Magi’s Grandson


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Thanks to various magic, the human race has been saved from calamity many, many times. Retaining his memories from his previous life, a boy, Shin, was picked up by an old man known to the world as a “Magi.”

Shin was brought up by the Magi, who had retired to a secular place, as his own grandson. With the memories of his past life, he absorbed the Magi’s craft and grew to be able to develop his own magic.

Then, the grandfather told him he has to become independent when he reaches the age of 15.

“Ah, I forgot to teach him common sense.”

The grandson who has grown beyond the level of normal people, lacked common sense; the common sense of the world. So to learn how to socialize, he goes to Earlshide Kingdom City to be admitted to Earlshide Advanced Magic Academy.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Kenja no Mago
Wise Man's Grandchild
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. I'd like to buy these if they were licensed.
  2. Series where you get to see the couple be a couple
  3. School Life
  4. JP Isekai without Harem (Shounen/Seinen)
  5. Things I've Read pt 2

Latest Release

Date Group Release
10/17/22 NoNameTranslations c114 part1
09/13/22 NoNameTranslations c113
07/25/22 NoNameTranslations c112
06/07/22 NoNameTranslations c111
03/17/22 NoNameTranslations c110
01/31/22 NoNameTranslations c109
12/24/21 NoNameTranslations c108
10/24/21 NoNameTranslations c107
10/01/21 NoNameTranslations c106
08/31/21 NoNameTranslations c105
10/29/22 LyricalHive c105
10/26/21 LyricalHive c104
06/21/21 NoNameTranslations c104
10/25/22 LyricalHive c103
04/06/21 NoNameTranslations c103
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61 Reviews sorted by

Nobutora rated it
April 18, 2017
Status: c53
Despite this story having quite a number of cliches such as the Gary Stu and the most vanilla romance, the worldbuilding and the realistic actions/reactions/interactions of all of the characters help keep the plot immersive and entertaining. Sure it may be cliche but it's cliche done very well because of a proper setting foundation, and nothing I've seen the MC do felt like an asspull.

I particularly enjoy the MC's creativity in applying science to magic, the banter between many characters like Shin/Gus, and (so far) the villain. The story's weak... more>> points aren't necessarily plot based, but the tertiary characters are one-note (though this improving bit by bit) and the art is rather lackluster. I'm looking forward to how the world (knights and foreign countries especially) react to Shin's and the mages' ever increasing power. <<less
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tides rated it
June 15, 2019
Status: v2c31
anime is good and it fixed the pacing problem of the novel.

sadly, the pacing problem causes this to becoming tiring to read.

couple with the boring dairy writing style of most japanese WN, I don't see how these novels can keep your interest once you reach the latest TL chapter...

also the "WOW" of the MC's magic eventually wears off and you start to wonder why hasn't the bad guys won yet when the MC starts having difficulty defeating his enemies...
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slimeholder rated it
May 25, 2019
Status: --
Starts good, ends up very boring. This novel has no substance to it and all the characters except the MC, Magi and his wife (former), feel shallow. The world itself is probably as boring as the events that transpire there. In the beginning, the novel feels very interesting and exciting, but it ends up stroking MC's ego 24/7, which makes it super uninteresting.

I can sum up this novel for you in one sentence btw: MC is amazing, and everybody loves MC.

There, saved a couple of hours of your time.

Go watch... more>> the anime and don't waste your time with this.

p.s. If you really get to enjoy the first few episodes of the anime, maybe unlike me you will enjoy this novel. In that case, give it a go. <<less
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poolofd3ath rated it
April 24, 2016
Status: --
Good MC - overpowered, smart, calm - but the plot is too thin. Not enough drama and villains. Its not even heartwarming. Its like an average OP guy with OP parents, and average already detailed background characters. No room for character progression.

Fun story to read at first, but gets boring later on... hope the author puts some good action back..
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phreakinsane rated it
February 1, 2020
Status: --
Started out light hearted and enjoyable but added in both r*pe and attempted r*pe later on. Now im stuck wishing I never read it at all.

If you're desensitized enough to not have r*pe and attempted r*pe bother you it will probably be a good read.

Im very disappointed in this as it had a lot of potential.
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Xenagos rated it
February 19, 2018
Status: c56
The beginning was good, then after he starts the friends training, it becomes surprisingly boring and duh, author keeps doing boring jokes and bullying MC, which is OP but too docile socially. He keeps b*tching "pls stahp, I'm not this, don buli meh"

I rate 2 for good starters and messing up middle.
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DarthSkrill rated it
July 5, 2017
Status: v1c16
more slice-of-life than expected based on tags and synopsis
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Narutolvr rated it
September 30, 2016
Status: c45
Nothing really stands out, but the funny moments are funny so could be worse. Ignoring MC's OP-ness (cuz come on, who doesn't expect it at this point?), I don't think he's a badly designed character for the plot. Yeah, he's dense, but I'm just glad he has a goal and is working towards it rather than degenerating into a Death March situation where he's just going around building up a harem just cuz. But I just CANNOT stomach the love interest. The side characters in general could have an actual... more>> purpose instead of just saying how awesome the MC is, but I cut quite a few of them slack for being comic relief (prince, king, and grandparents for instance). But I really don't see the purpose of the love interest since she's a character who could literally be substituted by a well made up mannequin and no one would know the difference. So far her only defining trait is that she's pretty. Even her parents within their first appearance have more personality than she does after nearly 50 chapters. All in all, it's really not a bad, light-hearted read for when you're free. It just reads a bit too much like some teenage boy's chuuni fantasy, where "problems" are only problems until the MC shows up. But I'm giving it extra stars in anticipation of what may happen with the Empire, though, as it seems like the author put just a bit of thought into where the story goes from here. Love interest should either be given a personality or killed off, though. She's a waste of words that could be better spent building up the plot. Or, at least, switch it to any other girl in his class. <<less
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denvinbo rated it
July 2, 2016
Status: c42
The story is a bit interesting, but too much annoying at the same time:

- The emphasis of MC's lack of common sense is too much, really, everywhere that it turns out to be so frustrasting to read.

- Lack of "spices" on side characters, somehow I get this is a laid-back story, most of the things they ever talk about is Shin (i know he's the MC, but....)

- This type of female lead, I hate the most, keep showing weak sides with teary eyes everytime, easy to get blushed, fall... more>> in love for no reason, lovesick. Im not against romance, but I hate this setup.

Well, that's it for me. I just keep reading to see if anything interesting happens (almost skipped all flirting parts) but i'll drop it here. <<less
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Scaethys rated it
June 4, 2016
Status: v3c43
So the beginning of this novel was quite good. Premise was interesting, MC was relatively humble but also overpowered, and the magic made sense since he basically incorporated chemistry concepts. That ends pretty quickly.

This seems to be less of an "action" and "shounen" novel so far and more of a "slice of life" with multiple moments where I just want to puke because seriously, do you really need to emphasize that "shin has no common sense" in every paragraph? I understand that his lack of common sense is the whole... more>> selling point of the novel, but really, the tropes in this one is overflowing.

The interactions between Shin (MC) and the female lead were interesting at first but quickly got boring. In other words, other than Shin, the side characters are literally NPCs. They contribute nothing to the story. The prince is relatively interesting due to his black heart, but other than that, the characters are just there to leech off the MC. So if you are into stories where the only character that is doing anything is the MC then this is the story for you. Character development is nonexistent. MC still lacks common sense, side characters have a bland character type slapped onto them and they stay that way (i found the prince to be interesting though).
Oh yeah and generic villain who spouts villainous lines but gets defeated in a few minutes. Artificial creation of demons/devils, you know, generic villainous plots like that.

IMO, this novel already blew itself up when it spent literally 3 volumes on nothing but school life and "o MC is powerful AF" while the fight scenes are just "wow you finished them so quickly as expected of the magi's grandson." What action and shounen?

the grandpa, who was a famous magi, literally has no presence in this story. This novel should be renamed "The Guru's Grandson" because the grandma has more presence.
Heck there's not even any emphasis on magic developing or anything really. Just vague chemistry concepts that people in junior high can understand.


That being said, it's not unreadable because the translators have done an excellent job. Just that the story itself is barely passable. If you have read most of the good novels already, this is a good story for you to read to pass the time. <<less
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Mamasere rated it
May 22, 2021
Status: --
Honestly, this novel was pretty damn boring. I remember first reading the manga a year or so back that hooked my innocent ass and made me wait for a month every chapter. But once I actually got introduced to better novels, I realized that there's nothing special about this novel, and it's actually very below average.

The story starts off well, but when you think about it, even the start is littered with problems, like how does no one know that MC wasn't taught common sense until his fifteenth birthday? MC... more>> was taught by three people in total, and none of the other two bothered to to teach him that? Or check up on his studies? Why didn't MC think that something was off about that? It's like he doesn't have the curiosity of a normal person.

But fine, I can ignore that and take it as comedy. Unfortunately, everything else sucks later on. The biggest problem is that there just isn't anything happening.

Yes there is Strom with his demon experiments and he can be considered a villain, but he just isn't taken seriously by anyone, which is actually kind of funny.

I mean, you have this scheming powerful demon that creates an army of demons to destroy a neighboring empire, while MC is with his chorus of bland followers going to the beach without a care in the world lol


The story is very black and white, and you can even see this in the manga, how everyone on MC's side is drawn pretty or at least normal, while everyone else is drawn ugly and fat with narrow eyes. If you're someone that praises MC to high Heaven, they you're good (but incompetent), while if you doubt him for even a moment you're either an idiot, rapist, ugly NTR bastard or a generic bloodthirsty demon (still incompetent though)

The plot is 80% slice of life with an occasional battle that ends quickly because MC is so broken OP that no one can take a hit from him. Even Strom has to run away like a beaten dog even though he's supposed to be a legendary OP demon with intelligence.

There are no power ranks in this story, so that makes it impossible to rank MC's power which is something that triggers me greatly and just shows how extremely lazy one can be as an author. There are only some (like two) rules that you have to follow; imagination+enough mana. Very lazy on the author's part.

The characters are extremely forgettable, bland and incompetent, be they bad guys, good guys or just random side characters. I can't even remember many of the characters, and those that I can I can't praise for being useful in any way.

The worst are MC's "friends", the supposed "geniuses". They're a bunch of useless knowledge sponges that leech off the MC, learning his spells and being handed OP gear by the MC just cause, and then pretend like they did something while getting everything handed to them on a silver platter. AND even with that, they STILL get their asses kicked by the weak demons who MC one shots. What a bunch of clowns...

But honestly, the MC is sh*t by himself as well. He's a clueless fool that always does something incredible and then gets confused why everyone's shocked. If this guy was reincarnated in a darker fantasy world, he would've already been a s*ave or a living weapon, and since he's so dumb I'm pretty sure he would've been content with that. He has no motivation to learn magic, no aspirations, no goals, no interests, and no character. He's basically a shy block of wood. He falls in love with an equally shy block of wood with big b**bs (even though he's a reincarnated adult and she's like 15-16)

The main chick is just another one of his bootlickers, except that she has really big b**bs. That's as much character as she has. The romance between these two is tr*sh, even when I loved the manga I still didn't like the romance.

The saddest thing about the novel is the villain, Strom. He's a guy I remember most vividly, because he's someone who actually has motivation and a good backstory.

Betrayed by his empire, his own people being manipulated by other nobles to kill his pregnant wife, warping his good personality into a demonic one filled with hatred and disdain for humanity. All of his effort to better the empire and his territory gone to waste, left with nothing. I can understand that, and even root for that, at least he's much better than the block of wood MC


However, Strom is taken as a literal joke later on. He succeeds in his revenge, destroying the corrupt empire that was responsible for his demonification, and then he just... sits on the throne and is depressed. He literally doesn't know what to do, and even contemplates killing himself. Author, what were you thinking...

Edit: I realized that I forgot to mention the moment that made me drop the novel.

So after Strom destroys the empire and contemplates su*cide, one of his eight (?) subordinates who are all really powerful demons, like elites, asks him what to do now. Strom says: "I don't know man, just do whatever you want, I don't care. But you might not want to go and provoke that OP guy called Shin. He even beat me, so you guys will definitely die."

The demon says "ok" then after he leaves he immediately issues an order "let's go and kill that OP guy called Shin."

This right here is what made me drop it. Author just forced this nonsensical bullsh*t just to have some kind of enemy in the story. Beyond lazy and dumb.


Overall, an extremely light read. Don't recommend, there are much better novels out there. <<less
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GollyGebus rated it
April 13, 2019
Status: c15
It started well, having a decent storyline. MC got absurdly strong. He also likes to help others. But what makes this a 1 star is due to the fact that the MC doesn't have war/violence awareness (his own OP powers) but could understand "small violence" done by others for some reason.


Making stuff basically like "armors where no one can basically harm you in any sort of ways", he think of things too innocently. After going through two lives it's kinda frustrating that he kept repeating this problem when even we... more>> readers could understand while not knowing their "world" a lot. I mean... The MC have read lots of novels/manga/anime right? ?

Also the story is a continuous cycle of praise/instant solve with no hardship/cluelessness. <<less
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Liu rated it
June 5, 2017
Status: v2c42
The beginning with slightly typical but nonetheless interesting world building, focusing on Shin who has reincarnated and his use of abstract thinking to develop his own magic against the current world conventions. With the whole 'this kid is a genius and has just messed up my world view' type of reactions.

However, there is no character development and the repetitive dialog is slowly killing me. Once the setting was established, the anticipation for this novel died for me. The school setting treats Shin as a celebrity and most reactions are fanfare... more>> to boost the amazing feats. The quality variation of the translators is also torturous to say the least. Dialog is thrown about with little to no indication as to who is talking on some of the later chapters. <<less
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Torauth rated it
April 9, 2017
Status: --
I love the generic OP character story, so this one really appealed to me. It was going great, and then suddenly there's a setback caused by other students in the academy, and suddenly the MC becomes a moron. He has so many connections and so many ways of effectively dealing with this situation, but reverts back to acting like a bullied child and tries to resolve the situation in the worst way possible. That just put me right off...
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WoolyMarmot rated it
October 20, 2016
Status: c47
This story is a good read for when you're lazy, and aren't looking for subtlety in the plot, schemes, world building, or characters. This is mind candy. However, if that's what you're looking for it can be very entertaining. What we have here is an OP MC who has a rather sweet romance with a single love interest rather than building a harem. He's dense about social things (especially love) and about his strength as compared to what's normal, and the reactions to his OP-ness and the teasing he gets... more>> for his denseness are what set up most of the story's humor.

It takes several chapters for Shin to grow up and get to the point described in the preview: his entrance into the magic academy. A couple of clichés are avoided because he didn't really cheat to become OP, and because the people around him already expect him to be strong so there's no attempt to hide it. And once the story gets going you have mostly a very sweet romance, mixed in with fighting demons and devils and with inventing new magic inspired by what he experienced in his previous life in Japan.

As of this writing there are two volumes translated plus a couple of chapters by a second translator. Until more can be translated, reading to the end of volume 2 makes for a good stopping point. <<less
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May 20, 2016
Status: --
This story started off good, but sadly as story progressed I lost my interest little by little. Maybe will pick this up again later in the future.
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the_black_gift rated it
September 8, 2018
Status: c71
There have been many negative reviews and I don't think that the story is bad, so I want to write a positive one.

At first I want to say: This is NOT a harem novel. There are many girls around him, yes, but there are also many boys around him.

Only one of the girls around him sees him as a romantic interest (and he her) and some of the girls are already in a relationship. He only has eyes for his girl. The heck, one of the main points of the... more>> story and it's biggest quality and greatest difference to other isekai novels is the relationship with the heroine. He and the heroine unintentionally flirt with each other nonstop and annoy the other characters because of that. One can only miss it if ones eyes are rotten.

To be honest the story is otherwise pretty much standard isekai. I read this story for the extraordinarily sweet romance and as something to lighten up my mood with light humoric entertainment if I'm feeling down.

PS: The novel appears a lot worse than it is because of the unmotivated, slow and bad releases recently. I honestly seldom read the new chapters and only reread the old ones because of that.

-black gift <<less
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Vamodd rated it
June 22, 2018
Status: c74
ok so im kinda a sucker for these way op MC novels so take this however you want

ppl who have read alot of light novels probably wont like this since its nothing really new op MC who is also good looking and multi talented with modern knowledge fighting and straight up wiping out whatever gets in his way

its what you'd expect at this point from alot if not most isekai/renicarnation novels well I still like it though sue me
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deadshift2010 rated it
April 11, 2018
Status: c64
To be honest, I can't understand why some people gave this novel such low reviews. But you really shouldn't go into this novel expecting much more than slice of life. Sure you have some combat here and there, however you shouldn't expect this novel to focus on that. It's the interactions between all of the characters and how cute Sicily and Shin are together. Honestly I love this novel and wish it was translated faster. Don't read this if you don't want overpowered characters, slice of life, and a cute... more>> romance. <<less
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SirGardakan rated it
September 6, 2017
Status: c52
Hello young fellow (and sorry for my bad English, I'am french).
This is my first review, so please be indulgent.
There you have my resume (if you dont read all).

Chapter 1 to 40-43, if you like reincarnation, magic and powerfull and nice hero fu**ng yeaaaa read this light novel
but after chapter 43, ¯\_ (ツ) _/¯ pity it went very well

So this light novel is pretty good, ok, it's a classic, the hero he's over-cheated and it's, another one, story about reincarnation.
But it's very interesting and well brought, he have the best professor until he was a baby,

he can do kandji againt romanji for magic enchantment (very good idea from the author)

and he's not immortal.
The story with all caracter, it's very nice. I like a lot the relation between the prince and the hero
And the traduction from cat it's pretty good (japtem).

But come the dark-side of amateur writer (and a traduction by google translate does'nt help, very very bad translate after ch 47)

No, no author, you can make all friend of the hero capable to kill a legion of human demon (cataclisme monster, like only one can erase a country), only in like 1 or 2 month. This increase of power, kill all the story ! There was so much opportunity.

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