Looting Equipment From NPCs


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Lou Fan is an ordinary person, nothing special. However, after being suddenly drawn into the mission world, he found himself quite special—very lucky to be exact!

When other people’s whole team is destroyed, his team passed with everyone intact; other people can’t find equipment, they get rewards from NPC; other people’s spirit weapons are used as decorations, while their spirit weapons leveled up like a rocket.

Lou Fan: Although I’m lucky, my strength is terrible…

Qin Tan: I will never waste time talking rubbish if I can just take action. Alright, who of you is my opponent?

NPC: No! We just want to kneel down and call Dad!

This terrifying lucky king not only robs players of equipment, but the important thing is that he doesn’t even let go of NPCs!!! A violent but unlucky guy and a weak but lucky king teaming up, the NPCs decided to resign. They couldn’t do this job!

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22 Reviews

Sadie Woods
Sadie Woods
Oct 27, 2021
Status: c3
Giving an initial 5 star to balance out the somehow inevitable bad ratings from the folks who hate danmei enough to give all of it 1 star, story unread. So far so good though! I give points to the MC already being out as a gay man, which I always want to see more of compared to the very common turning bent approach.
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Apr 08, 2022
Status: Completed
Honestly, it's kind of a letdown.

The beginning was very slow, and I almost drop it halfway through the first arc. Don't be mislead by the summary, there's nothing particularly special or interesting about the MC other than his blind protagonist's luck. He also doesn't "loot" anything, but grind side quests for NPC which becomes tedious and predictable.

Now, it does picked up after a while, and it does have it's moments, it's fluffs (so to speak) which is the reason I managed to stick to the end. Unfortunately, that was a... more>> big mistake. The ending was a cop-out and quite unsatisfying (it's literally only 1 chapter long). There's massive plot holes, tons of unanswered questions, and important side characters that seemingly drop off the face of the earth, never to be mention again.

Also, aside from the MC, the rest of the cast have zero background information, including the ML, so they don't developed as characters but rather served as dolls for the author's danmei wet dream.

The couples/romance aspect are not great. The main couple is the generic clever white-lotus shou meets tall-dark-and-handsome military gong, which is sufficient for fluff, but is too vanilla for my taste. The other side couples are (mostly) developed off-screen, except for a few key moments, so don't blink or you'll missed it. The last couple is actually the worst, because there's no time or indication for them to developed naturally, and the author just 'willed it' so that the gong instantly and madly falls in love with the shou at first sight. =.= Overall, the character is inconsistent, the plot's all over the place, there's no hook in the beginning, and the ending is anti-climatic af. A light read to pass time, don't think too hard about it.

Props to the translator though. Thanks for your good work. <<less
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Nov 25, 2021
Status: Completed
I'd rate this, 5/5.

The translation was very good and currently it was being translated by Isohungry Translations.

The translated chapters that time I've read, there is only 12 chapters. Though I've only read the translated part till chapter 10.

... more>> I've read the remaining chapters in raw (There are 102 chapters for the novel). I read it in shubaow.

The raws was quite readable and easy to understand. There are less mistakes than I expected it to be.

If you want to read ahead of the translation, you can read it.

The plot, is quite carefree and easy. But that doesn't mean it's not good. That's actually what I like about this. The plot was simple but the Author written it quite beautifully.

The novel was like a breath of fresh air in the long and cliche UF novels. (´◡‿ゝ◡`) This doesn't have the amnesia trope which I love. I'm tired of those settings, so I really like this.

It also doesn't have the settings that the App/Mastermind have bad intentions against them, the players/participants. I'm also tired of those tropes, like wtf, who wasn't? (ノಠ益ಠ) ノ彡┻━┻ The characters, I LOVE THEM!! (๑♡⌓♡๑) Like all of them are so precious. (っ˘з (˘⌣˘) The protagonist, Lou Fan, contrary to what the description describe, he's not that weak at all! He's actually very very strong.

In their team, he's at the top three of combat power if you rank them.

And again, contrary to the description, they don't steal props or items to NPCs, okay? But it's true Lou Fan and Qin Tan are polar opposites when it comes to luck. If Lou Fan is the European Emperor, then Qin Tan is the African Emperor. (≧▽≦) There are actually 3 couples in this novel. I won't reveal who are the other two but I believe as you read and see the characters, you'll able to sniff who's ships are gonna sail till the end.

Skl, the nsfw scenes are kinda vague though, a bit disappointed. (。・ω・。)

Ofc, I'll spoil. The other two couple are Chen Suyang - Nie Feng and Wen Lang - Jiang Dong.

My favorite was actually the Chen Suyang and Nie Feng couple. (☆▽☆) Maybe it's because Suyang reflect me at some point and Nie Feng have some characteristics of my ideal type.


AND DON'T FORGET OUR FURBALL, MAO QIU!!▼◕ᴥ◕▼He's not only cute but also super powerful!! Give it up for, Mao Qiu!! (ノ◕ヮ◕) ノ*.✧ This little furball is their little helper. He looks like a dog but full of white fur.

The settings, hmm, you can't say I like it or hate it. I'll stay neutral (for now, hihi). The real world was not introduced enough though it makes sense since it only have 100 chapters.

The background of the people behind Lazuli wasn't also revealed so, I'm a bit disappointed.

What I like about the settings is that, in each arc, the place where they're going to be are based in real life locations. Like that feels kinda novel. Knowing the Author wrote a real place.

And I really like the power ranking in the novel. That they have a spiritual weapon which is something closest to them. There are many weird weapon that appeared in the novel, like a book (though I feel if I wear the novel, I'll also have a book or cellphone), flashlight, jumping ropes, etc.

If you want to read a BL unlimited/infinite novel, that doesn't have the amnesia trope, short, have side couples, this is for you. This novel gave me the slice-of-life vibes. Love this! &Lt;33 <<less
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Jan 21, 2023
Status: Completed
I would like to preface this review by saying that, if I am not mistaken, this is the author's first work. As a first novel, this is a pretty good start and I am going to be sharing, what I think are,

constructive criticisms. This novel did bring me joy, but there were quite a few things that could have made the experience better. I will try to list the pros and cons without giving spoilers as much as possible:


  1. The author has created an interesting premise and world. Tbh, I almost always love the worlds Chinese Danmei authors create.
  2. The main couple's relationship is cute and fairly well developed.
  3. There is an adorable furball
  4. Most of the mission backgrounds are based on either real life events or legends. This is a pro for me because I got to read and know about these events that occurred and they are such fascinating cases.

  1. Spoiler
    There are 3 couples. Now, when written and developed well, it's always a treat to have more gay couples. Like I say, the gayer the better! Sadly, it's not the case here. Apart from the main couple's relationship, the author is not able to convincingly develop the second couple's relationship and it mostly happens "off screen." Believe me, I tried my best, even attempted to hypnotize myself, to have some interest in the other couples. That clearly didn't work. The third couple is a total surprise, and not in the "oh they've been together for so long and we didn't know." No, I mean it literally happens in the last few chapters of the book and the (presumably) bottom in the relationship, in a good part of the latter half of the book, is infantilized. On another note, apart from the MC, none of the characters (especially their backgrounds) are explored well.
  2. Spoiler
    Remember I said the author has created an interesting world. Well, the biggest disservice is done to the world, because it is barely explored. Like it hardly matters, like the people, excluding the main team, we got to know don't matter in the final chapter of the book. I was really intrigued to know more about the world and some of these characters and was left feeling unfulfilled when their "story end" came to an abrupt halt (they don't die rest assured, not that there isn't plenty of death scenes in this novel).
  3. The main team is way too overpowered, mostly the main couple and mostly the main character. And I am someone that enjoys overpowered protagonists. But there is no solid reason as to why the MC is so favored, and by extension their team, and seems to have a godly level of luck. This leads back to underdeveloped world building.
  4. Spoiler
    The end is too abrupt and occurs too quickly. It seems like the author ran out of steam and ideas and didn't really know how to wrap things up. I was left in silent disbelief when it ended.
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Salted Eggie
Salted Eggie
Jan 04, 2022
Status: Completed
Its so good. Full of teamwork! The side character well described that I can remember each one. The main character are OP but still injured or almost die. AND THERE ARE THREE COUPLES! Satisfy my heart ❤️ They were very sweet. All of them!
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Du Xiao Mi
Du Xiao Mi
Dec 12, 2022
Status: Completed
Major warning: there are a lot of plot holes (even massive ones) and a lot of characters were forgotten

... more>>

some examples are: the rule that the number of newcomers is an index of difficulty, the rule that only if you are level nine can you give points, that newcomer that was in the same world as Lin ManMan that turned to the darkside (?) without any reason or the hateful guy that was in the mystical world or that girl that refused to join the group


Nevertheless the small worlds are each good (more or less), also it's more like a survival game with supernatural elements than a standard horror game style novel. The main characters are good enough though they could have been more characterized, they are very similar to each other in some aspects and we know pretty much nothing about them except for MC.
The ending could have been better...

I wanted them to meet the parents (and I wanted to know more about the families and stories of the other team members. In addition the fact that the MC woke up a few minutes/hours after his disappearance but the ML and the others were already on their way there or were already there makes no sense

All in all it's not time wasted if you read this but I wouldn't recommend it especially if you can't put up with the inconsistence that you may find. Also the summary has little to do with the actual story, I was a bit disappointed when I realized but kept reading it... however if you expect a super lucky MC and an extremely unlucky ML that team up to rob NPCs then don't read it because it's not like this. Even the title is misleading. <<less
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Mar 23, 2023
Status: Completed
I really didn't like it. The three relationships are very red flag for me. I don't remember how is the first time for the first couple (the main character and the male lead), but the other two the first time making love both of the bottoms are drunk and that doesn't sit right with me. I get the feeling that the author depicted the bottoms as caracters that need protection all the time and the tops had to be more like a parent than a partner (in the dynamic of... more>> the relationship I mean). Even the main character that is supposed to be like this cool character sharpshooter yada yada ends up being protected by the male lead all the time at the end and when the ML tells him that he needs to stay put and just don't go anywhere the main character just takes it like okay that's fine but I'm going to do whatever I want anyway not telling you anything but I will feel guilty about doing what I want when you come back. And the list goes on and on and on. <<less
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Jan 29, 2023
Status: Completed
Solid unlimited flow story. The main couple is adorable and both have high EQ, which means that the process of them getting together is very straightforward and painless. There is a lot of dog food, and all the couples in the story are pretty wholesome and direct. There are some slightly vague s*x scenes, which adds to the fun. Also one of the few BL stories where the MC is described as "handsome" and "sturdy" instead of like "elegant" and "beautiful, " which is refreshing. Plot leaves some to be... more>> desired since the ending is quite abrupt and there is very little explanation about multiple things in the story: Black Scorpion, that evil guy, the purpose of the whole Lazuli system, etc. Would have also liked some extras about the 3 couples in real life afterward. <<less
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Nov 25, 2022
Status: Completed
Gosh such an awesome wild ride. Could not put it down at all. Huge thanks to the author and translators for this beauty. It's more centered on the adventure with a romantic subplot. Loved it. Not my usual cup of tea. But seriously loved it.
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Oct 31, 2022
Status: Completed
Pretty good, the leveling up/unlimited flow style is classic.

The different levels, puzzles/mysteries, etc were all pretty well done. Nothing super repetitive happened. There were some horror/supernatural elements, but nothing super scary. Mostly "thriller" style.

Though the summary is comedic and lighthearted, the story itself had a more action/adventure tone.

... more>>

There was one point where I mistakenly thought the MC was a hidden "god/bug" because of how lucky he was. But it turned out I was overthinking.


It's a HEA ending as well.


The romantic tension didn't actually drag for long, MC was surprisingly forward and open about his emotions. The two got together pretty quickly imo.


Great team and supporting cast. All of the sus people were pretty obvious though (they unveiled themselves in one try).

Translation was pretty good. <<less
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Apr 24, 2022
Status: Completed
The reason for the 3* isn't because it was bad at all lmao, it's good. It's a straight ball once you read it, but it isn't like the title and synopsis so those who came with expectations well....

It's a simple story about teaming up in an uf space. Don't be deceived by the synopsis and the title, this novel is more about luck and is a very happy simple read. I can't emphasize this enough!!

I think it was meant to do more? Since there's some set up with... more>> certain antagonistic characters and mystery clues that was hinted. But I'm not mad that it ended the way that it did, I'm glad it didn't drag on but gave us a conclusive, happy ending.

I'd rather have a simple text that is still salvageable than a text that spiralled out of control and really amped up ALL the plot holes. In this way, the text is still a nice read. If you really need an uf kick but don't have time for 100+ chapters of commitment.

What else can I say... Well, there's not much looting of npc equipments or unscrupulous behaviours. It's pretty vanilla, all the main characters are nice, they do end up being couples at the end. The MC and ML aren't as OP as the summary made them out to be. It's just. It's a simple text, and I don't think you can fault it for not being complicated lol??

Give it a go if you have time, it's not a long read and I think each arc is kind of fun. It's nothing nerve wrecking, but it's still a nice happy read. <<less
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Jan 06, 2022
Status: Completed
It's actually good! The important Charachters have their good end, their teamwork, how lucky and op every single member. But I still hope there's some extra about the end of side Charachter, or explain about this world game fenomena.
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Feb 08, 2023
Status: Completed
For most part I enjoyed the story. It was fun and amusing. Easy to follow but entertaining worlds.

The horror stories weren't too scary or graphic so anyone even with weak stomach can read it.

The only thing was that the author seemed to introduce different plot points that were left undeveloped and there were some holes in the plot. I feel there was so much more room for improvement and potential for a longer story. I feel the plot is rushed to ending (not the actual ending or last world but... more>> the plot feels like a section is cut out to make it shorter and it kind of skips to the end world). Having said that the story is still enjoyable and makes sense as it is. Shame there were not even an extra to conclude their story.

For that reason ill take 1 star.

Also thank you for translating I could not comment on the website so I hope the translator will get to see that. <<less
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Nov 22, 2022
Status: Completed
Good read. The horror stories is good but not glory. The romance is fast and both MC and ML as usual op. The world building is simple, even the mystery is simple, but each arc is quite an entertaining read. Like it. Short read. Thank you
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Oct 29, 2022
Status: Completed
Love it but felt like it's too rush. As a person who read or watch alot of survival/unlimited themes stories, I've could say that this story is not dragging at all.
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Apr 30, 2022
Status: c49
It's okay...?

It doesn't deliver what it promises in the summary - the MC isn't "weak", the luck aspect isn't really that lucky, or prominent (which, personally, I enjoy as "luck" is often an annoying cheat) and the MCs don't do much "looting" from NPCs at all.

The arcs are somewhat slow, there's a lot of narration which dulls the action and tension, and some arcs (particularly the second one) drag, and at times the logic is wonky.

But this series gets a HUGE PLUS for the MC being gay from the beginning... more>> (and hinting at family conflicts caused by this - because not every family is going to accept their son/daughter coming out of the closet). I don't actively seek out shounen-ai stories, nor avoid them, so I haven't read many, but this is one of the few series* where both leads are, to put it bluntly, firmly gay** and it was refreshing to read.

*in the infinite/unlimited flow genre (as far as I know)
*This is in comparison to series where one of the leads "turns gay" following the "I don't necessarily like men, but because it's you..." trope (and I don't mean they realise their s*xual orientation)

In short, I probably wouldn't recommend this, but it's okay. <<less
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Mar 02, 2024
Status: c1
I honestly was expecting more of the story. There were a lot of plotholes, inconsistencies and I feel the story needed a little bit more to be, plus the ending seemed a little rushed.

It was simply ok.
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Nov 23, 2023
Status: c102
To some, it may feel fast paced, but that's due to the clearance of the infinite flow world. Due to the length, a lot of stuff goes by quick. The romance is there but not prominent or in your face.


The whole thing is juat to test those best for 'evolution' and the clearance is to make their spirit weapon advanced to signify their growth and completion of the test. Those who die don't actually die. They just don't get the memories or any rewards/benefits.

My only gripe is that the looting isn't really looting. It's just very good luck.
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Oct 04, 2023
Status: Completed
It is a good read. But in my case this is a bit lacking. Like ML and mc’s background. It felt kinda lacking. But I guess it is because we are focusing on the horror world. And then there is also the looting from npc.. I thought there would really be looting. But so far all I saw was they got it from the soil or killing some random fish. Lastly the only part where they actually loot was the time hospital. Which is really too few. On the last... more>> few arc they did not loot much. Only got some rare herbs with the help of cute animal. Then after that they bought what they use. Basically I don’t think this is robbing at all!

i wanna see some really face slapping robbing from bad ghost ! Ok?!

anyway there are three couples in the story. It is a pretty slow romance? But it is pretty ok. Thought it was pretty like go with the flow ? Kinda love story. I did get the idea that the author was planning for everyone to have a partner after seeing second pairing appeared. Because seriously. They won’t leave one child behind lol! Even I won’t. Unless his partner died or something background!

anyway. I am prety contradictory right? So far this is a good read. There is romance, action, pet and OPness. <<less
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Sep 10, 2023
Status: Completed
Thanks to the translation team for picking up this novel and kudos to the great translation!

It was a very enjoyable journey through Lazuli in this story. Though the MCs team was seriously OP, but, who cares? I loved it. The instances were pretty cool and well developed. The characters were well fleshed out, though certain descriptions and actions of the characters seemed childish, somehow, it was acceptable.

And the best part is (major spoiler ahead) ... more>>

though a lot of people died in the instances and a lot of tragedies happened, apparently, those people didn't die at all but merely returned back to reality without their memories.


Anyways, I honestly recommend, especially if you want to read something of lighter taste in the Unlimited flow genre. <<less
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