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Humanity has been gradually transported to the Abyss by a bored god to compete against other races and monsters. The problem is… humanity failed. In a last desperate push, the strongest survivors chose a comrade to travel as far as possible back in time.

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Hwan Saeng Jwa
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194 Reviews sorted by

codu83 rated it
July 24, 2021
Status: Completed
I am quite hesitant between three and four stars.

There is good and there is bad.

Trully the good point is the main character for me.

The construction of the story as usual is better in the beginning. The way the universe is made makes it inevitable that the story seems to repeat itself several times. Sometimes you see different monsters with the same power.

Something else that bothers me ... more>>

for 95 % of the novel, the protagonist says that the stage where they are on is just the warm-up before the beginning, when the abyss invade their world but in fact, the "real deal" last maybe 5 chapters.


I was also disappointed about some other choices that made the authors.

When the protagonist looses his memories he does not change really. Although he says that he is more selfish, that does not change the fact that he sacrifice himself for the others which I find incoherent. Also, the fact that his two best friends that we know of since the beginning play in fact little part in the story. In the end, they did not talk at all to the hero during his second life when the author tried to built up the waiting for their meeting. There is also the thing with his hammer and the one who brought it to the Green Zone, Nepallem. Both of them have a mysterious origin and we never learn much about them.


I also have a bone to pick with the translator. In the translation that I read, the main antagonist, Clementine was female in 90 % of the novel but only mentionned and when finally she appears, she becomes a he. I am french and the name comes from my country so it is weird to see a feminin name becoming a masculin name. There was also some mistakes that I can overlook but this one was disturbing.

So why four stars with all these faults ? Well, because it is still better than the novels that I graded three stars. <<less
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PoSunBanYi rated it
July 24, 2021
Status: c187
Can't put up with such an amount of ret*rdity, absurdness. It has way too many casual flaws.

And the worst of it it's every time it goes: "Congrats! You've obtained 14 extra chapters, have fun! Remember! After this, another 20 of even more useless plot!"

And the reasoning behind it? Just about any random becomes god like, yea I can't withstand such cuckworshipper writing style, done.

I see no difference from other "large korean novels" i've read, except one that I'm accumulating chapters.
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Hyouou rated it
July 3, 2021
Status: c492
One of the best novels about someone going back in time.

The premise from the start already captivated me, and I liked the whole story a lot, although of course, this series isn't perfect.

It suffers from constant action arcs which in my book can be negative when overdone, but it isn't too bad. Another thing is relationships between characters is left fairly surface based, or at least isn't explored deeper than it could've been, and I believe at least Sangjin deserved a few chapters to himself.

One example would be elaborating more... more>> on the relationship Kiriel and Hansoo had before Hansoo returned from the Abyss.

One of the best things about this novel though is the plot twists. You can tell that the author tried hard to scale it up and make it interesting while trying not to ruin the whole thing with unexplained holes, and he did it well.

My only real gripe would be the last 2 chapters, the lack of details

I didn't mind not having several chapters about the fight with God, as I was already oversaturated with fight chapters previously, but the whole thing about Eres and the group sleeping could've been talked about, solved, and then maybe some small talk. And then some more detailed romance talk/stuff between Kiriel and Hansoo etc but that's just personal preference

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March 26, 2021
Status: --
Current status: c41

Decent attempt, but lacking. Positive thing is that MC is not your usual overly arrogant, or overly juvenile crappy MC who wears his emotions on his sleeve, and seems to be aged 5 despite being 25. He's pretty calm and collected, though I do think he 'chuckles' too much. All that 'chuckling' doesn't go with the atmosphere.

Bad thing is that there's nothing else going for him. Or for any other characters in the story. If the story is the body, then characters are the soul. And notice that... more>> I use the word 'characters' not 'character'. Thats because no matter how great you make an MC, a story with just single well written character (which btw this is still not) is going to be utterly lackluster.

This is another thing that most authors here seem to miss. If you don't fill your stories with colourful characters, then you're going to end up with drab grayscale ambience that'll make your book a chore to read.

Will probably drop this as soon as I find something better. <<less
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EmanIV rated it
January 2, 2021
Status: c492
Personal enjoyment of it is a 5/5, I'm unsure if the translation I had was strange there was times where things were said in ways that I just simply couldn't understand and after multiple readings still couldnt so I continued regardless despite the occasional poor writing the world that this book is set in is just absolutely amazing being one of my favorite settings of any book ive ever read on top of the power system being very fun to think about.
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Master10K rated it
November 18, 2020
Status: Completed
S. Korean, 2nd Chance, Apocalyptic, Transmigrator No. 32... Decided to read it just because it's fully translated and I couldn't handle another intense mystery. But what this one offered was a world turned on its head, by yet another bored sadistic god, who's entertained by watching batches of mortals struggle to "get good" and survive the progressively f*cked-up game-like challenges. With future knowledge being the key, to allow this Stoic MC to carry the useless dregs on his back.

Unfortunately the way the "friendly" characters are written/poorly translated, makes their inane... more>> dialogue frustrating to read. The action isn't that much better either and the author might known this, as major confrontations (like the Tutorial's Final Dungeon) are constantly skipped over. However what kept me going was the sense of Progression. With the different settings, in each zone, leading up to the Abyss. Stronger weapons & Skills. Even the gradual build up of bearable characters. All nicely wrapped up & a bit rushed, in an ending that didn't piss me off. <<less
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October 7, 2020
Status: Completed
Overall, the novel is enjoyable.

It's fast paced in the sense that you don't get immersed in the world too much because of how it was written but it has enough details that you won't get lost with what's happening.

It has enough foreshadowing so that it will keep you wondering about the origins of the story.

... more>> There is not much character development happening, but the changes in the characters are noticable.

The almost 500 chapters are enough to tell a decent story, but of course if one wants it to be as detailed as, for example, TCF, then 1000 chapters would still be lacking. <<less
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Shazaam rated it
May 20, 2020
Status: Completed
Worth. Great world building with amazing fights that keep you on the edge of your toes. The only flaw is, it never lets go of that tension. This is almost 500 straight chapters of straight action and fighting. I would recommend reading it all in one go; if you can’t find the next chapter just google it.
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Lucaria rated it
May 12, 2020
Status: c492
I must say it was quite the ride. The first time I read this I didn't get far because I was stuck on a chapter in the orange zone. Yet, I'm glad I've returned to this novel and completed it. There were many plot twists in zone 7 that I did not see coming and thing that I imagined that might happen that did not. It was well worth the binge read ?.
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etherealbao rated it
March 25, 2020
Status: c50
I really love this novel, I just started reading it last year.

It was pretty interesting up until halfway through. I couldn't keep up with the constant characters popping up. And the MC felt like a robot without feelings (though, it got some explanation why) but after that, not much is changing.

I will be back after I read the last chapter
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foulldest rated it
January 28, 2020
Status: c426
First 300 chapters is a machine without emotions to complete objetives in a list to save the humanity.

... more>>

After that, he gain memories and start to do whatever he wants but with the objetive to save humanity.

After chaptes 400~410

His personality have like a 180° change, even the people who was following him for years stop trusting in him, but the novel stops in c426, so I dont know if he was acting or something, but now I think he dont care anymore for humanity

Sometimes will be bored, and its hard to read.

But give it a try, amazing battles that can destroy worlds and races and im in 426 and there are still a lots of secrets.

I read somewhere this is the first book, so maybe I reached the half of the history, that's Make sense, the battle with the abyss just started. <<less
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Orsted IV
Orsted IV
August 7, 2019
Status: --
Concept is interesting, but the writing itself is horrible. Time skip, time skip, time skip... I usually am not harsh with novels in Novel Updates, because I know they are not at the level of western books in terms of characterization and development, or just professional writing style, but they have nice concepts and are at least better than bad fanfics. But this story is just written in a bad way, despite the fact it could be rated 3 or 4 stars for me if the author took his time... more>> to develop it and write it well. I know most stories here are only amaterish in terms of writing style, but this is very subpar. <<less
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