Liu Yao: The Revitalization of Fuyao Sect


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A cultivation story about how a declining sect is restored by a narcissist, troublemaker, meanie, idiot, and wimpy kid.

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Coins of Destiny
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Льов Яо: Відродження спілки Фуяо
Лю Яо: Возрождение клана Фуяо
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90 Reviews sorted by

Shrike1978 rated it
August 18, 2021
Status: Completed
An excellent read! This author doesn't disappoint.

Definitely not your typical cultivation novel, but I wouldn't expect that from Priest. This story was different and unique. The core of the story wasn't the fantastic powers or struggle to cultivate but the family created by four abandoned kids. They don't fit anywhere and they frequently fight, but they stick together and won't abandon each other because they really care about each other and their home.

The story also takes a bold stance on the benefits and costs of power, especially to the powerless,... more>> a continual theme in Priest's books, along with delving into the murky grays of life instead of a simple black and white, good and evil fantasy. Very worth reading. Enjoy! <<less
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June 28, 2021
Status: Completed
The synopsis doesn't do this story justice. I had it in my library for a while and honestly I didn't feel like reading it, I got bored and didn't have anything else to read so I did. I should have read it sooner..I went for the romance but stated for each of the main characters. They were so vivid plus I love how the author did with the cultivation and ascending aspect of it. All the characters were unique they matured but you can still see an inkling of their... more>> past self.

Give this book a try you will love it. <<less
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LadyBlue98 rated it
June 24, 2021
Status: Completed
My favorite Priest novel. I reread it again and it made me excited like the first time.
5 stars because I love it!
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Nyaa.23 rated it
June 12, 2021
Status: Completed
Pros :

The novel is beautifully written, author managed to make the characters feel 'alive'. The MC gotta be one of my fav MC, there's just something human about him; his stubbornness, his aloofness, his ego and etc. Tbh, from the author's writing, you could know that the plot happened because of the characters, not because of the plot that the characters ended up like that. This means that author knows well about their characters and it reminded me of MXTX, she also knows her charathers well that it could even... more>> made us feel for them and relate to them.


MC' parent are not so loving to him, he has a grudge against them, they also kinda sold him to the master. So, MC worked hard to be better and planned to make his parents regret. In the end, he just let things go, karma's of the past have been paid and there's nothing else to feel sad about and ✨ character development


This more of a finally-found-a-place-to-call-home kind of story and I'm living for it. The romance isn't really there for not until the 3rd book but we got characters progress y'all.

Cons :

The synopsis isn't doing the story a justice. Kinda need some amount of brain juice to read this. The story of book 1 to the beginning of book 3 is good but the rest are so-so, in the beginning the author serves us good delicacies and it's just harr to satisfy us in the later of the story. <<less
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Bluehood01 rated it
May 26, 2021
Status: c109
A well written novel. Action packed.

The only exception for me is the 'Yan' character- don't like him at all. And in my opinion shouldn't be the ML.
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Inanis rated it
May 26, 2021
Status: c109
Priest seems to writes their novels like they are going to be adapted into dramas and need to pass the censors. The plot is strong and the characters are fleshed out but the romance can be completely removed and the novel would still be great. The romance is very much not the focus of the story so it won't completely satisfy if you are looking for a romance novel, but the over arching plot of the novel is amazing and should make up for that.
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Waterlight rated it
May 25, 2021
Status: c109
I can't describe how much I love this novel! This whole novel is a journey of these disciple of Fuyao sect and they go through so much together!

It starts out with good times but then something happens and the whole mood changes after that event which leads to start of their journey.

I really like romance between the CP even though they get together later on but you see them falling in love and start to care about one another in their own way!
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Elyurias rated it
May 23, 2021
Status: c109
Liu Yao is my favorite Priest's novel. The story is complete, mnm how do I say it, it's unbelievable well written, every character is perfectly developed, every action has it's reason to happen, to beginning to end it's pure perfection. Just read it, I can guarantee you won't regret if you give it a chance. Just read it and fell in love with this heartwarming story, they're like my own children, Zhengming has the best development of all, don't dislike him at the beginning cause he'll change in an amazingly... more>> way, Cheng Qian has such a good nature, he's so good, so righteousness, Han Yuan is like a little annoying thing that you'll try to protect at all costs, Li Yun is incredible as well, he's intelligent and is always ready to make the best comments in difficult situations, and Shuikeng is our little maiden, she's brave and is ready at any moment to help her family, Muchun and Tong Ru are my weakest point, to be honest I can't think about them without cry (but you will love them). Please, read Liu Yao. <<less
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periperi rated it
March 4, 2021
Status: Completed
4 stars

Note to self I only read up to chap 66 for the translated version. Read a mash of original and MTL for the rest because warning, this is a very hard book to MTL (it's like nonsense, the prose and terms are hard to grasp). So I'd say I think I understood the basics but just barely.

This book is almost a tragedy and it's bitter (sweet) especially for one character in my opinion so while I really like the book, I'm giving it 4 instead of 5. As with... more>> Priest writing, her characters are solid, including side characters because one will grow to care for most of them, in my case, even those apart from the 5 main cast.

Major spoilers ahead but

First for very minor character I liked is

You liang. I didn't think much of him because he started in the enemy side of the situation but could tell he was not a bad person. Then I felt so bad for him when his shixiong (?) died in the battle against that san wang ye. I had an inkling he would come back. Read till the extras and was really confused, how did he end up as Yan Ming Zheng's tu di? Did I skim through too much towards the end because the plot was getting too much for me? I really need to re-read the translation once it's out. But this character, I really liked.


Major character I liked but mourn is

Han Yuan T^T Going to admit I disliked him in the beginning because of his off-ish attitude of trying to gain favour. But seems like many people agreed he is the most tragic character in the book. Towards the end my heart truly ached for this boy. He suffered a hundred years over a sin he had no control over but had by then already accumulated too much sin. Then, at the very end, you tell me he can never return home?! BS! Return me my boy! Sigh. I wish he had a spinoff or something, give him a love interest or some other happy ending since he can't return home lol. Wishful thinking.


The main CP dynamics had it's angst (this book was full of knives) but had it's sweet moments too. I won't even mention the small mention of the barely there side CP (gone in a flash of bitterness). ML's character growth is one of the best out there for sure. The other characters, Li Yun is almost comic relief at certain point from his outsider POV and Puddle also added cuteness and humour.

Plot wise, it might seem slow at the beginning but when things ramp up, it RAMPS UP AND SLAMS LIKE A TRAIN. The mystery and turns also was very unexpected (like the final boss). It's not a long book but each chapter is actually quite long. I wish there was more extras and will definitely have to come back for the translation. <<less
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ylial rated it
March 26, 2020
Status: Completed
Story of 5 fuyao sect students who met a great tragedy and wished to go back to their sect.

Probably, the title should be renamed since they just continued the inheritance of their sect not letting it to be cut off rather than revitalizing.

This one is really a great story, from beginning til end. Also, This is a plot based so not much romantic scene between MC and ML, rather it is focused on their brotherhood. There are lots of twist and turns, making it interesting. The antagonists can be predicted... more>> easily, but not their reason for doing so. Btw, I didn't expect "him" to be the ML.

Probably, I wish for more chapters about the everyday life of those pips, esp the MC and ML, and I wish to see them getting their disciples. <<less
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HuynV8626 rated it
June 15, 2019
Status: Completed
it is a BL novel but it actually touches my heart for the first time I read

too many tears and regret but thanks god it is happy ending.

each character has their own traits that makes me both love, sympathise, or even feel regrettable

i dont wanna say too much on this

it just depends on ones feelings but this novel is highly recommended for its quality
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aniki rated it
February 19, 2019
Status: v2c33
This is a very well-written and engaging story! [Also an exceptionally well translated story. Thank you, dear translator (s) ! The quality of the translation is very high and makes reading this story even more enjoyable.] The focus is much more on the characters' personalities rather than the romance--which, where I'm at, is just barely, barely scraping by as bromance, honestly, and I'm living for it. It's almost like watching brothers bickering with each other in a sitcom, showing only very faint glimpses of sincerity for each other once a... more>> year lol. This is probably one of my favorite Chinese novels so far because each character has some downside to them. They're all very flawed, even the protagonist. He is essentially a good kid, but while I was reading I was uncertain as to what road he would take in the future. That ambiguity in the character's morality really keeps readers curious and what ultimately makes me recommend this work to others. <<less
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M012 rated it
February 10, 2019
Status: v2c33
I'm so sad that this didn't get as much reviews, it's a really good story that even if it's not BL I would still read it. Honestly the description for this novel is way too short, I was going to skip it until someone recommended it to me.

This is one of the few novels that made me laugh hard and cry a little, the characters are all filled with personality and I absolutely adore them. I couldn't really tell who the ML is when I was reading it, but it... more>> didn't matter anymore since the characters are good enough for me to keep reading. I even went as far as to try to read it in Chinese but I wasn't good at it so I still had to wait for translations.

the story is very slow when it comes to romance, so if you don't like it taking too long to get to that point then maybe it's not for you.

Can't wait for the next few chapters to come ;u; <<less
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MyRAMEN rated it
June 26, 2018
Status: c10
The MC is a mortal who believes his master is a scam. He believes almost all sects are tricksters which no one can actually defy the heavens. Its a good book but I didnt like how everything in the book was written like even the author was confused. Im ok with mysteriousness but with the slow paceits going I cant stand the novel much.
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Zozo7400 rated it
November 18, 2023
Status: Completed
Saturday, 11:54 pm

Wowwwww, where do I even start...

This novel was just GREAT! So f*cking great! Just what I wanted from a cultivation novel and more. Don't ask me wat it is that I "wanted". Tbh Idk myself, I just know that I'm thoroughly satisfied and feel very very veryyyyyyyy happy that I read this amazing story.

... more>> Priest never disappoints! I loved this one as much as I loved peerless and jin se.

Before starting the story I've glanced at some reviews and one of them said something along the lines about how MC wasn't in as much love as ML was and ngl this thing remained stuck in my head and kept on making me scared if it's like that. But after reading the story I find this is just bad phrasing and bull. I mean kinda it makes sense somewhat and if I could maybe I do want MC to show much more outward love but they both love each other very much. But also once again, I do kinda get wat the other commentor meant too. At times it do feel that ML is more in love than him. Dk wat I feel I'm fickle lol.

But all in all, wat I wanna say is just go ahead and read this! READ IT!! DON'T LOOK AT ANYMORE COMMENTS AND WASTE TIME, GO READDDDD! Yeah so u can guess how much I enjoyed it lol.

The 5 disciples are all lovable as.

I didn't know the demon one would turn out to be han yuan, like damnnn!

Also tang zen, sighhh, wat to even say about him. I feel really really sad for him too. Like if u think about it he was a tragedy.

Also the last extra made me so emotional and melancholic like just (╥﹏╥) such a bittersweet ending our tong ru and his xiao chun got.


I wish tong ru and his xiao chun a happy life together where ever they r. And also may tang zen gets peace and somehow reunite with the empress cause he really did love him. He was a tragedy. Also my poor baby liu lang too, have a peaceful life baby. And my yao birdie, wat a sweet soul they were. Also zhe si, and xuexia I'm sorry I forgot the name π_π

Lastly, I really liked the han yuan and demon bickering! Also the 5 disciples are so funny and perfect together. It was good it all ended well.

This is my longest review yet I feel, I'm not sure but I would like to end it with this excerpt from the novel that completely touched my heart and made me feel so many feelings.

"Even if pining never bore any fruit, there was no harm in melancholy turning to a pure craze.

In all likelihood, if one could die without regrets, that could be seen as ascending, couldn’t it?"


I definitely recommend reading this AMAZING novel!!!!!!!! <<less
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Saori_Raven rated it
November 12, 2023
Status: Completed
The Fuyao sect was the largest among the great ones but at the beginning of the story this can no longer even be counted as a sect. Its leader resembles a trickster, its main discipline is a narcissist, the second would not touch a sword or lococ and the fourth, a vagabond. Thus, Cheng Qian, the third disciple, and our protagonist, joins the sect after being "sold" by his family.
The story progresses slowly while the dicípulos do not advance in their crops, until one day they leave the sect to go to the great market of growers, however, it will take more than one hundred years to be able to return to the mountain their sect.
After this time jump, the story begins to pick up some rhythm but soon the interest is lost for how little progress relationships and some situations. At the same time there are events and situacines that happen one after another without you even having time to be interested in them, or even happening events or appearing objects of nothing (nor can I remember if they were mentioned before their appearance) which are supposedly very important.
For all of this, it will not be one of my favorite books by Priest and, if you come for the romance, give you half a turn because, although it is supposed to be, it looks more like a unilateral relationship in the background.
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bookmunchies rated it
October 21, 2023
Status: extra 1-3
Love you Priest thank you for being born.

Onto the novel. The characters are very well developed, they match each other well, the ship is very fresh and lovely. Warning for tears, no matter how much it starts off as a comedy, it's Priest after all so crying can't be avoided. The plot is amazing as always, things are hinted at enough times for people to guess the outcome, and it does not disappoint. I'd have wished for there to be more chapters, but that's to be expected. There's too many... more>> tlr changes, which is somewhat bothersome, cause the change in tl choices is very glaring, but as the last one is re-tling the ch from the begging you can choose to wait till that's done. <<less
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Wangxian365 rated it
May 3, 2023
Status: --
I enjoyed this a lot, the romance was a little meh, but that's hould be expected with priests books so it didn't put me off too much. But I do like that the MC and ML are not perfect and they question to things around them.

Basically read it and get to witness as an imperfect group of people grow from hardships.
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Today Also I Chug Vinegar
Today Also I Chug Vinegar rated it
April 16, 2023
Status: Completed
Just like another reviewer has written, it feels like the writer got bored while writing. I was hoping to see the proper developments for the rest of the characters but the story only focused on MC and ML. This may be a baseless complain, but everything happened so abruptly that I had to re read a few lines and make sure the translator wasn't mistaken.

Actually, it's quite a nice novel. Though after the arc where MC is shown to be back from the dead, it feels like a completely different... more>> Novel.

But most the interactions are quite nicely done and the characters feel a little more genuine. The MLs inner tormoil, and each and every subtle hints of their true helplessness is very relatable.

I find that their theme song actually has a loooooot of spoilers haha

It's quite sad. Most the likable characters besides the main cast do not have very good ends and the writer just wrote their ending to give them an ending.

It did have very good potential <<less
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meiokin rated it
April 10, 2023
Status: Completed
I kinda forced myself to finish this. I really tried to like it because of wonderful fanarts I'd seen but I couldn't help feeling bored most of the time. The characters are nice tho, they're interesting and chemistry between all of them is great, would be so much better to actually see more of those interactions. I understand why people like the story, it's just not what I've expected and wanted. Even though for me it's 3 stars, I would recommend it, it was interesting read and I've got to... more>> know more about cultivation <<less
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