Konjiki no Moji Tsukai (WN)


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Five people are summoned to another world to battle the demon lord who threatens that world. However, there were only supposed to be four heroes that were summoned; the other was an innocent bystander. What will the innocent bystander do next?

Associated Names
One entry per line
Golden Word Master (WN)
Konjiki no Word Master (WN)
金色の文字使い ~勇者四人に巻き込まれたユニークチート~
金色文字使: 被四名勇者波及的独特外挂
Related Series
Konjiki no Moji Tsukai (LN) (Light Novel)
Konjiki no Moji Tsukai (Reboot) (Spin-Off)
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Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari (WN) (3)
Sevens (2)
Pivot of the Sky (2)
The Elf Is a Freeloader (2)
Legend (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Isekai Fantasy | #1
  2. Things I've Read pt 2
  3. J/K novel
  4. Novel's I like
  5. My Top Light Novel

Latest Release

Date Group Release
01/08/15 Blazing Translations c59
01/08/15 Blazing Translations c58
01/08/15 Blazing Translations c57
01/08/15 Blazing Translations c56
01/08/15 Blazing Translations c55
01/08/15 Blazing Translations c54
01/04/15 Blazing Translations c53
01/04/15 Blazing Translations c52
01/04/15 Blazing Translations c51
01/02/15 Blazing Translations c50
01/02/15 Blazing Translations c49
01/02/15 Blazing Translations c48
01/02/15 Blazing Translations c47
01/02/15 Blazing Translations c46
01/02/15 Blazing Translations c45
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65 Reviews sorted by

Zerocool rated it
October 19, 2017
Status: c275
The overconfidence of Hiro ir very funny the other extreme of those characters wit low estime, is great that he doesnt go with I must save everybody he thinks by himself go at his own peace before reach a decision. Doesnt go for a harem or for vengeance he just want to enjoy read books eat delicious food and make tourism doesnt go killing like crazy as they dont pick a fight with him he doesnt care what the other people do or says, after a lot of chapters he... more>> start to face his own felings for his friends what in the begining he cant do.

The story is easy to read and very funny but if there will be something that tires is that everytime there is a new girl is 95% a loli, the interaction among characters is pretty natural not the char that just says he is awsome or the likes.

Here an example (dont read beacause is like a spoiler)

“The Evila I faced at ···········. That was you, right?” (Beast king)
“That’s right. At that time, you attacked me all of a sudden. Are all rulers here that quick to resort to violence?” (Hiro)

“Those who are capable of talking to the king of a country like that are either a big shot or an idiot..... which one are you?” (Beast king)
“Isn’t it obvious that I’m a big shot?” (Hiro) <<less
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DaydreamGe rated it
July 29, 2017
Status: c274
Yup as usual the dense and super popular MC. It is a nice cheat abilities, though it will be nicer to not skip many stories between "the sand demon arc" and the war. Did I miss it by myself or it is really doesn't exist?

It is also funny to see the "so called heroes-sama" from the beginning to the end. Thinking that they are the justice when they don't know nothing, it is so pathetic.

If you like cheating MC than you should read it.
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EliSan rated it
March 20, 2017
Status: c257
The story itself is interesting but all those stammering blushing little girls, lolis, hentai dialogs are annoying. But if you don't mind all that then this will be an enjoyable read.

Oh, I also kind of feel a bit disappointed with the MC. I understand that he started out as a simple bystander, but "with great power comes great responsibility"! As the story goes he gains quite the strength thanks to his unique magic. Shouldn't he have become a bit more responsible then in the beginning? He does become stronger but... more>> I don't see him developing as a person. Such a peaty... <<less
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Arafell rated it
January 14, 2017
Status: --
This is one of those stories where only the main character's viewpoint counts. Everyone else is either on his side or obviously wrong (and probably about to meet a horrible fate.) It's not terrible, but it really seems like the enemy plots run on s*upidity, and that gets old fast.
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BQDJ rated it
November 14, 2015
Status: --
I love it. The innocent bystander, what a nice way to put it, it's basically his role in the whole novel, he doesn't take sides, he's just there and he deals with things coming his way. The MC has "Word Magic" which permits him to do anything, he rewrites the world if I had to put it in a poetic way.
It's a novel with a level system, so you see the hero becoming stronger, the progress is really steady, he doesn't become OP-leveled from the get-go, it feels natural. Since his power is really OP, the things that keep him from being too overcheated is his level restriction, which makes restrictions for his magic as well. Not too much harem, a bit but that's the type of dense MC that doesn't really care, his passions are books and food.
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