Reincarnated as a Dragon’s Egg ~Lets Aim to Be the Strongest~


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I woke up in an unknown forest.

It seemed like this place was a fantasy world where strange-looking beasts ran rampant. And just like in a game, I seemed to be able to check my enemies’ and my ability.

Let’s hunt monsters and gather titles in order to level up and evolve into a Greater Dragon!

And I heard a mysterious voice in my head, “Let’s aim to be the strongest!”

Associated Names
One entry per line
Dora Tama
Reincarnated as a Dragon Hatchling
Tensei Shitara Dragon no Tamago Datta ~ Saikyou Igai Mezasenee ~
Related Series
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174 Reviews sorted by

nin rated it
September 14, 2017
Status: c146
It's neither great or good, only decent.

The protagonist isn't particularly unique, but his dialogue and thoughts are entertaining enough to carry the novel.

The pace of the novel is pretty slow, but not unbearably so. Just when it arguably gets too SoL, it becomes obvious that events are brewing in the background.

My biggest issue right now is that the protagonist changes location drastically after the first arc and meets a new cast of side characters with the old ones probably not appearing for a long while. That said, the old side... more>> characters are referenced enough that it's likely they'll be relevant again. <<less
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Titan LLS
Titan LLS rated it
September 5, 2017
Status: c140
I'll make this short. This thing had promise, at the very least after the MC's time with the first heroine I was hopeful that this thing had more to offer. Many chpts later, I'm left wondering why I thought that. This thing is just another Re:Monster. environment and circumstances changed, but the general story stays the same. "Day 50, I killed this and ate that", "Day 161, I killed this and ate that" and so on and so on. A meaningless log of a monster's choice in the menu. Really,... more>> this is worth no one's time. <<less
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May 18, 2016
Status: c30
I'm fed up with this MC. I'm struggling to remember anyone dumber or more illogical than this one.
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armocallypsis rated it
April 14, 2016
Status: --
Now, don't be such mudsticks. It gets better around chapter 80. He drops some naivety, and starts going places. Not the best story, but is a 3/5, no more, no less.
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Rheinstahl rated it
January 29, 2016
Status: --
Ok, after reading up to chapter 28, I can only say I quite like it. Problematic is that the english for 29 and the following chapters took a turn for the worse. I hope the guy gets a editor soon...

The story is reminiscent of Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka?, after 28 chapters its quite hard to see were this story is heading at the moment, so im going to say just from the writing style its 4/5 – maybe thats just from the previous translators taking some libertys with... more>> the material. <<less
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December 21, 2015
Status: --
AT FIRST I THINK this one had some interesting setting, but after repeatedly look at this PC's horrible character, I've fed up with it.
This is just a story about a overly coward MC which miraculously able to survive on that world.

Note: that miracle only happen because he is the MC, so yeah, if there's someone who still follow this series, GOOD LUCK.

Additional: I don't know how to make a rate, but if I should give it, I'll give it 2/5.
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Soundwave14 rated it
December 17, 2015
Status: --
Interesting story about a Protagonist who starts off as a Dragon Egg before evolving to different forms of Dragons, the protagonist is funny thinking about trying to get humans to like him but ends up in a way failing to do so and trying to acquire the ability to change into a human form for himself so he can go to a village near by
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Razorace rated it
December 15, 2015
Status: --
20 chapters in and essentially reads like a stats catalog for a badly designed game with many redundant skills. Author tries to be funny with some of the skills and simply fails imho. Close to no plot progression and maybe one event of any significance. Furthermore, the mentality of MC is just all over the place and lacks consistency.
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nubdog rated it
September 14, 2015
Status: --
this novel has few translated chapters currently but the battle system is similar to Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka? So I believe it has potential so get ready when theres more chapts to mass read.

Edited:My bad, after reading somemore its like the reviews above me say the main char is naive and in a bad way too and usually hes just a really boring guy which tries to imitate some other novels self-talking eg. Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka? And in the end just self-talks about really boring stuff.

Also he... more>> is so caught up with the so called “getting along with humans” so much for really no reason which limits his future cos most of his decisions are made around “getting along with humans” and the author is trying to make a bad joke where “Ohh im trying so hard to get along with humans but the system keeps trolling me to take the wrong direction”.

And as for his so called “strategy” in battles he just refuses to use skills with an excuse like “hey if I use this skill others may think im not a nice guy so lets not use it JUST IN CASE even though my fking life is on the line” and in the battle he just stalls and stalls for time and does nothing else really and finally the author decides its time for him to “win” without the efficient use of his previous wasted time he just wins because he gets some lvs randomly (not dramatically at all) which he could just had farmed earlier (he refuses to farm skill lvs too cos its the same as always he wants to be a “nice guy”) and saved time in the battle for writing better/more stuff. Basically the author just has a “i’m weaker now but i’m gonna defeat this stronger guy somehow without any so called power ups for no reason” but is just really bad at doing it.

Tbh the direction for his evolution path and skills seems to be unique and has potential but really the author just does not know how to use it well. Yup and as for the plot its like the other reviews said little to no plot or rather I could say the author doesn’t really have a direction for now <<less
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Hrgggg rated it
December 23, 2023
Status: c753
This is Definitely one of my favorite stories, only behind Omniscient Reader and The Demon Cycle. The MC is so kind (really too kind for his own good), hes incredibly determined, and there isn't even a harem!! Hes such a unique MC, because usually MCs in these types of stories are a**holes or eventually go against their moral code (Don't get me wrong, that can be good too.).

He never does. He is determined to do the right thing and save anybody and its so heartwarming to read a story like... more>> this. So much love to the author for creating this masterpiece. &Lt;3<3<3<3 <<less
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hdcs is the best
hdcs is the best rated it
April 4, 2023
Status: c744
MC is kind but will kill people for selfdefence and protect his friends. Ehm also I noticed MC get tricked many times and have to beat boss monster at the end only to get tricked again and beat boss monster again, very predictable I think. If you around 15, I think you will like this.

they are making this novel into an comic, im sure that this will also mean that this will have an animated show, just like slime. Just imagine the illustrations wooow.

sorry for gramma not speaking english first... more>> language. <<less
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guironk rated it
September 9, 2022
Status: c686
A pretty slow story about a guy whose goals change over time and he is also a dragon. I see a lot of people complain about the MC, about how he's an idiot etc. I feel like at the start, this is quite fair and shouldn't be looked down upon at the start, as I am sure everyone would be quite confused when they arrive in an unfamiliar world as an egg. I think part of the issue here is that MC is compared to Kumoko from the spider isekai,... more>> and understandably so. These stories are rather similar concepts, I guess. But you should remember these are different characters in different worlds, and while Kumoko, from what I remember, had a more laid back approach to it, making one liners and jokes along the way, this dragon is different to her. I got to say though, after a point, he has to get his act together. He is too kind for his species and is frequently misunderstood.


Now referring back to the first sentence in my review. Eventually, he does realise his goal to become friends with humans is pointless, as later on he makes a deal with a human and is betrayed. Instead his goal becomes to be the strongest and live peacefully.

Because I feel like most people dropped this around the desert arc, it should be said that after that arc he gets more "permenant" companions. Most namely Alo, an undead he creates, and helps evolve to help her get stronger and get a form that resembles a human again. She's the mage of the group. Nightmare, a rare spider who evolved differently to the rest of her siblings, not very nice to our MC but still follows him because she likes the other head on his body. And Treant, the treant, who takes the role as tank and support. You do also get return of the girl he saved in the forest and the black lizard, but they return temporarily.


Arcs are quite long and theres a lot of filler, especially in the desert. But some later arcs are very battle focused.

Overall, really slow and dumb MC, but an enjoyable read to pass the time. As this is being adapted into a manga, if I had any advice to suggest, it would be a lot of this needs to be abridged, because a lot of the chapters are just internal dialogue with the MC. If you skim it you should still get the gist of the story. <<less
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hose246 rated it
May 23, 2022
Status: c11
Ngl but this novel is awful.

I'm only 11 chapters in and I already dislike it.

First, the MC is so dumb it's hard to just read his existence. The side characters are awful. The MC literally saved the girl by bringing the girl to her village, but when the girl woke up the villagers decided to just omit his existence. It's like the author is conveniently making the MC hated.

And what the f is that plague dragon thing? Like, why is the "can transform into human" only on the plague dragon... more>> thing? The author is just forcing this "MC looks evil but is actually good" thing too much.

Honestly, my rating for this novel will probably be much lower if I continued reading, but considering the other reviews, rating, and how the author is forcing drama, I decided to drop it before my psyche is harmed by how badly and annoying this novel is written. <<less
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DidYunCheGoddamnDieAgain rated it
April 17, 2022
Status: c568
So.. Good things and bad things.

Let's start with the good:

The side characters, while pretty useless at the best of times, are pretty well written, and feel like individual people instead of an accessory that just blindly follows the MC.

... more>> The world makes sense, and it's inhabitants act in a believable way

To an extent, the MC suffers from the Japanese MC syndrome and puts himself in bad situations because "i used to be human therefore I want to protect humans", but it's not to the incredibly annoying degree like in some other novels. Sometimes it sucks, but usually it's pretty ok..

The story flows nicely, it's not too dragged out, most of the time reading I was having fun.

But also some of the occasional bad parts:

There is not a single significant fight in this story withouth a) somebody taken hostage and/or b) "We're in a cave so I can't use my full power"

The MC suffers from a debuff that makes him take double damage and spend 5times more mana.. Seriously.. The enemy with 400 total mana can spam wide area bombardment spells non stop and it's a non-issue, but the MC with over 2000 punches a guy three times and starts running out..

Stats only matter when it's the enemy who's stronger. If the enemy has marginally more stats (one third/fourth more), the MC gets one-sidedly beaten and has to struggle really hard to win the fight. On the other hand, even if the enemy has half or even less the MCs stats, he still struggles to beat them.

MCs fighting style.. Mild spoiler, just the evolutions with descriptions:


Plague Dragon

Description: A dragon that spreads cursed miasma and deals powerful debuffs

Actual fighting style: Punching stuff. Can't fly, because wings spread miasma and that would affect the mandatory weak companion. Can't use plague breath because of the same reason.


Description: The dragon of eternity that has endless vitality and mana. The ruler of life and death

Actual fighting style: Punching stuff. "Endless" means about 30 percent more than monsters on the same rank, in exchange for all of the other stats being lower. "Ruler of life and death" means that the one skeleton he raised took hundreds of chapters to powerlevel before she started being semi-useful. Has no defining characteristics apart from being able to take a beating, which he does, because everything on the same rank and level is stronger than him.


Description: Ruler of dreams, leads around enemies using dream-like illusions, while showering them with powerful gravity/dimension magic.

Actual fighting style: Punching stuff. Everything else is borderline useless against monsters on the same rank. In the last battle, apart from dimension claw which never hit, not one offensive spell was used. The most useful spells of "the ruler of dreams" are one that pulls weapons from the dream world, and another one that transforms him into something that has hands so that the first one's even usable.

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Nodeo Franvier
Nodeo Franvier rated it
October 18, 2021
Status: c429
One of the best translated Novel around, One part that standout is the minimalist approach the author use of Status/rank/equipment. Instead of spamming S-SSS rank A, B, C, D rank actually have meaning in this novel, like wise the stat with 1000 a phenomenal numbers and top class humans is only at C+ rank monster level.
The system/skill/evolution is also pretty decent and minimalist too.

The MC is very likable and relatable instead of tossing his humanity away like in Overlord or Kumo desirable he actually retain his kindness. He mature overtime although he can still be naive which is very human of him. He also is not OP from the start but work hard for strength even risking his life to get stronger when he need too (he start becoming overwhelmingly superior to humans around chapter 192, this will be proven later on when he face an army)

The world building also is through and intricate. The author go to great lengths to item skill/description which is something I enjoy in game/novel a lot and help with world building.

TLDR: this novel is overwhelming superior to standard harem isekai, You should give it a try.
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Tempdos rated it
April 23, 2021
Status: c621
So I ended up spoiling myself about the story because I got bored of the MC forever sitting in the middle of the wilderness, just killing things, for several hundred chapters. I thought once he reached a certain level of humanification we might get him living with other humans and a kind of shift in the story to focus more on politicking and classical development.

Boy was that impression wrong. Like this arc with the small Lithovar tribe (or however it's spelled) is as good as it gets.

If a story where... more>> the MC has little to no social interactions with the world at large, and just kills mindless critters, sounds appealing to you. You might enjoy this. Otherwise, If a story without plot or world building sounds awful, I wouldn't touch this. <<less
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Shiro12 rated it
April 9, 2021
Status: c15
Let me give you a piece of advice: Ignore whatever sh*t those guys above are blabbering about it deserving at least 3 stars. The MC is ridiculously s*upid that I had to question his intelligence, the plot is executed very poorly, and the progression? Let me tell you, he meets a middle boss at a beginner level, somehow injures it with his weak attack (which probably didn't even scratch it), manages to run away from it (for some reason that middle boss has ridiculously slow speed), and it takes almost... more>> 60 chapters before he defeats it, when he managed to injure it with his beginner stats. Seriously? There are other works that deserve waaay better. If this story gets a 3, it's an insult to our intelligence and all the better ones out there. <<less
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Annoynomous rated it
April 1, 2021
Status: c675
Yes, I read ahead using google translator. I honestly, in a mixed manner, enjoyed reading this work. I was expecting to be more rounded genre like when I watched Overlord or Reincarnated as a slime, but its amounted into a story of (game) grinding to progress into season climax. Which I highly prefer to read ones with more world building and/or character development, not too bad based on my continued reading to be fair.

Ever since leaving the forest, the idea of immersive world building and prospect of interaction (aside from... more>> side kicks like black lizard, then into Nina and ball rabbit) was abandoned to just being a series of life and death battles from slime, giant centipede, etc.

As reincarnated story stand, it cant be really considered to be much of one, as the only prospect indicating is the inclination of having amnesiac past Irushia had in the beginning and his human morals.... absolutely nothing else. Admittedly due to being a dragon (thus a monster) there isnt a need for interacting with some sort of civilization, and just concentrating on hunting fellow monsters to hunt and level into evolving.

<<TLDR>> forest arc = 1st arc of Bleach, beyond is DB <<less
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TheRobotCoyote rated it
February 9, 2021
Status: c269
Onestly one of the better isekais; I like how the game system works, there are a couple of mysteries that seem intruguing and the overall plot is pretty ok.

The fact that the draw of this novel is "the protagonist is a dragon" rather than "this generic MC has cool abilities and gets a harem" is also a very nice change of pace from other novels in my opinion.

Overall I like it and would recommend.
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Aiwhatever rated it
November 6, 2020
Status: c150
The light novel just progressively get worse and worse from 100+ chaptors...... more>>

he chooses to leave the forest in which he was born and makes a pointless and brain dead choice like meeting human life when he is already a calamity dragon infant, he gets sad ober the fact that he can't spend his time with a human because of his carosive body which killes people and that's not even the worst but he goes to the second area trough a river that flows into the ocean and he wonders up on the shore of a desert, here in this desert he meets a bunny like animal that just needs to be cute for the sake of it bjt does it die from the MC carosive like curse, no it instead has plot armor and gets a skill resistance to his curse like body but you will have to read the novel in order to feel the full frustration and irritation of this creature (plus this should be over 100 chapters) is in the bounds of cliches sinve the author ran out of ideas for this and trust me the reason why the MC wanted it in the first place was because he wanted it to dig him a cave but was gonna kill it and than decided not to only because is was cute, the MC is almost as bad as the hatred I feel for bi*th like pus*y boy characters, he also is more bland than the grayest color since black and white movies since he not only lacks any brain cells but also he has ni courage what so ever because this is so plor armor and is the embodiment of sub human tr*sh, I still can't get over the fact that this man got some random ass animal in a desert only for it's existence is just to create more chapters as a matter a fact this thing that deserves to be left in hells 9th circle for being the embodiment of getting carried or in terms of vedio game power leveling like the canser tumer it is

if you read this spoiler than congratulations because I didn't even convey my frustration fully because of the sheer lack of words I can use to describe how extremely frustrated I was reading this and if you want a scale of this just picture a yourself spending hours and hours grinding your favorite game only to lose your progress because your save file was corrupted, this was the most frustrating I've ever felt that it was exceedingly worse than collage exams, I have never been more pissed in my life but this novel deserves to be removed from here so if you are not convinced than just saying i warned you <<less
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