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There’s a legendary Bishoujo Game that has become popular among Japanese gentlemen.

Its name is “ Magical★Explorer” or Magiero for short.

The game’s protagonist has a cheat-like power with12 different beautiful heroines to flirt with, including additional 12 heroines from the DLC, a harem of 24 beauties. I have become that protagonist!………………Not. Instead, I have become the third-wheel character who always laughing like an idiot next to him.

Of course I was in despair at first.

Of course. If I am the protagonist I could have all 24 heroines for myself along with unparalleled cheat power. However, since I am the third-wheel there’s no heroine that would lay their eyes on me.

But now I couldn’t care less about the protagonist and his heroines. Why? Because I discovered magic. While I was using it, I have become interested in it. I want to master it. I want to become the strongest. Thus I have decided.

I would abandon half my role as a protagonist’s friend to train my magic and then I would beat the hell out of that cheat who can solo the Demon King.

………..I was training with that thought in mind, but somehow I keep getting closer to the heroines and furthermore, I don’t know why I keep encounter events like I am some Eroge’s protagonist.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Magical Explorer: Reborn as a Side Character in a Fantasy Dating Sim
Magical★Explorer – It seems I have become a Friend of the Protagonist in an Eroge World, but because Magic is fun I have abandoned the role and train myself.
マジカル★エクスプローラー エロゲの友人キャラに転生したけど、ゲーム知識使って自由に生きる
Related Series
Is it Tough Being a Friend? (6)
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Recommendation Lists
  1. thesauce
  2. good novels
  3. Top Rated and Battle Academy Novels collection
  4. Interesting reads for me
  5. Academy Arc

Latest Release

Date Group Release
09/15/23 MAAN-OMC c50
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61 Reviews sorted by

P-911Interest rated it
August 7, 2019
Status: c21
Magical Explorer is a novel about a character who transmigrates into the body of a very pitiful mob within a dating simulator inspired world. What drew me to this novel so well was the MC's childlike curiosity and fascination with magic, the potentially cool and versatile ability the MC gains in the beginning, the mob's background story, and the expectation to see the MC change or even wreck the original plot of the dating sim alongside its pe*verted cliche's.

Unfortunately, all of these novel's appeals were suppressed as the story moved... more>> on. The sole reason is the fact that my expectation was left unfulfilled; the MC doesn't try to exert caution towards the annoying plot devices used in harem manga/novels nor does he try to change any part of the novel for his own benefit, but instead replaces the dating sim's main character entirely; he gropes women's butts and b**bs, peeks at their naked bodies, and is even assigned to live with some women despite the significant dangers surrounding said women, all due to the omniscient powers called accidental coincidence and the author's irrational logic.

Conclusion: I am ultimately disappointed with this story so far. The beginning of the novel went so well, with the MC showing promise in developing an interesting personality and the story potentially subverting the tired and annoying tropes commonly seen in harem novels/mangas in clever ways. The MC was even explaining the mechanics of the these annoying tropes before embracing them soon after! At the end of the day, the story is bogged down with these harem tropes, the MC betrayed my expectations and failed to develop any personality with real depth, and the story has failed to let the MC develop his powers or advance his plans at a decent pace since it's too busy with implementing said harem tropes. Even the original mob character has more depth in terms of story background and personality than the MC (this is possibly the saddest aspect of the novel).

I will still read a bit more of this novel since I still have hopes that the remaining charms of this novel (MC's cool powers) will pay off, but likelihood of that happening is low due to the author's obsession with harem tropes.


I understand that other people like this novel filled with romantic harem clichés. That's completely fine. My main problem with this novel is the fact that the author presents this as some kind of subversion to these common harem events that has been reused so many times in countless other novels within the same genre.

I touched upon this earlier in my review, but the MC knows and even goes to great lengths to explain how these 'comedic' harem tropes work right before they happen. When the event actually happens, he just... surrenders himself to the flow... Why? If the author wanted this to happen, why have the MC explain so much about it in the first place? At least have him do SOMETHING to avoid it, even if it fails! It's like receiving a 3-month training course on how to use guns in a fight, and then throwing your gun away right before the fight; it's a good way to have your body be riddled with holes.

Many people, including me, were tricked into thinking that this would be about the MC avoiding typical troubling events (harem tropes) and taking advantage of the rewarding ones. We were wrong. If I knew about this, I would have left this alone without any negative review; people like different things and I respect that. What I don't respect is subtly deceiving others and wasting their time with no significant pay-offs. Hence, this rating and review. <<less
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Mabbo rated it
August 20, 2019
Status: c94
Five stars means perfect, three stars means it's mediocre. I take the middle way and give it four stars.

TL;DR This novel is rewarding. Every chapter spent on progress pays off.

Now, I feel that some of the reviews don't do justice to this novel. This novel is really full of tropes, but also knows how to subvert them. It takes a game setting and exploits the blind spots many authors chose to avoid.

... more>> > Main Character

MC is someone from Japan who, by means and motive unknown, reincarnated into the body of a side character from an Eroge. In one aspect, he's overpowering other characters. In other aspects, he's flawed and needs other characters' help. His nature is of a pe*vert. However, he takes pride in his gentleman manner and logical reasoning, which somehow gives a reason to him not to lay his hands on his step-mother, step-sister, and his housemates.

His design is unique with the four meter tall scarf--which he calls as Stole--that he uses to fight.

He is, without doubt, a shonen manga protagonist material. Saying he is a hard worker won't be enough; working hard is the only thing he knows. His target is to become the strongest man in the academy and, by extension, strongest man in the world. He doesn't go back to his words, and once he sets upon something, he won't stop.

> Other Characters

The novel has various unique characters. Some stays to their archetype, but all of them feels alive and there. Until the end of 2nd Arc, the main focus is still on MC, so it's still unknown how they handle their own problems.

One most unique character among the batch is the the protagonist of the Eroge world. In some setting, this role is usually filled with someone from Japan like the MC, while in other settings, it can be just some ignorant individual. This novel takes the second approach. What makes this character special is because MC doesn't steal his thunder only, but he also cultivates and develops him.

So far (2nd Arc), the harem only consists a handful characters. None of them fell in love with him out of the blue, they all have their trigger and reason. Conversely, a character who holds no affection to him in the first place won't become his harem member.


A good example of this would be Catherine /Kato Rina (Eroge Main Heroine). MC deliberately lost a fight to her in order to make Iori Hijiri (Eroge protagonist) get closer to her. However, she went overboard and made him lost consciousness for hours. She is very apologetic about it, and now friends with MC. Till the end of 2nd Arc, there is no sign of her joining his harem.


MC is a stubborn person and frequently being misunderstood. His conducts are seen as dangerous and pushing to the limits. However, he does what he does, and none can convince him to stop. That is why, his harem tends to hold meetings among themselves, wanting to be useful for him more than he is for them.

Interactions between MC and other characters are, more often than not, based on either misunderstanding or prejudice. However, no smoke without fire. MC is indifferent about the position he is in and focuses more about the game plots. This results with other characters not being able to see what he sees and can only judge him by his outer self.

> Story Elements

The story starts a few days before the Eroge's first scene. It exploits the blind spots the Eroge has and establishes a solid foundation of relationship between MC and the key characters.

The author tends to avoid useless repetition, but they still fall to it. More than half of the entirety of the novel is exposition, mainly about monsters, dungeons, and the original game's system. Elements from the original game are brought to real life, but not all of it. I still don't understand about the level system he often brings up, does it exist or not, but maybe it's due to my lack understanding of Japanese. Other than that, elements such as skills, hidden rooms, warfare tactics, even the most mundane element like the position of their seat in the class, these things are kept to be the same as the game by an unknown power that even the MC wonders.


At some point, MC acquires a Tenshi (angel) subordinate. In the original game, it should've been a Homonculus, but due to reason unknown (possibly, the monstrous amount of mana he injected to the "egg") a Tenshi hatches instead. The Tenshi claims that she was supposed to be an assistant of a Dungeon Master or someone else who works "behind the curtain", thus MC who is a "normal citizen" to acquire her is strange. This indicates that things are not as simple as they looks like.


> Conclusion

This novel is just a Shonen Action with Ecchi genre. Probably not the best of the cut, but surely is fun. <<less
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Lamo Lamp
Lamo Lamp rated it
September 29, 2019
Status: c25
I tried, seriously I tried, but I can't.

Well premise first. The first time I stumbled this series, I was like 'wow great, a man reincarnated (?) as a protagonist's support character', interesting. And rather than become the protag side kick he decided to beat him and become the strongest, oh did I mention it's a harem, I don't mind though

Next is story. The first couple of chapter, the MC with his sad 'background strory' tried to build his foundation to become the 'strongest' which is good. Then everything is changed... more>> after the first capture target introduced. Like P-911Interes said the rather than become a unique character in itself, he rather replaced the eroge protagonist himself. The way author tied the characters by generic plot common in echi anime/manga, e.x. 'Accidentally' trip over and touch the butt/boob, came out of the bathroom naked and 'accidentally' showing his glourious dick, and many more, rather than, I dont know little by little over time knowing each other.

After that it seems the story goes focused more on raising the flag here and there. Like I said, I don't mind harem, but the story heavily balanced more on harem side and with the plot device, it became worst.

For character, boy oh boy here we go. Very flawed character, indeed with flawed character author could develop his character more. But if it's to flawed, the development of the character become weird. Well, imagine a guy with down syndrome training with sword, suddenly next year he became master, illogical.

Though at this point, me, having only 25 chapters there is no real character development. What is irking me though is, the MC line of thought. He was a member adult working society, but the way he think was like adolescent boy, I didn't notice a single trace of him being a working adult.

The MC cousin is a teacher in his school. I understand having unique character is one of a story attractiveness, but seriously washing rice with detergent? Did she wanna kill her family? A teacher? Like that?

Oh, the maid/knight, when there accident that she showinv her g string collections, she just punch the MC and go 'kyaaaa', a royal servant assaulting someone she should have to protect. Many thing I want to point about character, but at this point I am just b*tching.

About grammar. I mean what can I say, there are probably many grammatical mistake from my comment here. Still, it's easy noticing other people mistake than you own, I mean, I notice grammar mistake here and there in this translation. But meh I don't care, no problemo for me


Interesting premise destroyed by inabilty of author to deliver his story with a pinch of generic plot line, with a slice of generic boring characters on top <<less
42 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
August 3, 2019
Status: c38
When you read about a transmigration into a mob character, you'd expect a subversion of the original theme and/or story. A clash with the original MC and all. There's none here.

It's just a replacement of the original MC with the new transmigrator MC. The s*upid harem plot devices being mocked a few paragraphs before still happens to the new MC right after being mentioned: Girls coming to live with him for little to no reason, accidents where he fondles a girl's ass and b**bs, several beautiful women gravitating around him... more>> by 'chance', excessive convenience and coincidence with every encounter he has, etc.

This is a typical japanese Harem with flat characters, unreasonable cliche plot devices and a dense MC with no agency that it's always at the right place at the right time. It's not a satire where a mob characters sees and/or subverts the absurdity of a harem plot devices.

I don't like this typical Japanese Harem Formula at all, but a lot of people do, and it's ultimately a problem of the 'transmigration into mob character' that can give a wrong expectation, hence why I chose not to rank it.

Edit: I lasted until chapter 40 before completely dropping, hoping the novel would get better or that the action/fantasy parts began. Well, they didn't.

There was 1 action scene at the start and everything else was the MC meeting and having slice of life moments with all kinds of women, where all the cliches I've said above kept happening.

I'd just add 'entering the bathroom to catch one of the women undressed' to the list, since it happened 2 times already. No plot whatsoever in 40 chapters except (.) (.) plot <<less
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MonkeDanana rated it
October 18, 2019
Status: c11
I only read 11 chapters but my impression is that its just another cliche and generic JP novel with beta MC. The synopsis is false. MC act like your usual generic JP protagonist with "accidentally touching b**bs". And the way he acts really pissed me off. He needs a party but he refuses to party with the heroine even though on the previous chapter he mention about partying with them. Oh my god! I don't know what does the MC wants to do.

And the MC can't really use magic. He... more>> has a mana pool surpassing even a "witch" but he can only use enchanting and the thing he enchant is his body and scarf. He can't use any spells like fireball, water spear, etc. So the part about him training magic is kinda false, it's more like training his body and scarf manipulation skill.

In short, the MC is your generic JP beta MC <<less
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Not Red Yet
Not Red Yet rated it
October 4, 2019
Status: c29
While I enjoy harem novels I must say that this is one that is worse than CN harem novels.

What could be a decent novel is ruined by the author making this a novel where it's all about the women and their little lucky accidents. One example is him seeing his cousin naked because he didn't knock on the bathroom door so he tells himself to knock next time which he does yet the time after that he doesn't knock anymore and happens to see the guest that's living with them... more>> naked. Oh he also got a skill from wanting to see through her towel.

Characters aren't fully developed at all and are just thrusted into the story with minimum development at all.

MC says he wants to focus on magic and be at the very top yet focuses on the women 24/7.

I understand it's a eroge novel without the eroge but it's just amateur writing at best since author doesn't know how to balance the harem since he just keeps tossing women in with their cardboard personalities, had hopes for this novel since it seemed interesting but the authors writing skills ruined it. <<less
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gahara31 rated it
December 28, 2019
Status: c16
The premise is promising.

I've come with expectation the story would unfold like "The otome games is tough for mobs" or "My death flags show no sign of ending" or at least the MC would have vision for himself and work himself towards realizing that vision.

But no, instead I got rambling from the author with inserted some random facts every now and then which have no relevance whatsoever in the story. The MC who supposedly one of the hardcore player of the very game he transmigrated into, looks like only have... more>> superficial knowledge about the game world. Not to mention the way he interacted with the girls is like those dumb dense typical harem protagonist who only alive because of plot armor, aren't you supposed to be side character?!

looking at how much 5 starts this series got I tried to keep on reading but no, this is painfully, badly written, and I've got enough. <<less
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Bluehm rated it
October 7, 2019
Status: c80
Umm yeah, this one gets full score imo.

Quite a few people are complaining about mainstream reincarnation in a game or sth "oh no, I reincarnated as a game character, now I must follow the original characters actions or crises would descent upon me" but this one doesnt, you know?

Well, at first it seems to go that way but later on he doesn't give a flying fck about it.

... more>> Don't rate something after just a few read chapters, please...

Aside from that, I still do have some problems with the prota, like he's dense (but fortunately not as dense as e.g. Kurono from kuro no maou and Naofumi from Tate no yuusha) , he tries to avoid the heroins at the beginning 'cause they're the MCs heroins and not his (he's the MCs friend character if you didn't know) and he overreacts sometimes..

BUT! he's real hardworking, grinds like hell (I love it, not the written protocol of the grinding but the fact he does it), gives not a damn about other people's opinions and a bit later in the story he gave up on following his original characters setting and actions since he noticed relative early that he already messed it up and he doesn't get the cause, so... sht happens huh.


He's the most hated guy in school because he's all nice and "flirty" with the school goddesses (heroins) while he strolls through the schools halls with his messy getup and girls and an indebted female teacher sticking to him like gum under your shoe. Hilarious, I tell you.


The heroins we've seen so far all have their unique cliche setting, which is not bad at all since it's intended to be cliche and that's what this works author cracks the jokes with, the prota is.. not your typical beta isekai prota but not anything completely new either. He's definitely likable so it's fine.

Story is not unique either but my favorite in this comedy game world reincarnation theme + it's Eroge Gameworld and not Otome, which I like.

There's a dungeon you'd need to offer 3 used panties to get it opened up.

It's funny seeing them standing at the entrance and the heroins reactions towards the prota (who knew damn well, they'd have to do so)


The description here sums it up pretty good and everything else would spoiler too much I guess.

Translations quality is not perfect but still perfectly easy to read.

The translator is awesome, he sometimes puts pictures inside the the text to explain some Japanese slangs or things you wouldn't get otherwise and it helps! thank you translator!

Also he puts some memes or gifs inside if it works with the story.

His 'editing' was sometimes better than the jokes of the story.

This novel together with this translator are very recommendable, as long as you're fine with cliche, harem, sarcasm, op MC, isekai and special editing of the translator (or also: people with humor).

Not gonna check for mistakes because wrote more than I intended to but I'll re-rate if author messes up. <<less
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pomoli rated it
November 14, 2019
Status: --
Dropped. The summary is very misleading.
Kinda boring, I thought I'd see an underdog MC but the MC is having zero difficulty.

He's supposed to be focusing in his magic and ignoring the girls, but instead has cliché sexy situations after sexy situations with cliché girls, and I say that as someone who likes romance and harem. It's just boring when there is no challenge.

Also, being transported to another world and having no reaction, it was very badly done.

Basically one of those stories that would be better being an actual manga instead of a web novel.
Good translation with the occasional Japanese word mixed in as a downside.
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zachyjacob rated it
October 10, 2020
Status: v2 illustrations
This review is mostly for defending the story but...

Tldr: 4.5/5 stars, fun and chill read. Not for people who dislike harem, fluff fest with heroines (no ero duh), a little comedy and denseness or a little cliche. Translation's Legit. THE SETTING IS AN EROGE GAME

Defending the Story:

... more>>
  • "Protagonist Cliches" aka those things that suddenly happen to MC like going in when someones taking a bath that makes you think "how the frik"
    • If you really dropped the novel because of this, why did you even try to read this in the first place and what made you stick to it. The setting of the Isekai is literally AN EROGE GAME so it's either you didn't read the starting chapters or you just skimmed through it. The author just went through with this setting and stuck through until the end.
  • Replacing the Protagonist
    • You have to remember that, its an isekai and the game is real now. The real Hijiri Iori does not have access to all the information that Takioto has since it is not "Common info" in this world. There would be no clash between the 2 in a protag antag way since the real Hijiri Iori does not know that he was the protagonist and that this world is a game.
  • Takioto not doing anything to solve the plot
    • Imagine this: Youre the bridge conductor and you see a boat using your binoculars about lets say 50-100 miles away (theoretically), do you pull up the drawbridge in advance, wait for about 20-30 mins and cause a big traffic jam for the cars trying to go through? Or do you wait till it gets close before you pull it up to make the cars wait for about 1-5 mins before it goes down. You would choose the latter correct? since you wouldnt want to waste the citezens 30 mins just waiting and being the reason why theres traffic for the whole highway. Exactly the case for this one, If Takioto did try to defeat the final boss in a quick succession, who knows what would happen after since it is not part of the story that he knows. This makes it much harder for him to make moves since he has to be cautious every time he does. In the first place, Takioto does not even have the power to beat an intermediate Dungeon, what makes you think that he can beat the final boss with the power that he has right now.
    • In accordance to the problems with the heroines: What makes you think Takioto can just go "Hi Yuika, I just solved your problem, Thank me later!" without them thinking hes a stalker or despising him since he stuck his nose in problems that isn't his


+ Hard-working and Caring Protag

+ Harem that didn't just happen in 1 chapter per heroine

+ A little comedy and useless banter that makes you smile from time to time

+ No 2D heroines, each can be remembered and all have personality

+ No massive plot holes for now

+ Fluff when it counts, Action when it counts


- Protagonist-Centered (No big POV changes that lasts a while, even if it changes, its about Protag)

- No big background about the characters so far (-0.5 stars)

- No big antagonist which means no encompassing plot so far.


Our protagonist got Isekaid into this RPG Eroge game called "Magical Explorer" where he is "Takioto Kousuke" the friend character that has a frivolous personality and a head full of ero. Takioto has this constitution of having the most mana in the game but with tr*sh attack magic stats: he uses all his magic to reinforce his stole around his neck which basically gives him 2 extra hands. He trains himself to keep his reinforcement magic last the entire 24 hours since it is his attack and defense option. He meets some heroines on the way, saving them when their in trouble and training with them to reach his goal of being "The Strongest" and beating the "Meta" Heroines and the "Main Protagonist" in the game.


Warning: No real main antagonist which makes the plot weaker than the Triple A novels like Death Flags and Power in the Shadows

First Arc:

+ This arc is mostly just introduction to the setting and the heroines. A lot of chapters dedicated to heroines and his training. A lot of slice of life chapters, persevere until second arc if you don't like em.

Second Arc:

+ Best arc of the 3 as of writing this. This is where the action starts with a School arc and the last 8 chapters dedicated to the dungeons. Quite a lot of action compared to the 2 other arcs and a School arc to balance it out

Third Arc:

+ This arc is dedicated to explaining the setting of the school and what happens in the top of the school. 1 Dungeon this whole arc and a lot of chapters dedicated to explaining the Organizations of the school.


+ Legit translations, really well edited and easily understood. Graverobber did a good job with explaining the monsters that appear that are based on Jap Mythology.


+ I did not expect Ludi to look like that ngl. I expected her to be more prim and proper then what is shown.


+ Magical Explorer is a Harem, Shounen, Slice of Life, Action novel that is not for people that came thinking that this novel has amazing plot like those triple A novels. So Grab a bit of coffee while reading it and enjoy your time in this fluffy yet cool style of work that the author gave us. Who knows, when you finish Volume 3, we may already have a next one. <<less
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NearlyPanda rated it
December 24, 2019
Status: --
This is one of those novels that started out with a good premise then failed on execution. Started out interesting enough. The MC and narrator went on a short rant about contrived situations in harem and adult games which I can relate so interest is still pretty high. Then we learned that MC is re-incarnated as the protagonist's forgettable friend, okay, not the most creative situation but not used as often so still got potential. Then we learn about the super depressing and traumatic background of this side character which... more>> can either be trying to hard to be edgey or just flesh him out, can go both ways. After that, the whole thing goes down hill fast.

Next, the principle of the magic school suddenly show up, tell him that they are related and they will be living together with her (who is a hottie btw) and another capture target and both of them are totally cool with it. Oh incidentally, the principle told the MC that she won't be around much since she have a lot of work and left him with a huge wad of cash that is part of his inheritance. WTF, the MC is Bruce Wayne now? Weren't there a short rant about the contrived situation in harems anime early and now it dive head first into the cliche pool.

The straw that broke the camel's back is the explosion scene later on. The MC is hanging out and an explosion happen near him. The MC pick himself up, looked around, found someone suspicious then follow him which lead to a flag event. Again, WTF? Is the MC originally a experienced first responder? A professional soldier? In law enforcement so use to high stress situation? Why the hell would some punk kid have enough experience to remain calm in what is basically a terrorist event and have enough presence of mind to pick out one suspicious individual. Then made the decision to follow him? <<less
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Chaeden rated it
September 15, 2020
Status: c154
Probably would rate this 4 normally but bumped it since so many people gave it a 1 for really really dumb reasons. Reasons including saying the premise given at the top was a lie despite the MC STILL trying to master magic, even if he can only work on his own brand of it right now where he's basically unmatched, until he can figure out if there is a way to change or improve his constitution to allow more kinds of magic. It even mentions that he keeps running into... more>> eroge events in the last line.....

This is a story about a MC who for whatever reason ends up transferring into the body of middling ground side character 'Takioto Kousuke'. Best friend of the hero who is the bu*t of every joke and the most unfortunate character in the story yet in the game never lets that be seen as he sacrifices of himself to make the hero's life better (not even really hidden the MC early on mentions that Takioto walks in during a fight between two heroines because the hero flirts with both of them and ends up resolving it with HIM being beaten up instead). He's one of the few male party members in the game and the best among them because despite his annoying gimmick he is a useful character with multiple good builds, his flaw is he uses MP every time he does anything and because he's male he gets less attention including not receiving a 'ultimate weapon' like many other game characters taking him from competitive to only not the least used character because the other males exist. His benefits however is a frankly massive MP pool, on par with the greatest spell casters in the game and the ability to use 2 extra equipment slots for weapons or shield making him the second best defender in the game and an effective melee dps.

Thus while depressed about his being put in this joke character's body he discovers he can use magic and falls in love with it and decides to try and out do the cheat that is the MC..... very quickly after he starts running into events from the game and either changing them or trying to manipulate it so that it ends the best way possible. He doesn't WANT to beat the demon lord or be forced to face him.... so the MC is necessary and he needs a strong party, he'll help him develop himself as he can while still being his best friend and rival because he wants the MC to beat the big bad and then he wants to beat the MC afterwards and prove that with his knowledge and effort he can out perform someone blessed with all the best things in the world........ but the Eroge nature of the world doesn't just apply to the hero of the game and as he starts making himself less of a joke character and helping or even saving others they start falling into eroge tropes as well.

And beyond this there are hints of greater things going on in the background and secrets around his family, the world, and the dungeons....

All of these things are done fairly well really if I had a true issue with this novel at this point its only the author, they have put out chapters at a snails pace and at this time chapter 154 states that in a week from its release 2020/08/24 there will be a new chapter. Its currently 2020/9/15. This is not the first nor I doubt the last time they put forth a clear date and then miss it by months. They just apologized for such a few chapters ago. This is why the excellent translator has stopped putting forth new chapters for now, they are simply waiting for the author to FINISH a book before putting it up since otherwise the upload rate will look incredibly sloppy and people will get angry at HIM for not putting chapters up in a reasonable time.

So if you are looking for a ecchi harem comedy with action elements this probably won't disappoint, if you are looking for things it ISN'T you will be but the fact I need to say that is saddening just because the NU reviewers so commonly seem to go to stories with tags they hate and then bit*h about the story having those tags. Just...... be prepared for a long haul of waiting for new updates unless the author puts themselves back together. I'll be checking the syosetsu every day for a new chapter in hopes something happens. >.<

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ReadsWebNovels rated it
November 3, 2019
Status: c22
Quick Summary: Inoffensive, uninspired, and boring.

Longer Summary: The summary promises an eroge-spoof that actually focuses on a character's drive to improve in spite of a disability (with magic.) What you actually get is an eroge that is unironically as eroge-like as possible. Pretty much, every eroge trope ever is used and I'm only 22 chapters in. This is just a by-the-numbers eroge that constantly talks about by-the-numbers eroges as if it's going to do something unique, creative, or different. Spoiler, it never does.
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Renaxan rated it
September 17, 2019
Status: c61
Story is about MC who got isekai'ed again into isekai which is eroge, not even otome anymore LOL. He become eroge MC side friend, instead fullfilling his role, instead fascinating with magic and aim to defeat the MC.

Character all are clear, we got several explanation about their background like MC pitiful background, ludi as princess, etc. There's also POV of othet character about MC. I admit MC is clueless and act too chuuni, but this also make the story kind of enjoyable.

Talk about plot, it seems pretty simple as similiar... more>> to eroge event. As our MC true gentlemen who got knowledge about all things on the game, its not surprising he taken advantage of that. The things is, he also share it with his harem and he didnt really know he already created harem beyond eroge MC.

Cons, it would be MC attitude. As that 1* rant, stated MC isnt act mature at all. Also plot armor goes strong on MC side, and he still clueless. Aside from become strong, he didnt really have aim actually. Also


there's no 18+ scene so far. What? Its eroge. Why no adult content exist here? XD


Overall its really light enjoyable novel for ride. Dont think to much, take the perspective of MC. If you also eroge player, you might like this like myself does, since this novel provide plot similiar to eroge. If you want to try eroge which have similiar system as this novel, try kamidori alchemy meister.

5/5 for enjoyment. <<less
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Light novel junkie
Light novel junkie rated it
January 31, 2020
Status: --
Tbh I mostly enjoyed this because it's not as if the MC isn't primarily seeking to usurp the eroge MC of his position in that world but more he's thrown into a scenerio many of us would like to be in ourselves. Not the MC who has to deal with the bullsh*t but a close by character who when possible can assist his favored characters and stop them from experiencing terrible scenerios. People rant and rave about "typical isekai harem mc" but apparently never notice that he only involves himself... more>> with his favourite characters who are about to have some terrible experince, not to take the harem route but purely because he likes these characters. How many of us (readers) have read a story and really liked a character or characters only they had some horrible event occur to them? And many of us would have wanted to have changed that event? He can and does do just that. The only reason for 4 stars is not enough chapters @, @. <<less
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Incompetence Hunter
Incompetence Hunter rated it
June 24, 2020
Status: c10
The synopsis makes it seem like this is an intelligent story. In reality, it's a harem story for 13 year olds.

This story is not a subversion! The MC is nothing more than a dense beta Japanese harem MC. He is not a character, but a plot device, whose actions are based not on logic, but plot demands.

The MC is has only one difference from any other pe*verted protagonist, whose action are centered around falling on women and groping them. The one difference is that he lampshades it, all the time.... more>> The novel does nothing to subvert generic, pe*verted, and cliche fanservice, but it does lampshades it all the time.

That only makes things worse. One thing that makes those "falling on women" harem cliches work - at least for 13 year olds - is the suspension of disbelief. Lampshading it draws attention to how ret*rded this story is, and destroys that suspension of disbelief.

Instead of being a novel where everything is ret*rded, this novel points out that it is ret*rded, and then act ret*rded anyway.

Edit: Btw, first villain is just a r*pey guy. <<less
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Yamcha rated it
February 17, 2020
Status: c99
Really tried to like this novel but just can't.

The world setting is supposed to be an eroge but it is actually an RPG, a hardcore RPG, unless eroges in Japan are designed to make your neurons reach climax too.

The author throws here and there some interesting ideas, like a school system that uses different measures to evaluate students in their different areas of expertise, hint that many quirky secondary characters in media may actually have a tragic past, etc.

Sadly, the protagonist's personality and the story are not really deep, things... more>> happen just because and he does things just because. There's also a lot of not necessary descriptions and the actions scenes are lukewarm or even skipped. Boring overall.

If you like The Gamer webtoon, you may like this novel. <<less
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merddin rated it
May 29, 2020
Status: c136
Way too overrated. Like other reviewers mention the idea is great but the execution is subpar at best. Instead of a proper novel this feels like a set of independent stories, where cliched developments are used to show how amazing MC is.

The annoying thing is that author manages to constantly bait you into thinking that something interesting may start soon, but it never does. All foreshadows are resolved in the most boring way possible.

I would not even mind a typical harem but unfortunately author fails at properly delivering even that.... more>> Character development is non-existent and there is no romance, instead you get to read why each heroine admires MC.

Lastly, the summary given on NU has absolutely nothing to do with what is happening in the novel. No magic research (just bashing everything with magical scarf) , no rivalry with original protagonist (they are best bros somehow?) and the fact that MC transmigrates into a game character is is used only to fix up inconsistent storytelling.

Translator does a great job though. <<less
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Lexi rated it
July 24, 2022
Status: c28
Had to drop it at chapter 28. I wonder why this garbage has such high reviews?

What I like:

  • Interesting magic concept.
  • The scarf as a weapon/tool is a nice idea.
What I dislike:


The concept is that a random worthless nerd MC reincarnates into a random eroge that he liked.

He complains for a whole 2 chapters about the game and harem protagonists in general. Then he complains about the side kick he reincarnated into.

Would be cool if he would turn into a cool, strong character who ignores the bullsh*t protagonist or the girls and tries to create his own path... he doesn't.

This is for 9 year old children who still like the "groping", "walking into the bathroom and peeking at the heroine", "eating the poison food cooked by a dense mc", "meeting all stereotypes (mature "kind" woman, stoic sister, ret*rded maid, s*upid princess, list goes on) ", "wanting to dogeza for accidently touching a woman he risked his life to save" scenes.

It is all too much. The MC and by extension the author is the epitome of a beta male. I thought he was being funny at first but no. He is actually a complete failure of a human being and man. I wonder why he even made that long complaint about anime/Harem protagonists? He acts like the biggest one I have ever seen even after being reincarnated.

This is so pathetic and cringe that I honestly got angry after reading just these 28 chapters.

Don't read it. <<less
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December 15, 2019
Status: --
Well the description betrayed me, I was expecting that he would avoid the heroines and that will be the main point for them to be curious and fall for him but he's the one the seeking for there attention, totally ruined my view of him hahaha like a maggot but I like the story
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