★★ - I really liked it because the work shows the "bad" side of humanity, the moment you take away what binds them "Law, Morals", it becomes a mess, that's exactly what happens, many works use this "Back from the Future trope" in a setting like this and considers many people to be good, of course, this can happen, but you have to look at this rotten side, it's the good old thing: Give the man power, and you will know him.
And this also applies to other races, as they all have their problems to deal with too. The fights themselves are just right, you don't have to write several pages for just one battle for both the MC and another character, the work is very dynamic in this regard.
4. General ★★★★☆ & 9/10 - I really liked the story, both the fights and the world-building, what was a little off was this lack of character development, but, as I said, it didn't negatively impact the work, you feel the sense of urgency, it's not there to make friends or have romance, he is there to save humanity (there is a catch to that KEKW).
If you read this review thank you very much and may God bless you!
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Inurondo rated it
May 8, 2022
Status: Completed
Short version:

I rate the first 350 chapters 4.5/5. Good pacing, likable (and OP) MC, nice side character development. Down sides are that most villains are greedy idiots and that the action scenes aren't choreographed down to the details like a martial arts novel.

For the last stretch, I rate it 3/5. It was nice the author closed up all the loose ends, but they sacrificed the pacing of the story in order throw in unneeded plot twists.

No romance. The most you get is a hint that romance happens after the story... more>> is over.

Long version:

First of all, my review for the first 300 chapters is different than my review for the following 192 chapters. The novel can be broken down to the phases Tutorial + Zones 1-4 + Zones 4-7 + Abyss. The first 300 chapters were the first five phases. The next 192 were the second five phases.

First 300: 4.5 stars.

In my opinion, the author had a good growth pacing, good side character development, and satisfying events. The two issues I noticed were that the action scenes were not choreographed ("their blades met" rather than "as he slashed from top to bottom, the opponent took a step inward to catch the blade with the hilt of his sword") and the villains were basic (most were just greedy idiots that thought no one would ever hold them accountable). That first issue is actually why I rated this 4.5 stars instead of 5. The second issue becomes a non-issue once you think of the plot. If a bunch of people were thrown into a game where you either die or sacrifice others to grow stronger, you're going to wind up with a lot of idiots that just thinking about the consequences. That said, its excellent pacing and diverse cast were quite satisfying for me.

Following 192: 3 stars

To me, it felt like the author crossed a threshold where they decided they didn't want to continue the exact same stuff for 300 more chapters. The author drastically shifts the story for chapter 301, and again around 400 and 480. I was actually fine with the first shift, but zone 6 and the second shift are where I stopped particularly enjoying it. They start

messing around with the MC's memories, messing up his skill composition, making the enemy human faction dumber and the enemy aliens smarter, and then just throwing in "I win" reverse cards towards the end.

By chapter 400, I was just skimming most of it because I was over 20 hours in and wanted to the see end. The author did tie up all of the loose ends though. While I can't say I would ever reread these chapters, I'm glad I at least skimmed them for the closure of the story. <<less
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Valixiant rated it
August 6, 2021
Status: c102
This novel is at best, mediocre. While it has a interesting plot, the main character and just the writing in general are poor. The main character is basically a robot, he never changes from chapter 1, and from what I can tell, he will never change.

First of all, the way the author writes out fights, conversations, etc is just awful to read. I honestly feel like I've been reading a task sheet slowly being marked off with the occasional two chapter-long infodump. As soon as a fight ends, I forget... more>> it. Most of the fights are predetermined. Maybe, at best, the main character will get knocked out after he wins but theres no real tension. They either completely skip the fight, or the main character collects every item on a grocery store list required to fight the enemy. On the second situation, it basically turns into him rushing through everything with little to no repercussions. Sometimes the author will spice it up with things such as "he rushes through but takes a lot of damage". Thats it.

The main character. His motivations, morals, thoughts, and the way he does everything are all laid out in the beginning. This never changes. Speaking of something not changing, no matter what he does, no matter how many times he does something that no one else can do, people who have been surviving for years by relying on their instinct and danger-sense suddenly decide, "Hey I'd bet I would be really powerful if I beat up the guy clearly leagues ahead of me." Then, of course, they lose. Thats basically every enemy. There is no intelligence anywhere.

Also, I'd like to expand on my previous point on infodumping. Most novels are not nearly as bad as this one. Someone will mention a piece of lore in a conversation then there will be several paragraphs of exposition. It's so tiring to read, it doesn't help that the main character responds in the same exact way every time.

Anyway, this novel was pretty good at first but fell off. A decent read. <<less
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September 30, 2020
Status: --
This story is s*upid. Their plan from the very beginning is very s*upid. They should have not sent an emotionless guy (he is not ruthless or something but literally with no emotion like a puppet) to reincarnate. If they wanted to save humanity then they should have sent Eres since first of all, she has the capability to unite humanity and she was one of the first people who entered the tower. She could have paved the path for the incoming humans and killed the antagonist (who messed up every... more>> zone that made the MC suffer and killed many humans) before he gained strength since both of them are from the same batch. Then she could have waited for the MC to teleport in the tower then guided him to become stronger until he opened the transcendence on the green zone.

The author call his characters the best four of humanity but they're too s*upid to even think of an actual plan. Don't bother reading this. <<less
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Pixeldrum rated it
August 2, 2020
Status: Completed
Man, back when I first started reading this in 2016, I really didn't think that it would have taken me this long to finish at 2020.

Reincarnator was one of my first KR webnovels. Nowadays, there's a truckload of KR dungeon-like novels like Reincarnator, but Reincarnator was my very first fantasy/dungeon KR webnovel, so it's always had a place in my heart. It's story, setting, plot, and characters were all solid, so it didn't come as a surprise that I held Reincarnator as the golden standard for such novels.

In the end,... more>> it is pretty rare to see something as well made as Reincarnator popping up, so despite finishing it many years later, I still find Reincarnator to be pretty good. It stands the tests of time, to say the least.

Reincarnator isn't great because of it's premise, but of how the plot grows out from the simple premise. Going back in time to fix mistakes isn't exactly a unique idea, but Reincarnator is great because Kang Hansoo never has an easy time. He always pushes himself and "min maxes" so to speak, in order to progress with his plans. It's enjoyable seeing how Hansoo establishes his strategies for each zone, and how they turn out to be. Not every strategy works, but he works around them despite that.

Characters are alright, but if we're being honest here, there's a few side characters that are actually relevant to the story, few of which Hansoo barely interacts with. Characters aren't exactly explored, and if you were to drop this novel, it'd probably be because the characters are kind of bland, despite there interesting ones. It's just because they usually fade into obscurity eventually.

And well, the plot was fine, but from the 6-7th zone, it becomes clear that the author doesn't know how to close out his novel, and the quality drops immensely. A plot that was straightforward but interesting to read about become pretty complicated and really not explained well. Text dumps and plot developments are frequently dumped into chapters so that you get what is going on. Plot progresses extremely fast, and in the end, you get a pretty horrible ending, if we're being honest here. The ending itself was expected, but the journey there and the description was... not.

In the end, Reincarnator is a good webnovel, with few bad points to speak of, the biggest one being the ending arcs. Such is the woes of webnovels. Even a 500 chapter webnovel (pretty short tbh compared to CN WN) has terrible ending arcs. <<less
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Kyaerer rated it
June 25, 2020
Status: c350
God what a novel. So much potential and it all goes to shit. I don't know why this happens to everys korean novel. The start was amazing, it was kind of repetitive in a way but the story was so good that repetition felt good. The only problem was the MC acting like a f*cking robot without feelings. Then it get so annoying to read in the middle god he finally gains a personality but is not different from before. The story which was the only thing holding the novel... more>> together was just shot to death.

I guess it was because the author didnt have anything to write. What happens to a novel when the only good thing about it is taken away. Boom! Converts to tr*sh. The ending is rushed according to others and my analysis. This story requires way more chapters, no way that it ended in 500 or so chapters.

So my recommendations don't read if you have something else to. If u read it, read until his personality changes and then burn this b*tch, create an ending in mind and just go away from this tr*sh. <<less
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gonyyong rated it
May 4, 2020
Status: Completed
Would agree with others that ending wasn't the best.

The first couple of arcs are great but around the middle (obvious what I'm talking about if you read the novel) where his personality changes, I think it went from a 5 to a 3. You could tell the author had difficulty planning out the rest of the story. Definitely one of those webnovels that didn't feel as well planned out as a regular novel. But that's kind of expected with this format. It didn't tie together quite as nicely as you'd... more>> hope. Overall though, still a good read, although last 100 chapters is more just to finish it then anything else. <<less
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GodlyCash rated it
July 17, 2018
Status: c26
I read a review talking about how this novel's writing became tr*sh in the later stages. Let me inform all of you that it was always tr*sh.

Let's get my biggest complaint out of the way. Why is there an action tag next to this novel? The writer is incapable of writing action scenes if he does at all. Most of the fights are gone through a time skip. Of bad ass main character of course he'll win. Of course, but no even writing the fight itself is even worst. From... more>> what I've read, only like 50% of the fights were actually played out instead of time skipped. Those 50% were also tr*sh. There is no tension in the fights since the main character somehow memorized everything. I understand he is suppose to be overpowered, but the way it's presented is horrible.

"He stabbed the beast 3 times, then he stabbed it 2 more times and it died"

That is pretty much how our writer played out the fight. It is slightly exaggerated, but I kid you not, the actual fight scenes in the novel aren't that far off. It's really similar. Take out of action tag please.

Second complain are the characters. They're all tr*sh. You know something is wrong with the story if it has to lure you in by starting a character who is obviously a jerk only waiting to die. Additionally, none of the other characters are that interesting. When a female character comes in, the author describe her as "beautiful, stunningly beautiful, one that'll make every man fall in love with her. Moving on." Wow thank you author for perfect portraying her appearance. I think poop is a good object to compare her beauty to because it might as well come how in whatever shape you want. She herself isn't even interesting, for some reason she falls in love with our main character immediately after a 2 day time skip. It was show before said time skip that she was afraid of him, but the next chapter she is in love with him. How? Great question. I don't know. It's a brain dead novel.

Third complaint, time skips. They are everywhere in this novel. When the writer is too lazy to write the actual interesting parts he does a time skip. You are only shown the beginning and the end of the fights that might actually have an appeal. In addition, he does time skips for grinding, which I understand can be boring, but its a great opportunity to develop the world! Hey, our main character may have gotten new stuff, which he does but due to the time skip it doesn't even matter. I feel like I'm reading a study guide where I have to remember this summary about what happened during the time skip. Most of it doesn't matter honestly. Like he got a katana, but hardly ever used it since.

I know it might be early to put down a review, but I've read a lot of novels and only recently started to put up reviews. I know when something is tr*sh.

If the translators of this novel sees this review, please, please, I beg of you, use your talents on something that deserves your talents. Not this tr*sh.

If I could give 0 stars I would, but I have to give it a one because the author put their name on it and wrote words.

At the very least from what I've read, some of the trials are interesting. However there are many other novels that do it much better like "King of the Battlefield" which also has its own flaws. <<less
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JapaneseFandom rated it
July 14, 2018
Status: --
Honestly I don't remember where I stopped at this novel but I remember I dropped this a bit after the tutorial stage ended. Yes, dropped. This series seemed great at first, it had a lot of character depth, and the MC actually uses his brain, and all psychological descriptions and psychologies seem real, but I notched a major flaw.

The author is desperately trying to show off the main character. I'm pretty sure everytime the MC does something by himself the author gives us a timeskip and skips to a part... more>> where the MC is interacting with people so we can see how he psychologically and sometimes physically dominates them. And I'm not talking about some random off time grinding, for example there was this one fight that the MC has been preparing for from the beginning of his reincarnation (around 1 week). When we reach this point the some stuff happens before the MC gets the chance to fight it alone, and when he does, surprisingly the author gives us a timeskip to the moment after the fight. That's not even the worst one though.

There was also this one event that MC has been preparing since the start too, but it took us around 2 volumes worth of chapters (with each volume being 250 pages each, this is an estimate), oh and almost everything he has been gaining up until now has been for this event. We reach the area he needs to get to to start the event, by himself, and much to our convenience we get a timeskip. I mean I think I can reach 2 conclusions, maybe the author's creativity ran dry, or maybe he doesn't have a chance of showing off the MC at this point. I obvious choose the latter. I mean at least let's see how the event goes down, what happens to the MC I seriously would've loved to know how all the fights went.

Anyways this is just my personal opinion maybe other people here see things differently who knows, but from the reviews I've read they all say that this novel is good so who knows, maybe I'll pick this up at a later time. <<less
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