Let Me Shoulder This Blame!


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Su Shi was once a platinum-level host with the highest survival rate. One day, his misdeeds of constantly shifting his blame onto others was found out and reported. Convicted of violating the rules, he was bound to an Automatic Blame Shouldering System and exiled to lower-level worlds.

Now, not only does he have to take the blame from others and shoulder it himself, he must also carry that blame and rush to his death in order to earn enough points to quickly unbind from the system.

Su Shi only wants to get rid of the system by shouldering the blame until death. However, he finds that trying to hold onto the blame is even harder than passing it on, and rushing to his death is even harder than running for his life.

As Su Shi lies dying in the protagonist’s arms with red-rimmed eyes and a weak and helpless countenance, an uninvited third guest suddenly rushes out to explain the misunderstanding for him.

Su Shi: “I beg you, just let me shoulder this blame, otherwise, it will all be a waste of effort…”

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Related Series
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  2. Misunderstood "saint" mcs
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  5. Novels I Binged (2022-2024)

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56 Reviews

Mar 26, 2021
Status: c1
At the rate that this story is being translated, it won't get done until 2024. The translator splits every chapter into at least 5 parts, uploads twice a month, then at the very bottom is a "read ahead for x-dollars" patreon, where it includes novels I dont care about in the bundle.

I am grateful for the effort, time and care taken in translating these novels, that being said. I guess I have no choice but wait longer than normal since I don't know Chinese.

I just wish the translator would post... more>> the full chapter instead of splitting it to 5.

I might get a lot of hate for saying this, but someone has to say something. <<less
396 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Dec 31, 2018
Status: Completed
So cute!

When I say this, I'm referring to how ML is super doting to MC throughout all arcs. ML never hurts the MC and really respects the MC's opinions. Another plus is that the ML never hesitates to hug and cuddle with MC, regardless of time and location.

This novel is really just pure unadulterated sweetness — no angst (from MC anyway) and definitely no cold treatment from ML either (ML is smart so he always sees through MC's lies immediately, resulting in ML piling up the love on MC within... more>> the first few pages of the arc).


Let Me Shoulder This Blame! Is really heartwarming to read and is perfect for those who just want to read something super sweet and calming. <<less
71 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Feb 21, 2020
Status: c20
I've decided to drop this story before even finishing the first arc so maybe take my review with a grain of salt. If anything I say doesn't bother you then I feel like you should absolutely finish this story. And the come contact me if all possible and tell me if my first impression was wrong.

I absolutely abhor the author continually mentioning that Su Shi "was once a platinum-level host with the highest survival rate" when the skills shown in the actual story are simply awful.

It would be fine, amazingly... more>> funny actually, if this was caused by some outside force like in The Villain's White Lotus Halo, but the MC makes no indication that there's anything out of the ordinary that's causing the misunderstandings. Or it would be fine, and honestly touching, if it was just the ML who realizes that the MC is not as he seems like in Holding Onto My Man, but even side characters realize the dececption so the MC just comes across as amazingly s*upid to me.

The main problem so to speak is that the system system isn't explained clearly from the start. Why was it such a bad thing that the MC pushed the blame on to others in the first place? What does shouldering the blame even mean? Does it mean being a scapegoat and taking the blame for other people's actions? Then why bother even doing "villainous" acts on your own? Just take the credit of all the other horrible things other people have done. Is it that he's supposed to be an anti- villain or hero, whose good intentions are carried out with questionable means? Or maybe it means like the otome villainesses whose evil deeds come to light after an intense struggle with the protagonist? In any case, I feel like it shouldn't be the I-work-behind-the-scenes-and-sacrifice-my-everything-for-you type of goal the MC seems to be carrying out in this fic. Heroic Death System does it so much better where the MC has to die impactful so the misunderstandings and angst all makes sense.

Honestly, I can't tell if the misunderstandings are supposed to cause humor or angst so it just leaves me feeling distant from either the MC or ML because of how incredibly s*upid they are in not understanding one another. <<less
66 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Victuuri Road
Victuuri Roa
Jan 24, 2019
Status: --
There's [ I’m Not Shouldering This Blame ] and then there's this novel. Haha ≧∇≦

The MC is doing his best at being the scapegoat/villain but it's not enough. The ML still finds him at some point...
44 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
May 24, 2020
Status: c61
For the sake of enjoying stories, I tend to overlook most things. However, I want to point out how inaccurately deafness is portrayed in the entertainment arc.

Usually, deaf people do not speak softly like MC when they can't perceive the volume of their own voice, but they will speak loudly, and in some cases, have slurred words. Moreover, most (most as in like 95%) deaf people can not read lips. If you can't read lips, they can't either.

I wish the author had taken the time to research this topic. If... more>> you inaccurately represent the entertainment industry, it's no skin off anyone's back. But it's a whole other story with Deaf culture. I don't have any opinions regarding this novel, story and characterwise. Treat this more as a PSA, similar to any other one you've probably seen. In trying to make everything seem lovely and beautiful, novels like this one will have shortcomings as a result. Deaf culture and sign language can be beautiful, but not in the way portrayed here. <<less
37 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jun 27, 2021
Status: c161
If you guys are wondering the 48HRS ARC is 27-36 chapters in the original. We are still far away from 50 lol. Plus, the complete chapters are 162. If you guys can't wait to see the translation as translator-nim is chopping the chapters and the update is twice a month.... I suggest you mtl it. Chrome translator with shubaow (dot) net is the best. I used it. The author didnt used many complicated words and the flow of automated english translation in the site is almost clean. I don't want... more>> to spoil much about the arc but.... only the first arc is kinda

the worst heart break as it just started to come to light. The author seems like it wanna hooked people first with heartbreak before heal us with fluff. MC already fell inlove at the second arc but didnt admit it only until 3rd arc


The arc after the 48HRS Limit are:

The Gentle Devil

The Silent Original Creator?

The Guardian under Guardianship?

Robots Falling inlove with Humans

The Brave Coward

And then the finale ❤ <<less
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WTF is going on
WTF is going
Jul 16, 2019
Status: v1c10

Where are you people in the review reading!? I can only see 10 updated chapters and the tenth one is leaving me on a cliffhanger. Tell me how are you reading more!?

But so far this book strikes my interest and feels really fun. Tho I only got a small taste of this book it makes me excited to read more.

But no seriously are you all able to read the raws? Cuz I need more and you all are killing me ???
24 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Mar 27, 2020
Status: c47
The novel itself remains good, if overly full of whump (which I love, so no complaints on that front either). However I somewhat dislike the recent trend of translators taking anywhere from 5-50$ for translations of chapters they hoard for money.

If the money was donated to the author or used to purchase the rights to reading chapters, I'd understand, but obviously these sums are taken by the translators for their own use. While a little money in donations for the effort that goes into translating is fine, benefiting monetarily from... more>> someone else's work like this seems more than dodgy and well into illegal.

I used to think translating these novels is an effort of love and wanting to spread a novel you enjoyed to more people, without costing the original author anything, since their works are unlikely to reach us in another way; but the whole money-walling makes cheap mockery of the supposed "love" for these stories.

Sorry for the rant, but this seems to be an increasingly common thing in the community, and my threshold reached the limit.

Edit: at one point you could pay up to 80 dollars to see future chapters, but the translator has since lowered the requirements. However they've also constantly added more projects so they're stretched thin between multiple translations, and updates are coming slower and slower; while patreon offers unchanged amount of future chapters, just for multiple stories that keep multiplying. I'd rather the translator focused on a few projects and worked on them, so I'm hopeful someone else will pick up some of their projects and free them some time to focus on some of their translations instead of the current situation. <<less
21 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Mar 27, 2020
Status: c40
There are soooo many plot holes and the feels barely patched them up for me.

... more>>

In arc 1 alone I was bombarded by them but the one I hate most is that the MC just needed to show blood to get into the protective cover around Terence but he stabbed himself in the chest, and no one got suspicious? I mean he could've just pricked his finger.

Also if he died due to exposure to anti-matter radiation bc he stepped into the shield why did he deactivate the shield? Isn't the area totally unprotected from said radiation now?

EVEN WORSE if staying in the protective covering for a few seconds was enough to make MC cough blood till he died, despite being boosted by enough royal health potions that he could heal from a deep chest wound within a few minutes, then Terence should've died after being in the protective covering for so long WITHOUT needing MC to do anything.

ALSO ML keeps comparing MC to a child, and calls him pure as if untouched BUT if MC had to be Marshal for 4 plus years there is no way he can actually be so "pure".

ML immediately likes MC in Arc2 even tho he admits he barely knows MC. How can someone instantly like a stranger just by looking at him for a few minutes!? So much that they take precedence over a blood related younger brother who they grew up with!? THERE'S NO PLAUSIBILITY! Maybe at the end of novel it will show something like white lotus halo but im not willing to read the rest of this novel.p to find out.


So. Im outta here.

if you can bask in the feels without major and obvious plotholes disturbing you then this is a great novel, bc the feels are overpowering. Thats the only reason I gave this a 3. <<less
18 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Oct 23, 2021
Status: c66
A 5-star fun ride but minus 2 stars for the translator. Wholeheartedly agree with Siffleuse in that the chapters would have been better if they were not split up into 3-5 parts, with a long wait in between each. You can pay to read ahead but those are also counted by the split up parts and not whole chapters. Iffy.

I wish the chapters on NU reflects where the translation is actually at (ch "99" is actually ch 36 in raws), if only to curb false hopes that the translations are... more>> almost complete (it won't be for a long time).

The MTL for this novel is a mess, but a mess I would prefer and that speaks volumes regarding my gripe.

This is just a rant. <<less
13 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jan 03, 2019
Status: c3
Oh my, another heart wretching story.

This story seems a lot similar to Heroic Death System, which is beautiful. I can already see the future me crying because of this. CAN'T WAIT~~~~

Also I thank you translator for choosing this~♡♡♡
13 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jan 04, 2022
Status: c64
(Edited 1.5 yrs after making this review just to mention I MTLed and already finished, forgot to update. Also added some stuff.)

(Oh right, also wanted to say this since translators usually don't bother to translate author's notes:

... more>>

re:the deaf character, author says in the arc's introduction chapter that they're aware that deaf people usually actually speak louder because they can't hear, but some people especially kids and introverts speak quietly because they're timid or used to being told off. I don't know enough deaf people to make a judgement, I just dislike when people ignore A/Ns.

Personally as someone who plays the piano I'm more annoyed by the music description, but it's pretty normal by non-musician standards. I suggest just skipping that arc if you don't like it, the next is fine.


Sometimes I just want to read mindless dog blood, but I also don't want to deal with the drama of actual dog blood, so "fake dog blood" plots like this where the MC is just being misunderstood by the other characters is just my cup of tea. While MC is comedically despairing over people not following the plot and his plans failing, the other characters are creating drama with their own imagination. In fact, I think this is the first dog blood novel I've read where I want MC to never be whitewashed and be thought badly of til the end.

I've seen complaints about how the MC is always so weak in every arc, but I actually don't mind it since 1. It's justified since he starts out as just a useless twink who's used to depending on others, and 2. It serves a purpose of making the worlds harder for him. Also, I think everyone instantly falling for his charm actually provides a good explanation for why he got so well known for passing the blame to other people before.

Another thing I thought was pretty unique and interesting is how MC is a lot more active in the relationship. He's self aware of transmigration romance, and as time passes he becomes more active in pursuing the ML (once he identifies the ML). Also, in a subversion of usual qt romance,

ML slowly awakens as an NPC, and MC is aware of this and questions the system/other transmigrators about it and eagerly waits for him to become fully aware.


The story is probably a hit or miss depending on your personal taste, but I think it's pretty enjoyable. The story writing is more interesting than a lot of qt, the writing style is more succint than most CN wn, and it uses some unique concepts that I don't see (or don't see often) in other qt wn. <<less
12 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Oct 04, 2021
Status: c92
I've decided to drop this novel, because

The MC in literally ALL (that I've read so far) the arcs has a weak body, or that has become weak. Please, it's just so repetitive. I really love the misunderstandings and the plots are great, but the fact that he always becomes weak and the gong gets all worried and needs to save the princess in trouble, like, b*tch, please-

12 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jan 16, 2022
Status: c66
The concept was very nice but the way it has been implemented to the develop the chemistry between the leads actually irritated me to death. Idk how MC got his previous title of platinum rank host while his acting skills being so pathetic, lowering down his guard, being muddle headed and just going with the flow of the plot after ruining it infront of the ML and still being half carefree half concerned about his points. I felt like beating up MC. He was acting more like a pathetic rabbit... more>> who is trying to constantly put up a front without any self awareness how he seemed in perspective of protagonist. His logics and excuses were full of loopholes and he acted more like an impulsive three year old kid with sparkling eyes after getting a candy in front of the ML. Very disappointed and irritated by MC. <<less
11 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Aug 24, 2023
Status: 46??
Is this MC actually really a previous "platinum level host" with how far off he is with that title. His acting can barely pass minimum at what's considered as good acting, he's s*upid af, and just like a reviwer said here: he kept lowering down his guard, he's like a 3 years old that's high. Oh and how much I hate how he's just going with the flow of the plot even if he kept complaining about his points getting evaporated and still proceed to not do anything about it.

Don't... more>> even get me started with loopholes and the 918263820106th copy of bland ML without any secondary personality. This ML can only be put into 3 words: cold, not cold with MC, and kept describing the MC with features that children and animals has (very great bro)

I can totally proceed to read this without actually even bothering to even argue with a novel's bs just like every sh*t I've read, but sometimes there's a border between a bs novel with good points that are interesting, and a bullsh*t novel with infuriating and irritating characters and plot; this novel is the latter.

If this is what this novel's MC's considered as a "platinum level actor" I think that's enough BS for you to not continue because if his level of acting is considered platinum then I'm a legendary actor. This MC's acting can barely pass minimum at what's considered as good acting, he's s*upid as hell, and just like a reviewer said here: he kept lowering down his guard (like bro, make your boundary), he's literally like a 5 years old that's high. He kept complaining about his points getting evaporated whilst going with the flow of the plot which is the reason why he's always getting deducted and simultaneously doing nothing about it. Brains.

Don't even get me started with the loopholes and the nth copy of a typical bland ML without any secondary personality. This guy can only be described in 2 words: cold, not cold with the MC. Lastly, the most mind bugling of all: he describes the MC's appearance with animalistic and children's features (if you find that lovely please check on yourself :)

I can totally proceed to read this without actually even bothering to care just like every sh*t I've read, but sometimes there's a difference between a shitty novel that's entertaining and interesting, and a bullsh*t novel with infuriating and irritating characters and plot; this novel is the latter. <<less
9 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Oct 05, 2020
Status: c60
Im so disapointed ! MC is to soft ! The romance is to fast~ paced... MC is s*upid.. its very lacking

I wanted story like strategy to capture the scum gong or The Scum Shou’s Survival Guide

Where the story in each arc is so heartbreaking' soo deep but this novel ahhh
9 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Nao Otosaka
Nao Otosaka
Oct 23, 2021
Status: Completed
So, I'm commenting just for the sake of the negative comments below. Try it. Don't read this in a single seating. Take your sweet time and read all arcs individually. Treat each arc as a short story and give some time in between. You are going to enjoy this.
8 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
May 10, 2022
Status: v4
I put this novel on my "read when there's no more options" list. It's actually not that bad. :)

The MC is really... Can't shoulder the blame at all with ML (and others) trying hard to keep his name clean from all the accusations.. & that make he fails the missions hence the title was born. (Let me shoulder the blame!)

And that's the Author's intentions, right? If he success, then the title would probably be different. (I will shoulder all the blame!) . But who knows? I'm not even... more>> finished reading yet.

The only bad sides is the translator team decides to cut the chapter. It's even reach chap 100 even if it's still on arc 4 (raw is only chap 40+), & there were 15 arc, wonder how long it'll take to translate at this pace.

(Still thankful to the translator team, for the time and effort to translate this.) <<less
7 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Feb 12, 2019
Status: Completed
i liked this more than I thought I would. There's no ABO, 3 gender or mpreg which was fine by me. There was also no r*pe (as far as I could tell with MT) which is also a good thing. There were several tragic endings like Heroic Death System and it did seem like the MC never got to live in a totally healthy body; not in all the stories, but in most of them. The MC was all brain and very little brawn so don't expect him to punch... more>> holes in mountains or anything like that (his body is almost always sick/hurt/poisoned etc). The ML was the doting, protective caretaker type without a lot of jealousy for dramas sake, and no yandere (i was beginning to think most Chinese ML were closet psychotics with dominance issues). There is a lot of sweet and gentle moments between the two and the ML always finds him almost right away.

now lets talk about the ending. This ending was one of the more satisfying ones that I've read in a quick wear novel. Usually the endings are rushed or they lose momentum and fade out or they just kind of suck and it's usually only one or two chapters. This one was very interesting

though I don't understand why they want to go back to the "real" world so badly. It wasn't really clear with MT or I missed that sentence


I'm giving this a 4 and not a 5 because I still have some unanswered questions. Maybe it will be cleared up later in the translations and if that's the case i'll change it then. <<less
7 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Sep 08, 2021
Status: c95
I keep hoping that the MC will find his brain somewhere because I truly like the concept and humour in this book, but no. He is waaaay to focused on his assumptions of what counts as a misunderstanding; after several worlds, it is blatantly obvious, but the supposedly top level host doesn't even consider that he has the wrong idea. It's starting to annoy me to much...
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