Nano Mashin


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Until he became the lowest-ranked master, his lonely and luckless life never changed.

Suddenly one day, a descendant injected him with a nanomachine, and the machine started ‘speaking’ to him.

[I am the seventh generation Nanomachine manufactured by Sky Cooperation, and I am operating as a central nerve connected to your brain.]

“What? What are you talking about?”

This was beyond the boy’s knowledge, he turned pale.

The Nanomachine linked to his cerebrum realized the User was not understanding a single word it said.

“Who are you, and why are you doing this to me?”

[“I am the seventh generation Nanomachine.]

“Nano Machine?”

[Yes, Nanomachine.]

The boy’s face hardened.

Mashin was the deity the Mashin Religion worshipped, along with the Sacred Fire.

The religions’ Master communicated with Mashin.

“Um, are you really Mashin?”

The boy knelt down and asked with a trembling voice. At this, the Nanomachine attached to his cerebrum realized it had been misunderstood.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Demon God Nano
Nano Machine
喇勞 魔神
나노 마신
Related Series
Invincible Mumu (Shared Universe)
Descent of the Demon God (Sequel)
Absolute Sword Sense (Shared Universe)
Myst, Might, Mayhem (Prequel)
The Ruler Of Darkness (2)
Hunting for a Delicious Wife (After) (1)
Major General Spoils his Soul-guiding Wife (1)
Almighty Game Designer (1)
Game Market 1983 (1)
Warlock of the Magus World (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Transmigration / System / Dungeons / Isekai
  2. Best fantasy novels
  3. Novel
  4. Damn good novels
  5. Good novels adapted to webtoon

Latest Release

Date Group Release
07/09/21 Sky Demon Order c421
07/08/21 Sky Demon Order c420
07/08/21 Sky Demon Order c419
07/07/21 Sky Demon Order c418
07/07/21 Sky Demon Order c417
07/06/21 Sky Demon Order c416
07/06/21 Sky Demon Order c415
07/05/21 Sky Demon Order c414
07/04/21 Sky Demon Order c413
07/04/21 Sky Demon Order c412
07/03/21 Sky Demon Order c411
07/03/21 Sky Demon Order c410
07/02/21 Sky Demon Order c409
07/02/21 Sky Demon Order c408
07/01/21 Sky Demon Order c407
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69 Reviews sorted by

KOMODO1999 rated it
September 2, 2021
Status: c483
Really good and exciting.

Read the manhwa, if you liked it, come here and read the rest.

Some comments are criticising it, but they are wrong. Much better than chinese novels. Not prefect but close enough.

OP ruthless MC - good side characters - satisfactory romance (come on, it's korean-fantasy, you shouldn't have expected much from beginning) - very good world building - good story and story telling.
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pomoli rated it
August 12, 2021
Status: --
This reads like a Chinese xianxia with the exact same problems, except maybe no repetition for padding and a less psychopathic MC :
- Every character has a cardboard personality. Villains are villainous and MC has to crush them all one by one.

- The nanomachine idea was great, except it's not well executed, it's purely a crazy powerful ability used to bruteforce the solving of any problem.

Nothing else to say, the one dimensional characters killed my interest on it.
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Braindean rated it
July 13, 2023
Status: Completed
I'll be completely honest, this is an awful novel. I'm only giving it 2 stars instead of 1 because I can see how it might appeal to somebody instead of being 100% unreadable garbage. It's a lobotomizing OP ruthless MC power fantasy. If you just wanted to turn off your brain and read about some guy killing everyone who opposes him, then you might enjoy this novel. If you want anything like nuanced storytelling, multidimensional intelligent characters, proper romance, real stakes, actual power progression, or a good plot then you're... more>> looking in the wrong place.

Chun Yeowun barely has to work for anything, or at least the novel never shows him working for anything. In the early academy arc, he's just like "Nano, scan this and transfer information to my brain" and "Nano, remodel my body so I can do martial arts better" instead of properly training like everyone else. Even after the academy, Yeowun is just super overpowered until he encounters some guy who he can't beat with one hand and then he suddenly has an epiphany (with the help of Nano of course) which immediately rockets him to the next stage of cultivation and he's super OP again. None of the power progression feels satisfying or earned. It's kind of like Leylin from Warlock of the Magus World but somehow even more reliant on the brain chip.

Every character in Nano Machine is an idiot. The MC is an idiot, the side characters are idiots, and the antagonists are total brainless buffoons. The MC only appears "smart" because he has Nano to solve everything for him. All the side characters just serve to praise the MC for his strength and get unreasonably worried over him whenever he appears to be injured from an attack despite the MC never having been injured before in any scenario. But by far the s*upidest characters are the antagonists. They all act like spoiled arrogant young masters all the time. They see Yeowun, then they all think "This is the Lord of the Demonic Cult? He's so young! The rumors must have been exaggerated, as I thought. I'll show him the harsh reality of the martial arts world. My heaven defying palm strike has no counters and will destroy him instantly! Hmph, the Lord is not much after all." even after seeing Yeowun kill a thousand other martial artists. I remember this one woman, the leader of the Empire's court ladies, calmly and coolly take down some rampaging martial artist. Then, as soon as she lays eyes upon Yeowun, her intelligence is halved and she immediately loses her cool and picks a fight with him while spouting nonsense like "You dare to fight in the Emperor's court! Let's see how your skills will help you now!"

The romance is nonexistent. Mun Ku falls in love with Chun Yeowun for no real reason other than he's strong. Jegal Sohi was kind of implied to fall in love with Yeowun, but thankfully she didn't because that would make even less sense than Mun Ku. And finally, yes, we have to talk about that scene. The part where Yeowun is "forced" to "unite his yang energy" with some girl's "rampant yin energy". I won't make that big of a deal out of it, but yes, it's horrible writing. It was completely unnecessary, I don't know why the author wanted to introduce the second harem member like that. The author could have had Yeowun find some sacred sun stone treasure that would cure her extreme yin or something. Regardless of what could have been, what exists in reality is terrible.

Chun Yeowun's ruthless "might makes right" approach to everything is sort of entertaining if you think about him as an edgy clown who only avoids the consequences of his actions through major plot armor. His solution to basically every problem is "kill them all". It's already ridiculous even in this ancient Murim setting, but it's especially egregious in the sequel Descent of the Demon God which takes place in modern day China. Honestly the only thing that just barely redeems this way of thinking is the fact that all of Yeowun's enemies are braindead idiots who try and kill him first. Yeowun is the character who embodies the "person who does whatever they want and suffers no consequences from it" fantasy and it's a little cringe. I can see why someone might want to just lie back and read a story like this every once in a while though.

In regards to the story, I have to say that I actually quite like the idea of it. It's pretty innovative, all things considered.

It would have been really interesting if the idea that the Blade God was a man from the future got explored more. Like, what if the Blade God Six Martial Clan had access to technologies way past their time period? Or what if he had his own nanomachines? What if the Time Patrol played a much greater role?

I hate how much potential was squandered.

In conclusion, bad novel. Read at your own discretion. <<less
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cpzombie rated it
March 9, 2023
Status: c252
First of all, the summary is just bait. I was looking forward to a fanatic MC worshipping the nanomachine, but that ended a couple sentences later.

The main problems are plot holes and the MC being dumb. There are tons of plot holes, mostly in the setting itself but also spread out everywhere. The MC is also just an idiot that gets by with his OP cheat (and even then, he somehow needs tons of plot armor). He starts out as a 15 year old child, so him being dumb makes... more>> sense... but at this point he's around 20 and not that much smarter (he does gain some intelligence, but definitely not enough to be worthy of the praise he gets).

It's definitely not the worst thing I've read, and some parts are pretty satisfying like

he kills an enemy's son in front of them for revenge.


Overall I'd say it's decent, but the plot holes and dumb MC are just too much for me. The most recent dumb thing that's part of why I'm dropping it:

he is the only known person to be able to spy on telepathy, but he reveals it to an enemy while many people are around (he uses telepathy to do it, but the enemy can still speak so he risks giving away such an important secret for no reason)

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Shaze rated it
April 5, 2022
Status: Completed
This novel was unusual; wuxia with a scifi mix only the MC has, kind of reminiscient of Warlock of the Magus World, Wizarding World & Age of Adepts. However unlike in those, the character is likable and decent, not just some sociopath with an advantage. The MC is the badass type that tolerates no bullsh*t and straight out kills those that annoy him, or worse, similar to Seoul Stations Necromancer's MC as they are both equally unyielding and unreasonable to most.

Oh, the description of this is misleading. He doesn't become... more>> a religious zealot or worshiper, this gets worked out in chapter 2, so don't worry about that. The idea of this put me off for a while, but it's actually not bad. Its a series of two half's, as the first 200 chapters he spends in the academy, the rest he explores the world.

I really like this slow reveal method over arcs, instead of dumping huge plot on you right away and then using the arcs to distract you, as that can too easily get tiring. Oh, there should be 480 chapters, not 342 as listed

I've only read this so far, as the sequel (yes, there is one) still has some translating left and I'm not touching it yet until it's done. This series does end on a cliffhanger, so will be interesting to see how it continues. <<less
4 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
December 30, 2021
Status: c13
The MC is dumb as hell. Like it's not that he makes s*upid decisions to push the plot, he's just slow.

examples: a) he needed a simplified explanation to barely understand something b) he left super obvious traces and didn't notice till after the second time he did it c) ... more>>

he didn't ask to take partial damage (nano blocked it for him). His injuries were a bit unnatural when he damaged himself after the fact so no one sus'd him

d) he took a surprisingly long time to think through this one decision that I thought was obvious. It was complicated or anything either

I'm thinking that he'll get smarter throughout the series to leave room for character growth. He's younger right now, so if that's the case, it makes sense. <<less
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MonsieurLimes rated it
July 24, 2021
Status: c45
It’s decent. I can’t really bring myself to read past chapter 45 or 64 cause it’s just kinda boring.


get stronger, get stronger, get stronger, and then add a little tint of boring romance mid get stronger.

... more>> also the nanomachines.

they’re too powerful, if they actually existed (I know they exist, but the ones in this novel), it would turn the world upside down.

conflict would be near non existent, which is great, but talent and a hole bunch of other things would be near non existent too. As the nanomachines could just easily tell the user answers to questions, copy and paste entire books into a users head, mold the body shape into something else etc.

for example, want to be a pro athletes?

the nanomachines could just forcefully mold your body into a suitable physique to make being a pro athlete easier.

TLDR; nanomachines are too op that ot sucks. <<less
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Gsichtselfmeter rated it
May 24, 2021
Status: c360
What can I say? This is a smooth read. The MC learns martial arts, schemes against his enemies, takes revenge, and builds his force/empire/cult.

I really like the cruelty, the schemes and the "cheat system" -- the MC mainly uses it to analyze, simulate and record stuff, which just gives him an edge.

The girls/romance/harem are better than most other novels in this genre -- ... more>>

he has s*x with his main lover without the involvement of aphrodisiacs.


The schemes are deep, but

it often involves the MC having done stuff "offscreen" and then surprising everyone.


The world is great and everything has some backstory.

This is a very smooth read -- There are no major hiccups, the MC isn't too s*upid, there is some nice cruelty, the girls aren't annoying. 5* <<less
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sawwon rated it
July 7, 2020
Status: c262
plot quality goes continually down the further away it gets from the original premise... the writing is solid and inoffensive so I stuck with it for a while but by the time he takes over the cult there was no point in continuing to read

the author's attempt to pivot to a conflict with the blade god clan was a good enough idea, but none of the side characters are humorous or driven enough to be interesting characters and they necessarily have to take up more space as the narrative shifts... more>> from man vs society to society vs society

it just gets dull <<less
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friehun rated it
February 2, 2023
Status: --
I really liked this and the sequel, and there were some small things that were confusing but everything else was really good. As for the people who talked about r*pe... don’t listen to the idiots who didn’t even read properly. The girl was about to die and the father literally had to beg the MC to have s*x and help her even though he didn’t want to. In the end she was thankful and treated him as a lifesaver, and fell in love with him. It’s too much to call... more>> that r*pe, just because she was going berserk and was about to kill herself and didn’t give consent. <<less
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fangyuan rated it
June 14, 2022
Status: Completed
Not the best but worth the read. The novel follows the usual trope of a powerless, bastard son being given a cheat which helped him to grow in a short period of time. While MC ended up OP, he was never the most genius nor the strongest (until the final 10+ chapters) in his world. The overall plot of the novel is refreshing and the ending transitions nicely to the sequel. The not-so-nice parts of the novel are the romance (must be Er Gen's understudy) and the battle scenes (which... more>> can be convoluted at times). Overall, the novel is worth a read if you can switch off your moral compass and read the novel as it is. <<less
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[email protected] rated it
June 8, 2021
Status: Completed
It's like a Chinese story disguised as Korean, but it was quality. There was once again a serious lack of characters, which shows the juvenile mentality of an underaged writer. This secrets of the temple theme to acquire ancient martial arts scripture is rather ruined by the nanomachine taking the intricacies out of it, but still acceptable. But it quickly ran out of steam and ended in just a handful of chapters, such a shame.
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cosmicpeach rated it
May 6, 2021
Status: c349
One of the best moorim (martial arts) novel that I've ever read.

For those comment whose saying "forced s3x blablabla", I think this is your first martial art novel right? That kind of plot was pretty common in martial art story. I understood that some of you can't accept that kind of logic (balance between yin & yang because of "cold" sickness). I do hoped for the Author to write it better though.
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Napknight rated it
July 22, 2020
Status: c314
Great Great Great Great Great

To think that I haven't found this sooner is such a shame. I was too focused on chips (e.i WMW) that I was limited to only that kind of technology. The MC here was amazing with his character growth, albeit at times he's kind of dumb? s*upid? nah just a tad bit absent minded. Anyway it was a great read that was really refreshing and a bit mind stirring.... also the MC is a RUTHLESS PROTAGONIST.
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chucke rated it
June 28, 2020
Status: c254
It can be considered a Korean version of xianxia. The elements are all the same.

Fast-growing MC, surpassing everybody; useless side characters; secrets in each and every place that pop up for MC to collect; each side character is shocked by the greatness of MC. Each event allows MC to grow by leaps and bounds in comparison to the average foe.

Unlike chinese novels at least here there is less amount of hate that other characters project toward MC. I give the story that.

Effectively this story is lesser version of WMW.
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DemonGodSimp rated it
April 21, 2023
Status: Completed
I will forever be a simp for the Demon God!!

This is my first novel so it will always have a special place in me. The story is great, some parts well yeah kinda l*me but all in all, its an awesome read. Once you get passed the part where others said "r*pe", you'll be rewarded of pure awesomeness by the MC and his gang. The arc after that is my favorite. He was the most cunning and cool in that part.

And ohhh Baekgi, I love you
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StraxDW rated it
March 1, 2023
Status: Completed
Readable - Im giving it 3, 5/5.

So, what to expect:

1) The story introduces a romantic subplot at the beginning, but it is eventually relegated to the background. Most of the romance occurs behind the scenes, as the progression of their relationship would not have made sense otherwise. The author only highlights the major events in their relationship, so the story doesn't focus too much on romance. In my opinion, the romance felt forced, but it wasn't detrimental to the overall story.

2) The scene where the MC is forced to have... more>> s*x with an unconscious girl to save her life was so cringe. I don't understand why the author is trying to make a harem out of this story when he can't even handle a romance plot with one girl. The author didn't even continue writing more about their "romance". He just wrote that she is now interested in him and becomes his subordinate, observing him to decide if she will become his wife. Later on in the story, the girl becomes irrelevant and fades into the background. In my opinion, because of this scene, many readers who would have given the story a 3 or 4 out of 5, just gave it 1 (if they could go lower they would :D). I read the tags, so my disappointment wasn't that immense, but the scene felt too artificially forced and was useless to the overall plot of the story.

3) The story features a ruthless and smart MC who kills and dismembers a lot. The gore isn't described to the extreme, but it's not omitted either. The MC's ruthless and pragmatic personality might appeal to some readers while it may shock others. Although I'm not a psychologist or strategist, in my opinion, the schemes were pretty good.

4) Overpowered protagonist - As the story progresses towards its end, the MC's fights become increasingly one-sided. He is either in absolute advantage (most of the time) or absolute disadvantage. While the fight scenes are still well depicted, it can become repetitive.

5) The story contains time travel, and in my opinion, there are conceptual plot holes, but it's possible that they are due to my misunderstanding.

6) This series ends on a cliffhanger and continues with a sequel titled Descent of the Demon God, which has also been fully translated. I suppose I will read it next. (You can also check out the manhwa adaptation.)

The first third of the story was enjoyable, but it gradually became worse. At the beginning, we could explore how the Cult operates and discover the hidden secrets and dangers that were lurking in the shadows. However, as the story progressed, the fights lacked tension and became repetitive. While I still enjoyed it, I was no longer as hyped as I was at the start <<less
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stanljpierre rated it
January 14, 2023
Status: Completed
Enjoyed this for what it was, nothing special. I'm all for an OP and fast-growing MC who's ruthless, isn't afraid to make tough decisions and kill when necessary. Ending was pretty disappointing, but considering that there's a sequel, not much to be upset about. This a worth reading at least once.

As for the reviews from those crying about r*pe, ignore them. Didn't start reading this for a while because how exaggerated they made the scenario out to be something worse than it is. It's nothing we haven't seen in many... more>> other novels where the MC and another are forced to have s*x for one reason or another, primarily to save a life. The girl's dad who's power is equal to that of the MC literally begged on his knees for the MC to do it, while he was unwilling to do so as he vowed to only love one wife due to the hardships he faced as a child because his father had multiple wives. It was only with his wife's and others of his sect's persuasion that he even went through with the act despite his reluctance. Anyone who complains about the scene either is too sensitive, or simply didn't bother trying to understand the situation at hand and too eager to call r*pe. <<less
2 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
November 26, 2022
Status: c483
I really liked this story despite its issues. I see a lot of people complaining about the "rape" bit but seriously.. I don't think that is very out of character for a guy who goes around killing even innocent people at the slightest excuse. The main character is not a good person to anyone other than his own followers, and its clear that even his decision to sleep with the afflicted girl was made because he wanted her powerful father to join with them. Yes it does come out of... more>> nowhere and seem a bit silly, but so are a lot of other things in the story.

My only issue with the story is that the main character's personality seems to change somewhere along the line, going from being a scared kid to becoming a bloodthirsty killer of just about everyone. It would be one thing if he was cruel to those who hurt him and went after his mother, but then he starts doing the same to random people with the slightest excuse. We never see that side of him at the start, so its a bit of a jarring change as if he is suddenly someone else.

And its also rather funny that he is so absorbed in his strength and mocking other people for being weak when the only reason he is so powerful is because he has those nanomachines that allowed him to grow at a crazy rate. There isn't even a hint of embarrassment in the guy which is a bit pathetic.

But still, as a fan of overpowered protagonists, this was satisfying enough to read. It did get a bit repetitive but the

different arcs were interesting enough to keep me going. <<less
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Anju2021 rated it
October 14, 2022
Status: --
I dropped it, I was liking it SO MUCH, because the MC never betrayed his way of thinking and wanted to be different than his father and wanted to obtain power by his own efforts....... BUT... I got really disappointed with the r*pe issue, and I hated how they try to justify it, there was no need for this type of plot for the MC to increase his powers, he has a powerful Nanomachine.... but yeah... conveniently it couldn't resolve the issue, that plot really wasn't necessary and it only... more>> shows how hypocritical the protagonist is, all his style of thought and desire for a different way of life went to waste, all because the author wanted to project himself through his carácter, what a waste that plot, it ruined the seriousness of the story. <<less
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