Quickly Wear the Face of the Devil


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A top hacker was chosen by the Lord God to be reborn into countless worlds, always as an expendable villain.

With no free will, every world became a dead end. Each of his lives ended tragically.

Finally, after wrestling control of the Villain System, this ace hacker decided to enact revenge. Even if his very bones were rotten, he’d choose to occupy the very heights of morality, if only on the surface.

Thus, he would change his fate as an abused slag.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Cao Thủ Đổi Đen Thay Trắng
Kuài chuān zhī dǎ liǎn kuáng mó
Quick Transmigrating into a Face Slapping Demon
Quick Transmigration: Face Slapping Demon
The Face-slapping Maniac
Xue Zi Xuan
Related Series
Heroic Death System (48)
The Reader and Protagonist Definitely Have to Be in True Love (38)
Side Character Transmigrations: The Final Boss is No Joke (32)
Who Touched My Tail! (32)
There Will Always Be Protagonists With Delusions of Starting a Harem (28)
Don’t Pick Up Boyfriends From the Trash Bin (22)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Recommended by someone who reads 24/7
  2. Quick Transmigration
  3. Novels I've read and ratings ig?
  4. a match made in heaven
  5. To read later

Latest Release

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11/04/22 Vanilla Muse ex1 c15 part12
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10/11/22 Vanilla Muse ex1 c15 part10
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09/09/22 Vanilla Muse ex1 c15 part8
08/16/22 Vanilla Muse ex1 c15 part7
08/05/22 Vanilla Muse ex1 c15 part6
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07/05/22 Vanilla Muse ex1 c15 part4
06/21/22 Vanilla Muse ex1 c15 part3
06/10/22 Vanilla Muse ex1 c15 part2
05/16/22 Vanilla Muse ex1 c15 part1
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04/12/22 Vanilla Muse ex1 c14 part7
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Ro_Mika rated it
July 3, 2020
Status: Extra 1
  1. Well, I just had to review this because I really think there are some misunderstandings about this novel. Serious misunderstandings. I will try to not make spoilers, this is not about telling about what the novel is about but a... Warning?

    (If I put it like that, sounds like this is not good, it is, I promised).

    • First: SOME ARC INCLUDES DUBIOUS CONSENT (there's also an ABO world and that implies some consent issues) AND in*est (non-blood related in*est but don't f*ck with me, that's in*est nevertheless),

      so some people might feel uncomfortable or triggered reading it. If you're that kind of people, I suggest you to back off even if lot of people recommend you this story.
    • Edit (after finishing the novel) : literally, in the arc of the Cuckold Emperor, our MC says very clearly "If I wasn't me, and you weren't you, this would be considered r*pe, you know, animal!" That line is very fuzzy because of how crazy they are for eachother (not kidding, they're really really crazy). So, as I said, precaution.
    • Also, both the MC and the ML have some "quirks" that might feel adorable for eachother but for us -people outside the story and with at least some emotional development- the readers, might find sorta psychotic. Not ultra yandere levels of psychotic, but if possessive and a bit unreasonable characters annoys you, avoid this at all cost.
    • Second: This isn't the best novel you will ever found, doesn't have the best world-buildings or the best characters development, actually, its character development sucks. But, if you're new in all this reading novels path, it will be a really pleasant reading. THIS MEANS: READ IT WITH AN OPEN MIND, DON'T EXPECT TO MUCH. I love this type of novels, I know the format and I'm already really acostumed to the face-slaping, OP, manipulative and cunning but charming MC. This character, and we know it from the first chapter, is well-known as The Pretender, he's an actor and one of the best so what he really does in every world is give

      some cheats to the body he's using and then make use of the natural talent the original body has and then everything around him inevitably goes the way he wants.

      My favourite arc definitely was the apocalypse one, zombies are the most cliche setting

      but it was the first world in which our MC struggled. He had a disadvantage on his body that is already dying from the start and in the first four chapters the MC and the ML couldn't even interact because one is a force ghost (not kidding, the ML is an experimental subject since he has some healing abilities and when the MC enter the world -which is one where are double rebirth setting - the ML was in the edge of immolation and to start the plot that would definitely lead to the MC death, so he had to damage his own body and soul to put him down without killing him. The ML is in comma but his spirit is aware of everything and follows the MC through all the process of creating a vaccine for the Zombie virus.) And the other is too busy trying to save the world -and himself- to even worry about romance. I liked this arc so much because I thought, yes, this is what I wanted, something that is really challenging our MC but it didn't last much, our MC finally died and the rebirth plot of this world is triggered because of it (so basically the ML rebirth with the memories of the world where the MC was a good person and then everything goes smoothly for our MC and their romance in that world is a flower path). That f*cking hurt because everything before that was so exciting that after it felt like the whole arc was a kind of waste

      So, it's a satisfying reading but not a fulfilling one, good for starters but a bit disappointing for the ones that are familiar with the format, nevertheless, it's well written and translated, so it has its kind of charm (at least, I like the MC and the ML and that's a lot to say in QT stories.)
    • Third: That this is not the best, doesn't immediately means this is tr*sh. It's really worth reading. Just... Be careful, there are not much "deep" feelings in there (when I say this, I'm referring to that "tragedy" or "bittersweet" or even "happiness" sense that we sometimes get from reading one or two arcs of a QT novel, well, it's not here, you'll probably don't even shed a tear after reading this nor will feel bad or happy when the MC and the ML achieve something or lost something, and for me

      that is a big no-no, because

      the emotional impact the characters has on the reader is what makes them lovable, they're really alive when they make you feel at least something.)
Edit: About my thoughts above, I have a recommendation for those who are looking for character development, nice world building or at least, good twists on cliche kind

of world, a reasonably healthy relationship, with a cunning MC and a very good ML (like, if this man existed in real life, I would fight for his hand in marriage because goddamn that Lou Ying, he's husband material). That exists! It's hard to find, but exists. Don't pick up boyfriends from the tr*sh bin

is amazing in all that, and actually put into perspective our "beloved" typical ML (not you, Zhao Xuan -ML of FOD- we love you here) in a "real-life" setting, like, we love to read an overbearing, possessive, kind of crazy or tsundere or aloof ML, but if that relationship would develop in our real life, those are pretty big neon red flags

that would make us call the police. I'm not here to talk about that piece of art, but if you can, go take a look, it's worth it (though inevitable will be compared with FOD because it has the same premise as a QT story but it's different from the start. A comparison is unfair since the stories they want to tell are too far away from eachother, their objectives are too diverse to reconcile).

I started reading this nice work out of recommendation, but, like from five different people with very unmatched likes (after realising that this goes through the most clich

worlds to some pretty interesting ones, I kinda get the reason why, at least one arc will suit your tastes). It's a -as I said above- a pretty nice reading, the pace is fast (slow enough to explain the world, the original story and then make the MC give us a twisted plot rollercoaster) and though the MC and the ML are enough to make it entertaining, the supporting characters of every world are... Well, I just read it and I forgot almost all their names with a remarkable exception (Ivana, you won my heart, you're now my new fictional crush, that woman is worth to be remembered).

So. All in All, is not the best nor the worst. I suppose you can say it's a must for everyone, beginners or experience readers but that gap between the two is what will decide if you love it, hate it, or you're indifferent.

Edit: The Extra 1 who is about XZX is killing me, I mean, I know is not the best but goddamn it, I like it so much I can't stop reading it. Can't wait for the updates about it.

XZX was the only character, apart from Ivana, that I really liked. Actually, before our MC found XY I firmly thought he was our ML of that world! Of course, he wasn't, but he was such a lovable character, I was so sad with the life he had after our MC and ML face slap everyone. Like, he was kind of a bastard but we are informed that he actually has issues in understanding people feelings and actions, so it makes sense the way he behaved. And this second chance, though I love our quirky and possessive and bit unreasonable and crazy ML, felt really nice! He has a chance! I'm really excited to se what's going to happen from here on.
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enflv rated it
October 4, 2018
Status: c176
I don’t know how many times I got in trouble for constantly being on my phone and reading this novel, but it was worth it! I feel like it was one of the novels, that made novels with ‘Transmigration’, and ‘System Administrator’ tags more popular. Unfortunately, this novel also made my standards and expectations towards other novels very high. I really want to erase my memories, and reread it! The relationship between MC and ML is really sweet, and often caused me to scream and squeal out loud.

Conclusion: I Really... more>> Love This Novel!

(P.S. : Sorry, if my review made your eyes bleed) <<less
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WhenDogsFly rated it
April 25, 2018
Status: c15.13
I FELL IN LOVE! This book was totally fantastic, breaking the normal yaoi stereotypes of the uke being just a powerless, Gary Stu, doll like a creature who is saved by the seme at every situation.

That's why I stopped reading yaoi. But this, this was something. It left me mesmerized at every point, making me wait eagerly for the updates.

And the translator, I LOVE HIM/HER! The amount of reasearch he/she did with a perfect editing, it makes me want to bow down to his/her feet. The use of the right... more>> vocabulary at every place and not even a singe mistake. That takes a lot of patience. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to read this wonderful work! <<less
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Jynxlynn rated it
February 14, 2018
Status: c13.8
I very much enjoy this story.

The plot varies from simple and fun to absolutely heartbreaking. The main character is interesting and entertaining, and manages not to lose himself even while submerging himself in so many other characters.

I am very interested to see where this all leads and can't wait for the next installment.
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blasterwisard rated it
January 6, 2018
Status: c12.10
Wow. Just wow.

This is one of the best web novels I have read. The writer is wonderful and the translator has done an excellent job too. (Though the xianxia was harder for me to read cause I don't read a lot of it.)

I couldn't put the book down for 3 days straight. Even at the end of arcs, I was muttering "I'll stop after one more paragraph." Didn't happen.

I don't usually write reviews, but I can't not when a book is this awesome.
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Hitexh rated it
December 30, 2017
Status: v6
I admit this is good. The world keep changing and fast pace. So it skip the most boring detail you find in many novel. But, its gay world. So sometime, I kind of imagine the MC is cute loli to compansate it.
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healmytraumas rated it
April 13, 2024
Status: --
holy sh*t this is the most dog sh*t piece of tr*sh I have ever seen in my life bro

the other 5 star reviews are genuinely scamming you guys bcs wtf did I js read

MC is too op, ffs theres literally no conflict he cant resolve and he’s 1000 years old and still acts like a h**ny mf teenager

... more>> as well as the ML too, their love is literally so shallow bcs theres not even a deeper meaning, they js met one life and then boom theyre in love

and the questionable morality of the MC and ML bcs they be out there dating each other as adults and literal minors (not to mention ML doesnt even have his past memories)

this isnt even worth reading <<less
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damnmei rated it
October 10, 2023
Status: c176
Was so apprehensive starting this novel because of how popular it is (and also after reading some negative reviews), as I really didn't want to be let down. And behold, this is now one of my favorites! I definitely understand the potential complaints about this novel, but for me, the romance, the plot, the characters- everything was just perfect. Each arc is really short, and I actually enjoyed every plot line, though the first is still probably my favorite just because it was the only one I wasn't sure who... more>> the ML would be haha!

I will say though as a disclaimer that it's important to approach this novel with no expectation for a literary experience, and rather to view it as a fun and lighthearted face slapping experience with the most OP protagonist that has ever existed. There is no issue that he can't resolve, and he's always the hottest person in the room. If this bothers you in the first arc, it doesn't get any better so probably stop reading at that point lol

Every arc can be read separately and they're all just so much fun. The ML is always h**ny at first sight and the MC is delightfully manipulative. Their dynamic is so amusing to me every time. The two of them together is like if two glaring red flags met and were into each others dramatics and then got married and lived together forever. Incredible.

I get that this kind of ML isn't for everyone, but his antics were just too funny and I really do have different standards for fictional characters when it comes to acceptable behavior. The fact that he remains a tall, obsessive, possessive, stalkerish, h**ny foodie in every world will never get old. First arc romance always will be the best for me because of the whole "is he going to f*ck the uncle??" feeling, while all the other arcs were more "when is he going to f*ck the uncle" lmfao.

If nothing else this novel has desensitized me completely to fictional age gaps. Unintended consequences. <<less
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Stutter Bug
Stutter Bug rated it
February 21, 2023
Status: --
The romance is not seen, but told. There is no chemistry and the readers are simply told they are deeply in love.

The side characters are flat and repetitive. This is not a story read for its character development.

Plot lines for each world are simple and predictable. The main character is almost God like. He can turn any situation in his own favour, in a couple chapters with minimal conflict.

... more>> The plot line is flat and contains minimal excitement, mystery or intriguing aspects

Would not recommend if you're looking for an indepth plot or a satisfying romance. <<less
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Rurexx rated it
January 9, 2023
Status: --
I am just going to give it 5 stars because it is a series I did re-read. Not all of it. Just the best parts (arcs).

The MC is totally overpowered, but WELP. Who cares! It's his strenght and he's cute. I honestly prefer that kind of MC (OP, cunning, unyeilding) to the Mary Sue who are too in tune with their emotions. Let the bratty MC be bratty. They deserve our love and affection even if they're homocidal bastards. Not that our MC is.... Just a little :)

The arcs... more>> are interesting (though obvious, but I am not here for originality). FOD is a staple piece, a canon QT, a good start for people who just got into the genre. It encompasses all the cliches, it has all the typical arcs, it does not play with our expectations and that's good. That is it's good point. If you want something new and surprising then you must have read FOD already... What are you here in the reviews for?

Now ML. Also typical? Overprotective, a little yandere (though I would say they both yandere for each other :D) and unexpectedly sweet. Once again nothing surpising, just a good writing of a good ML who fits our MC.

In short, good canon QT. If you haven't read it yet then what are you waiting for? Everyone else has already devoured this book... You're late.

EDIT: I just wanna say: I HATE THIS COVER... It is sooo unsuitable. Our MC looks sweet and harmless there and the colors and the style. It odes not match the book at all. Geez I doubt I can find any other book with more unsuitable cover. <<less
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Y_o_r_u rated it
August 6, 2022
Status: --
People give this novel too much hype lol. I really liked the introduction to the MCs character and I was looking froward on how he would do things... but I got disappointed, the writing was messy, it was only good at the intro, it quickly became boring, the romance is fast, ML is like a useful decoration to the MC and the romance is basically dead.

Yes, repetitive stories may be the main selling point of QT novels but it doesn't mean they're good, they deliver the same cliche story line,... more>> people would eat it but sooner or late they would spit it out.

This may be the usual QT novel but compared to other QT novel, this fall short, it's not even average, it's BELOW average. If I have read this before I have fallen deep into the quick transmigration genre, I would've loved it, but no. <<less
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anonymous7168 rated it
July 23, 2022
Status: --
'Quickly Wear The Face of The Devil' is a great novel if you want to read a semi-fluffy story, power couple, smart/strong MC and world hopping theme, but like any other novels, it also has its own pros and cons.

<before you proceed, I would like to clarify that this is my opinion about the novel.>

... more>>

As someone who had read a lot of novels before, this story didn't really fascinate me that much. It was neither the finest nor the worst BL that I've seen in my entire life, but more likely to fall in between of the two categories.

For instance, let's compare the plot to water and the characters to flavor. Even if the water you have is the most purified liquid, once you've added a defective flavor in it, the taste can ultimately turn into a sour or bitter drink. In other words, the personality and outline of the characters greatly impact your story, even the most unique plot can turn into a bland tale if placed with 2d characters.

And this is where this novel greatly failed.

1. Other than the MC & ml, the rest of the characters who were supposed to originally act like this and that behaved differently. They are supposed to be wise and all but suddenly became unreasonable. They easily get upset at the simplest provocations, making me wonder if they were really the original protagonist/ supporting roles of that world.

2. MC was always portrayed sensually, others can't help but be infatuated with him at the slightest sight of his body, when he is clearly in the body of a teenager [mostly 15+]. It's especially disgusting how the ML watched the MC bath through the CCTV camera [2nd Arc]. He also left ZYS with no choice but to sell his own body because he delayed the payment, saying that it was a part of the contract [probably 3rd Arc, I forgot.] Even though the MC had lived a hundred thousand life, we can't forget the fact that the body he currently possessed is a minor.

3. The arcs are really short, ranging from 8 to 22 chapters, making the story/romance to be extremely fast paced. It was impossible to be greatly attached to one character, even the face slapping felt mediocre at best. The romance also suddenly blossomed without being cultivated properly, especially at the first part of the arc.

The story was repeatative, predictable, bland and boring.

There are many plot holes in the story and ZYS' abilities are undefined. There is no point on cheering for him since everything he does always defeat the enemy.

The MC and ML is too op, everything/everyone is at their disposal. The tasks are easy to accomplish, there were no sense of thrill, nor excitement that can be felt in each arc. It would be better if they also highlight the supporting roles rather than throwing them in the corner once their main role was finished. The og protagonist always turned rotten. It would be better if their persona is not exaggerated.

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maely rated it
July 16, 2022
Status: --
This novel is something else; it is not the finest, but it is also not the worst; it falls somewhere in the center. Personally, I don't comprehend the novel's high rating. New readers may find this fascinating and enjoyable, but as someone who has read innumerable better world hopping novels, this story is simply... not that excellent.

First and foremost, I don't particularly like or detest the main character. He's a crafty, calculating, and vindictive individual, which I like because some of the people in the worlds he visited really needed... more>> someone to teach them a lesson.

But I just don't feel enough impact on what he does? He's just so overpowered, like he gets anything he wants with no disadvantages or doesn't get any problems he can't overcome. He's also someone I think is morally dubious.

Second, the male lead. This is one of my primary issues in this story. It appears that this author has a thing for older guys and uncles, because the male lead in the worlds always has a LARGE age difference from the main character, I remember there's this one world where the main character was 16 and the male lead was like 20+?

It doesn't help that the main character stated that he will always regard himself as a 16-year-old.


It's simply extremely disgusting. In the universes, he is always someone powerful and overpowered.

Thirdly, there is the writing. I'd say it's fairly fast-paced, which isn't surprising given the setting. But, at times, if not always, it moves far too quickly. Especially the romantic aspect. There is no meaningful build-up in the tale because we already know the main character will triumph in the end.

Fourth, the villains and supporting characters are terrible. They're all so one-dimensional and poorly written. Some are exceptions, but the vast majority are monotonous and predictable.

The only significant benefits of this story are the worlds and the face-slapping, because many people are interested in the many settings of the new universe and are waiting for the time when the villains receive what they deserve. Aside than that, I think this work is just barely passable at best. <<less
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January 23, 2022
Status: Completed
This was... the first bl novel that I've ever read. It was the novel that made me obssessed to Quick Transmigration, and I absolutely love the story at that time and read it about four times over and over. Though, the more I read, the more I find the flaws, specially when I explore the danmei world more. But overall it was an entertaining read.

This is just my personal experience, but I want to share my feelings for this novel.

Before I got here, I've been hunting for a good story.... more>> It's really too tiring to read those mangas and manhwas that only ever portray squeemish, dense, or useless female protagonists that give in with just a few love words; those who accept humiliation, is submissive, with inferiority complex, no-fighting-power, and no dignity protagonist bl ukes that's more like a girl than a boy (not to mention that most of those works are often r*pey, psychotic, and filled with sadomasochistic relationships) ; and those harem male protagonists who collect females like catching pokemon. Some of them are even just actually p*rn disguised as a good story. Although I encountered other really really good stories, but how many are they?

I don't even know when I started to dislike any type of literature with a romance tag or genre because of it. So I shifted my focus to reading non-romance ones but there are only few that I truly enjoyed reading. Then I found QWTFOD somewhere and...

You just don't know how excited I felt QVQ. But, *cough*, okay, there is romance, sure, but STILL, I found a bl protagonist uke that isn't some pushover with inferiority complex, has an equal status with the seme, and won't embarass himself as an excuse to submit himself to seme! Isn't that nice?! : 3. I dunno if those are accurate, my memory isn't that strong so I can't remember every detail.

I'm not sure if someone can understand that exact feeling like you've been given water when you were about to die of dehydration in the middle of the hot desert. Anyway, that's how I felt.

This novel isn't bad, nor is it good. It was my favorite novel in the past, but although I realized that it wasn't really a top-tier story like what I had thought before, it was still one of the stories that still introduced me to the danmei world.

For those who say that they've been decieved by the high ratings, I respect your opinion very much, I can't deny the fact that... the ratings are really kinda too high to match its real quality. But I advise new readers to try reading first before making a judgement based on reviews-- good or bad reviews.

Also, I'm not a native english speaker, sorry for grammatical errors and my lack of vocabulary. >.< <<less
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Iliveforcats rated it
December 18, 2021
Status: v7c6
Overrated to be honest. It was good for its time but there are definitely better quick-transmigration world-hopping novels nowadays. I wouldn't have rated it one star if it wasn't for the pe*ophilia. There wasn't even a trigger warning....

TW AND SPOILER ... more>>

At ark 7, the ML is introduced when he's 13 while the MC is 20. Although the age difference between the two are usually 5-10 years, it's usually fine as long as they're both full-grown adults that are capable of giving consent properly. It's literally so f*cking disgusting how the comments during those arks don't even find anything wrong with it. The ML was basically getting groomed. They might be soulmates and sh*t but this is definitely not excusable.


I definitely recommend reading Heroic Death System instead of this one. It's more interesting, has better world-building, has actually interesting characters, and even has better h scenes. <<less
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Flowers rated it
December 3, 2021
Status: Completed
My 1st QT novel and the best one! I've read it several times in these few years.

I don't usually write reviews, but I wanted to thank the translator for retranslating the novel once more! It's even better now!

To those who have read it already, read it again! It's worth it!
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Keshij rated it
November 20, 2021
Status: Completed
This book can be considered the god father of all BL world hopping transmigration.

I became a huge fan of Chinese BL due to this book.

So well written and the translation is well done. Each arch is exciting and you always look forward to the next world with no boredom. There are very few worlds which could do that.

Even the ending was awesome.

If you are a newcomer to BL, this book is a must read.
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warspite rated it
October 31, 2021
Status: --
Okay, the plot's most of the time ILLOGICAL and UNREASONABLE. I literally spouted lots of 'WTF' in reading this novel. It also becomes tedious as you continue reading. Some world's plot (this is a quick transmigration novel) will make you uncomfortable (read other reviews about this one and you'll know why).

The story's not as good as what the reviews have said (many rated this one five stars). I kinda stopped reading it now, but maybe I'll pick it up later, 'cause despite its absurdness, I'm still quite entertained (damned guilty... more>> pleasure). <<less
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October 11, 2021
Status: --
I was reading HDS before I read this one, and I love it so I start read other similar to HDS. And over all I love it SO MUCH.

Someone has said MC too much arogan, but I felt he just not. Just make up your mind. Get into system in 16yo, through so much years being villain of the heavens child and still have kind and forgiven heart that's insane hahahahaha he not god, he just a boy. Let me said it loud HE JUST A BOY.

He worth to be... more>> happy, he worth to be loved, he worth it. Even sometimes he can be cruel asf.

Gonna give him kiss 💋 I love u pretty boy <<less
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Emoral rated it
July 23, 2021
Status: ex3c3
Barely average by today's standards. Most of the ratings for 5 stars are probably years back.

This novel didn't age well. Looking back, it was probably doing well because it had no hard competition

Despite being a 4.6, it's light years away compare to novels such as 'Don't pick up boyfriends from the tr*shbin' which is a 4.7

There's also probably better face-slapping novels out now. Like someone else said, read this to feel what most 5 stars felt during 2017.

It's a Gary Sue to the extreme and it's repetitive.
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