Myst, Might, Mayhem


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Confucius did not speak of extraordinary things, valor, rebellion, and spirits.

Analects, Xue Er chapter

Associated Names
One entry per line
Myst Might Mayhem
The Chaotic God of Extraordinary Strength
괴력 난신(怪力 亂神)
Related Series
Nano Mashin (Sequel)
Invincible Mumu (Shared Universe)
Descent of the Demon God (Shared Universe)
Absolute Sword Sense (Shared Universe)
Absolute Sword Sense (1)
Nano Mashin (1)
Reverend Insanity (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Demonic Protagonists in Murim
  2. Worth it action novels with manhwa/huas
  3. Kr novel
  4. Pendents
  5. murim (kr)

Latest Release

Date Group Release
03/05/24 FictionRead c1
5 Reviews

Aug 20, 2024
Status: Completed
I love this story more than Nano coz of the crazy MC. I guess I like psycho MCs more.🤣 Srsly though, Nano MC Yeon woo is tame compared to Og Cheon-ma. I am so happy I found it. Would recommend readers of Nano Machine to read this the prequel definitely! The Heavenly Demon (Chron-ma) is called that for a reason. It truly potrays him as a demon and it's so good.🤌🏻 I like the whole series though.❤️
10 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
May 24, 2024
Status: c273
A fun read

The MC is, as you'd expect, fond of killing and doesn't shy away from it. He is also intelligent and kind of OP talent-wise (Think Daniel's copycat ability in Lookism).

The characters are interesting albeit the side characters are sometimes a little stale. Which is as expected of a murim story since they usually have their focus on the protagonist.

... more>> The story itself isn't bad, and most chapters have some form of action or entertainment leaving you always wanting to read more.

This story is also part of the nano machine universe, taking place long after the events of Absolute Sword Sense, with some characters making a reappearance or being mentioned.

TLDR: I would recommend this to anybody who was a fan of nano or other murim stories. <<less
3 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Apr 27, 2024
Status: Completed
This story is good. I enjoy it especially if you read the Author's previous works. Which make many references in this on. I'll say that many people will enjoy the beginning part more than the middle part. By the middle it does drag while going to the imperial arc. Thou it gives very much lore hints to the Mc's past and why they killed his grandpa. I'm mixed by the final arc since it goes all out Avengers endgame style but the final fight is a bit of a miss.... more>> Thou at the end it's pretty endearing. <<less
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Apr 16, 2024
Status: Completed
It’s ok. I’d rate it as a rather standard story.

The first part is quite good (100-150 chapters). After that, it feels like the author got a bit too much tunnel vision as the story expanded and story beats started falling flat.

The ending is pretty generic, and quite honestly a letdown given how the story builds up to that point.

... more>> However, I will give props for wrapping up many side character plotlines in a smooth manner.

tl:dr - it’s filler, by the midpoint you’ll start feeling like you’ve read the story somewhere else before. <<less
3 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Aug 11, 2024
Status: c425
It's alright, nothing super good nothing bad.

Fight scenes are quite boring since they talk for 100 lines after ever move, and 99% of the side characters gawk at how they underestimated the MC for the 500th time and marvel at his epic progression speed, it gets tiring after the 500th time.

Side characters are ok, the spirit he has is so annoying, repeats the same words 500 times and has nothing interesting about her.

Honestly don't have anything more to say about this, There are better story's out there if you want... more>> something with a 'evil' MC, I'll give the most obvious recommendation over this one, Master of Gu

Atleast the MC there is interesting and doesn't feel like a edgy 16 year old <<less
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