Little Tyrant Doesn’t Want to Meet with a Bad End


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The moment the little tyrant of the nobles, Roel Ascart, saw his stepsister, he recalled his memories. He realized that he was in the world of a gal game he played in his previous life. To make things worse, he was the greatest villain in the common route of the game!

“I’ll be killed by the main character and the four capture targets ten years from now. Is there still any hope for me?”

Just thinking about the fearsome glints of those sharp swords those beautiful capture targets held in their hands, Roel couldn’t help but tremble in fear.

Till a voice finally sounded in his head.

【Welcome to the House Resurgence System】

Associated Names
One entry per line
Evil Young Master Doesn’t Want a Bad Ending
Little Tyrant Doesn't Want To End In Shambles
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291 Reviews sorted by

tevey_tv rated it
January 3, 2021
Status: c160
I LOVE THIS NOVEL! Am currently an origin level 4 patreon for the extra chapters cause I'm ADDICTED and just can't wait or put this down... Many thanks to StarveCleric for translating this masterpiece to Engrish so that I and many others can understand, read and find out about this novel's existence.

The story's really good from a CN Western fantasy, galge and childhood to adolescent love/romance perspective. The girls/heroines are really charming and interesting to read about coupled with the romance and feelings of love the girls give to our... more>> protagonist - the sugar and spice they give me really test out the limits of my kyun kyun and snu snu levels. Huehuehue...

The "plot" of the three girls so far: Alicia (adopted sister), Nora (slightly sadistic and intense princess of the Theocracy) and Charlotte (the inner deredere princess of the Sorofya Merchant Confederacy) has been very satisfying to read about. Honestly, the ships have been sailing really strongly so far and it's hard to pick between the three as they're all so good. If I had to pick though... I guess Nora's more my type of girl? HAHA, Idk they're all great and she just kinda stands out and appeals to my inner self and desires (although the other two do as well... I WANT THEM ALL). If you add all this together with the interesting plot and lore of the novel it really ties it all together as a masterpiece. The style with the epoch setting, Western fantasy lore and time traveling is a little similar to The Lord of Mysteries which I quite enjoyed reading. I'm definitely adding this novel to my CN list with The Lord of Mysteries along with The Legendary Mechanic which I've been enjoying reading recently.

5/5 <<less
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pomoli rated it
January 2, 2021
Status: c135
Very good, I was quite surprised. I love "reincarnated into a hated or horrible character and change them".


  • Despite being in a Chinese story, the MC isn't an insane psycho killer, all the opposite actually. He's humane, interesting, dense in love which I like, but not a wishy washy slow witted character, which I hate.
  • The harem is interesting, as the girls are also developed and aren't weak or collected pokemon style like in many Chinese stories.
  • The world lore is interesting overall and you wonder what will happen next.

  • The beginning is bad, I didn't like the fact that the MC was "obviously" a below average otaku and not just a competent dude, as it makes his skills later a little unbelievable.
  • The romance is fast, and apart from his sister, I believe the author could have stretched it multiple months and years instead of going quick like that.
  • In fact, the overall story goes fast, instead of waiting for the MC to become a young adult, a lot happens to him as a kid, so I fear power and drama creep when he's an actual adult. The weird thing is that despite that, not a whole of plot advancements happened anyway.
  • Children being like 10 and having complex discussions. Again the problem with not waiting for them to mature to make it more believable.
  • The comedy part felt kinda flat, it's not horrible but it's not a masterpiece.
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December 27, 2020
Status: c153
So far this is one of my favorite novel, I like the character names even though it's a chinese novel. I keep forgetting the names if its chinese/korean/japanese haha so its a plus points for me. The plot is getting more interesting as it goes by. Hoping for another time skip.
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ouhell rated it
November 19, 2020
Status: --
Its not your average ret*rded reicarnation in a dating same game world

The MC actually realise that this world is real and not some coded reality where no matter what he do the plot will progress the same, he knows that his actions actually make a diffrence.

The world building is pretty slow but in a good way as it comes naturally and doesnt feel forced

MC does have the potencial to be OP but he is still growing he's not there yet (not even close) , his cheat is pretty ballaced (for... more>> a cheat ofc)

other characters are not 2D, they actually do matter

its not an amazing story or some kind of hidden gem, but overall its pretty enjoyable, ill give it a 3.7/5

why not a 4 or 4.5? Well that are some annoying clichés and some scenes feel really forced , the MC lose his cool too easily in situation that can he can take control of , sometimes he can be pretty badass (especially when sh*t get serious) but when dealing with other people (especially the heroines) he pretty much is always on the receiving end acting too nervous, overall he just doesnt act his age (and im not talking about hormones, those are for s*xual desires, it got nothing to do with his childlike attitude) . Ch90

EDIT (chp 180) : okay the MC ret*rdedness went too far, he literally shut his brain off to let the plot continue, he act completely nothing his age and to be honest is kinda disturbing how he keep getting s*xual feelings from little girls that arent even half his age

it really became one of those novels that cant advance the plot without suddenlly taking 80+ points of IQ from the MC on some ocasions, this novel got such a high rating just because the translator manipulated the votes . <<less
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Vidolin rated it
November 19, 2020
Status: c108
The beginning of the novel might give you a bad impression because all of it's talks of "affection system", but I assure you this isn't a "h**ny protagonist wants a harem" kinda of novel, it's more in line with something like "My next life as a Villainess", where the MC is just trying to avoid ruin but ends up gaining the affection of the Heroines (and it's not as if he is thrilled about it).

There some good light-hearted moments, but when it gets serious it's also exiting. This novel was... more>> a pleasant surprise for me. <<less
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lalotoru rated it
November 19, 2020
Status: c108
This is truly a hidden gem. The main character Roel is smart and confident. He is not op, but strives to amass the strength and power to achieve his goal. The heroines are well developed and unique. They all have their own personalities and they shine when interacting with the MC. The pace in which the story moves is great. There is actual progress in the story. The translation is superb. It allows you to drown your self in the story and fully enjoy it. This is an isekai novel... more>> with action, thrill, a comedic undertone, and a realism that keeps the story grounded and enables you to look forward to future chapters. READ IT, YOU WON'T REGRET IT! <<less
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Deathsson rated it
November 19, 2020
Status: c108
The story starts off a little slow, and the MC isnt doing too much for the first 80 or so chapters. But it speeds up after that point, introducing more characters and expanding the story. Im not good at reviewing, but I can say, that the romance doesnt seem forced, the story is getting better. And the MC doesnt seem like a Beta loser who cant do anything right/doesnt use his rain.
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KingPigeon rated it
November 19, 2020
Status: c108
LTBE starts off with the usual isekai to another world but the world is the galge game they played before they died to <insert>-kun.

I'm quite a fan of this type of genre like "My Death Flags Shows no signs of Ending", which I also recommend, so this novel immediately attracted me. I didn't read the raws because I can't read them but the translation quality is godly and very well done and edited (props to starve-sama and welmar-sama).

The world building is great. It doesn't info dump you so hard that... more>> you lose brain cells and forget it in the next chapter but only appears when necessary. It also doesn't give out everything like the power system, political situation and etc but just parts of a wiki page. It gives things a fog of war of sorts and makes you curious and speculate on what the rest is. It updates whenever the MC discovers it so it doesn't feel like its clogging up precious brain cells with information that are not important *cough like what school does *cough.

The major reason why I like this is, is because of the characters. The characters are very well made and fleshed out. They don't feel shallow and they have their own thoughts which are portayed quite well in tandem with the situation and the MC.

The MC is very quirky and cheeky which I very much like. Along with the situations (death flags) he encounters make up for quite the hilarious combination that makes laugh my ass off from reading it.

Overall, if you are still skeptical of what I've said, the ratings don't lie. The novel is worthy of its 4.7 (at least right now) and I would recommend this to you with my outmost praise. I assure you that it isn't a waste of your time and if it did you are free to bash me on discord (link is in the novel).

Subjective rant: ROLICIA is the best ship!. And as the self-proclaimed first mate of the ship (Pope Anna is the captain), I will forever stick with my ship. If it flys, I'll grab on its sail. If it sinks, I'll reenact the titanic scene. <<less
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November 14, 2020
Status: c50
its pretty good. Characterisation done properly and the world is fleshed out well through the form of very small spaced out info dumps. Not really a con however. U should read it tbh.
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Empress rated it
September 29, 2020
Status: --
I like this kind of novel where MC reincarnated into game world. But this one is especially bad, the MC is ret*rded. Hopelessly ret*rded.


He was born as the heir of Saint Mesit Theocracy with a system.

... more>> So what the first thing he did with his points is to exchange skeletons summon from the system. Not to mention he can't store the skeletons into system inventory.

Yeah he just hide them in the backyard. Crazy right?

Did you see the problem?

"The heir of SAINT Mesit Theocracy able to summon Skeletons."

Any sane person won't purchase skeleton by hearing just the name.

A single glance from a witness and off with his head.

Sigh... I know where he had the guts from.

Either he had a screw loose or trying to seek death.

There's a chance that MC is the reincarnation of Thrice Reckless <<less
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okmangeez rated it
September 26, 2020
Status: c51
A really good and concise novel with smooth pacing and likable characters. Each character is unique and the interactions between the characters feel... natural. The MC isn't dense (though, he misunderstands things from time to time) and adapts as the situation in his life changes. Unlike some self insert novels, he doesn't insist on maintaining the original story for the sake of "knowing the future." Instead, he makes changes accordingly to prevent certain tragedies and utilizes his foreknowledge to his advantage.
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VannVann rated it
September 25, 2020
Status: c38
Arguably one of the more intertaining novels around.

Little, but important, details are told through the story in a very organic way. It is rewarding to observant readers.

One of the funniest things in the novel are the maids and their intense shipping (spamming green). I crack a smile every time they are around. The story as a whole has many comefic elements that, somehow, go exceptionally well with the story. It largely has to do with how Roel struggles around and his character. The plot is serious and always moving along... more>> while retaining a comfortable flow.

I always find myself anticapating what Roel will do next, what he will plan out, and who he will encounter next. The world of the story is interesting as well. The Ascarts have onr hell of a backstory and rejecting the queen is their tradition. Run, Roel. Run. Or yanno, place a collar on her neck instead.

I invite the peoppe wjo are reading this review to join the true love ship. RoelxAlicia. 4 lyfe. Spam that green alongside me and the maids!!✊

Ahem. The updates are frequent anf the translation is magnificent. It's worth your time. <<less
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sufod01 rated it
September 20, 2020
Status: c33
I think this novel is really promising with high potential. The vibe is really different from the usual CNovels. If you had read novel like 'Lord Of The Mysteries' or 'Release That Witch' I think you can understand what I want to mean. Of course the theme is different than those both novels so it may not be what you are looking for but this is a fact that this novel is different from the usual ones.

The writing is similar to japanese novels (really you won't notice that this is... more>> a CNovel if you don't check it!) . For example the names aren't in chinese or term like 'flag' or 'ship' are used. The writing is more mature than most of JNovels and CNovels, at least imo.

The protagonist the only heir of a powerful Marquess household and his father dotes on him. MC isn't the impulsive type. In his previous life he was just 20 years old (imo this is quite young, not fully grown working mature adult). He isn't the smart type but he isn't s*upid. Also, the current him is 9 years old.

As you read in the summary it does have a system. To be honest at first I was put off by the 'weird' system name haha. The system is described as a 'passive' system (lol), it works as a shop. There have two sections he can either use affection points or using golds. Affection points are earned when people feel affection towards the protagonist (like 'How cute he is!' or 'What a good kid!'). I found this system interesting. Anyway, at where I am right now there doesn't have still much to say. The only issue is the heavy world building/ explanation that some may dislike. You guys should just give it a try. <<less
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SayMrrp rated it
March 13, 2024
Status: Completed
I read all 760 chapters within a week, and that says something. It's not the best novel out there, but it does deserve recognition for being interesting enough to hold me hostage for a week. A while ago, I read up to Chapter 407 and liked it a lot. Since I could barely remember what happened, I started over from Chapter 1 and read it to the end.

The ending was a little rushed (could've been better), but it was satisfactory and wrapped up most of the loose ends. I was... more>> expecting something with more hype, but I guess the author used it all in the earlier fights etc.

I think this novel could be summed up as a "CN Xuanhuan harem novel with the skin of a JP noble isekai transmigration/reincarnation." It's a wild ride, and there are many hype moments. I also liked a lot of the romance, and most of the harem was likable and well-developed. There was quite a bit of character development for the MC and female leads. The side characters are also memorable.

I think the biggest issues I have with the novel are.... the MC has a lot of plot armor and the author's fascination with pseudo-in*est. The MC rarely loses, and any consequences/side effects he receives are wiped away fairly easily. I don't think he ever really gets a permanent injury or anything. Still, I think the fights are fun and interesting enough to excuse that. The plot armor is done creatively and with enough set-up/foreshadowing at least. Not whipped out of nowhere most of the time.

The one thing that bothered me more was.. the author seems to have a thing for in*est? Like, nothing in the novel is literally in*est, but man... the author sure does come up with every way to say "This might feel like in*est, but it's actually NOT in*est because ____." I was pretty uncomfy with the pseudo-in*est vibes, but the rest of the novel was too good to drop it because of the pseudo-in*est moments (would've dropped it the moment the author went for in*est fr, but thankfully that never happened). Like, I get the usual "adopted sibling becomes wife" trope in CN novels, but seriously... the author went out of their way to do pseudo-in*est with three female characters. Anyways, if you can tolerate the "adopted sibling becomes wife trope, " I'd still read the novel because it's a good one overall.

There was one harem member I found really annoying, and the comment section definitely has a group of haters for her. I feel like she got better at the last 100 chapters though. Still, all the other female leads were great imo. That said, all of them did something toxic at least once. They're all problematic (differing levels). That bothered me, but the hype romance moments were so good... and the harem members do have personalities / strengths. I would say that one of them is a yandere (the one I dislike), and the others have yandere tendencies but aren't there yet. I think they're good/strong female characters though, so it's worth the usual harem squabbles. Most of the toxic things they do could be excused through the "medieval" setting as well.

Here are the 2 worst things (imo) they've ever done to the MC:


The female lead I dislike basically drugged the MC with her magic? Like, magic aphrodisiac... Nothing actually happened, but man, she sure did think about doing NSFW to him against his will while she was underage. Not the first time she had intentions like that either (watching when he sleeps, kissing him in his sleep). I was hoping another female lead wouldn't be problematic, but then she... basically had (off-screen) s*x with the MC to save his life when he was basically unconscious. She kinda asked for consent, but it was like..."Do you like me?" "I like you." It's dubious consent for sure (and it's deservedly tagged as reverse r*pe), although I think the MC wouldn't have been as against it compared to the other time when he basically got drugged. Meanwhile, the worst thing my favorite female lead did was overtly kidnap the MC (bro kinda even consented to it lol) to her house while he was unconscious/injured so she could heal him without getting accused of injuring him (and therefore jeopardizing her chances with him). Pretty light compared to the rest...


Overall, it's a great novel if you can overlook those 2 recurring flaws (plot armor+pseudo-in*est) and how all the girls are problematic (some lightly, some with red flags galore). The characters are great. The worldbuilding and plot are intricate, and I can tell the author planned things out far in advance. The hype moments were wild, and the MC is a good guy who treasures his relationships. I think the romance was a net positive (although there were uncomfy/toxic/problematic moments), and the ending was satisfactory.

Also, the translations were excellent. I think I spotted like ~1-2 errors total out of 760 chapters. <<less
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Kiovo rated it
February 13, 2024
Status: c481 part1
I know others have mentioned it but the whole age thing is incredibly uncomfortable. This coupled with the interactions between him and his sister had me dropping it after barely managing to read as many chapters as I did.

Don't give the bullsh*t excuse of they're not related so it's fine, or they age faster so it's fine. There's zero reason to have included those as parts of the novel in the first place, just age up the characters and have his sister not be adopted and instead be a childhood... more>> friend. Maybe even someone his dad is sponsoring instead of someone he adopted. It was gross as soon as you put the label sister on her and have her grinding against him while they're both 14.

The author basically invented the problem and then had to write excuses of why it's ok. Like nah. Just imagine, if you bring this novel up to someone and try to explain why it's okay expect to be blocked, you sound like a pe*o. <<less
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October 7, 2023
Status: --
Started off good. The heroines were relatively great and were moving for their own instead of being driven by plot. Kudos to author for making characters who are alive.

The problem, the story started falling through. The story very much took a nosedive once more heroines appeared. The plot of the following heroines were bad putting it nicely. At a certain point by 400 something the author is just milking the series by repeating the same stuff. Heck, the foster sister doesn't get any decent screentime despite reaching 500 chapters.
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Xenagos rated it
September 11, 2023
Status: c480
Waifu tier list:

Rank S- Liliana. She has the deepest and most important historical ties with MC and both their clans, her character and how she acts socially makes her even more interesting. Has the best plot in this novel, and has the strongest defense.

Rank A - Charlotte. Has the 2nd most historical value, she is more into politics and commerce. Her route was very nice to reading.

... more>> Rank B - Nora. Is the classical heroine, not much to say. She is the strongest.

Rank C - Selina. Is supposed to be a side character, but has nekomimi and some interaction.

Rank D - Willhelmina. Is supposed to be a side character from the game but is a princess strong too, has less interaction then Selina. It's the classical plot of gender bender, the plot felt poorly made.

Rank E - Artasia, the Witch Queen. Is more like a support character, she has emotions but they won't develop to a relationship that's why I rated so low.

Rank F - Alicia, the foster sister. She drugs the MC to harass his body and apply life force to make him addicted to her. Their relationship is repetitive and after 500 chapters it is the same bull s#it from chapter 5, you should go to jail if you like her. <<less
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Ignisamare rated it
August 31, 2023
Status: c621
If you have read the synopsis then I will tell the rest

  • The fights are really well described that you can make a movie in your head,

    the fight within the witness state and fighting with the ancient god

  • Roel is in the center of every love

    at this point he has almost 5 love interest but that's just fan service

  • His aim is to survive and he is doing everything for that and this is what that make the story intresting, when he get strong he is faced with stronger enemy, so the fight is always for survial
  • There is so many un-explained things in the story that slowly explained afterwards so it's interesting and you won't get bored
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StazDespond rated it
April 6, 2023
Status: c119
I've read better, the plot is all over the place it basically abandons it's original premise right from the beginning and has yet to return by chp 119. The action is almost non-existent with little to no description on what is happening and the power levels basically never making any sense, on-top of that the main character will without fail randomly unlock a new power at the most critical moment every time so it doesn't really matter.

Characters are shallow and boring, the protagonist has no goal other then avoid dying... more>> due to the main story, he basically achieves that in the first 5 chapters and then the main story is forgotten completely. Every one is 2d with only one thing on their mind, the protagonist.

Writing is also pretty bad, by chapter 80 or so I basically learned when the author is going to go on a tangent about something that will never be brought up or used again, random facts about politics (that make no sense), architecture, or some f*cking herb. Once you skim past the filler most chapters are only about 150 or so words it's pretty painful.

When it comes to the harem / romance it's pretty bad there is no romance at all instead female characters are introduced and they fall in love with the protagonist immediately. The protagonist then has either one of three reactions to every approach they take: he misunderstands, he acknowledgeds their feelings then avoids them, or he wears a shocked expression and does nothing. The author cannot write romance at all instead the main character just magically begins liking them for no clear reason other then flirting with him for 5 minutes. <<less
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ahkfeen rated it
March 15, 2023
Status: Completed
Great novel, many of the earlier systems ARE completely forgotten/skimmed over (affection points to name one), though you might argue that the affection point lost its use after a certain part of the novel, and I'd have to agree with you.

I like the MC- although he is generically dense with the heroines for the most part, I don't actually mind this however, as I feel like the humor that one can gain from the non-serious interactions is greater than that which can be gained from a lovey dovey harem.

In summary-... more>> come for the system, heroines, death flag breaking tropes. Stay for the great world, actual character development on all fronts, worldbuilding (even though it does get clumsy at times) and a decent power system. Story plot is okay... though the author does infodump- probably to make up for the lacking pacing of plot points in some areas.

English translator for this novel is great! Very high quality chapters that probably made it easy to get through the early-mid sections (1-200 chapters ish). <<less
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